Paul Al-Khoury Al-Kfarnissy
World Council Arameans/ Syriac Universal Alliance (WCA/SUA)
Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview
7-1-2014: The two Aramean bishops: used as blackmail and bargaining instrument by odious powers……
27-6-2013: Aramean Catholic Priest Killed in Syria
23-4-2013: Two Aramean bishops kidnapped in Syria
24-9-2011: “Liberation” of Iraq: Extermination of Arameans of Iraq. “Liberation” of Syria…..?????......
7-6-2011: The uproar in the Middle-East and the future of the Aramean nation
24-4-2010: Shutting down of Aramaic institute: It would be a travesty for Syria
12-8-2012: Saudi Arabia Sends Most Wanted Criminals to Syria, Yemeni Websites Reveal
29-11-2012: Syria Child Soldiers: Rebels Using Children In War - Human Rights Watch
24-3-2013: Jihadists, not Assad, apparently behind reported chemical attack in Syria
===Videos ==
Beheading: Barbarism of worst kind.
22-2-2012: Syria: the horror of Homs, a city at war
7-4-2012: Terrorist Extremists Destroyed Oldest Christian Church in Syria - USA supplied them
12-4-2012: Syrian Rebels Slaughter Christians
4-7-2012: Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters”
1-9-2012: Daraa: field execution for the volunteer policeman Muhammad Faysal Suleiman
12-9-2012: NATO Funded Syria Terrorists Torture and Behead Prisoners
21-10-2012: FSA Genocide against Minorities in Syria World must unite against FSA!!.
30-10-2012: FSA destroyed an Armenian church and burned the Holy Bible in Aleppo
15-12-2012: Lives of Minorities In Syria Under Western Backed Foreign Militant Occupation
23-12-2012: Turkish Islamist Terrorist Incites Syrians to Slaughter Syria's Religious Minorities
2-1-2013: Fatwa by Al Jazeera's Top Cleric: Pro-Gov't Syrian Civilians Are Legitimate Targets
20-3-2013: Video: West Turns a Blind Eye that Their Terrorists in Syria Used WMDs, Against all Evidence
31-3-2013: Video: Western-Backed FSA Use Child Soldiers in Syria
4-4-2013: New video shows Syrian rebels using US SEALs' sniper rifle
8-4-2013: Video: “Aleppo, the Castle”: Documentary on Atrocities Committed by US-NATO Sponsored Terrorists in Syria
4-5-2013: Kosovo terror training camps re-open for Syrian rebels
15-5-2013: Shocking video: Cannibal terrorist says video from Syria is real: eat lung of soldier
23-6-2013: Jihadists ritualistically slaughter 3 people (priest Murad among them?)
2-7-2013: Sharia Law spreading amongst rebel held areas in Syria
5-7-2013: Sharia Court Room in Qaboun
27-8-2013: Free Syrian Army aka Al- Qaeda kills innocent truck drivers
25-10-2013: Syrians Have to Pay a Hefty Price to Release Kidnapped Bishops
The Copts of Egypt and the Arameans of Mesopotamia
Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’. Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans. In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan.
Arameans of Iraq and Syria: when the blind is leading the blind and is serving as extermination tool in the hands of illuminati.
------------------------------------Update December 12, 2019-------------------------------------
------------------------------------End update December 12, 2019 -------------------------------------
Looking at the situation of Iraq and Syria, one does not need to be expert to understand that the utter destruction of these two countries had nothing to do with “democracy”, “human rights” and “freedom”. These terms are used to camouflage modification of the map of Middle-East. In this modification process, horrific crimes are committed by the colonial illuminati powers against amongst others the Aramean nation (fake: "Assyrian": here, here, here and here), living since thousands of years in this part of the world.
In the past we informed our beloved reader in various analyses on the demonic plan for the Middle-East which amongst others includes the extermination or disappearance of the Aramean indigenous nation. To achieve this unholy goal, the apostate Islamic terrorists and the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”- the spiritual children of Nimrod and Samiramis- will be used by the illuminati powers.
In our analysis of 2nd of august 2012 we wrote this about the coming extermination/ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Syria:
What we feared, back then, is now unfortunately unfolding in details before our eyes and has become daily news.
In case of Iraq, the “Assyrian Democratic Movement” (ADM) and its leader Younadam Khanna was instrumental and in case of Syria, the “Assyrian Democratic Organization” (ADO) will be used as instrument to destroy the Aramean nation of Syria.
Mr. Bush and Blair managed masterfully to win the hearts of the unholy spiritual colonial product “Assyrians” of their forefathers to side with them in toppling the regime of Saddam Hussein. The “Assyrians” went into ecstasies when Mr. Bush and Blair made reference to them in their speeches.
President Bush: (October 7, 2002) “The oppression of Kurds, Assyrians, Turkomans, Shi'a, Sunnis and others…” President Bush: (March 16, 2003) “…..All the Iraqi people -- its rich mix of Sunni and Shiite Arabs, Kurds, Turkomen, Assyrians, Chaldeans,……” President Bush: (April 28, 2003) “Whether you're Sunni or Shia or Kurd or Chaldean or Assyrian or Turkoman or Christian or Jew or Muslim …” Tony Blair: (March 30, 2003): “I want all Iraqis - Arab, Assyrian, Kurd, Turkoman, Sunni, Shiite, Christian and all other groups…”
To completely win their hearts, Mr. Bush added the organization of Mr. Younadam Khanna (ADM) to the list of opposition groups who were supported by the US to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein. In “Presidential Determination No. 2003-05” we read: ………………….I hereby determine that each of the following groups is a democratic opposition organization and that each satisfies the criteria set forth in section 5(c) of the Act: the Assyrian Democratic Movement;…………………………….
I hereby designate each of these organizations as eligible to receive assistance under section 4 of the Act………………………….
This resulted in that the fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” welcomed Mr. Bush and Blair as “heroes” to please come and “liberate” them from that “ruthless” dictator Saddam Hussein and were eager to assist Mr. Bush and Blair in every possible ways to get rid of Saddam Hussein and bring “democracy”, “freedom” and “human rights” to Iraq. The result of this shameless spiritual fornication was just terrifying to our people in Iraq. Already more than 70% of the Aramean indigenous nation has left Iraq and the remaining Arameans are also considering leaving the country. And with that, the spiritual children of Nimrud and Semiramis have fulfilled their task under supervision of their colonial illuminati masters.
On 2nd of May 2004, the local News Paper “The Modesto Bee (” reported in an article “Sign bashing president shocks Assyrian visitor” on the visit of Younadam Khanna to the United States.
On the love of “Assyrians” for Mr. Bush, we read: “Walking through Dulles International Airport on Saturday, Younadam Kanna, the leader of the Assyrian Democratic Movement political party in Iraq, saw a sticker on a newsstand that read: Bush is the Butcher of Baghdad.”……………… …………………. "I could not believe what I read," …… "To us in Iraq, he is not a butcher. He is a savior. Yes, maybe he is a butcher to terrorists, but we appreciate that." ……………………
"Bush is a hero in Iraq — he brought freedom to our country," he said. "Yes, (Osama) bin Laden thinks Bush is a butcher. But Americans think so, too? It is a tragedy to think that some Americans share viewpoints with a terrorist like bin Laden."
On toppling of Saddam Hussein, Khanna says: "The vast majority of Iraqi people are happy that Saddam is gone," …………………. "We have a normal life now…………….”
On the role of media concerning coverage on Iraq, Mr. Khanna says: "The media is exaggerating only the negative side," ……. "Ninety percent of the new Iraq is good. Ten percent is bad. But the media only focuses on the problems. Where are the stories of our new life, of our liberation, of our freedom?"
In the National Review Online of 19th of may 2004, Mr. Khanna says in an article entitled “Kana's Iraq, a story you can't hear enough of”: “We are calling on...America not to stop; to go on with us on this blessed mission, …………. this blessed mission of liberation, of democracy, and of freedom."
On the regime of Saddam Hussein Mr. Khanna says: "Under Saddam's sectarian, apartheid policies, we were fifth-degree citizens," Kana explains. "……………..
On the “glorious” liberations and the rights of “Assyrians” he says: "The Iraqi people are free now," ……. "For the first time in the history of Iraq — ……. our neighbors, and the majority of people today, recognize us [Assyrian Christians],…………………….
“Bush is hero”, “Bush is savior”, he brought freedom”, “our new life”, “our liberation”, “our freedom”, “blessed mission”, “liberation, democracy, freedom”, “we are free”, recognize us” ? Well beloved reader, what to say about such foolishness, blindness and sorcery? Mr. Bush had impressed the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” so much so, that they were attributing him kind of messianic qualities in describing him as their “savior.”
Please note that Mr. Khanna proudly states “our neighbors, and the majority of people today, recognize us [Assyrian Christians]…” This has been always the ultimate goal of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” and that is: glorification and advertising the unholy illuminati product “Assyrians”, no matter the killings, ethnic cleansing, destruction of the life in Iraq, blowing up Aramean churches and forcing the Aramean indigenous nation into Diaspora. All these sacrifices are okay, as long as they can benefit from it to advertise the colonial illuminati invention “Assyrians” in reference to all the Aramean denominations in Iraq and abroad.
Such statements by Mr. Khanna and other “Assyrians” to “glorify” the work of Mr. Bush in Iraq, did not contribute to the wellbeing of the Aramean people in Iraq. On the contrary, these kind of extremely dangerous statements were serving as grist to the mills of fanatics in Iraq to target the defenseless Arameans in Iraq. The result of this foolishness, spiritual fornication and blindness was that under the watchful eyes of the Americans and British, the Aramean churches were blown up and burned, their clergy abducted and killed, their men, women, sons and daughter killed and more than 70% of them have expelled out of Iraq. But, beloved reader, who cares about this terrifying misery that is happening to our people in Iraq? World powers, media…..who????..... You see, this is the way the evil works!!!
Mr. Khanna however cannot get enough in expressing his admiration for the “liberators” of Iraq no matter the daily flying around of human body parts, bloodbaths, indescribable horrors, disrupting and extermination of life in Iraq.
On 15th of august 2008, The Modesto Bee reported in an article entitled “Visiting Turlock, Iraqi official says his country is stabilizing” on the visit of Younadam Khanna: "Thanks to God we got rid of the Saddam Hussein regime, and we appreciate all the Americans and other friends who gave their support to get rid of this bad guy," Kanna said”
We cannot imagine beloved reader that it was the will of the God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to plunge Iraq in this hopelessness, sorrow and misery. On the contrary, the daily bloodbaths, havoc, destruction, deformed children due to use of uranium, extermination and devastation of the life in Iraq are a delicious sacrifice to the god of illuminati lucifer/satan. This are however matters where Mr. Khanna and other apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” are not able to understand anything from it. Do not try to explain them that the so-called “terrorists” are nothing but an unholy product created and developed in the insane and antichristian colonial illuminati laboratories. They give you the impression as if they are completely hypnotized and cannot look outside the box they have been put in.
On the downfall of the Arameans of Iraq and the impending downfall of the Arameans of Syria, we wrote on 30th of July 2012:
Mr. Younadam Khanna, his Assyrian Democratic Organization and the rest of the Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” were used by Mr. Bush and Blair to exterminate the Arameans of Iraq. In the same way, the “Assyrian” fanatics are now being used to exterminate the Arameans of Syria by the blood thirsty colonial illuminati powers to be presented as a delicious sacrifice to their god lucifer/satan. Below, we will explain what we mean.
In December 2011 Mr. Jeffrey Feltman, US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs went to the Middle-East. On 5th of December 2011 an article was published in Naharnet entitled, “Feltman in Beirut on Wednesday, Says U.S. Has Evidence that Hizbullah Helping Assad”
We read amongst others: “Feltman told reporters that Washington has been in touch with Syrian Christians to prod them "not to stand on the side of the attacker," but declined to elaborate. “
Who are these “Syrian Christians” Mr. Feltman is in touch with? Well, these “Syrian Christians” are nobody but the anti-Aramean objectionable genocidal western colonial slavery product “Assyrians” – bred and developed in the unholy colonial camps. And it is this “Assyrians” who most probably were maneuvered by Mr. Feltman in an unholy marriage with Muslim brotherhood.
On this unholy marriage of Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) with Muslim brotherhood, we refer to our analysis of 13th of December 2011 entitled: Climax of Madness: The unholy colonial product “Assyrians” wants together with Muslim brotherhood to topple the regime of Bashar Assad. How the odious demonic colonial powers maneuver their spiritual children and creation into the abyss to exterminate the Aramean nation of Syria.”
Regarding the "peaceful" intentions of Mr. Feltman with the people of Syria, professor Michel Chossudovsky wrote on 28th of may 2012: " Under Jeffrey Feltman's supervision, the actual recruitment of terrorist mercenaries, however, is carried out in Qatar and Saudi Arabia in liaison with senior intelligence officials from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya and NATO. The former Saudi ambassador to the US, Prince Bandar, who remains a key member of Saudi intelligence, is said to be working with the Feltman group in Doha"
Not only was ADO, the organization which in 1993 made an unholy covenant with PKK to recruit youngsters for terrorism, recruited to join the ludicrous and theatrical “Syrian opposition”, but also various individuals such us George Sabra, Bassam Ishak and other apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” were encouraged to join the club.
In November 2012, Mr. Sabra was elected chairman of “Syrian National Council.” His colonial illuminati masters have programmed him, following Younadam Khanna, in such a way that he is believing in a “fantasy land” after removing Bashar Assad.
On 18th of July 2012, Fides News Agency reported on the fantasies of Mr. Sabra saying: “We are "at the beginning of the end for the Syrian regime." "A new page of national history is about to open." And the new Syria will be democratic, potentially lay, reconciled and free from oppression: is what George Sabra, a Christian, spokesman for the "Syrian National Council", the representative body of the front of the Syrian opposition, says in an interview with Fides Agency. The spokesman reassured the Christian communities in Syria that their future will be guaranteed "in accordance with principles of democracy, citizenship and freedom."
It is clear beloved reader that his colonial illuminati masters have considerably brainwashed Mr. Sabra and others around him with promises that are way far from reality. We summarize this foolishness and blindness as follows:
1) We are dealing here with exactly the same promises, sorcery, deceit and manipulation as in the case of Iraq, namely: “… page…”, “…democracy…”, “freedom”, “equality” etc… all these terms are meant to camouflage: a) blowing up, dishonoring and burning of churches, b) ritual slaughtering of Arameans and others in Syria, c) destruction of infrastructure and health care system in Syria, d) implementation of Islamic Sharia law in “liberated” areas and persecution/ humiliation of women, e) daily bloodbaths and bomb attacks…..
2) The dream of Mr. Sabra and his objectionable, bloodthirsty colonial masters that “We are "at the beginning of the end for the Syrian regime” can be considered as wishful thinking fairy tales.
3) Let Mr. Sabra explain his misleading and fake promise that “reassured the Christian communities in Syria that their future will be guaranteed” to: 1) the two Aramean bishops who were abducted by the so-called opposition (here, here and here), 2) the Aramean catholic priest Mourad who was ritually slaughtered (here), 3) the 45 Arameans who were slaughtered in Sadad (here) etc…
Another messenger boy of the colonial illuminati powers who is also eager to bring “freedom”, “democracy” and “equality” to Syria is Mr. Bassam Ishak. He gives the impression to be someone who follows arbitrary wind direction. Mr. Bassam Ishak presented himself in an article of Hurriyet Daily News on 11th of September 2012 as the leader of “Damascus based Liberal Party” and that he “has no problem to work together with Muslim Brotherhood.”
On 2nd of august 2013 Mr. Bassam Ishak presented himself in an article of The Telegraph as “friend” of colonial illuminati powers, member of Syrian National Coalition (SNC) and complained about support from colonial powers. We read: “Bassam Ishak, a Christian member of the main opposition bloc the Syrian National Coalition, who comes from Hasakah, said he and his colleagues had tried "several times" to approach western officials asking for weapons for Christian groups to defend their areas. "The West wants to arm the seculars or 'West friendly' people, well we, the Syriac Christians those people. We want arms to protect our communities," he said. "We spoke to western diplomats asking for help, and everyone ignored us".
In addition to Sabra and Ishak, there are more apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” and seem to be hypnotized by the colonial illuminati powers regarding “new Syria” where there would be so-called “democracy”, “equality” and “freedom.”
As previously noted, also ADO is member of SNC. The involved members of ADO are mentioned on the website of SNC. There are in total 8 members mentioned on behalf of ADO under the name “Assyrian bloc”, namely: Abdulahad Astepho , George Stifo, Saied Lahdo , Saied Lahdo , Samir Elio , Atiah Barodish , Jamil Hanna , George Shashan , George Kouriah
3.1. ADO representative Foreign Affairs is “concerned”……
On 4th of March 2012 there was a live interview on the Kurdish satellite Channel “Gali Kurdistan (GK)” with Mr. Corc Goriyê on the change of regime in Syria and the consequence for Christians.
This “screenshot” was taken to prevent that we would be accused of “fabricated untruth”. We are dealing here with very important social matters concerning the fate of our people. Therefore, we want to inform our nation as accurate as possible on the individuals who set themselves up as their “representatives” while they have received no any mandate whatsoever from the nation.
As can be seen on the screenshot, the responsibility of Mr. Corc Gouriye is described as “Endamê rêxistina Asuriya Dĭmukrat li derve”, that means something like “Foreign affairs representative of the Assyrian Democratic Organization.”
This Corc Goriye is most probably the same as “George Kouriah” on the list of ADO with SNC. When writing names according Arabic, Turkish/ Kurdish pronunciation in Latin alphabet, it changes sometimes. “Corc” is the Turkish/ Kurdish equivalent of Latin “George”. The same goes for Kouriah, Goriye or Gouriye.
The interview was difficult to follow due to mixture of Kurdish/ Arabic words. In short, they spoke about “concerns on the situation of Christians in Syria, Turkey”, “cooperation in love, brotherhood”, “Syrian National Council (SNC)”, “involvement of ADO with SNC” etc..
The interviewer asked amongst others this question to Mr. George Gouriye/Goriye/Kouriah: Corc, at this moment you have a seat in the Syrian National Council. However, have you obtained your rights and guaranteed?
Corc Goriye: In the charter/ constitution which is written by SNC, the matter is actively affirmed and secured for us as Syrians-Assyrians in Syria, ………but we want that this declaration not only be affirmed by SNC, but the whole opposition within Syria, in the new constitution of Syria……
Again, exact repetition of Iraq. They talk about “new era”, ‘new Syria”, ‘new constitution” etc.., all of it is complete nonsense and empty talk only meant for the utter destruction of Syria following example of Iraq.
The “concerns” of ADO foreign affairs representation is in contradiction with the unholy covenant that ADO have made with the Muslim Brotherhood. Let Mr. George Gouriye please have look at what has happened to Libya, Iraq and other countries that have been “liberated” by the colonial illuminati powers.
We believe you cannot make a monstrous alliance with Muslim Brotherhood and subsequently express your “concerns” on the regime change in Syria. As cultural/human rights organization we consider such steps irresponsible, objectionable and utterly dangerous. As it was irresponsible and harmful to the Aramean nation when ADO made in 1993 an unholy covenant with the PKK, the history will teach us that also their treacherous decisions to engage with Muslim brotherhood will produce very ugly and bad “fruits” for our people. We already see this becoming reality before our eyes.
4/5 December 2012: SNC meeting in Doha, Qatar
On 4th and 5th of December 2012, the SNC had a meeting in Doha, Qatar. ADO was also present at this meeting. On 11th of December 2012, a footage was uploaded to Youtube entitled “Assyrian Participation SNC Meeting in Doha”
In the footage, the ADO foreign affairs representative, Mr. George Gouriye can be seen. In addition, the ADO members within SNC, Mr. Said Lahda and Ablahad Stepho talk about ADO and SNC. They feel “they are very important” and they have been “involved with establishment of SNC in 2011 in Istanbul, Turkey.” That is their message they want to convey.
On 24th of March 2012 the Assyrian Democratic Organization organized a demonstration in Holland, in the city of Enschede against the regime of Assad.
We read amongst others: ‘Syria free. Assad must go’, around 200 activists chanted on Saturday midday in the centre of Enschede”
It were the same slogans that back then were cried from housetops by the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” to topple the regime of Saddam Hussein. They were begging their colonial masters, in particular their buddies Bush and Blair, to please come and “liberate” them from the “ruthless” dictator Saddam Hussein. Result of this: extermination of Arameans of Iraq.
“The violence must stop. Already more than 8500 people have sacrificed their live for the freedom. Thousands have fled. Syrian cities are reduced in ashes because of bombardments by the Syrian regime”; said Shukri Demir of the Assyrian Democratic Organization, who organized the demonstration.
We can assure Mr. Shukri Demir and other apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” that the major part of those 8500 people (by now already 120.000 died) have been killed by the death-squads of your colonial Western masters and not by the army of Assad. Your masters are experts in distortion of reality and use individuals like you to fool general public.
You can watch with your own eyes Mr. Demir that the successful advanced technology of devastation, disruption and ethnic cleaning by your colonial masters- in particular the odious French and United Kingdom- applied in Iraq is now being repeated in Syria to destroy and fragmentize the country. You and your allies who believe in fake promises such as “freedom”, “human rights” and “democracy” of the colonial powers are useful tools for these wicked powers to carry out their demonic plan, they have concocted in their antichristian insane laboratories for the region Middle-East. Who are the losers Mr. Demir who have to pay with their life and blood? Well, the Aramean nation!
4. The origin of “Assyrian” fanaticism, their blindness, veneration of occult powers
How can you exterminate a nation?
You can exterminate a nation in two ways. The first method is literal killing by means of weapons. The second method, a somehow “friendly” subtle method, is that you create division within the nation on the cultural/ ethnical/ social / national and religious level and incite the nation against one another through which the national unity is destroyed resulting in that one and the same nation is presenting themselves under different ethnical names and with that they fly at one another’s throat
The present-day problems, bloodbaths and ethnic cleanings the Arameans of Middle-East are facing with are the unholy fruits of intervention by colonial illuminati powers with the Middle-East, started in 16th and 19th centuries.
The Arameans (fake “Assyrians”) indeed have been victims of unprecedented hate generating acts from the colonial intrigues that facilitated their downfall in the Middle-East, worsened the physical genocide of 1915, was the cause for Diaspora, and explains for important part the current problems they are facing with not only in the Middle-East, but in the lands of Diaspora as well.
The spiritual/cultural genocide, that is to say, the division within the Aramean nation was implemented on academic, cultural and social level by the colonial activities of France and Great Britain in the Middle-East through which a cultural genocide was perpetrated on the Aramean indigenous nation. This was done by the invention of the term “Chaldeans” by France (+ Vatican) in 1553 and the term “Assyrians” by Great Britain (+ Protestants) as from 1853.
The ecclesiastical and political powers closely worked together and setup camps in Turkey, Iraq, and Iran where the Aramean children were “educated” through which they completely were uprooted from their Aramean origin. They thereby planted a horrible form of fanaticism in their hearts which caused them to display an immense aversion to their Aramean origin (it is remarkable to see how some “scholars” tries to approve this unholy practices). And this continues unabated until these times.
In the year 1553 the Western Catholic missionaries along with Frances brainwashed a part of the East-Aramean “Nestorian” clergy by means of bribery and blackmail to call themselves “Chaldeans”. Because of this Aramaic language became known as “Chaldean” language and Aramean nation as “Chaldean” nation in some parts of Western literature. The division within the East- Aramean “Nestorians” was finalized with establishment of the “Chaldean Church of Babylon”.
The Catholic missionaries build schools in Iraq, Turkey and Iran to brainwash the Aramean children. An awful demonic hatred towards other Aramean denominations was planted in their hearths through which unbridgeable hatred was facilitated that continue until our days. In this way the East- Aramean Chaldeans were completely uprooted from their Aramean origin. This was the first attack on the Aramean heritage.
Aramean Testimony: The East- Aramean Chaldean Yakob Avgin Manna (The analysis continue after this...........)
Please click here for more on the Aramean testimonies...........
(The analysis continues here below...)
As result of mutual hatred and competition between the Western Catholics and Protestants, in the late 19th century the same process was repeated, this time by the Anglican missionaries, and the other part of the East- Aramean “Nestorian” tribes of Hakkari (bordering Turkey and Iraq) and Urmia (Iran) to call themselves "Assyrians"- a term which was used purely geographically and only applied to the "Nestorians". This has resulted in that Aramaic became known as “Assyrian” language and the Aramean nation as “Assyrian” nation- this was the second and more severe attack on the Aramean heritage- a kind of spiritual genocide.
After the East-Aramean “Nestorians” were brainwashed to call themselves “Assyrians”, a fierce form of nationalism took possession of them and they started to distort our heritage, which has been developed and maintained for thousands of years. Aramaic (Syriac) language they changed into “Assyrian” language, Aramean people into “Assyrian” people. The Syrian Church became “The Assyrian Church”. Everywhere they changed the words “Aramean” or “Syrian” into “Assyrian”
Sadly, nowadays we observe clearly that the West knowingly is participating in this terror against our nation without slightest moral hindrance. In this regard Professor Dr. Muhammed Shamsaddin Megalommatis says “Embodiment of the divisive deeds and practices of the Catholic and the Anglicans missionaries among the Aramaeans is the gradual and lethal Western academic, educational and cultural infiltration among the Aramaeans, and the diffusion of false identities, namely ‘Chaldaean’ and ‘Assyrian’ for parts of the Aramaean nation
In this way they try by all means possible to falsify our history and our sacred Aramaic (Syriac) language and try to impose this fake name onto other Aramean denominations. And today it is this unwanted and unholy colonial spiritual product created by the West which provokes and terrorizes the Aramean nation.
Calling Aramaic (Syriac) language "Assyrian language" is a criminal form of spiritual genocide, calling Aramean people "Assyrian people" is a hideous form of Spiritual genocide, calling Aramean genocide "Assyrian genocide" is a form of spiritual genocide etc…etc.. And this genocide continues undiminished to this very day. The perpetrators act dumb and are generous in pointing at the mistakes of others while ignoring their own mistakes.
Because of the “good” and effective education system of the colonial powers the mutual mistrust and hatred within the various Aramean denominations was stimulated and amplified in such a way that unbridgeable division was effectuated. The new “Assyrian” identity was drummed in so intensively that the East-Aramean “Nestorians” started everywhere in the religious and secular literature to change the word “Aramaic” or “Syrian” into “Assyrian”. Due to effective propaganda /misinformation on “Assyrianism” later on some members from other Aramean denominations also started to use the “Assyrian” name as ethnical designation.
Mr. Abdullah Ocalan of PKK was utterly impressed by the fanaticism of these apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”. For these reasons they made in 1993 a monstrous covenant with the PKK in Syria. In exchange for recruitment of youngster in the West, the PKK promised them to advertise the name “Assyrians” and made the Kurdish Media at their disposal. This monstrous covenant, including conditions, is in detail explained in the PKK newspaper “Berxwedan” of 15-6-1993.
The detailed covenant can be summarized in three points:
1. Establishment of a sister-organization of PKK and recruitment of youth in the West. 2. Falsification of Aramean identity, a cultural extermination of the Aramean nation. 3. If the PKK would prevail, the “Assyrians” would share in this victory.
ADO and PKK agreed to establish a sister- organization of PKK by ADO and it would be supported by PKK, morally as well a financially. This sister-party of PKK became known after its establishment as GHB (In Aramaic: "Gabo D'Hirutho D'' Bethnahrin"= Mesopotamia Freedom Party). Later it changed its name in MUB (Mautobnutho Umtonoyo Bethanrin= Mesopotamia National Organization).
Regarding the establishment of the GHB, the PKK-leader says:
Page 16, Column 3:
Page 18, Column 6, he says:
Page 19, Column 1, he says:
Page 20, Column 2, he says:
Page 20, Column 4, he says:
On the availability of the Kurdish media for the “Assyrian” propaganda he says: You should write, our magazine, newspapers are open (for you). It will be written anyway in agreement with your wishes (Page 19, Column 4). In addition, the PKK offered them 12 hour broadcasting time free of charge with the PKK channel MED-TV for their propaganda.
After their return from Syria, the GHB was established and they immediately started together with PKK to organize meetings and demonstrations, precisely as proposed by the PKK leader Ocalan when he said, “They jointly may organize demonstrations, mass meetings” (Page 19, Column 1)
The establishment of GHB took place thanks to the federations and associations of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” – the horrible colonial product from the 19th century which caused division, hatred and destruction among our nation, - in Germany, Sweden, Netherlands and other countries.
On the establishment of the GHB, the sister party of PKK, on Page 17 Column 4, ADO says:
Thus: The organizations of apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” and nourish a deep contempt towards the Aramean nation, were mentally prepared and mass meetings were organized to recruit youth for the combat. But of course, these activities were carried out under the cover of “cultural manifestation”, “human rights”, etc.. etc.. The main goal was however to recruit people for the struggle of PKK in agreement with the proposal of the PKK-leader, quoted previously. The terrorist “Assyrians” were so successful, thanks to the support of PKK, that they already had recruited 200 people (Newspaper Hurriyet) in the year 2001 who were active in the camps of PKK. In Holland, for example, they organized hunger strikes in front of police office in the city of Enschede and other activities to involve the youth with the PKK.
When the Turks became aware of this unholy covenant, they blew up the Aramean villages in Southeastern of Turkey and forced the inhabitants into Diaspora.
Because of the involvement of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” with the terroist activities of PKK, they provided the Turks with very good excuses to put in 2006 our people in Turkey on the terrors list of the Turkish Supreme Court.
The Turks do not distinguish between the Arameans who identify themselves with the genocidal colonial slavery product “Assyrians” and Arameans who remain faithful to the roots of their forefathers and do not want to be involved with such unholy matters. They denote all the Aramean denominations with the term “Suryani’, that is “Syrian”. The current lawsuits against the Aramean monastery St. Gabriel are one of the sour fruits of the activities of the “Assyrians” terrorists.
However, the colonial genocidal spiritual slavery product “Assyrians” cannot get enough of their unholy activities. Being PKK, Muslim brotherhood or whomever, they go to bed with everyone with just one condition and that is: to advertise the unholy genocidal colonial name “Assyrians” and apply this onto all the Aramean denominations. For this reason in 2011 they made an unholy and suicidal covenant with the Muslim Brotherhood in Syria to topple the regime of Bashar Assad.
It is clear beloved reader that the mutual division within the Aramean nation and the usage of the colonial names as “national” appellations forms a huge obstacle for the worldwide social, cultural and human rights development / improvement of our people. And some media, “scholars” and politicians in the West continue unfortunately to promote this evil division without any form of conscientious objection.
When you as people present yourself under different ethnical designations – “ethnical” names invented for you by outsiders in the 16th century (“Chaldeans”) and 19th century (“Assyrians”) for political / religious reasons-, what do you expect from the nations in the region of Middle-East?
Well, you simply will be jeered, neglected and absolutely not taken serious. These nations in the Middle-East understand very well that the exotic names with which a part of the Aramean nation identifies them are fabrications of outsiders. Other peoples in the Middle-East take advantage of this division to deepen more the mutual hatred and divisions for their benefit. And under these circumstances you should not expect and demand that your rights will be recognized and respected in the region where the law of the “jungle” is being applied
Parallel to the implementation and diffusion of the aforementioned lie- identities, the Roman Catholic Church did everything possible to create divisions within eastern Orthodox Christianity and implement hatred and incited them against one another in the name of “Jesus”, “love” and “development”. No stone was left unturned, including using the powers of the Middle-East against the Arameans and Orthodox Christians to force them to the Catholic faith.
This is unfortunately the way jesus of the West works (this has of course nothing to with the Jesus Christ of the Bible). For example, the establishment of the West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church was effectuated by an unholy alliance between the spiritual and secular powers. Regarding this alliance, Sebastien De Courtios says in his book, “The Forgotten Genocide: Eastern Christians, The Last Arameans is” ,, The first [Syrian] Catholic Patriarch had been consecrated in Aleppo in 1662 with French help through the mediation of Ambassador Francois Picquet (page 33)…. .. which was encouraged by French diplomats present in Aleppo at that time. The diplomats favored the separation in the hope of one day uniting the Eastern Churches with that of Rome (XiX).. The Catholic mission activities were strongly supported by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs policy, which had been reinforced in the region by creation in 1856 of a vice-consulate in Diyarbekir at the request of the Vatican (page. 36) (See more on the divisions within the Aramean nation…..)
It is very difficult to understand why so much sorrow, hatred, division and misery have been implemented within the Aramean indigenous nation in the name of this very strange “jesus”. A normal human being with common sense would ask at least questions like: What will I gain by implanting hatred, division and sorrow within other nations in the name of “jesus”? What will I gain by destroying other nations in the name of “jesus”? What does it mean “love your neighbor like yourself” as commanded by the real Jesus Christ of the Bible?
To understand this unfathomable mystery, perhaps we should look at the spiritual training of those who caused so much havoc in the name of this very strange “jesus”.
A much quoted statement, in particular by Protestant researchers, is the Jesuit oath that can be found in the library of American Congress that was made public in 1883 under Catalog Card #66-43354
The administrator of the oath, that is the superior, says to the individual taking oath: …………................................ ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… My son, heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among the Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence to seek even to preach from their pulpits and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and to descend so low as to become a Jew among the Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope.
You have been taught to insidiously plant the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces and states that were at peace, and incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace. To take sides with the combatants and to act secretly in concert with your brother Jesuit, who may be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected; only that the Church might be the gainer in the end, in the conditions fixed in the treaties for peace and that the end justifies the means.
You have been taught your duty as a spy, to gather all statistics, facts and information in your power from every source; to ingratiate yourself into the confidence of the family circle of Protestants and heretics of every class and character, as well as that of the merchant, the banker, the lawyer, among the schools and universities, in parliaments and legislatures, and in the judiciaries councils of state, and to "be all things to all men," for the Pope's sake, whose servants we are unto death.
The individual taking the oath says amongst others: ……………………………………….................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………… I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver, (perinde ac cadaver,) but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. That I will go to any part of the world whithersoever I may be sent, without murmuring or repining, and will be submissive in all things commanded to me.
I furthermore promise and declare that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, nor sex or condition; and that I will hang, burn, waste, spoil, flay, strangle, and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.
………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………
There are some people who claim that the oath is false. It is of course possible, it cannot be excluded. However, the oath if officially recorded in achieves of American Congress and most probably not without reason.
If the above-mentioned is true, then it explains for an important part the unprecedented divisions implemented within the Aramean nation. Therefore, we have some questions to our beloved reader:
1) Where does come from this horrible hatred implanted in the hearts of Aramean Catholics? Where does come from their utter contempt towards non-Catholics?
2) Why do the Aramean Catholics always place Vatican on the first place when talking about cooperation with other Aramean denominations? Why are they not able to independently take decisions to cooperate with other denominations? And why do they first need instructions from “higher hand” to proceed? Did they all perhaps made the oath of unconditional obedience that is binding them in a sort of stranglehold to the Vatican?
3) How is it possible that the GHB/ADO/PKK “Assyrian” terrorists have a very good contact with and access to Aramean catholic clergy in Iraq and elsewhere?
Needless to say of course, the severe consequence of all these divide and rule politics is that a divided nation is of course a weak nation. In addition, this division not only prevents the social, cultural and human rights development /progress of our nation worldwide, but has also forced our nation to flee into the Diaspora, leaving behind the sacred lands of the forefathers, which they inhabited for thousands of years.
Because of utter division, within the Arameans of Iraq and Syria, on national and religious level, it is impossible to join hands to deal with the current challenges in the Middle-East. The result of this is that they are being trampled, killed, marginalized, ignored and chased away.
It is a mystery to us why the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” are so easily being manipulated by the colonial illuminati powers. It seems as if they are completely blinded and bewitched, as if they absolutely are not able to ponder on- and analyze their behavior and the consequences of their decisions. It is as if this people have totally lost all sense of responsibility. There is apparently no one among them telling them: “idiots, what are you doing? Please have a look at your behavior and what you have been up to. Stop with this foolishness, fraud and deceit and please wake up.”
Aramean Testimony: The West-Aramean Syrian Maronite Paul Al-Khourty Al-Kfarnissy (The analysis continue after this...........)
Please click here for more on the Aramean testimonies...........
(The analysis continues here below...)
4.1. The love for Nimrod and Samiramis is the spirit of antichrist
Most probably, the behavior of the apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” can be explained if we try to grasp the way this people have been “educated”, the environment in which they have been raised and the way their mindset have been cast in a mould.
What we see, and that hurts us very much, in “education” of youth is the unprecedented “love” that is being implanted in their souls for “Nimrud”, “Semiramis”, “Assur”, “Sargon” and other “gods”. They adorn their associations, homes and other buildings with statues or paintings of Nimrod and Samiramis and elevate this “gods” and “goddess” to a considerable level.
The annual “Assyrian New Year” is celebrated with honoring and glorifying Nimrod and Samiramis. This kind of “celebrations” or “events” attract thousands of people, “Assyrians” and non- Assyrians. In northern Iraq for example, the celebrations take place on a plain the size of a football field. A woman, dressed as Queen/ Goddess Ishtar/ Samiramis/ Innana/Diana/ Isis, standing in wooden carriage is driven around and is waving with her hands to the audiences to “bless” them.
The apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”, call this “celebrations” innocently “cultural celebrations”. Those familiar with occult world however, view these celebrations from totally different angle. The symbolical waving of a woman, dressed as “goddess” Ishtar, standing in a wooden carriage, is considered in the occult world as “invoking the blessings” of the heavenly queen Ishtar/ Samiramis/Innana/Diana/Isis to the audiences and to the “Assyrian” people.
For the importance of Nimrod/Samiramis to the occult illuminati powers, we refer to a top specialist on this field, the former Satanist/illuminati Doc Marquis. The Arrival of Antichrist: The religion of Illuminati Timeline 0:36:50: The days of Babylon after Flood of Noah – Kingdom of Nimrod- Against the Lord YAHWEH- Samiramis Mother/wife Founder of Occult, Witchcraft.
See also: Magic, Mysticism and Masonry: Timeline: 07:42 Holy Bull of Nimrod America Occult Holy Days: Timeline 1:02:00 Nimrod and Samiramis
The high ranking occultists Aleister Crowley and Jack Parsons would have been proud of these kind of celebrations, for they could be used as important ceremony to open gates through which the “gods” could manifest in this earthily plain. Such celebrations also attract Westerners, including some so-called “Christians.”
Due to this kind of “upbringing” and “education” for occult powers, the youngsters automatically get aversion- most probably unintentional- to the God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Yacob and His Son Yesuh M’siho. O yes, they present eagerly themselves as “Assyrian Christians”, underscoring “Assyrians”.
The strange thing here is that the youth as well as adults do not realize that they are wrong in glorifying this kind of occultism. On the contrary, they often tend to “educate” you about your “Assyrian” origin, because in their perception “Arameans” and “Aramaic” do not exist, to them everything is “Assyrian”. They act as if they are “wise, mature and competent” and are eager to show you how “blind and stupid” you are, because you do not know your “Assyrian origin.”
The illuminati nourish unprecedented respect for occultism, in particular for Nimrod and Samiramis, they are the heart of their belief system. They consider the God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as the evil party and satan/lucifer as the good party, because he wanted to provide humanity with “knowledge” to be able to “develop” to “higher consciousness”, to become a “god”.
We suspect that the illuminati skillfully use the unprecedented “love” of the fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” for occult powers as Nimrod, Samiramis, Sargon, Assur etc.., and therefore manage to manipulate them without being aware of anything wrong. And that hurts very much!!
4.1.1. Nimrod Mighty Hunter… “Gaboro”….
Regarding Nimrod, the “holy symbol” of “Assyrians”, we read:
The fact that “Nimrod became a mighty one in the earth” means that from the beginning he was not mighty. The word “mighty” in Aramaic is “Gaboro” (singular) or “Gaboree” (plural) also used in Genesis 6 when fallen angels had sex with human women, probably daughters of Cain, and produced “Gaboree”, namely:
How did Nimrod became “Gaboro” or “mighty one” to demonstrate his power against God? Well, most probably he got DNA-upgrade, the fallen angels DNA, or the “seed” of Satan through which his DNA was most probably changed from 2-strand to 3-strand, that is to say: his DNA became “beast”- DNA. Most probably it is the same kind of beast-DNA as the mark of the beast described in Revelation 13:16. Those who receive this mark of the beast will be transferred into “seed” of Satan and therefore become the same as fallen angels and thus: no redemption possible, directly to the hell. See more on “Gaboree”, “Mighty ones” or “Giants” Ancient Giants - Suppressed Archaeology
The kingdom of “Gaboro” Nimrod is described as “Babel, Erech, Accad and Calneh” land of Shinar, roughly area of southern Iraq. These are the strongholds of rebellion, under guidance of Nimrod, against the God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; bastions/places which are highly venerated by the fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”.
Regarding the rebellion of “Gaboro” Nimrod in the land Shinar we read: 2 And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar; and they dwelt there. 3 And they said one to another, Go to, let us make brick, and burn them throughly. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth (Genesis 11:2-4)
“Gaboro” Nimrod has mobilized people around him in the land of Shinar, in Babel to organize themselves to challenge the God of gods, the God YAHWEH. Their goal is: A “tower” that may reach unto heaven. There are many stories around this “tower” in Babel. The name Babel is explained as “confusion”, because God YAHWEH confused their language. However there is also another possible explanation and that is that the meaning of Bab-el is: Stargate. Bab= Door, El= God (compare this with Matthew 27:45, Eli, Eli= My God, My God)), thus “door/gate to God.” The first antichrist Nimrod and his people had probably attained high advanced knowledge from fallen angels to build stargates to travel between “galaxies” and thus “reaching the heaven“ or perhaps that the heavenly beings came to the earth through the gates in Babel build by Nimrod and his worshippers.
In the Bible book Jude we read somehow a cryptic reference to the fallen angels and a reference to the book of Henoch. Verse 5 reads: “And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day” and verse 15 reads: “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints 15 To execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him”
Regarding the interference of fallen angels with human affairs we read in the Book of Henoch Chapter VI, VII, VIII: 1. And it came to pass when the children of men had multiplied that in those days were born unto them beautiful and comely daughters. 2. And the angels, the children of the heaven, saw and lusted after them, and said to one another: 'Come, let us choose us wives from among the children of men and beget us children.' 3. And Semjâzâ, who was their leader, said unto them: 'I fear ye will not indeed agree to do this deed, and I alone shall have to pay the penalty of a great sin.' 4. And they all answered him and said: 'Let us all swear an oath, and all bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.' 5. Then sware they all together and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 6. And they were in all two hundred; who descended [in the days] of Jared on the summit of Mount Hermon, and they called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it. 7. And these are the names of their leaders: Sêmîazâz, their leader, Arâkîba, Râmêêl, Kôkabîêl, Tâmîêl, Râmîêl, Dânêl, Êzêqêêl, Barâqîjâl, Asâêl, Armârôs, Batârêl, Anânêl, Zaqîêl, Samsâpêêl, Satarêl, Tûrêl, Jômjâêl, Sariêl. 8. These are their chiefs of tens.
1. And all the others together with them took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in unto them and to defile themselves with them, and they taught them charms and enchantments, and the cutting of roots, and made them acquainted with plants. 2. And they became pregnant, and they bare great giants, whose height was three thousand ells: 3. Who consumed all the acquisitions of men. And when men could no longer sustain them, 4. the giants turned against them and devoured mankind. 5. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the blood. 6. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones 1. And Azâzêl taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals 〈of the earth〉 and the art of working them, and bracelets, and ornaments, and the use of antimony, and the beautifying of the eyelids, and all kinds of costly stones, and all colouring tinctures. 2. And there arose much godlessness, and they committed fornication, and they were led astray, and became corrupt in all their ways. Semjâzâ taught enchantments, and root-cuttings, Armârôs the resolving of enchantments, Barâqîjâl, p. 36 [paragraph continues] (taught) astrology, Kôkabêl the constellations, Ezêqêêl the knowledge of the clouds, 〈Araqiêl the signs of the earth, Shamsiêl the signs of the sun〉, and Sariêl the course of the moon. And as men perished, they cried, and their cry went up to heaven . . .
The intervention of these angelic powers in altering human and animal DNA and transferring “heavenly secrets/ knowledge” to mankind caused God YAHWEH to send the great deluge to destroy the life on earth. However, after the flood they continued with intervening in human affairs.
As told previously, “Gaboro” Nimrod was most probably in detail instructed by these fallen angels how to build the tower to “reach the heavens.” The last antichrist, the risen Nimrud will again be instructed and accompanied by the fallen ones with advanced technology, namely: “[Even] [him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness (2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12)
Zecharia Sitchin popularized in his books the return of the fallen angels or Annunaki and the Planet- X (Niburu).
Dr. Micheal Heiser however, refuted claims of Stichin, including the Planet-x and has even dedicated a website to it.
However faithful Christians like Pastor F. M. Riley strongly believe in Planet-X (here and here) and insists that it is not a hoax.
Dr. Heiser also refutes the claims that the Book of Genesis was plagiarized from Sumerian and Akkadian sources.(The fallen Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians " also make regularly this claim).
According to the renowned researcher, Stan Deyo- the author of Cosmic Conspiracy- sources with Pentagon trusted him that the Annunaki – the fallen ones- are returning back to the earth, to the Sumer area, the centre of rebellion. “In the Pentagon, you know the military circles that are in the know about the cover-up here; um… they kind of, in whisper tones, talk about the return of the Sumerian gods. And they’re talking about what we would call Aliens or Fallen Angels returning into the Middle East, into the old Sumer area.” (Source )
If this is true, then it means that the coming of antichrist is very near.
We return to the symbolic representation of Nimrod by the body of a bull, human head and bird wings. This is not without meaning. “Bull”, the carrier, is an ancient symbol that was used for Ba’al and Moloch worship. Recall the golden calf worshipped by Israel in the desert (Exodus 32:4) and also be aware that in some parts of India the cow is considered as “holy”. The wings could be described as flying or conquering “heaven”, for he wanted the top of the tower to reach the “heaven.” In Revelation 13:6 we read about the beast or antichrist: “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.”
Satan himself desired in his heart “ ………………, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High” (Isaiah 14:13-14)
Human head represents “high intellect” that the last Nimrod will receive from Satan to do his work. Nimrod is thus mixture of human and beast DNA. Nimrod/ Asshur- the "Assyrian": Who were the ancient Assyrians? Were they simply one ethnicity or composition of many nations/ tribes?
As previously quoted, Genesis 10:10-11 reads: "10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah,.... " (King James Version 1611)
In the Bible we encounter dozens of individuals having two names, such as: Simon who was called Peter, Esau who was called Edom, Gideon who was called Jurbbaal etc.. (Click here for more examples.)
We also encounter in the Bible two or more individuals with the same name. In Genesis 4:17 we read about Enoch and in verse 19 about Lamech as progenies of Cain.
In Genesis 5 we read about the descendants of Seth. In verse 5:18 we read about Enoch and in verse 26 about Lamech ad progenies of Seth.
The Asshur of Genesis 10:11 is not the same Asshur as the son of Shem in Genesis 10:22, who had no progeny.
The Asshur of Genesis 10:11 is another name for Nimrod according to the detailed analysis of Peter Goodgame. This s being confirmed by both the Hebrew Bible and the King James Version 1611, as previously quoted. There are more confirmations regarding Nimrod being Asshur of Genesis 10:11. The Aramaic translation is the most strong one:
1-1) The Aramaic translation:
The Aramean scholars have translated Genesis 10:11 as follows:
We first thought that "Olaf- Taw- Wau- Rish- Yus- Olaf" should be read as "Othuria", which would mean "geographical Assyria." However, there is no such expression in Aramaic as "Othuria" in reference to geographical Assyria.
In Aramaic, Asshur is written as "Othur" and Asshur/ Othur in Aramaic can denote an individual or geography. The Aramean translators have translated Asshur with "Othuroyo" (person) which means "Assyrian" and not as "Othur" (geography/ person) following the Hebrew Bible.
Literal translation of Aramaic text: "From that land (the) Assyrian went/ left and built Nineveh....... "
The same phrase "the Assyrian" in reference to Nimrod/ Ashur the antichrist is repeated in Isaiah 10:5-6 and Micah 5:5-6
The Aramean scholars / translators have translated verse 11 with "Othuroyo" (the Assyrian) not without reason. On the contrary they did so purposefully! In paragraph 4.2. we will discuss it more in detail, however the term "the Assyrian" is a Old Testament phrase to denote the antichrist, the resurrected Nimrod which was well-known phrase at the beginning of Christianity. And the Aramean scholars were well-aware of this reality. That is the reason, they did not translate verse 11 with "Othur/Asshur", but deviated from the Hebrew Bible by translating verse 11 with "Othuroyo/ Assyrian" to make clear that Nineveh Rehoboth, and Calah were build by Nimrod/Assur the antichrist and that Asshur and Nimrod are two names for the same person.
From this, it can be understood that the founder of the powerful Assyrian Empire was Nimrod/ Asshur the antichrist. The ancient Assyrians were worshipping Nimrod as god Asshur. This could explain why the symbol of Nimrod, a bull with human head and wings, were placed at the entrances of important buildings by the Assyrian kings.
The success of the powerful Assyria was due to obtained advanced technology from the fallen angels. As previously explained, Nimrod/ Asshur had become "Gaboro", that is to say that his DNA was modified to became the same as the fallen angels DNA, he had undergone DNA upgrade, he had become "god." That is the reason Nimrod/ Asshur had got access to unprecedented secret technological knowledge of the fallen angels.
" and ye shall be as gods " (Genesis 3:5) was exactly the fake promise of Satan to Eva. And with that, Satan succeeded to put the human race under his authority in the fallen state. But, our lovely and mercifully heavenly Father, God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob foiled the plans of Satan, because “…..and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever….” (Genesis 3:23)
You see beloved reader, the plan of Satan was to make human race his slaves for eternity for the evil promise of “becoming god.” But our merciful heavenly father prevented the evil plan of Satan and sacrificed His beloved Son Yesuh M’siho to save the children of Adam and Eva from the yoke of Satan.
Father YAHWEH prevented human being to live forever as slaves of Satan by introducing bodily death. By accepting the precious blood of Yesuh M'siho, the children of Adam and Eva receive eternal life in resurrected heavenly body!
Who were the ancient Assyrians?
If we try to continue the line of reasoning regarding Nimrod/ Asshur as the founder of the powerful Assyrian Empire, the next question needs to be answered, namely: Who were the ancient Assyrians who worshipped Nimrod/ Asshur? Were they simply one ethnical people or were the worshippers of Nimrod a collection of various populations from the world of that time?
The Assyrians of the Old Testament were a composed nation from different races/ tribes who were worshipping Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist as god. It was a religious system that made many nations/ tribes "Assyrians" by worshipping Nimrod/ Asshur. You became Assyrian, because you were worshipping Nimrod/ Asshur regardless your origin or race.
As told before, Nimrod/ Asshur had unified the world of his time to challenge the God Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 11:1-6). Their goal was: A “tower” that may reach unto heaven. (See for more about this: Jasher 9:2-29, Paragraph
After the confusion of their language (Genesis 11:7), their activities were stopped and they were scattered all over the world (Genesis 11:8). This does however not mean that all the worshippers of Nimrod/ Asshur had left the land Sinear and were scattered over de world. On the contrary, Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist and remaining part of his followers stayed behind in the land Shinear (Jasher 11:1-4, Paragraph and continued with his wickedness until his death (Jasher 27:7, Paragraph ). The occult religion of Nimrod/ Asshur was continued after the tower of Babel and his death by his wife/ mother Semiramis/ Ishtar (Paragraph and a hardcore faithful worshipers of Nimrod/ Asshur, with all his angelic knowledge at their disposal, later to become known as "Assyrians." In addition, it is also possible that some scattered tribes/ peoples centuries later came back to the centre of worship of their god Nimrod/ Asshur to contribute to the raise of powerful Assyria.
The followers of Buddha for example consist of many races/ nations and are called "Buddhists." So also the followers of Nimrod/ Asshur consisted of many nations/ tribes who were worshipping Nimrod/ Asshur and hence were called "Assyrians." It is possible that the DNA of worshippers of Nimrod/ Asshur started to change through which they were upgraded to a special group of individuals with advanced skills and possibilities compared to those who did not worship Nimrod/ Asshur. Perhaps the Nimrod/Asshur worshippers became, due to their DNA upgrade, a superior spiritual occult community having all the necessary satanic/angelic knowledge at their disposal to expand and rule their powerful Assyrian Empire. Possibly it was something comparable with the mark of the beast in Revelation 13.
It was an occult demonic system. Their success to become powerful Empire was due to their access to the fallen angel's knowledge.
1-2) On the website of Torahclass, under the heading "Old Testament Studies", section "Lesson 10 Chapters 10 and 11" we read about the Nimrod/ Asshur relation in Genesis 10:11: "Next we’re told that “Ashur” went forth and built Nineveh, the fabulous city at the heart of Assyria. And, like in Babylon, this Ashur fellow built 3 more great cities in Assyria. Who is Ashur? Ashur is simply the Assyrian name for Nimrod (Nimrod being a Babylonian name). So, verse 11 is still speaking about the same man….just using a different language……and that man was Nimrod"
1-3) It is generally accepted that Nimrod had build Nineveh. According to the Aramaic, Hebrew and King James Bible from 1611, Asshur/ the Assyrian built Nineveh, Rehoboth and Calah. Therefore, Nimrod is Asshur and his followers were called "Assyrians". Nimrod became known under many names by nations who were scattered all over the world. He is the man with many names.
2) Modern Bible translations
Another point that needs to be tackled are the modern Bible translation of Genesis 10:10-11
New International Version: "The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon, Uruk, Akkad and Kalneh, in Shinar. From that land he went to Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah"
English Standard Version: "The beginning of his kingdom was Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went into Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah, and......"
New American Standard Bible: "The beginning of his kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. From that land he went forth into Assyria, and built Nineveh and Rehoboth-Ir and Calah,...."
International Standard Version: "His kingdom began in the region of Shinar with the cities of Babylon, Erech, Akkad, and Calneh. From there he went north to Assyria and built Nineveh, Rehoboth-ir, and Calah, ...... " English Revised Version: "And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. Out of that land he went forth into Assyria, and builded Nineveh, and Rehoboth-Ir, and Calah,..."
In these and other modern translations, "Asshur" is not translated as person, but as geography "Assyria." In doing so, these translations deviate from the Hebrew Bible, the King James Version 1611 and the Aramaic Bible by excluding Nimrod/Asshur relation from verse 11. However, they have correctly translated that Nimrod had build Nineveh, Rehoboth- Ir, Calah......
In any case, it is clear that the founder of the demonic bastions in Sinear (southern Iraq) and northern Iraq is none other than Nimrod/ Assur the antichrist.
Many times, the fallen and brainwashed occult Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" and worship Asshur/Nimrod boast with unprecedented fanaticism saying: "The Assyrians have achieved this or that, the Assyrians have done this or that, the Assyrians were best in this or that… etc.. etc.. These blind fools and poor souls have no idea what they are talking about and do not realize that these “achievements” of the ancient Assyrians were realized thanks to the advanced secret technology they had obtained via Nimrod/ Asshur from the fallen Angels. (On the fallen angels and antichrist see former satanist/illuminati: Bill Schnoebelen “The Sons of God & the Antichrist”)
In conclusion: The Ancient Assyrians became famous because of the secret advanced technology they had obtained from the fallen angels. It was a thorough occult and demonic system whereby Nimrod/ Asshur - the adversary of God Yahweh- was the centre of attention and worship.
The present-day modern “Assyrianism“ has nothing to do with ethnicity, but it has everything to do with occultism dipped in “Christian sauce”. Therefore, it is a belief system which resembles the illuminati/ Freemasonic beliefs! And because Illuminati/ Freemasons are infiltrated in every aspect of society, including media and academia, the “Assyrianism” is put in the center of attention. For example: Illuminati website Wikipedia contains many fake articles to promote the fallen Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" and distort the real Aramean history. The illuminati are doing their utmost best to advertise the spiritual children of Nimrud and Semiramis. And that explains why you have worldwide at the renowned universities separate departments “Assyriology”, while there is no one university that teaches “Arameaology” as distinct department. They know exactly what they are doing!!
If you took the time to read the foregoing chapters, you will have noticed that modern "Assyrianism" is nothing more than an occult religious system immersed in a thin Christian sauce. The "Assyrian" occultism, accompanied by foolish and blind fanaticism (here and here), manifests itself in an unprecedented worship of the gods of ancient Mesopotamia. In particular Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist and Semiramis/ Ishtar, his mother/ wife, the whore of Babylon are being worshipped in various form to an unprecedented height. Their children take it with their mother’s milk. In their homes and associations is the worship of these ancient gods of paramount importance. This occult ideology is injected into the souls and minds of thousands of boys and girls with horrible consequences.
The occult belief system established by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis at the tower of Babel is at the basis of various occult groups worldwide, including Freemasonry / Illuminati. In other words, the Arameo-"Assyrians" have much in common with Freemasonic / Illuminati occultists. For this reason, we do not exclude the possibility that "Assyrianism" has been a project of Freemasonic / Illuminati powers.
Therefore, it is important to study more in dept the occult system established by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis the whore of Babylon that is unfortunately today happily and intensively maintained in various forms, as cultural manifestations, by the Arameo - "Assyrians".
* By the time I was 13 years old, at the end of two hour long ceremony, I stood before the altar, the high priest took a book made of lamb hide and put it on the altar, he was given a quote feather and put that on the top of the altar, and the third thing past to him was silver knife, he took the silver knife, cut my arm wide open, I had to pick up that quote feather and dip in my own blood and sign my new occult name in that book, that is known as the book of the dead. * Once I did that, I was initiated as first level Illuminist or what is known as Druid priest. * For the next four years of my life I was learning the ins and outs of the Illuminati, except I had a lot more to learn than most people, because I had to learn at the same time a 200 years of family history, Illuminati secrets, I learned things that most people in the Illuminati will never hear.. * By the time I was 17, I was initiated as Master Witch or what is known as Third Level Which in the Order of Illuminati. * Because of that and my position and my family, I was given a region, I had more than 1000 people under my authority, this was in early seventies.. * On April 15th 1979 I gave my life to Jesus Christ and since then, now 33 years, I have been speaking out against the Illuminati, their plan for the New World Order, what they have been doing, everything you possible can come up with, I have been doing it for 33 years........…
His rank within the occult satanic world could be, by approach, compared to that of a bishop/cardinal in the Christian Church or a Sheik / Mufti in the Islam.
Since his acceptance of Christ Jesus in 1979, Mr. Marquis did everything possible in his power to expose the practices of the kingdom of Satan/Lucifer. He gave more than thousand interviews (radio/ television), lectures, produced DVD’s on various topics concerning Illuminati, wrote books and did everything in his power to wake people up. Some of his DVD’s and interviews are also available on youtube and his website is still online.
Marquis explains in detail in various DVD’s the occult system that was established by Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist and Semiramis, that is at the basis of occult communities worldwide. We mention few of this DVD’s: - Arrival of Antichrist (Part1 and Part2) - America’s Occult Holidays - Magic Mysticism and Masonry - Which Queen of Heaven (Part 1 and Part2)
A reservation.
A reservation is necessary to be made! When it comes to the knowledge of the occult world of the kingdom of Satan / Lucifer, Doc Marquis is unequalled. But when it comes to Christian theological issues, Mr. Marquis appears somewhat prejudiced. That is not so surprising when we consider that after his conversion to Christianity he received his education at the Baptist University of Lousiana, United States.
Below we will provide our reader, in number of points, the explanation of Marquis about the occult system established by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis and after that we will look at how the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" have implemented the system in their daily lives.
This is about mythology as applied in the occult satanic world where Mr. Marquis held a high position.
European parliament in France shows a lot in common with the tower of Babel. Is that a coincidence or is it the start of a new tower of Babel with Europe as the starting point?
The starting point is the tower of Babel where king Nimrod / Asshur was in charge. It was a gigantic structure in which a temple of Moloch was built at the top of the tower to make human sacrifices. The occult belief system set up by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis was witchcraft. It was a counterpart, a replacement, of the original faith given to men by the Lord God. It was a horrible religion with sun, moon and planet worship (compare Deuteronomy 4: 17-18), false priests, astrology, demonic worship, worship of stars in relation to their gods, fornication, mysterious rites, human sacrifices etc.… (compare 2 Kings 17-23)
It is suggested by some that Nimrod / Asshur antichrist had built a star gate on top of the tower of Babel "to reach to heaven" through which he and his subjects had gained access to other worlds/ galaxies of fallen angels. Thus, there was a visit / communication with beings from outside the earth's dimension.
Interesting in this regard, it is worth noting that the first action taken by the Americans after their invasion of Iraq in 2003 was looting of Baghdad's historical museum which contained artifacts from the Sumer, Babel and Asshur times. Was it about advanced technology from the fallen angels that Saddam Hussein was working on to decipher?
The idea is that after the confusion of their language and scattering of people over the earth, the occult religion of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis also spread throughout the world.
The religion of Illuminati and other occult groups is also based on Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist and Semiramis. On the religion of Illuminati, Doc Marquis says in part I of his DVD “Arrival of Antichrist”: “When we talk about the religion of illuminati, we have to go all the way back to the days of Babylon, shortly after the flood of Noah………………………………” …………………………………………… “There was one person in particular, his name was Nimrod. …He was the son of Cush (Genesis 10:8, and grandson of Ham and great-grand son of Shem). Nimrod began to setup a quite a kingdom.
"And parents would take their own newborn baby and place them on these hands that were glowing red because they were constantly over a fire pit that was always being fed. Or if the child was grown up to walking activity, they took the child and throw him into the fire pit. “The Bible forbids, what it says that you will not allow your son/ daughter to pass through the fire. It is very straight to Moloch, the practice of offering their children to Moloch for financial blessings. …………………………………………………………………. “The tower of Babylon had many temples in it. And of course in this complex considering worshipping false gods and things like that, there was what was known as temple prostitutes.
“That was going on at the same time. The reason the whole was spiraled up was because one of the practices in the occult world is known as the spiral dance. It is believed that if you are member of Wicca or some other branch of the occult, even the Illuminati, that the practitioners will dance around in an circle that closes in itself slowly and that by the time you get to the center, you release through the cone power all that so-called metaphysical energy through spells that you want cast on and create these things by.”
“At the time all this was going on, Noah, Ham, Shem and Japhet had heard wat it had happened.”
In the apocryphal book Jasher chapter 9: 20-37, more details are given about the tower construction of Babel and the intervention of the Lord God. Apocryphal books do not belong to the Bible, but can be useful as background information as long as they do not conflict with the Bible. In verse 20-29 we read about the plans of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist:
20. And king Nimrod reigned securely, and all the earth was under his control, and all the earth was of one tongue and words of union. 21. And all the princes of Nimrod and his great men took counsel together; Phut, Mitzraim, Cush and Canaan with their families, and they said to each other, Come let us build ourselves a city and in it a strong tower, and its top reaching heaven, and we will make ourselves famed, so that we may reign upon the whole world, in order that the evil of our enemies may cease from us, that we may reign mightily over them, and that we may not become scattered over the earth on account of their wars. 22. And they all went before the king, and they told the king these words, and the king agreed with them in this affair, and he did so. 23. And all the families assembled consisting of about six hundred thousand men, and they went to seek an extensive piece of ground to build the city and the tower, and they sought in the whole earth and they found none like one valley at the east of the land of Shinar, about two days' walk, and they journeyed there and they dwelt there. 24. And they began to make bricks and burn fires to build the city and the tower that they had imagined to complete.
1.1. The absolute power and rebellion of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
In Jasher 7:45-48 we read about the absolute power of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist, the first dictator.
45. And all nations and tongues heard of his fame, and they gathered themselves to him, and they bowed down to the earth, and they brought him offerings, and he became their lord and king, and they all dwelt with him in the city at Shinar, and Nimrod reigned in the earth over all the sons of Noah, and they were all under his power and counsel 46. And all the earth was of one tongue and words of union, but Nimrod did not go in the ways of the Lord, and he was more wicked than all the men that were before him, from the days of the flood until those days 47. And he made gods of wood and stone, and he bowed down to them, and he rebelled against the Lord, and taught all his subjects and the people of the earth his wicked ways; and Mardon his son was more wicked than his father 48. And every one that heard of the acts of Mardon the son of Nimrod would say, concerning him, From the wicked goeth forth wickedness; therefore it became a proverb in the whole earth, saying, From the wicked goeth forth wickedness, and it was current in the words of men from that time to this
This rebellion by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and his subjects was led by the fallen angels who had made Nimrod a "Gaboro" as explained in the previous chapters. The reign of King Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist was the beginning of what would later become known as the mighty Assyrian empire. Many people who worked for Nimrod / Asshur were probably children conceived by the fallen angels, they were hybrid beings (see above.)
We will show you in de following chapters that a small portion of the Aramean people who call themselves "Assyrians" intensively worship Nimrod / Asshur antichrist together with his wife / mother Semiramis / Ishtar, the whore of Babylon.
2. The Lord God intervenes and confounds their language
The Lord God intervened to make an end to the idolatry of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and his wife / mother Semiramis.
In Genesis 11:5-7 we read: 5 And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded. 6 And the Lord said, Behold, the people [is] one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. 7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech. 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
In Jasher 9:32-39 more details are provided about the intervention of the Lord God.
32. And God said to the seventy angels who stood foremost before him, to those who were near to him, saying, Come let us descend and confuse their tongues, that one man shall not understand the language of his neighbor, and they did so unto them 33. And from that day following, they forgot each man his neighbor's tongue, and they could not understand to speak in one tongue, and when the builder took from the hands of his neighbor lime or stone which he did not order, the builder would cast it away and throw it upon his neighbor, that he would die 34. And they did so many days, and they killed many of them in this manner 35. And the Lord smote the three divisions that were there, and he punished them according to their works and designs; those who said, We will ascend to heaven and serve our gods, became like apes and elephants; and those who said, We will smite the heaven with arrows, the Lord killed them, one man through the hand of his neighbor; and the third division of those who said, We will ascend to heaven and fight against him, the Lord scattered them throughout the earth 36. And those who were left amongst them, when they knew and understood the evil which was coming upon them, they forsook the building, and they also became scattered upon the face of the whole earth 37. And they ceased building the city and the tower; therefore he called that place Babel, for there the Lord confounded the Language of the whole earth; behold it was at the east of the land of Shinar 38. And as to the tower which the sons of men built, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part thereof, and a fire also descended from heaven and burned another third, and the other third is left to this day, and it is of that part which was aloft, and its circumference is three days' walk 39. And many of the sons of men died in that tower, a people without number
3. Dispersion of people over the earth.
In Genesis 11:8-9 we read: 8 So the Lord scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city. 9 Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.
In Jasher 10:1-5 we read more in detail about scattering of people all over the world:
1. And Peleg the son of Eber died in those days, in the forty-eighth year of the life of Abram son of Terah, and all the days of Peleg were two hundred and thirty-nine years 2. And when the Lord had scattered the sons of men on account of their sin at the tower, behold they spread forth into many divisions, and all the sons of men were dispersed into the four corners of the earth 3. And all the families became each according to its language, its land, or its city 4. And the sons of men built many cities according to their families, in all the places where they went, and throughout the earth where the Lord had scattered them 5. And some of them built cities in places from which they were afterward extirpated, and they called these cities after their own names, or the names of their children, or after their particular occurrences
In this regard, it is interesting to pay attention to Deuteronomy 32:8 where we read: “The supreme God spread the people over the earth. He gave each nation its own territory, established their boundaries and entrusted them to angels.”
The Lord God entrusted the people to the seventy angels who had descended with Him to confuse their language at the tower of Babel. This would suggest that these seventy angels taught the people, who were scattered all over the world, seventy different languages. And from these original languages, dialects and other languages developed. In Jasher 49 we read about the appointment of Joseph as second king over Egypt. The officers of the pharaoh object to his appointment, because Joseph did not speak all (70) languages of the world of that time (49: 9-10). The Lord God sent his angel to Joseph and taught him all (70) languages of the world of that time (49: 13-17), after which Joseph was appointed by Pharaoh.
4. Nimrod/Asshur antichrist stays in his bastion Shinear
After the confusion of their language and the dispersion of people across the earth, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist stayed with some of his followers in his bastion Shinear.
In Jasher 11:1-8 we read: 1. And Nimrod son of Cush was still in the land of Shinar, and he reigned over it and dwelt there, and he built cities in the land of Shinear 2. And these are the names of the four cities which he built, and he called their names after the occurrences that happened to them in the building of the tower 3. And he called the first Babel, saying, Because the Lord there confounded the language of the whole earth; and the name of the second he called Erech, because from there God dispersed them 4. And the third he called Eched, saying there was a great battle at that place; and the fourth he called Calnah, because his princes and mighty men were consumed there, and they vexed the Lord, they rebelled and transgressed against him 5. And when Nimrod had built these cities in the land of Shinear, he placed in them the remainder of his people, his princes and his mighty men that were left in his kingdom 6. And Nimrod dwelt in Babel, and he there renewed his reign over the rest of his subjects, and he reigned securely, and the subjects and princes of Nimrod called his name Amraphel, saying that at the tower his princes and men fell through his means 7. And notwithstanding this, Nimrod did not return to the Lord, and he continued in wickedness and teaching wickedness to the sons of men; and Mardon, his son, was worse than his father, and continued to add to the abominations of his father 8. And he caused the sons of men to sin, therefore it is said, From the wicked goeth forth wickedness
The occult religion established by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis was maintained with a firm hand. As we shall see later, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist plays an important role not only in the occult world, but also in the lives of the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians." They seem to have the same rebellious spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
5. Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist killed
There are various myths about the death of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. According to Doc Marquis, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist was cut into pieces by his uncle Shem the son of Noah to make it clear that no one else would get into his head to commit such idolatry. The pieces of his body were sent to the cities built by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist as a serious warning against the horrible idolatry practiced by Nimrod and his subjects.
According to Jasher 27: 7, however, Nimrod / Asshur was murdered by Esau, the son of Isaac. The pseudo- apocryphal book “The Writings of Abraham, Part 2” confirms Jasher 27:7 that Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist indeed was killed by Esau, the brother of Jacob, the son of Isaac and Rebecca.
In chapter 159 there is a prophecy about killing of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist by Esau. Verse 6 reads: “6. Go ye in unto him that he may bless Rebekah and she shall conceive an bear unto thee two sons and the younger shall rule over the elder, but in the elder shall the word of the Lord also be fulfilled for through him shall I slay wicked Nimrod even as the Lord foretold at my birth”
Undoubtedly, the death of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist caused a shock among his subjects. He who was so powerful, has been killed!
6. After the death of Nimrod / Asshur, Semiramis goes into hiding and continues the system
Doc Marquis further explains how things went after the death of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in his DVD “Arrival of Antichrist, part 1”:
Also note that just below the pinecone there is a kind of wickerwork in the form of X or a cross. That X may also indicate a DNA X-Chromosom.
Others say that "The mythological symbol for Nimrod is X". Perhaps it is a message of DNA upgrade from human 2-strand to fallen angels 3-strand (beast) DNA to become a "god".
6.1. Why is pinecone important?
The reason behind the pinecone is according Doc Marquis: “The reason it is a pinecone is because in the occult world, there were certain threes that were considered very, very sacred. In de illuminati, the most sacred of all trees of them is the oak. Because the tree is very strong, very long lived and durable. This what the illuminati envision for themselves. In Egypt, for their god was the most scared tree, the palm tree. In different places, it just depends, like in Scandinavia Odin his sacred tree would be … it depends on which brand of occult you are looking at. But in this system the pinecone is the most sacred, it is the pine tree.”
The Illuminati Satanists relate the pinecone to longevity. Some relate to the pineal gland and the awakening of the (occult) third eye (here, here), others again say it represents the power of rebirth.
Priest Gabriel Amorth was for 25 years chief exorcist in Vatican.
On 11th of March 2010, he stated in an article published by Telegraph entitled “Chief exorcist says Devil is in Vatican”: “The Devil resides in the Vatican and you can see the consequences” “The evil influence of Satan was evident in the highest ranks of the Catholic hierarchy, with "cardinals who do not believe in Jesus and bishops who are linked to the demon,"
Another prominent person within the Catholic Church was the Jesuit priest / professor Malachi Martin. According to Mr. Martin, the "inauguration ceremony of the fallen angel Lucifer" was held in the Vatican on June 23, 1963, a week after the installation of Pope Paul VI.
Furthermore, we read: “In Windswept House (his book), Martin was quite explicit about the conditions in the Vatican, opening the novel with the above-mentioned satanic ritual. In it, Satan was formally enthroned in the Vatican in the Chapel of St. Paul (by all reports a dark and appropriately spooky place). The ceremony was co-ordinated via telephone with another simultanious rite in South Carolina”
We have no reason to doubt the statements of priest Amorth and priest Martin.
A horrible symbol used in the occult world to order demons to manifest in the earthly dimension is the 6-pointed hexagram with a circle around it.
Pope Benedict had two of these horrible symbols on the front and back of his papal hat (Miter). We have not been able to find out that this is a fake photo. It is therefore very serious.
It is unknown to us whether this has ever been a Christian symbol. In addition, we cannot imagine that something like that was done out of naivety.
More on strange things in the Vatican:
Other sources relate Semiramis / Tammuz mythologically to: In Phoenicia as Astarte/Bachus, In Babylon as Rhea (Ishtar)/ Tammuz, In Greece als Aphrodite/ Dionysius, In Rome as Cybele (Diana)/ Attis, In India as Isi, Devaki /Krishna, In China as Heng-O /Yi In Mexico as Coattlicue / Quetzalcoatl, etc..
(Here below in section 6.5 we will show our reader that the virginity of Mary, after the birth of Jesus, is confirmed by various apocryphal books of New Testament and has nothing to do with dogma of the Catholic Church)
2) Both have become immaculate pregnant, without the involvement of a man. 3) Mary gave birth to the Son of God and Semiramis gave birth to god Tammuz, the reincarnated Nimrod, the sun-god. 4) Both have the title “Queen of Heaven” 5) Both have ascended to heaven
That is why Mr. Marquis's conclusion is: "Semiramis is no longer Semiramis, but she is Mary of the Catholic Church."
Mr. Marquis also shows similarities between Nimrod and Jesus Christ. 1) Jesus Christ is the Son of God, Nimrod in the god of the sun, the sun-god 2) Jesus Christ is born of virgin Mary, Tammuz / Nimrod is born of virgin Semiramis 3) Jesus Christ was crucified and rose again after three days, Nimrod was murdered and returned through reincarnation as Tammuz 4) Jesus Christ is God and Man, Nimrod is man and supposedly a god.
These similarities between Mary and Semiramis on the one hand and Jesus Christ and Nimrod on the other hand are not without reason. On the contrary, Satan was well aware of God's plans, namely the coming of Jesus Christ. Satan saw it coming and prepared for it by creating myths around Nimrod and Semiramis.
Mr. Marquis concludes "In doing so, Satan wanted to create confusion so that people would conclude that this is the umpteenth myth, and therefore Jesus Christ would be rejected."
But why should the same reasoning not apply to Semiramis / Tammuz and Mary / Jesus, to create confusion? Why would Satan not have introduced the concept of Semiramis / Tammuz to discredit the future Mary / Jesus? After all, Satan was well aware of God's plans. Unfortunately, Marquis follows the misleading line of Alexander Hislop, so clearly overturned by Ralph Woodrow. Nevertheless, many Protestant groups still hold to the deception of Hislop.
6.2.1. Was Alexander Hislop recruited by Cabalistic/ Talmudic/ Freemasonic / illuminati Satanists?
1) “Another thing that seems to give a lot of credibility to Hislop’s work is the use of many footnote references—“over 260 original sources of facts,” a publisher’s note says! But having put forth considerable effort to find many of the old books to which he refers, I have discovered that the references often do not match his claims.” (Page 88)
2) “Hislop says the appearance of the angel Gabriel to Mary is commemorated by Roman Catholics on “the 25th of March,” but, “that very day now set down in the Popish calendar for the ‘Annunciation of the Virgin’ was observed in Pagan Rome in honor of Cybele, the Mother of the Babylonian Messiah.”1 But when we turn to the reference he cites, it is the 27th of March, not the 25th, that is mentioned!” (Page 88)
3) “Hislop tells us that the historian “Tacitus gives evidence that the Babylonian goddess was worshipped in the heart of Germany.”2 But when we look up the reference, it mentions Isis, an Egyptian goddess. “In some parts of the country of the Suevians, the worship of Isis is established....The figure of a ship (the symbolic representation of the goddess) clearly shows that the religion was imported into the country.”3 A footnote says this was probably a German deity represented by a ship, which “led the Romans to mistake her for Isis.” But whether it was a German deity or Isis an Egyptian deity, the text says nothing about “the Babylonian goddess”!” (Page 89)
The damage caused by the book of Alexader Hislop in few points:
1. The unprecedented demonization of the Catholic church (and also Orthodox church of course) brought about by Hislop 2. Not only the Catholic church, but Christianity in general was badly damaged / ridiculed. 3. Some Protestant groups hate the Catholic church unprecedented
Hislop had an extraordinary knowledge about the occult world for a Christian believer. What was the reason behind that? If we let these things sink in, one gets the feeling that perhaps Alexander Hislop was not the author of these detailed works, but possibly a brilliant illuminati satanist, someone comparable to the caliber of Manly P. Hall. We cannot imagine that Alexander Hislop, who considered himself a believer, would deliberately incorporate false and incomplete sources into the book if he himself had been the writer. In any case, the book has caused a great deal of hatred and confusion, something that is well- appreciated by the kingdom of Satan. There are many misleading articles / videos online, based on the works of Hislop, in which the Catholic / Orthodox church is identified in one breath with the occult religion of Babylon that was started at the tower of Babylon.
Another point of discussion are the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ mentioned in the Bible. Like many Protestants, Doc Marquis also claims that these are actual children of Mary and that Mary had not remained a virgin after the birth of Jesus Christ.
In some apocryphal letters/books of the New Testament, the brothers and sisters of Jesus and virginity of Mary after the birth of Jesus are also mentioned. We are going to bring these important matters to the attention of our beloved reader below.
The History of Joseph the Carpenter In "The History of Joseph the Carpenter" we clearly read that Joseph had become a widower and that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was put under his care. In this apocryphal book, Jesus Christ tells the events to his disciples, He is the speaker.
In Chapter II Jesus says: “There was a man whose name was Joseph, sprung of a family of Bethlehem, a city of Judah, and the city of David the King. The same being well instructed in knowledge and doctrine, was made a priest in the temple of the Lord. Moreover, he understood the carpenter's trade, and like all men, married a wife. He also begat sons and daughters, that is to say, four sons and two daughters; and these are their names, Judas, Justus, James, and Simon; the names of the two daughters were Assia and Lydia. At length the wife of Joseph the Just deceased, intent upon divine glory in all her works. Now Joseph, that just man, my father according to the flesh, and the spouse of Mary my mother, went with his sons to his calling, following the trade of a carpenter”
Indeed we read in the Bible that Jesus also was known as "son of Joseph" (John 1:45, Luke 3:23) and of course Mary was known as the “wife of Joseph.” Following the custom of the Middle East at that time, Jesus was to be named the son of Joseph and Mary as his wife, because otherwise it would have led to a major scandal.
In Matthew 13:54-57 we read: “54 And when he was come into his own country, he taught them in their synagogue, insomuch that they were astonished, and said, Whence hath this [man] this wisdom, and [these] mighty works? 55 Is not this the carpenter’s son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas? 56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath this [man] all these things? 57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.”
Jesus Christ was known as "the carpenter's son" and had "brothers and sisters" because people knew nothing else about him. They did not know that He was God in flesh and that he was born of Mary without the involvement of a man. They really thought He was the biological son of Joseph, they were not aware of what had happened with Mary!
Following the logic of some Protestants, as Doc Marquis does, someone who is not a Christian could easily claim from the Bible, like for example Matthew 13: 54-57, that Jesus Christ is not the son of God at all. They could say to us: "It is literally in your Bible that he is the son of Joseph and Mary, how can you Christians claim that He is the son of God, while your Bible is very clear about it?"
In chapter XI Jesus says: “Justus and Simeon the elder sons of Joseph, having married wives, went away to their families. Both the daughters likewise married, and went to their houses. But Judas and James the Less, and the virgin my mother, remained in the house of Joseph. I also continued along with them, not otherwise than if I had been one of his sons. I passed all my time without fault. I called Mary my mother, and Joseph father, and in all they said I was obedient to them; nor did I ever resist them, but submitted to them,……….”
The Gospel of Pseudo Matthew In chapter 42 of the apocryphal book “The Gospel of Pseudo Matthew” we read: “And Joseph having come to a feast with his sons, James, Joseph, and Judah, and Simeon and his two daughters, Jesus met them, with Mary His mother, along with her sister Mary of Cleophas, whom the Lord God had given to her father Cleophas and her mother Anna, because they had offered Mary the mother of Jesus to the Lord.”
It follows from the above, dear reader, that the brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ were not children of Mary, but children of Joseph's first wife who had died.
6.4. Mary put under the care of Joseph
In chapter III of “The History of Joseph the Carpenter”, Jesus says: “Now when Joseph the Just became a widower, Mary my mother, blessed, holy, and pure, had already accomplished twelve years. Her parents offered her in the temple at three years old, and she remained nine years in the temple of the Lord. Then, when the priests saw that the holy virgin, who feared the Lord, was grown up, they talked together, saying: Let us seek for a just and pious man to whom Mary [104] may be committed till the time of marriage,…………..” “Therefore, having forthwith sent out messengers, they called together twelve aged men of the tribe of Judah, and they wrote the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Now the lot fell upon the pious old man, Joseph the Just. Then the priests answered and said to my blessed mother, Go with Joseph and be with him until the time of marriage.”
The priests placed Mary under the guardianship of Joseph until the time would come for her, according to the custom of that time, to marry. That was the intention. However, they had no idea that the Lord God had other plans with Mary.
We read further in chapter III of “The History of Joseph the Carpenter”: “Therefore Joseph the Just received my mother and took her to his home. And Mary found James the Less in the house of his father, broken in mind and sad because of his bereavement of his mother, and she brought him up. Hence she is called Mary the Mother of James. After this Joseph left her in his house and went to his workshop, where his calling of carpenter was carried on. But after the holy virgin had spent two years in his house, her age became exactly fourteen years,……”
(The reader is advised to read completely “The History of Joseph the Carpenter”, it is very interesting). James would later become bishop of Jerusalem. According to Patriarch Ignatius Yahkub III, the liturgy of the Syrian Orthodox Church was written by James in Jerusalem and later transferred to Antioch.
What many Protestants oppose is that Mary remained virgin even after the birth of Jesus. They have difficulty understanding that Mary was a perpetual virgin. As explained, Doc Marquis seizes the doctrine of the virginity of Mary to connect Mary to Semiramis, because Semiramis is also a perpetual virgin according to the occult religion.
According to Marquis, after the birth of Jesus, Mary was no longer a virgin and refers to Matthew 12: 47-48, Mark 3: 32-33 and Luke 8:20 in which the brothers and sisters of Jesus are mentioned. (We have already shown in point 6.3 that the brothers and sisters of Jesus, as the Bible refers to them, were the children of Joseph's first wife.)
And that is why Mary is equated with Semiramis in the perception of Doc Marquis and many Protestants. To our view, this is a cardinal error! Their negative attitude towards the Catholic church / Orthodox church seems to be so intense that they throw the child away with bath water. And this negative attitude is amongst others caused by “The two Babylons” of Alexander Hislop. We are not talking here about theological disputes, but about blind negative attitudes.
The problem is that the materialistic / relativistic mentality of a Westerner cannot understand the spiritual mentality of the Middle East: - Joseph was told in a vision that Mary would become pregnant through the Holy Spirit (Matthew 1:20). The spiritual mentality of the Middle East automatically says that you, as a man, cannot touch such a woman. It is simply out of the question. Unless the Lord God explicitly says you can do that. - When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he said to his mother and John (the disciple he loved): "26 When Jesus therefore saw his mother, and the disciple standing by, whom he loved, he saith unto his mother, Woman, behold thy son! 27 Then saith he to the disciple, Behold thy mother! And from that hour that disciple took her unto his own [home]" (John 19: 26-27)
If the brothers of Jesus were indeed children of Mary, then Jesus would never have entrusted the care of his mother to John. That would have caused a scandal of unprecedented proportions. You take care for your own family and do not ask outsiders, no matter how good they may be, to take care of your mother. Is very unlikely in accordance with the prevailing spiritual mentality of the Middle East, two thousand years ago.
Investigation to the virginity of Mary after the birth of Jesus
The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew In chapter 13 of “The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew” we read about two midwifes investigating virginity of Mary after the birth of Jesus: “And Joseph said to the blessed Mary: I have brought you two midwives— Zelomi and Salome; and they are standing outside before the entrance to the cave, not daring to come in hither, because of the exceeding brightness. And when the blessed Mary heard this, she smiled; and Joseph said to her: Do not smile; but prudently allow them to visit you, in case you should require them for your cure. Then she ordered them to enter. And when Zelomi had come in, Salome having stayed without, Zelomi said to Mary: Allow me to touch you. And when she had permitted her to make an examination, the midwife cried out with a loud voice, and said: Lord, Lord Almighty, mercy on us! It has never been heard or thought of, that any one should have her breasts full of milk, and that the birth of a son should show his mother to be a virgin. But there has been no spilling of blood in his birth, no pain in bringing him forth. A virgin has conceived, a virgin has brought forth, and a virgin she remains. And hearing these words, Salome said: Allow me to handle you, and prove whether Zelomi have spoken the truth. And the blessed Mary allowed her to handle her. And when she had withdrawn her hand from handling her, it dried up, and through excess of pain she began to weep bitterly, and to be in great distress, crying out, and saying: O Lord God, You know that I have always feared You, and that without recompense I have cared for all the poor; I have taken nothing from the widow and the orphan, and the needy have I not sent empty away. And, behold, I am made wretched because of mine unbelief, since without a cause I wished to try Your virgin.” ………………………………………………………………………………..”
An angel advised Salome saying: “Go to the child, and adore Him, and touch Him with your hand, and He will heal you, because He is the Saviour of the world, and of all that hope in Him. “
And the result was: “And she went to the child with haste, and adored Him, and touched the fringe of the cloths in which He was wrapped, and instantly her hand was cured.”
The Protevangelion of James In chapter XIV of “The Protevangelion of James” we again read about investigation of virginity of Mary by the two aforementioned midwifes.
During the birth of Jesus, Joseph was seeking help for Mary. We read:
“1. THEN I beheld a woman coming down from the mountains, and she said to me, Where art thou going, O man? 2. And I said to her, I go to inquire for a Hebrew midwife. 3. She replied to me, Where is the woman that is to be delivered 4. And I answered, In the cave, and she is betrothed to me. 5. Then said the midwife, Is she not thy wife? 6. Joseph answered, It is Mary, who was educated in the Holy of Holies, in the house of the Lord, and she fell to my lot, and is not my wife, but has conceived by the Holy Ghost. 7. The midwife said, Is this true? 8. He answered, Come and see. 9. And the midwife went along with him, and stood in the cave. 10. Then a bright cloud overshadowed the cave, and the midwife said, This day my soul is magnified, for mine eyes have seen surprising things, and salvation is brought forth to Israel. 11. But on a sudden the cloud became a great light in the cave, so that their eyes could not bear it. 12. But the light gradually decreased, until the infant appeared, and sucked the breast of his mother Mary. 13. Then the midwife cried out, and said, How glorious a day is this, wherein mine eyes have seen this extraordinary sight! 14. And the midwife went out from the cave, and Salome met her. 15. And the midwife said to her, Salome, Salome, I will tell you a most surprising thing which I saw, 16. A virgin hath brought forth, which is a thing contrary to nature. 17. To which Salome replied, As the Lord my God liveth, unless I receive particular proof of this matter, I will not believe that a virgin hath brought forth. 18. Then Salome went in, and the midwife said, Mary, shew thyself, for a great controversy is risen concerning thee. 19. And Salome received satisfaction. 20. But her hand was withered, and she groaned bitterly. 21. And said, Woe to me, because of mine iniquity; for I have tempted the living God, and my hand is ready to drop off. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….”
The hand of Salome was cured after she followed the advice of the angle saying to her: “…..reach forth thy hand to the child, and carry him, and by that means thou shalt be restored”
The Infancy Gospel of James We find the same narrative in chapter 19 and 20 of “The Infancy Gospel of James”:
Chapter 19: ………………………………………………… 17. And the midwife cried out and said, "How great this day is for me, for I have seen this new miracle." 18. And the midwife departed from the cave and met Salome and said to her, "Salome, Salome, I have to describe this new miracle for you. A virgin has given birth, although her body does not allow it." 19. And Salome said, "As the Lord my God lives, unless I insert my finger and investigate her, I will not believe that a virgin has given birth."
Chapter 20:
1. And the midwife went in and said, "Mary, position yourself, for not a small test concerning you is about to take place." 2. When Mary heard these things, she positioned herself. And Salome inserted her finger into her body. 3. And Salome cried out and said, "Woe for my lawlessness and the unbelief that made me test the living God. Look, my hand is falling away from me and being consumed in fire."
In verse 9 an angle says to Salome: “Stretch out your hand to the child and lift him up and he will be salvation and joy for you.” Her hand was cured.
The Passing of the Blessed Virgin Mary Second Latin Form In chapter 12 of “The Passing of the Blessed Virgin Mary Second Latin Form”, apostle Petrus is talking.
We read: “Then Peter answering, said: It is not for me to give other to you; but if you believe with your whole heart on the Lord Jesus Christ, whom she carried in her womb, and remained a virgin after the birth, the compassion of the Lord, which with profuse benignity saves the unworthy, will give you salvation.”
The story of Joseph the Carpenter In chapter 17 of “The story of Joseph the Carpenter”, Joseph is talking with Jesus saying to Him: “I did not know, my Lord, nor do I understand the mystery of your incredible birth, nor have I ever heard that a woman conceived without a man. But a Virgin has given birth, though confirmed in her virginity.………………”
Who is Salome? Salome was present with other women at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ (Mark 15:40) and embalmed with others the body of Jesus Christ after His crucifixion (Mark 16: 1).
Salome accompanied Mary, Jesus and Joseph to Egypt. In chapter VIII of “The History of Joseph the Carpenter”, Jesus says: “But Joseph, the pious old man, was admonished of this matter by a dream. He therefore arose and took Mary my mother: and I lay in her bosom. Salome also added herself to them as the [107] companion of their journey…..”
Salome is the cousin of Mary. In the “The Vision of Theophilus” Patriarch of Alexandria, Mary says: “And my cousin Salome used to take my Son at all times, caress Him and smile at Him; and the blessed old Joseph used to carry the clothes in which my Son was clad and what was necessary for our food. Any time my father Joseph saw me handing the child to Salome he would take Him from me to carry Him on his shoulders and play with Him.”
Some say (here, here) that Salome was the wife of Zebedee (Matthew 27:56), the mother of James and John who had asked Jesus for a favor for her two sons (Matthew 20: 20-11). Others say Salome was a sister of Mary (here, here), aunt of Jesus. In that case John and James would have been cousins of Jesus.
Please note that Mary addresses Joseph with "my father." This would imply that she cannot have had sexual contact met Joseph. He is also addressed as "old Joseph", a possible reference that he was no longer sexually active.
Mary says in “The Vision of Theophilus”: “When we went into the house we sat down, I, my Son, Joseph and Salome. And Salome walked about and found a wash-basin and a water-jug as if they had been placed there for us. It was Salome who always bathed my Son, and I gave milk to Him while He was feeding all the world; but our food used to come from God. On many occasions while was quiet and while my breasts were in the mouth of my Son, I used to see angels and heavenly beings standing before us, genuflecting and worshiping at the holy feet of my Son while crying out and saying: “Blessed are you, O God, who chose this humility for the salvation of Adam and his children whom you have fashioned with your hands!”
The Gospel of the Birth of Mary Another important apocryphal book is “The Gospel of the Birth of Mary.”
We read that Mary was brought to the temple of the Lord by her parents at the age of 3. When they were old enough with other virgins, the high priest issued an order to leave the temple to get married. Mary refuses to obey the order as we can read in chapter 4: 4-6 “4. At that time the high-priest made a public order. That all the virgins who had public settlements in the temple, and were come to this age, should return home, and, as they were now of a proper maturity, should, according to the custom of their country, endeavour to be married. 5. To which command, though all the other virgins readily yielded obedience, Mary the Virgin of the Lord alone answered, that she could not comply with it. 6. Assigning these reasons, that both she and her parents had devoted her to the service of the Lord; and besides, that she had vowed virginity to the Lord, which vow she was resolved never to break through by lying with a man.”
In other words, Mary did not want to get married, but dedicated herself to the Lord God. This put the high priest in great trouble. He then invited all highly regarded people in Jerusalem and the surrounding area to seek advice on this issue. They unanimously decided to ask the Lord God for advice on this matter. We read in Chapter V: 12-17: “12. And when they were all engaged in prayer, the high-priest, according to the usual way, went to consult God. 13. And immediately there was a voice from the ark, and the mercy seat, which all present heard, that it must be inquired or sought out by a prophecy of Isaiah to whom the Virgin should be given and be betrothed; 14. For Isaiah saith, there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a flower shall spring out of its root, 15. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and Piety, and the Spirit of the fear of the Lord shall fill him. 16. Then, according to this prophecy, he appointed, that all the men of the house and family of David, who were marriageable, and not married, should bring their several rods to the altar, 17. And out of whatsoever person's rod after it was brought, a flower should bud forth, and on the top of it the Spirit of the Lord should sit in the appearance of a dove, he should be the man to whom the Virgin should be given and be betrothed.”
In chapter VI we read that Joseph's staff flourished and that the Holy Spirit settled in the form of a dove on the tip of his staff (VI: 5). With this, Mary was given to Joseph to be engaged. In verse 1 we read about Joseph: "... a person very far advanced in years..." That would possibly indicate that he was no longer sexually active.
In chapter VIII: 8-11 we read that an angel visits Joseph and explains to him about the pregnancy of Mary and that she will give birth to the Son of God.
In verse 12 we read: “Joseph thereupon, according to the command of the angel, married the Virgin, and did not know her, but kept her in chastity”
The term “did not know her” is a Biblical way of saying: “He had no sexual contact with her”
In chapter III verse 2-5 of "The Gospel of the Birth of Mary" we read about an angel who appears to Mary's mother, Anna, that she will have a daughter and that she will be fully dedicated to the Lord and will never "know" a man. We read: “2. For I am that angel who hath offered up your prayers and alms before God, and am now sent to you, that I may inform you, that a daughter will be born unto you, who shall be called Mary, and shall be blessed above all women. 6 3. She shall be, immediately upon her birth, full of the grace of the Lord, and shall continue during the three years of her weaning in her father's house, and afterwards, being devoted to the service of the Lord, shall not depart from the temple, till she arrives to years of discretion. 4. In a word, she shall there serve the Lord night and day in fasting and prayer, 7 shall abstain from every unclean thing, and never know any man; 5. But, being an unparalleled instance without any pollution or defilement, and a virgin not knowing any man, shall bring forth a son, and a maid shall bring forth the Lord, who both by his grace and name and works, shall be the Saviour of the world.”
The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary In “The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary” we see the same narrative. In chapter 4 we read: “…. There, in fine, serving God day and night in fastings and prayers, she shall abstain from every unclean thing; she shall never know man, but alone, without example, immaculate, uncorrupted, without intercourse with man, she, a virgin, shall bring forth a son; she, His hand-maiden, shall bring forth the Lord-- both in grace, and in name, and in work, the Saviour of the world. ….. ”
Conclusion: Mary also remained a virgin after the birth of Jesus Christ according to the apocryphal texts cited. The statement of Doc Marquis and many Protestant groups that this is exclusively a dogma of the Catholic Church is not true.
The opponents of the virginity of Mary may sweep the aforementioned off the table with reasoning such as "It is all the work of Satan." Everything must be the work of Satan, in their perception, when it does not fit with the theological framework with which they grew up.
Image worship - horror
19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, [even] all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.”
The first commandment reads: “Thou shalt not make thee [any] graven image, [or] any likeness [of] [any] [thing] that [is] in heaven above, or that [is] in the earth beneath, or that [is] in the waters beneath the earth: “ (Deuteronomy 5:8)
“8 They that make them are like unto them; [so] [is] every one that trusteth in them.” (Psalms 115:8, 135:18) “And they served their idols: which were a snare unto them.” (Psalms 106:36)
You may have a picture of Jesus in your house, but images are out of the question, it is an abomination in the eyes of God. Furthermore, both Catholics and Orthodox are guilty of exaggerated worship of Mary during the service. Phrases like "Queen on the right hand ...", "The door of grace ..." etc ... are used during the service. Totally unnecessary and offensive!
Jesus Christ should be the focus of attention exclusively and not his mother or anyone else. We read: “For [there] [is] one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;” (1 Timothy 2:5) “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
On the other hand, it is not as easy and consistent as some Protestant groups want us to believe. In Exodus 25: 9-28 we read about the instructions that the Lord God gave Moses regarding the design of the tent of meeting and the ark of covenant.
In verse 17-20, the Lord God says to Moses: “17 And thou shalt make a mercy seat [of] pure gold: two cubits and a half [shall] [be] the length thereof, and a cubit and a half the breadth thereof. 18 And thou shalt make two cherubims [of] gold, [of] beaten work shalt thou make them, in the two ends of the mercy seat. 19 And make one cherub on the one end, and the other cherub on the other end: [even] of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubims on the two ends thereof. 20 And the cherubims shall stretch forth [their] wings on high, covering the mercy seat with their wings, and their faces [shall] [look] one to another; toward the mercy seat shall the faces of the cherubims be.”
We see a comparable story with the building of the temple of Salomon. We read: “23 And within the oracle he made two cherubims [of] olive tree, [each] ten cubits high. 24 And five cubits [was] the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other [were] ten cubits. 25 And the other cherub [was] ten cubits: both the cherubims [were] of one measure and one size. 26 The height of the one cherub [was] ten cubits, and so [was] [it] of the other cherub. 27 And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the [one] wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house. 28 And he overlaid the cherubims with gold.” (1 Kings 6:23-28, see also 2 Chronicles 3:14)
“It stood upon twelve oxen, three looking toward the north, and three looking toward the west, and three looking toward the south, and three looking toward the east: and the sea [was] [set] above upon them, and all their hinder parts [were] inward.” (1 Kings 7:25)
“And on the borders that [were] between the ledges [were] lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges [there] [was] a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen [were] certain additions made of thin work” (1 Kings 7:29, 44)
Theoretically speaking, we could say that Moses and Salomon are in violation with Deuteronomy 4:15-19 and 5:8
In Joshua 7:6 we read: “And Joshua rent his clothes, and fell to the earth upon his face before the ark of the Lord until the eventide, he and the elders of Israel, and put dust upon their heads.”
We could say here that Joshua and the leaders of Israel are guilty of idolatry by bowing before the ark of covenant, a creation of human hands!
In other words, it is not black and white as some Protestant groups want us to believe. Now let these groups seriously investigate the deliberate false references of Alexander Hislop and see if perhaps a heavy occultist has written his book for him to do serious damage to Christianity.
7. Death and resurrection of Semiramis in Easter / Ishtar
In his DVD “American occult Holydays” Doc Marquis tells about the death and resurrection of Semiramis as Easter/ Ishtar:
“According to the stories, the ancient stories of Babylonian Talmud and other sources, - and these are still taught in the occult world to this very day-, one day after Semiramis had died, a huge multi colored egg had fallen out of the heaven and landed in the Euphrates River. The egg washed ashore to a pile of wickereds. And out of this egg and her newly reincarnated form was the Semiramis as the goddess Easter. A lot of people think it is pronounced “Ishtar”. People check the Babylonian Talmud once again, it is properly pronounced “Easter.” And accordingly, as the stories goes, whoever found Semiramis’ egg first, he would receive a blessing from goddess. This is the story of how queen Semiramis came back in her reincarnated form as Easter. Remember, her son Nimrod, had came back in the form of Tammuz through the act of reincarnation. She had supposedly the power to do the same thing…………..”
“…..We now have the resurrection of Easter, Samiramis into Easter, who is known also – occultically speaking- as spring goddess. It was at the same time when the tower of Babylon, that huge spiraled ziggurat construction that almost reached to the heaven itself, was built with many temples there.
“On top of the ziggurat itself, there would have been the grandest, the most elaborate of all the temples, and that would have been the temple of Moloch. Moloch was depicted as huge brazen demonic being with two horns, some had them just one horn. And would have his arms stretched out over a fire pit, that fire would go day and night, the hands were glowing red hot all the time…… ”
Later on, we will show in point 10.4 that the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" worship Easter / Ishtar / Semiramis intensively each year with dance, partying, joy, eating, music, drinking, etc.
8. The occult family: Nimrod / Tammuz / Easter / Ishtar.
In his DVD “Which Queen of Heaven, part 1”, Doc Marquis shows some photos that should represent Mary with the crescent moon under her feet.
He then concludes: “All these things… the belief, the symbology and that of the moon comes straight once again from Babylon, because it started with Semiramis, just came down the cultural timeline and morphed itself when it came in the Roman Catholicism…… “ “Semiramis is no longer Semiramis, she is now the Mary of Roman Catholicism… But there are a lot of other things that will proof… it is one and the same person…… “
This is again from Alexander Hislop. There are nevertheless problems with this conclusion. The crescent moon is not on top of her head, but under her feet. That is an important detail.
In Revelation 12:1-15 we read: 1 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered. 3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads. 4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne. 6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where …………………………………………………………………………………………… 15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
Some Protestant groups regard the woman as the people of Israel and the 12 stars on her head as the twelve tribes of Israel. That is a possible explanation. Others regard the woman as the church. That is also possible!
However, if a Catholic or Orthodox church represents the woman as Mary, puts a crown on her head, adorns with 12 stars and puts the moon under her feet, is that suddenly an occult representation and reference to Semiramis as queen of heaven? Is it suddenly no longer Mary, but Semiramis the whore of Babylon?
Another explanation of this passage can be found in the apocryphal book "The Passing of the Blessed Virgin Mary Second Latin Form". We read: “The woman whom we have mentioned above is Mary, the mother of Jesus. She is truly the Queen of all women. The sun in which she is arrayed is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who dwelt in her and illuminated all her body, and the moon is John the Baptist who was illuminated by the baptism of Christ, with which we clothed ourselves for the forgiveness of sins. And the crown of twelve stars over her head are our Fathers, the holy Apostles, through whom mankind entered into the path of truth. And the serpent is Satan, and the water which he cast our of his mouth is the anger which went out of Herod against the children whom he slew on the occasion of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, whom anyone who acknowledges will fight against the same Satan for ever and ever.”
As we will see later, the sun is one of the many symbols for Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. He is called the god of the sun or sun-god. When we read in this explanation that "The sun in which she is arrayed is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who dwelt in her and illuminated all her body"`, would that be suddenly a disguised reference to Nimrod / Asshur antichrist?
If you have a morbid tendency to look for reasons to ridicule other Christian denominations, there are plenty of reasons for it. But then you have to be careful that you do not play into the kingdom of satan.
9. Nimrod/ Asshur and Semiramis: the god and goddess with many names and symbols
The idea is that the first religion in the world was started by Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist and Semiramis in Babylon, it was witchcraft. The tower construction reached a climax of occultism. The Lord God intervenes, confuses their language, kills many followers of Nimrod/ Asshur, and trusts the rest of the people to the 70 angels who spread them around the world.
It is assumed that because of scattering of people around the earth, the occult religion of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis, the whore of Babylon, also spread throughout the world. The religion was further developed by each people / tribe over time, possibly adjusted, and implemented in their own local culture and customs. Because of the confusion of their language at the tower of Babel, the original names of the gods they had worshiped in Babylon had changed. Nimrod / Tammuz, and Semiramis have thus been given many names in the course of history in folk tales and mythologies, is the idea.
9.1. Names and symbols of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist
Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is inter alia associated with the following people from different continents, different eras, different cultures and realms, namely:
9.1.1. Symbols of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist as sun-god.
Some mythologies (here, here) say that after the death of Nimrod/ Asshur, Semiramis “…. told the people that the spirit of Nimrod was reincarnated into the sun, and he thus became the sun-god. Tammuz was called the son of sun-god. Semiramis said she was impregnated by the sun's rays and gave birth to Tammuz, the reincarnated Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist.
Semiramnis became the goddess of the moon (here, here) and Nimrod/ Asshur the god of the sun. Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, the god of the sun or the sun-god, often represented by a round disk with sun rays or a halo. Worship of sun god Nimrod / Asshur occurs in various forms in various cultures and spans thousands of years.
An important symbol in occult religions is obelisk. In Egypt, the obelisk was worshipped as the dwelling place of the sun-god. Obelisk is also worshiped in the occult world as a shaft / penis of the sun-god Nimrod / Baal. It is everywhere, usually clearly visible and sometimes camouflaged for the untrained eyes. Visible is found in Washington, USA, and the Vatican.
The mythology about the obelisk is told as follows: “Nimrod/Osiris was killed by an enemy and his body was cut into pieces and sent out into his kingdom. Semiramis gathered all the parts and seemingly put them back together, except for his reproductive organ, which she could not find. She proclaimed that Nimrod could not come back to life without that missing part, and she had one made and set up in Babylon. "Semiramis quarried out a stone from the mountains of Armenia which was one hundred and thirty feet long and twenty five feet wide and thick... she brought it down the stream to Babylonia...." "The ancient Greek historian, Diodorus, reports that Queen Semiramis erected a 130-foot obelisk in Babylon and it was associated with sun worship and represented the phallus of the sun god Baal/Nimrod. Some Masonic researchers say that the word `obelisk' literally means 'Baal's shaft' or 'Baal's organ of reproduction'." is . This particular obelisk is not found today, it is known as the Lost Obelisk of Babylonia. There are others. That missing part would later be represented by thousands of obelisks around the planet. The obelisk is still recognized as Osiris/Nimrod's phallus, his sex organ of reproduction. One wonders why there is a huge obelisk in Washington, D.C., and one at the Vatican. There are obelisks in just about every important city and in every nation on earth. Why?” (Sams, Roberta. (2015). There Were Giants on the Earth in Those Days and Also After)
Various forms of Nimrod/ Asshur sun-god in flying sun-disk
9.1.2. Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist in various forms
Doc Marquis shows a few examples of Nimrod/ Asshur in different forms in his DVD "Which Queen of the Heaven, part 1".
9.1.3. Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist in Freemasonry
In his DVD "Magic, Mysticism and Masonry", Doc Marquis discusses some paintings / drawings made by Freemasons in which Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is glorified in the form of winged bull with human head.
9.1.4. Other symbols of Nimrod/ Asshur/ Gilgamesh/ Marduk…..
As already mentioned, over the course of time, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist become known under many names and symbols from various cultures and peoples. It was adapted and modified to the local customs. The list is too long. Below are just a few examples of famous people who are identified with Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
Pinecone and bucket
There are various ideas about the pinecone and the bucket. Pinecone is the symbol of the returned Nimrod through reincarnation as we have seen on the staff of Tammuz. Previously we have learned that illuminati relate the pinecone to longevity. Some relate the pinecone to the pineal gland and the awakening of the (occult) third eye (here, here), others again say that it represents the power of regeneration.
The pinecone symbolizes eternal life in the perception of the satanists / occultists. This eternal life is obtained by mixing the human DNA with the fallen angels DNA, mixed in the bucket of occultism, making man equal to "god", the false promise of satan to Eve in Genesis 3. It is similar to the way Nimrod / Asshur antichrist became “Gaboro” (mighty one) as explained in chapter 4.1.1: “How did Nimrod became “Gaboro” or “mighty one” to demonstrate his power against God? Well, most probably he got DNA-upgrade, the fallen angels DNA, or the “seed” of Satan through which his DNA was most probably changed from 2-strand to 3-strand, that is to say: his DNA became “beast”- DNA. Most probably it is the same kind of beast-DNA as the mark of the beast described in Revelation 13:16. Those who receive this mark of the beast will be transferred into “seed” of Satan and therefore become the same as fallen angels and thus: no redemption possible, directly to the hell.”
In other words: we believe the pinecone and bucket are symbols for "transforming" the human race to "higher consciousness", to make humans equal to "god" through DNA upgrading. That is satan's false promise to humanity to capture humanity in his eternal chains.
9.1.5. Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist intensively venerated by ancient Assyrians
You have seen from the above explanation so far that Nimrod / Asshur antichrist occupies a very important place in the occult / Freemasonic world. This also applies to his wife / mother Semiramis, the whore of Babylon and their son Tammuz, the unholy trinity. They are not only honored in the occult / satanic communities and by the ancient Assyrians, but also by the modern apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians". It is about the same satanic / demonic power that seem to have all of them in its power.
The former Assyrians honored Nimrod / Asshur unprecedented in its various forms. We have already mentioned two examples in paragraph 9.1.4 from the palace of Sargon II and from the palace of Ashurnasirpal II. That is not so strange when we consider that Nimrod / Asshur antichrist was the founder of the powerful Assyrian empire and he was the chief god of the empire in various forms. We explain this by few example here below.
Assyrian king Sargon II in Khorsaba (Dur Sharrukin), Iraq
For the photos click here , scroll down and then have a look at the slideshow under the heading "Assyria, Ashur's Patron Realm-State, Slide-Show:"
For other photos of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in the palace / temple of Sargon II, click on the following links: Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in the palace of Sargon II in Khorsaba (Dur Sharrukin) Iraq. Nimrod / Asshur antichrist at the entrance of the temple of Sargon II in Khorsaba (Dur Sharrukin) Iraq
Film Palace of Sargon II
Assyrian king Tiglath-pileser
Assyrian king Ashurnasirpal II
For the photos click here , scroll down and then have a look at the slideshow under the heading "Assyria Giant Semi-Divine King Ashurnasirpal II, 883 – 859 B.C., Slide-Show"
Assyrian wall sculpture
9.2. Names for Semiramis/ Ishtar / Easter/ Isis……..
Like Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, it is suggested that Semiramis, the whore of Babylon, has also become known by various names among various peoples worldwide in mythologies and folk tales. Mythologically, Semiramis is associated with the following names from different eras, regions, countries and cultures:
9.2.1. Few important symbols of Semiramis/ Ishtar/ Easter/ Isis….
Semiramnis has many names and symbols with which she is identified. We present below some important examples in reference to Semiramis/ Ishtar/ Easter/ Isis.
Ishtar/ Easter Gate
Doc Marquis says, about Easter/ Ishtar gate: “Another symbol we need to look at it is Ishtar gate. It is believed that in front of very ancient city of Babylon itself, the one that was really rebuild and reconstructed by Nebukadnessar. This is supposed to be a perfectly reconstruction of the Ishtar gate or the Easter gate. This was built in honor of goddess Easter.” (DVD: America’s occult holidays”)
On the walls of Easter gate, Doc Marquis says: “And you will notice … on the walls itself the golden bull/ cow of Nimrod. This is why God was so upset with his children when He was giving them the 10 commandments on mount Sinai. Once Moses had gone up there, gone for a while, his people backslidden immediately. And what did they make? They made a golden calf. This is the golden calf or cow of Nimrod. This was what they were doing. This was the abomination, the sin of what they had done. That is why God was so furious at them. They backslid straight to the occult religion of Egypt as soon as things get a little wrong. That is what happened.” (DVD: Which Queen of Heaven, part2)
The holy egg of Ishtar / Easter/ Semiramis….
Another symbol in reference to Semiramis / Easter in the occult world is the holy egg. There are two eggs with which she is being identified. The egg from Hierapolis (Manbij / Mabug) and the egg of Astarte.
The queen of heaven……
On Semiramis, as queen of heaven, Doc Marquis says: “One of the titles of Semiramis, and the oldest that I am aware of and remember my background is in the illuminati, I was practicing luciferian witch, I was a seventh generation witch. One of the oldest titles for Semiramis is known as the queen of heaven. This title, the queen of heaven, as it pertains to Semiramis can again be found in the ultimate source of truth, the Bible.” (DVD: Which queen of heaven, part1)
Jeremiah 7:18: “18 The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead [their] dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.”
Jeremiah 44:17-19: “17 But we will certainly do whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for [then] had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and saw no evil. 18 But since we left off to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her, we have wanted all [things], and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. 19 And when we burned incense to the queen of heaven, and poured out drink offerings unto her, did we make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink offerings unto her, without our men?”
Marquis says: “They talk about Semiramis as “queen of heaven.” The goddess of the occult world.” (DVD: Which Queen of Heaven, part1)
Later on, we will show you dear reader, that the god of the occult world (Nimrod / Asshur) and goddess of the occult world (Semiramis / Ishtar) are extensively worshiped by the apostate "Arameans" who call themselves “Assyrians.” These Arameo-"Assyrians" or rather fake Assyrians have lost their bearings and are completely driven by the occult powers to which they have surrendered.
Jeremiah 44:25: “25 Thus saith the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, saying; Ye and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her: ye will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows.”
Marquis says: “This the most ancient of titles that I have learned when I was in the illuminati for Semiramis, she was always known as the queen of heaven. Her symbol was the crescent moon.”
Baal/Nimrod, Astarte/ Semiramis, Tammuz and apostasy of Israel in de Bible.
Judges 2:11-14: “11 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim: 12 And they forsook the Lord God of their fathers, which brought them out of the land of Egypt, and followed other gods, of the gods of the people that [were] round about them, and bowed themselves unto them, and provoked the Lord to anger. 13 And they forsook the Lord, and served Baal and Ashtaroth. 14 And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and he delivered them into the hands of spoilers that spoiled them, and he sold them into the hands of their enemies round about, so that they could not any longer stand before their enemies.”
Judges 3:7-8: “7 And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, and forgat the Lord their God, and served Baalim and the groves. 8 Therefore the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hand of Chushanrishathaim king of Mesopotamia: and the children of Israel served Chushanrishathaim eight years.”
Judges 8:33: “33 And it came to pass, as soon as Gideon was dead, that the children of Israel turned again, and went a whoring after Baalim, and made Baalberith their god.”
Judges 10:6-7: “6 And the children of Israel did evil again in the sight of the Lord, and served Baalim, and Ashtaroth, and the gods of Syria, and the gods of Zidon, and the gods of Moab, and the gods of the children of Ammon, and the gods of the Philistines, and forsook the Lord, and served not him. 7 And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel, and he sold them into the hands of the Philistines, and into the hands of the children of Ammon.”
Judges 10:10: “10 And the children of Israel cried unto the Lord, saying, We have sinned against thee, both because we have forsaken our God, and also served Baalim.”
1 Samuel 7:3-4 “3 And Samuel spake unto all the house of Israel, saying, If ye do return unto the Lord with all your hearts, [then] put away the strange gods and Ashtaroth from among you, and prepare your hearts unto the Lord, and serve him only: and he will deliver you out of the hand of the Philistines. 4 Then the children of Israel did put away Baalim and Ashtaroth, and served the Lord only.”
1 Samuel 12:10: “10 And they cried unto the Lord, and said, We have sinned, because we have forsaken the Lord, and have served Baalim and Ashtaroth: but now deliver us out of the hand of our enemies, and we will serve thee.”
1 Samuel 31:10: “10 And they put his armour in the house of Ashtaroth: and they fastened his body to the wall of Bethshan.”
1 Kings 11:4-6: “4 For it came to pass, when Solomon was old, [that] his wives turned away his heart after other gods: and his heart was not perfect with the Lord his God, as [was] the heart of David his father. 5 For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the abomination of the Ammonites. 6 And Solomon did evil in the sight of the Lord, and went not fully after the Lord, as [did] David his father.”
1 Kings 11:33: “33 Because that they have forsaken me, and have worshipped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Milcom the god of the children of Ammon, and have not walked in my ways, to do [that] [which] [is] right in mine eyes, and [to] [keep] my statutes and my judgments, as [did] David his father.”
1 Kings 18:18-19: “18 And he answered, I have not troubled Israel; but thou, and thy father’s house, in that ye have forsaken the commandments of the Lord, and thou hast followed Baalim. 19 Now therefore send, [and] gather to me all Israel unto mount Carmel, and the prophets of Baal four hundred and fifty, and the prophets of the groves four hundred, which eat at Jezebel’s table.”
2 Kings 1:16: “16 And he said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Forasmuch as thou hast sent messengers to inquire of Baalzebub the god of Ekron, [is] [it] not because [there] [is] no God in Israel to inquire of his word? therefore thou shalt not come down off that bed on which thou art gone up, but shalt surely die.”
2 Kings 23:13: “13 And the high places that [were] before Jerusalem, which [were] on the right hand of the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children of Ammon, did the king defile.”
2 Chronicles 17:3: “3 And the Lord was with Jehoshaphat, because he walked in the first ways of his father David, and sought not unto Baalim;”
2 Chronicles 24:7: “7 For the sons of Athaliah, that wicked woman, had broken up the house of God; and also all the dedicated things of the house of the Lord did they bestow upon Baalim.”
2 Chronicles 28:1-4: “1 Ahaz [was] twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned sixteen years in Jerusalem: but he did not [that] [which] [was] right in the sight of the Lord, like David his father: 2 For he walked in the ways of the kings of Israel, and made also molten images for Baalim. 3 Moreover he burnt incense in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and burnt his children in the fire, after the abominations of the heathen whom the Lord had cast out before the children of Israel. 4 He sacrificed also and burnt incense in the high places, and on the hills, and under every green tree.”
2 Chronicles 33:3: “3 For he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made groves, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served them.”
2 Chronicles 34:4: “4 And they brake down the altars of Baalim in his presence; and the images, that [were] on high above them, he cut down; and the groves, and the carved images, and the molten images, he brake in pieces, and made dust [of] [them], and strowed [it] upon the graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.”
Jeremiah 2:23: “23 How canst thou say, I am not polluted, I have not gone after Baalim? see thy way in the valley, know what thou hast done: [thou] [art] a swift dromedary traversing her ways;”
Jeremiah 9:13-14: “13 And the Lord saith, Because they have forsaken my law which I set before them, and have not obeyed my voice, neither walked therein; 14 But have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim, which their fathers taught them:”
Ezekiel 8:14: “14 Then he brought me to the door of the gate of the Lord’s house which [was] toward the north; and, behold, there sat women weeping for Tammuz.”
The goddess of sex and war
The goddess of sex and war is, together with other gods and goddesses from the early Mesopotamia, fully honored by the apostate and occult Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians". They call these festivals in honor of these false gods "cultural manifestations" so as not to arouse any suspicion. These “Assyrian” cultural festivals are truly through and through occult festivals for the glorification of these ancient goddess of Mesopotamia.
The Arameo-"Assyrians" want to present themselves as a separate "ethnic population" and shout that from the rooftops. However, that is self-deception. The truth is that their practices show that they are an occult religious group that wrongly present themselves as "Christian."
The heart of the religious system of the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" is the unprecedented worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, Semiramis / Ishtar the whore of Babylon and other gods from ancient Mesopotamia. They call these occult worship “cultural expressions.” When these celebrations can designated as “cultural expressions” as they claim, then these “cultural expressions” clearly honor the kingdom of satan no matter how they call or present them.
These so-called “cultural” worship of ancient gods of Mesopotamia result inevitably in the rejection of general morality, the Biblical values, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and His beloved Son Yesuh M'siho by these so-called "Christians." Their "being a Christian" seems to have been dressed in just a thin Christian sauce. Oh yes, they like to present themselves as "Assyrian Christians" to present themselves as victims and to distinguish themselves from others.
In the holy Bible, the believers are warned not to follow the example of Israel. Their mistakes and punishment should be a lesson for us because: “9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; 10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile: 11 For there is no respect of persons with God.” (Romans 2:9-11)
Furthermore we read: “4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, ……………… ” (Romans 15:4) “6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.” (1 Corinthians 10:6) “11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” (1 Corinthians 10:1)
What did the Holy Heavenly Father explicitly command the people of Israel when they entered the land of Canaan?
He said to them: “13 Thou shalt fear the Lord thy God, and serve him,…. 14 Ye shall not go after other gods, of the gods of the people which [are] round about you; 15 (For the Lord thy God [is] a jealous God among you) lest the anger of the Lord thy God be kindled against thee, and destroy thee from off the face of the earth.” (Deuteronomy 6:13-15) “31 Thou shalt not do so unto the Lord thy God: for every abomination to the Lord, which he hateth, have they done unto their gods; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods.” (Deuteronomy 12:31) “13 And in all [things] that I have said unto you be circumspect: and make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.” (Exodus 23:13) “7 That ye come not among these nations, these that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear [by] [them], neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them: 8 But cleave unto the Lord your God, as ye have done unto this day.” (Joshua 23:7-8)
And what do the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians"? They do exactly the terrible things the Lord God hates so intensely, namely:
1) They glorify and walk like a whore behind the ancient gods of Mesopotamia, including Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and his wife / mother Semiramis / Ishtar, the whore of Babylon. 2) They "sacrifice" their sons and daughters to these gods. Even worse, from childhood they "dedicate" their children to these gods. We have seen that they sacrificed their sons and daughters to the PKK (here and here) to glorify their gods. 3) The names of these horrible gods come daily across their lips and call on these gods as a sign of worship. They name their children after these gods, such as: Nimrod, Marduk, Sargon, Asshur, Babylonia, Assyria, Samiram, Ninos, Enkidu etc .. etc ..
In 2010, an apostate Arameo- "Assyrian" wanted to name his son "Marduk" during baptism in the Syrian Orthodox Church in Orebro, Sweden. However, the priest refused to baptize his son because it was a non-Christian name. He was baptized as Lukas, but with the municipality he is registered as Marduk.
As you have read from the aforementioned explanation, Marduk is another name for Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. This fanatic and occult fake Assyrian glorifies the name of antichrist. Can you dear reader understand the unprecedented degree of occultism, insanity, and idolatry with these completely misguided poor souls?
Is it then strange, beloved reader, that they have unprecedented hatred for the Biblical values and the Christian faith? No of course not! For they have widely opened their souls for these hideous gods of ancient Mesopotamia.
That is why dear reader, "Assyrianism" is nothing but occultism dipped in a thin Christian sauce. To formulate this in other way, namely: the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" have nothing to do ethically with the ancient Assyrians. But if we consider their unprecedented worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, then they can be regarded spiritually as true Assyrians, because they practice occultism as was practiced by the ancient Assyrians.
Worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Ishtar / Semiramis the whore of Babylon are part of their lives. We will discuss it in detail below by means of few examples.
10.1. “Assyrian” flag, occult representation of sun-god Nimrod/Asshur antichrist
The individual who designed the "Assyrian" flag is probably a very experienced Freemason / Illuminati Satanist himself or has been advised in detail by an brilliant occultist to design the flag in this way. The "Assyrian" flag is in fact a complete representation and worship of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
As can be seen, the flag itself is a copy of the sun disk representing the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. On top of the flag, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is in flying winged sun-disk with a bow with pulled string in his hands ready to shoot. As a hunter he searches the heaven to protect his subjects on earth.
Waving this flag on various occasions results in the awakening of the spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in the souls of the involved people. In this way they invoke this demonic spirit and widely open the door of their souls for its activity.
It is all occultism. A community that calls itself "Christian" should keep away from such occult expressions and worship.
10.2. The awakening of the demonic spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in the "Assyrian" souls
With demonstrations, festivities, in their associations and in their homes, the worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis the whore of Babylon are the focal point of attention. From childhood they take it with mother’s milk. The worship of these gods means that they invite them into their lives with the result of great aversion to the Biblical values, and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We will try to inform our beloved reader as accurately as possible by means of a few photos in which the glorification of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is underlined. The purpose of the photos is purely informative!
Demonstration in Beirut, 2015 Waving with sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
Demonstration in Paris, 2015 Waving with sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
Demonstration in Sanjose, United States, 2015 Waving with sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
An East-Aramean priest (fake “Assyrian”) addresses those present during a demonstration in 2015 in Sanjose, United States. It is very doubtful whether this East-Aramean priest is aware of the hideous occult "Assyrian" flag of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist standing behind him. As said before, dear reader, many Arameo-"Assyrians" are totally unfamiliar with the dangers of this terrible form of occult expressions with which they grew up. They do not realize at all because they have not known anything else. Knowledge of Biblical matters is hard to find and their Christianity has been reduced to only outward ceremonies that they do not understand much of it. It is therefore very difficult to talk to them about this. It is very difficult to get something in their heads convincing them that what they are doing is about occultism/ the kingdom of satan. They simply do not understand it and immediately regard you as an enemy or opponent.
Demonstration in Wiesbaden, Germany, 2015 Waving with sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
Demonstration in Chicago, United States, 2015 Waving with sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
Demonstration in Istanbul, Turkey, 2015 Glorification of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist in various form
A demonstration in Istanbul, Turkey in 2015. The picture is full of occultism. On the left is Mr. Erol Dora, an apostate Aramean who calls himself "Assyrian" and was back then a member of the Turkish Parliament on behalf of the Kurdish HDP. The HDP flag can also be seen in the background. Worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is the core activity of "Assyriansims." It's all about Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
Demonstration in Tibilisi, Georgia, 2014 Waving with sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
These demonstrators in Tibilisi, Georgia proudly pose with the flag of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. They obviously do not realize that this is an occult expression for the glorification of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. Very sad indeed!!!
Demonstration in Australia, 2014
This is a demonstration in Australia in 2014. As usual, the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist flag was fully presented and waved with. There were also other blasphemous banners like this one above. Two crosses are placed at the top of the banner. At the bottom of the banner is the horrible occult "Assyrian" sun-god flag of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. They want to use Christianity for their goals, for the rest they do nothing with it. What they do is really a horror!
Demonstration in United States, 2014 Sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist on the forehead
This individual has the sun-god symbol of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist painted on her forehead. She did it out of love for the "Assyrian" flag, but does not realize that she had the sign of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist painted on her forehead. This is very serious, from spiritual point of view!
Football match in Sweden, 2015 Sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
During a football match in Sweden in 2015, the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist was greatly honored by spreading an immense flag in the stadium.
Ishtar TV, Iraq (
In 2015 we made this screenshot of the Ishtar TV, based in Iraq, Ankawa. The appearance is still the same.
As you can see, it is all about occultism. The name "Ishtar" refers to Semiramis, the mother / wife of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, the whore of Babylon. If you call yourself a Christian then you automatically avoid such serious occult names, it is simply out of the question. For the occult Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians,” worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis / Ishtar, the whore of Babylon, comes on the first place and all other things comes after that. Christianity is only a way of distinguishing themselves from the non-Christians. Practically it has no meaning in their lives, only lip service.
The left side of the logo shows Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in his most ancient form of winged bull with human head. In the middle is Ishtar / Easter gate which is symbol for Ishtar / Easter / Semiramis, the whore of Babylon. To the right of Ishtar / Semiramis gate is the bull / calf / cow as worshiped by the people of Israel at the foot of Sinai, which is again a symbol of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist. On the right, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in on warpath with a tense bow to shoot.
When we made the screenshot in 2015, the occult eye of Horuz, like on the American dollar, was visibly placed in the middle of the sun-disk of the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. In other words, it is complete occultism, it is the kingdom of satan.
Assyrian National Broadcasting in United States (
This is the logo of Assyrian National Broadcasting in the United States (
The logo is formed by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. No further comments needed! It is terrible occultism. Occultism has pushed the Christian faith among the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" far into the background, it has become meaningless.
Bishop Meelis Zaia
Bishop Meelis Zaia is the bishop of the Arameo-Assyrian church of the east for Australia, New Zealand and Lebanon. An interview with Bishop Meelis Zaia was broadcasted by Suroyo Tv on 30th of May 2015. Bishop Zaia had a statue in his house of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in his most common form of winged bull with human head. In between the two figures there is an image of Gilgamesh. As discussed above, Gilgamesh is another name for Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
To Bishop Meelis Zaia, the statue might be a very innocent object because he may have grown up with such things so that they became acceptable to him. But it is definitely not innocent! Therefore, please let someone tell Bishop Meelis Zaia to remove these horrible occult images from his home. It is an abomination, it is occultism, it is kingdom of satan. As innocent as intended, as a clergyman, he must keep his house clean from such horrible occult images/ statues.
The notorious Kerimo Asmar and the flag of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
Priest Kerimo Asmar from Switzerland is notorious because of his hatred against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. In his letter to the synod on 31st of January 2005, Mgr. J.Y. Cicek complains about the wicked behavior of priest Kerimo Asmar from Switzerland and Emmanuel Aydin from Austria saying: “How can the head of diocese tolerate the cruelty and shamelessness of clergyman as priest Kerim Asmar of Switzerland, who during one year spread letters full of lies among the faithful under the name of the Patriarch or archpriest Emanuel Aydin who until now is unknown of his faith, whether Catholic or Protestant and all his work is done under influence of having greedy for money and don’t care about the church leaders.”
Our people in Switzerland are co-responsible for the hateful activities of Karimo Asmar against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek to discredit and smear him by means of lies and fake accusations. They cannot escape form that. His sins are also their sins, because: they greet him, give him his salary, welcome him and bow down their head before him. That is why they are co-responsible for his wickedness against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. This is also true for our people in Austria who installed Emmanuel Aydin as their priest. They cannot escape form that either! Because: “like people, like priest” (Hosea 4:9)
Waving with sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
On 25th of April 2015 there was a demonstration in Switzerland against genocide in Berne. Kerimo Asmar also walked with the demonstration and proudly wore the hideous occult symbol of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
Are we surprised about this? Of course not! Someone who has done his utmost best to demonize Mgr. J.Y. Cicek by means of lies and deceit is not concerned at all about wearing the occult symbol of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
Bishop Saliba Ozmen, priest Semoun Demir and Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist Sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
The sign of sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist on the forehead of the sitting children
Bishop Saliba Ozmen of Mardin, Turkey and priest Semoun Demir of Delbruck, Germany proudly pose for the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, the so-called "Assyrian" flag in the "Assyrian" association in Guterslo, Germany. The person next to them is probably the chairman of the association. It doesn't bother them at all that they stand for such a horrible deep occult symbol of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, as if there is nothing wrong with it. To our view, the two gentlemen have deliberately profaned not only themselves but also the position of priest and bishop.
It is therefore very doubtful whether the two gentlemen understand the meaning of their spiritual position in the light of 1 Peter 2: 5 where we read: “Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ”
Please have a look at the children sitting on the floor. On their foreheads the sign of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is placed.
It is very common for the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" to decorate their homes and associations with the hideous idols of Mesopotamia and especially Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and his mother / wife, Semiramis / Ishtar the whore of Babylon in various forms . The "Assyrian" association in Guterslo is no exception with regard to these horrible occult practices. In addition to the flag of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, their association is also adorned with the famous symbol of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, the winged bull with human head and Nimrod / Asshur as sun-god in a winged flying disk with a tense bow in his hand searching the heaven to protect his subjects on earth.
Veneration of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist in a winged sun-disk Sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist
Sun-god Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist is prominently present!
Veneration of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist in his famous form of winged bull with human head
Veneration of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist in various form, as sun-god and winged bull with human head
As you can see dear reader, everything revolves around Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in various forms (and other idols of Mesopotamia) that are honored everywhere by the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians." It is a horrible form of occultism and idolatry.
Now, the question dear reader is this one: Why did gentlemen Ozmen and Demir had no slightest spiritual/ moral problem at all to be present in such an heavy occultic environment where Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is fully honored? Is that perhaps because they themselves adhere to this hideous occult ideology and wanted to emphasize their sympathy and approval with their presence?
The apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" will immediately stand up and shout that this is only about cultural expressions and has nothing to do with occultism. Unfortunately for the brainwashed and lost Arameans, but such so-called “cultural expressions” are, according to top specialists on the field of the occult kingdom of satan such as Doc Marquis, nothing but veneration of the kingdom of satan. Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is fully honored in the occult world as you have learned from the previous explanation.
The famous Aramean (fake: "Assyrian") writer and poet from Diyarbekir Naum Fayik (1868-1930) is placed on the altar of the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
It is not the first time that Mr. Demir (Bagandi) has been there in this "Assyrian" association in Guterslo. He was also there this year to give a lecture on Naum Fayik (Diyarbekir 1868-1930) under the watchful eyes of Nimrod / Asshur Antichrist.
The meeting was put on youtube by "Assyria Tv" on February 13, 2019.
The apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" are masters of deception, forgery and disinformation. Naum Fayik is a true Aramean. What did the occult "Assyrians" do according to their nature of lies and deceit? They have made him an "Assyrian".
As you can see here dear reader, there is a large image of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist on the right-hand side of the wall in the familiar shape of a winged bull with a human head. It is just awful! Mr. Demir has no problem giving a lecture under the horrible occult presence of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist as sun-god and as winged bull with human head.
As a reminder, as mentioned above, the top specialist in the field of the kingdom of Satan says about the bull with wings and human head: “This is one of the most ancient symbols of Nimrod. It is Nimrod coming back as winged creature. And this one you will find used very, very heavily used in the (Free)Masonic world.”
Furthermore, he says: “Those winged figures could never have been there, never……… It is absolutely no way that God would allowed such blasphemes, idolatrous creature to be part of the temple.”
Mr. Demir seems to be totally unconcerned about giving a talk about the Aramean writer and poet Naum Fayik under the watchful eyes of such a horrible and deeply occult creature. We think that such a thing is only possible if you yourself are very deeply involved in that occult world. Or maybe he is even a member of the "Assyrian" Freemasonry Lodge.
We now come to Mr. Saliba Ozmen. Mr. Saliba Ozmen is the spiritual son of Isa Gultan / Garis and Bishop Samuel Aktas. Since his installation as "bishop" of Mardin, he has wreaked havoc among the Arameans in Mardin. He has good contacts with the PKK / GHB / ADO dawronoye "Assyrian" terrorists and completely ignores the Aramean population of Mardin. The Turkish court has ruled in favor of the administration of the monastery so that the administration can remove him from the monastery. Unfortunately that has not happened yet.
Pure stupidity ... and insanity .. ...
Mr. Eddie Gaboro Hanna from Australia was in Syria in 2018 and made a report of his trip that was broadcasted on Suryoyo Sat.
These foolish idiots do not realize that many of those so-called "warriors" were descendants of the fallen angels as explained above. How can you be proud of satan, his fallen angels and their descendants?
How can you be proud of such horrible demonic and idolatrous activity as the tower of Babel? Do these blind fools completely have lost their minds? In this way, sin, demonism, rebellion and wickedness are glorified and justified. In doing so, they make themselves receptive to the spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis / Easter, the whore of Babylon. The demonic spirits of rebellion, immorality, lawlessness, wickedness, filthiness, perverse expressions and low morals become active within such a community where the spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is glorified.
When the innocent souls of these children comes in contact with such a occultic photo for the first time, it will start to identify with it. And that is not good, that is stimulation of idolatry and rebellion. If instead of the tower of Babel there had been a cross or a picture of Jesus, these children would have identified themselves with that.
The defenseless children are indirectly brought in contact with occultism from an early age, as a result of which many of these children will later automatically dislike Biblical values, Christianity and the church and prefer decay, lawlessness, rebellion and immorality.
Have our people ever wondered why among the vast majority of those coming from Syria there is an enormous resistance to the Bible and the Christian faith? Why are many of them so susceptible to immorality, chaos, rebellion and decay? What is the reason behind that? Could it be caused by the spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis / Ishtar / Easter the whore of Babylon?
One cannot generalize this dear reader, because there are Arameans from Syria who are very solid, reliable and devout people keeping this kind of immorality, perverse behavior and lawlessness at a great distance. We are unfortunately talking about a small minority here.
Turkish word "Süryani" misused as a springboard for "Assyrian" misinformation
The Arameans (fake "Assyrians") in Turkey are called "Süryani". The word "Süryani" literally means Syrians without association with the country of Syria.
If you say "Syrians" in English, many people will associate this with current Syria. This is not the case with the Turkish word “Süryani”, it only refers to the Arameans without reference to Syria.
The PKK / GHB / ADO dawronoye "Assyrian" terrorists (here and here) utterly misuse the word Süryani in Turkey and try to link it to the word "Assyrians." In this way they try to mislead the Turkish reader by saying that the " Süryani "in Turkey are" Assyrians ". They are masters in disinformation and history falsifications. That is another ugly fruit of the demonic spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist that has complete control over them. To them, the end justifies the means.
Below we will explain this by means of few examples.
This website is run by PKK / ADO / GHB dawyronoye. They are the friends of Mr. Saliba Ozmen, Bishop of Mardin. Our people complain that when he goes from Mardin to Istanbul, then Mr. Saliba Ozmen goes to his friends of the dawronoye and does not contact the official church boards in Istanbul, is the people's complaint.
On the website on the left is probably the Nimrod / Asshur antichrist on a warpath with a tense arrow in his hands. In the middle of the website there is a link entitled "Modern Assyrian Research Archive Foundation." If you click on that link you will come to a typical disinformation website about the Aramean people which is in Sweden. Most likely it is run by the "Assyrian" PKK / GHB / ADO Dawronoye terrorists.
2. Facebook page: “Diyarbakır Süryani Kültür Derneği” (Syrian Cultural Association in Diyarbekir) This Facebook page is complete deception. They misuse the word “Suryani” for “Assyrianisation.”
Their logo is typical occult Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. On both sides is the usual symbol of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, the winged bull with human head. In the middle is a gate with a tower that looks like Ishtar / Semiramis gate. The symbol of the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in on top of the gate.
They posted an article on October 17, 2019 with the title “Anadolu’nun and insan halkı: Süryaniler”
If you scroll down through the article, you will read that the "Suryani are descended from Assyrians." Scrolling further down, you will come across a photo of an Aramean family (false "Assyrian") from Iraq. The whole family is dressed with occultism of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. On the sleeping baby you see the sign of the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
3. Facebook page “Süryani Haber” (Syrian News)
This is another disinformation Facebook page that is probably run by the PKK / ADO / GHB dawronoye "Assyrian" terrorists.
However, their logo has nothing to do with "Suryani", it is the logo of the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist who searches the heaven with the bow with pulled string in his hands to protect his subjects on earth. It is occultism!
4. Facebook page: “Süryani Araştırmalar Derneği” (Syrian Research Association)
This is again disinformation Facebook page where the word "Suryani" is abused for the "Assyrian" propaganda.
In all these four examples the name "Suryani" is misused to promote the unholy colonial, slavery Western product "Assyrians."
With the Arameo- “Assyrian” genocide monuments, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist always plays an important role in one way or another way.
Below we will discuss four examples.
In all these genocide monuments, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist watches over the souls of the deceased Arameo- “Assyrians”.
This is madness and the worst kind of demonism. Instead of this horrible demonic being, it would have been much better to place a simple cross. This is really a deep contempt for the deceased ones by symbolically entrusting their souls to Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. There seems to be no one among these completely hypnotized blind idiots to wake them up from their terrible deep demonic sleep.
Genocide monument in Armenia Nimrod/Asshur antichrist watches over "Assyrian" souls
Left and right is the well-known symbol of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist as commonly used in occult Freemasonry, the bull with human head and wings that watches over the souls of the dead.
Genocide monument in Australia Nimrod/Asshur antichrist sun-god watches over "Assyrian" souls
In this genocide monument, unveiled in Australia, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is represented as sun-god, as he is presented in the "Assyrian" flag. Again Nimrod / Asshur antichrist watches over the deceased souls of the Arameo- “Assyrians”.
Genocide monument in Greece Nimrod/Asshur antichrist watches over "Assyrian" souls as sun-god and as winged bull with human head
This genocide monument is in Greece. As you can see, it is fraught with occultism. This is horrific and a profound contempt for the victims of the genocide of 1915. It is all demonic!
At the inauguration of such monuments there are often clergymen present who "pray" under guidance of incense. They think they are "doing something good and holy", but considering the horrendous worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, the critical Bible reader is alerted by Jeremiah 1:16 where we read, "And I will utter my judgments against them touching all their wickedness, who have forsaken me, and have burned incense unto other gods, and worshipped the works of their own hands”
This horrible idolatry literally takes place at the inauguration of genocide monuments in which incense is burned for Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, such as was the case on 23rd of May 2015 in Etterbeek, Belgium.
As you can see in the photo, the Aramean Patrirach Afrem Karim, under the watchful eyes of the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, is burning incense to commemorate the deceased ones of the 1915 genocide. For us this is nothing but horrible idolatry where incense is offered to Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
We now come to a subject of unprecedented spiritual travesty, lawlessness, rebellion and decadence. Annually on April 1, the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" celebrate a demonic/ occult festival that they call "Akitu" and have renamed "Assyrian New Year."
What is actually "Akitu?"
We read: “Akitu or Akitum was a spring festival in ancient Mesopotamia. The Babylonian Akitu festival has played a pivotal role in the development of theories of religion, myth and ritual, yet the purpose of the festival remains a point of contention among both historians of religion and Assyriologists”
Have you read anything about "Assyrian Akitu"? No, it is a Babylonian festival that has probably been taken over by others and embedded in their own culture. It’s origin is at the tower of Babylon. The Arameo- “Assyrians” are masters in fraud, theft, disinformation and forgery. They appropriate things from others and call it "Assyrian."
On the other hand, Satan does not care how or after whom these occult feasts/ festivals are named as long as his kingdom is maintained by preventing people from seeking God and continuing engaging them in idolatry and disobedient. Whether Akitu is originally Babylonian, Assyrian, Chaldean or Lebanese, is really irrelevant to Satan as long as it is commemorated in honor of the ancient false gods of Mesopotamia, and in doing so, his kingdom is kept alive. The name of the occult festival is also irrelevant. Calling it Akitu, Pakitu, Matfuniye, Malapitu, Colorado, Zalata, Himalaya or anything else, is totally irrelevant to Satan as long as the occult festival is maintained and glorified.
As mentioned above, there is no agreement among the scholars about the purpose of the Babylonian Akitu festival. What is important, however, is how this is considered in the kingdom of Satan. We turn again to a top specialist in this area and that is Mr. Doc Marquis. In point 7 we discussed the mythological death and resurrection of Semiramis as Easter / Ishtar.
We read amongst others: “……..We now have the resurrection of Easter, Samiramis into Easter, who is known also – occultically speaking- as spring goddess. It was at the same time when the tower of Babylon, that huge spiraled ziggurat construction that almost reached to the heaven itself, was built with many temples there. “On top of the ziggurat itself, there would have been the grandest, the most elaborate of all the temples, and that would have been the temple of Moloch. Moloch was depicted as huge brazen demonic being with two horns, some had them just one horn. And would have his arms stretched out over a fire pit, that fire would go day and night, the hands were glowing red hot all the time…… ”
“During this time of season, once it has been established that queen Semiramis had come back in the form of Easter and that she also is the spring goddess, the temple priest and priestesses had come up with huge festivals and celebrations in honor of the goddess.” “Several things that they would do, they would actually get new ropes and new headgears to wear for the ceremony. It showed that they were sacrificing the old for something new and that they were honoring the goddess, representing the best. They would bring flowers and candies as offerings to offer up to their goddess and that the ladies themselves would be wearing new headgear that actually looked very similar to baby bonnets that use to this very day.”
“And of course there would be a huge procession, the priest would lead the parade, the high priest would be in front, the priestesses behind, there were a lot of dancing, singing and music and so.. on.. and so forth… ”
What the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" annually are doing is nothing but welcoming the spring goddess, around April 1 with a lot of festivities, special dressing, eating, dancing, singing ... all in honor of Semiramis / Easter / Ishtar, the whore of Babylon .
Please remember this when we will show you some pictures below, as an explanation, of the celebrations of the so-called "Assyrian" New Year. Needless to say, but this is the worst kind of idolatry and has nothing to do with Christianity.
Suroyo Tv: Akitu 2015
Suroyo Tv: Akitu 2018
Wiesbaden, Germany 2019
The Arameo - “Assyrian” youtube based “Assyria TV” posted the Akitu 2019 of the “Assyrian” Association of Wiesbaden on youtube on 4th of September 2019.
Below we present some photos of this event to accurately inform our beloved reader.
The spring goddess Ishtar / Easter / Semiramis is warmly welcomed with dance, music, drum and trumpet, festivities, eating and drinking to bless the new "Assyrian" year.
2014: California United States
Here you see dear reader individuals dressed as king / queen or as gods / goddesses of the ancient Mesopotamia. In the background you can see the always green tree of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist. Left and right you see the human figure with eagle's head with pinecone from the staff of Tammuz and bucket in their hands. We have talked about its meaning in the foregoing. (The event can be seen on youtube)
Akitu 2008, Iraq
In Iraq, the spring goddess Semiramis / Ishtar / Easter is being driven around in a procession where thousands of people are present who welcome her, and she on her turn, blesses those present at her celebration. There is a lot of singing, drinking, dancing and celebration, happiness, waving with sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist (“Assyrian flag”), to welcome the arrival of the whore of Babylon and to beg her blessing for the "Assyrian" people.
Akitu Australia 2012
The activities for the arrival of the spring goddess Easter / Ishtar/ Semiramis in Australia are organized by the Arameo -“Assyrians” as huge festival. The festive activities, in honor of the goddess Easter / Ishtar / Semiramis, are organized in a very large hall with a lot of dance, music, food and drinks.
On this photo you see two very large images of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist with in between an image of Ishtar / Easter gate, one of her very important symbols. Above the Ishtar/ Easter gate is the sun-god symbol of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in the form of so-called "Assyrian" flag.
Everything revolves around the tower of Babel, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and spring goddess Easter / Ishtar / Semiramnis.
There is much dancing, drinking and eating, waving with the sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, to welcome the spring goddess. Groups of men / women are formed to represent kings / queen and gods / goddesses of ancient Mesopotamia to accompany the spring goddess in the procession.
Akitu Australia 2015
Here you see a procession of kings / queens / gods / goddesses, specially dressed for the occasion, to welcome the spring goddess Easter / Ishtar / Semiramis, the whore of Babylon, and to beg her blessing for the "Assyrian" people.
In 2015, Australian Prime Minister Tony Talbot had also come to the Akitu. He then gave a speech.
Premier Tony Talbot speaking to the gathered “Assyrians”
In the background you see two very large images of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist as a winged bull with a human head. In between you see the Ishtar / Easter / Semiramis gate with Nimrod / Asshur antichrist on top it as the sun-god in the form of "Assyrian” flag.
Mr. Talbot, who is probably a Freemason, must have felt very much at home between the large images of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis / Ishtar / Easter.
Mr. Talbot received a statue of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist in the form of Gilgamesh as a gift.
Akitu 2013 Chicago (United States)
In Chicago, United States, the Arameo -“Assyrians” welcome the spring goddess Ishtar / Easter / Semiramis in a carnival-like long procession with splendor and festivities (here and here) and of course waving with sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist ("Assyrian " flag). It is all in honor of the whore of Babylon.
And so the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" repeat this spiritual travesty and fornication with the ancient gods of Mesopotamia every year. Everything revolves around tower of Babel, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Ishtar / Easter / Semiramis, the whore of Babylon. The tower of Babel, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis / Ishtar are sacred to them and they like very much to identify with these ancient "heroes" and "warriors".
Perhaps we could summarize the foregoing spiritual fornication and travesty, from a spiritual point of view, as follows: The Lord God says: “I hate, I despise your feast days, and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies” (Amos 5:21) “Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear [them].” (Isaiah 1:14)
10.4.1. Initiation of children at a young age in "Assyrian" occultism
On the photo you see dear reader that these children wear the symbol of sun-god Nimrod / Asshur antichrist on their chest during Akitu 2016 in Australia. This is how children are initiated into the world of "Assyrianism."
They are dressed in such a way, during April 1 spring celebration of 2016, so that the worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is the focal point. The sign of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is often placed on their head, chest or back, so that these defenseless children are incorporated into "Assyrian" occultism.
Children are not only used for the celebration of welcoming the spring goddess Easter / Ishtar / Semiramis, but also for demonstrations.
By getting involved with this form of occult expressions from early childhood, a terrible demonic spirit of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and other gods of Mesopotamia will eventually awaken in their souls, automatically causing them an unprecedented aversion to the Biblical values, Jesus Christ and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Unfortunately, this is the daily practice in the lives of many apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians."
They willingly have maneuvered themselves in the grip of a horrible demonic spirit of blind fanaticism where all means are allowed to promote "Assyrianism", including terrorism (here and here), history forgery, stimulation of confusion and chaos, brainwashing of innocent children, inciting children against their parents, sowing hatred and division and gamut of other unholy things that cannot bear the daylight.
Now, dear reader, there will always be some goodhearted people who get involved in such occult expressions purely out of ignorance, because they are not used to anything else, they grew up with that. However, that does not make the matter less serious! In revelation 13: 3-4 we read that the whole world will follow the antichrist and accept his sign. Many of these people will do that out of ignorance. But that does certainly not exonerate them from damnation.
11. “Assyrianism”, a project of Freemasonic Illuminati Satanists? "Assyrian" Freemasons
We have seen that Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is very important for the Freemasonry / Illuminati belief system. It is believed that the occult belief system goes back to the tower of Babel where it was developed by Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis / Ishtar / Easter, the whore of Babylon. You have also clearly seen that the occult system is kept alive by the Arameo - “Assyrians” worldwide with their blasphemous and outright occult celebrations of spring goddess Ishtar / Easter and adorning their associations (and houses) with various forms of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist.
Colonial Western activities Before the start of activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats among the East- Aramean Nestorians of Urmia (Iran), Hakkaria (Turkey / Iraq), they were totally unfamiliar with these horrific occult excesses of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, Semiramis and other gods from ancient times of Mesopotamia. The present-day occultism within our nation is a unholy Western colonial product.
As from 1831, the American missionaries started to make contacts with the East-Aramean Nestorians in Iran, province of Urmia and Azerbijan. The missionary activities of the Archbishop of Canterbury of the Anglican church started among the East-Aramean Nestorians from 1885.
There was also activity at the diplomatic level. In 1843, Paul Emile Botta, the French Consular representative in Mosul, did excavations in Khorsabad, about 12 miles north of Mosul. The beautiful palace of Sargon II, the king of Assyria (722-709 BC) was laid bare before the amazing eyes of the world.
The British were also active with excavations. British writer and diplomat, Austin Henry Layard, did excavations in Nineve (1843) and attracted the world's attention. “When the Assyrian excavations revealed the remains of Nineveh to the wondering eyes of the world, the Nestorians and their "Chaldean" brethren in the environs of ancient Assyrian capital and beyond attracted special attention. The hero of these excavations , Austin Henry Layard, hastened to proclaim these historic, linguist and religious minorities to be "as much the remains of Nineveh, and Assyria, as the rude heaps and ruined places. In the midst of this excitement, J.P. Fletcher wrote that "the Chaldeans and the Nestorians" are "the only surviving human memorial of Assyria and Babylonia"
Both missionaries and diplomats were often involved in occult organizations such as Freemasonry. United Kingdom and France are the cradle of Freemasonry and Illuminati occult activity. Later it also spread to the United States and from there to almost all parts of the world.
When the statues from times of ancient Assyrians in Nineveh and Khorsabad were unearthed, both religious and political powers must have jumped for joy. For the religious powers, this would clearly be the proof of the correctness of the Bible with regard to the existence of the Assyrian empire. For the occult Freemasonry / Illuminati Satanists would also be provided the proof of the correctness of their occult religious system that also was practiced by the ancient Assyrians, with Nimrod / Asshur antichrist being the focal point.
Albert C. Mackey was a 33rd degree Freemason. He wrote an encyclopedia about Freemasonry entitled "Encyclopedia of Freemasonry And Its Kindred Sciences."
On Nimrod, Mackey writes: “The Legend of the Craft in the Old Constitutions refers to Nimrod as one of the founders Of Freemasonry. …… 'At ye makeing of ye Toure of Babell there was Masonrie first much esteemed of, and the King of Babilon yt was called Nimrod was A Mason himself and loved well Masons." ……. 'And this same Nembroth began the towre of babilon and he taught to his werkemen the craft of Masonrie, and he had with him many Masons more than forty thousand. And he loved and cherished them well"
In addition, the political, diplomatic and religious interests of a country were back then closely intertwined in those times. A diplomat could at the same time act as a mission representative and, conversely, a missionary could act as a diplomat for his country. The defenseless and mostly illiterate East-Aramean Nestorians were totally unaware of any evil intentions from the Western visitors. Consequently they ended up in an arena of religious, political interests and intrigues which they impossible could defend themselves against it.
Here these fanatical powers began to join forces to firmly anchor the occult system of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and his wife / mother Semiramis, the whore of Babylon in the hearts and souls of the East-Aramean Nestorians with terrible consequences.
In the above examples you have seen the awful result of these unholy activities. The Western colonial success among the East-Aramean Nestorians was not merely due to their illiteracy, but it had also to do with the feeling "that they were good with those Christians from the West." The Western visitors were considered "learned" and "civilized" and from such a person many things are accepted without hesitation. The East-Arameans were particularly very naive in that area.
“Assyrian” Freemasonry
We suspect, dear reader, that the United Kingdom has not only given the East-Aramean Nestorians a false identity, but that they have also initiated the leaders of this community into the occult organizations to bind them to themselves. United Kingdom is an important center for Illuminati Satanists where they steer the entire world.
1) The first step was of course to open schools to teach East-Aramean Nestorians in their new identity. So they started giving their children names of the ancient gods of Mesopotamia such as Sargon, Nimrod, Asshur, Marduk, Ninos, Babylonia etc .. A generation later they suddenly became real "Assyrians" with "Assyrian" names. 2) The second step was to initiate the "Assyrian" leaders in an occult organization such as Freemasonry to control and direct them. This has probably been very easy because the colonialists could say to them "You belong to that powerful people (ancient Assyrians) and we respect You." 3) The third step was to diffuse the worship of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and other gods of Mesopotamia within the East-Aramean Nestorian church and people under the cover of "cultural activities." As you have seen in the above, the worship of these gods is today intensively practiced. 4) The fourth step was that the "Assyrian" Freemasons would coordinate the worship of these gods worldwide. A day would be set to commemorate these idols annually. That occult "Assyrian" national holiday is the Akitu day on April 1. The worship of these idols result automatically in rejection of Biblical and Christian values. We are dealing here with heavy demonic activity. Yes, they still call themselves Christians, but only for the outer form to promote "Assyrianism", hence they like to call themselves "Assyrian Christians."
Obliged to help each other
When someone joins the Freemasonic lodge, he must take an oath. You will be obliged, among other things, to help your fellow Freemasons. Freemasons are trained to communicate with other Freemasons with gestures and pronouncing specific sentences. An outsider does not understand this communication. For more information we refer to the online video of Mr. Bill Schoenebelen who himself was also a Freemason.
It has happened in the United States that during the trial the lawyer signaled to the judge that he was a Freemason. At that moment, the judge, who was also a Freemason, is obliged to help his fellow Freemason and has done so.
When a bishop / priest / monk / patriarch becomes a member of a Freemasonic lodge, he is obliged to help other Freemasons. This could perhaps explain why some priests / bishops / Patriarch do not take a stand against "Assyrian" terrorism / occultism and why these terrorists / occultists have so easy access to some clergymen.
Transferring the wickedness to other Aramean denominations
12. Why did Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist become so powerful?
In the apocryphal book Jasher, details are given about the power of Nimrod / Asshur antichrist, the son of Kush, the grandson of Ham. Apocryphal books do not belong to the Bible, but can be useful as a supplement to the Bible as long as they do not conflict with the Bible.
In Jasher 7:23-48 we read:
23 And Cush the son of Ham, the son of Noah, took a wife in those days in his old age, and she bare a son, and they called his name Nimrod, saying, At that time the sons of men again began to rebel and transgress against God, and the child grew up, and his father loved him exceedingly, for he was the son of his old age. 24 And the garments of skin which God made for Adam and his wife, when they went out of the garden, were given to Cush. 25 For after the death of Adam and his wife, the garments were given to Enoch, the son of Jared, and when Enoch was taken up to God, he gave them to Methuselah, his son. 26 And at the death of Methuselah, Noah took them and brought them to the ark, and they were with him until he went out of the ark. 27 And in their going out, Ham stole those garments from Noah his father, and he took them and hid them from his brothers. 28 And when Ham begat his first born Cush, he gave him the garments in secret, and they were with Cush many days. 29 And Cush also concealed them from his sons and brothers, and when Cush had begotten Nimrod, he gave him those garments through his love for him, and Nimrod grew up, and when he was twenty years old he put on those garments. 30 And Nimrod became strong when he put on the garments, and God gave him might and strength, and he was a mighty hunter in the earth, yea, he was a mighty hunter in the field, and he hunted the animals and he built altars, and he offered upon them the animals before the Lord. 31 And Nimrod strengthened himself, and he rose up from amongst his brethren, and he fought the battles of his brethren against all their enemies round about. 32 And the Lord delivered all the enemies of his brethren in his hands, and God prospered him from time to time in his battles, and he reigned upon earth. 33 Therefore it became current in those days, when a man ushered forth those that he had trained up for battle, he would say to them, Like God did to Nimrod, who was a mighty hunter in the earth, and who succeeded in the battles that prevailed against his brethren, that he delivered them from the hands of their enemies, so may God strengthen us and deliver us this day. 34 And when Nimrod was forty years old, at that time there was a war between his brethren and the children of Japheth, so that they were in the power of their enemies. 35 And Nimrod went forth at that time, and he assembled all the sons of Cush and their families, about four hundred and sixty men, and he hired also from some of his friends and acquaintances about eighty men, and be gave them their hire, and he went with them to battle, and when he was on the road, Nimrod strengthened the hearts of the people that went with him. 36 And he said to them, Do not fear, neither be alarmed, for all our enemies will be delivered into our hands, and you may do with them as you please. 37 And all the men that went were about five hundred, and they fought against their enemies, and they destroyed them, and subdued them, and Nimrod placed standing officers over them in their respective places. 38 And he took some of their children as security, and they were all servants to Nimrod and to his brethren, and Nimrod and all the people that were with him turned homeward. 39 And when Nimrod had joyfully returned from battle, after having conquered his enemies, all his brethren, together with those who knew him before, assembled to make him king over them, and they placed the regal crown upon his head. 40 And he set over his subjects and people, princes, judges, and rulers, as is the custom amongst kings. 41 And he placed Terah the son of Nahor the prince of his host, and he dignified him and elevated him above all his princes. 42 And whilst he was reigning according to his heart's desire, after having conquered all his enemies around, he advised with his counselors to build a city for his palace, and they did so. 43 And they found a large valley opposite to the east, and they built him a large and extensive city, and Nimrod called the name of the city that he built Shinar, for the Lord had vehemently shaken his enemies and destroyed them. 44 And Nimrod dwelt in Shinar, and he reigned securely, and he fought with his enemies and he subdued them, and he prospered in all his battles, and his kingdom became very great. 45 And all nations and tongues heard of his fame, and they gathered themselves to him, and they bowed down to the earth, and they brought him offerings, and he became their lord and king, and they all dwelt with him in the city at Shinar, and Nimrod reigned in the earth over all the sons of Noah, and they were all under his power and counsel. 46 And all the earth was of one tongue and words of union, but Nimrod did not go in the ways of the Lord, and he was more wicked than all the men that were before him, from the days of the flood until those days. 47 And he made gods of wood and stone, and he bowed down to them, and he rebelled against the Lord, and taught all his subjects and the people of the earth his wicked ways; and Mardon his son was more wicked than his father. 48 And every one that heard of the acts of Mardon the son of Nimrod would say, concerning him, From the wicked goeth forth wickedness; therefore it became a proverb in the whole earth, saying, From the wicked goeth forth wickedness, and it was current in the words of men from that time to this.
Nimrod / Asshur became mighty through the garments of skin, God had made for Adam. The Lord God blessed Nimrod and he became famous among the people of his time. Nimrod sacrificed animals for the Lord God and the Lord gave him victory after victory. He was appointed king by his brothers. His power was increasing and finally " Nimrod reigned in the earth over all the sons of Noah." He was the first absolute ruler over all people at that time.
In the Pseudo- apocryphal book “The writings of Abraham”, more details are given about how Nimrod increased his power. Pseudo- apocrypha are books attributed to a biblical figure.
In part 1, chapter 2 and chapter 18, the supposed writer patriarch Abraham says about Nimrod:
CHAPTER 2 …………………….. …………………………………………………… 3. Moreover, Nimrod was a man of mighty power for he was Master Mahan and had in his hands the secrets of the ancients as they had come down from Cain wherein he knew the words of power and the signs for using them and he had the holy garments which had been given unto Adam in the garden in which was great power. 4. All of this power did Nimrod use to get gain after the manner of the secret combination. 5. With his power he had set out to build a tower which would reach to heaven, even the city of my father Enoch which had been taken up, that he, Nimrod, might depose God from his throne for God had taken up his abode among the people of Enoch. 6. But God frustrated the plans of Nimrod by confounding the language of him and his people that they could no longer remember the sacred words and they scattered forth over the face of the earth. 7. At that time Nimrod came and established the city of Ur which is the City of Light, for he yet retained his determination to build a city to rival the city of God that the light and power might center in him. 8. And through the ministration of Satan he did receive again some of the words of power and did reorganize the secret combination among his people; but he had not power as at the first for the fullness of the pure language was not restored to him according to the decree of the Most High God.
CHAPTER 18 BEFORE the death of Ham, the sacred garments were given secretly by him to his son Cush 2. Cush also kept them hidden and in his old age gave them unto his son Nimrod and when Nimrod was twenty years of age, he put on the garments and he derived great strength and power from them. 3. Moreover, Nimrod was instructed in all the secrets of the evil combination by his father Cain, for Cain had not perished in the flood. 4. Wherefore, Nimrod became a mighty man among the sons of men and established his kingdom and grew stronger and stronger in wickedness after the order of the secret combination which was from the beginning, for Nimrod spread his dominion over all mankind save those in the city of Shalom.
Two comments: 1) The meaning of “Master Mahan” in chapter 2:3 seems to be high level initiation in the secrets of creation/ universe through which Nimrod/ Asshur was able to gain power and strength. These secrets Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist received from Cain who seems to have survived the flood of Noah.
Others say about the meaning of Master Mahan: “Master Mahan, in the religious texts of the Latter Day Saint movement, is a title assumed first by Cain and later by his descendant Lamech. The title indicates that Cain and Lamech were each the "master" of a "great secret" in which they covenanted with Satan to kill for personal gain”
Cain might have received these “great secrets” from his father Adam or perhaps even from satan / fallen angels. The “.....the words of power and the signs for using them ….., “Nimrod was instructed in all the secrets of the evil combination”, “the manner of the secret combination” in combination with the holy garments God had made for Adam, made Nimrod/Asshur powerful and unconquerable. Please also be aware that God spoke words and the creation came into being. Words have therefore power. Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist had gotten access to the secrets of using the "power of words" and "how to combine these words."
The covenant of the “Master Mahan of great secrets” with satan might have been “how effectively to wage a war and destroy the enemy.” Cain killed his brother Abel and Nimrod/ Asshur is very famous for his violent wars. The same is true for the ancient Assyrians.
Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist had gotten access to highly secret knowledge of creation/ universe which he by no means was entitled to.
2) The wicked intentions of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist, with very advanced technology at his disposal, made him exceptional dangerous. The Lord God was very worried about his wickedness and intervened “by confounding the language of him and his people that they could no longer remember the sacred words and they scattered forth over the face of the earth.”
Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist had, after intervention of the Lord God, no access anymore to the secret words which he used before to gain power. However “through the ministration of Satan he did receive again some of the words of power and did reorganize the secret combination among his people.” Yet this was not enough to recover his power and splendor to the situation before the intervention of the Lord God.
What we see here, beloved reader, is that the power of satan is restricted by the Lord God. He was able to help Nimrod/ Asshur to recover to a certain level, but it was much less than before the intervention. Satan was not able to outmaneuver the “the decree of the Most High God” to recover Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist to his former glory.
Danger of power and glory
The power, splendor and glory of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist had gone to his head and was gripped by pride and rebelled against the Lord God. He was brutal enough in his blindness and foolishness trying to “depose God from His throne”. The same mentality of pride, blindness and foolishness we see with the ancient Assyrians. When trying to conquer Jerusalem, Assyrian king Sennecherib boasted on his power and told king Hezekiah of Judah “10 Thus shall ye speak to Hezekiah king of Judah, saying, Let not thy God in whom thou trustiest deceive thee, saying, Jerusalem shall not be delivered into the hand of the king of Assyria. 11 Behold, thou hast heard what the kings of Assyria have done to all lands, by destroying them utterly: and shalt thou be delivered?” (2 Kings 19:10-11)
The downfall of Nimrod was most probably caused by the fallen angels who prompted him to build the tower to knock God off His throne. Nimrod / Asshur began to deviate from the way of the Lord God and introduced horrible form of idolatry in depth and breadth.
As you have read, the Lord God then intervened and spread the people all over the world. During the new world order (NWO) the spirit of Nimrod / Asshur/ Osiris antichrist will rise again and he will reign over the whole world, the risen dictator antichrist Osiris.
You have also seen that Nimrod / Asshur antichrist is unprecedentedly venerated by the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians". Nimrod / Asshur has been dead since long time, but he is kept alive by the Arameo-"Assyrians." Nimrod / Asshur antichrist was the founding father of what later would become known as the powerful “Assyrian empire.” As you have seen, he was highly venerated by the former Assyrians, and this worship is fanatically continued by today's fake “Assyrians.”
It will be very interesting to see what the fake “Assyrians” will do when the resurrected spirit of Nimrod/ Asshur/ Osiris antichrist will identify himself as “Assyrian” in agreement with Isaiah 10:6-5 and Micah 5:4-5. Will they go into ecstasies and welcome him as their savior or will they wake up and reject him?
The fall of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist can be compared to the fall of satan. Both were powerful, clothed with splendor, and both rebelled against the Lord God resulting in their own downfall.
4.1.3. They are our brothers, fathers, uncles….
Some people within the Aramean nation regularly ask the questions like: “Why is it not possible to sit down with “Assyrians” and trying to the settle the matter? They are our uncles, brothers and fathers, so why cannot we talk to each other in gentle manner to solve the issue that has been created by the outsiders?”
The problem with people who ask this kind of questions is that they do not understand the dynamic of “gods” and “occultism” and the unprecedented power behind it. It is here more than just human activity! We will explain what we mean.
In Deuteronomy 32:8 we read: “The Most High assigned nations their lands; he determined where peoples should live. He assigned to each nation a heavenly being, 9 but Jacob's descendants he chose for himself…”
From the beginning the Lord God YAHWEH had assigned every nation a powerful angel, except the people of Israel, He chose for himself. In managing the affair of the nations, these angles allowed to be worshipped by them as “gods” and rebelled against the God YAHWEH. That is the reason why you find worldwide tells or oral traditions talking about “gods coming from heaven.”
A revealing event is told us in Daniel 10:1-20. Daniel is humbling before the Lord God to get more insight on the situation of his people (Verse 1-3). The Lord God hears the prayers of Daniel and sends angle Gabriel to him. In Daniel 10: 11-17 we read: “Then he said, "Daniel, don't be afraid. God has heard your prayers ever since the first day you decided to humble yourself in order to gain understanding. I have come in answer to your prayer. 13 The angel prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief angels, came to help me, because I had been left there alone in Persia. 14 I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the future. This is a vision about the future." 15 When he said this, I stared at the ground, speechless. 16 Then the angel, who looked like a man, reached out and touched my lips. I said to him, "Sir, this vision makes me so weak that I can't stop trembling. 17 I am like a slave standing before his master. How can I talk to you? I have no strength or breath left in me." 18 Once more he took hold of me, and I felt stronger. 19 He said, "God loves you, so don't let anything worry you or frighten you." When he had said this, I felt even stronger and said, "Sir, tell me what you have to say. You have made me feel better." 20 21 He said, "Do you know why I came to you? It is to reveal to you what is written in the Book of Truth. Now I have to go back and fight the guardian angel of Persia. After that the guardian angel of Greece will appear. There is no one to help me except Michael, Israel's guardian”
“the guarding angle of Persia” and “the guardian angel of Greece”, heavenly beings, were powerful angelic powers of Satan to steer Persia and Greece. This means that all the nations in the world are assigned powerful angles who steer them and are accountable to Satan; unless the involved nation has chosen for God YAHWEH and His beloved Son Yesuh M’siho. The hierarchy of kingdom of Satan is described as “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high [places]” (Ephesians 6:12), and is organized according the so-called Pyramid structure as depicted on the American Dollar. Satan is described as “the god of this world” (2 Cor. 4:4) and “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) In Matthew 4:8, Satan boasts that all kingdoms of the world belong to him. His claim is not denied by our Lord Yesuh M’siho.
What is the moral of the story? Well, when a nation becomes disobedient to the God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, such a nation will be assigned satanic angels on national, local, municipal, tribal and ethnical level! Because the fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” nourish such unparalleled “love” towards powerful occult powers like “Nimrod”, “Samiramis”, “Sargon”, “Asshur”, etc..,- they invite them in their life-, we believe they have been put under the authority of very strong “guardian angel” who make sure that they keep on venerating this “gods” with the result that the Light of Yesuh M’siho does not reach the majority of their hearts, because: “….. the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them” (2 Cor. 4:4)
And this is the problem within the Aramean nation that is not being noticed by many of them! They do not understand that behind “Assyrian nationalism”, there is more than simply “human activity.” They do not understand that behind the “division” and “hatred” within the Arameans, there are very powerful beings active in the spiritual realm. They do not realize that it has nothing to do with “politics”, “political orientations”, “freedom of speech” or “democratic activities”.
As long as the fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” do not wake up to became aware that they have been manipulated in this terrible situation, they will be a powerful instrument of manipulation in the hands of illuminati.
We believe that not only “Assyrians” have been placed under sphere of influence of powerful satanic angle, but also some so-called Aramean/Syriac organizations that are specialized in sorcery, cheating, lying and manipulations and are concerned about “human rights” of our people. Some individuals in these organizations cannot stand one another, however when it comes to demonization, libel, and ridiculing of Aram-Nahrin organization, then they put their differences aside and form a “brotherly” front against Aram-Nahrin. This people nourish unprecedented hatred towards Bible study, God YAHWEH and His Son Yesuh M’siho. O yes, they go each Sunday to the church. We believe it is the same kind of demonic hatred that is preventing Bible study in the churches to be given. It is the spirit of antichrist. Actually they are only “Christians in name” and nothing more. The Bible and Lord Yesuh M’siho have completely been removed from their lives and it also explains the high immorality.
One thing we know for sure and that is this: If our nation was slightly educated in true Christian Biblical knowledge, then they definitely would have chased away some so-called “spiritual leaders”, some individuals in the Church councils and some individuals within the so-called “Human rights” organizations and would have refused them entrance to their churches and associations.
4.2. United Kingdom, “Assyrianism” and antichrist
As previously explained, the origin of the so-called “Assyrianism” can be traced to the unholy colonial activities of United Kingdom. The United Kingdom invested a lot of effort in unearthing the Assyrian artifacts and the British Museum is famous for it. The question is of course: Why? What is the reason behind their interest in “Assyrianism”? Is it simply archeological or is there something else going on? For example “Many people agreed that too many “purses” were being spent on the Assyrian art. As the halls of the British Museum became filled with reliefs from Nimrud and Nineveh, people came to feel that enough was enough, that it was a waste of time and money to transport more objects from the ancient Assyrian sites to London” (From Babylon to Baghdad. Ancient Iraq and the Modern West, page 19)
Also, when Iraq was invaded by UK and US, the first thing they deed was looting the Iraqi museum in which ancient artifacts were stored from the times of Sumer, Babel and Asshur. Why were they so much interested in these artifacts? Below, we will try to explain this.
The researcher Tim Cohen did a pioneering research in his book “The antichrist and a Cup of Thea.” The first edition of his book was published in 1998 and can be downloaded here and second edition was published in 2013.
Tim Cohen makes a very strong case that the Antichrist most probably will be from the British Royal Family (also here), the Windsors, and provides plenty and detailed convincing reasons for his assertions.
In addition, those studying New World Order (NWO)- the kingdom of Antichrist- reveal that the world centre of power is the 1 km2 City of London where the most powerful illuminati banking cartels are settled. From here, the world affairs are steered.
If indeed, the antichrist will be from British Royal Family, what is the connection with the “Assyrians.”? If we look at the Bible, amongst others in the Bible book Revelation and Daniel, it becomes clear that the antichrist shall arise from Europe; the former Roman Empire (Walid Shoebat however believes he will be from Middle-East).
When he officially shall speak to the European Parliament, he will do it probably from the chair number 666 (it seems still is vacant). From that position he will introduce himself as the world leader, as the man who cares about all the peoples, tribes, nationalities, traditions and cultures. He shall, as the “leader of the world”, identify himself amongst others beside many ethnicities as a.... "Assyrian"….”Roman”….”Egyptian”..etc..
On page 16 and 17 of his book, Tim Cohen says in reference to Prince Charles:
* who it is whose royal hegemony over the European Union has already resulted in a request to be its king (chapter 2); * who it is whose name calculates to 666 in both English and Hebrew, using the scriptural system (chapter 3); * who it is whose lineage places him at the head of the Merovingian dynasty, and asserts descendancy from Israel's King David, Jesus, and Islam's Mohammed, as well as the tribe of Dan and Satan (chapter 4); * who it is whose royal ancestors have claimed to sit upon the throne of David for nearly two millennia (chapter 5); * who it is whose heraldic achievement is a literal depiction of the satanic imagery associated with the AntiChrist in both the Old and New Testaments, whose oligarchical powerbase is behind the quest for a New World Order (chapters 6 and 7); * who it is whose current power, throne, and "great authority" literally derive from the red dragon" or Satan (chapter 8); * who it is whose agenda is specifically geared to address the many ominous and prophetic signs of the times" -and what those signs are-through global governance" (chapter 9); * who it is whose multifaceted religious, political, and other ties are apparently set to position him as priest and prophet, not to mention king, to the world’s major and minor religions-including apostate Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Wicca, and satanism-and who is a global "mover and shaker" with vast potential wealth (chapter 10 ) ………..etc… etc…. etc…..
Of course he will do it in such a way that almost nobody will notice the significance of it ... except the initiated ones in the illuminati and to the less degree the fallen Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians."
But the question is now: Why? Why will he identify himself in particular as “Assyrian.”? The answer to this question is fascinating and reveling! There are two reasons why he will identify himself as “the Assyrian.”
1) He is the spirit of resurrected Nimrod/ Ashur, the first antichrist. Therefore, he will identify himself as “the Assyrian” to demonstrate his utter contempt towards the God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaak and Jacob. In Revelation 13:6 we read about the beast or antichrist: “And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven.”
In the Bible Book Nahum we read about the extermination of the ancient Assyrians. In chapter 1 verse 11, we read a very interesting quote, namely: “11 There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counsellor”
This quote says something about the demonic origin, perhaps initiated by the “Gaboree” or fallen angels, of the ancient Assyrians and explains for an important part the same power behind the present-day fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”, the blind fanaticism. A human being of flesh and blood can create cunning schemes against the God YAHWEH. However, the aforementioned quote is beyond that which a human being of flesh and blood can think of. It is much more! Behind human beings of flesh and blood, there is more a sinister power controlling them.
The quote, dear reader, points out to the far future, namely the real spiritual Assyrian, the Antichrist, it is a “double prophecy.” The first part was fulfilled with the judgment of Assyrian Empire and the last part will be fulfilled with the judgment of “the Assyrian”, the risen Nimrod, the “Gaboro” of Revelation 13.
Please also note that the early church fathers were quite well familiar with the term "Assyrian", which they considered as equal to the "Satan". Quintus Septimus Florens Tertullianus (a lawyer from Carthage, ca. 160 AD) says: "On this wise, accordingly, (Scripture) entitled the magi also with the appellation of "Samaritans,"--"despoiled" (of that) which they had had in common with the Samaritans, as we have said--idolatry in opposition to the Lord. (It adds), "in opposition," moreover, "to the king of the Assyrians,"--in opposition to the devil, who to this hour thinks himself to be reigning, if he detrudes the saints from the religion of God. (His book: An answer to the Jews, Page 9)
Eusebius Pamphili (265-340 AC), the bishop of Caesarea also called “ The father of the Church history” says about the Assyrians: “On the overthrow of the Assyrian Empire, which was destroyed by thunderbolts from Heaven……"Truly, then, the poisonous race may be said to be extinct. Death himself is extinct, and the truth of the resurrection sealed. Again, the Assyrian race is gone, (His book: "TO THE ASSEMBLY OF THE SAINTS.")
Afrem the Syrian says: Sheol is full of the men of Sodom, and the Assyrians: and the giants who were in the flood….. (Nisibine Hyms, LIII (8) CONCERNING SATAN AND DEATH)
And the secret societies worldwide, who will help the antichrist to the power, are very well aware of these matters. It is certainly not meaningless that he shall identify himself as "the Assyrian", it has a deep occult meaning. An example of antichrist was the Assyrian king Sanharib. In 2 Kings 19:10, he calls the Lord God YAHWEH a "deceiver"; while in reality the antichrist himself will be a deceiver , who will take the power by means of "all kinds of false miracles and wonders" and "every kind of wicked deceit" (2 Thessa. 2:9-10)
The aforementioned can be summarized as follows: The antichrist shall identify himself as "Assyrian" to underscore his extreme rebellion and contempt to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God YAHWEH. At the moment the antichrist will give a speech in the European Parliament, perhaps many apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" will be present in the European Parliament to embrace the antichrist as the real "Assyrian" and as their savior and the "Great and Holy Peacemaker". And most probably all the "Assyrians" will welcome and embrace him with open arms, including accepting his sign on their hand or forehead (Revelation 13:16). This finally will lead to their complete extermination as punishment for their foolishness and fanaticism. They loudly welcomed and cheered Bush to Iraq which resulted in the decline of the Aramean people. And most probably they will also proudly and loudly welcome “the Assyrian” as their savior.
2) The second reason he will identify himself as “the Assyrian” is to comply with the prophecy! The Illuminati prepare their plans hundreds of years in advance. And Satan knows that he has to comply with the prophecy.
There are couple of Biblical prophecies that say that the antichrist will identify himself as “the Assyrian.”
In Isaiah 10: 5-6 we read:
In Micah 5: 5-6 we read:
As explained previously in paragraph, the phrase "the Assyrian/ Othuroyo" denotes Nimrod/ Ashur the antichrist.
Micah 5: 4-5 can be explained in two ways.
The first possibility is that "the land of Assyria" (northern Iraq) and "the land of Nimrod" (southern Iraq, the land of Sinear) are two separate areas, strongholds of rebellion against the Lord God Yahweh, the God of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob. But both areas are related to "the Assyrian / Othuroyo", the antichrist, the resurrected Nimrod / Asshur because the founder of these areas is Nimrod / Asshur himself.
Therefore, both territories are being governed by the same group of “guarding angels” or “spirits” that are in war with the God of gods, the God YAHWEH, the God Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; Gloria, Gloria and again Gloria to His Holy Name. Amen, Amen and again Amen.
The second possibility is, and that is most obvious, that it concerns one and the same area with two names, namely "Assyria" and "Nimrod". This would again confirm that "Nimrod" and "Asshur" are two names for one and the same person.
In addition, also these two prophecies are double prophecies. That is to say: they already took place in the past, but their final fulfillment will be completed with the Antichrist “the Assyrian”, the last Nimrod/ Ashur.
4.2.1. Nineveh plain… haven…..
The fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” are since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003 screaming form the housetops that they want a “safe haven for Assyrian Christians” in north of Iraq in the plain of province Nineveh. Of course they are being “advised” and manipulated by powers that have completely something else in their mind than protecting “Assyrian Christians.”
Please consider now this situation…...
1) A safe haven will be created in north of Iraq in the plain of Nineveh to “protect Christians” of Iraq. In the illuminati media, this safe haven will be called “safe haven for Assyrian Christians.” 2) To make sure that the safe haven will be sustainable and reliable, it will be put under the patronage of someone from British Royal Family, Prince Charles or Prince William, let say for the simplicity that it will be Prince Charles. 3) The world will take the matter serious and illuminati media will present him as “protector” of Christians of Iraq. 4) To make the matter “credible”, the “protector” of “Assyrian Christians” may demand an office to be build in the ancient site of Nineveh. 5) However, there also Christians in Baghdad and Basra. Therefore the “protector” of Iraqi Christians form British Royal family may also demand an office be build in Babel. With that he will symbolically have occupied two major bastions of rebellion against God YAHWEH, namely: Nineveh (“Assyria”) and Babylon (the land of Shinar). 6) From time to time, the “protector” of “Assyrian Christians” will travel to Iraq and stay for example for one day in his office in Nineveh and next day in his office in Babylon. The media will of course report the issue very detailed to give as good as possible positive impression about the “protector” of “Assyrian Christians”. 7) Because he is protecting the “rights” of “Assyrian Christians” and is factually their “leader”, he is entitled to present himself as “the Assyrian.” 8) But of course beloved reader, “the Assyrian” will be assisted on the ground by “Assyrian Christians” to maintain his offices in Nineveh and Babel to steer the “safe enclave” on his behalf; they will be his representatives and will endorse him throughout the Middle-East as the “savior” and “protector” of “Christians.” 9) What do you think the fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” will do? We can assure you, that the fallen Arameans will welcome him and worship him as their savior and protector.
To formulate this in other words: If indeed the assumption is correct that the British Royal Family will produce the antichrist, this would explain for an important part the reason why the Anglican mission and British diplomats have done everything to invent and advertise the immoral name "Assyrians" by brainwashing the East-Aramean Nestorians of Urmia (Iran) and Hakkari (border Turkey/Iraq) to call themselves as such! You see, before the antichrist can identify himself amongst others as "the Assyrian", it would be desirable to first make the name “Assyrian” known to the public so that they would not be amazed when the antichrist identifies himself as "the Assyrian". It would also explain for important part the interest of United Kingdom in the Assyrian artifacts and the role of British Museum.
The majority of main media networks, including "Christian" media, are controlled by the illuminati who all together will bring the antichrist on the world scene. You can be sure that not a single article in the newspapers will be published or a coverage will be broadcasted in which "Assyrianism" is being promoted, unless beforehand carefully is being considered and discussed. Please do not be fooled by "strong lobby" of the "Assyrianists", because really that is so silly, it just means nothing! The fact that they succeed to bring this fake name under the attention has nothing to do with lobby. They are being used by very high occult powers who later will bring their man of sin on the world scene. And in this huge satanic plan, the fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” have been assigned a role they have to play.
Beloved Aramean and other reader,
The Aramean indigenous nation of Middle-East has become victim of the wicked machinations of colonial Illuminati powers. They have divided our nation, implemented unbridgeable hatred and invented fake names “Chaldeans” and “Assyrians” to utterly destroy the Aramean nation. They in particular nourish their unholy product “Assyrians”, because their man of sin, the risen Nimrod, shall identify himself as “the Assyrian.” We are dealing here with unprecedented demonic powers.
The current problems in the Middle-East that cause immense sorrow and distress to our nation are the fruits of the past crimes committed against the Aramean nation by the colonial Illuminati powers, including the genocide of 1914, the loss of their lands and their Diaspora.
Because of foolish blindness of “Assyrians”, their so-called “nationalism” has become nothing but a modern occultism dressed in “Christian jacket”. Yes, they are eager to present themselves as “Assyrian Christians” and at the same time worshipping occult powers like Nimrod, Samiramis, Asshur etc.. Worshipping this highly occult powers caused them complete blindness and loss of sense of reality.
Those among the Aramean nation who say “We all are brothers and we should unify etc..”, do not understand the extent of occult swamp the fallen Arameans have been entrapped in. It is true, they are our brothers, fathers and uncles. However, they themselves have chosen for this wicked path of occultism dipped in Christian sauce and identify themselves as “Assyrian Christians.” Nobody forced them to! They have the ability and free-wil to stop with it. As long as they continue on this occult path, it is impossible to sit down with them on the table and talk about cooperation or unification. In fact, this might spiritually damage you because of the following reasons:
1) “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3) 2) “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners” (1 Corinthians 15:33) 3) “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in [them]; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you, 18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty” (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)
Our task is to tell the truth to the fallen Aramean brothers/sisters who are deeply involved in occultism which they call “Christian.” If you love someone, you should tell him/her the truth. And yes, the truth hurts, it is terrible, it is harsh, it is not nice. Yes, they will hate you, curse you and ridicule you, because they are blinded by Satan and do not know what they doing.
This is also true for some Aramean individuals and organizations within our nation. The behavior of some of them can only be explained if we assume that there is a powerful satanic spirit that has nestled itself in their souls.
The Aram-Nahrin Organization is the only organization in the world that has tackled this issue. And that is also the reason why we have become victim of unparalleled hatred, attack, libel and smear campaign from the hands of fallen Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians.” However, we still love them, forgive them, tell them the truth, because we know that they have been entrapped by Satan in this horrible situation.
Appeal for prayer……
Our job is to pray for our fallen Aramean brothers/sisters and ask the God of Abraham, Isak and Jacob to please bind the evil demonic powers so that their eyes may be opened so that the light of Yesuh M’siho may reach their hearts. Therefore we call upon faithful Arameans and other readers to please intercede for them. Below, we have prepared a prayer for this goal. You can pray the prayer as group, but also as individual.
Copyright © Aram-Naharaim Organisation
Letters to governments and international institutions
Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide
Fake News on the Aramean nation:
21-1-2013: Iraq: Aramean teacher and student killed in Mosul
22-2-2012: Iraq: We have left behind a "sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq"
19-8-2011: Iraq and Arameans: The usual ritual, blowing up their churches
7-6-2011: The uproar in the Middle-East and the future of the Aramean nation
“Liberation” of
23-11-2010: Aramean blood continue to flow in Iraq: Two Aramean brothers killed in Mosul
11-11-2010: An Aramean spiritual leader makes a dramatic appeal: Leave Iraq
1-11-2010: Bloodbath among the Arameans of Baghdad: Something like this never happened
17-5-2010: Iraq: The 19 years old Aramean girl Sandy Shabib Hadi Zahra succumbs to her injuries
10-3-2010: Exodus Arameans from Mosul: According to recent UN report more than 5000 Arameans have left Mosul
27-2-2010: Council of Churches in Iraq appeals to the government to protect the Aramean people in Mosul, Iraq
26-2-2010: The Arameans of Mosul: A new Exodus and Ethnic cleansing is going on
18-2-2010: The Arameans of Iraq again victim of killings and bloodbaths:
24-12-2009: A Christmas “message” for the Arameans of Mosul: Four Aramean Churches attacked and one Aramean killed
1-12-2009: Aramean Organizations sent a letter to the new elected president of the European Union
1-9-2009: Arameans of Iraq: The East- Aramean Chaldean bishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk sounds the alarm bell
29-8-2009: Totally unfounded or has it a grain of truth in it? Greater- Israel and the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Mosul and surroundings in Iraq
13-7-2009: Seven Indigenous Aramean Churches in Baghdad (Iraq) attacked by car bombs
4-5-2009: Aramean blood continues to flow in Iraq…
15-11-2008: Iraq: The bloodshed of Aramean people and bombardment of churches continues undiminished
27-10-2008: Attempt of ethnic cleansing Mosul: The Aramean Srebrinica. Who is responsible and why?
2-9-2008: Again two Arameans killed in Iraq
10-14 August 2009: Aram-Naharaim attends the annual meeting of the UN Expert Mechanism On the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Statement on the situation of the Aramean people in Syria, Turkey and Iraq
Killing of Priest Yusuf Adel Abudi
4-5-2008: Again a Aramean spiritual leader is killed in Iraq. This time: The West- Aramean Syrian orthodox priest Yusuf Adel Abudi in Bagdad
25-4-2008: Aramean Organisations ask for protection of Aramean spiritual leaders in Iraq
11-4-2008: Through all the misery: Miracles happens in Iraq
6-4-2008: Funeral of the West- Aramean Syrian Orthodox Priest Yusuf Adel Abudi
Killing of Mgr. Faraj Raho
1-3-2008: East- Aramean Chaldean bishop of Mosul, Mgr. Paulus Faraj Raho was abducted on 29-2-2008 in Mosul.
13-3-2008: The East- Aramean Chaldean bishop Paulus Faraj Raho killed in Mosul
14-3-2008: Friday 14-3-2008: Funeral of Mgr. Faraj Raho in St. Addai Church in Karemlesh
16-3-2008: Mgr. Paulus Faraj Raho: A Great Spiritual Leader and a Worthy Sheppard in Charge of Jesus Christ
23-2-2008: Aramean centre for art and culture has been opened in Ankawa, northern Iraq
7-1-2008: Aramean Churches and institutions in Iraq under Attack
22-8-2007: Aram-Nahrin sends a letter to President George Bush, President Nicolas Sarkozy and Prime Minister Gordon Brown
Killing of Priest Ragied Aziz Gannie
25-5-2007: Terror against Arameans (including "Assyrians" and Chaldeans) of Iraq. Ethnic cleansing of the Indigenous people of Iraq
Killing of Isoh Majeed Hadaya
22-11-2006: The West- Aramean Isoh Majeed Hadaya killed by terrorists in Iraq
Killing of Priest Paulus Iskandar
12-10-2006: Aramean priest Iskandar beheaded in Mosul (Iraq)
31 July - 4 August 2006: Aram-Naharaim attends the 24th session of the Working Group on the Indigenous Populations
* Aramaic language in danger: Shall the language of Abraham, Moses and Jesus disappear?
* Proposal: Media Ombudsman for Indigenous Peoples.
* Report of Aram-Naharaim: A great success for the Aramean cause …. the Arameans and the UN…..
20-10-2005: Aram-Naharaim in action for the Arameans in Iraq
18-22 July 2005: Aram-Naharaim attends the 23rd session of the Working Group on the Indigenous Populations: A statement on “Spiritual Colonialism and the decline of the Indigenous Aramean people of Aram-Nahrin”
19-23 July 2004: Aram-Naharaim attends the 22nd session of the Working Group on the Indigenous Populations. Statement: The exclusion and discrimination of the Indigenous Aramean people of Mesopotamia (Aram-Naharaim)