Patriarch Michael the Great


Testimonies of the brilliant historians of the Syrian Church of Antioch on the Aramean origin of our nation, Synonymy: Aramean/Syrian


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Who were the ancient Assyrians? Were they simply one ethnicity or composition of many nations/ tribes?


Who made the East- Aramean Nestorians known as "Assyrians"?


How "Assyrian" fanaticism resulted in terrorism (here, here)


World Council Arameans/ Syriac Universal Alliance (WCA/SUA)


WCA/SUA and terrorism


WCA/SUA: Grave Human Rights violators, international syndicate of hate mongers.


Arameans of Syria.


Arameans of Iraq.


Arameans of Turkey


Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview



Colonialism, “Assyrianism”,  terrorism, occultism, downfall of the Aramean nation in the Middle-East and their Diaspora.



17-3-2021: Inventive in wickedness, $1.2 million for White Helmets and destabilization of Syria.


28-5-2020: Destruction, piracy, theft and looting of the Syrian and Iraqi oil


8-5-2020: Mainstream media and fake news: wars, uprisings, chaos, bloodbaths, deception, demonization, blackmail, Iraq, Syria, Douma (East Ghouta), Idlib and the murder of Qassem Soleimani


Update December 12, 2019: Arameans of Iraq and Syria: when the blind is leading the blind and is serving as extermination tool in the hands of illuminati


12-12-2019: The unprecedented veneration of Nimrod/ Asshur antichrist and Semiramis, the whore of Babylon, by the Arameo- “Assyrians”, the fake- Assyrians


12-12-2019: “Assyrian” flag, occult representation of sun-god Nimrod/Asshur antichrist


12-12-2019: Akitu: annual spring festival to worship Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis, the whore of Babylon


12-12-2019: “Assyrianism”, a project of Freemasonic Illuminati Satanists? "Assyrian" Freemasons


1-8-2019: Arameans of Syria: unprecedented terror of the darling children of the colonial Western powers against the Aramean nation


9-2-2019: With approval and under protection of the colonial Western powers: Unprecedented Terror of Kurdish YPG/PKK terrorists and “Assyrian” terrorists against the Aramean nation of Syria


4-11-2017: NATO/ Western weapons and (Aramean) blood sacrifices by ISIS/ISIL terrorists in Syria


2-2-2017: Arameans of Aram-Nahrin organization sent a congratulation letter to US President Donald Trump


21-6-2016: Terroristic attack on the Arameans of Beth Zalin/  Kamishli after inauguration of Aramean Genocide monument by Patriarch Afrem Karim.


28-5-2016: Syria: Desecration of cemetery in Deir Ezzor and three Aramean martyrs in Beth Zalin



2-5-2016: After the Turks come Kurds.... Arameans, Gog and Magog......


17-2-2016: Chemical attack on Ghouta, Damascus in 2013, Arameans, Kurds and Turks..


31-12-2015: Aramean blood again flows in Syria: Terror attack on the Arameans of Kamishli


11-12-2015: From Mosul to Hassake and Al- Quaryatayn,...... The boys of the Western colonial illuminati powers wreak havoc: The indigenous Arameans are the dupes


17-7-2015: Turkey, Syria and Iraq: Arameans, the downfall of an indigenous nation, Part II


23-3-2015: Hundred year Aramean Genocide: Old and New genocide. ISIS/ISIL terrorists attack Arameo- Assyrian and Arameo- Chaldean villages in Khabour in Syria


30-5-2014: Turkey, Syria and Iraq: Arameans, the downfall of an indigenous nation: Part 1


21-2-2014: Arameans of Iraq and Syria: when the blind is leading the blind and is serving as extermination tool in the hands of illuminati


7-1-2014: The two Aramean bishops: used as blackmail and bargaining instrument by odious powers……


29-11-2013: Aramean bishop: What happened in Sadad is the most serious and biggest massacre of Christians in Syria in the past two years and a half…


7-10-2013: “Free Syria” according to the colonial model: Ritual slaughtering, ethnic cleansing, eating human lungs and feeding unclean and uncircumcised ones to dogs! 'Why don't you become a Muslim? Then you can be free'


27-6-2013: Aramean Catholic Priest Killed in Syria


16-5-2013: The mysterious kidnapping of the two Aramean bishops, the contradictory reports in some media, the possible responsible ones …. and the possible dénouement………


23-4-2013: Two Aramean bishops kidnapped in Syria


15-4-2013: The use of chemical weapons by the colonial powers supported death squads and terrorists in Syria (fake name: “liberators.”)


21-1-2013: Iraq: Aramean teacher and student killed in Mosul: Repetition of Iraq in Syria


19-12-2012: Syria: Has the time arrived to carry out a false flag attack with chemical weapons to be used by the colonial powers as pretext to invade Syria?


27-10-2012: Iraqi Aramean leader mourns on languishing away of Aramean presence… unseen hand… our concerns … the New World Order (NWO)… Paradigm Shift… Petrus Romanus…..


2-8-2012: Balkanization of Syria: Who will be the winners and who will be the losers?  What will happen with the indigenous Arameans present in this area since thousands of years?


23-7-2012: Syria: The good ones and the bad ones, which side do you support? The story of the Aramean sister Agnes Miriam


28-6-2102: ……………reported back that Western press was spreading disinformation about the real nature of the uprising in Syria and thereby prolonging and deepening the conflict………


18-5-2012: Is the colonial demonic plan being activated to ethnically cleanse Syria of its indigenous Aramean and other Christians?


13-12-2011: Climax of Madness: The unholy colonial product “Assyrians” wants together with Muslim brotherhood to topple the regime of Bashar Assad. How the odious demonic colonial powers maneuver their spiritual children and creation into the abyss to exterminate the Aramean nation of Syria


3-12-2011: “The use of mercenaries, death squads and snipers by Western intelligence agencies is well documented,, Will the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Iraq serve as a example to the future ethnic cleansing of Arameans of Syria?


1-12-2011: Disposing the Middle-East of Aramean, Coptic and other Christians: a demonic plan concocted in the antichristian malignant laboratories of colonial powers


26-10-2011: “Liberation” Iraq: Extermination Aramean Christians “Liberation” Egypt: burning churches and slaughtering of Coptic Christians


24-9-2011: “Liberation” of Iraq: Extermination of Arameans of Iraq. “Liberation” of Syria…..?????......


7-6-2011: The uproar in the Middle-East and the future of the Aramean nation


24-4-2010: Shutting down of Aramaic institute: It would be a travesty for Syria




12-8-2012: Saudi Arabia Sends Most Wanted Criminals to Syria, Yemeni Websites Reveal


29-11-2012: Syria Child Soldiers: Rebels Using Children In War - Human Rights Watch


24-3-2013: Jihadists, not Assad, apparently behind reported chemical attack in Syria


5-5-2013: Del Ponte "Our investigators have been in neighboring countries interviewing victims, doctors and field hospitals and, according to their report of last week which I have seen, there are strong, concrete suspicions ...."


===Videos ==


19-2-2013: Hundreds of Syrian Christians have been killed


22-2-2012: Syria: the horror of Homs, a city at war


7-4-2012: Terrorist Extremists Destroyed Oldest Christian Church in Syria - USA supplied them


12-4-2012: Syrian Rebels Slaughter Christians


4-7-2012: Shocking Videos Reveal Truth Behind Syrian “Freedom Fighters”


24-7-2013: Syria - Middle East. Rebels murdered over 200 Christians, including families with children.


13-8-2012: Rebel Dark Side: Syrian 'charities' mute on atrocity claims


12-9-2012: NATO Funded Syria Terrorists Torture and Behead Prisoners


21-10-2012: FSA Genocide against Minorities in Syria World must unite against FSA!!.


30-10-2012: FSA destroyed an Armenian church and burned the Holy Bible in Aleppo


15-12-2012: Lives of Minorities In Syria Under Western Backed Foreign Militant Occupation


23-12-2012: Turkish Islamist Terrorist Incites Syrians to Slaughter Syria's Religious Minorities


2-1-2013: Fatwa by Al Jazeera's Top Cleric: Pro-Gov't Syrian Civilians Are Legitimate Targets


20-3-2013: West Turns a Blind Eye that Their Terrorists in Syria Used WMDs, Against all Evidence


31-3-2013:  Western-Backed FSA Use Child Soldiers in Syria


4-4-2013: New video shows Syrian rebels using US SEALs' sniper rifle


8-4-2013:  “Aleppo, the Castle”: Documentary on Atrocities Committed by US-NATO Sponsored Terrorists in Syria


4-5-2013: Kosovo terror training camps re-open for Syrian rebels


15-5-2013: Shocking video: Cannibal terrorist says video from Syria is real: eat lung of soldier


15-5-2013: Video: Syrian rebel cuts out soldier's heart, eats it


30-6-2013: Syrian soldiers last words: "Forgive me dad, they're going to butcher me…. I am in slaughterhouse, they will behead me now…. "


2-7-2013: Sharia Law spreading amongst rebel held areas in Syria


25-8-2013: Al-Qaeda Linked Al-Nusra Front Rebels Kill Alawite Truck Drivers Execution Style in Syria


12-9-2013: Aleppo Syria: Invading Sunni Muslims establish sharia courts


6-10-2013: Syria SAA Discovers Qaboun Sharia Court Room


Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’.

Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans. In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan.


Syria’s end of Isolation: gnashing teeth of Western colonial powers, continued embargo and looting of natural resources by United States


Dutch Version

  1. Introduction  
  2. Overthrowing Bashar Assad: The treacherous occult Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" and commit fornication with everyone  
  3. 2015: Russia intervenes  
  4. Nightmare for the colonial Western powers: Syria admitted to the Arab League and the normalization of relations with former enemies.  
  5. Closing remarks  



1. Introduction


At the behest of the Khazarian Mafia (here, here, here) / Synagogue of Satan/ Illuminati, the Western colonial powers, together with their Middle Eastern partners in evil: Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait, Egypt, United Arab Emirates etc.., started in 2011 an unprecedentedly cruel, sadistic, bloodthirsty and degrading war against Syria to tear the country apart. The head of the serpent in this unholy demonic war was formed by United States, United Kingdom, and France.

More than 100,000 bloodthirsty Islamic terrorists were brought into the country by land and air through Jordan, Turkey and other countries. In Turkey, just across the border, a command center had been set up by the Americans and Turks to coordinate terrorist activities against Syria. The Syrian province of Idlib, bordering Turkey, was/is used by Turkey as a stronghold of various terrorist groups to destabilize the country. In 2020, the Turks had around 80,000 of these jihadists at their disposal for terrorist activities against Syria (here, here).


The Islamic terrorists were created, trained, armed (here, here, here, here and here) and guided by the special forces of the Western powers and their Middle Eastern partners in evil. With the help of these terrorists and their special forces in Syria, the Western powers and their Middle Eastern allies in evil have tried dozens of times to stage chemical "false flag" attacks and then to blame it on the Syrian government. In doing so, they wanted to create a reason for attacking Syrian Army. Thanks to the good intelligence work of the Syrian secret service and the Russian army, the preparations for these attacks were exposed in advance.


Israel had built a mobile hospital on the Golan Heights to provide medical care to the wounded terrorists from Syria.



From the beginning, Israel has actively supported terrorists in Syria, both on the ground with weapons and advisers and in the air with rocket attacks on the positions of the Syrian army.

Every time Syria corners the Islamic terrorists, Israel carries out strikes against the Syrian army to support the embattled Islamic terrorists.


These acts of terror against Syria are being justified under the slogan of "attacks on the positions of Hezbollah or Iran in Syria." Here are some examples to illustrate this:


14-7-2024: Syrian soldier killed, three wounded in Israeli strike on military sites in Damascus

12-7-2024: Russia warns Israel of 'dramatic consequences' over its strikes on Syria

19-6-2024: Syrian officer killed in Israeli airstrike against military sites in country's south

3-6-2024: Israel’s airstrike on Syria’s Aleppo causes casualties, material damage

29-5-2024: Israeli airstrikes kill 4, including child, across Syria: Reports

25-5-2024: Israeli drone strike targets two vehicles in Syria’s Qusayr near Lebanon border

3-5-2024: Israeli airstrike on outskirts of Damascus leaves eight Syrian soldiers injured

2-5-2024: Israel strikes target near Damascus – media

19-4-2024: Israeli warplanes, Daesh terrorists attack Syria, Iraq

19-4-2024: Israel Attacked Air Defense Objects in South Syria, Causing Damage - Syrian Defense Ministry

3-4-2024: Israel and the Terrorists in Syria Are Coordinating Their Attacks

2-4-2024: Russian Intel Chief Calls Israeli Strike on Iranian Consulate in Syria Terrorist Attack

1-4-2024: Israel’s Attacks on Syria Take a New and Unexpected Direction

1-4-2024: Russia Strongly Condemns Israeli Attack on Iranian Consulate in Syria

31-3-2024: New Israeli aggression against Syrian capital injures two civilians

29-3-2024: Dozens killed, injured in Israeli airstrikes near northern Syria’s Aleppo

19-3-2024: Israel attacks Syrian military positions near Damascus

17-3-2024: Israeli missile attack on southern Syria injures soldier

25-2-2024: Three killed as Israeli drone targets western Syria near Lebanon border

21-2-2024: Two killed as fresh Israeli strike targets position in southwestern Damascus

13-2-2024: Israeli Jets Strike Airport in Syria's Aleppo From Lebanon - Russian Military

8-2-2024: Israeli Strikes Against Syria's Homs Leave 9 Died, 13 Injured - Source

7-2-2024: Five people killed, several injured in Israeli airstrikes against Syria’s Homs: Report

29-1-2024: Several Civilians Killed, Injured in Israeli Strikes on Damascus - Syrian Defense Ministry

25-1-2024: Iran, Russia, Turkey stress fighting terrorism, blast Israeli attacks on Syria

21-1-2024: Syria Calls on International Community to Stop Israeli Strikes on Civilian Targets

21-1-2024: Syria: Barbaric Israeli aggression on Damascus proves regime’s criminal nature

20-1-2024: Israel strikes residential building in Syrian capital – media

2-1-2024: Israel attacks Syria with missiles, artillery in fresh acts of aggression

31-12-2023: Two Israeli F-16 Jets Launch Missile Attack on Targets Near Aleppo

30-12-2023: Israel strikes outskirts of Syria’s Aleppo; material damage reported

18-12-2023: Six Israeli Guided Bombs Strike Infrastructure Near Damascus - Russian Military

17-12-2023: Two Syrian Soldiers Injured in Israel's Attack on Damascus Governorate

17-12-2023: New Israeli missile attack on Syrian capital injures two soldiers

26-11-2023: Israel strike puts Damascus airport out of service: Syria

31-10-2023: Russia warns Israel about attacks on Syria

25-10-2023: Fresh strikes show Israel seeking to expand scope of Gaza offensive, says Syria

22-10-2023: Israeli airstrikes kill two workers in Syria, put Damascus, Aleppo airports out of service

15-10-2023: Syria accuses Israel over Aleppo airport strike

15-10-2023: Israel’s new aggression against Syria, puts Aleppo International Airport out of service

12-10-2023: Syria accuses Israel of bombing international airports – media

2-10-2023: Israel's new aggression injures 2 soldiers in eastern Syria

14-9-2023: Israeli airstrike on Syria's west coast kills two soldiers, Syria air defense systems intercept most of missiles

28-8-2023: Syria says Aleppo airport out of service after Israeli 'aggression'

22-8-2023: Israel stages airstrikes against Syria, wounding soldier

22-8-2023: Israel Fired 8 Cruise Missiles at Damascus Outskirts on Monday - Russian Military

9-9-2023: Syrian Civilians Struggle Between Deadly Israeli Air Strikes and US Sanctions

7-8-2023: Four Syrian Soldiers Killed, Four Injured in Israel's Overnight Attack

7-8-2023: Syria urges UN action after Israel's 'terrorist' attack kills 4 soldiers

18-7-2023: Israeli airstrikes target Syrian capital – state media

3-7-2023: Israeli raids on Syria consistent with regime’s ‘brutal nature’: MP

14-6-2023: Israel conducts strikes near Damascus – Syrian media

14-6-2023: Israeli Jets Strike Targets Near Syria’s Damascus - Russian Military

2-5-2023: Israel launches fresh missile strike on Syria, targeting Aleppo Intl. Airport, killing soldier

1-5-2023: Syrian Soldier Killed, 7 Injured as Aleppo Airport Closed Over Israeli Attack - State Media

24-4-2023: Israel shells Syria’s Quneitra in new act of aggression

11-4-2023: Israeli Attacks on Syria in the Past Year: Timeline

5-4-2023: Syria: Israeli aggressive policies threaten region with all-out escalation

4-4-2023: Two Civilians Killed in Israeli Missile Attack on Syria

4-4-2023: Syrian military: Two civilians killed in fresh Israeli missile strike against Damascus

2-4-2023: Five Syrian soldiers injured after new Israeli missile strike targets Homs province

31-3-2023: Israeli airstrikes show 'close coordination' with terrorist groups: Syria

31-3-2023: Israel carries out airstrike near Damascus – Syria

30-3-2023: Two Syrian Servicemen Wounded In Israeli Attack - Syria's Defense Ministry

30-3-2023: Israel launches new missile strikes on Syria’s capital, injuring two soldiers

22-3-2023: Syrian state media: Israeli airstrike hits Aleppo airport for second time in weeks

21-3-2023: Syrian Defense Ministry: Israel Carried Out 'Numerous' Strikes Against Aleppo Airport, Nearby Sites

7-3-2023: New Israeli airstrike targets intl. airport in Syria’s Aleppo, putting it out of service

22-2-2023: Syria Just Suffered a Devastating Earthquake but Israeli Bombing Does Not Stop

20-2-2023: West complicit in ‘coordinated’ Daesh-Israel attacks on Syria: Analyst

19-2-2023: Syria calls for ‘urgent’ international action to stop Israeli aggression

19-2-2023: Russia Slams IDF Airstrike Against Damascus as Violation of International Law by Israel

18-2-2023: Israel launches new missile strike on Syria’s capital, targets residential buildings, killing civilians

3-1-2023: Damascus: Israel's terrorist aggression against civilian infrastructure violates international law

2-1-2023: Israel’s new attack on Syrian capital kills two soldiers, causing material damage

19-11-2022: Israel's Airstrike Kills 4 Syrian Soldiers: Syrian Defense Ministry

19-11-2022: Four Syrian soldiers killed in fresh Israeli aggression in coastal districts

14-11-2022: Israel strikes Syrian air base – media

27-10-2022: Israel attacks Syrian capital with missiles in new act of aggression

17-9-2022: Israel conducts deadly airstrikes on Damascus airport, southern outskirts

7-9-2022: Israeli airstrikes on Aleppo airport amount to 'war crime', says Syria

6-9-2022: Israel carries out new attack on Aleppo airport – Syrian media

2-9-2022: Israel bombed two Syrian airports – Russia

31-8-2022: Israel attacks Aleppo international airport – Syrian media

30-8-2022: Russian envoy: Israeli airstrikes in Syria green-lit by US, expose West’s hypocrisy

29-8-2022: Russia Strongly Condemns Continued Israeli Airstrikes in Syria

27-8-2022: Syria urges UN, Security Council to explicitly condemn Israel's aggressionson its territory

23-8-2022: Russia comments on Israel’s attacks on Syria

23-7-2022: Syria calls on UN Security Council to condemn Israeli attacks on its territories

22-7-2022: Israeli airstrike kills 3 Syrian soldiers near Damascus

21-7-2022: Three Syrian Soldiers Killed in Damascus After Air Defenses Engage Incoming Missile Strikes

5-7-2022: Continued Israeli Airstrikes on Syria are ‘Categorically Unacceptable’, Moscow Warns

4-7-2022: Russia urges unconditional halt to Israeli strikes on Syria

20-5-2022: Three killed in Israeli air raid on Damascus outskirts, 'hostile targets' intercepted

18-5-2022: For first time, Russian military fires S-300 missiles at Israeli warplanes over Syria’s Hama

15-5-2022: Syria urges UN, Security Council to clearly condemn Israel's attacks on its sovereignty

15-5-2022: Israeli Strikes in Syria Leave 5 People Killed - Military Source

11-5-2022: Israeli military carries out missile strike against Syria’s Quneitra near occupied Golan Heights

27-4-2022: Israeli airstrike on Damascus countryside kills four soldiers, injures three others

15-4-2022: Israeli F-16 Jets Attacked Damascus Province on Thursday, Russian Military Says

9-4-2022: Syrian air defenses repel Israeli aggression over town of Masyaf in Hama province

25-3-2022: Israeli airstrikes against Syria meant to provoke Moscow to respond, Russian ambassador to Damascus says

8-3-2022: Syria Accuses Israeli Air Force of ‘Coordinating’ With Daesh After Back-to-Back Attacks

8-3-2022: Syria: Latest Israeli aggression directly coordinated with Daesh terrorist attack

7-3-2022: SANA: Syrian Air Defenses Repel 'Israeli Aggression', Two Civilians Killed

18-2-2022: Why Israel strikes Syria

16-2-2022: Israel fires missiles at Syria – reports

16-2-2022: Israel Strikes Syria With Surface-to-Surface Missiles, Army Command Says

10-2-2022: Israel Bombs Syria Again

9-2-2022: Russia Strongly Condemns Israeli Airstrikes in Syria


Oded Yinon Plan uit 1982



Army uniforms with badges of “Greater Israel.”

It is not without reason that Israel is currently doing everything in its power to set fire to the whole Middle East by means of provocations.

The bloodthirsty Israeli elite is striving for amongst others the realization of the long-cherished "Greater Israel", the Oded Yinon Plan (here, here, here, here).


For the realization of this unholy plan, it does not matter that millions of Israelis and non-Israelis will be sacrificed, the end justifies the means.


Israeli soldiers wear an insignia (here, here) on their uniforms that shows the "Greater Israel". "Greater Israel" includes the following countries:

- Palestine

- Jordan

- Part of Iraq

- Part of Lebanon

- Part of Syria

- Part of Egypt

- Part of Turkey

- Part of Saudi Arabia.


This also explains the unprecedented bloodthirsty and sadistic genocidal atrocity against the residents of Gaza (here, here) and sodomizing Palestinian prisoners (here, here, here, here). Welcome to the world of applied Talmud.


See also below articles as explanation.

3-11-2011: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria: Who Was Behind The 2011 “Protest Movement”?

16-8-2014: The ISIS Islamic Terrorists are Supported by the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia

7-12-2014: Mossad training ISIL terrorists: Putin aide

7-12-2014: UN Reveals Israeli Links With Syrian Rebels (also: here, here, here, here)

24-12-2014: Israel Empowers Islamic State (ISIS) Terrorists in Syria

5-3-2015: Photos prove cooperation between Israel and al-Nusra

13-3-2015: Report: Israel treating al-Qaida fighters wounded in Syria civil war

4-4-2015: Wall Street Journal: Israel Caught Red-handed Aiding al-Qaeda in Syria

18-5-2015: More Evidence of Israel’s Dirty Role in the Syrian Proxy War

4-9-2015: Israeli helicopters transport terrorists injured in Syria battlefield: Report

9-7-2015: Israel arming, providing recruits for Takfiri militants in Syria: Report

23-7-2015: Israeli Military Admits to Supporting Syrian Jihadis

29-8-2015: Israeli, Jordanian Officers Killed among Tens of Other Al-Nusra Commanders in Airstrike in Southern Syria

20-11-2015: Who Supports The Islamic State (ISIS)? Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Israel, UK, France, USA

22-9-2016: Here’s How the US, Israel, al-Qaeda and ISIS Work Together in Syria

1-3-2018: Six Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 “Protest Movement”?

7-9-2018: Israel Evacuated Islamist Commanders From Syria Alongside White Helmets

26-7-2018: White Helmets coming ‘home’: West & Israel provide ‘exceptional’ rescue strategy for NATO's ghosts

26-7-2018: US, Israel Want White Helmets Out of Syria to Prevent Exposure – Ex-CIA Officer

24-7-2018: Israel Intervenes to Extract US-UK-backed White Helmets From Syria

22-7-2018: Israel Evacuates White Helmets' Members From Syria at Request of US, EU States


In the colonial Western mainstream fake news pathological lie media, the terrorist activities of the Western powers and their Middle Eastern partners in evil, against Syria, were portrayed as "popular uprising", "civil war", "popular discontent", "democracy and human rights" and other usual misleading empty talk to mislead Western populations and the world. Lying, cheating, manipulating, and deceiving is the trademark of the colonial powers to promote and cause chaos, massacres, confusion, hatred and division, and war.


We live in an age of deceit and deception. Here are a few examples:

Deceit is in the hearts of those who plot evil, (Proverbs 12:20)

"Wicked people cannot sleep unless they have done something wrong. They lie awake unless they have hurt someone. Wickedness and violence are like food and drink to them" (Proverbs 4:16-17)

"All the while planning evil in their perverted minds, stirring up trouble everywhere" (Proverbs 6:14)

"The wicked are estranged from the womb; they go astray from birth, speaking lies. They have venom like the venom of a serpent, like the deaf adder that stops its ear,  so that it does not hear the voice of charmers or of the cunning enchanter." (Psalms 58:3-5)

"Sin speaks to the wicked deep in their hearts; they reject God and do not have reverence for Him. Because they think so highly of themselves, they think that God will not discover their sin and condemn it. Their speech is wicked and full of lies; they no longer do what is wise and good. They make evil plans as they lie in bed; nothing they do is good, and they never reject anything evil." (Psalms 36:1-4)


Syria's Western and Middle Eastern bloodthirsty enemies, all had their own reasons for destroying the country entirely. All imaginable and unthinkable crimes were committed against the country in order to bring it to its knees.


Important historical monuments/artifacts were destroyed or stolen. Churches, mosques, hospitals and religious/cultural buildings were blown up. Houses, villages, cities were made totally uninhabitable. In short, the bloodthirsty Satanic forces did everything in their power to completely destroy life in Syria.

Causing human suffering, misery, devastation, burning and destruction in the name of "democracy and human rights" is the special hobby of the Western colonial powers and their Middle Eastern partners in evil.


Thousands of liters of blood were spilled as a delicious offering to Satan/Lucifer, the god of the Khazarian Mafia/Synagogue of Satan/Illuminati. People were ritually slaughtered in front of the camera, their organs eaten, and a brisk trade in human organs flourished.


The Arameans (fake: "Assyrians") and other minorities had a hard time, not only by the Islamic terrorists and their Western guides, but also by the violent and bloodthirsty Kurds. Hundreds of thousands of Arameans and others were forced to leave the country and fled to the West, Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey.


Economical embargo

In addition to the unprecedented and insatiably bloodthirsty acts of terror against Syria, the Western powers and their Middle Eastern allies in evil imposed a heavy economic embargo on the country in order to cause it as much damage as possible and cause famine.

Farmland was systematically rendered unusable, grain fields were set on fire, the health system was destroyed, and water supplies were destroyed with unprecedented sadism, inhumanity, and cruelty.

Oil fields and gas fields were occupied by the Americans and until now have been shamelessly and criminally plundered to make reconstruction of the country impossible. Wheat and other grains are smuggled out of the country by the Americans to cause famine.


More on the economic embargo against Syria:

9-9-2023: Syrian Civilians Struggle Between Deadly Israeli Air Strikes and US Sanctions

27-8-2023: Envoy calls on US, Europe to end ‘economic terrorism’ against Syria

28-7-2023: Western sanctions, support for terrorists behind humanitarian crisis in Syria: Mekdad

18-6-2023: US Sanctions Are Drowning Syrians

12-5-2023: US lawmakers threaten sanctions for Syria rapprochement

25-4-2023: Unilateral, unlawful US sanctions worsening humanitarian crisis in Syria, UN envoy laments

4-3-2023: Syrians hold sit-in in Damascus, calling for removal of US sanctions

11-3-2023: US worsening Syria’s ‘humanitarian disaster’ – China

2-3-2023: Syria in ruins: Earthquakes and sanctions

14-2-2023: Syria slams US sanctions, unilateral actions for hampering humanitarian aid delivery

13-2-2023: Lift Sanctions Against Syria to Lessen Sufferings of the People Caused by the Earthquake

11-2-2023: President Assad’s advisor on earthquakes: US and EU imposing collective punishment on Syrians through sanctions

10-2-2023: Western sanctions will mean that more Syrians die after the earthquakes

9-2-2023: West Providing Earthquake Relief Only to Rebel-Held Areas, Not Government, Damascus Says

9-2-2023: Sanctions Imposed by US and Allies Hamper Relief and Rescue Work in Earthquake-devastated Syria

9-2-2023: China demands end to US sanctions on Syria after deadly quakes

8-2-2023: Calls mounting for US to lift sanctions hampering aid efforts in quake-stricken Syria

8-2-2023: Syrian FM: US sanctions prevent delivery of 'everything' to Syria after deadly earthquake

8-2-2023: Sanctions, Theft, Pressure: West Refuses to Stop Tormenting Syrians Despite Quake & War Damage

1-2-2023: US inflicted huge losses on Syrian economy through war, sanctions: Syrian officials

17-1-2023: Syria condemns ‘inhumane’ US sanctions on its health sector, calls for urgent intl. action

10-1-2023: Russian envoy: Western sanctions behind deteriorating humanitarian situation in Syria

29-8-2022: US occupation cost Syria $107.1bn in oil, gas sector losses: Damascus

18-8-2022: Syria Suffers Under US Military Occupation

29-5-2022: Biden's Famine: US Robbery Depriving Syrians & Ukrainians of Wheat, Syrian Scholars Say

22-5-2022: Syria: US must pay for atrocities, immediately withdraw troops

28-3-2022: Syrian UN Envoy Accuses US Occupation of Enabling Terror Groups and Controlling Food Supply

5-2-2022: Over $100bn in damage inflicted on Syria’s oil sector by decade-long crisis: Ministry

25-1-2022: US sanctions amount to economic terrorism, cause catastrophic impacts, says Syrian deputy FM

24-12-2021: Russian, Syrian officials demand removal of US sanctions against Damascus, demand withdrawal of occupation troops

21-12-2021: Syria Continues to Suffer From US-Led Economic Sanctions, Deputy Minister Says

13-9-2021: I’ve seen for myself the horrific toll Western sanctions are having on the people of Syria and Lebanon

29-7-2021: US Sanctions Against Syria Fuelling Extremism and Radicalization

27-7-2021: West’s sanctions, occupation hinder Syria recovery, return of refugees: Moscow, Damascus

24-6-2021: UN envoy: Lifting sanctions necessary to improve humanitarian situation in Syria

14-6-2021: Video: Elections Celebrations and Cruelty of Western Sanctions Against Syrian People

29-5-2021: Syria Says EU 'Spineless,' 'Out of Touch With Reality' Over Sanctions Extension

22-4-2021: OPCW ignores critics of its cover-up, imposes sanctions on Syria

30-3-2021: US offers aid to Syria after killing Syrians with bombings and sanctions

11-3-2021: Lavrov: US, Western sanctions target Syrian people, obstruct reconstruction process

3-1-2021: Syria: UN expert’s remarks necessitate removal of cruel US sanctions

12-8-2020: Assad: US needs terrorists, uses sanctions to support them


2. Overthrowing Bashar Assad: The treacherous occult Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" and commit fornication with everyone


Within the Aramean nation there is a small, persistent, extremist occult group that identifies itself with the ancient Assyrians. This is an occult religious sect that pretends to be a nationalist Christian group and claims to be the descendants of the former Assyrians.

They worship the ancient gods/goddesses of Mesopotamia to an unprecedented height. They name their children and their shops after these idols such as Babylonia, Babylon, Asshur, Marduk, Nimrod, Sargon, Semiramis, Innana, Assyria etc. They decorate their homes and associations with these idols and other symbols of idolatry such as the tower of Babel.


In the modern Arameo-“Assyrian” religious belief system, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and his wife / mother, the whore of Babylon play the leading role.  

Every year on April 1, Nimrod / Asshur antichrist and Semiramis, the whore of Babylon, are commemorated with unprecedented festivities. In doing so, they implore their blessings for the new year on their homes, children, and lives. We are dealing here about heavy demonic occult activity.


The occult power to which they have opened themselves up ensures that they go to great lengths to make the name "Assyrians" known to the world. They commit fornication with everyone in order to publicize this occult appellation.


In 1993 they made a terrorist alliance with the PKK (here, here). The goal of this unholy covenant was amongst others:

1) The "Assyrians" would establish a sister party of PKK

2) The "Assyrians" would promote as much as possible PKK, make it “sweet” to the Aramean people and “that PKK is good for our people, is reliable and will help our people against Turkey.”

3) The “Assyrians” would as much as possible recruit youngster for the PKK.

4) In return, the PKK media would be made available to the occult "Assyrians" to promote "Assyrianism" and to "Assyrianize" the Aramean nation.


In 2003, they welcomed George Bush and Tony Blair to Iraq to liberate them from "that cruel dictator Saddam Hussein." In 2011, they again fornicated with the Americans and their allies to overthrow the government of Bashar Assad and installing an extremist Muslim Brotherhood administration in Syria.


The origin of occult "Assyrianism" goes back to the 19th century when the Western missionaries were engaged in unholy activities among the East-Aramean Nestorian tribes of Hakkaria (border Turkey/ Iraq) and Urmia (Iran). Schools/camps were set up in Turkey, Iraq and Iran to "educate" the East-Aramean children in their new "ethnic/religious" designation. As a result, the Aramaic language became known as "Assyrian" language and a part of the Aramean people as an "Assyrian" people in some parts of Western literature.


Because of the “good” and effective education system of the colonial powers, the mutual mistrust and hatred within the various Aramean denominations was stimulated and amplified in such a way that unbridgeable division was effectuated. The new “Assyrian” identity was drummed in so intensively that the East-Aramean “Nestorians” started everywhere in the religious and secular literature to change the word “Aramaic” , “Aramean” or “Syrian” into “Assyrian”.


Due to effective propaganda /misinformation on “Assyrianism”, later on some members from other Aramean denominations also started to use the “Assyrian” name as ethnical designation, like for example Isa Gulten/ Garis who is a teacher at the Aramean monastery St. Gabriel in southeastern Turkey.


Mobilization of minorities against Bashar Assad


Before the war against Syria could be started to completely destroy the country, the Americans first mobilized various groups inside and outside Syria to revolt against the government of Bashar Assad to overthrow it.


In December 2011, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman made a trip to the Middle-East. On 5th of December 2011 an article was published by Naharnet entitled “Feltman in Beirut on Wednesday, Says U.S. Has Evidence that Hizbullah Helping Assad


We read amongst others: “Feltman told reporters that Washington has been in touch with Syrian Christians to prod them "not to stand on the side of the attacker," but declined to elaborate


Who are these so-called “Syrian Christians” Mr. Feltman was in touch with? Well, these “Syrian Christians” are nobody but the anti-Aramean objectionable genocidal Western colonial slavery product “Assyrians” – bred and developed in the unholy colonial camps. And it is this apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians” who most probably were maneuvered by Mr. Feltman in an unholy marriage with Muslim brotherhood.


One ponders what really is going on in the minds of these “Assyrian” terrorists (here, here) who seem to have no sense of morality and responsibility. Are they so demonized by fanaticism, injected in their hearts and minds from their childhood, that they cannot think normal anymore? What is going on in the inner core of this people? Is there nobody who can tell to these misguided souls, “Fools, what are you doing?”


It is really a mystery why the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" are not able to get in contact with ethical normal human beings. No matter who their supporters or sympathizers are, at the end it turns always out to be very immoral people. Being a politician, a "scholar" or a "Christian" who is supporting the "Assyrian" cause, it always turns out to be a very strange and immoral people. Why is that so? Is it because normal ethical people refuse to change the lie into truth and vice versa to appease the occult “Assyrian” terrorists?


On 28th of May 2012 Professor Michel Chossudovsky reported in an analysis entitled “THE SALVADOR OPTION FOR SYRIA":

“US-NATO Sponsored Death Squads Integrate "Opposition Forces”: “Modeled on US covert ops in Central America, the Pentagon’s “Salvador Option for Iraq” initiated in 2004 was carried out under the helm of the US Ambassador to Iraq John Negroponte (2004-2005) together with Robert Stephen Ford, who was appointed US Ambassador to Syria in January 2011, less than two months before the beginning of the armed insurgency directed against the government of Bashar Al Assad.”


On “Salvador Option”, Chossudovsky writes: The Salvador Option” is a “terrorist model” of mass killings by US sponsored death squads. It was first applied in El Salvador, in the heyday of resistance against the military dictatorship, resulting in an estimated 75,000 deaths.


On the role of General David Petraeus we read: It is worth noting that Obama’s newly appointed CIA head, General David Petraeus played a key role the organization of covert support to Syria’s rebel forces, the infiltration of Syrian intelligence and armed forces, etc.


On the contribution of CIA to the war against Syria, Chossudovsky says: The CIA is overseeing covert ops in Syria. In mid-March, General David Petraeus met with his intelligence counterparts in Ankara, to discuss Turkish support for the Free Syrian Army (FSA)( CIA Chief Discusses Syria, Iraq With Turkish PM, RTT News, March 14, 2012)


On Jeffrey Feltman, we read: “Under Jeffrey Feltman’s supervision, the actual recruitment of terrorist mercenaries, however, is carried out in Qatar and Saudi Arabia in liaison with senior intelligence officials from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya and NATO. The former Saudi ambassador to the US, Prince Bandar, who remains a key member of Saudi intelligence, is said to be working with the Feltman group in Doha


Another important U.S. architect behind the unprecedented bloodthirsty terror against Syria was Ambassador Robert Ford.


ABC News rapporteerde op 9-5-2013 in een artikel getiteld US Ambassador Makes Secret Crossing Into Syria to Briefly Meet With Rebels”: U.S. Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford briefly crossed into northern Syria on Thursday to meet with Syrian opposition leaders…… A U.S. official confirmed Ford's secret visit, which occurred along the Turkey-Syria border. He briefly crossed into Syria to meet with opposition leaders before returning to Turkey. Ford did not go deep into Syria, according to the official.


Who is exactly the US Ambassador Robert Ford? On 30th of September 2011, an analysis was published by professor Michel Chossudovsky entitled “Who is US Ambassador to Syria Robert S. Ford? The Covert Role of the US Embassy in Supporting an Armed Insurrection


We read about Robert S. Ford: Ambassador Robert S. Ford is no ordinary diplomat. He was U.S. representative in January 2004 to the Shiite city of Najaf in Iraq. Najaf was the stronghold of the Mahdi army…….

Since his arrival in Damascus in late January 2011, Ambassador Robert S. Ford played a central role in laying the groundwork for the development of an armed insurgency directed against as the government of Bashar al Assad…… The reinstatement of a US ambassador in Damascus, but more specifically the choice of Robert S. Ford as US ambassador, bears a direct relationship to the onset of the protest movement in mid-March against the government of Bashar al Assad……

Robert S. Ford was the man for the job. As “Number Two” at the US embassy in Baghdad (2004-2005) under the helm of Ambassador John D. Negroponte, he played a key role in implementing the Pentagon’s “Iraq Salvador Option”. The latter consisted in supporting Iraqi death squadrons and paramilitary forces modelled on the experience of Central America……”


Senator John McCain with Islamic terrorists in Syria on 27th of May 2013

Not only Mr. Ford, but also the notorious and war-like former Senator John McCain crossed illegally the border to Syria to meet with the United States trained, armed and created Islamic terrorists to hearten them.


In the perception of McCain, Ford and other US officials, the Islamic terrorists they have created, who caused horrific bloodbaths in Syria, were of course not terrorists, but "freedom fighters", fighters for "democracy" and "human rights", they are their boys and their creatures.


That the Arameans (fake: "Assyrians") and others in Syria were murdered by their boys, burned, thrown into pits, cut their throats and ritually slaughtered, chased away and their churches blown up is of course completely irrelevant in the perception of the evil colonial Western powers and their fake news mainstream media. That at this moment the Kurds terrorize our people in the north of Syria is of course also irrelevant in the perception of these wicked powers and their allies.

Either way, their colonial Western masters and creators know exactly how to play and manipulate them.


3. 2015: Russia intervenes


While the colonial powers and their Middle Eastern partners in evil were unleashing every conceivable and unthinkable crimes against Syria, something happened in 2015 that they had not counted on.

In 2015, at Syria's request, Russia decided to intervene to save the country from destruction.

The extraordinarily advanced military technology of Russia made it clear that the Western colonial powers and their Middle Eastern partners in evil were totally unable to cope with this and were forced to give way to the Russian war machine with angry gnashing teeth.


One stronghold after another of Islamic terrorists with the special forces of the colonial powers and their Middle Eastern allies in evil, was destroyed by the Russian and Syrian armies. Thus, the Syrian army gradually began to retake the occupied territories by the terrorists and their masters and liberating the country piece by piece.


The remaining terrorist strongholds are in the illegally occupied territories in Syria. Turkey is a persistent and powerful terrorist supporter. In the province of Idlib, Turkey keeps several terrorist groups alive to use against Syria. In 2020, the Turks had around 80,000 of these jihadists at their disposal (here, here).


Another illegal occupier is United States. They have established military bases in Syria in Al-Malikiyan, Rmeilan, Sarrin, Tabka and Al-Tanf, amongst others.


As a result of this illegal occupation of the United States in Syria:

1) Terrorist activities against the country are maintained,

2) Plundering of gas and oil, wheat and other natural resources of Syria continues,

3) Terrorist activities of the Kurds maintained,

4) Reconstruction of the country frustrated and

5) Poverty maintained in the country.


Syria, together with Russia and China, must immediately end this illegal military presence by Turkey and the United States by force. Let the Turks and Americans bring the terrorists they have created to their own country. They have no business in Syria and are violating all international laws.


When it comes to terrorism, creating chaos, destroying life and shedding millions of gallons of blood as a glorious sacrifice to Satan/Lucifer, the colonial Western powers and their Middle Eastern allies are extremely stubborn, cruel, inhumane, resourceful in evil and will never give up their practices. Some examples to explain:


21-9-2023: An Israeli Role in Syria’s Suwayda Protests

12-9-2023: The West appears to be preparing another regime change ‘uprising’ in Syria

4-9-2023: US seeking to resurrect Daesh terrorist group in Syria after defeat: MP

4-9-2023: US betrays its own principles to preserve chaos in Syria

17-8-2023: President Bashar Al-Assad Interview: The War on Syria, The Insidious Role of Terrorism

9-9-2023: US forces supplied chemical arms to anti-Syria terrorists in bid to implicate Damascus: Envoy

28-7-2023: Western sanctions, support for terrorists behind humanitarian crisis in Syria: Mekdad

10-7-2023: Russian Intelligence: US Forces Handed Over Missiles with Poisonous Substances to Daesh in al-Tanf

4-7-2023: US plotting false-flag attacks in Syria to incriminate leadership: Russia

3-7-2023: US Arming Daesh in Syria With Chemical Weapons – Russian Intel

30-5-2023: US Plotting Terror Attacks at Crowded Places, Gov't Agencies in Syria - Russian Intel

27-3-2023: US Is Stirring Up the Syrian Cauldron

26-3-2023: Why the Hell Is the US Occupying Syria?

25-3-2023: Twelve Years Ago: The US-NATO-Israel Sponsored Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria. Who Was Behind the 2011 “Protest Movement”?

20-3-2023: Russian Foreign Intel: US Plans to Use Islamists in Syria to Kidnap Russian, Iranian Military

20-3-2023: US continues to use terrorists in Syria – Russia

16-3-2023: Assad to Sputnik: Syria Has Evidence That United States Training Terrorists at Al-Tanf Military Base

16-3-2023: Assad: US military base in Syria's strategic al-Tanf serves as base for training terrorists

13-3-2023: US military choppers airlift Daesh terrorists to camps in Syria’s Hasakah before transfer to al-Tanf base: Report

10-3-2023: US-NATO Efforts to Overthrow President Assad in Syria

10-3-2023: US-Israeli Determination to Keep the Syrian People Suffering

20-2-2023: West complicit in ‘coordinated’ Daesh-Israel attacks on Syria: Analyst

19-2-2023: “Terrorist groups in Syria receiving earthquake aid from the US and EU,” Interview with Kari Jaquesson

14-2-2023: Western-Backed Jihadists Prevent Syrians From Getting Humanitarian Aid After Earthquake, UN Says

25-1-2023: Takfiri militants planning acts of sabotage, terror attacks in Syria’s Idlib: Russian military

25-1-2023: Syria and US War Crimes: The Reckoning Is Coming

16-10-2022: War on Syria: US and Turkey Agree to Keep Idlib as a “Terrorist Safe Haven”

14-9-2022: Envoy: West meddling, terror support, blockade preventing return of calm to Syria

10-8-2022: Russian envoy: Terrorists to be swiftly wiped out should US pull out troops from Syria

21-7-2022: Syria to Be Sovereign When No Western-Trained Terrorists Present - Russian Envoy to UN

19-6-2022: Israeli regime secretly coordinates Syria airstrikes with US: Report

16-6-2022: Russia summons Israel ambassador over airstrikes on Damascus airport

15-6-2022: Russia’s special envoy for Syria blasts Israeli missile strikes as ‘unacceptable’

13-6-2022: Russia blasts Israeli attack on Damascus airport, urges Tel Aviv to stop its aggression

0-6-2022: Russia Strongly Condemns Israeli Airstrike on Damascus Airport

10-6-2022: Damascus Int'l Airport Flights Suspended Following Israeli Airstrike, Source Says

6-6-2022: Syria accuses Israel of attack

3-6-2022: Russian envoy's address to West: You have a long record of crimes

27-1-2022: US seeking to revive Daesh terrorists, justify its occupation through Hasakah violence: Syria UN envoy

10-3-2023: US-Israeli Determination to Keep the Syrian People Suffering


Click here for more.


4. Nightmare for the colonial Western powers: Syria admitted to the Arab League and the normalization of relations with former enemies.


After successful intervention by Russia and the extermination of the Islamic terrorists in Syria, the surrounding enemies of Syria came to the conclusion that Bashar Assad could no longer be defeated and decided to normalize relations with Syria.


China and Russia have played a decisive role in this process (here, here, here, here, here, here). To the dismay of the Western powers, President Bashar Assad was received by both President Putin of Russia and Xi of China.


Expectedly, the United States and its allies in evil were furious at the attempts to bring Syria out of isolation and threatened with sanctions against countries that dared to normalize relations:


25-6-2021: US Threatens Arab States With Sanctions If They Choose to Normalize Ties With Syria - Report

19-3-2022: US 'Troubled' UAE Hosted Assad in a Bid to 'Legitimise' Damascus, Warns Allies Against Normalisation

3-2-2023: US working to discourage countries willing to normalize with Syria: Report

12-5-2023: US lawmakers threaten sanctions for Syria rapprochement

12-5-2023: US lawmakers introduce bill to combat normalization with Syria

9-5-2023: Angered by Syria's return to Arab fold, US extends 'national emergency' on Damascus

1-5-2023: Who is Unhappy About Syria's Return to the Arab League?


All possible blackmail and intimidation attempts by the United States to dissuade Syria's former enemies from normalizing relations with the country fortunately no longer made any impression on most of these countries.

To their shame, they have learned that the United States and its allies in evil are engaged in wrong things in order to sustain themselves at the expense of others.


That is why they don't fall for the bribery/blackmail/and intimidation of the United States anymore.


Below we give a chronological overview of the normalization of relations with the surrounding countries:


United Arab Emirate:

20-3-2023: UAE top official calls for end to war, chaos in Syria after Assad visit

19-3-2023: Syrian president arrives in UAE on official visit

19-3-2023: Syrian, Emirati Presidents Discuss Positive Dynamics in Middle East

9-1-2023: UAE Foreign Minister in Damascus, angers Washington

21-3-2022: Assad’s visit to UAE marks significant diplomatic milestone in face of bids against regional peace: Top official



20-2-2023: President Assad visits Oman, meets with Sultan Haitham in first since Syria conflict



30-4-2023: Jordan to host Syria's top diplomat for regional meeting on Monday

25-2-2023: Iraq, Jordan want Syria to return to Arab League after long suspension

15-2-2023: Jordan's foreign minister visits Syria in first trip since foreign-backed war



14-4-2023: Egypt urges Turkish troop withdrawal from Syria

2-4-2023: Damascus and Cairo close to restoring ties – WSJ

27-2-2023: Egypt’s FM visits Damascus for first time in more than a decade, meets with Assad



19-4-2023: Syria, Tunisia vow to boost cooperation in push to restore ties

5-4-2023: Top Syrian, Tunisian diplomats discuss restoration of ties, re-opening of embassies

11-3-2023: Tunisian president to restore diplomatic ties with Syria


Saudi Arabia:

14-6-2023: Crown Prince of Saudi MbS Is Working Towards a “Political Solution for Syria”

13-6-2023: Saudi Arabia, Syria Agree to Resume Economic Cooperation - State Media

12-6-2023: Syrian Trade Minister, Senior UAE Diplomat Discuss Economic Cooperation - Reports

27-5-2023: Saudi Delegation Arrives in Syria to Discuss Embassy Reopening

17-5-2023: Syrian FM, Saudi counterpart meet ahead of Arab summit in Jeddah

10-5-2023: Syria and Saudi Arabia reopen embassies

10-5-2023: Saudi Arabia, Syria announce decision to resume diplomatic ties

18-4-2023: Syrian President Assad, Saudi Foreign Minister Hold Talks in Damascus Amid Push to Restore Ties

18-4-2023: Saudi Arabia’s FM arrives in Syria, meets President Assad as two countries move to restore ties

13-4-2023: Saudi Arabia, Syria call for end to foreign military presence on Syrian soil as diplomatic ties restored

13-4-2023: Saudi Arabia holds pivotal talks with Syria

12-4-2023: Saudi Arabia Vows to Make Every Effort to Resolve Syrian Crisis

24-3-2023: Saudi Arabia and Syria to restore ties – media

23-3-2023: Saudi Arabia to reopen embassy in Syria after more than a decade of closure


Arab Liga:

11-6-2023: Arab Parliament voices strong support for Syria’s security, sovereignty

8-6-2023: Why the Arab States’ U-turn on Assad Is a Massive Game-changer

19-5-2023: ‘Normalization of Assad’ is objectively a positive thing for the world

22-5-2023: Jeddah Meeting Unites the Arab League with Damascus

21-5-2023: Syria’s return to Arab League shows consensus on ouster of foreign forces: Analyst

19-5-2023: Assad: Arab League summit 'historic opportunity' to address regional issues ‘without foreign interference’

19-5-2023: Assad attends Arab League summit in 'biggest blow' to US policy

18-5-2023: Syria's Assad in Saudi Arabia to attend Arab League summit for 1st time in over decade

17-5-2023: Syria’s President Assad to attend Arab League summit in Jeddah: FM

15-5-2023: Syria takes part in Arab League meeting – 1st time in over a decade

14-5-2023: Syrian Delegates Arrive in Jeddah Ahead of Arab League Summit - Source

10-5-2023: Syria’s Return to Arab League Is a Big Deal

10-5-2023: Saudi king invites Syria’s Assad to attend Arab League summit

9-5-2023: Syria Returns to Arab League with Saudi Arabia at the Helm

9-5-2023: Syria's Return to Arab League Shows US Gulf Allies Tired of 'Regime Change'

8-5-2023: Arab League Readmits Syria as Relations with Assad Normalise

7-5-2023: Arab League reinstates Syria

7-5-2023: Top Diplomats of Arab League Nations Approve Syria's Readmission - Iraqi Foreign Ministry

7-5-2023: Syria Resumes Participation in Arab League Starting From Sunday

7-5-2023: Syria welcomed back into Arab League fold after 12 years in defiance of US


Where is Turkey, the big loser?

Turkey is the biggest loser in this conflict in Syria created by the Khazarian Mafia (here, here, here) / Synagogue of Satan / Illuminati. Turkey and Syria had a thriving trade and tourism that created a lot of employment opportunities that benefited both countries. Among other things, Syrian chicken meat was in high demand and tons were brought across the border to Turkey every year.


Turkey did not have to worry about security on the Syrian border in relation to Kurdish activities. The Kurds didn't stand a chance against the Syrian and Turkish armies.


In their blind folly and the urge for megalomania, the Turks fell for the false gold mountains of the Americans, namely that, after dismantling the government of Bashar Assad, they would get a significant part of Syria.

That is why Turkey has gone to great lengths to tear Syria apart. Together with the Americans and other partners in evil, they recruited, trained, armed and transported thousands of bloodthirsty sadistic Islamic terrorists across the border into Syria where heinous crimes were committed against the country's people.

Turkey has been guilty of hundreds of thousands of liters of innocent blood. They have a lot on their conscience.


The promised mountains of gold turned into mountains of nightmare for Turkey

Enjoying food together: US soldiers with the YPG Kurds in Manbij (Source)

What the Turks, in their blind folly, had completely ignored was that the Americans wanted to secede northern Syria from the beginning to the Kurds.


That's why the Americans began recruiting, training, and arming Kurdish militias in Syria under the guise of "fighting ISIS terrorists." These Kurdish militias are "The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF)" and "People's Defense Units (YPG)."



The Americans and their Middle Eastern partners in evil have created, armed and trained various Islamic terrorist groups in Syria, and now the Americans want to fight those same terrorists with the help of the Kurdish militias they have created? This is typical American strategy of creating confusion, chaos and contradiction in order to fool the outside world.


These Kurdish terrorist groups, together with the treacherous and terrorist occult "Assyrians", terrorize the Arameans and other minorities in Syria in an unprecedented way. It goes without saying that the Americans have no ear at all for such acts of terror by the Kurds against our people.


The Turks have long tried to persuade the Americans to stop their support for Kurdish terrorists. But, of course, the Americans don't want to hear about it and never will. And that is a big nightmare for the Turks.


The Kurdish terrorists are now being used by both the Turks and the Americans to illegally occupy Syria.


The Americans are using the Kurds to justify their illegal occupation of Syria by saying they are protecting the Kurds from the government of Bashar Assad. In this way, the Americans can continue to recruit, train and arm terrorists against Syria and plunder natural resources such as gas, oil and wheat.


The Turks occupy part of Syria by saying they want to keep Kurdish terrorists at bay because of the country's territorial integrity. In the province of Idlib, the Turks have created a hotbed of various terrorist groups that they use against Syria.


Grateful to Russia and Bashar Assad


The Turks should actually be grateful to Russia and Bashar Assad for winning the battle against the terrorists. Why? Well, if Bashar Assad had indeed fallen, northern Syria would have been seceded by the Americans and given to the Kurds. The next step by the Americans would have been to target Turkey and dismantle the country and join the neighboring southeast of the country with northern Syria to establish “Free Kurdistan” together with northern Iraq. Bashar Assad and Russia have destroyed that unholy plan of the Americans.


The Turks now seem to have learned the hard way that the Americans will not give up on the Kurds and that their presence in the Middle East does not have good intentions for the territorial integrity of Syria, Iraq and Turkey.


That is why the Turks, following the lead of the Arab League and other neighbors of Syria, are seeking rapprochement with the country. But Syria says the Turks must first stop supporting the various terrorist groups and hand over the occupied territories to the Syrian government.


See below for more on the rapprochement between Turkey and Syria.

15-7-2024: Assad says Syria is positive about Turkey initiative

14-7-2024: Syria conditions restoring ties with Ankara on Turkish troop withdrawal

8-7-2024: “Turkey has to face its mistakes in Syria.” Interview with Aydin Sezer

5-7-2024: Turkey may extend invitation to Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, says Erdogan

30-6-2024: Turkish, Syrian officials to meet in Baghdad for rapprochement: Report

7-6-2024: Iraqi Mediation Efforts Between Turkey and Syria

4-6-2024: Syria on the Brink of Recovery as Qatar and Turkey Change Their Policies. Steven Sahounie

24-1-2024: Iran helping Turkey-Syria rapprochement, restoration of diplomatic ties: Diplomat

2-10-2023: No Turkey-Syria normalization unless Ankara withdraws forces from Arab country: Deputy FM

9-9-2023: Syria’s Assad says will not meet Erdogan, insists on Turkish troops withdrawal

9-9-2023: Syria’s Assad says will not meet Erdogan, insists on Turkish troops withdrawal

17-7-2023: Erdogan says ‘open’ to meeting with Assad, rejects troops withdrawal from northern Syria

22-6-2023: Syria, Turkiye Agree With Russia's Road Map Concept

22-5-2023: Assad will not meet Erdogan until Turkish forces withdraw from Syria: FM

22-5-2023: Line in the Sand: Assad Won't Meet Erdogan Until Turkish Troops Exit Syria

13-5-2023: Syrian advisor urges end to Turkey’s occupation, withdrawal of forces

12-5-2023: Turkey-Syria Reconciliation “Would End the US Presence in the Region”. Interview with Aydin Sezer

11-5-2023: Türkiye and Syria planning roadmap to rebuild ties – Russia

25-4-2023: Shoigu Holds Bilateral Talks With Iran, Syria, Turkiye Counterparts

24-4-2023: Moscow to host defense ministers, intelligence chiefs of Turkey, Russia, Syria, Iran

8-4-2023: A thaw in Türkiye-Syria relations can be a step toward a ‘New Europe’ in the Middle East

4-4-2023: Russian, Syrian, Turkish, Iranian Deputy Foreign Ministers to Hold Talks in Moscow

3-4-2023: Syria's deputy FM urges immediate withdrawal of Turkish forces, non-interference in domestic affairs

3-4-2023: Syria's deputy FM urges immediate withdrawal of Turkish forces, non-interference in domestic affairs

2-4-2023: Syrian delegation in Moscow to partake in Ankara-Damascus normalization talks

2-4-2023: Syria, Egypt Holding Talks on Restoring Diplomatic Relations

27-3-2023: Deputy FMs of Russia, Iran, Turkey, and Syria will meet soon: Moscow

16-3-2023: Assad Says Ready to Meet With Erdogan Only After Withdrawal of Turkiye's Troops From Syria

30-1-2023: Erdogan Suggests Including Iran in Planned Talks With Russia and Syria

13-1-2023: Will reconciliation between Türkiye and Syria help to end the 12-year-old conflict?

12-1-2023: Syria’s Assad ties rapprochement with Turkey to 'end of occupation'

11-1-2023: Turkey and Syria Meeting in Moscow May Result in Peace Plan

6-1-2023: Erdogan Wants to Solve the Kurdish Problem with Assad

5-1-2023: Leaders of Turkey, Syria may meet to discuss peace, stability: Erdogan

31-12-2022: Türkiye agrees to withdraw troops from Syria following Moscow talks – media

29-12-2022: Turkish defense minister speaks on Syria after Moscow talks

29-12-2022: Turkish Foreign Minister Says Erdogan, Putin, Assad to Meet After January 2023

28-11-2022: Erdogan hints at mending ties with Syria

27-11-2022: Erdogan says detente with Syria possible even as he beats drums of war

27-11-2022: Erdogan Not Ruling Out Normalization of Relations With Syria in Near Future

24-11-2022: Russia Ready to Mediate Organization of Syria-Turkey Talks at Different Levels

26-9-2022: Unlawful foreign presence in Syria must end immediately, unconditionally: Mekdad

26-8-2022: Erdogan Repairs Syria Ties with Eye on Eurasianism

17-8-2022: Erdogan's ally to visit Damascus, hold talks with Assad later this month: Report

9-8-2022: Erdogan and Assad may hold Putin-brokered talks — media

8-8-2022: Turkey Will Soon Get Rid of Terrorists in Syrian Regions, Erdogan Says

30-7-2022: Turkey vows to work with Syria against ‘terrorists’


5. Closing remarks


1) The colonial Western powers and their Middle Eastern partners in evil launched a demonic, abhorrent, extremely sadistic and bloodthirsty war against Syria in 2011. They have done everything in their power to destroy the country. This heinous crime against humanity was led by United States, France, and United Kingdom


2) In 2015, Russia intervened at the request of Syria and the tide began to turn for the Syrian army. The terrorist strongholds were destroyed one by one.

Syria has not yet been completely liberated. Both Turkey and the United States are illegally occupying parts of the country. In these illegally occupied territories, terrorist activities against Syria are flourishing. Occupying another country, without that country's consent, is against all international laws and regulations.


3) It is in the interest of Turkey's territorial integrity to leave Syria as soon as possible and hand over the occupied territories to the Syrian army and stop terrorist activities immediately. The only way to achieve security on Turkey's Syrian border is good cooperation between Turkey and Syria on the basis of respect for each other's territorial integrity. The Kurds don't stand a chance against the very hardened and experienced Syrian army and the Turkish army. That's the best thing for both countries


4) The United States has specialized in the theft of natural resources from Syria, such as oil, gas, and grains. This hinders the rebuilding of the land.

The United States will never cease its economic terrorist activities against Syria and will not leave the country voluntarily. What needs to happen is for Syria, together with Russia and China with strong military power, to blow up and dismantle US military bases in Syria. Only in this way will the U.S. leave Syria and the rebuilding of the country can be started.


5) Syria should set up military courts to try the treacherously terrorist Kurds for high treason by fornicating with the United States trying to tear Syria apart.

The Kurds who have remained loyal to Syria in the difficult times it has been through, should be rewarded for their loyalty to the country. Syria needs to sit down with these faithful Kurds and listen to their wishes.

The treacherous occult anti-Aramean genocidal colonial product "Assyrians" who have fornicated with the terrorist Kurds and their colonial masters should also be tried for high treason by a military court.


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 الترجمات العربية


Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide


Fake News on the Aramean nation:

 Arameans in the Media



6-7-2009: Arameans of Aram-Nahrin Organisation sent a letter to the President of Syria, Dr. Bashar al- Assad on the situation of the Aramean indigenous people.