Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’. Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans. Lying, cheating, forging, treason, fraud and manipulations
Letter of bishop Gewargis Sliwa of the Assyrian Church of the East to the UN envoy in Iraq, Mr. Lakhadar Brahimi
“Assyrian” crooks at the United Nation
Bishop Gewargis Sliwa of the East- Aramean “Assyrian” Nestorian Church of the east.
In the letter this bishop tells plenty of falsehoods regarding de history of our people. He is forging the history of the church in such a way that it can be designated as objectionable and immoral.
It is known that the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” are doing everything possible to forge the history of the Aramean nation. They seize every opportunity to achieve their goal. Thereby everything is allowed, namely: lying, deceit, forging, manipulation and fraud.
On television they talk about “unity”, “cooperation” and ‘brotherhood”. When the camera is switched off however, they completely act otherwise. Spiritual leaders as well as laity make themselves guilty of this unholy and immoral behavior. Here below you will find a letter of bishop Gewargis Sliwa of the Assyrian Church of the East to the UN envoy in Iraq in 2004, Mr. Lakhadar Brahimi.
While other clergy were sleeping, Mr. Sliwa succeeded to put the name “Assyrian” in the constitution of Iraq.
To explain more the “Assyrian” lies and manipulations, at the end you will find a telegram from 1924 which we have found in the achieves of the United Nations in which they warn for the lies and deceit of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”.
Letter of Gewargis Sliwa
Mr. Lakhdar Brahimi U.N. Special Envoy to Iraq
Baghdad, May 9, 2004
I am Gewargis Sliwa, Archbishop of the Church of the East and the representative of our Patriarch His holiness Mar Dinkha IV in Iraq.
As mentioned above, the name of our church is “Church of the East” and it is also called Assyrian Church of the East, as the majority of its members in the last period of its long history are Assyrians.
Taking it from its historical point of view and before the schisms that took place because of some theological theories or whatever during the different periods of its long history, the name “Church of the East” was the only name for this Apostolic church which was founded in the second half of the first century by the Apostles Saint Thomas and Addai ‘thaddeus” and Mari who wrote the liturgy of the church in Aramaic, the language spoken by our saviour Jesus Christ in the blessed city Edessa “Urhai” which is considered the first city to accept Christianity officially. Even today we still use the same liturgy in our church services.
Because of those schisms or divisions among the members of this church who knew themselves as Assyrians, there appeared two other names, “Syrians” (for Syrian Orthodox of which some joined Roman Catholic and were called “Syrian Catholic”) and Chaldeans for those who joined the Roman Catholic in the 16th century.
Let me give you a simple and clear example of what I am about concerning certain important point. We might find three members of one family living in one of the Christian villages in the suburbs of the ruins of Ninveh (Mosul today), which was the capital of the great Assyrian Empire. None of them had migrated from any far of or foreign place. They all have the historical roots of the Assyrian origin, but because each of them followed or became member of one of the three mentioned churches, one still calls himself “Assyrian”, the other “Syrian” and the third “Chaldean”.
Thus, the names Assyrians as for the members of the Church of the East, Syrians for both members of the Syrian Orthodox Church and Syrian Catholic Church, and Chaldeans for the members of the Chaldean Church, are three different names standing for the people belonging to one Assyrian ancestry who played an important role in the ancient history of Iraq. For this reason we are proud of being Iraqi Christian citizens, and we are proud of being Assyrians, and we are looking forward to seeing our national and human rights to be declared under this none religious name in the final Iraqi Constitution beside our brethren citizens, the Arabs, the Kurds and the Turkmens.
This demand was last mentioned in our patriarch’s letter of greetings dated on the 1st of April 2004, on the occasion of the Assyrian New Year 6754, in which he mentions, “We ask all our political and social parties and organizations to be linked to one Assyrian national body and to work together to gain the Assyrian national and human rights as all the other nations in the Middle East”
Finally, as Christians together with all other Churches, we want to keep our historical, respectable and peaceful relationships with Moslems and other religious communities within the new Iraqi government which will be elected soon by all Iraqi citizens, in this blessed Cradle of Civilization the Land between the two rivers, our beloved Iraq.
With our best regards
Archbishop Gewargis Sliwa The patriarchal representative Of the Church of the East in Iraq.
“Assyrian” crooks at the United Nation.
A telegram found in the achieves of United Nations form 1924 in which they warn on the lies and fallacies of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”.
The telegram reads: Assyro Chaldean delegation having left Geneva two crooks Zacharia Isaac & simon Nicholos are forging documents to deceive foreign diplomats- prince Cambar villa Louis
Leon Mazargues Marseille
Lying, cheating, manipulating and falsification has always been the trademark of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”. Clergy as well as laity make themselves guilty of this unholy behavior.
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