Paul Al-Khoury Al-Kfarnissy
World Council Arameans/ Syriac Universal Alliance (WCA/SUA)
Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview
Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’. Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans. In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan. Mainstream media and fake news: wars, uprisings, chaos, bloodbaths, deception, demonization, blackmail, Iraq, Syria, Douma (East Ghouta), Idlib and the murder of Qassem Soleimani
What do Venezuela, Bolivia, Iran, Syria, Libya and Iraq have to do with each other? These and other countries are the victims of an unprecedented, brutal and immoral demonization campaign by the powerful Western fake news media networks.
Western populations are deliberately and intensely lied to and deceived to justify wars, regime change, rebellions, ethnic cleansing, chaos and massacres. It is an exceptionally advanced and effective fake news monster, without a dab of human dignity, that encourages and justifies misery, massacres, suffering, wars and breakdown of countries. Terrorists who commit the most conceivable and unthinkable atrocities are portrayed as "insurgents", "freedom fighters" or "opposition" (here, here). To achieve their goal, they use unlimited lying, cheating, deceiving, demonization and manipulation.
Prior to the illegal and criminal invasion of Iraq in 2003, the Americans and their Middle Eastern cronies launched a large scale and intensive global disinformation campaign against Saddam Hussein's regime to pave the way for the invasion, allegedly to liberate Iraq from that “cruel dictator Saddam Hussein.”
The climax of lies, fraud and deception of the world was the speech by the United States Secretary of State, Mr. Colin Powell on 5th of February 2003 for the UN Security Council. The Americans managed by their advanced deception to convince the Security Council of the need to intervene in Iraq because of so-called chemical weapons danger. Everything was fabrication and deception!
Speech of Secretary of State Colin Powell to the UN Security Council on 5th of February 2003.
So-called “Al Qaeda” and other Islamic terrorist groups simply did not exist, there was no room or space for them under Saddam Hussein.
Exact numbers are unknown, but estimates have ranged from 800,000 to 1.2 million Arameans in Iraq divided over 6 denominations, namely: West- Aramean Syrian Orthodox West- Aramean Syrian Catholic West-Aramean Melkites East- Aramean Nestorian Chaldeans East- Aramean Nestorian “Assyrians” who on their turn are divided into: The Assyrian Catholic Church of the East (Since 1976, the term “Catholic” has no relation with Rome) and the Ancient Church of the East (since 1968).
The invasion of the Americans and their allies in Iraq has brought about the demise of the Aramean nation of Iraq. Under the watchful eyes of the Americans and British, the Arameans (false: “Assyrians”) were threatened, bullied, kidnapped, murdered, their houses and lands confiscated, their churches blown up and burned down, their clergy kidnapped and murdered, their women dishonored and killed. This has resulted in that the majority of the Aramean people left behind the native lands of their ancestors, which they have inhabited for thousands of years, and fled to the Western countries.
The anti-Aramean, fraudulent, unholy and occult colonial slavery product “Assyrians” have played an important role in the destruction and poisoning of Iraq and in the demise of the Aramean nation. They invited their colonial Western masters and creators Bush and Blair to please come to Iraq and free them from that so-called “cruel dictator” Saddam Hussein.
After the destruction and poisoning of Iraq, the colonial powers and their Middle Eastern henchmen repeated the same satanic / demonic criminal game (here, here, here) with Syria in 2011. Once again, the occult apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" committed unprecedented spiritual fornication with their Western and Middle Eastern masters to bring “democracy” and “human rights” to Syria (here, here).
Fortunately, Russia intervened in 2015 and ended the criminal satanic plan forged in the insane demonic Western spiritual illuminati / freemasonic laboratories. Russia therefore deserves all respect, honor and dignity despite the intensive campaign by the Western mainstream fraudulent, duplicitous and slanderous fake news media to demonize her.
The destruction of Iraq, Syria, Libya, chaos in Lebanon and the demonic rage against Iran was revealed in 2007 by US General Wesley Clark.
In October 2007 the retired American general Wesley Clarke gave a talk at the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. During his speech, he revealed the plans of illuminati / freemason satanists for the Middle-East and North Africa to amongst others invade Iraq and Syria.
General Clarke says:
“Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail."
So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!"
The order of destabilizing countries was slightly deviated from the original plan, yet it is still topical. Thereby everything is allowed by the demonic colonial illuminati/ freemasonic powers. To the illuminati satanists, human life means nothing! Everything is being sacrificed for their bloodthirsty god lucifer/ satan.
In this whole criminal bloodthirsty satanic process, the colonial Western mainstream fake news media plays a decisive role.
On 3rd of October 2018, Adel Abdul-Mahdi was appointed Prime Minister of Iraq by the President. On 25th of October 2018, Adel Abdul-Mahdi was sworn in as Prime Minister of Iraq.
In October 2019, massive demonstrations started in Iraq against Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi's government. The protesters, mostly young people, demanded an end to systematic corruption that ravaged the country, more work, improvement of social conditions and reconstruction of the country.
Massive demonstrations against Iraqi government.
On November 10, 2019, the East- Aramean Chaldean bishop Saad Sirop Hanna expressed the reason for demonstrations against the government in a video message.
On January 8, 2020, Federico Pieraccini reported, in a devastating and revealing article entitled “The Deeper Story Behind the Assassination of Soleimani”, on the heavy US pressure on Premiere Adel Abdul-Mahdi.
A few weeks prior to the murder of the Iranian General Qassem Soleimani on 3rd of January 2020 by the Americans, serious threats were made by President Donald Trump to the Prime Minister of Iraq because of his visit to China.
In September 2019, Adel Abdul-Mahdi visited China. He signed an agreement with China to restore the infrastructure and the electricity network that had been completely destroyed by the Americans. Trump became furious and threatened to kill the Prime Minister of Iraq.
Prime Minister Abdul Mahdi visits China in September 2019
Meeting with Prime Minister of China
Meeting with President of China
Below we will bring some important issues from Federico Pieraccini's analysis to the attention of our beloved reader.
On the meeting in the Iraqi Parliament where Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi revealed details of his talks with Trump, we read:
“[Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Iraq] Halbousi attended the parliamentary session while almost none of the Sunni members did. This was because the Americans had learned that Abdul-Mehdi was planning to reveal sensitive secrets in the session and sent Halbousi to prevent this. Halbousi cut Abdul-Mehdi off at the commencement of his speech and then asked for the live airing of the session to be stopped. After this, Halbousi together with other members, sat next to Abdul-Mehdi, speaking openly with him but without it being recorded. This is what was discussed in that session that was not broadcast: Abdul-Mehdi spoke angrily about how the Americans had ruined the country and now refused to complete infrastructure and electricity grid projects unless they were promised 50% of oil revenues, which Abdul-Mehdi refused.”
The cruelty, piracy and unprecedented brutality of the Americans speak volumes. They completely destroyed and poisoned Iraq in 2003 and flatly refuse to restore the infrastructure and power grid unless Iraq transfers 50% of its oil revenues. What an abomination, what a plunder, what a low morale, what a filthiness and what a shamelessness. "God bless America?" Which "god?"
Please note further that the Sunnis are heavily influenced by the Americans to such extent that almost none of the Sunnis attended this all-important session of Parliament except Halbousi, who seems to have opposed Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi on behalf of his American masters.
After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protestors and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to kill both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party””.
How can one, beloved reader, express such misbehavior of the Americans? State terrorism committed by an extremely arrogant plunderer posing as the world's police? Or maybe a rogue state?
Needless to say, but have you read anything about the brutality, blackmail and shamelessness of the Americans in the Western mainstream fake news media? Of course not! Western populations should be kept as ignorant and blind as possible.
2.1. Iraq wants Americans to leave
Iraqi Parliament approves the bill expelling foreign troops from Iraq.
In line with expectations, the United States completely ignored the decision of the Iraqi Parliament. A few hours after voting of Iraqi Parliament, President Trump stated: “We have a very extraordinarily expensive air base that’s there. It cost billions of dollars to build. Long before my time. We’re not leaving unless they pay us back for it.”
Of course, the fact that the United States has devastated the country, caused millions of deaths, suffering, misery and chaos is not something to worry about in the perception of the Americans and their allies.
See also next articles: 6-1-2020: US Expresses Disappointment Over Iraqi Legislature’s Decision to Expel Foreign Troops 11-1-2020: Iraq – Why Doesn’t the US Move Out Despite the Iraqi Parliament’s Decision? 11-1-2020: US rebuffs Iraq's call to withdraw troops from Arab country 12-1-2020: US Plans Permanent Occupation of Iraq 13-1-2020: Iraq Remains US Occupied Territory, “We’re Not Leaving Unless…” Says Trump 13-1-2020: US to Iraq: ‘Vote All You Want, We’re Not Leaving!’ 27-1-2020: A Million Iraqis Asked Us to Leave. We Should Listen.
What the United States can do to justify its presence in Iraq is again to activate the ISIS / ISIL / Al Qaeda terrorists they have created (here, here, here) to cause bloodbaths in the country (here, here).
2.1.1. Millions of Iraqis take to the streets and demand Americans to leave
“Get out, get out, occupier!”, “No, No to the U.S.” and “Yes to Iraqi sovereignty”
The Iraqis are thoroughly sick of the Americans and they have clearly shown that. Following a call from the Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, on 24th of January 2020, more than 4 million Iraqis protested against the presence of the Americans in Iraq. Slogans like Get out, get out, occupier!”, “No, No to the U.S.” and “Yes to Iraqi sovereignty” were shouted by the protesters to underscore their displeasure.
The assassination of Iranian General Soleimani has infuriated many Iraqis. On the Tahrir square in Baghdad, where previously was demonstrated against government, there was now massive protest against the American presence in Iraq. Arrogant and brutal as the Americans are, they don't care at all about demonstrations and the will of the people of Iraq to leave.
More on the demonstration against the United States: 27-1-2020: Trump’s Response to Baghdad “Anti-American” Protest: Let’s Revive the ISIS “Freedom Fighters” 26-1-2020: “Fake News”: “Hundreds” of Iraqis Want US Troops to Leave their Country 25-1-2020: Over 4 Million People Join March Against US Presence in Iraq. 24 January 2020 24-1-2020: 'Million-Man March' kicks off in Baghdad to demand US troop pullout (VIDEO, PHOTOS) 24-1-2020: 'Million-Man March' kicks off in Baghdad to demand US troop pullout (VIDEO, PHOTOS) 24-1-2020: Fake News and “The Naked Government”: Jessica Lynch and the US Invasion of Iraq 24-1-2020: Iraqis march in 'millions' to call for expulsion of US troops
In accordance with the satanic criminal plan, as revealed by General Wesley Clark in 2007, the colonial Western powers and their Middle Eastern henchmen (here, here, here) launched a horrific bloody terror war against Syria in 2011 to completely destroy the country. In the mainstream colonial Western fake news media, this war that started by the West, was falsely presented as "civil war."
They have brought thousands of bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists into the country through Turkey and Jordan. These terrorists were armed, trained and supervised by the special forces of the Western powers and their Middle Eastern cronies to commit the most conceivable and unthinkable atrocities against the people of Syria. Millions of liters of blood were spilled as a delicious sacrifice to lucifer/satan, the god of freemasonic / illuminati satanists.
Every time the Syrian army advanced against the Islamic terrorists and their Western / Middle Eastern commandos / masters, a chemical attack was staged by these terrorists and their protectors to stop the advance of the Syrian army.
On 10th of April 2017, Sputnik News reported in an article entitled “White Helmets 'Made Up Syria Gas Attack Story in Campaign for No-Fly Zone” about a fake video produced by “White Helmets” and disseminated on the social media.
"White Helmets" is officially so-called humanitarian organization supported by the West, especially by United Kingdom (here, here) and United States (here, here, here, here). In reality, however, there is no difference (here, here) between the “White Helmets” and the terrorist organizations active in Syria. Click here for more on "White Helmts."
The fact that this is a deceptive organization has also been established by the Swedish NGO “Doctors for Human Rights” (SWEDHR).
Sputnik News reported in an article on 10th of April 2017 entitled “White Lies: 'Syria Civil Defense' Caught Faking Rescues, Doctoring Dead Children”: “The Swedish NGO Doctors for Human Rights (SWEDHR) has accused the Syria Civil Defense, better known as the White Helmets, of falsifying information about its alleged work in Syria. According to the Swedish human rights activists, so-called "rescue" procedures captured in White Helmets videos had been staged; they were carried out on a dead child.”
On April 5, 2017 Sputnik News reported in an article entitled “Source Confirms Info on Al-Jazeera Filming Staged Chemical Attack in Syria” about Al-Jazeera's involvement in the making of a fake film about a chemical attack in Idlib province. The client for this unholy “job” was a European country. Lying, cheating, manipulation and deceit are the trademark of the mainstream fake news media.
In early 2018, the Syrian army achieved considerable success against the terrorists and their Western / Middle Eastern patrons in the Ghouta region, east of Damascus. Judging from the experience of previous years, it was obvious that the terrorists, together with their colonial Western and Middle Eastern clients/ protectors, would stage an attack to stop the advance of the Syrian army and to provide the colonial Western countries with a pretext attacking Syria.
On February 13, 2018, the Russian military warned that Al-Nusra and White Helmets were preparing a staged chemical weapons attack to blame the Syrian government. On February 20, 2018, Al-Manar television station reported that White Helmets would stage a chemical weapons attack.
On March 13, 2018, Russian General Valery Gerasimov, the head of the General Staff, made the following statement that literally became true on April 7, 2018:
General Valery Gerasimov on preparation of false flag chemical attack
General Gerasimov says: “Today, we have reliable information about militants preparing to falsify a government chemical attack against civilians. In several districts of Eastern Ghouta, a crowd was assembled with women, children and old people, brought from other regions, who were to present the victims of the chemical incident. “White Helmets” activists and film crew are already in place at the scene with satellite video transmitters. This has been confirmed by the discovery of a laboratory for the production of chemical weapons in the village of Aftris, which was liberated from the terrorists. According to reports, after this provocation, the US plans to accuse Syrian government troops of using chemical weapons, as well as provide the international community with so-called “evidence” of mass civilian casualties, caused by the Syrian government and the Russian government supporting it. In retaliation, Washington plans to launch an airstrike on the government blocks of Damascus.”
On April 6, 2018, the Russian military warned that the terrorists in Syria were preparing provocations with toxic substances.
Indeed, this staged chemical attack was carried out by the terrorists in Syria on April 7, 2018.
The mainstream colonial Western fake news media reported en-masse about a so-called chemical attack by the army of Bashar Assad on Douma, east of Ghouta, a suburb of Damascus.
But not all journalists were so sure that an actual attack had been carried out by the Assad army on Douma. Robert Fisk is an experienced journalist for the British newspaper Independent. He went to Douma to investigate the allegations of the so-called chemical attack on the spot. He walked freely in Douma, talked to people and found nothing about chemical attack.
On April 17, 2018, Mr. Fisk reported his findings in an article entitled “The search for truth in the rubble of Douma - and one doctor's doubts about the chemical attack”.
We read amongst others: “…….For the same 58-year old senior Syrian doctor then adds something profoundly uncomfortable: the patients, he says, were overcome not by gas but by oxygen starvation in the rubbish-filled tunnels and basements in which they lived, on a night of wind and heavy shelling that stirred up a dust storm….”
".... readers should be aware that this is not the only story in Douma. There are the many people I talked to amid the ruins of the town who said they had “never believed in” gas stories – which were usually put about, they claimed, by the armed Islamist groups.”
“Oddly, after chatting to more than 20 people, I couldn’t find one who showed the slightest interest in Douma’s role in bringing about the Western air attacks. Two actually told me they didn’t know about the connection.”
“How could it be that Douma refugees who had reached camps in Turkey were already describing a gas attack which no-one in Douma today seemed to recall?”
In other words: It is complete lies and deception, the trademark of the Western mainstream fake news media and governments!
President Donald Trump immediately responded on April 8, 2018 calling Bashar Assad an "animal" saying: “President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price to pay,”
We wonder very seriously who is the real "animal / beast" here! Is that President Assad who fights and destroys terrorists or is it the Americans and their allies who support these terrorists, arm them and shed millions of liters of blood?
Furthermore, President Trump said: “Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world”
These are big and false crocodile tears lies! Mr Trump unfortunately “forgot” to mention that the boys of the colonial powers in Syria along with the Western Special Forces carried out this false attack to stop the advance of the Syrian army.
The Russian Defense Ministry responded on April 8, 2018 about the claims of chemical attack on Douma: “We strongly deny these claims and announce our readiness to send Russian experts in radiation, chemical and biological defense to Douma after its liberation from terrorists to gather evidence, which would prove that the allegations on the chemical weapons use were staged," said Maj. Gen. Yuri Yevtushenko, commander of the Russian Center for Syria reconciliation.”
The aim of this fake attack, which never took place, was to stop the advance of the Syrian army and to justify an airstrike on Syria.
On April 8, 2018, Syria accused Saudi Arabia of fabricating the chemical attack in eastern Ghouta to put the blame on Damascus. Syria furthermore explained: “Allegations of chemical use have become an unconvincing broken record, except for some countries that trade with the blood of civilians and support terrorism in Syria. Every time the Syrian Arab Army advances in the fight against terrorism, allegations of chemical use are used as an excuse to prolong the life of terrorists in Douma” (also here).
Indeed, the terrorist protectors stirred up action against Syria to protect their boys. France asked for urgent session of the UN Security Council, and Presidents Macron and Trump agreed on a joint response to the alleged chemical attack in Ghouta which never took place.
Neither the Russian army (here, here) nor the Red Cross could found traces of the use of chemical weapons in Douma (eastern Ghouta). According to the Russian military, the health services in Douma did not receive patients with signs of chemical poisoning (here, here).
On April 10, 2018, former United Kingdom Ambassador to Syria, Mr. Peter Ford, declared that the Douma chemical attack has been staged (see also here).
Meanwhile, the three rogue and persistent terrorist protectors, who are the head of the snake, namely United States, United Kingdom and France, began to consider joint action against Syria. Without any evidence, it was clear to French President Macron that Assad had carried out the so-called chemical attack. President Macron refused to give the so-called "evidence" to President Putin about the chemical attack in Ghouta.
The Western train of lies, deception and falsehoods thundered at great speed until on April 14, 2018, the head of the snake, that is United States, France and United Kingdom, bombed Syria with more than 100 missiles as "retaliation" for the Chemical attack staged by their boys in Douma.
The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergey Lavrov stated on April 13, 2018: “We have irrefutable evidence that this was another staged event, and that the secret services of a certain state that is now at the forefront of a Russophobic campaign was involved in this staged event”
The time of the attack on April 14, 2018, was also very significant and suspicious because OPCW inspectors were on their way to Douma (east Ghouta) to investigate the incident. A spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry said on April 14, 2018: “The strikes were conducted at the time when the experts from the OPCW were due to travel to Douma in a bid to establish the truth. That is why there is a good reason to believe that the purpose of the attack on the Syrian Arab Republic was to obstruct the work of the OPCW inspectors,”
The Russian representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) stated on April 16, 2018: “Therefore, we have not just a "high degree of confidence," as our Western partners claim, but we have incontrovertible evidence that there was no incident on April 7 in Douma and that all this was a planned provocation by the British intelligence services, probably, with the participation of their senior allies from Washington with the aim of misleading the international community and justifying aggression against Syria,” (see also here)
The Russians had irrefutable evidence that no chemical attack took place in Douma on April 7, 2018. What about all those tons of lies and deceit of the Western politicians and the mainstream fake news media and the attack on Syria that they carried out on April 14, 2018? Are we surprised about this low moral and filthiness? No of course not! You can expect everything from rogue states and rogue media! The head of the snake is responsible for the flow of millions of liters of blood worldwide.
The colonial Western powers, with the US, France and the UK in the lead, and their boys in Syria, were all concerned to destroy the OPCW investigation into the so-called chemical attack on Douma. The safety of OPCW inspectors could not be guaranteed as the area was in the hands of the rebels who shot at the OPCW convoy.
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on April 19, 2018: “The recent events show that, unfortunately, [threat] remains … There are militants who intimidate citizens and, in particular, interfere with the work of representatives of the international community – the United Nations and the OPCW. Someone does not want an unbiased professional investigation to take place.”
But the matter would get much worse and more dubious. Click here for extensive analyzes About OPCW.
3.1. OPCW: falsification of reporting on Douma, disclosures by whistleblowers and embarrassment.
Below we will describe, step-by-step, the decline and the complete corrupt mentality of OPCW in a number of points.
1) Report of OPCW
On March 1, 2019, the OPCW released a report that said chlorine had been used in the chemical attack of April 7, 2019. With that, the blame was put on the Syrian army.
The report amongst others says: “Regarding the alleged use of toxic chemicals as a weapon in Douma, the evaluation and analysis of all the above-referenced information gathered by the FFM provide reasonable grounds that the use of a toxic chemical as a weapon has taken place on April 7, 2018. This toxic chemical contained reactive chlorine. The toxic chemical was likely molecular chlorine,”
Both Russia and Syria swept the floor with the report. The information they had submitted was ignored by the chemical watchdog OPCW.
It was the concern of the United States and its allies to prevent, at all costs, the truth from emerging. That was also the reason why an expert from the Russian Ministry of Defense was not given visa to attend a meeting on April 25, 2019, at the UN headquarters in New York.
The Russian Ministry of Defense stated: “It was meant that the Russian specialist would provide convincing evidence that the incident was a provocation by illegal armed groups and their accomplices, including, it is not ruled out, in the West”
This was of course something totally unacceptable to the United States, United Kingdom and France.
2) Important report from technical experts ignored
In the OPCW report, an important report by the technical experts who conducted research in Douma was ignored.
The technical experts concluded in their report that the gas cylinders at the two locations of the alleged chemical attack in Douma on April 7, 2018 were probably manually put there and not dropped by an aircraft. In other words, it was complete lying, deception and fraud.
On May 18, 2019, Russia Today reported in an article entitled “Leaked OPCW memo casts doubt on watchdog’s Douma ‘chemical attack’ conclusions”: "A leaked report by OPCW engineers contradicts the chemical watchdog’s official report on the April 2018 incident in Syria, and raises questions about political pressure by US, UK and France on the UN body”
The pertinent technical experts report that was excluded from the report of OPCW reads: “In summary, observations at the scene of the two locations, together with subsequent analysis, suggest that there is a higher probability that both cylinders were manually placed at those two locations rather than being delivered from an aircraft”
Click here for extensive analyzes on the scandals involving the chemical weapons watchdog OPCW.
More scandals would follow about the OPCW.
3) Disclosures by WikiLeaks
On October 23, 2019, November 23, 2019, December 14, 2019, and December 27, 2019, WikiLeaks revealed internal E-mails from OPCW with devastating consequences for OPCW's credibility. OPCW's official report has been completely torn down, shattered, completely exposed as fraud, partiality and forgery. An embarrassment of unprecedented proportions!
The revealed internal E-mails clearly show how the top of OPCW completely ignored the investigation facts by the weapons inspectors on site in Douma and presented a report that meets the wishes of the United States, France and the United Kingdom. It is a report that meets the requirements of the head of the snake and was not supported by the facts!
Not only is OPCW's report shattered, but also the claim of the head of the snake, namely the United States, France and United Kingdom, that the Syrian army had carried out a chemical attack on Douma on April 7, 2018. The lie and deception are exposed in depth and breadth.
Click here for extensive analyzes on the scandals involving the chemical weapons watchdog OPCW.
4) OPCW whistleblower tells UN Security Council
Two OPCW whistleblowers have spoken out about the OPCW top officials ignoring important information. Both whistleblowers were weapons inspectors at OPCW and were involved in the investigation in Douma in 2018.
One of the whistleblowers, Mr. Ian Henderson, reported his findings to the UN Security Council through a video message.
Meeting UN Security Council on 20th of January 2020
On January 20, 2020, the OPCW report was discussed by the UN Security Council. Mr. Henderson was eager to tell his story to the UN Security Council in New York. Unfortunately, the United States refused him visa. He told his story through a recorded video.
“The findings in the final FFM [Fact Finding Mission] report were contradictory, were a complete turnaround with what the team had understood collectively during and after the Douma deployments. And by the time of release of interim report in July 2018, our understanding was that we had serious misgivings that chemical attack had occurred. The report did not make clear what new findings, facts, information, data or analysis in the fields of witness testimony, toxicology studies, chemical analysis, and engineering and/or ballistic studies [came to light], and resulted in a complete turnaround in the situation from what was understood by the majority of the team and the entire Douma team in July 2018. In my case I had followed up with a further six months of engineering and ballistic studies into the cylinders, the result of which had provided further support for the view that there had not been a chemical attack.”
Understandably, the United States did not grant visa to Mr. Henderson, because his testimony completely contradicts their claim that the Syrian military had carried out a chemical attack on Douma in 2018.
In response to the facts presented by Mr. Henderson and his colleague, the OPCW launched a demonization campaign against both whistleblowers (here, here, here, here).
5) Third OPCW whistleblower
A third OPCW whistleblower, who has remained anonymous, has reported to The Greyzone and confirms the story of the previous two whistleblowers. The email received by The Greyzone is dated June 28, 2019.
Greyzone reported his story in an article on February 11, 2020 entitled: “Exclusive: New leaks shatter OPCW's attacks on Douma whistleblowers.”
We read: “In addition to Henderson’s complete testimony, The Grayzone has obtained a chilling email from a third former OPCW official. The former official, who worked in a senior role, blamed external pressure and potential threats to their family for their failure to speak out about the corruption of the Douma investigation.” “This official was not among the pair of dissenting inspectors targeted by the inquiry. The email corroborates complaints by Henderson and his colleague about senior management’s suppression of evidence collected by the team that deployed to Syria.”
That “external pressure” was probably exerted by the head of the snake, namely United States, United Kingdom, and France.
The E-mail gives the impression about the OPCW leadership as a dictatorial, intimidating organization that does not allow opposition or a different opinion.
We read in the E-mail of the whistleblower: “We live in a dangerous world, that’s why I must be very cautious when talking about matters related to the OPCW. The years I served as…….. were the most stressful and unpleasant ones of my life in professional terms because of what I saw happening around and above me. I feel ashamed for the Organisation and I am glad I left it. “
About the possible measures against the whistleblowers, this whistleblower says: “Honestly, I fear those behind the crimes that have been perpetrated in the name of “humanity and democracy”; they will not hesitate to do harm to me and my family, they have done much worse, many times, even in de UK..” “………………………………. I don’t want to expose myself and my family to their violence and revenge, I don’t want to live in fear of crossing the street!”
The leadership of OPCW is almost described here as a criminal organization.
3.2. The striking silence of the mainstream fake news media
The silence with the mainstream fake news media is very striking. The startling revelations by WikiLeaks and OPCW whistleblowers were completely ignored by mainstream fake news media. They deliberately deprived the reader of very important information. Most journalists play the game and have agreed to spread fake news instead of providing the reader with sound, well-checked independent information.
Some journalists however still try to stick to their journalistic ethics and dare to inform the independent reader as accurate as possible.
One of these ethical journalists, Mr. Tareq Haddad of Newsweek, ventured to write an article based on Wikileaks on how the OPCW leadership withheld important information and published a report that was not in accordance with the facts. However, Newsweek declined to publish his well-researched story. Mr. Haddad resigned. This testifies to courage and strength of character!
How many journalists have followed Mr. Haddad's example? Not much! He is clearly someone with character, journalistic ethics, honor and dignity, as journalists used to be. This is how a journalist should be, which is to bring out facts without having to worry about governments wanting to withhold unwanted information from the public.
Regarding the low journalistic morality in which the fake news media has fallen, Mr. Haddad says: “The US government, in an ugly alliance with those [that] profit the most from war, has its tentacles in every part of the media—imposters, with ties to the US State Department, sit in newsrooms all over the world… Inconvenient stories are completely blocked. As a result, journalism is quickly dying. America is regressing because it lacks the truth.”
On his website, he published in December 14, 2019 a long report entitled “Lies, Newsweek and Control of the Media Narrative: First-Hand Account”
At the beginning of his report, he summarized his experience as: “A mafia runs editors. Freedom of the press is dead. Journalists and ordinary people must stand up.”
The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) is notorious (here, here, here, here, here, here, here) when it comes to fake news. For example, the film clip made in a hospital in Douma by terrorists was immediately used by the BBC and other Western fake news media as "proof" that the Syrian army had carried out the so-called chemical attack.
On April 16, 2018 the Russian army described the film made in the hospital in Douma as fake, saying: “The footage made in Eastern Ghouta has the signs of staged filmmaking. The investigation has shown that the bodies of the same children have been moved to different apartments for different footage and have been 'shuffled even within one medical facility.” “We have succeeded to meet the people filmed in these clips, who work in this medical facility. They found themselves on that footage and were very surprised.”
However, despite BBC's policy, there still seem to be journalists at the BBC who can't control their true journalistic instinct to tell the way as it is. Mr. Riam Dalati is a BBC producer in Beirut, Lebanon. On February 13, 2019 he wrote on his twitter account: “After almost 6 months of investigations, i can prove without a doubt that the Hospital scene was staged.”
The Western mainstream media has been degraded to such a low level that you can speak of a "rogue media."
4. From war on terror to war for the spread and promotion of terrorism ... the empire of evil.
On September 11, 2001, the illuminati/ freemasonic satanists in the US committed an attack in New York that they pinned on 19 Islamic terrorists. In reality however, it was an attack carried out from inside.
What they do is that their death squads, special forces and trained and armed Islamic terrorists carry out terrorist attacks on the people of a country they want to destroy. They accuse the government of these attacks. These terror attacks cause much damage and civilian deaths, causing tension and chaos in the country. The next step is to organize a demonstration here and there that is widely covered in the colonial fake news rogue media. The colonial fake news mainstream rogue media then intensively demonizes the leaders of the country they want to overthrow with slogans like "he is a dictator", "he violates human rights of his people", "he murders and terrorizes his people", "he uses chemical weapons against his people” etc.. After this, they scream for measures supposedly to “protect the population.” The next step, of course, is to invade the country and cause horrific massacres to overthrow the government and chase the leaders away.
In the case of Syria, it has been extensively documented (here, here and here) that the United States, United Kingdom, France, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others have recruited, trained, armed and provided medical aid to the blood-thirsty Islamic terrorists in Syria to shed thousands liters of innocent Syrian blood.
In other words, this is not a war against terrorism, but war for the spread and promotion of terrorism with the aim of destroying countries. Terrorism is used for their interests, either to oil theft or to bring about geographical changes.
When you read for example that “the US-led coalition has conduct strikes on terrorists in Iraq or Syria” they never attack the terrorists they have recruited and armed. What they do however is to destroy the infrastructure of Iraq or Syria or to attack popular militates cooperating with the government.
The United States is at the forefront of the process of shedding millions of liters of blood and destruction. US President Ronald Reagan called the former Soviet Union "The empire of evil."
The American filmmaker Oliver Stone sated, during an interview with former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, on January 30, 2020: “Empires fall. Let’s pray that this empire, these evil things... because we are the evil empire. What Reagan said about Russia is true about us.”
It is not that difficult to understand that the United States is transformed to the empire of evil. Wherever the United States set foot on the ground, supposedly for human rights and democracy, it always results in massacres, ethnic cleansing, refugee flows, suffering and misery, poverty, displacements, corruption, immorality, destruction of society, chaos and mutual hatred and thousands of widows and orphans. That is the empire of evil!
4.1. Turkey, United States and Israel
Turkey, the United States and Israel have never ceased to help the terrorists in Syria in different ways.
The rhetoric in the media in which they reproach each other, make threats and accuse each other of various things, act as a smoke screen for the public. In reality, Turks, Americans and Israelis are working together intensively to completely destroy Syria.
They have an interest in destroying Syria so that they can divide the country into pieces. That's why they work together.
United States: Establishment of a Kurdish state ultimately consisting of pieces of land from Syria, Turkey and Iran. Should ever this unholy criminal satanic plan be realized by the empire of evil, it will lead to the complete extermination of the Aramean nation and other minorities.
Israel: Israel would like to realize the Oded Yinon plan for "Greater Israel". Greater Israel includes much of Iraq and Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and part of Egypt. It concerns the area between Cairo (Egypt) and the river Euphrates.
Turkey: Turkey would like to confiscate parts of Syria to realize the resurrection of the Ottoman Empire. That is also the reason that they went to Libya. Turkey told the world that they went to Libya to help the UN-recognized government. In January 2020 (see also here) Turkey sent around 2000 of their trained and armed Islamic terrorists from Idlib to Libya, in March 2020 they sent around 4,500 of these terrorists and in April 4, 2020 they sent 300 terrorists to Libya.
However, Libya is not convinced that Turkey has good intentions. Libyan Foreign Minister Abdul Hadi Al-Hweij said on 17th of February 2020: “When we talk about peace, we don’t have [Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan in mind,” …….. “Among all the involved political figures, he’s the farthest from a peaceful settlement.””
On the real intentions of Turkey, he says: “This is obviously not a Turkish interference, but an aggression. It’s a new attempt by Turks to conquer Libya.”
In the longer term however, the interests of Turkey and the other two countries are diametrically opposed. But in the short term, they agree to dismantle Syria where they enjoy working together. They don't want to think about what happens next. Their first common goal is to destroy Syria. Everything is allowed, including the use of Islamic terrorists to cause unprecedented massacres and destruction.
4.1.1. Double standards of Turkey on terrorism
Turkey has double standards when talking about terrorism. When it comes to PKK / YPG, these are terrorists in the perception of Turkey and rightly so. But when it comes to the bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists, the Turks do not call them terrorists, but "opposition." Turkey has been recruiting, training, guiding, caring for and providing these terrorists with weapons since 2011 to devastate Syria so that they can seize the country. They are responsible for shedding thousands of liters of innocent blood.
Both Turks and Kurds have extensive experience with shedding millions of liters of blood. The only thing that binds them is the Islam and it is the Turkish / Kurdish version of Islam that is unprecedentedly oppressive and bloodthirsty, especially when it comes to the blood of Christians. In 1914, the Turks and Kurds made arrangements to destroy the Aramean and Armenian Christians of the Ottoman Empire. The agreement was that after the Christians were destroyed, the Kurds would gain independence. The Kurds have fulfilled these agreements with unprecedented eagerness and bloodthirst. The Turks have failed to meet their commitments regarding Kurdish independence and this has resulted, amongst others, in the establishment of PKK in 1980 with thousands of victims on both sides.
4.2. Success of Syrian army and response from protectors of terrorists.
Every time when the Syrian army cornered terrorists and liberated the country little by little, the protectors of terrorist’s shout from housetops "murder and fire" and immediately want a ceasefire to protect their boys. They use words like "humanitarian catastrophe", "refugees", "imminent disaster" etc. to emphasize the need for the ceasefire
August 30, 2019: Russian Envoy to UN Slams West for Treating Syrian Terrorists as 'Innocent Babies' On August 30, 2019, Russian Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations, Dmitry Polyanskiy, stated in a statement at the UN Security Council meeting that “every time the Syrian forces gain advantage on the ground and start to push terrorists", Western countries "calls to stop armed action"
Speaking of the falsehood and crocodile tears of the West, Mr. Polyanskiy said: “Our Western colleagues amplify their moans and calls to stop armed action, as if forgetting about our shared decisions to fight terrorism in an uncompromising manner. Then, as you could see today, terrorists become innocent babies [...] Consensus in favor of a new peaceful Syria owned by the Syrian people rather than Western protégés and mercenaries is already in place. Terrorists and those who support them are not the ones to hold the initiative”
In the last months of 2019, the Syrian army invaded Idlib province, the last stronghold of the Islamic terrorists, and liberated one area after another. The protectors of terrorists became very nervous.
On January 20, 2020 “the United Kingdom has asked the UN Security Council to discuss the situation in the Syrian province of Idlib, where the government troops are currently carrying out an offensive on militants,”
When their boys are pushed back and lose ground, they rush to the UN Security Council to try to stop the advance of the Syrian army. What horrible and extremely immoral, de-humanized charlatans they are to protect the bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists they have created, trained and armed to commit horrors in Syria.
The head of the snake, the United States, France, and the United Kingdom requested the UN Security Council on February 5, 2020 to discuss the situation in northwestern Syria, Idlib province. The UN Security Council met in New York on February 19, 2020.
President Donald Trump called on February 17, 2020 to end the offensive. French President Macron stated at a meeting with German Chancellor Merkel in Brussels on February 20, 2020: “We believe that this situation could be settled only via a call for an immediate cessation of hostilities” “We know that today Idlib is facing a humanitarian disaster amid the ongoing offensive of the forces loyal to the Syrian regime, backed by Russia.”
These are the usual crocodile tears of the ardent terrorist protectors who use the usual meaningless phrases like "humanitarian disaster" and "ongoing military offensive" to put the blame on the Syrian army. In doing so, through their usual lies, deceit and disinformation, they try to stop the advance of the Syrian army and protect their boys.
The terrorist protectors told the world that because of the offensive of Syrian army in Idlib, hundreds of thousands of people have fled Idlib. On February 21, 2020 the Russian Ministry of defense refuted the claims of terrorist protectors saying: “The information about the alleged 'hundreds of thousands' of civilian residents of the province heading for the Syrian-Turkish border because of military clashes between terrorists and the Syrian government forces in the east of the province is not true”
United Kingdom is one of the persistent terrorist protectors trying to completely destroy and dismantle Syria. United Kingdom ran propaganda campaigns in Syria to cover up espionage and military operations.
Israeli attacks
Israel regularly attacks the Syrian army to protect these terrorists. Israel justifies these attacks by saying they are bombing the positions of Iran or Jihadists still active in Syria. Iran is indeed active in Syria and Iran is helping Syria against terrorists supported by the US, Turkey and Israel, among others. If it really concerns Iran or Jihadists, as Israel claims, why do these attacks every time coincide with the advance of the Syrian army against Islamic terrorists? At the moment the Syrian army corners the Islamic terrorists, Israel attacks the Syrian army and completely ignores the international legislation.
Israel uses passenger aircrafts to protect itself against Syrian anti-aircraft fire. A passenger plane is much larger than a fighter plane. When a fighter is in the vicinity of a passenger aircraft, the enemy radar cannot destroy the fighter jet, but it can eliminate the passenger aircraft because of the radar surface. What Israel does is extremely reckless, criminal, provocative and immoral.
On September 17, 2018, a Russian IL-20 military reconnaissance aircraft was shot down by the Syrian anti-aircraft defense because of the reckless and criminal behavior of the Israeli Air Force. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on September 27, 2018: “The tragedy occurred on September 17 following erroneous, unprofessional and cowardly actions of one of our partners, despite Russia's efforts to develop the relationship with Israel, including when it comes to the issues that are important for them.”
On September 18, 2018, the Russian foreign ministry told the Israeli ambassador to Russia that Israel's actions in Syria are “Reckless” and “Unfriendly”. The Russian army stated on September 18, 2018 that the Israeli fighter jets “created a dangerous situation for other aircraft and vessels in the region”
Furthermore, the army stated: “The Israeli pilots used the Russian plane as cover and set it up to be targeted by the Syrian air defense forces. As a consequence, the Il-20, which has radar cross-section much larger than the F-16, was shot down by an S-200 system missile”
On September 23, 2018, Major General Igor Konashenkov, the spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, stated: “The misleading information provided by the Israeli officer about the area of strikes did not allow the Russian Il-20 airplane to move timely to a safe area” “The actions of the Israeli fighter pilots, which led to the loss of life of 15 Russian servicemen, either lacked professionalism or were an act of criminal negligence, to say the least”
On December 26, 2018, Israel again endangered two passenger planes by launching attacks on Syria from Lebanon. Russian Defense Ministry stated: “Provocative acts by the Israeli Air Force endangered two passenger jets when six of their F-16s carried out airstrikes on Syria from Lebanese airspace.”
On February 7, 2020, Israel launched an attack on Damascus (here, here). The Syrian anti-aircraft defense largely repelled the attack. Just at the time of the attack, an Airbus A320 with 172 passengers was on its way to land in Damascus. Due to the attack, the plane deviated from the route and landed at the Russian Khmeimim military airport in Syria.
On April 30, 2020 Israel attacked southern Syria.
On April 28 2020 Israel attacked the Syrian city of Homes
On April 27, 2020 Israel launched heavy strikes on Damascus
On April 21, 2020 Israel attacked the Syrian Arab Air Force's Tiyas military base
On March 6, 2020, Israel again endangered two passenger planes during an attack on Syria from Lebanon.
On February 27, 2020, Israeli helicopters attacked the positions of the Syrian army in Quneitra province.
On February 27, 2020, an Israeli drone carried out attacks on the Golan Heights.
On February 23, 2020, Israel attacked southern Damascus.
All those attacks by Israel on Syria are meant to help terrorists. Israel, however, justifies these attacks by saying they are attacking Iran or Jihadists active in Syria. In chapter 5 we will discuss the detailed analyzes by Steven Bennun in which he says that with these provocations Israel is trying to provoke a response from Iran so that the third world war can be started.
As mentioned before, Turkey has been intensively involved in the recruitment, training, armaments and care of Islamic terrorists from the beginning to devastate Syria. Turkey has never stopped supporting these terrorists and has now stationed around 15,000 soldiers in Idlib. How many terrorists are active in Idlib is unknown. Estimates range from 10,000 terrorists, 15,000 and 20,000.
After Russian intervention, at the request of the Syrian government, the tide began to turn in 2015 and the Syrian army began to topple one terrorist stronghold after another. Many of the terrorists fled to Idlib province, which borders Turkey. From their stronghold Idlib, the terrorists regularly attacked the Russian military base in Khmeimim and the Syrian army using unmanned aerial vehicles and other weapons. Obviously, they get the weapons from Turkey, the United States, Israel, France and the United Kingdom. The special units of these countries assist terrorists in their activities against Russia and Syria. For example, President Putin's spokesperson said on August 26, 2019, about the terrorist activities from Idlib: “… but at the same time the president remains ... concerned about the activation of action by terrorist elements from Idlib that cannot be (left) without being stamped out and destroyed,”
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on February 6, 2020 that from the Turkish controlled de-escalation zone in Idlib, the militants carried out “more than 1,000 attacks in the last two weeks of January."
On January 31, 2020, President Putin's spokesperson stated about the Syrian army's offensive against Islamic terrorists: “…… who constantly carry out offensive actions against the Syrian Armed Forces as well as the Russian base in Khmeimim”
On December 11, 2019 the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergy Lavrov stated that “… Idlib eventually has to be liberated and returned under the country’s government control”
Chronological review
Below we provide a point-by-point chronological representation of the events. First, we will reflect the achievements of the Syrian army, and then we will reflect Turkey's hysterical response.
1-1) On September 17, 2018 (here, here, here, here, here) President Putin and President Erdogan met in the Russian city Sochi, to discuss the situation in the last stronghold of the Islamic terrorists. An agreement was reached. The intention was (here, here) that Turkey ,among others, would disarm and get rid of the terrorist organization Hayat Tahrir al-Sham.
February 19, 2020: Turkey faces strategic defeat in Idlib after failing to live up to its commitments on Syria Russia and Syria would refrain from offensive military operations in Idlib in exchange for Turkey to enforce so-called "withdrawal zones" where anti-regime forces would give up their heavy weapons and fighters.
To create the “withdrawal zones”, Turkey built 12 observation posts in the area.
The problem, however, was that the terrorists from Idlib regularly attacked the Russian base in Khmeimim and the Syrian army with missiles, drones and other weapons. According to Russia, Turkey did not keep to the agreements made in Sochi in 2018.
December 11, 2019: Syria’s Idlib Must Eventually Be Freed From Terrorists - Russian FM On December 11, 2019 , Sergy Lavrov, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated on de situation in Idlib: “Idlib has become a hotbed of terrorism…… There, unfortunately, our Turkish colleagues cannot yet fulfil their obligation to separate the armed opposition, which is not tainted by terrorist acts, from Jabhat al-Nusra... as they, our Turkish colleagues, have committed to do by September last year”
On February 12, 2020, a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry stated: "We see the reasons for the current deterioration in Turkey's chronic failure to fulfil its commitments under the Sochi memorandum of September 17, 2018, and the transfer by Ankara of Turkey-controlled units of the so-called moderate armed opposition to northeastern Syria into the zone of Operation Peace Spring and to Libya” ( see also: here, here).
February 12, 2020: Turkey failed to separate ‘opposition’ from terrorists in Idlib, situation worsened by Ankara pumping arms into area — Moscow On February 12, 2020 the Russian Ministry of Defense stated: “Turkey’s inability to separate “opposition” from terrorist groups in Syria’s Idlib is one of the main reasons behind the ongoing escalation there,…” “The situation is further aggravated "by the flow of arms and ammunition into the de-escalation zone across the Turkish-Syrian border, as well as columns of Turkish armored vehicles and troops entering Syria's province of Idlib,"
Furthermore the Defense Ministry stated: “The real reason of the crisis in Idlib de-escalation zone is, unfortunately, the failure of our Turkish colleagues to adhere to their commitments on separating moderate opposition fighters from terrorists of Jabhat Nusra (banned in Russia) and Hurras ad-Din (linked to Al Qaeda, which is banned in Russia)”
February 20, 2020: Turkey's Support for Militants in Syria May Provoke New Escalation - Moscow On February 20, 2020, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry stated about Turkey's support for the terrorists in Idlib in attacking the Syrian military: “We are expressing significant concerns over such support for militants from the Turkish armed forces", ……. the incident is seen as a "violation of the Russian-Turkish agreements on separating armed opposition from terrorists, and creating a demilitarized area, and it may provoke a further escalation in the conflict in this part of the Syrian national territory”
1-2) As said before, every time the terrorists were cornered, their guardians screamed for a truce, after which the truce was breached by them the next day.
August 1, 2019: Idlib De-Escalation Zone Ceasefire to Begin Early Morning Friday - Reports On August 1, 2019, the umpteenth ceasefire was agreed for Idlib. On August 2, 2019, the ceasefire was breached by the terrorists. The Russian army reported: “Illegal armed formations violated the ceasefire at 6:55 a.m. on 2 August, shelling the village of Al Qardahah in the Latakia province … killing one civilian and wounding three others",
On August 3, 2019, the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria reported that the armistice had been violated twice by the terrorists in Idlib's de-escalation zone. On August 4, 2019, the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria reported that the armistice was violated twice by the terrorists in Idlib's de-escalation zone. Four Syrian soldiers were injured. The Russian Defense Ministry reported on August 5, 2019 that the terrorists had carried out a missile attack on their military base in Hmeymim. On August 5, 2019, the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria reported that the armistice was violated 20 times by the terrorists in Idlib de-escalation zone, on August 7, 2019 42 times and on August 8, 2019 46 times.
The terrorists and their protectors repeatedly and willfully violated the agreements. Needless to say, but the special units of the terrorist protectors Turkey, United States, United Kingdom and France fight / advise side by side with the terrorists they have trained and armed.
Since the terrorists and their protectors did not care about ceasefire or agreements and continuously attacked the Syrian army and Russian base in Hmeymim, it was enough is enough and the Syrian army launched an offensive on 5 August 2019 to liberate and clean Idlib of terrorists.
1-3) On August 8, 2019 the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria reported: “At least 10 Syrian army soldiers were killed and 21 wounded while repelling an attack by militants in the Idlib de-escalation zone on Friday… The government forces were able to repel the attack by terrorists and push them back to the previously occupied positions with a counterattack”
Terror attacks of this kind were, of course, accompanied by the mercenaries, the special units of the Western and Middle Eastern terrorist defenders.
1-4) On August 11, 2019 the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria reported: “Terrorist groups continue boosting their presence in the south of the Idlib de-escalation zone in Syria, having recently dispatched there about 470 militants and additional military hardware….. "There has been recorded a transfer of about 120 militants of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham* [terror group, formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra], three armoured vehicles and four pickups with mounted heavy machine guns from the area near the town of Hesh,"
August 11, 2019: Syrian Military Liberates Strategically Important Town in Idlib Province - Reports
On August 11, 2019, the Syrian army liberated the strategically important village of Hobait in the province from the terrorists.
August 11, 2019: Militants Attacks Left 23 Syrian Servicemen Killed From August 10-11 Terrorists attacked the positions of the Syrian Army on August 11, 2019, killing 23 soldiers and injuring 7.
1-5) 13th of August 2019: Terrorists attacked areas in Aleppo, Idlib and Hama.
1-6) 14th of August 2019: Terrorist shot down Syrian fighter jet in Idlib.
1-7) On 16th of August 2019, the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in Syria reported: “The Russian military has registered 35 attacks by militants in Syria's provinces of Aleppo and Latakia, located in the Idlib de-escalation zone, in the course of the past 24 hours,..”
1-8) 18th of August 2019: Syrian Army Advances in Idlib's Khan-Sheikhun, Inflicts Heavy Losses on Terrorists - Reports The Syrian army advances in Khan-Sheikhun in Idlib: “….the Syrian army targeted al-Nusra fortifications in the direction of Kafridon and al-Sabbaghiya, in the suburbs of Khan-Sheikhun, killing many of the terrorists, while other gunmen fled the area…”
1-9) Sputnik News reported on 19th of August 2019 in an article entitled “Terrorists Conduct Raids From Syria's Demilitarised Zones, Move to Other Regions – Putin “: “The Russian president said during the meeting with his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron that Moscow has detected terrorists based in Syria’s Idlib demilitarised zone conducting sorties from the area. He further pointed out that the militants have been noticed being transported to other regions of the world from the demilitarised zone.”
On the advance of the terrorists in Idlib, President Putin said: “I want to stress that prior to the establishment of the demilitarised zone in Idlib, terrorists controlled 50% of this territory. Now it's 90% and we are seeing ongoing raids coming from it"
We read further: “Putin also recalled that Russia’s Hmeymim air base in Syria has repeatedly had to face attacks launched from the demilitarised zone by terrorists groups. In light of these events, the Russian president expressed support for the Syrian Army's efforts aimed at defeating terrorist groups in Idlib.”
The reason for the increase in the area's expansion of the terrorists has to do with the support they receive from Turkey due to the presence of 12 observation posts in Idlib. About these observation posts, UN Syrian Ambassador Bashar al-Ja'afari stated during an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Idlib on February 28, 2020 that: “Turkey uses the observation posts it has set up in the Arab country’s northwest to level support for terrorists”
On February 11, 2020, the Syrian Foreign Ministry stated on Turkey's activities in Idlib: "The Turkish regime continues its aggression against the sovereignty and integrity of Syrian lands through further deployment of forces to Idlib and its countryside as well as Aleppo countryside, targeting populated areas and some military points in a bid to save its proxies from terror outfits who have been defeated in the wake of Syrian army advances.”
1-10) 21st of August 2019: The Syrian army encircles terrorists in the villages around Khan Sheikhoun.
1-11) 22nd of August 2019: Syrian army opens humanitarian corridor so that civilians can leave Idlib.
1-12) 22nd of August 2019: After liberation of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib, the Syrian army begins with clearing of mines and cleaning of the area.
See also: 20-8-2019: After 5 yrs under jihadist control, militants flee Syrian town where 2017 ‘chemical attack’ occurred 23-8-2019: Syria declares liberation of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib, towns in Hama province 28-8-2019: RT films inside liberated town of Khan Sheikhoun in Syria’s Idlib province (VIDEO) 22-10-2019: Assad visits Idlib, says region’s battle is key to ending Syrian war 23-10-2019: Assad visits frontline in Idlib, vows to retake all of Syrian land (PHOTOS)
1-13) 23rd of August 2019: Syrian Army to Advance to Idlib Province After Liberating Khan Sheikhoun "After intensive strikes during the previous days and the complete encirclement of the terrorists completely in the north of Hama, our brave soldiers were able to liberate the following settlements: Khan Sheikhoun, Morek, Ltamenah, Tall as Sayyad, Latmeen, Kafr Zita, Lahaya and others.”
"The General Staff of the Syrian Armed Forces announced on Friday the plans to advance further north after the liberation of the town of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib and a number of other settlements in the north of Hama province”
1-15) 24th of August 2019: Syrian Army May Eliminate Turkish Observation Points in Idlib Zone – Assad’s Aid Bouthaina Shaaban, the aid to President Bashar Assad, stated on the Turkish observation posts in Idlib: “The Turkish observation point in the settlement of Morek is under siege. The Syrian army will be able to eliminate Turkish observation points and terrorists” “Turkey has not complied with the agreements, signed in Astana [currently, Nur-Sultan] and turned the observation points into facilities, used for redeploying weapons and occupying our territories”
1-16) 27th of August 2019: Syria Starts Rebuilding Khan Sheikhoun After Strategic Town Liberated From Terrorists
1-17) 30th of August 2019: Syrian Army Gains Control Over 10 Villages East of Khan Sheikhoun - Military Source "By the morning of August 30, the following villages, settlements, farms and hills were cleared: Khuwayn al Kabir, Tall Ghubar, As Saqiyat, Tall Saqiyat, At Tamanah, Tall Turki, Tall Seyed Ali, Tall Sayyed Jaafar, western and eastern farms of Al Tamanah”
Furthermore…. “Syrian government troops have managed to liberate the towns of Khwain, Zarzoor and al-Tamanah in southern Idlib, opposition sources and residents said on Friday”
1-18) 30th of August 2019: Syrian Army Controls Al-Tamanah Town in South of Idlib - Military Commander
1-19) United States, one of the most important terrorist protector, tries to frustrate the offensive of the Syrian army and attacks Idlib on September 2, 2019. They do not want that the liberation of Idlib goes according to the Russian plan. The Syrian opposition suspects cooperation between Turkey and US during the bombardment of Idlib on 2nd of September 2019.
1-20) Terrorist groups block humanitarian corridor. 14th of September 2019: Hayat Tahrir al-Sham Militants Trap People in Idlib, Block Humanitarian Corridor - Reports 15th of September 2019: Militants Blocked Humanitarian Corridor From Idlib De-Escalation Zone - Russian Military
1-21) 20th of September 2019: Militants Block Humanitarian Corridor to Idlib's Abu al-Duhur Checkpoint- Syrian Army
1-22) Oil Fields The ardent protector of terrorists, the United States, is also guilty of theft of the Syrian oil fields. They refuse access to these oil fields (here, here, here). They are persistent protectors of terrorists and are thieves! Russia describes the unprecedented brutality, protection of terrorism and confiscation of oil fields as “destructive, inconsistent.” Others describe the brutality and shamelessness of the US as a “act of piracy.” The behavior of United States can be categorized as terror or rogue state. In spite of intensive sabotage and aggressive behavior of the United States and other protectors of terrorists, the construction of Syria continues.
1-23) 1st of November 2019: White Helmets, Terrorists Prepare New Provocations in Syria With Use of Chemical Weapons - Moscow "New confirmations of the information about the White Helmets' activities emerge all the time ... According to the existing information, which the Syrian government regularly provides to the United Nations, the White Helmets, jointly with terrorists, is preparing new chemical provocations in Syria. They obviously aim at disrupting the peace process in the country”
1-24) 1st of November 2019: Militants Attack Syrian Forces Positions in Latakia - Russian Military
1-25) 6th of November 2019: Knock Knock. Who's There? Rightful Owner! Syrian Army Reportedly Reclaims Long Lost Oil Field
1-26) 25th of November 2019: Syrian Army Recaptures 4 Villages in Idlib Province From Militants
1-27) 26th November 2019: White Helmets, Nusra Front Preparing Provocations with Chemical Weapons in Idlib - Russian MoD "It is being planned to make fake videos of destruction caused by airstrikes and artillery shooting at civil targets and the alleged use of chemical weapons in the Idlib province. [The videos] will be published on social media and used to blame the Syrian government and Russia over their alleged actions against civilians," the ministry said "With regard to reports of impending provocations in Idlib. We receive these messages regularly. In most cases, this information is confirmed. We, together with the Syrian government, are making this public, and this is exactly why these provocations have not yet been implemented, but we know that they are being prepared. We also know that provocateurs from the so-called White Helmets, created and led by British special services with the support of a number of Western countries, including the United States, are taking part in the preparations. I think the situation that has been developing with the White Helmets' participation in many staged scenes, including in April 2018 in Eastern Duma, is extremely clear for everyone," Lavrov said
1-28) 30th of November 2019: Syrian Army Repels Attack From Militants in Idlib Province - Reports
1-29) 1st of December 2019: Syrian Air Defences Repel Drone Attack on Airport Near City of Hama - Report
1-30) 11th of December 2019: Syria’s Idlib Must Eventually Be Freed From Terrorists - Russian FM "Idlib has become a hotbed of terrorism," Lavrov said. "There, unfortunately, our Turkish colleagues cannot yet fulfil their obligation to separate the armed opposition, which is not tainted by terrorist acts, from Jabhat al-Nusra... as they, our Turkish colleagues, have committed to do by September last year."
1-31) 11th of December 2019: White Helmets Boost Presence in Idlib, Potentially Preparing a Provocation - Russian Special Envoy
1-32) 12th of December 2019: Russian Military Says Terrorists Plotting Staged Chemical Attacks in Idlib Truce Zone "The Russian center for the reconciliation of the warring parties received information that the leaders of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham terrorist group (formerly known as the Al-Nusra Front*), together with members of the pseudo-humanitarian organisation White Helmets, were plotting to stage the use of toxic substances and the destruction of civilian infrastructure in the settlements of the southern part of the Idlib de-escalation zone", he said.
1-33) 17th of December 2019: Syrian Army May Begin Wide-Scale Operation in Idlib Province – Reports
1-34) 17th of December 2019: Armed Groups Plan Attacks on Syrian Forces - Reconciliation Centre
1-35) 22nd of December 2019: Syrian Government Army Takes Control of Flashpoint Idlib Village
1-36) 23rd of December 2019: Syrian Armed Forces Enter Jarjanaz in Province of Idlib
1-37) 25th of December 2019: Syrian Militants Refuse to Peacefully Surrender City in Idlib Province - Official
1-38) 26th of December 2019: Syrian Army Liberates Several More Settlements in Eastern Idlib - Source “The Syrian army took control of the villages of Al-Samaka, Khwein Elshaer and al-Duliam, as well as farms of Nawaf and al-Mushamis”
1-39) 28th of December 2019: Militants Attempt Attack on Syrian Airfield in Hama With Drones – Reports
Who gave the drones to the terrorists? Turkey, US, Israel, France or United Kingdom?
1-40) 28th of December 2019: Syrian Forces Repel Terrorist Attacks In Idlib, Up to 30 Militants Killed, Russian Military Says
1-41) 4th of January 2020: Syrian Army Seizes Al Tah Village in Idlib Province
1-42) 12th of January 2020: Warring Sides in Syrian Province of Idlib Cease Military Activities Starting Sunday “The Turkish Defence Ministry said on Friday that Russia and Turkey agreed to introduce a ceasefire in the province, starting at 0:00 local time (22:00 GMT) on 12 January”
As usual, it would not take too long before the terrorists and their protectors shattered the ceasefire with their attacks on the positions of the Syrian army.
See also: 12-1-2020: Foreign-backed terrorists fire rockets on intl. airport, airbase in Syria’s Aleppo 12-1-2020: Trump repeats Syria intention: US troops are taking the oil
1-43) 16th of January 2020: Syria Should Serve as Example to Prevent Attempts to Decide Fate of the Region From Abroad – Lavrov Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergy Lavrov, says about fighting terrorism, and interference in Syria by uninvited parties to destroy the country: "Responding to the request of Syria's legitimate government, the Russian Federation, I believe, has quite efficiently helped the Syrian people to tackle the international terrorism threat. The threat has been fended off, only some more specific goals are yet to be achieved. We have helped the Syrian people to vindicate the Syrian statehood. I think this should be a good example of preventing aggressive and reckless attempts to decide fates of whole regions from abroad,"
See also: 16-1-2020: Bomb attack kills ten in Turkish-controlled northern Syria town 16-1-2020: Around 350,0000 people have fled Syria's Idlib since Dec. 1: UN
1-44) 23rd of January 2020: 40 Syrian Servicemen Killed, Up to 80 Wounded in Militants' Attack in Idlib - Russian Military (also here)
1-45) 24th of January 2020: Syria forces close in on key militant-held city in Idlib: Monitor
1-46) 25th of January 2020: Syrian Army Liberates 3 Villages in Idlib Province, Combating Militants in Aleppo – Reports
See also: 26-1-2020: Syrian forces advance towards key Idlib city as terrorists block civilians' exit
1-47) 27th of January 2020: White Helmets, Militants Plan Provocations to Accuse Syrian Government of Chemical Weapons Use – MoD "The Russian MoD has stated that militants and the remnants of the notorious White Helmets group are planning new provocations in Syria with the goal of accusing Damascus of using chemical weapons against the civilian population.”
See also: 27-1-2020: Syrian army troops clear more towns of Takfiri terrorists in Idlib province 27-1-2020: Turkey helping terrorists conduct false-flag chemical attacks in Idlib, Aleppo: Syria
1-48) 27th of January 2020: Turkey helping terrorists conduct false-flag chemical attacks in Idlib, Aleppo: Syria
“Syria has written protest letters to the United Nations, informing the world body that “Turkey” is helping terrorists conduct false-flag chemical attacks in northwestern provinces of Idlib and Aleppo in an attempt to implicate Damascus.” “ is a known fact that whenever foreign-backed terrorists “feel cornered,” the so-called civil defense group White Helmets begin staging fake chemical attacks “upon the instructions of their masters in Western states” to create a pretext for the US and its allies to launch a military attack against the Arab country” "The Western-backed White Helmets is known to have been actively involved in false flag chemical attacks in the Syrian town of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib in April 2017, and the other in the Damascus suburb town of Douma in April 2018”
1-49) 28th of January 2020: Over 40 White Helmets Employees Arrive in Idlib - Human Rights Activist
See also: 28-1-2020: Syrian army troops seize control of most of strategic city in Idlib "Army units liberated most neighborhoods of Maaret al-Numan city in Idleb southwestern countryside and began canvassing them, unconfirmed reports of entire city being liberated from terrorism”
1-50) 29th of January 2020: White Helmets Plotting False Flag Attacks in Syria, Captured Jihadist Militant Confirms "The Syrian military has captured a militant who provided them with corroborating evidence that the White Helmets were preparing possible false flag chemical attacks in northern Syria.”
1-51) 29th of January 2020: Syrian Army Goes on Counter-Offensive in Syria - Russian Centre for Reconciliation
1-52) 29th of January 2020: ‘Milestone’ Syrian Offensive in Idlib Result of Turkish Failures to Meet 2018 Ceasefire Commitments "In recent days, the Syrian Arab Army has scored a major victory by capturing Maarat al-Numan, just 20 miles south of the city of Idlib, from Turkish proxy forces.” “The Turks have simply failed to live up to their commitments,” Ford pointed out. “They have failed to push the jihadis back from this strategic highway. Now the Turks are complaining that Russia is violating the agreement, but the truth is that Turkey has not fulfilled its commitment. So the Russians have helped the Syrian army to take control themselves.”
See also: 29-1-2020: Syrian army soldiers liberate key town of Khan Tuman in Aleppo: Report 29-1-2020: Syrian forces fully recapture main militant stronghold in southern Idlib
1-53) 30th of January 2020: Syrian govt. forces liberate more areas in Idlib province from terrorists’ grip
1-54) 31st of January 2020: Syrian army forces liberate new areas in southern Idlib countryside “Syrian government forces, backed by allied fighters from popular defense groups, have managed to establish control over new areas in the southern countryside of the country’s northwestern province of Idlib during the ongoing campaign against foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants in their last major stronghold.”
1-55) 1st of February 2020: Syria liberates two villages in Idlib eastern countryside " units had engaged in fierce clashes with foreign-backed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists in Louf and Qamhana villages near the city of Saraqib”
1-56) 2nd of February 2020: Syrian troops liberate more towns, villages in Idlib, Aleppo "Syria’s official news agency SANA reported on Sunday that the government forces liberated the villages of Inqrati, Kafr Battikh and Kafr Dadikh after inflicting heavy losses on foreign-backed Jabhat al-Nusra terrorists southwest of the city of Saraqib in Idlib.”
1-57) 3rd of February 2020: Syrian army liberates two more towns in southeastern Idlib "Syria's official news agency SANA reported on Monday that army units had liberated the towns of Joubas and San as they continued their military operations against the foreign-backed Takfiri terrorists near the city of Saraqib in Idlib.”
1-58) 3rd of February 2020: Syrian Army Discovers Secret Underground Al-Nusra Headquarters in Idlib - Video
See also: 3-2-2020: Syrian forces discover network of long tunnels once used by militants in Idlib
Preparations by White Helmets for false flag chemical attack
1-59) 3rd of February 2020: White Helmets, Terrorists Prepare New Provocation in Syria Involving Toxic Agents, Russian MoD Says "The Russian Ministry of Defence says it has information indicating that the White Helmets group, backed by terrorists, is preparing a new provocation in Syria involving toxic agents, the ministry's center for Syria reconciliation said on Monday” "The new provocation is expected to be staged in the Maarat al-Artik settlement, with participation of a crowd, comprised of around 200 people, who are relatives of militants who have arrived in the Idlib de-escalation zone, including children, who have been previously exported from southern provinces"
See also:
1-60) 4th of February 2020: Three Gas Stations in Syria Come Under Artillery Fire - Reports
See also: 4th of February 2020: White Helmets Filmed 'Human Victims' After 'Chemical Attack' of Syrian Army - Russian MoD 4th of February 2020: Syrian Army Gives Idlib Militants Last Chance to Lay Down Arms - Syrian TV Citing Military Source
1-61) 5th of February 2020: US, UK, France Request UNSC Meeting on Situation in Northwestern Syria - Source
The terrorist defenders and the head of the serpent, United States, France and United Kingdom, request the UN Security Council for a meeting to discuss the situation in Idlib. They create a problem and want to talk about a so-called “solution.” Professional wickedness!
See also: 5th of February 2020: Militants Shell Aleppo Suburbs With Homemade Projectiles 5th of February 2020: Syrian Army Uncovers Terrorist ‘Cave of Wonders’ in Idlib - Video
5th of February 2020: Syrian Army Approaches Town of Saraqib in Idlib - Military Source
1-62) 6th of February 2020: Terrorists Carried Out Over 1,000 Attacks in Syria's Idlib in Last 2 Weeks of January
See also: 6-2-2020: Militants attack Russian forces from Turkey’s zone in Syria’s Idlib: Moscow 6-2-2020: Damascus accuses Turkey of being in cahoots with Israel in supporting terrorism 6-2-2020: Turkey military convoy enters Idlib to protect terrorists, impede Syrian forces advance: Army 6-2-2020: Damascus accuses Turkey of being in cahoots with Israel in supporting terrorism 6-2-2020: Syria’s air defense system intercepts Israeli missiles over Damascus 6-2-2020: Turkey warns Syria against breaching agreements
1-63) 7th of February 2020: Exclusive: Govt. forces seize key region from al-Qaeda-linked militants in northern Syria
See also: 7-2-2020: Turkish forces build military base in Syria’s Idlib as govt. forces advance: Report
7-2-2020: Turkey reinforces outposts in Syria’s Idlib: Report 7-2-2020: Israel uses civilian flight as shield to raid Damascus after Syrian troops liberate Saraqib “Turkish military forces have reportedly constructed a base in Syria’s embattled northwestern province of Idlib, and a Turkish army convoy consisting of dozens of military vehicles, troop carriers, tanks and soldiers has arrived at the installation”
1-64) 9th of February 2020: Syrian army gains control of 600, several towns, villages in Aleppo, Idlib: Statement
1-65) 11th of February 2020: Video Allegedly Showing Syrian Gov't Chopper Being Downed Emerges Online
See also: 11-2-2020: Syrian Army Takes Back Control Over Al-Nayrab Village After Brief Retreat – Sputnik Correspondent 11-2-2020: Syrian forces retake main Aleppo-Damascus highway 11-2-2020: Syrian Troops Recapture Key Town West of Aleppo – Source
1-66) 12th of February 2020: Damascus Vows to Continue Fight Against Syrian Terrorists Despite Threats From Ankara "After the Syrian army defeated terrorist organizations, which he [Erdogan] supports, arms and trains, head of the Turkish regime comes up with empty statements that can be made only by a person who is disconnected from reality",
See also: 12th of February 2020: Syrian army only targets terrorists, who are still active in Idlib despite de-escalation agreement with Turkey – Kremlin "The Syrian army carries out attacks against terrorists in the Idlib province, not civilians , Kremlin said after Turkey threatened Damascus with military action, accusing it of shelling its soldiers.” "Turkey has failed to clear the de-escalation zone in Syria’s Idlib Province of jihadist groups, despite promising to do so under the 2018 ceasefire agreement reached by Moscow and Ankara, the spokesperson for the Kremlin Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Wednesday” “These groups are still attacking the Syrian forces from Idlib, as well as conducting aggressive actions against our military sites,”
1-67) 14th of February 2020: Syrian Armed Forces Helicopter Shot Down in Aleppo - Reports
See also: 14-2-2020: Syrian military helicopter shot down near Aleppo, crew killed – state media
1-68) 16th of February 2020: Bashar al-Assad Says States Hostile to Syria Continue to Defend Terrorists
See also: 16-2-2020: President Assad says Syrians will liberate whole country from grips of terrorists
1-69) 17th of February 2020: Syria recaptures most of Aleppo ahead of Russo-Turkish talks
See also: 17-2-2020: Video Liberation of Aleppo not end of Syrian army’s anti-terror campaign: Assad
1-70) 19th February 2020: Moscow Says Attacks on Russian, Syrian Troops in Idlib Continue as Erdogan Threatens ‘Imminent’ Op
The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergy Lavrov, stated: "The demilitarised zone at whole Idlib zone perimeter has not been created yet. In addition, we see the continuation of shellfire from the de-escalation zone on Syrian Army positions, civilian assets as well as attempts to attack Russia’s Hmeymim base", "Nobody gave a promise to terrorists that they would be safe in the Idlib zone, just read the agreements between the Russian and Turkish presidents and everything will fall into place",
See also: 19-2-2020: Assad's media adviser: We will liberate ALL of Syria from terrorists and occupiers! (E846)
1-71) The terrorists supported by Turkey (here, here) under attack.
20th of February 2020: Russian Su-24 Planes Strike Pro-Turkish Terrorists, Allowing Syrian Army to Repel Attacks Russian Ministry of Defense stated: “The Syrian troops destroyed one tank, six infantry fighting vehicles and five pickup trucks containing large-calibre weapons” "This is not the first time that the Turkish armed forces support the militants. In order to prevent incidents, we urge the Turkish side to stop supporting the actions of terrorists and transferring weapons to them"
20th of February 2020: Turkey's Support for Militants in Syria May Provoke New Escalation - Moscow Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated: "We are expressing significant concerns over such support for militants from the Turkish armed forces" “.....the incident is seen as a "violation of the Russian-Turkish agreements on separating armed opposition from terrorists, and creating a demilitarized area, and it may provoke a further escalation in the conflict in this part of the Syrian national territory".
See also: 20th of February 2020: Russia urges Turkey to halt support of ‘terrorists’ in Syria’s flashpoint Idlib province
1-72) 22nd of February 2020: Damascus-Aleppo Road Officially Opens – Syrian Transport Ministry
See also: 22nd of February 2020: Syrian army forces inflict heavy losses on Turkish-backed militants in Aleppo “Syrian government forces, supported by fighters from allied popular defense groups, have carried out a major counterattack against Turkish-backed Takfiri militants in the country’s embattled northwestern province of Aleppo, inflicting losses on them.” 22-2-2020: Damascus-Aleppo Road Officially Opens – Syrian Transport Ministry 22-2-2020: Syrian Air Defences Will Shoot Down Any Aircraft Violating Country's Airspace - Army Command
1-73) 24th of February 2020: Syrian army continues anti-terror operation in Idlib, liberates more villages "Syria’s official news agency SANA reported that army soldiers and their allies managed to wrest full control over Tal Nar region, the villages of Sheikh Mustafa, al-Naqeer and Arinbeh as well as Kafrsajna town in the southern countryside of the province…”
1-74) 25th of February 2020: Syrian army forces push further into southern Idlib, liberate three villages "Syria’s official news agency SANA reported that Syrian soldiers and their allies took complete control of the villages of Ma’ar Tamater and Ma’artasin on Tuesday following fierce clashes with members of the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, formerly known as al-Nusra Front, Takfiri terrorist group and their affiliates.”
1-75) 27th February 2020: Syrian army troops continue advancing in southern Idlib, liberate six more villages "Syria’s official news agency SANA reported that Syrian army troops and their allies – supported by artillery and missile units – regained full control of six villages, namely al-Huwash, al-Amiqa, Tanjarah, al-Ankawi, Shirmaghar and al-Arima, on Thursday after they directly targeted militant strongholds and fortification lines there.”
See also: 27-2-2020: Syrian Air Defences Down Turkish Drone That Targeted Gov’t Positions in Country’s North - MoD 27-2-2020: 34 Turkish troops killed in Syria's Idlib as govt. forces continue gains 27-2-2020: Turkish military firing at Russian, Syrian military planes in Idlib: Military source
1-76) 28th of February 2020: NATO Calls for Immediate Ceasefire in Syria's Idlib Province - Stoltenberg
On 28th of February 2020, NATO called for immediate ceasefire and pointed the finger to Syria and Russia saying: "Allies condemn the continued indiscriminate airstrikes by the Syrian regime and Russia in Idlib province. I call on them to stop their offensive, to respect international law and to back UN efforts for a peaceful solution. "This dangerous situation may be de-escalated, and we urge an immediate return to the 2018 ceasefire”
These are not only huge crocodile tears, but outright hypocrisy. NATO is the greatest terrorist protector and promoter. With their crocodile tears and hypocrisy, they want to protect the by themselves created, trained and armed Islamic terrorists. Whenever the Syrian army advances in its fight against their boys, the protectors of terrorists scream from housetops for an immediate ceasefire.
See also: 28-2-2020: ‘No Leg to Stand On’: Turkey’s Occupation of Syria’s Idlib Not Defensive, NATO Won’t Respond 28-2-2020: Turkey Wants Bashar Assad's Resignation – Ex-Turkish FM 28-2-2020: Documents Found by Sputnik in Northern Syria Jail Reveal Inner Workings of Terror Groups
1-77) 29th of February 2020: Syria: Turkey using observation posts to back terrorists “Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations tells an emergency UN Security Council meeting that Turkey uses the observation posts it has set up in the Arab country’s northwest to level support for terrorists”
These observation posts are not intended for the welfare of Syria, but for supporting terrorists and ultimately dismantling the country. So get rid as soon as possible of those observation posts and remove Turks from Idlib! They have no business there! Their presence in Idlib is guarantee for problems!
1-78) 1st of March 2020: Syrian Army Will Seek to Down Any Aircraft Breaching Airspace - State Media
See also: 1-3-2020: Syrian Air Defence Opens Fire at Turkish Drones Near Hama 1-3-2020: Two Syrian Planes Downed by Turkey Over Idlib, Pilots Safe – Reports
1-79) 2nd of March 2020: Syrian Warplane Downed by Turkish Forces in Idlib - Turkish Defence Ministry
See also: 3-3-2020: Syrian Anti-Aircraft Missile Destroys Target Over Homs - Sputnik Correspondent 3-3-2020: US Intends to Support Turkey's Actions in Syria's Idlib by Supplying Ammunition - Report US intends to support Turkey? Of course, what else? One ardent and stubborn terrorist protector is helping other ardent and stubborn terrorist protector. Nothing new under the sun!
1-80) Protecting terrorists in Idlib.
The terrorist protectors Turkey, US, France, United Kingdom and Israel are committed to protecting the terrorists in Syria, especially in Idlib province. In particular, Turkey takes the leading role as a terrorist protector in Idlib. Under the leadership of Turkey, the terrorists are constantly attacking the Syrian army. The Turkish army is fighting side by side with the terrorists. They also carry out drone attacks on the Syrian army.
The Russian Ministry of Defense stated on 28th of February 2020 that: “….the Turkish troops had been deployed alongside terrorists and that Turkey had failed to notify Moscow of their presence despite being in regular communication with the Russian military.”
To protect the terrorists in Idlib, the Turks have already shot down three very old Syrian fighters.
See also: 19-2-2020: Syrian Air Defence Repels Attack on Jableh City Located on Mediterranean Coast - Reports 19-2-2020: Syrian Air Defence Repels Attack on Jableh City Located on Mediterranean Coast - Reports 19-2-2020: Moscow Says Attacks on Russian, Syrian Troops in Idlib Continue as Erdogan Threatens ‘Imminent’ Op 20-2-2020: Russian Su-24 Planes Strike Pro-Turkish Terrorists, Allowing Syrian Army to Repel Attacks 20-2-2020: Turkey's Support for Militants in Syria May Provoke New Escalation - Moscow 22-2-2020: Watch Syrian Army Repel Militant Attack in Idlib 22-2-2020: Watch Syrian Army Repel Militant Attack in Idlib 26-2-2020: Turkey Targets Syrian Gov’t Positions in Idlib 'in Response' to Killing of Two Troops in Airstrike 27-2-2020: Syrian Air Defences Down Turkish Drone That Targeted Gov’t Positions in Country’s North - MoD 1-3-2020: Two Syrian Planes Downed by Turkey Over Idlib, Pilots Safe – Reports 1-3-2020: Syrian Air Defence Opens Fire at Turkish Drones Near Hama 2-3-2020: Russian War Correspondent Sheds Light on Turkey's Drone Warfare in Idlib 3-3-2020: Syrian Warplane Downed by Turkish Forces in Idlib - Turkish Defence Ministry 3-3-2020: Syrian Anti-Aircraft Missile Destroys Target Over Homs - Sputnik Correspondent
2. Hysterical response of Turkey to the advances of the Syrian Army
One success after another success of the Syrian army has made Turkey very nervous. The Turks go to great lengths to protect their boys in Idlib.
Turkey, as a persistent terrorist protector, has thousands of liters of innocent blood on its hands. As of 2011, there was a Turkish / American command center just across the Turkish border where all crimes against Syria were coordinated. Thousands of bloodthirsty, unscrupulous Islamic terrorists have been recruited, trained, armed and transported to Syria to commit the most horrific and unthinkable crimes, including beheadings, ritual slaughter, trafficking in human organs, use of chemical weapons, church / mosque blasting and more of such awful wickedness. The Turks, Americans, French, British and Israelis have never stopped with their support for these horrific demonic creatures that they created to destroy Syria.
After Russia intervened in 2015, one terrorist stronghold after another one was dismantled. The only remaining stronghold of significance was Idlib, where Turkey is lord and master. The Syrian army and the Russian military base are regularly attacked from Idlib. To put an end to this, the Syrian army launched an offensive to purge Idlib of these terrorists. And this is where the problems started, because both the Turks and other terrorist defenders go to great lengths to protect their boys.
Under the 2018 Sochi agreements between Turkish and Russian Presidents, Turkey would separate the terrorists from the opposition and drive them away. According to the usually well-informed Russians, the Turks have completely ignored the agreements, but rather helped to intensify terrorist activity in Adlib as we have shown in the previous explanation.
As background information, we refer to the following articles: 19-8-2019: Turkey fuming after Syrian airstrike on convoy in Islamist-held Idlib province 28-6-2019: Turkey Moving Special Forces, Military Equipment to Syrian Border - Reports 28-6-2019: Turkish Forces Shell Villages in Syria's Hama Province From Idlib - Reports 19-8-2019: Damascus Claims Turkish Army Convoy Moving Towards Key Syrian Town - Reports 30-8-2019: Turkey Sending Armored Vehicles to Border With Syria Amid Tensions in Idlib – Reports 4-9-2019: Syrian Opposition Suspects Turkey Helped US Strike Terrorist Facilities in Idlib 12-9-2019: Turkey Deploys Military Equipment to Idlib to Reinforce Observation Posts - Reports 27-10-2019: US Coordinated Military Operation in Syria's Idlib With Ankara - Turkish Defence Ministry 2-1-2020: Turkey dispatches new military convoy to Syria's Idlib: SOHR 18-1-2020: Turkey deploys more militants from Syria to Libya to help protect Tripoli-based GNA: Report 27-1-2020: Turkey helping terrorists conduct false-flag chemical attacks in Idlib, Aleppo: Syria 29-1-2020: ‘Milestone’ Syrian Offensive in Idlib Result of Turkish Failures to Meet 2018 Ceasefire Commitments 2-2-2020: Turkey dispatches large military convoy to Syria’s Idlib province: Observatory 4-2-2020: Erdogan Sends Turkish Troops on ‘Mission: Impossible’ in Idlib by Violating Syrian Airspace 4-2-2020: Russia Urges Turkey to Abide by Sochi Agreements on Idlib As Ankara Vows No Escalation with Moscow 4-2-2020: Ankara failed to separate ‘armed opposition’ from terrorists in Syria’s Idlib – Lavrov 6-2-2020: Turkey military convoy enters Idlib to protect terrorists, impede Syrian forces advance: Army 7-2-2020: Turkish forces build military base in Syria’s Idlib as govt. forces advance: Report 7-2-2020: Turkey reinforces outposts in Syria’s Idlib: Report 7-2-2020: Turkey Deploys Special Forces to Observation Posts in Idlib - Reports 8-2-2020: Digging In: Turkey Builds Military Base in Syria's Idlib Province - Reports 9-2-2020: Turkey reinforces troops in Syria's Idlib amid talks with Russia 12-2-2020: Live Updates: Russia Blames Idlib Escalation on Turkey’s Failure to Live Up to Commitments on Syria 12-2-2020: Turkey strikes Syrian Army positions after ‘5 troops killed in shelling’ 13-2-2020: Russia urges Turkey against ‘provocative comments’ on Syria 14-2-2020: Turkey's 'Irresponsible Statements' About Shelling of Syrian Army Escalates Tensions - Russian MoD 15-2-2020: Turkey Sending Military Equipment to Terrorists in Syria - Source 18-2-2020: Turkey beefs up military presence in Syria amid Russia spat 18-2-2020: Turkey Deploys 300 Military Vehicles to Idlib Amid Conflict With Syria - Reports 20-2-2020: Russia urges Turkey to halt support of ‘terrorists’ in Syria’s flashpoint Idlib province 20-2-2020: Turkey's Support for Militants in Syria May Provoke New Escalation - Moscow 21-2-2020: Russia says Turkey sends large amounts of ammo to Syria’s Idlib ahead of large-scale op 25-2-2020: Turkey Reportedly Repositions Tanks Closer to Syrian Border, Plans to Redeploy Them to Idlib 26-2-2020: Turkey Targets Syrian Gov’t Positions in Idlib 'in Response' to Killing of Two Troops in Airstrike 27-2-2020: Turkish military firing at Russian, Syrian military planes in Idlib: Military source 28-2-2020: Turkish soldiers were with ‘terrorist groups’ when they were hit by Syrian military – Russian MoD 28-2-2020: Turkey & Syria on brink of WAR in Idlib: How did it come to this? 1-3-2020: Turkish drone strikes kill over two dozen Syrian soldiers in Idlib: Monitor 3-3-2020: Turkey downs Syrian fighter jet as it intensifies Idlib attacks 4-3-2020: Terrorist fortifications in Idlib have ‘merged’ with Turkish outposts – Russian Defense Ministry 4-3-2020: Turkey failed to honor Idlib deal, allowed outposts to merge with terrorist fortifications: Russia
Russia says that Syria is only fighting terrorists and that Russia will continue supporting the Syrian fight against terrorism despite Trump's call to quit. In addition, Russia takes the position that Syria has the right to fight terrorists in Idlib. Because these terrorists are supported by United States, Turkey and other terrorist defenders, the US proposed to negotiate with the terrorists, which the Russians have categorically rejected.
Below we will chronologically describe Turkey's response to the Syrian military's fight against the terrorists in Idlib and the Turkish military's alliance with these terrorists.
2-1) 19th of August 2019: Turkish Defence Ministry Says Airstrike on Military Convoy in Idlib Kills 3 Civilians - Report
The Turkish Ministry of Defense stated on 19th of August 2019: “Our convoy was targeted by an airstrike during a transfer to Turkey's ninth observatory point in Idlib. Three civilians were killed, and 12 more were injured. We condemn firmly this attack, contradicting agreements, cooperation and dialogue with Russia”
The Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs however stated that “…Turkish armoured vehicles with munitions have violated the Syrian border and have entered the city of Saraqib, they are moving in the direction of Khan Sheikhoun.... ” (also here)
The Syrian army had previously entered Khan Sheikhoun. Khan Sheikhoun was a stronghold of Jabhat Al Nusra terrorists. Furthermore, we read: "…the Syrian army entered Khan Sheikhoun from the northwest, liquidating many of the terrorists in the area and with others fleeing from the city,..”
The question is: Why did the Turkish army want to go to Khan Sheikhoun while the Syrian army was fighting Islamic terrorists? How did those citizens suddenly get between the fires of the Syrian army and the Islamic terrorists?
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on August 20, 2019 that Turkey had been informed that the attacks by the terrorist group Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham would be crushed: “Jointly with our Turkish colleagues, in order to stop regular violations by these terrorists of the cessation of hostilities regime, although it does not extend to them, we have made it clear that if they carry out attacks from this zone, they will be severely suppressed. Throughout this year, these provocations have not stopped"
Furthermore, Lavrov said: "The developing situation has emerged due to the fact that extremists do not cease their attempts to hit from there [Idlib's areas controlled by militants and the opposition] targets located in other territories of the Syrian Arab Republic. Our military certainly maintains constant contact. These days, they are discussing the current situation",
Either it is a staged false flack attack or those civilians have been deliberately placed in the line of fire to discredit the Syrian army.
See also: 19-8-2019: Turkey fuming after Syrian airstrike on convoy in Islamist-held Idlib province 28-8-2019: RT films inside liberated town of Khan Sheikhoun in Syria’s Idlib province (VIDEO) 23-8-2019: Syria declares liberation of Khan Sheikhoun in Idlib, towns in Hama province
2-2) 22nd of August 2019: Turkey to Retain Control Over Morek Observation Post Amid Syrian Army's Offensive-Diplomat “Turkey will maintain its presence at the ninth observation post in the Syrian town of Morek despite the Syrian army regaining control over the city of Khan Sheikhoun, located in the country's northwestern Idlib province, Turkish Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Thursday.”
As explained before, the purpose of the observation posts, under the Sochi 2018 agreement between Russia and Turkey was to separate the terrorist groups from the opposition in the demilitarized zone in Idlib. Now that Khan Sheikhoun has been liberated by the Syrian army, the presence of the observation posts has become superfluous.
Turkey's refusal to dismantle the observation post suggests that they had nothing to do with fighting terrorism from the beginning, but to support terrorists in Idlib against the agreements made in Sochi in 2018.
President Putin stated on 19th of August 2019: “I want to stress that prior to the establishment of the demilitarised zone in Idlib, terrorists controlled 50% of this territory. Now it's 90% and we are seeing ongoing raids coming from it”
2-3) 26th of August 2019: Syrian Gov't Troops in Khan Sheikhoun Do Not Violate Deals With Turkey - Lavrov The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated on August 26, 2019 about the Syrian army fighting in Idlib: “As for what is happening in the Idlib de-escalation zone and, in particular, in the Khan Sheikhoun area and the surrounding area: the Syrian armed forces with our support do not violate any agreements. Let me remind you once again, [Russian] President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly said this”
In other words, it is the Syrian military's right to fight terrorists and expel them out of the country. The Syrian army does nothing wrong despite Turkey's complaint. Turkey's presence in Idlib should be ended immediately. The longer they stay in Idlib, the more problems will be created.
2-4) 30th of August 2019: Turkey Sending Armored Vehicles to Border With Syria Amid Tensions in Idlib – Reports "Turkey continues to send armored vehicles to the Syrian border amid the ongoing tensions in Idlib province in northern Syria…” "A group of tanks and armored infantry vehicles from various units of the Turkish army has reached the Antakya district of the Hatay Province, bordering the Syrian province of Idlib,…” "Last week, the aide of Syrian President Bashar Assad, Bouthaina Shaaban, said that the government troops may eliminate Turkish observation points in the Idlib de-escalation zone to cut off supplies of terror groups that are operating in the area.”
Syria is a sovereign country. Turkey has no business in Syria. Those observation posts are used to support terrorists and should therefore be dismantled immediately.
2-5) 12th of September 2019: Turkey Deploys Military Equipment to Idlib to Reinforce Observation Posts - Reports "Turkey has deployed soldiers, military and construction equipment to the Idlib de-escalation zone to reinforce its observation posts in the area..” "A convoy with military and construction equipment crossed the Syrian border on Thursday morning and headed to the observation posts in Idlib,…” "The fighting has escalated in Idlib over the past several weeks, as the Syrian army has launched an offensive to clear the area from remaining terrorist threat and closed in on the strategic city of Khan Sheikhoun..”
Strengthening the observation posts means supporting terrorists active in Idlib. Turkey and the US are major terrorist protectors. Every time the Syrian army corners the terrorists, their protectors get nervous and take action.
On 2nd of September 2019, the Americans bombed Idlib for no obvious reasons. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs described on 2nd of September 2019 the American attack in Idlib as: "Inconsistent and contradictory steps that the United States makes in Idlib cannot but cause bewilderment and concern. On the one hand, US representatives ... call for halting escalations in Idlib ... On the other hand, they conduct an airstrike, which results in large-scale damage and victims",…
The United States' attack on Idlib was most likely intended to protect the terrorists and had little to do with "the positions of Al-Qaeda leaders in Idlib."
The Americans, the Turks, the French, the Israelis and the British have no interest whatsoever in stability and peace in Syria.
See also: 1-9-2019: Undeclared US airstrike on Syria’s Idlib leaves multiple casualties, puts truce at risk – MoD 22-12-2019: Erdogan says Turkey can’t handle Syrian migrant influx, warns Europe of new refugee wave
2-6) 26th of December 2019: Turkey Works Hard to Prevent 'Carnage' of Innocent Civilians in Syria's Idlib Province - Trump "Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to killing, thousands if innocent civilians in Idlib Province. Don’t do it! Turkey is working hard to stop this carnage”
What an unimaginably false representation of reality! Trump regularly accuses some media outlets of fake news. His claim that "Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to killing, thousands if innocent civilians in Idlib Province. Don’t do it! Turkey is working hard to stop this carnage” is a cardinal example of fake news of how reality is turned upside down 180 degrees.
The US and Turkey are major terrorist defenders in Syria. Their public rhetoric, in which they regularly accuse each other of all kinds of things and express threats back and forth, serves as public deception. In reality, they work side by side to devastate Syria despite their rant! One terrorist protector backs up the other terrorist protector!
2-7) 2nd of January 2020: Turkey dispatches new military convoy to Syria's Idlib: SOHR “Turkey has brought in a new column of military forces and hardware to be deployed in its observation posts in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, only days after Defense Minister Hulusi Akar said the Turkish military will not leave the posts, a Britain-based war monitor says”
The purpose of this is to strengthen the terrorists and stop the advance of the Syrian army.
2-8) 15th of January 2020: Turkey Wants to Negotiate Establishment of Safe Zone in Syria’s Idlib With Russia - Ankara
The Turkish Minister of Defense, Hulusi Akar, stated on January 15, 2020: “Approximately 600,000 refugees from Idlib have already approached our border, we are trying to help them. Idlib residents do not want to go to areas controlled by the government, and we are thinking of talking with Russia about creating a safe zone for them”
Few remarks: 1) Those so-called “600.000 refugees” should be taken with a grain of salt! The allegation that “Idlib residents do not want to go to areas controlled by the government” is nonsense!
Russian army stated on March 3, 2020: “The statements made by representatives of Turkey, European countries, and the United States against Russia and Syria that there are millions of refugees and a humanitarian crisis caused by the exacerbation of the situation in the Idlib area is incorrect”
2) Why would Turkey like to create a safe zone in Idlib? Because a safe zone forbids the Syrian army to fight terrorists in Idlib. In addition, a safe zone would open the door for Turkey to separate Idlib from the rest of Syria. It is a disguised way of protecting terrorists and detaching Idlib from the Syrian government.
Minister Akar says about the 12 observation posts in Idlib: “We respect the agreement reached with Russia and we expect Russia to abide by this agreement….. We will by no means empty those 12 observation posts, we will not leave there”
As long as those observation posts are in Idlib, the terrorists will receive plenty of help from Turkey. For the sovereignty and security of Syria, it is necessary to immediately dismantle those observation posts and drive the Turks away from them. Otherwise it will remain a country under occupation. This also applies to the presence of the Americans, French and British. They are all uninvited in Syria to shed blood, and certainly not for the country's well-being, stability and peace.
See also: 18-1-2020: Turkey deploys more militants from Syria to Libya to help protect Tripoli-based GNA: Report 20-1-2020: Turkish forces accommodate 1,500 militant family members in Syria's Ra’s al-Ayn
2-9) 27th of January 2020: Turkey helping terrorists conduct false-flag chemical attacks in Idlib, Aleppo: Syria
“Syria has written protest letters to the United Nations, informing the world body that “Turkey” is helping terrorists conduct false-flag chemical attacks in northwestern provinces of Idlib and Aleppo in an attempt to implicate Damascus” “In two identical letters to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and the head of the UN Security Council, the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates said on Monday that it has been confirmed that the Turkish government is supporting terrorist groups to fabricate a fake chemical attack south of Aleppo and another one in the northeast of Idlib to frame the Syrian army.” “The Western-backed White Helmets is known to have been actively involved in false flag chemical attacks in the Syrian town of Khan Shaykhun in Idlib in April 2017, and the other in the Damascus suburb town of Douma in April 2018.”
From the beginning, Turkey has exerted every possible effort to devastate Syria, cause chaos, suffering, misery and shed thousand liters of blood. They don't get enough of that. The Turks have around 80,000 (here, here) terrorists in Syria at their disposal to try to achieve their goal in Syria.
2-10) Rhetoric of Turkey
28th of January 2020: Turkey Will Respond If Syrian Army Endangers Idlib Observation Posts – Defence Ministry Turkish Ministry of Defense: “Any attempt to endanger the security of our Observation and Control Points operating within the scope of the Astana and Sochi Accords will be responded to in the strongest manner without any hesitation based on the right of self-defence”
Those observation posts should be dismantled immediately! They serve no purpose except reinforcing terrorists.
31st of January 2020: Erdogan threatens 'to use military force’ as Syrian succeeds in fighting militants in Idlib President Erdogan: “We will not watch the situation in Syria… We will not hesitate to do whatever it takes, including using military force.” “We will do what is necessary when someone is threatening our soil. We will have no choice but to resort to the same path again if the situation in Idlib is not returned to normal quickly.”
This intimidation of Turkey against Syria is meaningless. Syria is an independent country and Turkey cannot dictate it. Those observation posts are completely unnecessary in places liberated by the Syrian army and should therefore be removed as soon as possible. Turkey's presence in Syria is a major attack on Syria's integrity and sovereignty and is of no use for anything except causing troubles and supporting terrorists.
See also: 31-1-2020: Erdogan Threatens New Offensive in Syria - Report 1-2-2020: Turkey may launch Syria offensive if Idlib attacks continue: Erdogan
2-11) 2nd of February 2020: At Least 200 Turkish Military Vehicles Cross Syrian Border - Reports "A large number of vehicles belonging to the Turkish military entered Syria from the Kafrlosin border crossing, Al-Arabiya reported on Sunday. According to the broadcaster, the convoy is heading in the direction of Aleppo and Idlib.”
Those Turkish military vehicles are not meant to support the Syrian army achieving stability in Syria, but to support the Islamic terrorists in Aleppo and Idlib to cause as much chaos, misery and massacres as possible. It all meant to stop the advance of the Syrian army.
See also: 2-2-2020: Turkey dispatches large military convoy to Syria’s Idlib province: Observatory 4-2-2020: Erdogan Sends Turkish Troops on ‘Mission: Impossible’ in Idlib by Violating Syrian Airspace
2-12) 3rd February 2020: Turkey says 6 troops killed in shelling in Syria's Idlib, points finger at Damascus “Ankara has claimed that six Turkish soldiers were killed and several others injured after they came under heavy shelling in the rebel-held province of Idlib, while blaming Syrian Army forces for the attack” "In a statement on Monday, the Turkish Defense Ministry said that its forces came under "intense artillery fire" in the northwest Syrian province. It initially said four troops were killed and nine injured, including one seriously. The death toll was later updated to six.”
The first question is: what were the Turkish soldiers doing in a place used by the Islamic terrorists in Idlib? The Turkish army is well aware that the Syrian army is targeting the places of terrorists to drive them out of there. What are the Turkish soldiers doing in those places? That wasn't the deal in Sochi, was it?
3rd of February 2020: Turkey failed to notify of convoy movements in Syria’s Idlib before getting shelled by Damascus troops – Russian military The Russian Center for Syria reconciliation stated on 3rd of February: “Units of the Turkish military conducted movement within the Idlib de-escalation zone during the nighttime from February 2 to February 3 without informing the Russian side and came under fire by the Syrian government troops, which were targeting terrorists west of Saraqib,…… The statement stressed that there are established lines of communications between Russian forces in Syria and the Turkish command.”
Why did the Turks not inform the Russians about their troop movements? Had they something to hide? Were those soldiers possibly sacrificed to start a war?
4th of February 2020: Russia Urges Turkey to Abide by Sochi Agreements on Idlib As Ankara Vows No Escalation with Moscow Russian Foreign Minister Sergy Lavrov stated: "We are receiving information about the deployment of Turkish troops in the Idlib zone, about the beginning of their clashes with units of the Syrian army. Our military is monitoring this situation. According to our information, which has already been reported by the General Staff, the Turkish military advanced to certain sites inside the Idlib de-escalation zone, without warning us about these movements, and, therefore, we could not inform the Syrian army about this. The attacks were conducted (by the Syrian army) and the Turkish side has threatened to retaliate. This is all very sad,"
When there are special lines of communication between the Turkish army and the Russian army in Syria, why were these lines of communication not used to inform the Russians of the movements of the Turkish troops? There are strict agreements and procedures for this. Why were they not followed? Again the question: Maybe those 6 soldiers were sacrificed to start a war?
4th of February 2020: Ankara failed to separate ‘armed opposition’ from terrorists in Syria’s Idlib – Lavrov
If Turkey had fulfilled the agreements made in Sochi in 2018, these Turkish soldiers probably would still be alive.
Minister Sergy Lavrov says: "First of all, it's the obligation to separate the armed opposition, that is cooperating with the Turks and is ready to engage into a political dialogue with the [Syrian] government, from the terrorists of the Jabhat Al-Nusra group, that morphed into the Hayyat Tahrir-Al-Sham group,"
According to Lavrov, the Turks have failed to fulfill their obligation, which is to separate the opposition from the Islamic terrorist group Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham. Furthermore, “Sergey Lavrov urged Turkey to stick to existing agreements and fulfill its obligations on the Idlib de-escalation zone in Syria, which has seen intense fighting between government troops and militants in recent days”
See also: 4-2-2020: Turkish Foreign Ministry Says Working With Moscow to Decrease Tensions in Syria's Idlib 4-2-2020: Erdogan, Putin Discuss Recent Attack on Turkish Military in Syria's Idlib Over Phone
2-13) Turkey threatens Syria
3rd of February 2020: 'They will understand their mistake': Erdogan vows to continue military ops in Idlib after 6 Turkish soldiers killed “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan promised to continue retaliating heavily to any attacks against Turkish forces in Syria's Idlib Province, after six Turkish soldiers were killed.” "We have responded in kind to these attacks and will continue to do so, whether it is with our artillery or mortars," "Those who question our determination will soon understand they made a mistake,"
3rd of February 2020: We will not hesitate to take actions against any threat: Turkey to Syria “Turkey says it will not hesitate to act against Syrian forces pressing ahead with a counterterrorism offensive to liberate the last major terrorist-held territory in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib.” "The Assad regime's attack on our forces is the latest example of its cowardly actions in northern Syria," "If Russia is unable to control the Assad regime from targeting us, we will not hesitate to take actions against any threat, just as we did today in Idlib."
4th of February 2020: Turkey vows to retaliate any attack on forces in Syria “Turkish president says the country is determined to retaliate any attacks against its forces in Syria and warned Russia not to stand in the way. Erdogan urged Russia to 'assume its obligations' in Syria's Idlib.”
All these things would have been superfluous if Turkey had kept to the agreements made with the Russians. Turkey is the violator of the agreements, sovereignty of Syria and the aggressor. Those 6 Turkish soldiers were totally unnecessarily sacrificed.
2-14) Huge crocodile tears of United States.
4th of February 2020: US Supports Turkey 'Self-Defence' Actions in Syria’s Idlib - Pompeo
US minister of Foreign Affairs, Mike Pompeo stated: “We stand by our NATO Ally Turkey in the aftermath of the attack, which resulted in the death of multiple Turkish personnel serving at an observation post used for coordination and de-escalation, and fully support Turkey’s justified self-defence actions in response",
This is completely false, hypocritical and outright upside down, 180 degrees turned. The Americans and Turks are responsible for shedding thousands liters of blood in Syria and have completely destroyed the country, and they are also two major terrorist defenders in Syria. The Americans will seize every opportunity to build a thick wall of hatred between Russia and Turkey, it is their hobby.
See also: 3-9-2019: US Does Not Want Idlib Conflict to Go According to Russian Scenario - Retired Lebanese General
2-15) New threats
5th of February 2020: Withdraw behind observation points, or Turkey will do what is necessary – Erdogan to Syrian troops “Damascus must withdraw its troops from Turkey’s positions in Idlib or face retaliation, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, following a deadly clash between the two nations’ forces in the jihadist-riddled area” “Things can’t continue to go the way they did on Monday, the Turkish president told a party session, referring to clashes between Turkish and Syrian troops in the northwestern Syrian governorate earlier in the week”
6th of February 2020: Turkey warns Syria against breaching agreements "Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has given Syria an ultimatum to pull its forces back from its military posts in the country’s last militant enclave following unprecedented clashes between the two sides’ forces. He said two of Turkey's 12 observation posts in Idlib, set up under a 2018 agreement with Russia, were now "behind the regime's lines". The Turkish president warned that if the if the withdrawal does not take place by end of February Ankara will then have to take actions.”
Turkey acts like it owns Syria. Turkey is not owner of Syria. The fact that two of the observation posts are behind the lines of the Syrian army means that they have become obsolete and should be immediately dismantled. Turkey has not made any contribution to stability and peace in Syria. Turkey only creates unnecessary problems and misery for Syria. And thanks to Turkey, the United States and other terrorist defenders, the misery in Syria continues unabated. Therefore, these countries should immediately be kicked out of Syria. That is the only option for stability in Syria.
See also: 6-12-2020: Turkey expects Russia to stop Damascus military operations in Idlib – FM Cavusoglu 6-2-2020: Ankara Expects Russian Military Officials to Visit Turkey for Discussing Syria’s Idlib
2-16) Military build up.
6th of February 2020: Turkey military convoy enters Idlib to protect terrorists, impede Syrian forces advance: Army “The Syrian army says a Turkish military convoy has passed into Syria to protect foreign-sponsored Takfiri terrorists and impede army advances in the country’s northwestern province of Idlib simultaneously with the recent Israeli air aggression against the Arab country.”
7th of February 2020: Turkey Deploys Special Forces to Observation Posts in Idlib - Reports “A convoy of 150 trucks with special forces, military equipment and ammunition reached the Syrian border of the southern Turkish province of Hatay, from where it will proceed to Syria”
7th of February 2020: Turkish forces build military base in Syria’s Idlib as govt. forces advance: Report “Turkish military forces have reportedly constructed a base in Syria’s embattled northwestern province of Idlib, and a Turkish army convoy consisting of dozens of military vehicles, troop carriers, tanks and soldiers has arrived at the installation.”
7th of February 2020: Turkey reinforces outposts in Syria’s Idlib: Report “Turkey has sent nearly 150 vehicles with commandos and ammunition to bolster its observation outposts in Idlib, where an intensified offensive is underway by the Syrian army forces against foreign-backed militant outfits”
8th of February 2020: Digging In: Turkey Builds Military Base in Syria's Idlib Province - Reports “Turkish forces have reportedly built a base in Syria’s Idlib province with an army convoy that has arrived at the installation.”
All of these activities by Turkey will not lead to peace, unity and stability in Syria. These activities strengthen terrorists to stop the advance of the Syrian army and to prolong suffering, and misery in Syria. As long as Turkey, America, France and the United Kingdom are in Syria, the unprecedented suffering and misery will continue. These countries, all of them protect terrorists, should be forcefully expelled from Syria. Their presence in Syria is tantamount to massacres, desperation, chaos, suffering and misery.
2-17) 10th of February 2020: Turkey says 5 soldiers killed as Syrian army advances in Idlib “Five Turkish soldiers have been killed in an attack by advancing Syrian government forces against a Turkish military post in northwest Syria, Turkey’s Defense Ministry says.”
12th of February 2020: Turkey strikes Syrian Army positions after ‘5 troops killed in shelling’ "Five Turkish troops were killed in the shelling of an observation post in Syria’s Idlib province, Ankara has said, blaming Damascus for the attack. Turkish forces then fired on Syrian Army positions.”
Is this yet another fake news to stop the advancing Syrian army or have these 5 Turkish soldiers really been killed? All these problems could have been avoided if Turkey were fulfilling its obligation in the framework of Sochi 2018.
See also:
2-18) 10th of February 2020: Turkish MoD Claims Its Observation Post in Idlib Attacked by Syrian Gov't Forces “Turkey retaliated against the attack to destroy all enemy targets and avenging our fallen troops. The war criminal, who ordered today’s heinous attack, targeted the entire international community, not just Turkey. The Turkish Armed Forces, who tirelessly serve the cause of peace and stability around the world, will continue to crush anyone who dares to target our flag, to reassure our friends, and to strike fear into the hearts of our enemies”
The claim of the attack on the observation posts may be fake news to justify military activity in Idlib. Those observation posts are not in the interest of Syria's unity and stability and should be dismantled immediately. Turkey is the aggressor, terrorist protector and violator of Syria's sovereignty.
11th of February 2020: Turkish military presence on Syrian soil aimed at saving terrorists: Damascus Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: “The Turkish regime continues its aggression against the sovereignty and integrity of Syrian lands through further deployment of forces to Idlib and its countryside as well as Aleppo countryside, targeting populated areas and some military points in a bid to save its proxies from terror outfits who have been defeated in the wake of Syrian army advances,”
The faster the Turks leave Idlib, the faster it will calm down in Idlib.
2-19) Intimidations/ threats 11th of February 2020: Erdogan Claims Damascus to Pay 'Heavy Price' for Attacks as Syrian Helicopter Downed in Idlib President Erdogan: "Yesterday, the Syrian government received a mighty response. We'll continue doing that. They will pay a heavy price. I will tell about Turkey's further steps during a parliamentary group session tomorrow."
12th of February 2020: Turkey threatens to hit Syrian forces ‘everywhere’ if troops hurt President Erdogan: “If there is the smallest injury to our soldiers on the observation posts or other places, I am declaring from here that we will hit the regime forces everywhere from today, regardless of Idlib’s borders or the lines of the Sochi agreement,…..We will do this by any means necessary, by air or ground, without hesitating, without allowing for any stalling.”
12th of February 2020: Ankara is Determined to Push Syrian Army Beyond Turkish Observation Posts in Idlib - Ergodan “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed that his country will do whatever is necessary, including ground and air means in order to push the Syrian Arab Army beyond Turkish observation posts in Idlib by the end of the month.” “He also stated that at least 14 Turkish troops had been killed by Syria, adding that the Turkish-backed rebels in Idlib are now mobilised against Damascus. In addition, Erdogan accused Syria and Russia of attacks against civilians in Idlib, threatening to attack Syrian forces outside of Idlib Province in the event of an offensive.”
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded, saying: "We have repeatedly and decisively stated that neither Russia nor the Syrian armed forces conduct attacks on civilians. All the attacks are targeted exclusively against the terror bands, the people who carry weapons and engage in the fight against the legal government"
12th of February 2020: Erdogan vows to strike Syrian army ‘everywhere’ if Turkish soldiers attacked, while also talking Idlib de-escalation with Putin President Erdogan: “I announce that we will strike the [Syrian] regime forces everywhere starting from today, without being bound to Idlib and by the Sochi Memorandum, if our soldiers at the lookout posts or elsewhere suffer any harm”
15th of February 2020: Turkey warns it will take action over Idlib flare-up if diplomacy fails "Ankara seeks a diplomatic resolution to an uptick in fighting in Idlib, Syria, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has said, but it is prepared to take other steps if talks with Russia fall through”
15th of February 2020: Erdogan Demands Syrian Forces Immediately Leave Idlib, Refuses to Wait Until End of Month "Until the regime’s [Syrian government] forces pull out beyond the borders [of the Idlib de-escalation zone] outlined in the Sochi agreement, the problem will not be solved. If they do not leave, we will do this work without waiting until the end of February," Erdogan said in a speech in Istanbul, broadcast by the NTV channel.
15th of February 2020: Turkey Vows to Drive Syrian Army Out of Idlib Unless It Leaves Province by End of February Turkish Vice President Fuat Oktay: “Some of our [military] observation posts have now fallen into areas controlled by the [Syrian] regime”, “The [Bashar Assad] regime must know this: if attacks on our military continue, Turkey will know no bounds [in its retaliation]. This message was clearly conveyed to Russia”,
All those threats from Turkey to take action against the Syrian army are baseless. They are illegal in Idlib, they are occupiers in Idlib and they protect terrorists. Turkey's activities are against international law. The observation posts should be immediately removed as soon as possible.
13th of February 2020: Russia urges Turkey against ‘provocative comments’ on Syria The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the threats of Turkey saying: “We consider it unacceptable to use the tragic events to ‘score points’ in the domestic political debate,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday, adding that Turkish lawmakers ought to “refrain from provocative comments, which by no means contribute to a constructive dialogue between our countries on the issue of a Syrian settlement.” “It should be emphasized that all de-escalation zones in Syria were created as a temporary measure, which should in no way infringe on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, nor or impede the fight against terrorists recognized as such by the UN Security Council,”
The Russian Ministry of Defense explained on 15th of February 2020 the reason for the problems in Idlib: “The real reason of the crisis in Idlib de-escalation zone is, unfortunately, the failure of our Turkish colleagues to adhere to their commitments on separating moderate opposition fighters from terrorists of Jabhat al-Nusra* and Hurras ad-Din [linked to al-Qaeda*]”,
17th of February 2020: Russia will support Syria's fight against terrorism in Idlib despite Trump's calls to stop it – Kremlin "Moscow has vowed to continue its fight against terrorism in Syria's Idlib province alongside Damascus, even though this doesn't fit with Washington's vision for resolving the crisis.” "Both the Russian Armed Forces and the country's advisers will "support the Syrian Arab Republic armed forces in their fight against terrorism," Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said in a briefing on February 17.
See also: 11-2-2020: Live Updates: Turkey Vows More Action Against Damascus After Syrian Helicopter Downed Over Idlib 12-2-2020: Erdogan Does Not Rule Out Discussing Situation in Syria's Idlib With Trump 13-2-2020: What is Erdogan's Turkey seeking in Arab countries?
2-20) More Turkish troops to Idlib
13th February 2020: Turkey Deploys Special Forces to Syria's Idlib - Reports “Turkey has deployed special forces commandos to Idlib, Syria, Anadolu Agency has reported.” “According to the news agency's sources, armoured transports containing special forces troops were sent to Idlib through Reyhanli, a city near the border with Syria in Turkey's Hatay province.”
15th of February 2020: Turkey Sending Military Equipment to Terrorists in Syria - Source “Nusra Front terrorists shot down two Syrian Army helicopters in Syria this week, with the escalation coming amid raging tensions between Damascus and Ankara, which escalated into a shooting war this week after Syrian artillery struck a Turkish observation post in the rebel province on Monday.” “Much of the Turkish military equipment being sent into Syria finds its way into the hands of Jabhat al-Nusra* immediately after crossing the border, a military-diplomatic source told Sputnik on Saturday.” “The source also indicated that US-made MANPAD air defence systems being used by terrorists in Idlib were sourced from Turkish military stocks. “The US MANPADS which were in service with the Turkish armed forces, which the militants did not have access to before, fell into the hands of the terrorists thanks to Turkish deliveries,”
18th of February 2020: Turkey Deploys 300 Military Vehicles to Idlib Amid Conflict With Syria - Reports "The Turkish Army has sent around 300 military vehicles to its observation points in the Syrian province of Idlib, Haberturk reported. According to the broadcaster, the military trucks, armoured vehicles, and self-propelled guns are heading to the de-escalation zone.”
18th of February 2020: Turkey beefs up military presence in Syria amid Russia spat “Turkey significantly beefs up its military presence in northwestern Syria amid continued disagreement with Russia over Damascus’ counterterrorism operations in the area”
All these preparations were meant for a war against Syria so that Turkey could annex Idlib. It did not go as Turkey had hoped. NATO refused military operation in Idlib, and Russia stood firm.
2-21) Fake news by Turkish Ministry of Defense 14th of February 2020: Turkey's 'Irresponsible Statements' About Shelling of Syrian Army Escalates Tensions - Russian MoD "The [Russian] Center for the Reconcilliation of the warring parties draws attention to the responsibility of officials from the Turkish ministry of defence for providing false information to the country's leadership in the Idlib de-escalation zone," the MoD-affiliated Center said in a statement Friday. "Such irresponsible statements only contribute to the escalation of the situation and to the taking of hasty decisions which do not meet the mutual interests of Russia and Turkey," the Centre warned. "Such statements about the 'shelling' of Syrian government forces by units of the Turkish Armed Forces, and moreover, about the deaths of Syrian troops as a result, are untrue," the Centre stressed.
See also: 10-2-2020: Turkish Army Destroys 101 Targets in Syria in Response to Attack on Its Servicemen in Idlib - MoD 14-2-2020: Live Updates: Russian MoD Denies Turkish Claims of Syrian Troop Deaths Amid Idlib Escalation 11-2-2020: Turkish Ministry of Defence Claims 51 Targets of Syrian Gov't Forces Hit in Idlib 13-2-2020: Turkish Defence Ministry Says Another 55 Syrian Servicemen 'Neutralized' in Idlib
2-22) Turkey threatens to invade Syria, Russia warns.
19th of February 2020: Turkey’s Erdogan threatens ‘imminent’ Syria operation, sparks Russian warning “Like our previous operations, we say our operation may happen suddenly one night,” Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, referring to three cross-border incursions his country has so far waged in northern Syria. “The talks will continue, but it is true that we are far from meeting our demands at the table,” Erdogan said. “Turkey has made every preparation to carry out its own operational plans. I say that we can come at any point. In other words, the Idlib offensive is only a matter of time.” “An operation in Idlib is imminent. We are counting down, we are making our final warnings,” he added.
19th of February 2020: Turkish military op in Idlib only 'matter of time’, Erdogan warns Damascus “As with all [previous] operations, we say ‘we could suddenly come one night.’ In other words, an Idlib operation is a matter of time,” Erdogan said, referring to incursions into Syria conducted in 2016, 2018 and last year. Ankara will not “leave Idlib to the Assad regime and its backers,” Erdogan vowed, referring to the Syrian government and, apparently, to Russia and Iran. Speaking to lawmakers on Wednesday, he said his words were “a final warning.” "We are determined at all costs to turn Idlib into a safe haven for the sake of Turkey and the people of the region," he said.
Russia, however, warned Turkey to refrain from such military action in Idlib. 19th of February 2020: ‘Worst case scenario’: Kremlin slams Turkey's threat of military operation against Syrian government in Idlib "Turkey’s President Erdogan said on Wednesday Ankara was prepared to launch a military incursion into Idlib to force the Syrian army out. Russia’s reaction to such a development would depend on what goals the Turkish troops decide to pursue,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said “If it will be an operation against terrorist forces in Idlib, that would certainly be within the spirit” of Russia’s agreements with Turkey, he said. “But if it is about an operation against legitimate Syrian armed forces, that would certainly be the worst case scenario”
In addition, Russia also urged Turkey to stop supporting terrorists in Idlib.
20th of February 2020: Russia urges Turkey to halt support of ‘terrorists’ in Syria’s flashpoint Idlib province “Russia has called on Turkey to stop “supporting terrorists” in northern Syria, as Russian warplanes conducted airstrikes against targets of Turkey-backed militants and Syrian army troops repelled an attack by terror outfits in flashpoint Idlib province.” “We urge the Turkish side, in order to avoid incidents, to cease support of the actions of terrorists and handing them arms,” said a statement by the Russian Defense Ministry on Thursday, blaming Ankara for aiding terrorists by firing artillery as they carried out an attack.
See also: 19-2-2020: Video: Erdogan threatens Syria with ‘imminent’ operation 19-2-2020: Assad's media adviser: We will liberate ALL of Syria from terrorists and occupiers! (E846) 20-2-2020: Turkish-backed militant attack in Idlib was doomed to fail – why launch it?
2-23) Weapons to Idlib
21st of February 2020: Russia says Turkey sends large amounts of ammo to Syria’s Idlib ahead of large-scale op “Russia says Turkey has sent large amounts of ammunition and armored vehicles into Syria’s Idlib province, apparently in preparation for its anticipated large-scale operation in the Arab country”
25th of February 2020: Turkey Reportedly Repositions Tanks Closer to Syrian Border, Plans to Redeploy Them to Idlib "Ankara reported sustaining casualties in Idlib blaming them on alleged fire from the positions of the Syrian army, which repelled several attacks by local militants in recent weeks” "Turkish Demirören News Agency has reported that tanks have been redeployed from across Turkey towards the Hatay province located near the country's border with Syria. The tanks will reportedly later be transferred to the Turkish monitoring outposts in Syrian Idlib province, which, as Ankara claims, came under fire from the Syrian military in recent weeks.”
The Russian Foreign Ministry stated: "We see the reasons for the current deterioration in Turkey's chronic failure to fulfil its commitments under the Sochi memorandum and the transfer by Ankara of Turkey-controlled units of the so-called moderate armed opposition to northeastern Syria into the zone of Operation Peace Spring and to Libya…"
The only solution is that Turkey as soon as possible leaves Syria. They have no business there. Turkey's presence in Syria is the source of all problems.
2-24) Observation posts
21st of February 2020: Turkey won’t abandon observation points in Syria “Turkey said that it will not leave observation points in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province despite recent events asserting that it will target any entity that threatens Turkish soldiers and positions there”
21st of February 2020: Erdogan says Turkey will not withdraw from Syria’s Idlib until attacks by Damascus stop “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan vowed not to remove Turkish troops from Syria’s Idlib region and said that his upcoming phone call with Russian leader Vladimir Putin will help Ankara determine its policies.” “Unless the regime [in Damascus] stops its attacks in Idlib, it is not possible for us to withdraw.”
26th of February 2020: ‘We’re the hosts there’: Erdogan says Turkey won’t pull back from Syria’s sovereign territory, gives Assad ultimatum to retreat “The Turkish leader has ruled out withdrawal from Idlib, where his forces are backing militants fighting the Syrian Army. He also gave Damascus an ultimatum to retreat beyond Turkey’s observation posts placed on Syrian soil.” “We will not step back in Idlib. We are not the guests in this realm, we are the hosts,”
26th of February 2020: Erdogan Vows Turkey Will Not Take Step Back in Syria's Idlib “Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan stated the time Ankara has given Damascus to pull its troops away from Turkish observation posts in Syria’s Idlib is coming to an end, adding that Turkey will not take the "smallest step back" in the province. Instead Erdogan vowed that Ankara's forces will push the Syrian Army beyond the perimeter of those posts by the end of February.” "We would like to remind those who try to corner Turkey by forcing their own agenda onto it, that we are not guests in this region, but its masters", Erdogan said.
Turkey is uninvited in Idlib and supports terrorists. Turkey is violating Syria's territorial integrity and is violating international law. The Turks should be forcefully expelled from Syria. They have no business there. What Syria is doing with Russia is fighting terrorism, while Turkey, the US, France and the United Kingdom support and protect terrorism.
See also: 27-2-2020: Turkey 'Will Do What is Necessary' if Syrians Don't Retreat to Designated Lines in Idlib - Official
2-25) Shooting back and forth
22nd of February 2020: Turkey says its soldier was killed in Idlib as tensions between Ankara & Damascus boil over “A Turkish soldier has been killed in the Syrian northwestern Idlib province in an airstrike by the Syrian Army, Turkish local authorities have said amid the ongoing crisis between Ankara and Damascus in the region” “A soldier identified as Mecit Demir has been killed in a bombing in Idlib, the governor’s office of the southern Turkish Gaziantep province said in a Twitter post.”
24th of February 2020: Several Turkish forces killed in Syrian-Russian strikes in Idlib: SOHR “At least 10 Turkish army soldiers have reportedly been killed or injured following joint airstrikes launched by the Syrian and Russian air forces in Syria's embattled northwestern province of Idlib”
27th of February 2020: Turkey says 2 soldiers killed in Syrian airstrike in Idlib “Turkey says two of its army soldiers have been killed in an airstrike launched by the Syrian army in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, the last militant bastion in a nine-year war.”
Turkey claims its soldiers are killed by the Syrian army. What are Turkish soldiers doing on places that are occupied by the terrorists from which they attack the Syrian army? Syrian army is fighting the terrorists in Idlib.
The answer is given by de Russian Ministry of Defense, namely that the terrorists in Idlib have merged with the Turkish observation posts. 4th of March 2020: Terrorist fortifications in Idlib have ‘merged’ with Turkish outposts – Russian Defense Ministry “The fortified areas of the terrorists have merged with the Turkish observation posts deployed under the 2018 Sochi agreement,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said early on Wednesday. “Attacks and mass artillery fire on neighboring civilian settlements and the Russian airbase at Khmeimim turned from sporadic to daily” “Despite repeated attacks on civilians and clear links to known terrorist groups, Western media have transformed Idlib’s armed factions into so-called 'moderates,' the spokesman said.”
In other words, Turkey sacrifices its own soldiers to provoke a war with Syria. Turkey is responsible for the deaths of these soldiers. These soldiers were used by Turkey to attack the Syrian army.
25th of February 2020: Turkish shelling kills nine Syrian forces in Idlib: Monitor “A Turkish shelling has reportedly killed nine Syrian forces in the northwestern Idlib province, where the Syrian army is fighting Ankara-backed militants to retake the last stronghold of terrorists, a London-based monitoring group said.”
27th of February 2020: Syrian troops repel all militant attacks on strategic Saraqib city in Idlib – military “Militants’ attacks against the city of Saraqib have been successfully repelled by Syrian government troops. The city is fully controlled by the Syrian government,” "Syrian troops liberated Kafr Weid, a city in the south of the Idlib governorate, and regained control over another 15 settlements in its outskirts over the past day, according to the military.”
27th of February 2020: Syrian Air Defences Down Turkish Drone That Targeted Gov’t Positions in Country’s North - MoD "In violation of the Sochi accords, the Turkish side continues to support the actions of illegal armed groups in the Idlib de-escalation zone by artillery fire and the use of reconnaissance and strike drones in attacks on the units of the Syrian armed forces,”
27th of February 2020: Turkish military firing at Russian, Syrian military planes in Idlib: Military source “Turkish military forces are using shoulder-fired missiles to shoot down Russian and Syrian military aircraft in Syria’s embattled northwestern province of Idlib as heavy fighting continues in the area, a military source says” “Syrian and Russian planes are stopping militants again and again. But the sky above Idlib is also dangerous. The militants and Turkish specialists are actively using portable air defense systems,”
See also: 4-3-2020: Terrorist fortifications in Idlib have ‘merged’ with Turkish outposts – Russian Defense Ministry 4-3-2020: Turkey failed to honor Idlib deal, allowed outposts to merge with terrorist fortifications: Russia 28-2-2020: Turkish soldiers were with ‘terrorist groups’ when they were hit by Syrian military – Russian MoD 28-2-2020: Russia says Turkish troops killed among terrorists, warns against op 13-2-2020: What is Erdogan's Turkey seeking in Arab countries?
2-26) 33 or 34 Turkish soldiers killed, NATO refuses to start war in Syria.
27th of February 2020: 33 Turkish soldiers confirmed killed in Idlib airstrike as Erdogan chairs emergency meeting on Syria “At least 33 Turkish servicemen have been killed in an airstrike in Syria’s Idlib province, while an unspecified number of soldiers were injured. Turkish officials attributed the strike to the Syrian military.” “In Idlib, Turkey’s armed forces were targeted by the regime elements in an airstrike,” Hatay province Governor Rahmi Dogan told the media late on Thursday.
27th of February 2020: 34 Turkish troops killed in Syria's Idlib as govt. forces continue gains “Dozens of Turkish soldiers have reportedly been killed in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib as Syrian government forces, backed by allied fighters from popular defense groups, continue to score territorial gains in battles against foreign-sponsored Takfiri militants in their last major bastion in the country”
Turkey is accusing Syria for de killing of the soldiers. According to the American radio presenter and former FBI employee Hal Turner, the soldiers were not killed by Syria, but by Russia. According to Turner it went as follows: “The attack by Russia late Thursday, killed 33 Turkish troops and injured dozens more. The Russian attack came after Turkish troops began intentionally targeting Syrian Arab Army troops outside of Idlib, Syria, and escalated when those same Turkish army troops began firing MANPAD shoulder-carried anti-aircraft missiles at Russian fighter jets. The Russians protected themselves by ferociously smashing Turk troops and equipment.”
“In response to the Russian attack, Turkey began firing short range ballistic missiles at the Russian military base in Latakia, Syria. Those missiles were intercepted and destroyed by Russian air defenses.”
“Turkey then opened its borders with Europe, and told the four to five million Syrian refugees inside Turkey they had 72 hours to leave. Tens-of-thousands packed up and headed toward the borders of Europe.”
“This prompted Greece and Bulgaria to deploy thousands of troops to their borders, to prevent the onslaught of millions of refugees swarming-in to their countries.”
“Turkey then tried to invoke Article 4 of the NATO Treaty, asking NATO for help because the attack upon its troops in Syria (somehow) "jeopardizes Turkey's sovereignty and rights."
“NATO convened a high level meeting on Friday, to discuss the Turkish request, but that meeting ended badly for Turkey -- and for NATO.”
“Greek Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias ordered their Permanent Representation to the Alliance to VETO Turkey's request for a Joint Statement opposing the attacks and showing support for Turkey.”
“Heavy discussions then turned to heated arguments.”
“Greece wanted the joint statement to also include mention of respect for the borders of other countries, but Turkey did not want that included.”
“The Greek demand met with strong resistance from a number of countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, but also the United States and France. It is recalled that Turkey had requested, through Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu, the activation of the political consultation process provided for in Article 4 of the NATO Treaty.”
If Mr. Turner's story is correct, it would mean that Turkey was deliberately going to war to occupy part of Syria. It turned out completely different for Turkey than they would have liked. Those 33 or 34 soldiers who were killed, were sacrificed by the Turkish government because of the dangerous adventures in Syria.
According to Russia, the Russian Air Force carried out no attacks at the time of the deaths of the Turkish soldiers.
According to Turkey, the attack on Turkish soldiers was also an attack on NATO.
28th of February 2020: Idlib attack that killed Turkish soldiers was ‘also against NATO’, consultations to start tomorrow – Erdogan’s party spokesman “We call on NATO to [start] consultations. This is not [an attack] on Turkey only, it is an attack on the international community. A common reaction is needed. The attack was also against NATO,” AKP spokesman Omer Celik told Turkish media on Thursday.
Turkey then attempted to get NATO involved, but there was no willingness on the part of NATO to start a war in Syria.
See also: 28-2-2020: Even NATO is unwilling to touch Turkey’s Idlib mess with a ten-foot pole 28-2-2020: NATO offers Turkey condolences & solidarity, but no additional military aid amid Idlib crisis 28-2-2020: Article 5 or ‘Oh my gosh’? What will US do after Turkish troops die in Syrian strike 28-2-2020: ‘No Leg to Stand On’: Turkey’s Occupation of Syria’s Idlib Not Defensive, NATO Won’t Respond 29-2-2020: Greece Reportedly Vetoes NATO Statement on Support for Turkey Amid Syria Escalation
The Russian Ministry of Defense stated on 28th of February 2020 (here, here) that the Turkish soldiers were with the terrorists at the time of the attack.
28th of February 2020: Turkish soldiers were with ‘terrorist groups’ when they were hit by Syrian military – Russian MoD “The airstrike was carried out when the Syrian Army was repelling a large-scale offensive by terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), an offshoot of Al-Qaeda in Syria, inside the Idlib ‘de-escalation zone,’ the Russian military said on Friday.” “Turkish servicemen inside the combat units of terrorist groups came under fire from the Syrian military on February 27 near the town of Behun.”
28th of February 2020: Russia says Turkish troops killed among terrorists, warns against op
28th of February 2020: Big war in Idlib will have grim consequences for everyone, including Turkey – Russian senator
Russian Senator Vladimir Dzhabarov stated on 28th of February 2020 that a war in Syria will have a major impact on everyone, including Turkey.
He said: “Turkey is not acting on its soil, but on the soil of another nation. So its hope that NATO would come to its defense seems groundless,” “If the Turks bet on military force, that would be a really bad idea since winning such a war would be difficult, …... Syria is not alone; it has allies in the Arab world, which will support it.”
There are agreements between Russian and Turkish army. However, according to Russia, Turkey does not comply with these agreements: "Russia blamed the deaths of the Turkish troops on Ankara, saying it failed to warn Moscow that their soldiers were in the location of the airstrike and allowed them to mingle with ‘terrorist forces’ currently fighting against the Syrian government army.”
28th of February 2020: Syria has every right to fight terrorists in Idlib and Russia can’t interfere – Moscow
Russia made perfectly clear that Syria has every right to fight terrorists in Idlib. "Ankara lost 33 soldiers in the northwestern Syrian province after they were targeted by a Syrian airstrike. Commenting on the tragedy on Friday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the deaths were undoubtedly a tragedy, for which Moscow expresses its condolences. However, Ankara shares part of the blame for what happened, both because it failed to notify Russia about the location of its troops and because it fell short when it came to de-escalating violence in Idlib.” “[Russia] cannot prohibit the Syrian Army from executing the demands written in the UNSC resolutions, which call for an uncompromising fight against terrorism in all its forms.”
On the Sochi-2018 agreements, Lavrov says: “The plan, which Russia and Turkey agreed upon, was “to separate the normal opposition forces from the terrorists, to demilitarize the inner belt in the zone to prevent attacks coming from it against the Syrian forces and the Russian [Air Base Khmeimim], to ensure free road travel through this zone.” The goals have not been achieved in more than a year, and with attacks from Idlib continuing “the Syria Army certainly has [the] full right to retaliate and suppress the terrorists,” Lavrov said, adding that the requirement to defeat jihadist forces in Syria has been backed by the UN Security Council
According to the Turkish Ministry of Defense, a Turkish soldier was killed again (here, here) on 28th of February 2020.
28th of February 2020: One more Turkish soldier killed in Idlib shelling, Turkish forces ‘retaliate’ – Ankara 28th of February 2020: Live Updates: Turkish Defence Ministry Claims One Soldier Killed, Two Injured in Syrian Attack “Shelling by Syrian government forces has killed one Turkish soldier and injured two more in Syria’s Idlib province, the Defense Ministry in Ankara said. Turkey is retaliating, as two countries remain on the brink of open war.” “The airstrike that killed the Turkish troops happened while the Syrian Army was repelling a large-scale offensive by the terrorist group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), near the town of Behun. Turkish servicemen were intermingled with the terrorists, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Friday.” “Syrian troops have advanced on the militants over the past several weeks, clashing with Turkish troops on numerous occasions.”
28th of February 2020: ‘We fought Russia 16 times and will fight it again,’ warns Erdogan’s adviser amid Idlib escalation President Erdogan: “We have fought Russia 16 times in the past, and we will fight it again”
28th of February 2020: Turkish VP says Damascus to pay ‘heavy price’ for ‘treacherous’ attack after at least 33 Turkish troops killed in Idlib airstrike “Turkey's vice president has vowed revenge on Syrian forces after 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in an airstrike in the rebel-held Idlib province. Ankara previously said it had launched air and artillery strikes in retaliation.” “Oktay minced no words, referring to the Syrian leader as “the head of a terror state” who “would go down in history as a war criminal” in a written statement reported by Turkey’s Anadolu News Agency, adding that Damascus would “pay [a] heavy price” for what he called a “treacherous attack on Turkish troops.”
After back and forth altercation, Russia and Turkey declared that they would work on de-escalation in Idlib. 29th of February 2020: Russia, Turkey reaffirm commitment to deescalate Idlib hostilities – Moscow “Russian and Turkish diplomats, who held consultations in Ankara on the unfolding crisis in Syria’s Idlib province, have reaffirmed their nations’ commitments to deescalate the hostilities, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. Both sides also agreed “to continue fighting against terrorist forces as designated by the UN Security Council” and to protect the civilian population,” the statement said.
See also: 4-3-2020: Terrorist fortifications in Idlib have ‘merged’ with Turkish outposts – Russian Defense Ministry 4-3-2020: Turkey failed to honor Idlib deal, allowed outposts to merge with terrorist fortifications: Russia 1-3-2020: Syria is a Sovereign Nation – Turkey Should Get Out 28-2-2020: Turkish soldiers were with ‘terrorist groups’ when they were hit by Syrian military – Russian MoD 28-2-2020: Russia says Turkish troops killed among terrorists, warns against op 28-2-2020: Syria has every right to fight terrorists in Idlib and Russia can’t interfere – Moscow 28-2-2020: Situation on Turkish-Syrian Border After 33 Turkish Troops Killed in Idlib – Video 28-2-2020: Turkey Wants Bashar Assad's Resignation – Ex-Turkish FM 28-2-2020: Erdogan’s military adventurism in Syria is doomed to fail: Analyst 28-2-2020: Turkey & Syria on brink of WAR in Idlib: How did it come to this? 13-2-2020: What is Erdogan's Turkey seeking in Arab countries?
2-27) Erdogan to Putin: “Get out of the way, let us deal with Assad”
29th of February 2020: ‘Get out of the way, let us deal with Assad regime’, Erdogan says he told Putin regarding Idlib, Syria 29th of February 2020: Erdogan Says Asked Putin to 'Step Aside' to Allow Turkey to Deal With Syria 'Face to Face' - Reports "I asked Mr. Putin: 'What's your business there? If you establish a base, do so but get out of our way and leave us face to face with the regime," Erdogan said, speaking to reporters in Istanbul, his comments cited by AFP.
Russian’s reply to the request of President Erdogan: “get out of the way” 1st of March 2020: Kremlin Responds to Erdogan’s Request That Russia ‘Step Aside’ in Syria
“Russia is the only country with a legitimate, internationally recognized right to station troops in Syria," presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. “Russia is the only country which has troops in Syria on a legal basis and at the request of the legitimate Syrian government,” Peskov said. “All other military forces of other countries are in Syria in contravention of the norms and principles of international law, ” Peskov added. “We know that under the Sochi agreements from a year ago, it was the Turkish side which was required to ensure a regime of inactivity by these terrorist elements. Unfortunately, Turkey has not fulfilled these obligations, and the terrorists went on the offensive against Syria’s armed forces,” Peskov said. “Peskov recalled that in addition to attacking the Syrian Army, the terrorists were also attacking Russian military units in the Arab Republic. “Therefore,” he noted, “regardless of any statements, the fight against these terrorist elements will continue.”
2-28) Shooting back and forth
2-28-1) Two Syrian fighters shot down by the Turkish army. 1st of March 2020: Turkish military shoots down 2 Syrian jets as Syria fends off Turkey’s drone attack 1st of March 2020: Two Syrian Planes Downed by Turkey Over Idlib, Pilots Safe – Reports
2-28-2) 1st of March 2020: Turkish drone strikes kill over two dozen Syrian soldiers in Idlib: Monitor "Twenty-six members of the Syrian army were killed when Turkish drones targeted positions of the Syrian government forces in the Idlib and Aleppo countryside," the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said on Saturday.
2-28-3) 1st of March 2020: Syrian Air Defence Opens Fire at Turkish Drones Near Hama
2-28-4) 1st of March 2020: Syrian Army Will Seek to Down Any Aircraft Breaching Airspace - State Media
2-28-5) 2nd of March 2020: Russian military police deployed to strategic Idlib town of Saraqeb – Defense Ministry
2-28-6) 2nd of March 2020: Erdogan to visit Moscow on March 5, Ankara confirms, as Turkey-Syria conflict escalates
2-28-7) 2nd of March 2020: We cannot guarantee safety of your planes over Syria: Russia to Turkey
2-28-8) 2nd of March 2020: Damascus blasts Turkish aggression in northwestern Syria, vows proper response “Syria has strongly condemned the Turkish military aggression in the Arab country’s embattled northwestern region, saying such a campaign is in violation of Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity and in line with the Ankara government’s generous support for terror groups wreaking havoc there.” “The Syrian Arab Republic, which has been fighting against terrorist groups and inflicting humiliating defeats on them, is determined to firmly confront the outrageous Turkish aggression, and put a complete end to all Turkish activities in order to preserve the country’s unity and territorial integrity,”
2-28-9) 3rd of March 2020: Impotent in Idlib: US pits Turkey & Russia against each other with ammo offer, but remains irrelevant in Syria
2-28-10) 3rd of March 2020: US ‘willing’ to give Turkey ammo amid Ankara’s military standoff with Syrian army in Idlib
The one stubborn terrorist protector is helping other stubborn terrorist protector.
2-28-11) 3rd of March 2020: Idlib escalation: Turkey confirms it has downed Syrian fighter jet
2-28-12) 3rd of March 2020: One Turkish Soldier Killed, 9 Others Injured in Syria's Idlib - Turkish Defence Ministry
2-28-14) 3rd of March 2020: Russia Will Help EU Solve Migrant Issue, But Not at Expense of Fighting Terror in Syria – Lavrov
3rd of March 2020: Russia won’t stop terror fight in Syria to solve EU’s refugee problem: Lavrov “We understand how serious the problem of refugees and illegal immigration is for the European Union, but we cannot stop the fight against terrorism to solve the problem of refugees,”
2-28-15) 3rd of March 2020: US Intends to Support Turkey's Actions in Syria's Idlib by Supplying Ammunition - Report
That makes perfect sense, they have to protect their boys from the advancing Syrian army. One stubborn terrorist protector supports the other stubborn terrorist protector.
2-28-16) 3rd of March 2020: Syrian Anti-Aircraft Missile Destroys Target Over Homs - Sputnik Correspondent
2-28-17) 3rd of March 2020: Syrian Warplane Downed by Turkish Forces in Idlib - Turkish Defence Ministry 3rd of March 2020: Turkey downs Syrian fighter jet as it intensifies Idlib attacks
2-28-18) 3rd of March 2020: Syrian government forces shoot down Turkish drone in Saraqib
2-28-19) 3rd of March 2020: Russia rejects claims by Turkey, US on Idlib situation as ‘incorrect’ “Russia says the allegations by Turkey, the United States, and some European countries that a humanitarian crisis has been caused in northwestern Syria as a result of Syrian and Russian military operations to retake territory from dangerous armed militants there are incorrect.” “The statements made by representatives of Turkey, European countries, and the United States against Russia and Syria that there are millions of refugees and a humanitarian crisis caused by the exacerbation of the situation in the Idlib area is incorrect,”
"Humanitarian crisis", "refugees" are just a few of the phrases the terrorist protectors use to try to stop the advance of the Syrian army and thereby protecting their boys. Everything is allowed, including lies, deception and fabrications.
2-28-20) 4th of March 2020: 'Turks are our brotherly people,' no reason for them to die in Syria – President Assad “Turks and Syrians are culturally intertwined and have no reason to be hostile towards each other, Bashar Assad said as violence escalates in Idlib. He said there is no reason for Turkish people to die in Syria.” "We talk about Turks as our brotherly people," the Syrian president said in an interview with a Russian news channel. "I am asking the Turkish people: what is your problem with Syria? What is the problem over which Turkish citizens need to die?"
See also: 4th of March 2020: Assad Calls Differences With Ankara 'Illogical': Syrian People Have Not Been Hostile Toward Turkish
2-28-21) 4th of March 2020: Russian MoD: Terrorists Attempted to Carry Out Chemical Attack Amid Syrian Army Gains "On 2 March, a group of up to 15 terrorists attempted to detonate explosive ammunition together with containers full of a poisonous chemical agent. The terrorists aimed to impede the advance of Syrian government forces in the western part of Saraqib city and then accuse the Syrian government of using chemical weapons",
See also: 4th of March 2020: Terrorists tried to use chemical weapons in Idlib against Syrian army, got BURNED after substance leaked – Russian MоD
2-28-22) 4th of March 2020: Erdogan Asks Trump to Supply Turkey With Munitions for Idlib Op
2-28-23) 4th of March 2020: The West Ignores Turkey's Illegal Deployment of Troops to Syria's Idlib - Russian Military "No one in the West notices the actions of the Turkish side, which, in violation of international law, has deployed a strike force the size of a mechanised division to Syria's Idlib in order to 'enforce the Sochi agreements at any cost'" "Amid the total cynicism and the West's fake concerns over the humanitarian situation in the Idlib de-escalation zone, only the Russian centre for reconciliation of the opposing sides and the legitimate Syrian government deliver to the liberated areas all the needed assistance for local residents daily",
The reason the West doesn't care about the violations by Turkey of the international law is because they work with Turkey to destroy Syria. Ignore their public rhetoric where they accuse each other of all kinds of things. It is intended for public deception. In practice, they are close friends when it comes to the destruction of Syria.
2-28-24) 4th of March 2020: Terrorist fortifications in Idlib have ‘merged’ with Turkish outposts – Russian Defense Ministry "Turkey has allowed its observation posts, established under a 2018 deal with Moscow, to virtually merge with terrorist bases in Idlib, Russia’s Defense Ministry said, amid a Turkish assault against advancing Syrian forces.” “The fortified areas of the terrorists have merged with the Turkish observation posts deployed under the 2018 Sochi agreement,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said early on Wednesday. “Attacks and mass artillery fire on neighboring civilian settlements and the Russian airbase at Khmeimim turned from sporadic to daily” “All of Russia's official requests to the UN and Western countries – who delivered humanitarian aid across the Turkish border and all of it went not to refugees, but to terrorists – remained unanswered. All we heard were the lamentations about the need to ‘preserve the Sochi agreements at all costs.’” “At a click of the finger, all of Idlib’s terrorists became supposedly the ‘representatives of the moderate opposition’ in the Western media. However, it is not clear how the ISIS chief al-Baghdadi was recently ‘pinpointed’ and killed, according to the US, amid all these ‘moderates.’”
See also: 4th of March 2020: Turkey failed to honor Idlib deal, allowed outposts to merge with terrorist fortifications: Russia
2-28-25) 4th of March 2020: 'Roughly 80,000 anti-Syria militants enjoy Turkey's support' “According to data collected by sources from the battlefield in Syria and given to Press TV, there are roughly 80,000 militants who enjoy Turkey’s support in their fight against the Syrian government.” “Some 38,500 militants are operating under the banner of the National Front for Liberation, which is a coalition of 15 factions, and include the Sham Legion and Ahrar al-Sham.” “The al-Qaeda affiliated Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is also among the militant groups backed by Turkey. It was formerly known as al-Nusra Front and Jabhat Fatah al-Sham. Led by Abu Muhammad al-Golani, it consists of 18,000 militants, according to the data.” "Turkey also backs the anti-Damascus ‘Free Syrian Army,’ whose 22,000 militants are present in the northeastern countryside of Aleppo. The group is commanded by Haitham al-Ofeisi.”
See also: 5th of March 2020: Turkey rebrands 80,000 terrorists to stop Syria's liberation of Idlib
2-28-26) 4th of March 2020: EU accuses Turkey of using migrants to pressure Europe
2-28-27) 4th of March 2020: Syria condemns US, Turkey for 'illegal infiltration' of officials into Idlib “The Syrian Arab Republic denounces and condemns in the strongest terms the thievery and banditry of the US administration and the Turkish regime,” “Syria is not surprised by the infiltration of Americans this way after they offered all kinds of support to the terrorist groups, including transporting them into Syria in flagrant violation of all UN resolutions related to combating terrorism,”
Supporting terrorists? But this is their hobby, isn’t it?
2-28-28) 5th of March 2020: Turkey rebrands 80,000 terrorists to stop Syria's liberation of Idlib “As tensions are escalating in Syria’s northwestern province of Idlib, the last militant bastion in a nine-year war, Turkey is attempting to hold its grip over the flashpoint region through tens of thousands of militants it supports” “The Turkish government calls all these militant groups the so-called armed opposition groups and distinguishes them with Takfiri terrorist groups like Daesh and the like. However, rebranding these militant groups does not alter their terrorist nature and their use of ordinary people as human shields against advancing army forces.” “Furthermore, Ankara has even rebranded HTS, a Takfiri terrorist group, as a so-called armed opposition group.” “The Turkish government not only continues to support these militant groups but has also boosted its military presence in Syria’s northwest recently to stop Syrian army troops, who have come under Turkey's artillery and rocket fire and airstrikes.” “The Turkish military, with support from the FSA, launched two cross-border operations in northern Syria, namely “Euphrates Shield” in August 2016 and “Olive Branch” in January 2018 with the declared aim of eradicating the presence of Kurdish militants and Daesh terrorists near Turkey’s borders.”
See also: 7-3-2020: Turkey dispatches over 4,500 allied Takfiri militants from Syria to Libya: SOHR 20-2-2020: Turkey's Support for Militants in Syria May Provoke New Escalation - Moscow 27-1-2020: Turkey helping terrorists conduct false-flag chemical attacks in Idlib, Aleppo: Syria 20-1-2020: Turkish forces accommodate 1,500 militant family members in Syria's Ra’s al-Ayn 20-1-2020: Video: Thousands of Turkish Proxy Fighters Flood into Libya Amid Berlin Peace Talks 18-1-2020: Turkey deploys more militants from Syria to Libya to help protect Tripoli-based GNA: Report
2-28-29) 5th of March 2020: Syria urges intl. community to take action against Turkish aggression “Syria's Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates has called on the international community, particularly European countries, to adopt a genuine humanitarian stance vis-à-vis the sufferings of Syrian people, and severely censure the Turkish military onslaught in the northwest of the Arab country.” “Syria reminds those states that the fight against terrorism within its territory is a legitimate right enshrined in the international law and conventions, particularly as those terrorist groups are led by the (so-called) Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) alliance of militant outfits, which has been designated as a terrorist organization by the UN Security Council,” “Whilst Western countries, especially Germany and France, are trying to exploit the humanitarian situation in Idlib in order to cease the Syrian army operations against terrorists there, they capitulate to the blackmail of (Turkish President Recep Tayyip) Erdogan who continues to take advantage of the sufferings of displaced Syrians.”
See also: 6-3-2020: Syria's Assad Says Turkey Using Refugee Issue to Blackmail Europe
2-28-30) 5th of March 2020: Syrian Army Repelling Terrorists' Attacks on Damascus-Aleppo Highway in Idlib
2-28-31) 5th of March 2020: No normal ties with Turkey as long as Erdogan supports terrorists: Assad 5th of March 2020: Syria's Assad Not Ruling Out Restoring Ties With Turkey if Erdogan Stops 'Supporting Terrorists'
2-28-32) 5th of March 2020: Defence Ministry Says Two Turkish Soldiers Killed in Idlib, Three Others Injured
See also: 6-3-2020: Defence Ministry Says Two Turkish Soldiers Killed in Idlib, Three Others Injured 4-3-2020: Terrorist fortifications in Idlib have ‘merged’ with Turkish outposts – Russian Defense Ministry 4-3-2020: Turkey failed to honor Idlib deal, allowed outposts to merge with terrorist fortifications: Russia 1-3-2020: Syria is a Sovereign Nation – Turkey Should Get Out 28-2-2020: Turkish soldiers were with ‘terrorist groups’ when they were hit by Syrian military – Russian MoD 28-2-2020: Russia says Turkish troops killed among terrorists, warns against op 28-2-2020: Syria has every right to fight terrorists in Idlib and Russia can’t interfere – Moscow 28-2-2020: Situation on Turkish-Syrian Border After 33 Turkish Troops Killed in Idlib – Video 28-2-2020: Turkey Wants Bashar Assad's Resignation – Ex-Turkish FM 28-2-2020: Erdogan’s military adventurism in Syria is doomed to fail: Analyst 28-2-2020: Turkey & Syria on brink of WAR in Idlib: How did it come to this? 13-2-2020: What is Erdogan's Turkey seeking in Arab countries?
2-29) How long will the ceasefire last?
On March 5, 2020, Russian President Putin and Turkish President Erdogan reached an agreement on Idlib. “The leaders of Russia and Turkey have agreed a ceasefire plan for Syria’s Idlib and security measures for the troops stationed there to prevent the escalation in the militant-infested province from spiraling into an all-out war.” “A six-kilometer-wide security corridor is to be established in the area, with the militaries of the two countries given a week to agree all the details.” “Russian and Turkish troops will also be carrying out joint patrol missions along Idlib’s M-4 highway.”
The United States will exert every effort to infinitely make the blood in Syria flow. The US will go to great lengths to hinder Russia in Syria.
The United States, together with France and the United Kingdom, is the head of the serpent to destabilize countries, wreak havoc, cause massacres, suffering and misery. United States is the empire of evil that will soon bring anti-christ on the world stage.
The United States do not want the conflict in Idlib to be resolved according to the peaceful Russian method and will do everything in its power to destroy the agreement. And they are working hard on that.
The US have already managed to prevent the UN Security Council from supporting the agreement reached between Moscow and Ankara.
The Russian Center for Syrian Reconciliation reported on March 6, 2020 that since taking effect of the new ceasefire it has registered at least 6 violations of militants active in the Idlib province of Syria, on March 11 2 violations, and March 21 4 violations. On March 16, 2020, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared that the terrorists in Idlib are not complying with the ceasefire.
10th of March 2020: US now openly admits its goal in Syria is to make it 'difficult' for Moscow and Damascus to defeat terrorists “The State Department’s special envoy for Syria has just admitted that the US aims to defend jihadist militants in Idlib against ‘Russian aggression,’ proving once again that the swamp in Foggy Bottom is alive and well” “Our goal is to make it very difficult for them to do that by a variety of diplomatic, military, and other actions”
20th of March 2020: Irritated by Russia-Turkey Idlib Deal, US Ready to Undermine Syrian Settlement - Moscow
"Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told reporters on Friday that the US, which is frustrated over the Moscow-Ankara accord on the Idlib settlement, uses any pretext to promote anti-Russian hysteria.” “Such contacts usually end up with big problems in the region in the form of provocations and provocative actions. On 17 March, US Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun met the White Helmets leader despite restrictions on contacts with foreigners introduced by the State Department in connection with the spread of the coronavirus", “Of course, it is surprising that the White Helmets, which position themselves exclusively as a humanitarian organisation, are again at the centre of the West’s information manipulations that are aimed at distorting the real situation in Idlib […]. It seems that the possible implementation of the Russian-Turkish agreements, and the very idea of the Idlib de-escalation zone, causes such irritation in Washington that they are ready to use any excuse to unleash anti-Russian hysteria and undermine Syrian political settlement”,
28th of March 2020: US Forces Use Rukban Camp in Syria as ‘Assembly Line for Training Extremists’, Russian Military Says
"In a joint statement on Saturday, the Russian and Syrian interagency coordination headquarters stressed that the current disastrous situation in the Rukban refugee camp is a result of the illegal occupation of the area by American forces.” “We believe that the American side’s reluctance to exert influence on their militants to ensure unhindered departure of people from the Camp and the safe work of humanitarian representatives in the At-Tanf zone they occupied is clear evidence of their intention”,
28th of March 2020: US Plans to Transfer Cargo to Syrian Militants Disguised as Aid for Refugees - Russian Military "The American side cynically seeks to take advantage of the situation concerning the spread of the coronavirus and is putting pressure on the UN leadership to bring 'humanitarian aid' to the Rukban refugee camp under the guise of diagnostic tools to feed controlled militants", the interagency coordinating headquarters of Russia and Syria said in a joint statement on Saturday
15th of April 2020: Militants Surrendered to Syrian Army Say Were Trained on US Military Base - Russian Military “The surrendered militants said that US instructors had been preparing them for terrorist acts and sabotage at oil and gas and transport facilities, according to the information provided by the Russian military's centre for the Syrian reconciliation.”
18th of April 2020: 34 US-Backed Militants Surrender, Hand Weapons to Syrian Army – Reports “Earlier, the Russian Defence Ministry’s Centre for Syrian Reconciliation confirmed that over two dozen militants trained at a US military base in Syria had surrendered to the Syrian Army after breaking out of the US-controlled At-Tanf area and engaging in a shootout with other militia members”
19th of April 2020: US sends huge convoy of logistics supplies for Syria militants “US forces have reportedly dispatched a convoy carrying logistics supplies from Iraq to Syria's Kurdish-populated city of Qamishli in the northeastern province of Hasakah” "Local sources told Syria's official news agency SANA that the convoy consisting of 35 vehicles carrying cement blocks and logistic supplies entered Syria via the al-Walid border crossing point on Saturday”
The hobby of the United States is to spread and promote terrorism around the world where it wants to destabilize a country and overthrow its incumbent government. Recruiting, creating and arming terrorists is the hobby of Americans and their allies!
The only solution for Syria is to completely clean up the province of Idlib from the Islamic terrorists and their protectors, namely Turkey, United States, United Kingdom and France. These four countries are the culprits behind the problems in Syria.
See also: 5-3-2020: Acute crisis in Syria's Idlib demanded our direct talks, Putin says as he meets Erdogan in Moscow 5-3-2020: Putin and Erdogan meet in Moscow to talk Syria crisis 5-3-2020: Russia, Turkey reach deal on midnight ceasefire in Syria’s Idlib 5-3-2020: Putin & Erdogan’s New Agreement on Ceasefire in Syria's Idlib: What is Known So Far in 5 Points 5-3-2020: Turkey to Deploy More Troops as Ceasefire Comes Into Effect in Idlib Under New Agreement With Russia 5-3-2020: Putin, Erdogan Meet in Moscow to Discuss Situation in Syria's Idlib - Video 5-3-2020: Stress test passed: Russia and Turkey continue to work in Syria 5-3-2020: Idlib ceasefire: Putin & Erdogan reach deal on Syria de-escalation after marathon Moscow talks 6-3-2020: US ‘BLOCKS’ UN from supporting Russian-Turkish ceasefire in Syria’s Idlib 6-3-2020: War averted as Russia & Turkey reach deal on Idlib… but is peace on horizon? 6-3-2020: New Putin-Erdogan deal is sugar-coating the Turks’ surrender 6-3-2020: Russian Military Says Registered 6 Violations by Militants in Idlib Since New Ceasefire Took Effect 6-3-2020: US Doesn't Want Turkey to Partner With Russia, Sees Benefit in Idlib Getting Out of Control – Journo 6-3-2020: Fighting in Syria’s Idlib Stops Following Turkey-Russia Ceasefire Deal – Source 6-3-2020: Russia-Turkey Ceasefire is ‘Political Fiction’ As Long As It Ignores al-Qaeda’s Idlib Presence 6-3-2020: Turkey, Russia agree on Syria ceasefire 10-3-2020: Moscow-Ankara Ceasefire Deal in Syria Sees Decrease in Idlib Shelling – Russian Military 10-3-2020: US Looking at What NATO Can Do to Help Turkey in Idlib - Special Envoy to Syria 11-3-2020: Russia Registers 2 Ceasefire Violations in Syria Over Past 24 Hours - Military 11-3-2020: Ceasefire in Idlib to Hold, But Will it be Enough to Bridge Gaps Between Syria and Turkey?
2-30) Doubts about compliance with agreements by Turkey.
6th of March 2020: Turkey's Failure to Adhere to Past Deals Puts New Ceasefire in Question - Syrian Ambassador
The Syrian Ambassador to Russia, Imad Moustapha has this to say about the new agreement between Russia and Turkey: "Erdogan's track record regarding the Sochi and Astana agreements indicates that he has never honoured his commitments before. It is very difficult to presume that this time will be different,"
In the aforementioned explanation you have read that Turkey is extremely resourceful to bend the agreements for its own gain and plans. The use of Islamic terrorists to disrupt Syria seems to be the commonly used method to ignore the agreements and to completely ignore international law.
7th of March 2020: Syrian territory in embattled Idlib: UN envoy Jaafari
Syrian Ambassador to the UN in New York, Mr. Bashar al-Jaafari, stated at the UN Security Council meeting on the territorial integrity of Syria: “I can confirm that Syrian leadership besides Syrian people will not allow [Turkish President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan or anyone else to repeat in Idlib what happened in Alexandretta,"
The Syrian region of Alexandretta was annexed by Turkey in 1939 and renamed Hatay province. Ambassador al-Jaafari made it clear that Syria will not allow the same to happen to Idlib.
See also: 29-2-2020: The ‘Stolen Province’: Why Turkey Was Given A Corner Of Syria By France 80 Years Ago
In addition, Mr. Jaafari said: "What we care about in Syria is the elimination of terrorism and the establishment of full control and sovereignty over Syrian soil. If Erdogan listens to the voice of wisdom, puts an end to his support for terrorism, refrains from destructive interference in Syria and stops wasting the blood of forces of his aggressive and occupying army, this will serve peace and stability of all peoples of the region, including the neighboring Turkish nation,"
The current Turkish government has indeed made Turkey an important and persistent terrorist protector. As mentioned above, the Turkish army in Idlib is mixed with terrorists, fighting side by side with the terrorists. Syria continues to pursue the war on terrorists supported by Turkey.
Syria's sovereignty also plays a major role for the Russian army. 9th of March 2020: Russian Military Delegation to Push Turkey to Respect Syrian Sovereignty "The Russian military has a clear goal of guaranteeing Syria’s sovereignty and demanding that Turkey respect it unconditionally,"
7th of March 2020: Syria vows to continue war against terrorism following ‘positive’ Idlib deal
“A senior adviser to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says the Arab country will continue its war against foreign-backed terrorism following a ceasefire agreement in the northwestern Idlib province.” "Assad's political and media adviser, Bouthaina Shaaban, said “Syria fights terrorism on behalf of the whole world and it will continue to do so until it fully liberates Syrian land.”
See also: 19-2-2020: Assad's media adviser: We will liberate ALL of Syria from terrorists and occupiers! (E846)
Fighting terrorism would be a lot easier if the Turks, Americans, French and British were expelled out of Syria. They are all fanatical terrorist protectors.
8th of March 2020: Mounting concern over SAS operations in southern Syria “There is mounting concern in the region about the nature and scale of British Special Forces deployment to southern Syria.” “The concern comes in the wake of an exclusive report by the Daily Mirror (March 05) that two RAF Chinook helicopters “packed with special forces” troops and medics had “swooped” into southern Syria to rescue a wounded Special Air Service (SAS) operative.”
See also:
Those special British units in Syria are not there for the integrity and security of Syria. They are there illegal to commit crimes against Syria.
6th of March 2020: Terrorists must be eradicated first and foremost by Syrian forces, Moscow says The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on 6th of March 2020: “I would like to point out without referring to yesterday’s talks [between President Vladimir Putin of Russia and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan] that as far as efforts to eliminate militants and terrorists go, if they are designated as such, they must be eradicated, first and foremost, by the Syrian Armed Forces and the forces of countries that legally cooperate with the Syrian authorities,”
Turkey and the United States will exert every effort to protect their boys in Syria, they are two persistent terrorist protectors.
11th of March 2020: Damascus Expects NATO, EU Nations to Condemn Turkey's Actions in Syria - Assad Adviser
President Assad's advisor, Bouthaina Shaaban, expects NATO and EU countries to condemn Turkey's actions in Syria: "And the last thing we expect from NATO members, from European countries, from every country in the world is to condemn this as illegal as it goes against all international legitimacy and all sovereignty of Syria," "I think [for] France and Germany [it] is about time to understand that if they want to deal or if they want to play a role in bringing peace to Syria they should talk to Syria and not to Erdogan," "I think the Europeans should know that Erdogan is not the one who has the solution for the migrants, that he is the problem. He is the one who caused all this migration from Syria. And I would like also to put many question marks around the figures that Erdogan gives to Europe in order to get as much money as he can from European countries to help his staggering economy,"
Merkel, Macron, Johnson, Erdogan, Trump and other leaders are all instruments in the hands of the international Masonic / Illuminati Talmudic / Kabbalistic satanic plot. These people only carry out the tasks they get from higher demonic powers. Syria's destruction was also carefully planned in the insane, satanic and criminal colonial Freemasonic / Illuminati laboratories.
2-31) Again threats 6th of March 2020: Turkish forces ‘to react’ to any attack of Syrian Army in Idlib, Erdogan warns “Turkish Armed Forces in Syria’s Idlib would fight back any attack from the Syrian forces,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Friday. “We would invariably stay vigilant for any attacks and violations,” Erdogan said
Turkey is illegal in Idlib and is a persistent terrorist protector. They have no business there! Get out there!
8th of March 2020: Erdogan Threatens Unilateral Action in Idlib if Russia-Brokered Ceasefire Goes Awry "Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to take unilateral action in Syria’s Idlib if the Russia-brokered ceasefire deal is not adhered to.” “If the promises made regarding Operation Spring Shield are not kept, we reserve the right to clean up [the area] using our own methods,” Erdogan said “If the agreement is violated, we will go strongly after [those who violate it]. We signed this agreement [with Russia] to provide a solution to the crisis in Idlib without further bloodshed. Otherwise, we will continue to walk our own path.”
Turkey is the cause of all the misery in Idlib and elsewhere in Syria. Remove Turkey from Idlib and the problem is solved!
10th of March 2020: Ankara Vows Retaliation if Syrian Gov't Violates Idlib Ceasefire "Turkey will "retaliate" if Syrian government forces violate the Idlib ceasefire deal, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has warned.”
If anyone violates the agreements, it is the Turks and the terrorists they support. Russia and Syria are keeping their word carefully.
11th of March 2020: Erdogan Threatens ‘Tougher’ Action in Idlib if Russia-Turkey Brokered Ceasefire is Breached
See also: 11th of March 2020: ‘We will give a much harsher response’, Erdogan warns Damascus over Idlib
The only people with an interest in violating the truce are Turkey, Americans, French and British and the terrorists they support / protect in Idlib. Syria has no interest in violating the ceasefire. Turkey, along with the terrorists, has repeatedly breached the 2018 Sochi truce. Turkey is illegal in Idlib and is in a clear violation of international law. They need to be chased out of Syria as soon as possible, they have no business there. This also applies to the Americans, the British and the French. They are in Syria to cause and produce problems and definitely not to solve problems. They may stage a chemical attack together with the terrorists they support and try to blame the Syrian army for it. They are very inventive in this kind of wickedness.
27th of March 2020: Russia Urges Turkey to Continue Real Separation of Militants From Opposition in Idlib
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on March 27, 2020: “We hope that the Turkish partners will continue efforts to dissociate the moderates from extremists, and take measures to neutralize the latter," "There should be no illusions, as we are talking about internationally recognized terrorists, no matter what they call themselves,"
This is going to be very interesting and we wait with interest whether Turkey will indeed separate these terrorists from each other. The same agreement was made in Sochi in 2018. As you have seen above, Turkey has failed to meet these agreements, which has led to major problems in Idlib.
2-32) Turkey deploys missile system in Idlib and military reinforcement to Hasaka.
23rd of April 2020: Turkey brings additional military reinforcement to Syria's Hasakah: SANA “The Turkish army has brought additional military reinforcements to Syria's easternmost Hasakah province as part of Ankara's unauthorized cross-border offensive into the Arab country, says a report by Syria's official news agency.” “......that the Turkish military convoy, consisted of four military vehicles equipped with machine-guns, arrived in the villages of Dawodyah and Anyq al-Hawa in Abu Rasin district in the northern parts of the province” “Most of the military reinforcements, which include weapons, ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, have been distributed among Ankara-backed militants in order for them to continue their "criminal practices" against the locals in the occupied areas, and to "attack" neighboring regions”
30th of April 2020: Turkey deployed US-made HAWK missiles to Idlib: Syria’s UN envoy “Syria’s UN ambassador has once again denounced Turkey for defying Damascus and intensifying its “illegitimate” military presence in the Arab country, saying Ankara’s forces have deployed US-made missiles to Syria’s militant-held Idlib Province in a flagrant violation of international law.” “The Turkish regime didn’t stop at violating its obligations according to the understandings of Astana, Sochi and Moscow, and supporting the terrorist organizations, but it reinforced its illegitimate military presence on the Syrian territories through bringing in convoys loaded with weapons and heavy equipment every day,” said Ja’afari
Are these activities prelude to a coming war with Syria that will be provoked?
5. Why was the Iranian general Qassem Soleimani killed? Adversary of terrorists versus protectors of terrorists
On January 3, 2020, Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was shot dead at Baghdad International Airport by American missiles fired from a drone. Along with Soleimani, 10 other leaders were also killed, including Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), an organization of Shia militias integrated into the Iraqi army. In addition to al-Muhandis, 5 other PMU leaders and two guests were killed. It appears that President Trump ordered the elimination of Soleimani already in June 2019.
Qassem Soleimani was the head of the Iranian elite Quds Unit to strengthen Iranian influence in the region through covert activities such as sabotage and resistance organization. Qassem Soleimani worked with the Americans to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. However, the cooperation ended after the Americans placed Iran on the list of rogue states.
The assassination of Qassem Soleimani on January 3, 2020 was justified by the Americans because of an “imminent danger” (here, here, here, here, here, here, here). Trump administration was unable to provide evidence of that alleged "imminent danger" that would justify Soleimani's death. It would soon become clear that Mr. Soleimani was murdered not because he allegedly posed an “imminent threat” to the United States, but because he was torpedoing the wicked US plans in the Middle East as follows: 1) peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and 2) the destruction of US-created, supported and armed Islamic terrorists in both Iraq and Syria. The ardent terrorist protector killed the professional fighter of the terrorists. They revenged the blood of their boys whom Soleimani had killed.
If there is one thing that the Americans and their allies particularly dislike, it is stability, peace and a terrorist-free Middle East. We are going to provide more details to our beloved reader below.
5.1. Qassem Soleimani: terrorist fighter and peacemaker
Fighter against terrorism:
The Russian Ministry of Defense stated on January 3, 2020 (here, here): “It was under Soleimani’s direct command that military resistance to the international terrorist groups Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS] and Al-Qaeda was organized in Syria and Iraq, long before the so-called US-led ‘international coalition’ was formed.” “In its statement, the ministry called the Iranian general’s achievements in fighting international terrorism “undeniable” and warned that his death would be detrimental to the whole system of global security.” "His personal merits in fighting against Daesh on Syrian territory are unquestionable",
The terrorist protectors, with the United States leading the way, were of course not happy with the activities of General Soleimani. That's why he had to be eliminated.
In 2011, General David Petraeus, the former CIA director, said “that Soleimani and his Quds had undermined much of Washington's work with Iraq's Shia Muslims and had undone US diplomatic and military efforts in Lebanon.”
Israeli News Live
Steven Bennun is an Israeli Christian independent investigative journalist who, together with his wife Jana, tries to provide the viewer with balanced information on matters related to Israel and the Middle East. They have two websites Israel returns (, Israeli News Live ( and two Youtube channels “Israeli News Live” and “DeNoon Institute”
Mr. Bennun was involved with the ultra-Orthodox Jewish group Chabad Lubavitch for 20 years (more on Chabad: here, here, here, here, here). Therefore he is well-informed about this Chabad group. Mr. Bennun receives his information from his contacts within the intelligence agencies, governments and informants / journalists from the Middle East. His analyzes are very informative, refreshing and enlightening.
Below we present some videos of Mr. Bennun about the assassination of Qassem Soleimani by the Americans on January 3, 2020.
Video: January 4, 2020 “What will the Killing of General Soleimani Lead To”
In this video, Mr. Bennun elaborates on the reason behind the assassination of General Qassem Soleimani. Mr Bennun tells that Iraq had become rebellious and the US began to lose control of the country. Therefore, in 2019, the US gave Turkey permission to invade northern Syria to free Isis / Isil terrorists who had been captured by the YPG so that they would be transported to Iraq to be used against the Iraqi government and thereby forcing obedience. The plans of the Americans failed because General Soleimine along with the Iraqi army awaited the terrorists in Iraq and killed most of them (hier, hier). As previously explained, the hobby of the Americans and their allies is spread and promotion of terrorism to destabilize countries and plunder natural resources!
Fort Russ reported on 25th of April 2020 in an article entitled “IRAQ: Official Warns of US Plot to Transfer ISIS Terrorists From Syria to Iraq’s Al-Anbar”: “A senior official in Iraq’s al-Anbar province warned of the increasing presence of the ISIS terrorists in the desert areas of the province which are controlled by the US forces” “These areas are controlled by the US military men and are a safe haven for the terrorists,” “The official warned of the US attempts to transfer a large number of ISIS terrorists from occupied regions of Syria to Iraq’s western desert province of al-Anbar. The terrorists pose a great danger to inhabitants of this area, as well as the bordering areas with Syria.” “The aim of the US and its NATO and regional Wahhabi partners in crime is quite obviously fomenting tension and unrest in Iraq in the future, giving them an excuse to continue occupying Iraqi and Syrian territories, all under the pretext of “fighting terrorism”.
Steve Bennun tells about Soleimani who fought terrorism: “Because there was that General, that Iranian General who is considered to be a bad terrorist who has been fighting against Isis that worked with the Iraqi’s to cut Isis off and put a stop to what they were doing. He has fought terrorism for sure. He has fought al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda, he has fought the Isis militants. So, therefore he is the big bad wolf.”
In the video of 6th of January 2020 entitled "Gen Soleimani Was On Official Saudi Iranian Peace Trip “, Steven Bennun repeats again the unforgivable sin that was committed by Qassem Soleimani, namely: “That was the real big issue for the Americans is that when they brought Isis to a place… when he began to fight Isis not just in Syria but in Iraq. This is were the big issue came in. … The Americans could never forgive general Soleimani for. And they kind hold him pretty much responsible for that war there. “
In addition, Soleimani was a thorn in the side of the Americans because he began to organize and train the Iraqi resistance.
All those who genuinely are fighting terrorism will automatically become enemy of the Americans and their allies. They are responsible for spread and recruitment of terrorists that they use in destabilization of countries or regions.
In the video of January 7, 2020 entitled “Netanyahu Once Wanted Iran Bombed Now Lays Low”, Mr. Bennun explains that the initiative to kill Qassem Soleimani did not come from Donald Trump, but that Israel was the client.
He says: “You cannot put this on president Trump, and I am going to say like it is, you cannot put all the blame on President Trump. Somebody was pulling the string with this president to make that call, to take this man out at that time. Now ultimately, he makes the decision, I understand that. But we are not going to put all this on him, because he had help…. The elite in Israel….”
Amir Tsarfati is an Israeli Christian investigative journalist. According to Tsarfati, the Israeli secret service was closely involved in the murder of Qassem Soleimani. In his video of January 5, 2020, he says: “Let me make it also very clear that Israeli intelligence played very significant role. Israel has a mol within the closest ring to those leaders and we knew exactly who is going be , where, how … I also want tell you that there is Israel presence also in Iraq right now that is doing other things that probably should not talk about at this moment.”
The Israeli activities in Iraq seem also to be confirmed by the Americans: “Abdul-Mahdi also revealed in his Sunday remarks that Washington had confirmed to Baghdad that Tel Aviv was behind a number of the attacks.”
Video: January 7, 2020: “Iran Attacks US Bases in Iraq”
In his video published on January 7, 2020 entitled "Iran Attacks US Bases in Iraq", Steven Bennun again tells about Israel's involvement in this assassination attempt. He says: "But the evidence clearly shows that Netanyahu was certainly behind this......"
5.1.1. Presbyterian bishop in Syria on Qassem Soleimani
In the video of January 7, 2020 entitled “Netanyahu Once Wanted Iran Bombed Now Lays Low”, Steven Bennun also shows a video of a Presbyterian bishop in Syria on Qassem Soleimani's fight against terrorism in Syria. The bishop says: “Today, Qassem Soleimani’s project and who’s with him is a resistance project. A resistance not like any. A resistance project similar to the resistance project adopted by Jesus against a political authority that wanted to oppress the freedom of others. ” “Didn’t Jesus say: ”Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and they say every evil word against you for my sake, in falsehood.” All what Qassem Soleimani and who’s with him ever did was stand up against ISIS. And against all the terrorist organizations that wanted to kill anyone who disagrees with them. Who are the victims of ISIS? Who are the victims of Al Nusra Front (Al Qaeda in Syria)? Aren’t they the Christians? Aren’t they the social diversity in this country?
Commenting the statement of this bishop, Mr. Bennun says: “This is what they thought about him (Qassem Soleimani). Yes, he is a Shia Muslim, he had total different view in faith, but just like Bashar Al-Assad who is cared about the Christians living in Syria, unlike that of Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and Isis who are backed by the United States and Israelis. I say “Israelis”, that is not fair to say even about Israel, who is backed by the far-right Zionists. That is the better way to put, because there is Zionism where the Jewish people only want to know who the Messiah is. And they do not deserve to be put with the same group as the ones who have blood on their hands that care less about the Christians. In the case of this one here, I show you, is a little Palestinian boy who was tortured by the Israeli military. It was Palestinian Christian, put on the cross in the jail!”
Speaking of his contacts with the Christians in Syria, Mr. Bennun says: “My own sources from Middle-East are Christians. I have had more Syrian Christians write me and tell me they stood with Assad, because he stood for the Christians. And that the United States, Al-Nusra, Al-Qaeda and Israel were killing the Christians. That was from the Syrians that write me!”
We can add to these terrorist protectors: Turkey, United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar etc.
In the video of January 3, 2020, Steve Bennun tells that the headquarters of the government of anti-christ, the new world order (NWO) will be in Jerusalem. That is also why the US is waging wars everywhere.
Regarding the persecution of the Christians, he says in the same video: “The Christians over in the Middle-East that have targeted more than anybody else. Kind makes you wonder, especially in Syria, there they really have been taking the beating. ….. All the people around the Christianity are targeted by this New World Order initiative that is headed by the elite of Israel. That is not the Israeli people, please keep that in mind as well. Just because a person is Jewish, it does not make a person bad. Just like any other thing. I might not agree with their doctrinal views, and certainly don’t. I don’t agree met Talmudic views whatsoever. But there is an elite system behind all of this, that is bent on global domination. And that is why America does exactly what they say “woof, woof” we will go right alone. Don’t forget, you have to understand, there is a Talmudic believe that every Jew will have 2800 slaves, yes it is there, Zohar especially.”
March 18, 2020, Video: Who Persecuted Jesus & the Apostles?
5.1.2. Qassem Soleimani was on peace mission in Baghdad
At the session of the Iraqi Parliament on Sunday, January 5, 2020, outgoing Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi revealed that a meeting was planned between him and Qassem Soleimani (here, here, here). This means that Qassem Soleimani was officially visiting Iraq: “Speaking to Iraqi lawmakers on Sunday, Abdul Mahdi said that he had planned to meet Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps’s elite Quds Force head Qasem Soleimani at 8:30 am local time on Friday before the US military killed the general several hours earlier.”
Iraq was acting as a peace mediator between Saudi Arabia and Iran. According to Adel Abdul Mahdi, General Soleimani would hand over the answer to him on a Saudi proposal for peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Ben Becker wrote about this issue, on 6th of January 2020, in an article entitled “Iraqi PM: Trump Asked Me to Mediate With Iran Then Assassinated My Guest”: “In the address, Abdul-Mahdi revealed that that Soleimani had traveled to Baghdad to deliver a message back from Iran to Saudi Arabia about a proposal to lower tensions in the region, that Soleimani was to meet with the Prime Minister the very morning he was assassinated, and — most crucially — that days prior Trump had asked the Iraqi Prime Minister to “play the mediator’s role” between the U.S. and Iran.”
Becker writes about the claim of US of the “decisive defense action” to kill Soleimani: "This revelation blows apart the Pentagon and White House’s claim that they took “decisive defensive action” to preempt an attack orchestrated by Soleimani. There can be no doubt that the Trump administration would have known in detail about Iran’s ongoing secret negotiations with Saudi Arabia, one of its closest allies, which were mediated by the Iraqi government, which was also operating closely and communicating frequently with Washington.”
About the US prior knowledge to kill Soleimani, Ben Becker concludes: “This means the Pentagon and the White House fully knew, when they ordered the airstrike to kill him, that Soleimani was traveling to Baghdad in a diplomatic capacity as an emissary of Iran, and that he had a meeting planned with the Prime Minister to discuss broader de-escalation.”
Apparently, the peace negotiations between Iran and Saudi Arabia were at an advanced stage, which made the United States and its allies particularly nervous. If there is anything the US thoroughly hates, it would be peace in the Middle-East.
Frederico Pieraccini wrote on January 8, 2020 in an article entitled "The Deeper Story Behind the Assassination of Soleimani “: “It would seem that the Saudis, Iranians and Iraqis were well on the way towards averting a regional conflict involving Syria, Iraq and Yemen……………..” "The assassination of Soleimani is the U.S. lashing out at its steady loss of influence in the region. The Iraqi attempt to mediate a lasting peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia has been scuppered by the U.S. and Israel’s determination to prevent peace in the region and instead increase chaos and instability.”
Peace in the Middle East would have been a nightmare for the Americans and their allies because their role as "fighters of terrorism" in the Middle East would have ended immediately.
6th of Januari2020, Video: “Gen Soleimani Was On Official Saudi Iranian Peace Trip”
Steven Bennun tells in his video of January 6, 2020 entitled “Gen Soleimani Was On Official Saudi Iranian Peace Trip” about Qassem Soleimani's peace mission on the day he was murdered.
From timeline 11:55 he says: “This commander was going there to make peace with the Saudi government. It was official state visit. The Iraqis were working to coordinate that state visit. This is the reason why he was assassinated at the international airport in Iraq…. According to the Iraqi prime minister, he was assassinated while they had already preplanned a peace agreement with the Saudi government. The people of the Middle-east are trying to make peace with one another, but for some reason the United States and Israel will not accept peace in this region. Just makes you wonder why.”
Peace means that they no longer can support terrorists and that their role would abruptly be ended. Therefore, they go to great lengths to frustrate any attempt of making peace. Other peace attempts: Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan
October 11, 2019: Video, “Iran Tanker attacked to Derail Pakistan's Iran Talks”
Steven Bennun discusses in his video of October 11, 2019 entitled "Iran Tanker attacked to Derail Pakistan's Iran Talks" on how the peace initiative of Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan was torpedoed by the attack on the Iranian tanker. Khan mediated between Iran and Saudi Arabia.
The Wall Street Journal reported in an article entitled "Iranian Tanker Damaged in Possible Missile Attack Off Saudi Coast" on October 11, 2019, about the attack on the Iranian tanker off the coast of Saudi Arabia.
In his video of 11 October 2019, Steven Bennun unmasks the perpetrators and the motive behind this attack in his special way.
Commenting on the article of Wall Street Journal of October 11, 2019 entitled “Iranian Tanker Damaged in Possible Missile Attack Off Saudi Coast”, Steven Bennun reveals from timeline 1:21 some very pertinent matters: “This group (terrorists) that we spoke about a little while back, the United Arab Emirates and how they were training…… , the Israeli Mossad was training this group of fighters, partly Al-Qaeada, partly Isis militants to be able to carry out attacks on oil tankers in the region there. That would be even including the red sea, but especially over there in de Persian Gulf. This one happened in the red sea. “It is believed that that is exactly what actually happened, it was done, believed to be actually to derail the talks, that had been setup right now, with Paksitani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who is likely to visit Saudi- Arabia and Iran, he is on course to be in Tehran tomorrow and visiting with the Iranians to try to bring out some type of … just kind settling down the whole situation there in the Middle-East, between the Saudis- he will be visiting Saudi- Arabia as well. And it just goes to show that prince Mohamad Bin Salman that he is trying to bring some type of peace deal between the Iranians and Syria (mistake: should Saudi- Arabia). And this is something that has angered the United States, is has angered president Trump, it has angered Israel. And this whole attack on the Iranian tanker is something to help derail that process.”
On October 13, 2019, Prime Minister Khan visited Iran and on October 15, 2019, Saudi Arabia to discuss peace between the two countries.
Peace in the Middle East is a major concern for the United States and its allies. They will therefore go to great lengths to frustrate any attempt to peace. Instead of peace, they opt for chaos, massacres, hopelessness, ethnic cleansing, internal displacement, destruction, suffering and misery, refugee flows and continuous bloodshed. That is their hobby!
January 7, 2020: Video, "Iran Missile Launch Update”
In his video of January 7, 2020 entitled "Iran Missile Launch Update", Mr. Bennun analyzes the Iranian missile attack on US bases in Iraq in response to Soleimani's assassination.
From timeline 10:00, he analyzes the attack on the Japanese oil tanker on June 13, 2019 and the claim by the Americans that Iran was responsible.
Steve Bennun says: “We came back and shared with you from my Middle-East correspondent, this was back at the time of the Japanese tanker when it was being alleged that Iran was one that did it, while Iran didn’t. My Middle-east correspondent was telling me that it was a group that is being trained by Mossad and the United Arab Emirates (also here).
Mr. Bennun is referring to his video of June 17, 2019 entitled "17 juni 2019 ISIL Alive and Well UAE and Mossad Working Together.”
On June 13, 2019, two Japanese oil tankers were attacked in the Gulf of Oman (here, here, here, here). The tankers were loaded with crude oil in Iran and were on their way to Japan. On the same day, Japanese Prime Minister Shinto Abe visited Iran (here).
The Americans and their allies accused Iran of this attack. However, according to the information provided by Steven Bennun, the attack was carried out by the terrorists trained by Mossad and the United Arab Emirates and not by Iran. It is also against all logic that Iran would attack the oil tankers at the moment of the visit of the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to Iran. Who would have the most interest to attack the tankers? Iran or United States and its allies?
We now return to Steven Benunn's video of January 7, 2020. At timeline 10:25 he says about the confirmation from his Pentagon source: “But not long after that event, in fact, by the way my own Pentagon source confirmed that. He did not like first, but he finally confirmed it saying ‘it is true Steve’, he says ‘we just kind playing it out, it was not Iranians that bombed the Japanese ship… It was a force that is been trained, Al Qaeda, Isis militant group, that has been trained to carry out these attacks.” “Not long after that, my same intelligence source said to me, and it come up in the mainstream media, that the Prince of Saudi Arabia came to Iraq, trying to make peace with Iranians. So, don’t try to tell me that it is not the case. And then I got a phone call, and I have to be very careful how I say this right here, but I can tell you this much here. This is supposed to be someone who president Trump knows and my video about the peace initiative was shared with that individual and I said: “Is this true?” And they confirmed, “it is true”, we know he was on a peace mission..”
Why unprecedented demonization of Iran? Why so many false accusations against Iran? Why totally unfair economic embargo on Iran? Why so many provocations against Iran? A very important reason is that the central bank of Iran is independent. Another reason is explained by Steve Bennun.
February 5, 2020: Video, “Israel Launching Strikes West of Damascus”
Steven Bennun explains in his video of February 5, 2020 entitled “Israel Launching Strikes West of Damascus” that the Israeli elite, who care nothing at all about their people, are doing everything they can to provoke an attack by Iran on Israel so that the third world war can be started (and the antichrist can arise). That is the reason for the provocations against Iran in Syria, false accusations, threats, economic embargo, etc.
The gifted and experienced Canadian Jewish writer Henry Makow writes that Trump has entered into marriage ties with the ultra-Orthodox Jewish group "Chabad Lubavicht" who heavily influence him (here, here, here, here, here) to spark World War III. Soleimani's assassination was intended to provoke World War III.
In his video of January 7, 2020 entitled “Netanyahu Once Wanted Iran Bombed Now Lays Low,” Steven Bennun explains how Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu first propagated a war with Iran and later abstained from any response.
We refer to the next articles: 10-5-2018: US Allegedly Gives Israel Green Light to Kill Top Iranian General – Repor 14-2-2019: Youtube Israel PM wants to rally Arabs to advance war with Iran 13-2-2019: Israel Says It Wants 'War with Iran' and Is Meeting with Arab Countries to 'Advance' It 2-1-2018: US Intelligence Reportedly Gives Israel Green Light To Assassinate Iran's Top General 1-1-2018: Report: U.S. Gives Israel Green Light to Assassinate Iranian General Soleimani
After the murder of Soleimani, Netanyahu said: “Just as Israel have the right of self-defence, United States has exactly the same right. Qassem Soleimani is responsible for the death of American citizens and many other innocent people. He was planning much such attacks. President Trump deserves all the credit acting swiftly, forcefully and decisively. Israel stands with the United States in its struggle for peace, security and self-defense. Thank you. ”
On January 7, 2020, Netanyahu took on a completely different tone and backed down: “The assassination of Soleimani isn't an Israeli event but an American event. We were not involved and should not be dragged into it,”
According to Steven Bennun, fast-growing Christianity is a major threat to NWO's Zionist agenda. From timeline 1:50 onwards he says: “Iran is one of the fastest growing Christianity in the entire Middle-East. The elite within Israel government have not the Israeli people at their heart, the same is true with Iran….. In Iran, it is fastest growing Christian population in the Middle-East. This is why Iran is a threat to the New World Order, this why Iran is a threat to the Zionist agenda. Don’t mix Zionism of elite with that of Israelis that just love God, or the Israelis who are just secular who don’t want to get involved in this orthodox religion or things like that. And don’t mix up the Orthodox Jews with Zionism, they are not always the same”
Mainstream media: The mainstream Western media was once a bastion of independence, balance and thorough journalistic research to unveil facts and present them to the reader regardless of pressure from governments or other powers. Unfortunately, with the vast majority of the mainstream media nothing is left of this solid journalism. It has been degraded to lie, deception, and manipulation. It has become an extremely effective tool in the hands of visible and invisible powers to justify bloodbaths, rebellions, massacres, overthrowing governments, causing chaos, suffering and misery. It has become a rogue media.
Iraq: The Americans have devastated Iraq and have no intention of rebuilding it. The Iraqis are trying to make arrangements with other countries to build up their country. The Americans threaten with murder, chaos and mass demonstrations and demand 50% of Iraqi oil revenues. This is nothing but piracy and rogue behavior.
Syria: The terrorists in Syria are protected by, among others, the United States, Israel, Turkey, France and the United Kingdom. As long as these terrorist protectors are in Syria, the country will never get rest and settle down. Therefore, these terrorist protectors should be kicked out of the country immediately. They have no business in Syria, except causing bloodshed, suffering and misery.
Idlib: Under the current government, Turkey has been degraded to a persistent terrorist protector. The Turkish special units are working side by side with the terrorists in Idlib. As long as Turkey is present in Idlib, it will never be quiet there. Turkey has no business in Idlib and only causes misery and problems. The only solution is to chase Turkey away from Idlib.
Peace initiatives: Peace initiatives are being taken to bring about peace and stability in the Middle East. The Americans and their allies are doing everything they can to make these initiatives fail. Peace in the Middle East means that there is no more room for the games of the Americans and their allies. They therefore go to great length to destroy any peace attempt.
Qassem Soleimani: The Iranian General Qassem Soleimani was murdered by the Americans for fighting the terrorists who have been recruited, trained and armed by the Western powers and their Middle Eastern allies. In addition, General Soleimani was working to achieve a comprehensive peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Fighting terrorism and promoting peace are two serious mortal sins that the Americans and their allies will never forgive you for.
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