Jacob of Sarug


Testimonies of the brilliant historians of the Syrian Church of Antioch on the Aramean origin of our nation, Synonymy: Aramean/Syrian.



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Question: Who were the ancient Assyrians? Were they simply one ethnicity or a composition of many nations/ tribes?


Who made the East- Aramean Nestorians known as "Assyrians"?


How "Assyrian" fanaticism resulted in terrorism (here and here).


World Council Arameans/ Syriac Universal Alliance (WCA/SUA)


WCA/SUA and terrorism


WCA/SUA: Grave Human Rights violators, international syndicate of hate mongers.


Arameans of Syria.


Arameans of Turkey


Arameans of Iraq.


Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview


Colonialism, “Assyrianism” terrorism, occultism, downfall of the Aramean nation in the Middle-East and their Diaspora.



8-5-2020: Mainstream media and fake news: wars, uprisings, chaos, bloodbaths, deception, demonization, blackmail, Iraq, Syria, Douma (East Ghouta), Idlib and the murder of Qassem Soleimani


27-8-2019: Arsons in Tur Abdin: Aramean Zahfaran monastery (St. Hananyo), Midun (Öğündük) and villages in Izlo mountain


20-4-2019: Finally the truth comes out: Isa Gulten/ Garis, St. Gabriel monastery and glorification of the unholy colonial Western anti-Aramean invention “Assyrianism.”


2-2-2017: Arameans of Aram-Nahrin organization sent a congratulation letter to US President Donald Trump


6-1-2017: Aramean Genocide and merciful Hammo Sharro of Shingal/ Sinjar, Mohammad Sheikh of tribe Tayy and Sheikh Fathallah of Aynkaf


2-5-2016: After the Turks come Kurds.... Arameans, Gog and Magog......


17-2-2016: Chemical attack on Ghouta, Damascus in 2013, Arameans, Kurds and Turks....


17-7-2015: Turkey, Syria and Iraq: Arameans, the downfall of an indigenous nation, part II


21-4-2015: Austria Recognizes Armenian Genocide


20-4-2015: Germany, defying Turkey, to call 1915 Armenian massacre 'genocide'


15-4-2015: European Parliament votes to call 1915 Armenian killings genocide


13-4-2015: Hundred Year Ottoman Genocide: Aram-Naharaim Organization and Aramean Democratic Organization send a letter to the EPP Group of the European Parliament


23-3-2015: Hundred year Aramean Genocide: Old and New genocide. ISIS/ISIL terrorists attack Arameo- Assyrian and Arameo- Chaldean villages in Khabour in Syria


30-6-2014: More and more Kurds recognize their own role in the Ottoman genocide……


28-4-2014: Ottoman genocide: 99 years ago, will it be recognized before its 100th anniversary?


7-1-2014: The two Aramean bishops: used as blackmail and bargaining instrument by odious powers…


16-5-2013: The mysterious kidnapping of the two Aramean bishops, the contradictory reports in some media, the possible responsible ones …. and the possible dénouement…


31-3-2011: Turkey, Islamic conference in Pakistan in 1980, Aramean monastery St. Gabriel, ethnic cleansing of Arameans and the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”


19-7-2010: Centuries Old Aramean church of St. Jacob of Nisibin in Tur Abdin in Turkey is plastered with racist, anti-Aramean and antichristian slogans.


11-11-2009: Prime minister of Turkey: A Muslim can never commit genocide


28-2-2009: Turkey, Kurds, the Aramean monastery St. Gabriel and worldwide Aramean protest.


3-1-2009: An important Kurdish Leader in Turkey apologizes for the contribution of the Kurds to the Aramean Genocide of 1915- Appeal to Ahmet Turk


28-11-2007: Aramean monk kidnapped in Tur Abdin (Turkey)


4-7-2007: Aramean – Armenian Massacres of the Ottoman Times: a Kurdish Responsibility


Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’.

Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans.

In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan.

Tur Abdin: Aramean monastery St. Jacob of Sarug in Tur Izlo, the games of Kurds and Turks, sentence of Aramean monk Sefer Aho Bilecen and the fake news about the Aramean nation.


Aramean monk Sefer Aho Bilecen with behind him St. Jacob of Sarug monastery in Tur Abdin

(source photo)

Dutch Version

  1. Introduction  
  2. Forged statement  
  3. Games at the doors of the Aramean monasteries  
  3.1. Criminal provocation  
  4. Hypocrisy  
  4.1. Harassments against the Aramean people  
  5. Fake news on the Aramean nation  


1. Introduction


The Aramean monastery of St. Jacob of Sarug is located in the Izlo mountains in Tur Abdin in the vicinity of the Aramean village of Badibe/Dibek in southeastern Turkey.


The monastery is named after the famous Aramean scholar St. Jacob of Sarug/Suruc from Urhoy/Urfa. He was born in 451 AD in the village Khurtam in district Sarug/ Suruc.


The monastery however, did not become known as St. Jacob of Sarug Monastery. It has become known by other names such as Monastery of St. Jacob D'Qarno, Monastery Gezallk, Monastery Gezallee or in some sources as the Monastery of Mother of God.


In the area where the Aramean monastery is located, the Kurdish PKK is active. There are regular fights between the PKK and the Turkish army.


According to the Turkish army, a PKK member left the organization in 2018 and surrendered to the army. He has made a statement. It is the statement of this PKK defector that has caused Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen troubles. According to the Turkish army, this defector stated that he and a comrade were given water and bread by monk Sefer Aho Bilecen. The statement of this PKK defector was heavy enough for the Turkish justice to start a criminal case against Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen. The charge was formulated as "belonging to a terrorist organization" and "supporting a terrorist organization."


There have been a total of 5 court hearings. The fourth session took place on January 9, 2020. Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen was then detained with two other Arameans from Tur Abdin for questioning by the Turkish public prosecutor. He was released after four days.


The interrogation of Brother Aho Bilecen in January 2020 was widely reported in the Turkish media. He was convicted by the media before the court could rule on the case. Below are some examples from the Turkish media to give the reader an impression:

10-1-2020: Mor Gabriel Manastırı Vakfı Başkanı: Süryani Rahip Sefer Bileçen bir itirafçının ifadesi üzerine gözaltına alındı

10-1-2020: Süryani rahip Bileçen tutuklandı  (https://www.gazeteduvar.com.tr/)

10-1-2020: Mor Yakup Kilisesi rahibi tutuklandı: ‘Süryanilere geri dönmeyin mesajı veriliyor’ (https://gazetekarinca.com)

11-1-2020: Mor Gabriel Manastırı Vakfı Başkanı: Süryani Rahip Sefer Bileçen tutuklandı

12-1-2020: Mardin'deki Rahip Sefer Bileçen PKK'ya yardımı inkar etmedi

12-1-2020: PKK’ya yardımı inkar etmedi (https://www.yenisafak.com)

12-1-2020: Rahipten PKK terör örgütü itirafı! 'Manastırda kalmalarına izin verdim' (https://www.habervakti.com/)

13-1-2020: Mardin'de büyük şok! Rahip Sefer Bileçen, teröristleri manastırda saklamış

14-1-2020: Gözaltına alındıktan sonra tutuklanan Süryani Rahip Aho serbest bırakıldı

14-1-2020: Süryani Rahip Sefer Bileçen tutuklandı! (https://www.sozcu.com.tr/)

14-1-2020: Süryani Rahip Sefer Bileçen'e tahliye (https://www.cumhuriyet.com.tr)

14-1-2020: Süryani Rahip Sefer Bileçen hakkında tahliye kararı (https://abcgazetesi.com/)

14-1-2020: Tutuklanan Rahip Bileçen: Örgüt için değil inancım gereği yaptım (https://ozgurmanset.net)

14-1-2020: Tutuklanan Süryani Rahip Bileçen: Örgüt için değil inancım gereği yaptım (https://www.demokrathaber.org/)

22-1-2020: Mor Yakup Manastırı Rahip Sefer Bileçen'i PKK'lı teröristlerin günlüğü yakalattı



BBC Turks reported on 10th of January 2020 an interview with Kuryakos Ergun, the chairman of the St. Gabriel Monastery Foundation in an article titled: “Mor Gabriel Manastırı Vakfı Başkanı: Süryani Rahip Sefer Bileçen bir itirafçının ifadesi üzerine gözaltına alındı


"Örgütten (PKK) kaçıp devlete teslim olan birinin iftiraları üzerine gözaltına alınmışlar. 24 saatlik gizlilik kararı nedeniyle kimseyi görüştürmediler ama sabah gizlilik kararı süresi dolunca avukatlar görüşmeye gitti. Rahip ile birlikte üç köye muhtarlık yapan Yusuf (Jozef) Yar ve Üçyol Köyü'nden Musa Taştekin adında yaşlı bir Süryani köylü de gözaltına alındılar

They were taken into custody on the slanders of someone who had fled the organization (PKK) and surrendered to the state. They did not allow anyone to meet due to the 24-hour confidentiality order, but when the confidentiality decision expired in the morning, the lawyers went to meet. Yusuf (Jozef) Yar, who was the headman of three villages together with the monk, and Musa Taştekin, a Syrian villager from Üçyol Village, were also detained.

"2018'de bir örgüt mensubu kaçarak teslim olmuş. Bu kişi, örgütteyken bu insanların evine gittiğini ve orada kalıp yemek yediğini iddia etmiş. Böyle bir şeyin olmayacağını herkes biliyor ve bu iftirayı kabul etmiyoruz. Böylesi bir ithamdan dolayı bu arkadaşlarımızın gözaltına alınması hiç hoş değil."

"An organization member fled and surrendered in 2018. This person claimed that he went to these people's houses and stayed and ate there while he was in the organization. Everyone knows that such a thing did not happen, and we do not accept this slander. It is not nice to have these friends in custody for such an accusation."


The allegations against Brother Bilecen were categorically rejected by him throughout the trial. Unfortunately, that seems to have made little impression on the court.


The question is: Is this really a defector of the PKK who made the incriminating statement, or are we dealing here with a special agent of the Turkish secret service who pretended to be a PKK fighter to get Brother Bilecen into trouble? The statement was apparently convincing enough to the court to sentence on 7th of April 2021 Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen to two years and one month.


The whole court case raises questions, has not been transparent and we therefore think it is quite well possible that the so-called confession of the captured PKK fighter was staged in order to be able to charge Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen and in doing so moving their fight to the doors of the Aramean monasteries. Those so-called two PKK fighters who allegedly got water and bread from Brother Bilecen may as well have been specially trained units of the Turkish army/secret service to trap Brother Bilecen.


The entire process around Brother Bilecen has nothing or very little to do with fight against terrorism, but it is a clear sign of harassments, deep contempt for the Aramean people and faith and to demonstrate "we can do everything with you what we want to". The Arameans (false: "Assyrians") want to live with everyone in peace, love and goodness and have no interest in getting involved in the struggle between the Turks and Kurds. It is their problem, not ours.


The Aramean monasteries St. Gabriel in southeastern of Turkey and Zahfaran in Mardin receive thousands of visitors every year. It is impossible to judge or select who of the visitors are terrorists and who is not. There may also be possible Islamic terrorists among the visitors. They are all dressed as ordinary citizens.


A PKK terrorist will never say, "Hello, I am a fighter of the PKK, give me water and bread." They are dressed as ordinary citizens. Therefore, it definitely cannot be excluded that the process is put in scene, in English it is called "False Flag" operation.


2. Forged statement


After the ruling of the court on 7th of April 2021, the chairman of the St. Gabriel Monastery Foundation, Mr. Kuryakos Ergun issued a press release about a forged statement. In the various media the statement was attributed to Brother Bilecen. Below we present the press statement of St. Gabriel Monastery Foundation.


Press Statement


We felt the need to issue a press statement in the face of wrong news and comments about Fr. Aho Sefer Bilecen reported in some media outlets and social media accounts.


As is known, Suryoyo Monk Aho Bilecen of Mor Yakup Monastery was detained on 9/1/2020 as a result of charges imputed on him, and following an appeal he was released pending trial. Throughout the trial he rejected the charges and insisted that he was innocent. He did not attend the latest hearing held on 07.04.2021, where his attorney represented him. Following the defense statement by his attorney, the court delegation sentenced Sefer Bilecen to 1 year 13 months imprisonment with a possibility of appeal. I am confident that he is innocent. Therefore, we will file an appeal application against the decision of the local court. There is no arrest warrant issued for him.


Please do not pay heed to wrong and fake news covered in the press. Particularly the statements included in the article entitled “I did what my faith required” whereby it is alleged that he said; “in 2018, two members of the organization came. They asked for food and I gave them”…. And the following statements definitely do not belong to him. They are totally distorted. The legal process has been ongoing and he is still in his position.” 07.04.2021


Respectfully announced to the public.

Kuryakos Ergun

President of the Executive Committee of the Foundation.


On two websites the phrase “I did what my faith required” was published. On the website of amongst others https://ozgurmanset.net and https://www.demokrathaber.org, an article was published entitled: “Tutuklanan Rahip Bileçen: Örgüt için değil inancım gereği yaptım” (Translation: The captured monk Bilecen: it is not for the organization, I did what my faith required).


This is outright forgery! Brother Bilecen never made such a statement.


A statement has been published on various English language websites that claim that it would allegedly have come from Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen. Again, fake!


On this website we read about the alleged statement from monk Sefer Aho Bilecen saying: “After his arrest and after a meeting with members of the Urfa Bar Association and Human Rights Commission, monk Bileçen shared the following message through his lawyers:”


“In 2018, two organization members came to the monastery. They asked me for food which I gave them. This incident was later determined and the Commander of the Metropolitan Gendarme at the time met with me. I did not deny the incident. I asked for security measures to prevent the incident from happening again, but no security measures were taken.”


“I thought the matter was closed after my testimony was recorded. I will give food and water to anyone who comes to my door. I have to give it out of my religious and philosophical beliefs. I cannot lie because I am a monk-priest. I gave food not to help any organization, but out of my beliefs. From a religious and philosophical perspective, I cannot report it. I can’t leave the monastery anyway.”


According to the press statement of Kuryakos Ergun, we are dealing here with forgery and it is not a statement made by monk Sefer Aho Bilecen.


The first question that comes to the mind is: who has the most interest in such a statement in which monk Bilecen declares himself guilty? In any case, it is not in the interest of monk Bilecen himself. His prosecutors are certainly interested in such a burdensome statement that has been completely rejected by the chairman of St. Gabriel Foundation, Mr. Kuryakos Ergun.

The second question is: Who has issued this forged statement and passed on to the media? Is this Urfa Bar Association or Human Rights Committee's work? Let the independent and critical reader do some investigation.


3. Games at the doors of the Aramean monasteries


The Turks and Kurds jointly have almost completely exterminated the Aramean people during the genocide of 1914. After they jointly eradicated Aramean and others Christians of Ottoman empire, the Turks and Kurds started flying at each other because of autonomy aspirations of the Kurds. The Turks had made promises to the Kurds about autonomy if they would help to exterminate the Christians of Ottoman Empire. The Kurds have carried out their task with unprecedented hatred, cruelty, satisfaction and sadism. However, the Turks did not honor their promises and that has led to the current bloody struggle. The rise of the PKK in the 1980s has caused more than 50,000 victims on both sides.


The Kurds and Turks now move their struggle to the doors of our monasteries and involve our clergymen with their struggle. This is totally undesirable, unacceptable and shameless. The vast majority of Arameans (fake “Assyrians”) definitely do not want to have anything to do with this. They want to live in quietness, peace, tolerance and charity with everyone including Turks and Kurds and have no interest in getting involved with their struggle.

Following the indictment of Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen, a total of 5 legal sessions took place. On January 9, 2020, Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen was detained and questioned for 4 days. He was accused of "helping a terrorist organization" and "belonging to a terrorist organization". He categorically rejected the allegations.


At the fifth session, on 7th of April 2021, he was sentenced to 2 years and a month prison. It is a ridiculous, politically motivated, shameless and outrageous judgment that makes totally no sense. His lawyer has appealed against the judgment.


3.1. Criminal provocation


If it is indeed correct that the two members of the PKK went to the monastery for food and water and that the statement of the defected PKK member is not a forgery and that the statement has not been obtained under serious and heavy pressure by the army, then this is a very serious provocation of the PKK. The PKK knows very well that the Turkish army keeps an eye on the Arameans monasteries. By sending the two members to the monastery, the PKK deliberately caused Brother Sefer Aho Bilecen troubles. The PKK has caused our people a lot of misery.


The PKK played decisive role in the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Tur Abdin. In our analysis of 23 of April 2018 we wrote:


In Turkey the PKK made a misery of the life of Arameans. They invaded the Aramean homes, demanding food by threatening them with weapons. The defenseless Arameans had no choice but to give the PKK soldiers food to spare their own lives. Following that, the Kurdish fellow villagers of Arameans, many of whom were working for the Turkish secret service (MIT), filed a complaint against them with the local police because of their “support” to the PKK. The next day the Arameans were visited by the units of Turkish army, were heavily beaten and thrown in jail. The most Kurdish imams in the villages were friends with the Turkish government and considered Arameans as “unclean ones” and “infidels.”


The Arameans were living in hell sandwiched between the weapons of PKK and Turkish army. They were on their own and got support from no one! The Aramean were terrorized, persecuted, threatened and harassed until they had no choice but to leave. The fanatical Kurds threatened to kill them if they would not leave and used perverse/ vulgar language against their women to humiliate them.


In doing so, the Arameans were forced out of their villages in Tur Abdin which they had been inhabiting since thousands of years.

After this, the Islamic Kurdish fellow villagers confiscated the Aramean lands, vineyards, homes and properties. In few instances they paid a meaningless small amount of money, but in the most cases they confiscated without any meaningful payment.

The Turks and Kurds worked together to expel the majority of Aramean out of Tur Abdin. The Kurds received the Aramean properties as rewards for their cooperation with the Turkish government.


In Syria, the Kurds are repeating exactly the same tactic of harassments, terrorizing, expelling and confiscating.


In other words: plundering, stealing, confiscating properties of others is the trademark of the Kurds.


The PKK knew very well that their blackmail and oppression of the Aramean people to provide them met food would provoke the horrific and merciless terror of the Turkish army and their Kurdish Islamic supporters against the defenseless Arameans. They also knew very well that their Kurdish Islamic brothers, among whom many were working for the Turkish secret service (MIT), would lay a complaint against their fellow Aramean villagers with the Turkish army and in addition threatened them.

The PKK clearly contributed to the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Tur Abdin.


In Syria, the YPG which is the sister organization of the PKK is terrorizing the Aramean people unprecedented and is doing everything in their power to chase away the Arameans and taking their place. That is the known tactics of the Kurds. The Kurds are committing these crimes against our nation under the protection and support of the Americans, the empire of evil. For this we refer to the following two analyzes on our website:

9-2-2019: With approval and under protection of the colonial Western powers: Unprecedented Terror of Kurdish YPG/PKK terrorists and “Assyrian” terrorists against the Aramean nation of Syria.

1-8-2019: Arameans of Syria: unprecedented terror of the darling children of the colonial Western powers against the Aramean nation.


And what to think of the cowardice, treacherous, criminal and occult "Assyrian" terrorists (here and here) who are eager to serve as the doormat of YPG / PKK causing our nation unprecedented suffering and misery in Syria and elsewhere?


4. Hypocrisy


The court case against Brother Bilecen, so-called "because of supporting terrorism" is ridiculous, shameless and evidence of unprecedented Turkish hypocrisy. The Turks know very well that Brother Bilecen has nothing to do with terrorism and should therefore stop their endless games and harassments against the peaceful minded Aramean nation. They come up, every so often, with an event to cause the Aramean people in Turkey and in Diaspora headaches.


If Turkey is really concerned about "fighting terrorism", then to our sincere view they should never have had given access to Mr Tuma Celik to enter the Turkish Parliament. Mr. Celik is member of the parliament on behalf of the Kurdish HDP. He represents in HDP the so-called "Dauronoye", which is an Aramaic word for "revolutionaries". The "Dauronoye" are represented by Suroyo TV and Syriac European Union.

The history of "Dauronoye" starts in 1993 when the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) made an unholy monstrous pact with the PKK. The purpose of the covenant was "Assyrianization" of the Aramean nation using the PKK media in exchange for recruitment of young people for the PKK in the West.

For a detailed explanation about the “Assyrian” terrorism, we refer to the following analyses on our website:

17-7-2008:  A monstrous covenant between the PKK and the organization of the apostate Arameans who identify themselves as “Assyrians”, namely: The Assyrian Democratic Organisation. Goal of this covenant: To falsify the Aramean history, Mr. Abdullah Ocalan says "The history will be rewritten"

23-4-2018: The Western Anti-Aramean colonial product “Assyrians” and unconditional loyalty to PKK/YPG and Abdullah Ocalan


In 2004, the apostate Arameans who identify themselves as "Assyrians" left the PKK and committed fornication with Turkey. When the Western colonial powers started in 2011 a criminal and bloodthirsty war against Syria together with their Middle Eastern allies, Mr. Celik and other apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" wanted together with Turkey to overthrow the government of Bashar Assad for so-called bringing " Democracy" to Syria.


On 9th of October 2013, Hurriyet Daily News published an article entitled “Syriacs join opposition to topple al-Assad government.”


In the article, a photo of Tuma Celic together with Bassam-Said Ishak is presented.

European Syriac Union’s Turkey representative Çelik (L) and Ishak, the Syriac National Council head, says they are carrying out a mutual fight against al Assad’s dictatorship.


We read amongst others:

“Bassam-Said Ishak, the Syriac National Council head, and the European Syriac Union’s Turkey representative Tuma Çelik, both prominent figures supporting the opponents in Syria, spoke to the Hürriyet Daily News about the reasons for their allying with opponents to the Syrian regime. “As all the people of Syria, including Christians, Muslims, Sunnis, Kurds and Alevis, we are carrying out a mutual fight for the fall of al-Assad’s dictatorship and for the acquisition of freedom and equal rights. The opposition movement is regarded as a Muslim-Sunni movement, which is a great mistake,” Ishak said. 


Did you read that? “the European Syriac Union’s Turkey representative Tuma Çelik.” Back then they were big friends with Turkey and had left their masters of PKK. They wanted together with Turkey to overthrow the government of Bashar Assad. They also had no problems with a government of Muslim Brotherhood in Syria.


Hurriyet Daily News reported on 11th of September 2012 in an article entitled “Christian group ‘will be’ OK with Brotherhood”: A recently established council bringing together Syria’s Christian minority groups in Syria has no fear of a possible Muslim Brotherhood rule in the country, according to a prominent member.


Fortunately, their dream has not become reality and Bashar Assad is sitting firmly in the saddle. In the meantime, the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" returned to their old masters of PKK and have broken with Turkey, the love did not last for too long! In Syria, they terrorize unprecedented the Aramean people together with the Kurdish organization YPG which is allied to the PKK.

They behave like capricious whore going to bed with everyone who wants to entertain them.


4.1. Harassments against the Aramean people


If Turkey is really concerned about terrorism they should immediately block access of Mr. Celik to the Parliament. That Mr. Celik can enter the Turkish Parliament unhindered makes to our sincere view clear that Turkey does not care about terrorism.


However, there is also another possibility. It may be that Mr. Celik is providing Turkey with information about the activities of the PKK / YPG in Syria and their slaves, the occult apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians". This reasoning is not farfetched because Mr. Celik, as cited above, wanted together with Turkey to overthrow Bashar Assad and then installing a government of the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria. In those times he was the "The representative of Syriac European Union in Turkey."


On the other hand, Turkey uses double standards when it comes to terrorism. In Syria, Turkey supports, trains and arms thousands of bloodthirsty and horrific Islamic terrorists to cause unprecedented bloodbaths, chaos, suffering and misery. At the same time, they shout from the roofs about the activities of "terrorist" YPG / PKK in Syria.


The lawsuit against monk Sefer Aho Bilecen clearly shows that Turkey is using terrorism as a means of harassment and humiliation against the Aramean people. They must immediately stop with this childish, shameless and brutal harassments. They create, from time to time, an event to taunt unnecessary our nation. This must stop to give our people in Tur Abdin some rest they deserve.


5. Fake news on the Aramean nation


A very tiny minority withing the Aramean nation identify themselves as “Assyrians.” The reason they call themselves “Assyrian” has to do with their unprecedented love and dedication for the occult practices of the ancient Assyrians which they have implemented in their daily life. The core of their believe system which they present as “nationalism” is the unprecedented love and veneration of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist and his mother/ wife Semiramis, the whore of Babylon.

Nimrod / Asshur Antichrist also takes a central place with the occult organizations worldwide, such as Freemasons / Illuminati. The occult and apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" therefore have something in common with the occult organizations worldwide.

That is why the Cabalistic/ Talmudic/ Freemasonic illuminati satanists put their “Assyrian” brothers in the spotlights.

About Kabbala see amongst others. : here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here

About Talmud see amongst others. : here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here


The disinformation about the Aramean nation and the great preference for the spreading of "Assyrianism" does not just fall out of the blue.

The overwhelming majority of the colonial Western media, including “Christian” media, is controlled by the Freemasonic/ Illuminati satanists (here, here, here and here). No one article will be published unchecked, because: “NOT A SINGLE ANNOUNCEMENT WILL REACH THE PUBLIC WITHOUT OUR CONTROL

(illuminatie protocols of the Elders of Zion No. 12, section 3 and 4)


If we let the matter carefully sink in, then one can understand the behavior of the media, some politicians and scientists when it comes to the glorification of "Assyrianism", the ideology of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, because they are all influenced by the international Kabbalistic/ Talmudical illuminati intrigue.


The apostate occult Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" take advantage of every event to spread the unholy colonial Western product "Assyrians". The Aramean people are presented in a criminal manner as "Assyrian" people. Whether it is genocide, lawsuits against St. Gabriel monastery, lawsuit against Brother Aho Sefer Bilecen or a random other event, they do everything to present our people as "Assyrians" with the help of the colonial Western media. We present below some examples to give the beloved reader an impression:


1) 27-1-2021: New hearing for monk accused of terrorism because he gave a piece of bread (http://www.asianews.it/)


Fr Sefer (Aho) Bileçen, an Assyrian (Aramean) clergyman,…………………


………………The new hearing in the trial of Assyrian (Aramean) monk, Fr Sefer (Aho) Bileçen,………………..


2) 29-1-2021: Turkish Monk Faces Terrorism Charges Over Giving Bread (https://www.persecution.org)


Fr Sefer Bilecen is an Assyrian (Aramean) clergyman who recently……………





The Assyrian (Aramean) monk’s trial is one……………….


3) 7-4-2021: Assyrian (Aramean) monk gets two years in a Turkish prison for giving a piece of bread (www.asianews.it/)


…………..growing as evinced by the Assyrian (Aramean) monk’s trial…………


……………..court sentenced Assyrian (Aramean) monk Sefer (Aho) Bileçen………..


…………….the Assyrian (Aramean) monk is custodian of the old……………..


4) 7-4-2021: Assyrian (Aramean) priest Sefer Aho Bileçen sentenced to two years imprisonment in Turkey (https://medyanews.net)


The Assyrian (Aramean) priest Sefer (Aho) Bileçen……………….


…………………..Tur Abdin is a historic Assyrian (Aramean) region located in southeast Turkey…….. currently home to approximately 3,000 Assyrians (Arameans) belonging…….


“Large numbers of Assyrians (Arameans) have been forced………………. intimidating atmosphere for those Assyrians (Arameans) who………….


……………his indictment sends to the rest of the Assyrian (Aramean) community in Turkey


5) 7-4-2021: Turkey: Assyrian (Aramean) Monk Imprisoned again for Giving Water to People from the PKK (https://eclj.org)


…………………prison sentence an Assyrian (Aramean) priest, Sefer (Aho) Bileçen…..


…………………….Today, a remnant of 3,000 Assyrians (Arameans) / Syriacs live there………..


6) 9-4-2021: Turkey: Assyrian (Aramean) Christian Priest Sentenced to Two Years in Prison (https://www.thenationalherald.com)


….. Assyrian (Aramean) Christian priest Father Sefer Bileçen……………..



Today, Assyrians (Arameans) in Turkey face challenges related………………


7) 9-4-2021: Assyrian (Aramean) Christian priest sentenced to two years in prison in Turkey (https://www.christiantoday.com)



Assyrian (Aramean) Christian priest Father Sefer Bileçen,…………………..


………………………….. two others in January in the Assyrian (Aramean) town of Üçköy…………….


8) 9-4-2021: Vicar of Anatolia: Father Aho's conviction is 'surprising’ since no crime was committed (www.asianews.it/)


The 25-month sentence inflicted on Assyrian (Aramean) monk Sefer Bileçen




9) 23-4-2021: Court case against priest evokes bitter memories for Turkey’s Assyrians (Arameans) (https://www.al-monitor.com/)


Turkey’s tiny Assyrian (Aramean) community views a jail term handed to an Assyrian (Aramean) priest on “terrorism charges” as an official strong-arming tactic, while Assyrians (Arameans) around the world call for dismissal of the case…………………..


A Turkish court verdict that sentenced an Assyrian (Aramean) monk to a prison on terrorism charges has set off an outcry among the Assyrian (Aramean) communities and civic groups across the world, yet Turkey’s Assyrian (Aramean) community remains mostly silent. ……


The life of Assyrian (Aramean) priest Sefer Bilecen,……….. but the ruling left Turkey's some 5,000 Assyrians (Arameans) heartbroken…………..


After serving Assyrians (Arameans) for many centuries,………………. ruins in 1915 when 250,000 Assyrians (Arameans) were massacred………….


……………. only after 2010 thanks to donations sent by Assyrians (Arameans) who…………..


……………. the fears of the Assyrian (Aramean)  community in Turkey, …………. a priest not only hurts the Assyrians (Arameans) but ………………..



………… about Turkey’s Assyrians (Arameans), the court ruling …………. against Assyrians (Arameans) in the region …………………


……………..Sixty-seven Assyrians (Arameans) who …………many Assyrians (Arameans) migrated ……


He recounted that Assyrians (Arameans) who………………..


………………… Assyrian (Aramean) communities abroad……………


…………… Assyrians (Arameans) in Europe must generate……………….


10) 14-1-2020: Turkey arrests priest who gave water and bread to Kurdish fighters: report (https://www.christianpost.com)


An Assyrian (Aramean) priest and two other Assyrian (Aramean) Christians were arrested…..


………to two other Assyrian (Aramean) Christians………..



……………….the Syriac-Orthodox faith and Assyrian (Aramean)-Syriac ethnicity……….


………………….Christian Concern that Assyrians (Arameans) have…………………


11) 11-5-2020: Assyrian (Aramean) Priest Faces Turkish Court (https://www.persecution.org)


………the third hearing against Assyrian (Aramean) priest Father Sefer Bileçen, ………




………….caused many Assyrian (Aramean) Christians to leave……………..


12) 13-2-2020: Churchman who gave food to PKK members charged with terrorism (http://www.asianews.it)


The Assyrian (Aramean) clergyman and other Christians……………



……………accusation that the Assyrian (Aramean) priest failed…………




………..to the rest of the Assyrian (Aramean) community in Turkey…………..


13) 29-9-2020: Assyrian (Aramean) priest suspected of 'terrorism' to go on trial on 3 November (http://www.asianews.it/)


…………….The trial of an Assyrian (Aramean) priest, Fr Sefer (Aho) Bileçen,……………


14) 4-11-2020: Mardin, the trial of Assyrian (Aramean) monk charged with terrorism postponed to January (http://asianews.it)


………. the trial of the Assyrian (Aramean) monk Sefer (Aho) Bileçen………..




The Assyrian (Aramean), who faces life imprisonment………………………


……………..decisive for the indictment of the Assyrian (Aramean) priest……………


15) 8-11-2020: Turkey: Assyrian (Aramean) Christian priest faces court for giving food and water to Kurdish fighters (https://christianpersecution.com)


……………………third hearing against Assyrian (Aramean) priest Father Sefer Bileçen…………..

……………. caused many Assyrian (Aramean) Christians………..




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Letters to governments and international institutions


Arabic Translations: 

 الترجمات العربية


Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide


Fake News on the Aramean nation:

 Arameans in the Media



27-7-2010: Aram-Nahrin Organisation sends a letter to the Turkish minister of Interior Affairs on the plastering of the Aramean St. Jacob Church of Nisibin


20-5-2009: Aramean Organizations sent a letter to the President and Prime Minister of Turkey on the Aramean Monastery St. Gabriel and recognition of the Aramean indigenous people as a distinct ethnic minority.


7-5-2009: Arameans of Turkey, the Aramean monastery St. Gabriel