Welcome to the website of Aramean Christians of Syria


Following Iraq, now the Aramean indigenous nation of Syria will be exterminated and forced into Diaspora by the Western colonial powers.



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The area of southeastern of Turkey and north of Syria, roughly speaking the area of Paddan-Aram, is being considered as the cradle of the Aramean nation (see more on this.....)


Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are the only countries where the Arameans and non-Arameans can practice their religion in freedom. Iraq has already been destroyed by the Western colonial powers, Syria is in the process of destructions, what remains is Lebanon.


===================Arameans of Syria===================


It is estimated that there are around 2.0 million Aramean and non-Aramean Christians in Syria. Below we will provide our beloved reader with some background information on the various Aramean denominations present in Syria.


At the early beginning of Christianity, the Aramean nation was geographically termed as West- Arameans and East-Arameans. Roughly speaking, river the Euphrates was de border. The Arameans living Eastern of Euphrates, the Persian Empire, were called “East- Arameans” or “East- Syrians”; thus "Nestorians" who later became known as “Chaldeans” (1553) and again later as “Assyrians” (19th century).


The Arameans living Western of Euphrates, the Roman Empire, were called “West- Arameans” or “West- Syrians” or in short just “Syrians”. And sometimes both the East- as well as the West- Arameans are called “Syrians”; if not specifically indicated! In Syria the following Aramean denominations are present:


West- Arameans: Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholics, Syrian Maronites, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Catholics

East- Arameans: Chaldeans, Nestorians ("Assyrians")


In the 16th century, the colonial powers started to interfere with the Middle-East and in particular to create divisions within the Aramean nation and incite them against one another.


Imaginable and unimaginable methods were employed to incite the Arameans against one another on the national as well as on the religious level. To explain this, below we present to you some events as observed by the American Presbyterian Rev. Justin Perkins who visited the East- Aramean Nestorians of Urmia in 1833.


In the report of Perkins, who lived for 8 years in Persia among the East- Aramean Nestorians, we read about the activities of Vatican among the Aramnean Nestorians: "No measure will be left untried by them, for leading away the Nestorians from the religion of their fathers and subjecting them to Papal control. A few years ago, a Jesuit offered to the Nestorian Patriarch $10.000, on condition that he would acknowledge allegiance to the Pope; to whom the patriarch replied, in the emphatic language of Peter to Simon Magus, "Thy money perish with thee."(Acts 8:20) (Justin Perkings, A Residence Of Eight Years In Persia Among The Nestorian Christians, 1843, page. 23).


On page 278 he mentions more examples, saying: "The Nestorians often relate the particulars of their past conflicts with Papists,-particularly the career of the last one who has visited them on this side of the Koordish mountains. His first attempt - daring one- was to bribe the Nestorian Patriarch. He went directly to his residence, in the Koordish mountains, and as a fully empowered legate, promised him, as I have elsewhere stated, four thousand tomans, ( $ 10,000,) on condition that he would declare himself and his people subjects of the Pope.

Finding mercenary motives ineffectual to accomplish his object, the Jesuit next appealed to the ambition of the Patriarch, telling him that should he become allied to Rome, he would be exalted to be the Pope's lieutenant in all the East. "Tell your master," said the Patriarch, "that I shall never become a Catholic; and should you even induce my whole people, to the last man, to do so, I would sooner become a Dervish, or a Koordish Moollah, than degrade myself by alliance with the Pope.


Finding the Patriarch inflexible, the Romish emissary next tried his artifices on the people of this province. A prince, a brother of Abbas Meerza, was then governor of Oroomiah, and had in his employ an old French lady in the capacity of an instructress of European languages. This old lady had acquired a measure of influence with her royal pupil, and the Jesuit found it very convenient to make her his coadjutor. When therefore the Nestorians spurned the rites of Rome as urged upon them by the Papal legate, the old lady, at his instigation, was accustomed to petition the prince to coerce them to submit to the 'Jesuit's dictation. This system was pursued, until the Nestorians were on the point of rising in determined resistance, and the prince was thus deterred from his oppression.


In some instances, the Papal emissary entered Nestorian churches, declared them the property of the Pope, and hung their walls with images and pictures, which the Nestorians as often indignantly tore down and destroyed. In one case, the Jesuit paid a yet dearer price for his temerity than the loss of his" gods." Entering a church in Geog-tapa, he commenced adorning it witb Romish tapestry, when Mar Elias, the venerable Nestorian bishop resident in that village, came into his church and ordered the intruder to desist. The Jesuit told the bishop that the church was not his, but the Pope's, and in the name of "his holiness," commanded Mar Elias to go out. The worthy Nestorian prelate, though aware that a bishop must be" no striker," yet regarding the emergency such as to justify an exception, took the Jesuit in hand, and gave him such a corporeal castigation, that he was glad to to escape with broken images and torn pictures; and this was the last attempt to establish the reign of Popery at Oroomiah before our arrival. Since that period, similar efforts have been renewed, but hitherto with as little success, as we shall have occasion to notice, in subsequent chapters. "


The events mentioned above are written down by a Protestant. And most probably Mr. Perkins was very well pleased to be informed about  and to be witness of such events  in order to discredit the other party. The Protestants however have availed themselves of such nasty methods as well and continue to do so until today.


It does not mean however that this kind of unholy and extremely harmful technology unfortunately was employed to not only brainwash, blackmail, bribe, and persecute the East- Aramean Nestorians, but also other Aramean churches like the West- Aramean Syrian orthodox and West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox church. As a result of this kind of unholy and nasty "evangelizing", the following Aramean Catholic groups were created:


  • West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church (1662)

  • West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church (1724)

  • West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church (1182)

  • East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon (1553)


In addition to that, the majority of Catholics in the Western world are deliberately being kept blind and this important information withheld from them on the unholy and nasty methods that have been employed on their behalf to divide, incite against one another and finally exterminate other nations. For this reason, this faithful Western Christian Catholics have all the rights to be informed about what has been done to other nations in their behalf and with their money.


The majority of Catholic schools, Seminars and Universities withhold deliberately students of this unsavory events taken place in the past. On the contrary, in these institutions, the "good works" of missionaries are emphasized on the fact that these "lost sheep" have come back to the "only holy Catholic Church" and that these "Unites" should be offered aid and assistance. They rather would prefer to bring back "the rest of the lost sheep" to the "only truthfully holy Catholic Church".


And the madness of all this is that this kind of blackmail, bribe, persecutions, brainwash and sorcery is placed under the umbrella of "Christianity", while in reality, it totally has nothing to do with Christian faith as explained in the Bible. And this kind of evilness is continued until our days and is the cause of the misery our people is facing in the Middle-East and has resulted in their Diaspora. See more on this horrific spiritual genocide of jesus of the west: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


============Aramean denominations================


West- Aramean Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch.

Patriarch: Zekka Iwas. Residence in Damascus, Syria.


This Church was the first Church established outside Israel and is the mother of all the Syrian Churches. Unfortunately this church has also immensely been terrorized by the Western Christianity, in particular the Catholic Church. In the Western literature you will frequently come across the heretical terms "Jacobite Church" and " Monofysite Church" with which the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch is being demonized.


See more on this: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


On the terms Jacobite and Monofysite: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/MonofysiteJacobite%20.htm


West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Joseph Younan. Residence in Beirut, Lebanon

The Syrian Catholic Church was split off from the Syrian Orthodox Church in the 17th century. On this separation, Sebastien de Courtois writes: " The first [Syrian] Catholic Patriarch had been consecrated in Aleppo in 1662 with French help through the mediation of Ambassador Francois Picquet (page 33)…. .. which was encouraged by French diplomats present in Aleppo at that time. The diplomats favored the separation in the hope of one day uniting the Eastern Churches with that of Rome (XiX).. The Catholic mission activities were strongly supported by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs policy, which had been reinforced in the region by creation in 1856 of a vice-consulate in Diyarbekir at the request of the Vatican (page. 36) .


West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church.

Patriarch: Ignatius IV (Hazim). Residence in Damascus, Syria.

The West- Aramean Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox Church was established after the Council of Chalcedon held from 12 October - 1 November 451 AD. The Council was organized by the Pope and the Byzantine / Roman Emperor.


The Syrian Orthodox Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church rejected Chalcedon. That is why these Churches are being called " Anti - Chalcedonian Churches".


The Arameans who did accept the decisions made in Chalcedon became allies of Byzantine /Roman Emperor and implemented in later times (from 11th century on) the Byzantine liturgical rite. Hence the name "Greek Orthodox Church".


These Arameans became known as " Melkites"; this term is derived from the Aramaic word "Malko", that means " King/ Emperor"; thus those who went along with the king/emperor, his followers. This Church is sometimes also called " Antiochian Orthodox Church".


The term "Greek" is only ecclesial term, not ethical one.


In the Middle-East, sometimes also the term " Rum" is being used in reference to these Churches, that is abbreviation of " Rumoyee" a reference to Byzantine Orthodox rite.

The on 18th of July 2012 killed Syrian minister of defense, general Dawoud Raja, was a West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox.

West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Gregorios III Laham. Residence in Damascus, Syria.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Vatican, as explained above, to divide, to weaken and finally finish off, the West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church was split off in 1724 and consequently the Melkite Greek Catholic Church was established.


There is no one Catholic Syrian church established without blackmail, bribe and brainwashing (Needless to says of course, however, this has nothing to do with Christianity).



West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church

Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi . Residence in Bkerke, Libanon

This Church was named after the Aramean ascetic St. Maron and was established in 410 AD. The Aramean Maronites are subjected to the pope since 1182 AD. The Aramean Maronites are in terms of numbers, the biggest Aramean denomination.





East- Arameans

East- Aramean "Nestorian" Apostolic Assyrian Catholic Church of the East.

Patriarch: Dinkha. Residence in Chicago, United States.

The East- Aramean Church is the famous Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon (32 km northeastern of Baghdad).


Until 424 A.D. the East- Arameans were connected with the ecclesiastical seat of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. However for reasons of persecutions, geography and politics, during the synod of 424 the East- Arameans decided to take independent position towards Antioch and from then on they themselves took care for ecclesiastical matters.


The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became strong and dedicated missionary church that enlightened many nations with the message of Jesus Christ. The  church produced spiritual giants who passionately spread the torch of Christianity. One of them is Patriarch Timothy I from eight century. Professor Sebastian Brock writes on page 194, Volume II, of Hidden Pearl this about Timothy I: "The key figure of the Eight- Century Persian Church was their extraordinary Patriarch Timothy I, who was not only a fine scholar of gentle temperament whose defense of the Christian faith earned him the respect of the Abbasid caliph with whom he debated, but who was also passionate supporter of Christian evangelism. In 781 Timothy could write to a Maronite correspondent that:

the king of the Turks, with nearly all (the inhabitants of) his country, has left his ancient idolatry and has become Christian, and he has requested us in his letters to create Metropolitan for his country, and this we have done."


Satan of course was not happy with the activities of this church and tried in many ways to destroy the church by means of persecutions, massacres, implementation of fake teachings, fake identities etc.. etc..


The deathblow that effectuated the downfall of this, once majestic church, was interference of colonial powers and in particular the United Kingdom and diffusion and implementation of colonial fake name "Assyrians" on religious, national, academic, social and cultural level through which the rich glorious history of this church was destroyed. And with that Satan achieved his goal and finalized the downfall of the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon.


Being Western- Aramean or Eastern- Aramean, one gets tears in the eyes and our heart is burning of what satan has done to this magnificent Church and degraded the church to the present hopeless state where even the colonial name "Assyrian" has been added to the name of the Church. There is a Aramaic saying from Tur Abdin that sounds like this: "The foundation laid by Lions has been turned into chaos by foxes"

(No, beloved reader no! The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon had originally nothing to do with Nestorios and his teaching, it was latter implemented and accepted. The same is true for the colonial fake name "Assyrians")


In the course of time the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became known under various name, namely:


"The Nestorian Church"

"The Church of Persia"

"The East- Syrian Church".

" The Church of the East" and more recently (since 1976) as:

" The Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East"


The term "Catholic" has no relation with Rome. It means something like " General/ Universal".


From this Church split off:


The Chaldean Catholic Church of Babylon in 1553 AD.

The Ancient Church of the East since 1968.


East- Aramean "Nestorian"Ancient Church of the East.

Patriarch: Addai II. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Ancient Church of the East was established in 1968 by the East- Aramean "Nestorian" bishop Toma Darmo. The reason had to do with the tradition of patriarchal succession within the East- Syrian Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon and with decisions taken during a synod.


Within the East-Aramean nation a tradition was crept in whereby succession of Patriarch took place within the same family. And this caused church problems, amongst others the split off in 1968.


The Ancient Church of the East is sometimes also referred to as " Assyrian orthodoxe Church". "Orthodox", because the church rejects the teaching of Nestorios. The Ancient Church of the East is independent Church.


East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon.

Patriarch: Emmanuel Delly III. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Chaldean " Nestorian" Church of Babylon was established in 1553 following the activities of the Catholic missionaries among the East- Aramean "Nestorians". The Chaldeans are subjected to the Pope of Rome.


The East- Aramean " Chaldeans", the west-Aramean Syrian Maronites, the West-Aramean Syrian Catholics and the West- Aramean Syrian Melkite Catholics are called "Unites" in the Catholic literature, that means something like " Those who came back to the True Catholic Mother Church". Of course they will never say a word about the way these churches were established.


Indirectly of course this implies that the rest which has not joined the "true Catholic Church" is heretic. Beloved reader, please do not be fooled by words like " Christian cooperation", " Christian unity", "ecumenism" and other terms that should give the reader the feeling as if talking or discussing about these words they are very serious about the Christian cause, while in reality it is not.


The antichrist will also use these "nice" terms to unify "Christianity" to accept him. Without acceptance of antichrist by the majority of "Christianity", he will not be able to start his work on this world. Those among Christians who refuse and revolt against him will be labeled as "antichristians" and killed by the antichrist.


The abhorrent demonic hatred injected in the hearts of Aramean Catholics prevents any kind of cooperation. To the Aramean Catholics the Vatican is above everything whereby Jesus Christ totally is not of interest. These are the fruits of  the way these churches came into being.


A message to the Aramean Orthodox and East- Arameans, that is to say:


The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, The Syrian Melkite Greek orthodox Church, The Ancient Church of the East and The Assyrian Apostolic Catholic Church of the East, is this one:


From the very beginning of Christianity until today you constantly are flying at each other, whereby you have put aside Jesus Christ. You think that it is okay and nobody cares about what you are doing? And that the Lord God can't see your quarrel whereby you all have created your own private kingdoms and don't care about the real King, namely Jesus Christ? The God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says, " Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 23:24)


All this is okay, nothing to worry about? How can you complain that you are being persecuted, killed, your churches blown up, burned, your sons killed, your daughters and wives dishonored and assumed by strangers while you have completely put aside Christ Jesus, the Holy and Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?


The Almighty God YAHWEH, Gloria to His Holy Name, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob says:


1. Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2)


2. Shameless nation, come to your senses   2 before you are driven away like chaff blown by the wind, before the burning anger of the LORD comes upon you, before the day when he shows his fury” (Zephaniah 2:1-2)


3. "However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country." (2 Chronicle 7:14)


It was because of our iniquities that the horrible Jesus of the West was able to fragmentize us, to diffuse fake names within our nation, to destroy our heritage and faith and to cause our nation into Diaspora. No, don't blame others for this and other misfortunes. We are only and exclusively the guilty ones, and no one else. We are responsible for what is happening to us! The Lord God had blessed the Arameans of Aram-Nahrin to be the first nation to accept Christ Jesus and together with the apostles of the Lord Jesus and the converted Jews they established the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. What is left of the original glorious church of Antioch? Nothing, completely destroyed because of internal quarrel and centuries old hatred and imputations.


A message to the Aramean Catholics, that is to say:


The Syrian Catholic Church, The Syrian Melkite Greek Catholic Church, The Syrian Chaldean Catholic Church, The Syrian Maronite Catholic Church , is this one:


You may call yourself whatever you want to, but please do not lose your senses. There are thousands Western Catholics who refuse to be manipulated by the Vatican. They are Catholics, but they take independent position, they read and study the Bible on daily basis and try to dedicate themselves to Jesus Christ. These are the true Christian Catholics.


You as Aramean Catholics will definitely not go to the hell if you set yourself a bit free from Vatican and take more independent position. And please stop immediately to be used as remote control. The salvation of your soul does not come from Vatican, but from Jesus Christ. The Bible says: " .........for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you] [as] a chaste virgin to Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:2). Therefore, please put Jesus Christ on the first place and read the Bible in which He reveals Himself.


For those among the Aramean Catholics who want to know more about the covenant they have made, we refer to a top specialist on this field, Mr. William (Bill) Schnoebelen who has produced a DVD on this matter: http://www.withoneaccord.org/Catholicism-The-Church-on-Haunted-Hill-2011-DVD_p_180.html


Appeal to all the Aramean denominations


Please have a detailed look at the decadent behavior of your children, men and women in Diaspora. No sense of shame! One would think that when a person has escaped war, bloodbaths and massacres, he would behave modest and respectable. Unfortunately, the real life is quite different than one would imagine and wish. They simply go with the decadence, immorality and enjoy thoroughly the “luxurious” life in the West.


On the broadcasting channels Ishtar, SuryoyoSat and SuroyoTv, sometimes wedding parties, new year, Christmas, eastern and other parties are broadcasted where you see some people dressed so perversely, that they look like prostitutes. They give the eyes the impression as if they have something to sell! The obnoxious behavior is that some of them wear a cross between their half-naked breasts. And the most ungodly is that these kind of people are being associated with Christianity. And that is absolutely no good advertisement, for other nations are watching us and judge us according our behavior!


The worst thing is that from child to adult they do not want to know anything about the errors and treason they committed towards the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and act as if nothing is wrong. Many of them are even boasting on their good deeds, Christian faith and self-satisfaction. What is worse is that many of them have removed Christ Jesus from their lives, without being aware of it, and call themselves "Christians" for the show.


Even now they are refugee at other man’s doors, they do not have slightest reason to ask themselves: Why did we become refugee at other man’s doors and make our hands open for them? Why did not our God protect us against evil forces that have invaded and assumed our indigenous homelands? What is the cause of our Diaspora and why we lost everything?  On the contrary, they enjoy the “luxurious” life in the West, act like drunkards, and do not want to be bothered with these difficult questions they simply don’t want to hear anything about!


The various Aramean Diaspora communities (including “Chaldeans”, “Assyrians”) in the West should not fool themselves and make any illusions for they have been entrapped by the “luxurious” decadent life in the West. For their survival it is necessary to wake up and reflect on what is coming. Thirty years ago nobody in Iraq would have imagined in their wildest dreams what is now happening to them, for they were entrapped in the carefree and “luxurious” life. Ten years ago nobody had imagined what is now happening with Syria. Therefore we appeal to all of the Aramean denominations as follows: "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise" (Ephesians 5:14-15)


For those among you who want to learn more about centuries old persecutions, the lose of our ancestral homelands, and the reasons behind Diaspora, we refer to the following articles:






Articles concerning Aramean nation of Syria:



16-5-2013: The mysterious kidnapping of the two Aramean bishops, the contradictory reports in some media, the possible responsible ones …. and the possible dénouement……

23-4-2013: Two Aramean bishops kidnapped in Syria

15-4-2013: The use of chemical weapons by the colonial powers supported death squads and terrorists in Syria (fake name: “liberators.”)


21-1-2013: Iraq: Aramean teacher and student killed in Mosul: Repetition of Iraq in Syria


19-12-2012: Syria: Has the time arrived to carry out a false flag attack with chemical weapons to be used by the colonial powers as pretext to invade Syria? http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Arameans_Syria_ChemicalWeapons_ColonialPowers_19_12_2012.htm

27-10-2012: Iraqi Aramean leader mourns on languishing away of Aramean presence… unseen hand… our concerns … the New World Order (NWO)… Paradigm Shift… Petrus Romanus…..


2-8-2012: Balkanization of Syria: Who will be the winners and who will be the losers?  What will happen with the indigenous Arameans present in this area since thousands of years?


23-7-2012: Syria: The good ones and the bad ones, which side do you support? The story of the Aramean sister Agnes Miriam


28-6-2102: ……………reported back that Western press was spreading disinformation about the real nature of the uprising in Syria and thereby prolonging and deepening the conflict………


18-5-2012: Is the colonial demonic plan being activated to ethnically cleanse Syria of its indigenous Aramean and other Christians?


13-12-2011: Climax of Madness: The unholy colonial product “Assyrians” wants together with Muslim brotherhood to topple the regime of Bashar Assad. How the odious demonic colonial powers maneuver their spiritual children and creation into the abyss to exterminate the Aramean nation of Syria


3-12-2011: “The use of mercenaries, death squads and snipers by Western intelligence agencies is well documented,, Will the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Iraq serve as a example to the future ethnic cleansing of Arameans of Syria?


1-12-2011: Disposing the Middle-East of Aramean, Coptic and other Christians: a demonic plan concocted in the antichristian malignant laboratories of colonial powers


26-10-2011: “Liberation” Iraq: Extermination Aramean Christians “Liberation” Egypt: burning churches and slaughtering of Coptic Christians


24-9-2011: “Liberation” of Iraq: Extermination of Arameans of Iraq. “Liberation” of Syria…..?????......


24-4-2010: Shutting down of Aramaic institute: It would be a travesty for Syria

6-7-2009: Arameans of Aram-Nahrin Organisation sent a letter to the President of Syria, Dr. Bashar al- Assad on the situation of the Aramean indigenous people.



***************International media concerning Syria****************




31-12-2012: 30 Tortured Bodies Found in Damascus Neighborhood of Barzeh



Thirty tortured and disfigured bodies have been found in the northern Damascus neighborhood of Barzeh, the scene of regular clashes between regime troops and rebels, a watchdog said on Monday.......................................


The gruesome discovery was made on Sunday, the day U.N. and Arab League peace envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said he has a plan to end the conflict that could be acceptable to world powers




31-12-2012: Syria rebels 'beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs' as fears grow over Islamist atrocities



Syrian rebels beheaded a Christian man and fed his body to dogs, according to a nun who says the West is ignoring atrocities committed by Islamic extremists.................................


The nun said taxi driver Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped after his brother was heard complaining that fighters against the ruling regime behaved like bandits..........


The free and democratic world is supporting extremists,’ Sister Agnes-Miriam said from her sanctuary in Lebanon. ‘They want to impose Sharia Law and create an Islamic state in Syria.........................


The uprising has been hijacked by Islamist mercenaries who are more interested in fighting a holy war than in changing the government,’ she said




30-12-2012: British-born jihadists fighting Assad in Syria’ – captured photographer (http://rt.com)


Radical Islamists with “British accents” are among the coalition forces looking to topple Bashar Assad, says Jeroen Oerlemans, a photographer who was held hostage in Syria for a week. The UK Foreign Office has launched an investigation………………..


About 40 per cent of the militants spoke English. In fact, several apparently talked with recognizable regional British accents, from Birmingham and London…………………




30-12-2012: UN Envoy Warns of Syria ‘Hell’ as Beheaded Bodies Found



“The situation is bad and it’s getting worse,” Brahimi said in Cairo. “I can’t see anything other than these two paths: Either there will be a political solution that will meet the ambitions and legitimate rights of the Syrian people, or Syria will turn into hell."


“When the opposition says that only Assad’s departure would allow for the start of talks on the fate of the country, we think that’s incorrect,” Lavrov said................................




28-12-2012: Syrian Opposition uses chemical weapons, backed by US and NATO



As outed in this column several times, the attempts by the FUKUS Axis (France, UK, US) to blame the Syrian government for using chemical or biological weapons were thwarted, attempts made by these three terrorist-supporting pariahs in the international community to justify yet another illegal invasion for almost a year now..........................................


Syrian military sources confirmed on Saturday that Syrian terrorist forces recognized by the governments of the three FUKUS Axis pariah states as the representatives of the Syrian people have used chemical weapons against government forces in Daraya, near the capital city of Syria, Damascus.......................................


The commander of the Syrian Presidential Guard confirmed to PressTV that seven Syrian soldiers were murdered by the Free Syrian Army terrorist forces on Saturday using a chemical weapon which produced a yellow toxic gas.............................




28-12-2012: Destruction of Churches in Syria: Homs, Der Al Zor, Ras Al Ayn, Homs: Matta Rohom



Archbishop Eusthathius Matta Roham of the Syrian Orthodox Church explains the sad plight of Christians in different parts of Syria, destruction of Churches, schools, Mosques as well as the welfare activities run by the Syrian Orthodox Church to help people in distress...........


The present situation in our area is very difficult and our future is vague. People fear that the fighting in most parts of Syria might move one day to our area, and it will bring to us death and destruction. This feeling has become very close to reality, especially when fighters moved to the little town of Ras Al-Ayn on 9th November 2012. Ras al-Ayn is located on the Turkish border and is one hour drive from our Archdiocese Headquarters in Hassake......................




28-12-2012: Video: Turkish Islamist Terrorist Incites Syrians to Slaughter Syria's Religious Minorities




28-12-2012: Syria opposition leader rejects Moscow invitation



Syria's opposition leader has rejected an invitation from Russia for peace talks...........................




27-12-2012: Yaalon: U.S. Preparing to Intervene in Syria



In an interview with Israel Radio, government minister Moshe Yaalon said that the U.S. was preparing to intervene in Syria. A final decision on intervention will come if and when the Syrian army begins using chemical weapons against its own citizens, Yaalon said........................




27-12-2012: Syria's health system crumbles while UN humanitarian appeal runs dry



.....................it has eaten away at the country's healthcare system. Pharmaceutical factories, which used to produce more than 90% of the country's drug needs, are down to one-third of their former production, according to Elizabeth Hoff, the representative of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Syria..........................................


Many pharmacies, even in Damascus, are struggling to keep up with demand; their shelves are empty and specific brands are unavailable. Amid shortages as high as 40%, some pharmacies have limited the amount of medicine they give each customer.....................




25-12-2012: Turkish Labor Party Deputy Chairman: “We Have Clear Evidence That Turkish President Incited Terrorism and War on Syria” (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


25-12-2012: Interview with Official of Jabhat Al-Nusra, Syria’s Islamist Militia Group



The designation, officially announced on Dec.11, lists Jabhat al-Nusra as an alias of al-Qaeda in Iraq and says that since November 2011 the group has claimed responsibility for “nearly 600 terrorist attacks, killing and wounding hundreds of Syrians.” The group was unknown until late January 2012, when it announced its formation, although Abu Adnan admits that it was active for months before then..........................


Little is known about the religiously conservative, secretive group except for a mysterious leader and the fact that it now wants to establish an Islamic state........................


Jabhat al-Nusra does not differ ideologically from other Syrian Salafi Islamist groups like Ahrar al-Sham and Liwa al-Tawhid. “We are all Sunni Muslims,” says Abu Adnan, “so there is no difference.” The difference, he suggested, was in the type of fighter Jabhat al-Nusra was prepared to accept into its ranks: “We pay a great deal of attention to the individual fighter, we are concerned with quality, not quantity.” .....................


Jabhat al-Nusra does count Syrian veterans of the Iraq war among its numbers, men who bring expertise — especially the manufacture of improvised explosive devices (IEDs) — to the front in Syria. ...................


Some rebels think the designation was meant to foment fitna, or internal divisions, within the already fragmented rebel ranks in a bid to dissipate their momentum, or that it will be used as an excuse to avoid arming Syrian rebels at all, given that many operations are joint attacks between Islamist groups like Jabhat al-Nusra and secular FSA units..............................


Jabhat al-Nusra, Abu Adnan claims, has extended its presence throughout Syria. Each region has an overall leader, a military commander and a Shari‘a leader, he said. In the past, Jabhat members largely kept to themselves, mingling with other fighters but otherwise not interacting with the local communities in which they were based and not seeking to forcefully impose their conservative Islamic views on them — unlike members of Ahrar al-Sham, for example, which have had run-ins with locals who have rejected their attempts to ban the sale of alcohol in their communities.......................




25-12-2012: Israel says has no proof poison gas used in Syria



"We have seen reports from the opposition. It is not the first time. The opposition has an interest in drawing in international military intervention," Vice Prime Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Army Radio............................................


"As things stand now, we do not have any confirmation or proof that (chemical weapons) have already been used, but we are definitely following events with concern," he said




25-12-2012: Syria protecting not using chemical arms: Russia



According to the information available to the Russian side, “which correlates with the information the Americans have”, Mr. Lavrov said, the Syrian government has been assembling all chemical weapons stocked in various locations at two sites, “to make sure that it is absolutely protected................................


He called it “a very strange logic” when the West pins full responsibility for the chemical arsenals on the Syrian government “even if the rebels capture them”, while providing the opposition with “arms, money and moral and political support” to carry on their fight.....................




24-12-2012: West supports terrorists in Syria: Russia foreign minister



Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has criticized as “absolutely unacceptable” the Western countries’ support for the terrorists in Syria......


He said the Western powers "encourage rebels not to negotiate with the [Syrian] government but to continue fighting and [are] giving them arms, money, and moral and political support.............................




23-12-2012: Russian military presence in Syria poses challenge to US-led intervention



Russian military advisers are manning some of Syria's more sophisticated air defences – something that would complicate any future US-led intervention, the Guardian has learned................................


The depth and complexity of Syria's anti-aircraft defences mean that any direct western campaign, in support of a no-fly zone or in the form of punitive air strikes against the leadership, would be costly, protracted and risky. The possibility of Russian military casualties in such a campaign could have unpredictable geopolitical consequences............................




22-12-2012: The Dam Breaks: Obama Administration Support for al-Qaeda Forces in Syria Is Out in the Open



Disclosures that fighters from at least 29 countries are filtering into Syria, made by a United Nations special commission on Syria, have received widespread coverage around the world, again exposing President Obama's lie that his administration is supporting a "democratic" revolution in that country...............




21-12-2012: Nusra Front growing in popularity as Syrian fighting worsens



The rise of Al-Qaeda’s affiliate in Syria, the Nusra Front, which the United States designated a terrorist organization last week, could usher in a long and deadly confrontation with the West, and perhaps Israel.............................


It has claimed responsibility for spectacular and deadly bombings in Damascus and Aleppo, and its fighters have joined other rebel brigades in attacks on Assad’s forces.....................


Members of the group interviewed by Reuters say Nusra aims to revive the Islamic caliphate, which dates back to the Prophet Mohammad’s seventh-century companions, forerunners of the large empire that once stretched into Europe..........................


Opposition sources said many Syrians who facilitated the transfer of jihadis from Syria to Al-Qaeda in Iraq at the height of its campaign against U.S. forces there were now fighting for Nusra, while jihadis in Iraq had reversed their roles, arranging for transfer of personnel and bomb-making know-how into Syria..............................





20-12-2012: U.N. warns of foreign influx into sectarian Syria war



Fighters from around the world have filtered into Syria to join a civil war that has split along sectarian lines, increasingly pitting the ruling Alawite community against the majority Sunni Muslims, U.N. human rights investigators said on Thursday..........................





20-12-2012: U.S. Backing Of Syrian Extremists: Another Afghanistan In The Making



But this war from the beginning has been about the geopolitical advantage of NATO and its Arab allies.The policy of regime change is actively promoted by Britain, France, the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Egypt.......................


In addition to the FSA, Syria has been flooded with thousands of foreign Islamist terrorists waging what they call a jihad, a holy war. These extremists dream of a global caliphate and their objective in Syria is to create an Islamic government as part of the global caliphate process..................


Reporting from war correspondents shows that real fighting over the past 20 months has been waged by the foreign Islamist terrorist groups. After they clear areas, the FSA forces move in. The FSA commanders and the foreign jihadi forces closely coordinate and are allies in the field of battle...................




20-12-2012: Foreign fighters filtering into Syria to join militants: UN



The United Nations human rights investigators say “foreign fighters” are filtering into Syria to join the militants fighting against the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.......................




19-12-2012: Washington raises specter of Al Qaeda seizing Syrian chemical weapons



Having first issued threats against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad over unspecified intelligence regarding its chemical weapons, the Obama administration is now warning that these arms may fall into the hands of the “rebels” which Washington itself has backed........................


While a decade ago, Washington prepared its invasion of Iraq by propagating lies about the regime of Saddam Hussein collaborating with Al Qaeda and a supposed threat he would supply the terrorist organization with “weapons of mass destruction,” today the Obama administration is floating a new and perverse pretext for war.........................


Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations in a letter to the Security Council and Secretary General Ban Ki-moon expressed concerns in Damascus that the US and its allies could supply the Islamist militias with chemical weapons and then accuse the Syrian government of using them to provide a pretext for direct intervention....................


Washington’s feigned concern for the Syrian people in the face of an alleged threat from chemical weapons is a lie and a pretext..............




19-12-2012: New Syria rebel chief says he’s forging force of 120,000 men in final push against Assad



Salim Idris said in an interview that he is trying to turn local militias into a united force of some 120,000 men for a final push against President Bashar Assad..............


Idris, a former general who defected from the Syrian army five months ago and was chosen as rebel chief of staff in a meeting of several hundred field commanders this month in Turkey....................




17-12-2012: Obama’s War on Syria and its Implications. The Iraq War Scenario is being Repeated



The Obama administration has already declared war on Syria, even if it isn’t “official” yet.....................


All the strategic steps that led to the Iraq war are being repeated. Obama has assembled a Bush-style international “coalition of the willing” of nations to topple the Syrian government; 130 countries have put their names on paper in support of toppling the Assad government. In reality, however, the core of the group is the U.S./Europe NATO alliance and the Gulf monarchies...................


Again like Bush, Obama has crafted a false motive for war. Obama has stolen Bush’s “weapons of mass destruction” but substituted “the use of chemical weapons” as a bogeyman worthy of military intervention. Obama’s bogeyman is as false as Bush’s was..................


The reality is that the Syrian western-backed rebels have staged daring high-profile attacks that have been largely repulsed by government counter-attacks. But in each instance the U.S. government has used these attacks as an excuse to ratchet up their support to the rebels and now to place U.S. missiles and troops on Syria’s border..........................


Obama and his NATO and Gulf monarchy allies have created an extremely unstable situation in Syria.............................


Under these tense conditions a broader war can break out any moment. The U.S. can claim that the Syrian government is about to employ chemical weapons as an excuse to directly intervene. Or perhaps Turkey — a NATO member — will claim that Syria fired missiles into its territory, and thus Obama will act to “defend” its ally....................




17-12-2012: Foreign nerves limit Syria rebel arms, Assad's arsenals raided



Syrian rebel success in capturing government armouries is rendering increasingly irrelevant Western efforts to limit supplies from abroad and avoid sophisticated arms reaching Islamist militants................


Western nations, particularly the United States, remain highly nervous of weapons falling into the wrong hands, while even Saudi Arabia and Qatar - by far the two most enthusiastic rebel backers - appear to have cut back support in recent weeks........................


So far, however, arms smuggled across the Turkish border to opposition fighters have been largely limited to AK-47-type small arms, rocket propelled grenades and perhaps a handful of small surface-to-air missiles.............................


Up until now, foreign weapons shipments have been a largely chaotic free for all. Intelligence and special forces operatives from a range of countries, as well as wealthy Gulf individuals operating perhaps independently, have cut deals with a range of small groups to supply whatever their funders felt willing to pass across........................


But the main focus of Western Spies and special forces along the Turkish border remains trying to track weapons shipments and telling the Saudis, Qataris and others which groups Washington feels they should avoid...........................




15-12-2012: Western backed Free Syrian Army has crossed the line



The Free Syrian Army has committed an affront to all humanity by kidnapping and threatening to execute a female Ukrainian journalist and announcing that they will kill all Russians and Ukrainians they find in Syria..................


With the terrorists also threatening Russian and Ukrainian Diplomatic Missions this could set off a chain of events that may pull the Russian Federation directly into the conflict....................


The world knows the Free Syrian Army is supported by the US and the West and if the Russian Federation was forced to consider entering Syria militarily this would make such a decision extremely dangerous..........................


One might argue that the Free Syrian Army which has effectively declared war on Russia, Ukraine and Iran, and since they are backed by the West this might appear to be a proxy declaration.......................


The US Government has officially recognized an umbrella group of mainly foreign terrorist organizations, as the official representative of the Syrian people, and almost immediately the main US surrogate threatens to execute a Ukrainian woman journalist..............................




15-12-2012: Military Escalation, Dangerous Crossroads: Russia-US Confrontation in Syria?



Not mentioned in the official Pentagon statement, this buildup of patriot missile batteries is not only directed against Syria, it is intended to confront Russia’s military presence  in Syria as well  as its support to the development of Syria’s air defense system.....................


The Pentagon’s initiative in Turkey is part of the US-NATO-Israeli led insurgency against Syria. In recent months, this insurgency has evolved towards an unofficial (yet de facto) allied invasion characterized by the presence inside Syria of French, British, Turkish and Qatari Special Forces....................


In other words, member states of the Atlantic Alliance through their Special Forces and intelligence operatives on the ground  largely determines the nature and thrust of rebel activities.......................


The US Patriot missile deployment in Turkey is part of a regional process of  militarization which includes the establishment of US command posts and the stationing of American troops in Jordan and Israel.....


It is worth noting that in addition to the Patriot missiles in Turkey, Patriot batteries targeted at Iran have also been deployed to Kuwait, Qatar, the UAE and Bahrain (2010)....................


Washington and its allies have consistently supported the various terrorist entities which are part of the “opposition” rebel forces....................


The Free Syria Army (FSA) are the foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance. Without Western support they would not be able to confront Syrian government forces......................


These threats constitute a deliberate act of provocation against the Russian government which is providing military support to Syria. “Opposition” forces in consultation with US-NATO are now threatening Russia, which is an ally of Syria.......................


French, British, Turkish and Qatari special forces are involved in the recruitment and training of FSA rebels, which are in large part mercenaries. The FSA is now targeting Russian citizens in Syria on the orders of Washington, leading to a potential breakdown in international diplomacy......


Moscow considers these threats as “akin to a declaration of war” stating that “the armed insurgents in Syria [supported by the West] have been emboldened to a point that they have stepped into an area where they are beyond the law............................




15-12-2012: Syrians decry US blacklisting of rebel group



Thousands of Syrians have taken to the streets to criticise Washington for blacklisting a rebel group, with many saying that it was President Bashar al-Assad who was a "terrorist".............................




15-12-2012: NATO Turns Up Heat in Syria Psy-War



In a recent bid to psychologically break Syria's government and military leadership, producing long sought-after defections, US-led NATO has decided to place Patriot missile systems along the Turkish-Syrian border..........................


As this threat's credibility diminishes, NATO has retroactively justified their November decision with a new tale of "Scud missiles" landing "fairly close" to the Turkish border, according to Reuters. Within the same report, "Scud missiles" would be downgraded to "Scud-style ballistic missiles," in what appears to be immediate backpedaling that casts doubt on the entire narrative...........................


In addition, Israel’s intelligence services have a strong knowledge of Syria, as well as assets within the Syrian regime that could be used to subvert the regime’s power base and press for Asad’s removal. Israel could posture forces on or near the Golan Heights and, in so doing, might divert regime forces from suppressing the opposition.............................


And despite Turkey's support for intentional terrorists seeking safe haven within its territory, receiving arms, equipment, and cash from NATO, and more specifically the United States CIA, Syria has still successfully ground down these terrorists as they enter and attempt to establish footholds across the country....................


Despite a concerted effort by the Western media to portray the Syrian government as on the perpetual verge of collapse, no precise details have been given of actual terrorist gains..........................


The West will not stop until either Syria is divided and destroyed or the West itself crumbles in the midst of its untenable foreign conquest.............


In Libya, a campaign NATO is attempting to scale up and repeat in Syria, otherwise superior forces folded in the face of psychological operations...............................




13-12-2012: Moscow ‘Concerned’ Over Syria Chemical Weapons



Russia is concerned by the prospect of Syrian chemical weapons falling into terrorist hands, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said on Thursday...........................


“Everyone is afraid of that, including our American partners,” he said, adding that militants are already gaining control of military arsenals on the ground, including antiaircraft missiles.............................


“This has already happened in Aleppo with the seizure of a plant manufacturing chemical components that can be used for terrorist purposes,”...............




13-12-2012: US-Backed Syrian Opposition Demands Support for Al Qaeda



As part of the US' charade in declaring support and recognition of the so-called "Syrian" opposition, it added one of the more extreme groups that make up the militant front operating inside Syria to a list of sanctioned terrorist organizations.....................


Al-Khatib himself openly declares his intentions of establishing an "Islamic state" upon the ashes of the currently secular Syria, and has ties with the extremist Muslim Brotherhood. He was also a representative of Western big oil interests, in particular Royal Dutch Shell. .................


The so-called "Syrian" opposition has been an increasing embarrassment to the Western interests that have maliciously arrayed them against the Syrian people, as far back as 2007. And while NATO is willfully utilizing Al Qaeda's own regional networks to flood terrorists into Syria, to have the leaders of their own contrived opposition front openly demand that Al Qaeda be given support and recognition gives the world's public insight into the depths of illegitimacy from which the West is operating in pursuit of regime change in Syria..............................




12-12-2012: Sources: Syrian Rebels Training On Anti-Aircraft Weapons In Jordan



In Jordan, several Syrian sources said that Jordanian authorities, along with their U.S. and British counterparts, have organized training for Syrian rebels on sophisticated anti-aircraft weapons........................


One Syrian rebel fighter, who did not want to be named, said he attended a training course in Jordan and that the training was not led by uniformed Western soldiers, but rather by men in plainclothes who spoke several different dialects of Arabic..........................


The source said he and about 25 others took part in the course. He said a handful of rebel groups fighting inside Syria each sent a few men to the training..............................




12-12-2012: The Syria Chemical Weapons Saga: The Staging of a US-NATO Sponsored Humanitarian Disaster?



The Western media suggests –in chorus and without evidence– that  a “frustrated” and “desperate” president Bashar al Assad is planning to use deadly chemical weapons against his own people................................


Western governments are now accusing Syria of planning a diabolical scheme on the orders of the Syrian head of State..............................


Antiwar critics have largely underscored the similarities with the Iraq WMD ploy, which consisted in accusing the government of Saddam Hussein of possessing Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). The alleged WMD threat was then used as a justification to invade Iraq in March 2003................


The WMD Iraq ploy was subsequently acknowledged in the wake of the invasion as an outright fabrication, with president George W. Bush and Prime Minister Tony Blair actually recognizing that it was a “big mistake”. In a recent statement Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu called  for ‘lying’ Blair and Bush to face trial in the Hague`s International Criminal Court...............................


The purpose is indeed to demonize Bashar Al Assad but the objective at this stage is not the conduct of an all out “shock and awe” war on Syria, involving a full fledged air campaign...............................


A limited and selective air campaign in support of the rebels, using Syria’s chemical weapons bunker stockpiles as a pretext could be contemplated, but even this would be a risky undertaking given Syria’s air defense capabilities.........................


The Western military alliance does not contemplate at this stage an all out war in response to Syria’s possession of chemical weapons. What is contemplated is the need to train the opposition rebels in the handling of chemical weapons.................


The United States and some European allies are using defense contractors to train Syrian rebels on how to secure chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria, a senior U.S. official and several senior diplomats told CNN Sunday. ( CNN Report, December 9, 2012)................


What is unfolding is a diabolical scenario –which is an integral part of military planning– namely a situation where opposition terrorists advised by Western defense contractors are actually in possession of chemical weapons...........................


The West claims that it is coming to the rescue of the Syrian people, whose lives are allegedly threatened by Bashar Al Assad.  The truth of the matter is that the Western military alliance is not only supporting the terrorists, including the Al Nusra Front, it is also making chemical weapons available to its proxy “opposition” rebel forces....................




12-12-2012: US Recognizes Unelected Terrorists as Syrian "Representatives"



As expected, after a long pause of feigned "consideration," the US has recognized the militants it has been arming, funding, aiding logistically and supporting diplomatically since as early as 2007, as the "legitimate representatives of the Syrian people," with the added caveat, "in opposition to the Assad regime." ..................


The overt, extremist nature of the militants operating in Syria has become increasingly difficult for the West to paper over. Torrents of videos and confirmed reports documenting militant atrocities, including several involving the machine gunning of bound prisoners, ................


Later that month, some 600 Libyan terrorists would be reported to have entered Syria to begin combat operations and have been flooding into the country ever since..................


Clearly they are not "secretly" organizing hundreds of fighters under the nose of the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and "sneaking" through NATO member states into Syria. They are doing with NATO-backing, with NATO admittedly providing support for militants along Turkey's border with Syria, utilizing the very same regional Al Qaeda networks identified by the US military during the US occupation of Iraq - which also explains where Jabhat al-Nusra is coming from..........................


Many come from Syria's religious minorities, mostly the Shiite offshoot Alawite sect to which the president's family belongs, as well Christians and Druze, who increasingly see themselves in a battle against a mainly Sunni rebel insurgency....................


And while the US attempts to reassure the world that the brood of terrorists it is cultivating and has now officially recognized as the "representatives of the Syrian people" is "pro-democratic" in nature, the very leader the US recently handpicked in Doha, Qatar to lead the new opposition coalition, Moaz al-Khatib, has admitted in an Al Jazeera interview that he seeks to establish an "Islamic state" across currently secular Syria..........................




12-12-2012: Unmasking the Brotherhood: Syria, Egypt, and Beyond



................the Muslim Brotherhood is one of the most powerful weapons of the Western ruling class in the Muslim world........................


In the US-NATO sponsored war against the Assad government, the Muslim Brotherhood has emerged as the leading western-sanctioned force, the avant-garde of the imperialist assault.............................


This command structure, formed at the behest and under the sponsorship of the US, UK, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey among others, does not simply include members of the Muslim Brotherhood, it is, in fact, dominated by them....................


Instead, these individuals have collaborated to create a Muslim Brotherhood proxy force in Syria, one that can be controlled and depended on to do the bidding of the West.............................


The Muslim Brotherhood, an international political and paramilitary machine, has come to lead the battle against Assad government.................


As early as May 2012, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the center of the organization, was already providing the political and diplomatic support the rebels needed to topple the Assad regime..........................


The fact that the central figure in the international organization was a known CIA agent corroborates the assertions made by countless analysts and investigators that the Brotherhood was used as a weapon against Nasser and, in fact, all Arab socialist leaders who at that time were part of a rising tide of Arab nationalism which sought, as its ultimate goal, independence from Western imperial domination.................


In fact, the Saudis have been the key financiers of the Brotherhood for decades for the same reasons that the United States and the Western powers needed them: opposition to Arab nationalism and the growing "insolence" of Shiite states......................


It is often argued that, though the historical record unequivocally shows the Brotherhood as intimately connected to Western intelligence, somehow the organization has changed, that it has become a peaceful force for political progress in the Arab world..............


In Egypt, as in Syria, the Muslim Brotherhood has made itself into an appendage of the Western imperialist ruling class.  It has dutifully served these interests over the course of decades, though the names, faces, and propaganda have changed over the years..............




12-12-2012: UPDATE 4-Syrian opposition urges review of al-Nusra blacklisting



The leader of Syria's opposition coalition urged the United States on Wednesday to reconsider its decision to designate the militant Islamist Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist group, saying religion was a legitimate motive for Syrian rebels..................................


We might disagree with some parties and their ideas and their political and ideological vision. But we affirm that all the guns of the rebels are aimed at overthrowing the tyrannical criminal regime........................


The United States designated the Jabhat al-Nusra (Nusra Front) as a foreign terrorist organisation and said it was trying to hijack the revolt on behalf of al Qaeda in Iraq.....................


The decision to blacklist al-Nusra, an important fighting force in the uprising, has already triggered criticism from the powerful Syrian Muslim Brotherhood. A senior Brotherhood official said it was wrong and hasty..........................




11-12-2012: Syrian Rebels Pledge Allegiance to Al-Qaeda Group That Killed U.S. Troops



..........................support for terrorists and extremist rebels in Syria, as news emerges of 29 different Syrian rebel groups pledging allegiance to the Al-Qaeda affiliated Nusra Front, a group responsible for killing U.S. troops in Iraq and one that is currently the primary fighting force in the NATO-backed bid to topple President Bashar Al-Assad...................................


.........................29 different Syrian opposition groups this week pledged their allegiance to Al Nusra, an Al-Qaeda-affiliated group which.......................


In reality, the United States is backing an uprising that has placed the imposition of Sharia law and the ultimate destruction of the United States at the core of its long term agenda once Assad is deposed..........................


Syrian rebels have been responsible for a plethora of atrocities, from terrorist attacks and massacres, to forcing people to become suicide bombers, to attacks on Christian churches and making children carry out grisly beheadings of unarmed prisoners.......................




11-12-2012: More than half-million Syrian refugees in region: UN



The number of Syrian refugees registered in neighbouring countries and North Africa has passed half a million, the UN's refugee body said Tuesday, adding that many more have not come forward to seek help..................


As of Monday, there were 154,387 Syrian refugees registered or in the process of being registered in Lebanon, 142,664 in Jordan, 136,319 in Turkey, 64,449 in Iraq and 11,740 in North Africa, according to the UNHCR...........................




11-12-2012: EU closer to recognising Syrian opposition



EU foreign ministers, meeting the leader of the Syrian opposition on Monday, moved towards full recognition of a new coalition ahead of a diplomatic gathering aimed at bolstering aid for rebels fighting President Bashar Al Assad.......................


In part because of concerns about the presence of radical Islamists among the rebels, the European Union did not offer full recognition to the Syrian National Coalition (SNC), as Britain and France have........


The EU encourages the Coalition to remain committed to the respect of the principles of human rights, inclusivity, democracy and engaging with all opposition groups and all sections of Syrian civil society,” the ministers said in a statement...................


Pushed by Britain, the EU decided at the end of November to review sanctions on Syria every three months instead of every year to make it easier in future to equip the rebels......................




10-12-2012: Video: Syrian Rebels Make Child Behead Prisoner



The clip shows a child hacking away at the head of a bound prisoner with a machete. The video then cuts to militants displaying the man’s severed head while chanting “Allahu Akbar”. Other beheaded prisoners can also be seen in the footage...........................


A recent Lebanon Daily Star report also highlighted the fact that “Many of the fighters are non-Syrian,” and that the FSA rebels are not even being allowed to take part in some battles by the Al-Qaeda commanders.......................


Western-backed rebels in Syria have openly espoused their plan to impose draconian Sharia law across the region and have gone about the task by ransacking Christian churches while slaughtering prisoners in cold blood............................




10-12-2012: Saudi Arabia Sends Most Wanted Criminals to Syria, Yemeni Websites Reveal



Yemeni independent news websites published on Sunday a Saudi secret official document confirming that the regime of al-Saud ordered the release of a group of hundreds of most wanted criminals who are sentenced to death on crimes related to drug smuggling, killing and rape to send them to Syria and join the armed terrorist groups......................


According to the document, the criminals are 105 Yemenis, 212 Saudis, 96 Sudanese, 254 Syrians, 82 Jordanians, 68 Somalis, 32 Afghans, 194 Egyptians, 203 Pakistanis, 23 Iraqis, 21 Palestinians and 44 Kuwaitis..................................




10-12-2012: U.S.: Syrian rebel group tied to al Qaeda in Iraq



The Obama administration is declaring a Syrian rebel group with alleged ties to al Qaeda as a terrorist organization. It's an effort to blunt the influence of extremists as the U.S. steps up cooperation with the Syrian opposition............................


Jabhat al-Nusra has claimed responsibility for suicide bombings on Syrian government targets, raising fears of growing Islamic extremism among the opposition.......................


Once on the defensive, Syria's rebels have gained momentum in recent weeks with a number of tactical advances, seizing airbases near Damascus and Aleppo and putting Assad's forces on their heels........................


The Islamic militant groups, which count both Syrians and foreigners in their ranks, are among the most effective fighters on the rebel side of the country's civil war..................................


Manaf Tlass, a Syrian general who was the first member of Assad's inner circle to break ranks and join the opposition, said "we are at a turning point and the train of the revolution will be victorious." Tlass, who defected in July, said he urged Assad to listen to the people's demands and implement serious reforms.........................


"I used to talk to the president four times a day and I used to see him every other day. I tried to convince him to react with the rebels. He always avoided answering and used to say they are armed gangs," Tlass said from Paris where he has been spending much of his time.................




10-12-2012: Syrian “Rebels” establish Unified Military Command under De Facto NATO Jurisdiction



The US and its allies pushed for the revamping of the military command, as they previously had with the anti-Assad political leadership, in order to tighten their control over opposition forces in preparation for a more aggressive intervention into Syria.............................


Over the weekend, Syrian National Coalition spokesman Yasser Tabbara called on the major Western powers to supply advanced anti-aircraft weaponry to enforce a “no-fly zone”. He was supported by Qatari Foreign Minister Khalid bin Mohammed al-Attiyah..........................


The Syrian rebels and their imperialist backers have attempted to keep their distance from the Al Qaeda-linked Jabhat Al-Nusra, which was not invited to participate.............................




10-12-2012: Us Defense Contractors Training Syrian Rebels (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


The US and some of its European allies “are using defense contractors to train Syrian rebels on how to secure chemical weapons stockpiles in Syria,” according to “a senior US official and several senior diplomats,” CNN reports.


The US-funded training is going on inside Syria, as well as in neighboring Turkey and Jordan and “involves how to monitor and secure stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials,” according to CNN




10-12-2012: US Designates Syrian Rebel Faction as Terrorist Group



The US State Department has officially designated one of the Syrian rebel factions, Jabhat al-Nusra, as a Global Terrorist organization, identifying the group as an offshoot of al-Qaeda in Iraq..................


But this is the first time the US has officially acknowledged the significant rise of Islamic jihadists in the Syrian opposition.....................


Recent reports have established that Jabhat al-Nusra, and other al-Qaeda-linked jihadist factions like it, have become a key element in the Syrian opposition, despite repeated attempts by some in Washington to paint the rebels as freedom fighters....................




10-12-2012: Video shows Syria militants get a child to behead prisoner



A shocking video has surfaced on the Internet showing militants in Syria having a child behead a kidnapped man.....................


Experts say the Arabic language spoken by the militants does not belong to Syrian people and they are believed to have Saudi accents..............




10-12-2012: Jihadists seize key north Syria army base



Jihadists led by the radical Al-Nusra Front seized a strategic army base in the northern Syrian province of Aleppo on Monday after weeks of fierce fighting, activists say..............................


"Al-Nusra Front, alongside several Islamist rebel battalions linked to it, have seized control of the army base headquarters at Sheikh Suleiman," Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman told AFP...............................


An AFP journalist who covered the clashes around Sheikh Suleiman said many of the fighters were from other Arab countries and Central Asia.........................




9-12-2012: Covert US plan to arm rebels



THE United States is launching a covert operation to send weapons to Syrian rebels for the first time as it ramps up military efforts to oust President Bashar al-Assad............


Mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and anti-tank missiles will be sent through friendly Middle Eastern countries already supplying the rebels, according to well-placed diplomatic sources...........................




9-12-2012: Human Rights Watch: Child Soldiers Fighting in Syrian Opposition



The video has sparked debate over whether the resounding battle outside and near the homes of Syrians is merely a battle between “a repressive regime and people seeking freedom,”..........................


Perhaps some Syrians would like to claim that the horrors taking place in Syria do not stem from the Syrian ideology. However, the harsh reality is that this type of horrid thinking has become widespread, prevailing in the areas that are no longer under the government’s control..................


The president of the committee is an Islamic educator who used to live in Sharjah but returned to Syria to “perform the sacred duty of jihad................


The footage was also broadcast by the Syrian television channel Sama, along with the confessions of a member of the group who said that “what they committed does not stem from the teachings of Islam....................


However, the most profound comment came from one of many women that were shocked by the video. “Now I totally understand that Syria is finished. Do not tell me there is still hope. It is over, at least for me,” she said......................




9-12-2012: Video Use of child soldiers by rebels in Syria widespread: more evidence, inadequate respons



Since the start of our campaign to stop the use of child soldiers by the Syrian rebels – prompted by the images of the child at the massacre of Saraqeb – we have unearthed further disturbing evidence suggesting the use of child soldiers is widespread amongst rebel groups. It also appears that communications equipment provided by the US and UK governments to help Syrian “activists” is being used by jihadi groups to publicise their abuses and show off how they have brainwashed children...........................


Youtube Videos: Recruiting Children







8-12-2012: Bashar al-Assad, Syria, and the truth about chemical weapons



The bigger the lie the more people will believe it. We all know who said that – but it still works......................


But now Washington is playing the same gas-chanty all over again...............................


But over the past week, all the usual pseudo-experts who couldn’t find Syria on a map have been warning us again of the mustard gas, chemical agents, biological agents that Syria might possess – and might use. And the sources? .........................................


Yes, the bigger the lie, the better. Certainly we journos have done our duty in disseminating this bunkum. And Bashar ...................




8-12-2012: Syrian rebels elect new military commander



Syrian rebel groups have chosen a former officer to head a new Islamist-dominated command, in a Western-backed effort to put the opposition's house in order as President Bashar al-Assad's army takes hits that could usher his downfall..........................


The unified command includes many with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Salafists, who follow a puritanical interpretation of Islam. It excludes the most senior officers who have defected from Assad's military....................




8-12-2012: “Military Voyeurism” or Invasion of Syria? French Special Forces Team Up with Foreign Backed Terrorists



It seems that a West-orchestrated plan to invade the country is under way and that they are teaming up and gearing up for united military action against the country.............................


All the pieces of the puzzle are being meticulously put together by the ‘foes of Syria’ to lend a cloak of legitimacy to an imminent invasion of the country: that Syria mulls using chemical weapons against its own people and the militants, that the war may spill over into Turkey and that Turkey should be able to defend herself against any potential attacks.............................


That Assad will use chemical weapons against his own population or even the militants is a threadbare claim and a feeble excuse concocted by the West to embark on their initial militaristic voyeurism and eventual military expedition..........................


It is cruel but highly likely that West may provide the militants with chemical weapons so they may use them against the Syrians and shift the blame on the Syria government so that they can carry on with their long-though-out plan of invading the country.............................


The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in order to gorge the international community on a tacit consent to another military adventurism in the Middle East.......................




8-12-2012: NATO being 'patriotic', Russia warns of consequences



Russia has warned against such a move saying that a negotiated solution of the crisis is still possible. A statement to this effect was made during a meeting of the Russian foreign minister and the US secretary of state with UN and AL representatives on Syria...............


Reports that the Syrian authorities were about to use chemical weapons came in nearly daily throughout the past week. The reports followed a statement by White House spokesman James Carney who surmised that President Assad could resort to using chemical weapons, if cornered. British Foreign Secretary William Hague said at the end of the week that the British Foreign Office had intelligence data confirming this. Mr.Hague did not specify what the data was. Moscow has made it clear that there is nothing to support this assumption at the moment




8-12-2012: Chemical weapons in Syria? Just say no to imperialism and its dirty war plans



Now that Barack Obama is firmly enconsed in office, re-elected for a second term, it appears that the hounds of hell are desperately barking for some action on Syria.  Frustrated by the successful efforts of the Syrian government to turn back the western backed and armed terrorists, their stooges and proxies, they have gone back to old tactics again.........................


Another clucking head was Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, who said much in the same style as the "weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" that "intelligence reports raise fears that an increasingly desperate Syrian President Bashar Assad is considering using his chemical weapons arsenal - which the U.S. and Russia agree is unacceptable................................


The hungry monster of US imperialism is not satisfied with having killed around 35,000 Syrians, a large number of them defense forces.  A chemical attack would kill many.  One wonders what part of hell these people that comprise the FUKUS axis and Israel come from.  Surely nothing human is capable of such evil, they are purely demonic in nature......................................


President Assad has no reason to use chemical weapons, least of all against his own people.  It has been repeatedly stated that Syria's weapons will only be sued for self defense.  Why would anyone in Syria be so foolish as to deliberately bring down the full force of the FUKUS axis and NATO? ..........................................................




8-12-2012: Russia arms Syria with powerful ballistic missiles



Hours after NATO agreed on Tuesday to send Patriot missiles to Turkey because of the crisis in Syria, Russia delivered its first shipment of Iskander missiles to Syria......................


The superior Iskander can travel at hypersonic speed of over 1.3 miles per second (Mach 6-7) and has a range of over 280 miles with pinpoint accuracy of destroying targets with its 1,500-pound warhead, a nightmare for any missile defense system............................


The Iskandar is a surface-to-surface missile that no missile defense system can trace or destroy, Mashregh said. Russia had earlier threatened that should America put its missile defense system in Poland, it would retaliate by placing its Iskander missiles at Kaliningrad, its Baltic Sea port...............................




8-12-2012: Video: What’s REALLY Going On In Syria?



Lieutenant Colonel – Who Wrote Speech Which Launched the Iraq War – Explains In Video Interview




7-12-2012: Experts doubt Syria will deploy its chemical weapons



"I'm skeptical about sarin being prepared or artillery shells being filled. I've just seen too much in the past with satellite photography making assumptions about chemical weapons, most infamously in Iraq," said Greg Thielmann......................................


But many who study the topic worry that the hysteria has gone well beyond what the facts warrant, and there are concerns that the intelligence hasn't shown much change in recent months..................................................


.....................feared news reports on Syria's chemical weapons are based on a few pieces of reliable information that have been repeated again and again, amplifying the threat each time.................................




7-12-2012: Clinton: Situation in Syria is 'accelerating'



"Events on the ground in Syria are accelerating, and we see that in many different ways. The pressure against the regime in and around Damascus seems to be increasing," Clinton said before meeting with Russia's foreign minister and the U.N. special envoy to Syria.....................................


Chemical weapons were one topic on the table, said Clinton, who met with the leaders while she was in Dublin for an international security conference.....................................


Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad rejected the suggestion Thursday. "Syria would never use chemical weapons, even if it had them, against its own people," he told Hezbollah's Al-Manar TV.................................




7-12-2012: EXCLUSIVE: US Trains Rebel Brigades to Secure Chemical Weapons



The US and its allies have hired contractors to train some Syrian rebel brigades in chemical weapons security, Syria Deeply has exclusively learned from four diplomats, including one US official.................................................


Tim Brown, a defense analyst with GlobalSecurity.org, said he would be “shocked” if the US did not already have covert counter-proliferation forces on the ground, working with allies and regime defectors to monitor chemical weapon .....................


But even the more moderate rebel groups, aligned with the Free Syrian Army, aren’t seen as capable of safely managing the hand-off of chemical weapons facilities.  Rebel brigades tend to consist of poorly trained, poorly equipped and hastily combined fighters....................................




7-12-2012: US Syria envoy: Extremists gaining in opposition



Ambassador Robert Ford says extremists in Syrian opposition an obstacle to political solution; points to Iraqi al-Qaida affiliate..............


US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, speaking to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, described extremist groups that had “little by little been gaining influence among the armed opposition.” He pointed particularly to an al-Qaida affiliate in Iraq that is now operating in Syria.............................


However, he stressed, America sees a political solution as the only way to resolve the violence in Syria – one in which President Bashar Assad plays no role......................................




6-12-2012: A troubling video appears on YouTube showing rebel fighters testing chemical weapons in Syria



While President Obama is busy talking about Syria’s chemical weapons, a troubling video appears on YouTube yesterday showing what appears to be a rebel group testing chemical weapons on lab rabbits, and threatening to use them against Syrian civilians on a sectarian basis................................


The video (see here) starts with several scenes showing chemical containers with Tekkim labels (Tekkim is a Turkish chemicals company) and some lab equipment, while playing Jihadists chants in the background.....................




6-12-2012: Shock Video Shows ‘Syrian Rebels’ Testing Chemical Weapons



The evidence contained in the video suggests that the rebels are just as likely to be considering the prospect of using chemical weapons........


The video shows a poster on the wall with Arabic text which reads “The Almighty Wind Brigade (Kateebat A Reeh Al Sarsar).”....................


“You saw what happened? This will be your fate, you infidel Alawites, I swear by Allah to make you die like these rabbits, one minute only after you inhale the gas,” states the man in the video.............................


Indeed, reports circulated 6 months ago that rebel fighters had been given gas masks and were willing to stage a chemical weapons attack which would then be blamed on the Assad regime and grease the skids for NATO military intervention..........................


The history of western governments and intelligence organizations manufacturing a fake “weapons of mass destruction” threat in order to justify wars planned years in advance clearly inform us that claims Syria is about to drop chemical weapon bombs on its own population should be treated with the utmost suspicion...............................................




6-12-2012: Chemical Weapons, Russian Warships and Terrorists



6-12-2012: Wider Chaos Feared as Syrian Rebels Clash With Kurds



The Kurdish militias in northern Syria had hoped to stay out of the civil war raging in Syria. They were focused on preparing to secure an autonomous enclave for themselves within Syria should the rebels succeed in toppling the government. But slowly, inexorably, they have been dragged into the fighting and now have one goal in mind, their autonomy, which also means the Balkanization of the state...................................................


These skirmishes between Kurds and Arabs take on a darker meaning for Syria as the rebels appear each day to gain momentum and the government appears less and less able to restore control. ............................


But the rebels are largely Sunni Arabs, and the most effective among them are extremists aligned with Al Qaeda, a prospect that worries not only the West, but the Christians, Shiites, Druze — and Kurds — of Syria.........................


The fighting in Ras al-Ain, which came after a fierce battle between rebel and government forces last month, demonstrated the complexity of a bloody civil war that has already claimed more than 40,000 lives....................................


There is concern that Iraq’s Kurds, who are already training Syrian Kurds to fight, may jump into the Syria fight to protect their ethnic brethren.......................................


The rebels say the Kurds are cooperating with the government, a common perception among Arabs in Syria..............................


The Kurds say the rebel fighters that came to Ras al-Ain, some of whom they say belonged to an extremist Islamist group, burned and looted their village, inciting a sense among Kurds that if they did not fight now they could be left out of the spoils of power and autonomy in a post-Assad Syria.......................................


“There is clear support by the Turkish government for the Arabs, the Free Syrian Army.........................




6-12-2012: Syria chemical weapons scare: Is Assad threatening to use them, or lose them?



By ordering “activity” at chemical weapons sites, Assad could be reminding the international powers demanding his departure that his fall would likely be followed by chaos – in which radical Islamists could get their hands on Syria’s weapons of mass destruction.....................




6-12-2012: Russia, U.S. talk as Syria events "accelerate on the ground"



...........Assad's government said the warnings about chemical arms were aimed at whipping up an excuse for military intervention.................


.....We fear there is a conspiracy to provide a pretext for any subsequent interventions in Syria by these countries that are increasing pressure on Syria.................


Germany approved the Patriot missile mission to Turkey on Thursday. NATO says it is a defensive step to prevent cross border strikes on alliance member Turkey, but Syria fears it could be a prelude to imposing a no-fly zone over its territory.................


...........Western powers have shown no enthusiasm for armed intervention in Syria, preferring economic sanctions, diplomatic pressure and limited aid to rebel forces, who get most of their guns and ammunition paid for by sympathetic Arab powers...................




6-12-2012: Is Syria’s Civil War Entering Its Final Act, or Poised for a New Phase?



The stern warnings by President Barack Obama and other U.S. officials this week that Syria‘s President Bashar Assad would face “consequences” and be “held accountable” for any use of chemical weapons against his own people, has amplified speculation that the country’s bloody civil war may be entering a terminal phase.................


There’s no question that rebel forces have made dramatic territorial gains over the past month, with insurgents boosting their artillery and surface-to-air missile capability as they overrun outlying military bases. Two regime aircraft have been downed by SAMs over the past two weeks, suggesting some rebel formations now had some means to defend against air strikes..................


And its failure to destroy the rebellion or reverse its gains after two years of fighting will have signaled the regime’s strategic decision makers that restoring control over all of Syria may be a bridge too far. The decisive question, instead, may be the end-game logic of the “contraction” posited by Holliday....................................


Assad’s regime is not so much a personality-cult dictatorship as it is a system of Alawite minority rule and privilege, and its core remains a cohesive, heavily armed and highly motivated Alawite-dominated army that believes it is fighting for the survival of its community..................


The regime will therefore also hope to see its enemies divided by the schism in rebel ranks between more extreme Salafist groups and those deemed secular or more moderately Islamist..........................


So concerned is Washington about the growing prominence of Jabhat al-Nusra on the front-lines of the rebellion that the Obama Administration is reportedly poised to  designate the group as an international terrorist organization. ..........


So concerned is Washington about the growing prominence of Jabhat al-Nusra on the front-lines of the rebellion that the Obama Administration is reportedly poised to  designate the group as an international terrorist organization.......................




5-12-2012: Syria loads chemical weapons into bombs; military awaits Assad's order



The Syrian military is prepared to use chemical weapons against its own people and is awaiting final orders from President Bashar Assad, U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday.......................


Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton reiterated U.S. warnings to Assad not to use chemical weapons, saying he would be crossing "a red line" if he did so.......................


Aides told NBC News that Clinton was expected next week to officially recognize the main opposition movement, the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, with which she is scheduled to meet in Morocco. Britain, France, Turkey and some key Arab leaders have already recognized the opposition.....................


But U.S. officials said this week that the government had ordered its Chemical Weapons Corps to "be prepared," which Washington interpreted as a directive to begin bringing together the components needed to weaponize Syria's chemical stockpiles.......................




5-12-2012: U.S.-Approved Arms for Libya Rebels Fell Into Jihadis’ Hands



The Obama administration secretly gave its blessing to arms shipments to Libyan rebels from Qatar last year, but American officials later grew alarmed as evidence grew that Qatar was turning some of the weapons over to Islamic militants.......................


The weapons and money from Qatar strengthened militant groups in Libya, allowing them to become a destabilizing force since the fall of the Qaddafi government.................................


The Obama administration did not initially raise objections when Qatar began shipping arms to opposition groups in Syria, even if it did not offer encouragement, according to current and former administration officials..........................


...............that Qatar would not have gone through with the arms shipments if the United States had resisted them.......................


Some of the arms since have been moved from Libya to militants with ties to Al Qaeda in Mali, where radical jihadi factions have imposed Shariah law in the northern part of the country, the former Defense Department official said. Others have gone to Syria, according to several American and foreign officials and arms traders.............................




5-12-2012: Syrian Rebels: “When We Finish With Assad, We Will Fight the U.S.”



A shocking report by McClatchy Newspapers’ David Enders reveals that the militants now on the front lines of the rebel uprising in Syria – supported by the Obama administration and other western powers – are Al-Qaeda terrorists who killed U.S. troops in Iraq and openly espouse their desire to “fight the U.S.” after they topple Bashar Al-Assad.....................................


Another opposition fighter recently spoke of his desire to see the Al-Qaeda flag fly over the White House once the rebels are victorious across the region. Suffice to say, he didn’t appear to be joking...................................


French Surgeon Jacques Bérès, who worked at a hospital in Aleppo commented that at least half of the militants he treated for injuries were Al-Qaeda terrorists whose goal is to impose sharia law across Syria and the whole region.............................


Among Nusra fighters are many Syrians who say they fought with al Qaida in Iraq, which waged a bloody and violent campaign against the U.S. presence in that country and is still blamed for suicide and car bombings that have killed hundreds of Iraqis since the U.S. troops left a year ago.......................




5-12-2012: US to ban Islamists leading the rebel fight in Syria



The State Department is planning to add Jabhat al-Nusra, known in English as the "Nusra Front", to its list of foreign terrorist groups, according to a Western diplomatic source....................


But on the ground in Syria, the Nusra Front and other extremist organisations are becoming a dominant force in the fight against President Bashar al-Assad..........................


A senior member of the Nusra Front told The Daily Telegraph last week that the group was using suicide bombings and beheadings, while international jihadists – including volunteers from Britain – were fighting in the organisation................


Mr Sibahi said this was a growing cause of tension between Syrians in the group and the more radical and anti-Christian foreign fighters.............................


In northern Syria, where much of the territory is now rebel held, the influence of more moderate groups like the Free Syrian Army is waning by comparison with the radical Islamists, who are often more disciplined and better-equipped.................


For the moment, Syria's jihadists are focused on what al-Qaeda call the "near enemy", namely the secular dictator running their country............................




4-12-2012: Syria: The WMD “Justification” to Wage a “Preemptive War”: US Repeats Syrian Chemical Weapons “Warnings



Once again, the US has issued a warning against Syria deploying “chemical weapons” citing “intelligence reports that the Damascus government is preparing such munitions for possible use.” No evidence was provided,..........................


It is unlikely that the Syrian government would use such weapons, thus giving the West the excuse it would need to directly intervene militarily, a scenario the West has been attempting to sell for the last 2 years, and particularly so following NATO’s military operations in Libya throughout 2011.......................


Conversely, NATO’s proxy forces operating in Syria possess both the means and motivation to carry out chemical attacks, therefore blaming Syria’s government and granting the West the impetus needed to intervene more directly............................


Two former CIA counterterrorism officers told me last week that technicians recently refurbished 800 of these man-portable air-defense systems (known as MANPADS) — some for an African jihadist group called Boko Haram that is often seen as an ally of al-Qaeda — for possible use against commercial jets flying into Niger, Chad and perhaps Nigeria.........................................


Libyan LIFG terrorists are confirmed to be flooding into Syria from Libya. In November 2011, the Telegraph in their article, “Leading Libyan Islamist met Free Syrian Army opposition group,” would report............................................


Syrian rebels held secret talks with Libya’s new authorities on Friday, aiming to secure weapons and money for their insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime................................


Washington Post’s reported “loose missiles” in Libya are now turning up on the battlefield in Syria. While outfits like the Guardian, in their article “Arms and the Manpads: Syrian rebels get anti-aircraft missiles,” .......................


Clearly NATO intervention in Libya has left a vast, devastating arsenal in the hands of sectarian extremists, led by US State Department, United Nations, and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf)-listed terrorist organization LIFG, that is now exporting these weapons and militants to NATO’s other front in Syria. It is confirmed that both Libyan terrorists and weapons are crossing the Turkish-Syrian border, with NATO assistance, and it is now clear that heavy weapons, including anti-aircraft weapons have crossed the border too......................................


Libya’s stockpiles of mustard gas and chemicals used to make weapons are intact and were not stolen during the uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi, weapons inspectors have said..........................


It stands to reason that NATO-backed sectarian-extremists, directly affiliated with Al Qaeda and with the support of Libya’s government, will also acquire and bring chemical and biological weapons with them – with their use in Syria almost as inevitable as the West’s duplicity and spin that will be used to then blame it on the Syrian government..............................................




3-12-2012: Barack Obama warns Bashar al-Assad as Syria 'readies chemical weapons'



Today, I want to make it absolutely clear to Assad and those under his command, the world is watching. The use of chemical weapons is and would be totally unacceptable," Mr Obama said during a speech on nuclear proliferation in Washington.......................


"If you make the tragic mistake of using these weapons there will be consequences and you will be held accountable. We simply cannot allow the 21st century to be darkened by the worst weapons of the 20th century.................


"We've picked up several indications which lead us to believe that they're combining chemical precursors," .......................




3-12-2012: US NATO-backed Terrorists in Syria Mass Murder Unarmed Men



Yet another grisly video shows US-NATO backed terrorists in Syria executing unarmed men as they plead for their lives (a similar atrocity covered here)..........................


While the Western media and defenders of sectarian extremists committing wide scale war crimes in Syria attempt to downplay the atrocities as merely targeting "loyalists," ..........................




3-12-2012: Obama warns Syria amid rising concern over chemical weapons



Clinton spoke Monday in the Czech Republic, which has been acting as the United States’ diplomatic agent in Syria since the U.S. Embassy in Damascus was shuttered. Her statement echoed one made in August by Obama, who declared that Assad’s deployment or use of chemical weapons would be a “red line” and would change the “calculus” for U.S. intervention in the Syrian civil war, which has killed an estimated 40,000 people...........................................


“We once again issue a very strong warning to the Assad regime that their behavior is reprehensible,” Clinton said. “Their actions against their own people have been tragic. But there is no doubt that there is a line between even the horrors that they have already inflicted on the Syrian people and moving to what would be an internationally condemned step of utilizing their chemical weapons.” ........................




3-12-2012: Exclusive: U.S. Sees Syria Prepping Chemical Weapons for Possible Attack



Engineers working for the Assad regime in Syria have begun combining the two chemical precursors needed to weaponize sarin gas, an American official with knowledge of the situation tells Danger Room.......................


At the Pentagon, chief spokesman George Little said that “any consideration of the use of chemical weapons by the use of the Syrian regime would be unacceptable.”..........................




3-12-2012: Video: Western Leaders Are Encouraging Terrorist Blood Bath in Syria



Washington and Britain are actively supporting al Qaeda and other FSA-related foreign fighters in Syria, a policy which is an international war crime and is costing thousands of innocent lives, and billions of dollars to western taxpayers and to the people in Syria.............




3-12-2012: NATO backs Patriot anti-missile system for Turkey



NATO announced Tuesday that it will deploy Patriot anti-missile systems near Turkey's southern border, shoring up defenses against the threat of cross-border attacks from Syria and bringing the United States and its allies closer to Syria's civil war.......................


Fogh Rasmussen stressed that the deployment of the Patriot systems — which includes missiles, radar and other elements — wouldn't be a first step toward a no-fly zone over parts of Syria or any offensive operation against the Arab state............................




2-12-2012: Al Qaida-linked group Syria rebels once denied now key to anti-Assad victories



Nearly a year later, however, Jabhat al Nusra, which U.S. officials believe has links to al Qaida, has become essential to the frontline operations of the rebels fighting to topple Assad...................................


The prominence of Nusra in the rebel cause worries U.S. and other Western officials, who say its operations rely on the same people and tactics that fueled al Qaida in Iraq – an assertion that is borne out by interviews with Nusra members in Syria..............................


Among Nusra fighters are many Syrians who say they fought with al Qaida in Iraq, which waged a bloody and violent campaign against the U.S. presence in that country and is still blamed for suicide and car bombings that have killed hundreds of Iraqis since the U.S. troops left a year ago..........


According to Nusra members, some of the group’s leaders, including the emir, or top ruler, in Syria’s Deir al Zour province, are Iraqis..........


Nusra’s rise is most evident in Syria’s north and east, where anti-Assad forces have recently been racking up impressive military gains..............


When we finish with Assad, we will fight the U.S.!” one Nusra fighter shouted in the northeastern Syrian city of Ras al Ayn when he was told an American journalist present. He laughed as he said it and then got into a van and drove off, leaving the journalist unable to ask whether it had been a joke ............................


In Ras al Ayn, the burning of a liquor store by Nusra fighters frightened Syrian Kurds and Christians living there, and the group has come into direct confrontation with Kurdish militia members in the area who’ve said they are willing to negotiate with moderate rebels but will not allow groups like Nusra into the territory they hold ................................




1-12-2012: Video shows insurgents executing unarmed Syrian prisoner



New video footage has surfaced online showing foreign-backed insurgents in Syria killing 10 unarmed Syrian prisoners......


"I swear to God that we are peaceful," pleads one of the men to the camera. In response, the insurgents shot him in the arm. Then more shots are fired and his body goes into spasms.....................




30-11-2012: Shock Video: Syrian Rebel Massacres 10 Unarmed Prisoners



With the Obama administration preparing to green light direct U.S. intervention in Syria, this is another reminder of where Americans’ tax dollars will be heading ................................


“New footage posted on the Internet appears to have been filmed by a Syrian rebel who points the camera along the barrel of his gun as he shoots 10 unarmed prisoners..............................


After the massacre, the gunman shouts “Allah Akbar, Jabhat al-Nusra,” referring to the Nusra Front, an Al-Qaeda offshoot that has claimed responsibility for innumerable suicide bombings in Syria that have killed hundreds of innocent people.....................................


The massacre occurred in Ras al-Ain, a town close to the Turkish border that has seen fierce clashes between rebel forces and government troops in recent weeks........................




29-11-2012: Syria Child Soldiers: Rebels Using Children In War - Human Rights Watch



Syrian rebels fighting to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad have sent children into combat and used boys as young as 14 to transport weapons and supplies, Human Rights Watch said on Thursday........................


Three of them, all aged 16, said they carried weapons and one said he participated in attack missions. Two others, aged 14 and 15, said they supported fighter brigades by conducting reconnaissance or transporting weapons and supplies.........................


The International Criminal Court says that conscripting or enlisting children under the age of 15 or using them to participate in hostilities is a war crime.......................


A 16-year-old boy from the Khalidiyeh district of Homs city told HRW he participated in combat missions............................


"They taught us how to shoot, how to dismantle and put together a weapon," he told Human Rights Watch. He volunteered along with his older brother and other relatives....................


Another boy, from Homs, said children took on various roles. "The job you have depends on you," he said. "If you have a brave heart, they'll send you to (attack) checkpoints.............................




29-11-2012: Car-bombs in Jaramana spread terror among Christians



There are among the victims of the attack carried out yesterday morning in the Damascus suburb of Jaramana eight Christians, Greek-Catholics and Greek-Orthodoxs.................


Jaramana is known for the large presence of Christian and Druze communities. Many Christian refugees from Homs and other areas devastated by civil war had found refuge.....................




28-11-2012: US Considers Directly Arming Syrian Rebels



In July, Syrian rebel lobbyists reported that the Obama Administration had told them they would not be able to intervene in a serious way until after the November election. The vote’s over and now the meddling can begin in earnest..................................




28-11-2012: Breaking: Western-backed Terrorists in Syria Slaughter Christians in Bombing


Al Qaeda terrorists, backed, armed, funded, and diplomatically recognized by the West, have detonated 2 car bombs in Christian-Druze quarters in Damascus, killing dozens


Twin car bombs carried out by the Western-backed so-called "rebels" have killed dozens of civilians in a Christian-Druze neighborhood in Damascus, highlighting the sectarian extremism, .....................


Excusing egregious acts of terrorism aimed at Syria's civilian population by claiming those targeted were "mostly loyal to President Bashar Assad" has been a favorite tactic of AP, BBC, CNN, Fox News, and others..............................


The terrorists in Syria have recently received a boost by the West, arranging for them a political front in Doha, Qatar to act as the reasonable "face" for their armed terrorism, portraying the premeditated destabilization by foreign terrorists as an indigenous struggle for "freedom and democracy." ............................


Clearly, blowing up a neighborhood full of Christians and Druze would fall in line with just such a plan, driving yet more of Syria's diverse population beyond its borders to live as permanent refugees.......................




26-11-2012: US-Created "Syrian Opposition" Led by Big Oil Rep



Now it is revealed that the US-handpicked opposition, announced in Doha, Qatar earlier this month, is led by a similarly compromised figure, Moaz al-Khatib.......................


Indeed, al-Khatib had worked at the al-Furat Petroleum Company for six years, according to the BBC, which is partnered with Shell Oil. Al-Khatib is also said to have lobbied for Shell in Syria between 2003-2004, and has likewise taught classes in both Europe and the United States, this according to his biography featured on his own website....................................


The smirking crypto-sectarian extremist, and new Western proxy of the recently re-contrived "Syrian National Council," Moaz al-Khatib admits that he's been promised legitimacy and weapons despite openly declaring his intention of overthrowing the secular nation-state of Syria, and installing an "Islamic state.............................




24-11-2012: Al Qaeda "Virtue Police" Show up Along NATO Protected Turkish-Syrian Border



NATO-backed terrorists along Turkish-Syrian border establish Al Qaeda-style "Virtue & Vice Police," heralding the West's true designs for Syria...................


........It was exposed at length that many of the so-called "Free Syrian Army's" fighters were in fact foreign terrorists imported into Syria via long-established Al Qaeda networks used to feed fighters first into Afghanistan during the 1980's, then into Afghanistan and Iraq during America's occupation of both nations over the past decade.....................


A similar scenario is now playing out in Syria, where the West, despite acknowledging the existence of Al Qaeda in Benghazi, Libya, is using these militants, and the exact same networks used to send fighters to Iraq, to flood into and overrun Syria..........................


In Syria, the southeastern region near Dayr Al-Zawr on the Iraqi-Syrian border, the northwestern region of Idlib near the Turkish-Syrian border, and Dar'a in the south near the Jordanian-Syrian border, produced the majority of fighters found crossing over into Iraq, according to the 2007 West Point study...................


..........mainly from Saudi Arabia via Jordan, and from Libya, either directly, through Turkey, or through Egypt and/or Jordan..................


Along with this reality, is the West's propping up of the "Syrian National Council," mere window dressing for the extremist groups the West and its Persian Gulf allies of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are arming and funding. As undeniable evidence mounts regarding who the West is really supporting, and what the Syrian government is really fighting against, the credibility of the silent, ineffectual UN and the "primacy of international law" crumbles by the day.........................................




23-11-2012: Christians in high Mesopotamia refuse to take up arms. Bishops' appeal to the Pope and the leaders of Nations: avoid the catastrophe that is upon us



An urgent appeal to the Pope, the UN Secretary General and the Heads of State so that catastrophe that threatens Syrian populations of high Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and the Euphrates is avoided........................................


"In past days, the Salafis entered Ras al Ain. From there 30 thousand people fled, which were added to the already 400 thousand refugees from Deir el Zor, Homs and Aleppo......................................




23-11-2012: Kurdish fighters unite against Syria rebels: activists



Hundreds of fighters loyal to the Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD) - which has close ties to Turkey’s rebel Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) - have been locked in fierce battles with fighters of the jihadist Al-Nusra Front and allied Ghuraba al-Sham group in Ras al-Ain on the border with Turkey........


The two Kurdish national councils in western Kurdistan have agreed in Iraq to create a united military force.....................


Although Syria’s Kurds are opposed to the Assad regime, most have sought to remain neutral in the armed rebellion seeking to topple him.........




22-11-2012: Archbishop Roham’s appeal to the belligerents: "Save the cities of Kamishly and Hassaké"



.............to the situation in his diocese, Mgr. Matta Roham defines it "confused" and describes people "full of fear, especially in Kamishly and Hassaké." "There are over 400,000 people in each of these two major cities - he explains - and Christians are about 20% in each..............................


The war in Syria - he continues - has caused division among communities in many places and the destruction of many urban areas............




22-11-2012: US: we initiate terrorism to create terrorists to overthrow governments



Wesley Clark, Supreme Allied Commander NATO, testifies in this 2-minute video that the US planned to overthrow seven countries after 9/11: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran...........


The US rejects the rule of law, violates treaty obligations, killed over a million human beings from armed attacks since 9/11................


This unlawful policy choice of the US for Wars of Aggression has killed 20-30 million people in covert and overt wars since 1945.........


The CIA had several covert wars; perhaps most important in today’s context of war on Iran: “Operation Ajax” that overthrew Iran’s democracy and installed a US-friendly and brutal dictator. ........................................


We now know from Congressional reports that all “reasons” for war with Iraq were known to be false as they were told.........




22-11-2012: Church desecrated by bandits, then furnish returned and ceremony of reconciliation



........where on November 19 the ancient church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus, of the sixth century, was desecrated by vandals who forced the door. The vandals stole over 20 icons (of the eighteenth and nineteenth century), ancient manuscripts and vestments. They desecrated the altar and tried to steal a famous fresco of the twelfth century.....................................




20-11-2012: Mortars hit Syria information ministry, clashes erupt in capital



Fierce fighting has since erupted in Daraya, which is on the southwestern edge of Damascus. The rebels in the area have deployed near the main southern highway leading out of the capital city, opposition activists said............................


Fighters around the capital have focused in recent months on carrying out high-profile rocket and car bomb attacks on government buildings that are often more symbolic than lethal.........................




20-11-2012: Britain Recognizes Syrian Rebel Group



In London, Foreign Secretary William Hague told Parliament that Britain had decided to recognize the recently formed coalition as the “sole legitimate representative of the Syrian people............................................


The coalition, whose official name is the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces, has already been recognized by France, Turkey and the members of the Gulf Cooperation Council...................................




19-11-2012: Syrian Islamists Reject Western-Backed Opposition



Syria's increasingly powerful Islamist rebel factions rejected the country's new Western-backed opposition coalition and unilaterally declared an Islamic state in the key battleground of Aleppo..........


The fighting has been particularly extreme in Aleppo, Syria's largest city and a major front in the civil war since the summer...............


Salman Shaikh, director of The Brookings Doha Center in Qatar, said Monday the Islamists' declaration will unsettle both Western backers of the Syrian opposition and groups inside Syria, ranging from secularists to the Christian minority..........................................


Most important among them were the al-Tawheed Brigade, which is one of the largest rebel groups operating in Aleppo, and Jabhat al-Nusra — Arabic for "the Support Front......................................




18-11-2012: Israeli soldiers fire toward Syrian fighters after stray bullets from Syria’s civil war hit



17-11-2012: Iran, Russia have united position on Syria, Afghanistan developments



.....................declared Tehran and Moscow have joint position against foreign interference in Syria and foreign presence in Afghanistan......


It should be noted that Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country.....................................


The US daily, Washington Post, reported in May that the Syrian rebels and terrorist groups battling the President Bashar al-Assad's government have received significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, a crime paid for by the Persian Gulf Arab states and coordinated by the United States..............................




17-11-2012: Syria rebels seize airport near Iraqi border, activists say



Rebels captured an airport used by Syria's military near the Iraqi border on Saturday, activists said...........


The capture of Hamdan means Assad's forces now only hold one air base in the province - the main military airport in Deir al-Zor city........




16-11-2012: Where Syria's opposition groups get their rockets



In Aleppo Province, the opposition's Abu Bakr Al Sadiq Brigade specializes in rockets, though it also produces hand grenades and other weapons...............................




16-11-2012: European nations mull arming Syria rebels



Britain's Foreign Secretary says the U.K. government has discussed whether a European Union arms embargo on Syria could be lifted to allow nations to supply weapons to the country's opposition....................................


France first raised the possibility on Thursday of sending "defensive weapons" to Syria's rebels..........................


France has taken a leading role among Western countries in supporting Syria's rebels.........................




15-11-2012: Kosovo Albanian terrorists fighting alongside Syria rebels



Kosovo Albanians connected to the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) are reportedly fighting alongside the Syrian rebels against the regime of President Assad...............


NSNBC reported the Albanian mafia, involved in drug and arms smuggling, and the sale of body parts, worked alongside Islamic terrorists. Thus the connections are in place for Kosovo Albanians to connect with Islamic terrorists that place the assassination of Assad on their agenda.......


The inclusion of KLA fighters in Syria raises further questions about western support for the Syrian opposition and the potential arming of international terrorists.............................




15-11-2012: France to push for arming Syria's opposition coalition



France's foreign minister has said he will discuss supplying arms to the Syrian opposition coalition .............................


France is the first Western power to recognise the coalition as the Syrian people's legitimate representative....................


Among the options that could be discussed are a no-fly zone, supplying anti-aircraft weapons to Syria's opposition ...................




14-11-2012: Car bomb outside a church in northeastern Syria


A car bomb exploded in front of the Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, in the city of Raqqah, in northeastern Syria, causing two deaths and injuring a woman, all civilians.............................




14-11-2012: Obama's nightmare called Syria



The reason Syria explodes is because its borders are particularly artificial, and all its internal communities — Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, Kurds, Druze and Christians ...............................


I continue to believe that the best way to understand the real options is by studying Iraq, which, like Syria, is made up largely of Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and Kurds. Why didn't Iraq explode outward like Syria after Saddam was removed? The answer: America ......................................


.........................we pulled out Saddam; we set off a huge explosion in the form of a Shiite-Sunni contest for power................




13-11-2012: Waging an Illegal US-NATO Led War on Syria with the Endorsement of “International Criminal Law"



This is not the first time that Mr. Ocampo has played the role of front man for the US empire. In fact, in every instance during the last nine years when the ICC, under his leadership, became involved with political leaders, the leaders indicted were always African and at odds with the foreign policy goals of the USA. Among them were Omar Al-Bashir of Sudan, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya, and his son, Saif....................


In his nine years in office, Ocampo  ignored the war crimes of George W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Tony Blair in fomenting an invasion in Iraq; the misdeeds of David Cameron and Nicholas Sarkozy in promoting an attack on Libya; and the extra-legal assassination drone attacks personally unleashed by Barak Obama against innocent civilians  in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somalia and Sudan....................................




12-11-2012: An Orthodox Archbishop: conflict and refugees on the Turkish-Syrian border, between fear and uncertainty



"There is great fear among families of different communities for their future. People are so afraid of a real war that could break out at any time between Turkey and Syria......................................................................




12-11-2012: Assad Interview: War in Syria is Terrorism through Proxies (EN/FR)



Syrian President Bashar Assad said that Syria is not going through a civil war, but rather a different kind of war -- terrorism through proxies..............



12-11-2012: Syrian opposition says west has promised military ad



The Syrian opposition says it has been promised western military support in return for forming a united front........................


Turkey has raised the possibility of asking Nato to deploy Patriot anti-aircraft missiles along its southern border....................


The new National Coalition, which claims to represent 90% of Syrian opposition groups, including the various rebel armed forces inside the country.........................







The Prime Minister is preparing to use the RAF to enforce no-fly zones across President Assad’s trouble-torn country in a bid to stop mass slaughter..........................


According to Whitehall sources, British special forces are helping to train rebel assassination squads to target President Assad and his warlords..........




11-11-2012: Syria's opposition groups strike unity deal against Assad



We demand freedom for every Sunni, Alawi, Ismaili (Shi'ite), Christian, Druze, Assyrian ... and rights for all parts of the harmonious Syrian people," he told reporters.......................................


It remains to be seen whether the Syrian National Coalition for Opposition and Revolutionary Forces can overcome the mutual suspicions and in-fighting.................................


Critics of the SNC had said it was too much influenced by the Sunni Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and too little open to minorities, including Alawites,..............................



10-11-2012: Christian elected as head of Syrian National Council



George Sabra was elected the leader of a body that has come under heavy criticism from international allies for being both ineffective .....................


A 65-year-old geography teacher, Mr Sabra comes from the mixed Damascus suburb of Qatana .................




10-11-2012: The historic Evangelical Church of Aleppo destroyed with explosives



The historic Arabic Evangelical Church of Aleppo, in the Jdeideh district (the old town), was mined with explosives and blown up "by armed men, for pure sectarian hatred": This is what Pastor Ibrahim Nasir, spiritual leader of the Arabic Evangelical Church in Aleppo says, in a statement sent to Fides Agency, referring to the explosion which occurred two days ago......................................................




10-11-2012: Why Did CIA Director Petraeus Suddenly Resign … And Why Was the U.S. Ambassador to Libya Murdered?



CNN, the Telegraph,  the Washington Times, and many other mainstream sources confirm that Al Qaeda terrorists from Libya have since flooded into Syria to fight the Assad regime...........................................


Mainstream sources also confirm that the Syrian opposition is largely comprised of Al Qaeda terrorists.  See this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this and this.....................


The U.S. has been arming the Syrian opposition since 2006. The post-Gaddafi Libyan government is also itself a top funder and arms supplier of the Syrian opposition.......................


There’s growing evidence that U.S. agents—particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens—were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels...........................


Furthermore, we know that jihadists are the best fighters in the Syrian opposition, but where did they come from?..............


In other words, ambassador Stevens may have been a key player in deploying Libyan terrorists and arms to fight the Syrian government............


Other sources also claim that the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was mainly being used as a CIA operation to ship fighters and arms to Syria............


The U.S. government has been consistently planning regime change in Syria and Libya for 20 years, and dreamed of regime change – using false flag terror – for 50 years..........................




9-11-2012: Syrian forces seize US-made weapons from insurgents in Damascus



According to Syria’s official news agency, Syrian troops confiscated two vehicles loaded with arms following clashes with insurgents in the capital’s al-Tadamun neighborhood on Friday.................


Syria accuses Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey as well as some Western countries of fanning the flames of violence in the country......................




9-11-2012: UN Says 11,000 Syrians Flee in Past 24 Hours



At least 11,000 Syrian refugees have fled their country in single day, pouring into Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon with children and dozens of wounded, U.N. officials said Friday...........................


The civil war in Syria has killed more than 36,000 people since an uprising against President Bashar Assad's regime began in March 2011.....


He said U.N. officials also worry that in recent weeks Kurds and Palestinians have become increasingly being drawn into the fighting...................




9-11-2012: Horror in Syria: Executing Christians


Reports from Syria indicate members of the Free Syrian Army have started executing Christians while claiming they’re shooting Syrian soldiers.....


The victims were not soldiers, he said, but civilians from the same neighborhood, “so they were all probably Christians.......................

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obm804CEx1o

They were not rebels, but Christians!!!!!!!


Those people rising against Assad and being crushed are all Muslim Brotherhood whom Bashir Assad’s father, Hafez Assad, crushed 30 years ago in Hama,” ..........................


Two of the men I am sure were Christians and were first kidnapped from their neighborhood, then taken out and shot,” the activist said.........


“Now they are feeling empowered after what they saw in Egypt, Libya and Tunisia. They feel this is their opportunity. They despise the Christians living in Syria and would love to either convert them or kill them,” .......................




9-11-2012: Syria rebels to reorganise, lead from front: general



Syria's largest armed opposition group is undergoing a drastic reorganisation and relocating its leadership...................


Its units fighting to bring down Syrian President Bashar al-Assad are poorly equipped and increasingly resentful of the international community.....




8-11-2012: Assad says will live and die in Syria



President Bashar al-Assad said he would "live and die".............................


"I am not a puppet. I was not made by the West to go to the West or to any other country," .........................


Backed by Washington, the Doha talks underline Qatar's central role in the effort to end Assad's rule as the Gulf state,.........................


The main opposition body, the Syrian National Council (SNC), has been heavily criticized by Western and Arab backers of the revolt as ineffective..........................



8-11-2012: Video shows another insurgent execution in Syria



Recently-released video footage has shown insurgent execution of another captured Syrian, raising further concern about insurgent brutality in the violence-stricken Arab state........................


In recent weeks, many videos have emerged of insurgents killing unarmed Syrians.

Despite widespread international condemnation, the so-called Free Syrian Army continues to kill captives and kidnap civilians......


Last week, a video showed Syrian insurgents beating around 10 government soldiers before forcing them to lie on the ground and executing them with automatic rifles near the town of Saraqeb in northwestern Syria...............................




7-11-2012: Bombs hit pro-Assad Damascus district; Syria's sectarian divide widens



Multiple bomb explosions on Wednesday hit a hilltop area in Damascus populated by members of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's Alawite sect................................

It has polarized the United States and Russia and drawn in regional powers, widening the Middle East rift between Sunnis and Shi'ite Muslims..........



7-11-2012: Hillary Clinton’s “Democracy” for Syia



US imperialism has a long and sordid record of bloody military interventions and interference in the affairs of other countries for the purpose of securing the interests of Wall Street and corporate America.....................


In Syria, US imperialism has relied more heavily on proxy forces, including Islamist foreign fighters, which have been aided and armed by US allies in the region, principally Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, with the CIA orchestrating the operation from a newly created station in southern Turkey........................




6-11-2012: The Christian community asks for the release of an Armenian singer and seven others kidnapped



Sam Ghannoum is a young 28-year-old Christian Armenian songwriter. He comes from an Armenian family who live in a suburb of Aleppo. He is known in the community for his compositions made of eastern classical, soft and captivating melodies, and for songs that present the Christian message of love and peace..........................................




6-11-2012: West, Arab partners fanning Syria fire by backing insurgents: Russia



Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said countries which support and have influence over the insurgents in Syria, among them some Persian Gulf Arab states and Western powers such as the United States, prefer to unify the insurgents not on the basis of negotiations but on the basis of continuing the fighting against the Syrian government...................




6-11-2012: US-backed Syrian “Rebels” in Disarray



In reality, it has become clear that the US is bent on fashioning a “respectable” leadership, with representatives from the various religious and ethnic groups that comprise the Syrian population in order to better mask the bitter sectarian character of the conflict that Washington is fueling, as well as the increasingly prominent role played by Islamist militias with connections to Al Qaeda................................


Turkey, which has played a major role in providing the so-called rebels with arms, military training, bases and other support, scrambled to respond to the US shift, convening a two-hour meeting between Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu and the leadership of the SNC in Ankara on Friday.....................................


...........................to serve as a front for the real forces waging the war for regime change inside Syria, which are increasingly sectarian and Islamist, including large numbers of Al Qaeda-linked foreign fighters who have poured into the country from Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Chechnya and elsewhere..........


The Russian government denounced the convening of the new opposition front in Doha, declaring that Washington was violating an agreement reached in Geneva last summer committing all parties to seek an end to the fighting and a negotiated transition to a new government in Syria...................



5-11-2012: Syria Rebels Advance in Battles; Opposition Tackles Rifts



2-11-2012: Syria: Washington’s Death Squads Caught in the Act



Washington wages direct and proxy wars dirty. Favored allies are cold-blooded killers. Cutthroats are America’s favorites. The more vicious the better...............................


.........................unspeakable crimes for a buck are recruited, armed, funded, trained, and deployed to commit the most heinous ones imaginable. Nothing too gruesome is out of bounds. Killing goes on daily like sport................................................


..................Assad loyalists are targeted, brutalized and murdered. Women and children aren’t spared.......................


HRW’s moment of truth didn’t last. It’s a reliable imperial ally. Amnesty International and similar groups replicate its anti-Assad propaganda. They’re well funded to support US interests......................................


.................Western-recruited death squads kept on killing throughout the Id al-Adha truce and after it ended. It’s “unthinkable (that) the United Nations was unable to condemn them.........................


Militant extremists also want conflict. They want Sharia law replacing replacing secular Syria. Most Syrians want no part of it.......................




2-11-2012: Analysis: US loses patience with Syria opposition group



Made up of Syrian intellectuals and political exiles, the Istanbul-based SNC has barely been able to coordinate the simplest of tasks, let alone run the opposition against a well-entrenched regime such as Bashar Assad’s..........................


This cannot be an opposition represented by people who have many good attributes but who, in many instances, have not been inside Syria for 20, 30, 40 years...............................


Most importantly, the members of the council have no relevance to the people who are fighting and dying on the Syrian battlefields......


Former farmers or businessmen, many of these rebels have only the most rudimentary training and are poorly equipped....................


Everyone is trying to push their own agendas," he said by phone from the Turkish-Syrian border. "The big powers have hijacked the Syrian revolution."..................................


These men are not Syrian. Some are Libyans, others Chechen. They are all radical in their religious and political beliefs..........................




2-11-2012: War crimes and the fantasy of 'controlling' Syria's rebels



The execution appears to have been carried out by one of the jihadi militias that have grown ever more prevalent in the fight against Assad............


The "Free Syrian Army" is a nice concept. In practice, however, the fighters against Assad are a loosely affiliated patchwork of militias, with no unified command.....................


But you have only to look to Libya to understand how difficult it is to exert influence after a triumphant rebellion in states where politics has merely been another word for patronage for decades,..........................


The choice of Qatar is an interesting one, given that monarchy's steadfast support for Islamist militias first in Libya and now in Syria..................




2-11-2012: Syria insurgents likely committed war crime: UN



The UN Human Rights body has reacted to the video posted on the web that shows the foreign-backed insurgents in Syria executing soldiers, saying the video probably shows “war crimes"..........................




1-11-2012: Video shows Syrian insurgents execute soldiers



A grisly video footage circulated on the web shows foreign-backed insurgents killing Syrian soldiers execution-style at a checkpoint in the crisis-hit country......................


The video, whose authenticity cannot be verified, was posted on the video-sharing website YouTube and is believed to be the tip of the iceberg of the killing of 28 Syrian soldiers at three checkpoints in the northwestern Syrian province of Idlib on Thursday, AFP reported.........




1-11-2012: Explosion at Syria Shia shrine linked to Al Qaida



.....................a bomb near the country’s most important Shiite shrine resurrected the spectre of sectarian strife and new street battles sent mortar fire across Aleppo...................


The mosque, a popular pilgrimage site, has been at the heart of recruitment campaigns for Iraqi Shiite to go to Syria to support the regime and defend their co-religionists from the largely Sunni rebels.....................


Among the dead yesterday were 36 in Aleppo, local activists said. At least seven rebels died when they attacked east of the city centre through the front line ............................


1-11-2012: US withdraws its support for Syrian opposition leadership



We've made it clear that the SNC can no longer be viewed as the visible leader of the opposition. They can be part of a larger opposition, but that opposition must include people from inside Syria and others who have a legitimate voice that needs to be heard," .........................




31-10-2012: The last remaining Christian in the center of Homs killed; the convent of the Jesuits has been hit



The last Christian who was in the center of Homs was killed, after the evacuation of the civilian population. Elias Mansour, 84 years old, Greek-Orthodox Christian, did not want to leave his home, in the Wadi Sayeh street, because he had to take care of his son Adnane, handicapped, even though he knew that his life was in danger..................................




30-10-2012: Obama administration works to launch new Syrian opposition council



Syrian opposition leaders of all stripes will convene in Qatar next week to form a new leadership body to subsume the opposition Syrian National Council, .........................


Many in the SNC are accordingly frustrated with the level of support they've gotten in Washington. "The Obama administration is trying to systematically undermine the SNC. It's very unfortunate..........................


The new council is an attempt to change that dynamic. Dozens of Syrian leaders will meet in the Qatari capital, Doha, on Nov. 3 and hope to announce the new council as the legitimate representative of all the major Syrian opposition factions on Nov. 7, one day after the U.S. presidential election................................


The Qatar meeting will include dozens of opposition leaders from inside Syria, including from the provincial revolutionary councils,...................


The Turkish government has been wary of the new effort because it has been heavily invested in the SNC, and the new council intentionally puts the SNC in a minority position...................................




30-10-2012: Syria warplane hits Damascus after rebels killed air force general



A Syrian fighter jet hit targets inside Damascus for the first time on Tuesday, a watchdog said, as air strikes pounded rebel bastions around the country and an air force general was shot dead......................................


State television said the general, Abdullah Mahmud al-Khalidi, was killed in the north Damascus district of Rukn al-Din, but gave no further details.....................




30-10-2012: Syria rebels, Kurdish militia discuss cease-fire



Syrian rebels and a Kurdish militia appear to be negotiating a cease-fire after clashes in the battle-scarred northern city of Aleppo on Saturday left at least 21 fighters dead and more than 100 people kidnapped.............................


A PYD activist who asked only to be named Abu Mohammed for security reasons told CNN that "the Free Syrian Army opened fire on a demonstration by the people who were demanding that the FSA leave their Kurdish majority neighborhood.......................


Another member of the PYD, from the Syrian town of Afrin, who asked not to be named for security reasons, also accused FSA rebels of breaking a peace agreement with the Kurdish militia..................................


PYD activists raised the Kurdish flag over these towns and declared them autonomous from central government rule. But they also refused join the armed rebellion against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, preferring to stay on the sidelines of Syria's bloody civil war..............




30-12-2012: Turkey says 'no point' in dialogue with Syria



Turkey is ruling out any dialogue with the Syrian regime, Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said on Tuesday...............................


Hardly anything will be accomplished without dialogue with the government, and that is the only problem that remains in the path towards a political process," Lavrov said after a meeting with Lakhdar Brahimi, the international peace envoy for Syria................................


"By refusing to feel bound by the truce, Turkey and the Gulf countries are responsible for the continued bloodletting in Syria," he added......................


Turkey, who joined in Arab and Western calls for the ouster of Assad, has recently been engaged in dialogue also with Iran and Russia, backers of the Assad regime................................................




3-11-2012: Syrian Orthodox St. Mary Church in Der Al- Zor destroyed



Orthodoxy Cognate PAGE received an email from Archbishop Eustathius Matta Roham (Syrian Orthodox Archdiocese of Jazirah & Euphrates) inviting our attention to the destruction of the St. Mary’s Syrian Orthodox Church in Dair Al-Zor, which is located on the banks of Euphrates River. It was destroyed by dynamites on Saturday, 27 October 2012..............................




29-10-2012: Greek Orthodox priest killed in Syria



A Greek Orthodox priest has been found slain after being kidnapped near the Syrian capital of Damascus, the Syrian government and the Vatican news service reported Thursday.............................


The body of the Reverend Fadi Jamil Haddad, pastor of St Elias Church in Qatana, .........................the priest was found with a gunshot wound to his head...........................


Christian leaders in Syria say their community, which has ancient roots, is in a precarious position..........................



29-10-2012: UN Envoy Says Syria Conflict 'Bad and Getting Worse'



"The situation is bad and getting worse," Brahimi told reporters, lamenting that a truce he had helped broker over the Eid al-Adha holiday had collapsed.......................


Russia has blamed the rebels for the failure to contain the violence, with Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov charging that "the opposition foiled the ceasefire," making clear its "intent to continue violence.....................




29-10-2012: Damascus car bombings as Syria 'ceasefire' ends



Women and children were among the victims of the two attacks in the south of the city....................


The situation is bad and getting worse," he told reporters in Moscow after talks with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.....................


Mr Lavrov said that the opposition's allies in the West and in the Middle East should realise that without dialogue with the Syrian government no solution would be found...................


At least 110 people - including 39 civilians, 34 rebel fighters and 35 security forces personnel - were killed on Sunday....................




27-10-2012: Car bomb in front of a Syrian Orthodox church



A car bomb exploded this morning in front of the only Syrian Orthodox Church in the town of Deir Ezzor in eastern Syria, damaging it severely. According to local sources, the victims of the attack are five people who were in a restaurant near the church........................




27-10-2012: Al Qaeda's Zawahri calls for kidnap of Westerners



Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri has called on Muslims to kidnap Westerners, join Syria's rebellion and to ensure Egypt implements sharia.....


In his new message, he called on Muslims to ensure Egypt's revolution continued until sharia law was implemented and urged fellow Muslims to join the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad in Syria...................




26-10-2012: A bomb during Father Fadi Haddad's funeral, "martyr of reconciliation and harmony"


A bomb exploded this morning during Fr. Fadi Jamil Haddad’s funeral, the Orthodox priest who was kidnapped and found dead yesterday in Damascus...........................................



26-10-2012: Saudi preacher calls for "urgent" action to stop Syria bloodshhed



The imam of Mecca's Grand Mosque called on Arabs and Muslims on Friday to take "practical and urgent" steps to stop bloodshed in Syria that has killed some 30,000 people, and urged world states to assume their moral responsibility towards the conflict...............


"The world should take moral and legal responsibility against the massacres and the oppression that the Syrian people are subjected to as well as the continuing violations in Palestine," Taleb, one of the most senior clerics in the kingdom, said.........................




25-10-2012: The Orthodox priest kidnapped in Damascus found dead



The body of the Greek-Orthodox priest Fr. Fadi Jamil Haddad, pastor of the church of St. Elias in Qatana, was found today in the Jaramana neighborhood (north of Damascus) not far from the place where he was kidnapped, on October 19, by unidentified armed group......................................




25-10-2012: NATO Using Al Qaeda Rat Lines to Flood Syria With Foreign Terrorists



2007-2008 US West Point reports reveal Al Qaeda network behind NATO's so-called "freedom fighters." Extremists in Syria were behind Iraq War foreign terrorist influx, not Syrian government...............................


What Fares actually revealed however, was an invisible state within Syria, one composed of Saudi-aligned, sectarian extremism, operating not only independently of the government of President Assad, but in violent opposition to it................


The first report, "Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq," was extensively cited by historian and geopolitical analyst Dr. Webster Tarpley in March of 2011, exposing that NATO-backed "pro-democracy" rebels in Libya were in fact Al Qaeda's Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), listed by the US State Department, United Nations, and the UK Home Office (page 5, .pdf) as an international terrorist organization........................


But Libya's foreign fighters weren't drawn equally from across the nation. They predominately emanated from the east (Cyrenaica), precisely where the so-called 2011 "pro-democracy revolution" also began, and where most of Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi's attention had been focused over the course of at least three decades, fighting militant extremists..............................


Abdulhakim Belhadj, head of the Tripoli Military Council and the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, "met with Free Syrian Army leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey," said a military official working with Mr Belhadj. "Mustafa Abdul Jalil (the interim Libyan president) sent him there.................................




24-10-2012: Foreign fighters worry - and boost - Syrian rebels



The presence of foreign Islamic militants battling Syria's regime is raising concerns over the possible injection of al-Qaida's influence into the country's civil war.....


Nothing typifies the dilemma more than Jabhat al-Nusra, a shadowy group with an al-Qaida-style ideology whose fighters come from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the Balkans and elsewhere. Many are veterans of previous wars who came to Syria for what they consider a new "jihad" against Assad......................


Jabhat al-Nusra is the largest grouping of foreign jihadis in Syria, and the rebels say they number about 300 fighters in Aleppo, as well as branches in neighboring Idlib province, the city of Homs and the capital Damascus..................


Jabhat al-Nusra has claimed responsibility for a string of suicide bombings, including several in Damascus. It unleashed an Oct. 3 suicide blast in Aleppo that killed more than 30 people, targeting a square where pro-regime fighters congregated................




24-10-2012: Syrian bombardments create new refugee wave



In the past two days, 700 tents have been erected in a sprawling olive grove on a hill just inside Syria and all of them have already been claimed............


Fighters trying to topple President Bashar al-Assad have seized the strategic town Maarat al-Numan along the north-south highway, the army's main supply route, as well as several military positions..........................




24-10-2012: Russia: Syria rebels have US-made weapon



We have reliable information that Syrian militants have foreign portable anti-aircraft missile systems, including those made in the USA... it should be cleared up who delivered them..................


The UN says that more than 18,000 people have died so far in the uprising against Bashar al-Assad's government...........................




22-10-2012: Border clashes offer Turkey chance to deal with Kurds in Syria



Close to 250 tanks were deployed to locations in Turkey's Sanliurga, Mardin and Gaziantep provinces................


But there are other subtle reasons for these military deployments..........................


Militancy from Kurdish separatist groups in the region is on the rise. Turkey is exploring new ways of dealing with them and Syrian bombardments might inadvertently assist Ankara in this..................


Mr Erdogan may take advantage of a political vacuum in Syria to strike at Kurdish militants living in eastern Syria to help secure his political position in the future...........................


Even though Ankara has not yet seen fit to intervene openly in the on-going, messy internecine Syrian upheaval, Turkey is reportedly facilitating the delivery of weaponry and supplies to the Syrian rebels.................


The PKK is a separatist armed organisation based throughout Syria, Turkey and northern Iraq. Just last week leader Murat Karayilan emphatically denied there were fighters operating in Syria on behalf of the regime against the rebels, although this is hard to believe.....................




22-10-2012: Syria rebels pounded, clashes in Damascus, Aleppo



On the northeastern outskirts of Damascus, clashes erupted when troops tried to storm the rebel-controlled town of Harasta...........


In Aleppo, one rebel was killed in the central Midan district at dawn on Monday, while clashes continued through the morning in the southwest rebel district of Salaheddin, Izaa in the north and the Old City in the centre....................


Maaret al-Numan, a strategic town in the northwest province of Idlib on the Aleppo-Damascus highway, has been the scene of intense fighting since it fell to rebels on October 9, severing a key army supply route.........................


More than 34,000 people have been killed since the revolt against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad broke out in March 2011, according to the watchdog................................




19-10-2012: In Syria, Sunni rebels besiege Shiite villages



Anyone who tries to slip out of the Shiite villages of Zahraa and Nubl is risking his life. Sunni rebel snipers stand ready to gun down anyone who dares..................................


The bitterness and reprisals between neighbors illustrate how the civil war has torn apart the longtime coexistence among ethnic and religious groups in Syria.........................................


The tears in the social fabric are nationwide. Syria's multiple sects, religions and ethnicities long coexisted - not always completely in tune, but usually more harmoniously than in neighboring Lebanon....................................




17-10-2012: Syrian rebels may have acquired surface-to-air missiles



Other pictures from inside the country appear to show Syrian rebels carrying SA-7 shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles.....................


The SA-7, a heat-seeking missile from the Soviet era, can destroy a plane flying at up to 14,000ft...........................




17-10-2012: Syria’s Christians Wary of Both Rebels and Assad Regime



.................“Many travel abroad, because they are afraid—there is no safety here. The future is unknown.” .........................


...........for example.” Now, many Christians fear the increasing power of the Gulf States, which are arming the rebel fighters. “They have an agenda,” George says. “They support the Islamists like Jabhat al-Nusra...............


..................one of the Christian districts—but the attack lacked precision and hit several Christian homes, he says.....................




16-10-2012: Syrian Terrorists Involved in Illegal Human Organ Trade



The FSA rebels in Syria trade the body organs of the Syrian martyrs whom they abduct and kill. Then, they sell the stolen body organs to organ traffickers at expensive prices, Turkish newspaper Yurt wrote....................


It added that the Syrian citizen underlined that "unknown persons contacted him and offered 300,000 Syrian Pounds in return for handing them the body of his brother who was martyred at the hands of terrorists..............................





16-10-2012: New York Times: Weapons Going to al-Qaeda in Syria



In other words, the CIA and the fanatical Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia and Qatar are supporting and arming al-Qaeda in much the same way they did in Libya. ...............................


In Syria, the Salafi strain of Sunni fanaticism dominates the so-called rebels, according to the International Crisis Group. They “seek to replace the secular regime with an Islamist form of governance” and are mesmerized by al-Qaeda’s “concept of global jihad.”............................


The plan for Syria is almost identical to the one now destroying Libya..........................................


The plan underway in Syria calls for balkanizing the country into Sunni, Alawite-Shiite, Kurdish and Druze enclaves that will act as “a natural ‘buffer’ for Israel against both Sunni and Shi’ite Islamist forces................................................




16-10-2012: Are Foreign Jihadists Gaining Influence Inside the Syrian Rebel Forces?



It is precisely this powerful combination of steadfast discipline and bottomless pockets that has many Syrians and their Western allies worried about jihadists like Mahmoud...........................


Indeed, one of the fundamentalist jihadi sects affiliated with the FSA, known as Jabhat Al Nusra, has been credited with securing many of the FSA’s recent advancements in the North........................................................




16-10-2012: European Muslims hoping to fight in Syria's rebellion raise new fears



For security officials, the fear is that extremists with European passports who are alienated and newly trained to wage war will ultimately take skills learned in Syria and use them back home..............................


Security officials worldwide have watched the aftermath of the Arab Spring with caution, particularly concerned that citizens who join the fight could return home more radicalized and with a new ability to carry out guerilla warfare.................


The radicalization process has already started" in Syria, he said. "If al-Qaida elements don't capitalize on this in Syria, they will do it anywhere they can............................




15-10-2012: Rebel Arms Flow Is Said to Benefit Jihadists in Syria



.............Most of the arms shipped at the behest of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to supply Syrian rebel groups fighting the government of Bashar al-Assad are going to hard-line Islamic jihadists, ....................


That conclusion, of which President Obama and other senior officials are aware from classified assessments of the Syrian conflict that has now claimed more than 25,000 lives.............................


American officials have been trying to understand why hard-line Islamists have received the lion’s share of the arms shipped to the Syrian opposition through the shadowy pipeline with roots in Qatar, and, to a lesser degree, Saudi Arabia.........................




15-10-2012: UPDATE 1-Number of Syrian refugees in Turk camps exceeds 100,000



The number of Syrian refugees housed in camps in southern Turkey has exceeded 100,000, the Turkish disaster management agency (AFAD) said on Monday.......................................


Tensions between Turkey and Syria have risen in the past two weeks because of cross-border shelling, and escalated on Oct. 10 ....................




15-10-2012: The Next Front: Rising tensions on the Turkey-Syria border



14-10-2012: How rent-a-mob jihadis are tormenting a benighted Christian minority in Bashar al-Assad's Syria

A Tory MP says the West has failed its Christian friends under a brutal regime



Now we are witnessing another wave of civilian displacement in the Middle East with hundreds of thousands of Christians being forced to flee  as they are banished from their 2,000 year old homelands in today's remarkable surge in Arabian people power............................


Ethnic cleansing is an ugly phrase, but that's just what is going on right now for Christians in Syria..............................


These fighters, increasingly rent-a-mob Jihadists with no real stake in the affairs of Damascus, do not see the enclaves of Christians as genial neighbours who they have lived alongside for centuries, as many Syrian rebels.................................


The Jihadists  simply see them as representing an infidel faith and have turned their attentions on them in a way that was so much rarer for the Syrian-based rebels................................


What my Syrian Christian constituents fear is that once gone, there will be no coming back. A rebel victory and a harder Islamist regime, may very well not want the return of a pluralist society, with Christians living alongside Shiite and Sunni Muslims as they have since biblical times..........................




12-10-2012: In Spite of Horrific Violence, Syrian Believers Spread the Gospel



.................Their village had been looted and burned. They had escaped with nothing but their lives


As they approach a village, the people know they need to flee or get killed. There is no police protection because all who are loyal to the government are busy fighting...............................


The rebels had approached this village and had begun to kill anyone they found, whether children or adults. These extreme Muslims are killing people like crazy. They killed hundreds in this village, they stole anything they could find of value, and then burned everything to the ground.................................


They were stuck in Syria with roving mobs of fighters looking for people to kill and to steal from........................


I looked around and saw one of the Christian brothers on the ground. He instantly died with his three-year-old daughter in his arms. .......


Today I went back into Syria to see their village. I could only see it from a distance, but all the houses of the village were destroyed. They stole everything and then put explosives in all the houses and burned whatever they could not take with them.........................


12-10-2012: Wave upon wave of wounded strain doctors at hospital in Syria's largest city of Alepp



12-10-2012: Syria's displaced million brace for bleak winter



While 340,000 people have escaped the country and registered as refugees, around 1.2 million have been displaced within Syria.....................


Aid groups say that the approaching winter will deepen the suffering of Syria's homeless ...................................




11-10-2012: Syria, Turkey, Israel and the Greater Middle East Energy War, By F. William Engdahl



There is widespread speculation that the one Syrian mortar that killed five Turkish civilians well might have been fired by Turkish-backed opposition forces intent on giving Turkey a pretext to move militarily, in military intelligence jargon, a ‘false flag’ operation.......


...............................Turkey has become a new center for the Global Muslim Brotherhood.........................


Erdogan’s AKP received a “donation” of $10 billion from the Saudi monarchy, the heart of world jihadist Salafism under the strict fundamentalist cloak of Wahabism.........................................


What has yet to be fully appreciated in geopolitical assessments of the Middle East is the dramatically rising importance of the control of natural gas to the future of not only Middle East gas producing countries, but also of the EU and Eurasia including Russia as producer and China as consumer...........................................


Further adding to Qatar’s determination to destroy the Syria-Iran-Iraq gas cooperation is the discovery in August 2011 by Syrian exploration companies of a huge new gas field in Qara near the border with Lebanon and near to the Russian-leased Naval port of Tarsus on the Syrian Mediterranean..........................................




11-10-2012: Western Countries Sabotage Syria Peace Plans



That is the cradle of Western civilization. That's where Christianity was born. That's where both the New Testament and the Old Testament were written and formulated in Aramaic. And Aramaic is still spoken in Syria....................................


For me, Western values actually come from Mesopotamia. They come from the ancient Aramaic language which is still spoken in Syria.........


If Romney wants to support Western values, it's not by channeling weapons to al-Qaeda and to an opposition which is integrated by terrorists and which, ultimately, these military formations reject what I understand as Western values -- which are the values of the Western world but also of the Middle East.......................................




11-10-2012: Jordan: US forces plan shield against Syria



The Americans, who arrived in the kingdom a few weeks ago at the request of the Jordanians, are helping them develop techniques to protect civilians in case of a chemical attack from neighboring Syria, according to Jordanian officials...................


The fear is that those weapons might otherwise fall into the hands of al-Qaida or Lebanon's Islamic militant group Hezbollah....................


The revelation of U.S. military personnel so close to the Syrian conflict suggests an escalation in the American involvement.................


Jordanian officials have advocated a buffer zone inside the Syrian border to protect civilians fleeing bombardment..........................


Jordan hosts some 200,000 Syrian refugees, more than any other neighboring country.............................




10-10-2012: The FSA hits back against Hezbollah, vows to take the battle all the way to Beirut


“We [vow] to take the battle in Syria to the heart of the [Beirut] southern suburbs if [Hezbollah] does not stop supporting the killer-Syrian regime,” Free Syrian Army spokesman Fahd al-Masri ..............................


Masri stressed that Hezbollah is “deeply involved” in the fighting in Syria and said that the fate of the 13 detained men was “in the hands of [FSA] field commanders.....................




10-10-2012: Who Will the Tribes Back in Syria’s Civil War?



9-10-2012: U.S. Military Is Sent to Jordan to Help With Crisis in Syrian



The United States military has secretly sent a task force of more than 150 planners and other specialists to Jordan to help the armed forces there.....................


American officials familiar with the operation said the mission also includes drawing up plans to try to insulate Jordan, an important American ally in the region, from the upheaval in Syria and to avoid the kind of clashes now occurring along the border of Syria and Turkey...................................................


The Obama administration has declined to intervene in the Syrian conflict beyond providing communications equipment..................


According to the United Nations, Jordan is currently hosting around 100,000 Syrians who have either registered or are awaiting registration...............




8-10-2012: Turkey Already Waging War on Syria



The Turkish military has fired mortar shells into Syria for the fourth day in a row after a number of projectiles slammed into the southern border province of Hatay.......................


Well, this has been a hidden agenda for quite some time. The war on Syria is already de-facto because Turkey is supporting the Free Syrian Army; it's training the rebels; it's allowing for the influx of mercenaries through its territory; it is providing logistics to the terrorists inside Syria; and it has Special Forces also within Syrian territory.......................................




8-10-2012: Turkey-Syria tensions mount



Turkey and Syria fired artillery and mortars across their volatile border for a fifth consecutive day on Sunday...........................


Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu had warned on Saturday that Ankara would respond forcefully to each errant Syrian shell that lands on Turkish soil.........................




8-10-2012: Syria Kurds Get KRG Defense Instruction



There are between 10,000 and 15,000 Kurdish refugees from Syria in Kurdistan. Many of them are young men. It is true that some of them have received training. They have not been trained for attack, but for defense......................




8-10-2012: Escalation on Syria-Turkey border 'extremely dangerous': Ban



The escalation of the conflict along the Syrian-Turkish border and the impact of the crisis on Lebanon are extremely dangerous......


The armed uprising in Syria has increasingly sparked violence on the country's border with NATO member Turkey, with the Turkish military returning fire on Sunday after a shell launched from Syria struck the border village of Akcakale................................


The Turkish parliament last week gave the government the green light to use military force against Syria if necessary.......................



7-10-2012: Turkey-Syria Skirmish: Was it a “False Flag”? Unknown Whether Artillery Came from Rebels or Government (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


6-10-2012: Christians 'emptied from Middle East'



Mother Agnes-Mariam de la Croix was forced to flee to neighbouring Lebanon in June when she was warned of a plot to abduct her, after she revealed that about 80,000 Christians had been "cleared" by rebel forces from their homes in Homs province...................


how Islamist rebels had gathered Christian and Alawi hostages in a building in Khalidiya in Homs. Then they blew it up with dynamite and attributed the act to the regular army.......................


she had noticed growing numbers of "aggressive, armed gangs which wished to paralyse community life, abducting people, beheading, bringing terror even to schools.............................


some are recruited by and affiliated with al-Qa'ida, some have a Muslim Brotherhood background, some are attached to other Islamist factions....................


Mother Agnes-Mariam said some Westerners, "even Christians", were insisting that all Syrians enter dialogue with the Islamist insurgents to form common cause...............................................




5-10-2012: Syria FSA Terrorists Behind “False Flag” Attack against Turkey (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


5-10-2012: Jordanian Salafi groups accuse Saudi Arabia, Qatar of sending suicide bombers Iraq, Syria



The Jordanian Salafi groups accused the Saudi Arabia and Qatar of sending gunmen and suicide bombers to Iraq and Syria....................


Salafi source stated in a press release that “Those who infiltrated into Iraq and Syria are elements related to the Wahhabi sect and they are supported by both Saudi Arabia and Qatar despite the differences between these two countries concerning many issues..........




5-10-2012: Kurdish autonomy in Syria troubling for rebels, Turkey



Here, the PKK is widely lauded as the vanguard of Kurdish nationalism, a movement that has unsettled countries in the area for decades.........


Newly established Kurdish control here presents a quandary for Syria's Sunni Arab-led rebel movement, which has a tense relationship with the Kurds,.....................


But Assad's weakness and possible fall from power present Turkey with an even more dismaying prospect: a swath of northern Syria firmly under control of the PKK...........................


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to attack Kurdish areas of Syria if they become a haven for the PKK, one-third of whose fighters, according to a recent study, are of Syrian origin..........................


Kurdish aspirations for more autonomy, or outright independence, have long perturbed Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran....................


Many Kurds see the rebel Free Syrian Army and its supporters in the Muslim Brotherhood, the pan-Arab political movement, as hostile to their aspirations......................


5-10-2012: Turkey Lied About Syria Taking Responsibility For Attack, Paul Joseph Watson



Turkey lied to the United Nations when it claimed that Syria had apologized and taken responsibility for the mortar attack which led to a de facto declaration of war, increasing the likelihood that the shelling was actually carried out by Turkish-backed FSA rebels..............


This instantly put a dampener on a growing body of evidence to suggest that it was in fact FSA rebels and not Syrian forces who were responsible for the initial attack........................


German news channel ZDF broadcast two separate reports that stated Syrian rebels had taken responsibility for the attack in Akçakale.....


5-10-2012: Turkey-Syria clashes show how quickly civil war can spill over to wider regional conflict



5-10-2012: Turkey says it has no intention for war with Syria, By Patrick J. McDonnell



Turkish officials declared their country does not want to enter a war with Syria........................................


Turkish officials appeared determined to play down any possibility of a war with Syria, despite parliament's approval Thursday of a measure that would allow additional military operations outside Turkish borders...........................................................


But the U.N. is deeply divided about Syria and efforts to craft a statement about the incident had run into objections from various nations, including Russia...................................................................................................




4-10-2012: Protesters March Against War in Istanbul as Tension With Syria Escalates



4-10-2012: Turkey must beware the Syrian quagmire



Turkey is in danger of being dragged deeper into the Syrian quagmire.......................................................


The Syrian democratic movement transmuted from a civil opposition to one of armed rebellion, with a number of groups – including Salafist jihadists armed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar – engaging in ruthless confrontation with the state's security forces, leading to the loss of thousands of lives.................................


Turkey's active support for the anti-Assad rebels has widened its own sectarian divide between the majority Sunnis (who support the predominantly Sunni Syrian rebels) and minority Alevis, who are sympathetic to the Alawite-dominated Assad regime..........................


Kurdish factions in Syria linked to the Kurdistan Workers' party (PKK) now control parts of northern Syria that could become havens for PKK terrorists, including many who have moved out of Iraqi Kurdistan.........................................................


The other major supporters of the Syrian opposition, Saudi Arabia and the US, have the luxury of going "home" and leaving Syria to its fate if the situation there becomes completely anarchic....................................




4-10-2012: West Uses Terrorists in Turkey to Bait Syria





3-10-2012: Al-Qaeda-linked group admits execution of Syrian soldiers



"God enabled … the al-Nusra Front in the city of Aleppo to capture and kill 20… soldiers from the Hanano military post," AFP quoted a statement from the Front as saying on Wednesday...................................




3-10-2012: Syria: Aleppo hit by four car bombs



Aleppo is now split in two with Assad's forces mainly in the west and rebels in the east. Several large protests in support of the president have been held in Saadallah al-Jabiri square........................


Pro-Assad al-Ikhbariya TV showed footage of four dead men, including one dust-covered body being pulled from the rubble of a collapsed building and loaded onto the back of a pickup truck............................




3-102-2012: Syrian refugees in Turkey: Police are forcing us from homes



Turkish police are going house to house in this border province issuing an ultimatum, Syrian refugees say: Either move into a refugee camp or go back to Syria..................................................


At least a half dozen other Syrian refugees have told similar stories of Turkish police ordering them to abandon homes that they have rented here in Turkey........................


But Turkish diplomats estimate there are another 40,000 to 50,000 unofficial Syrian refugees who have chosen to live in Turkey outside of the camps...............




2-10-2012: Russia tells NATO to stay away from Syria



In our contacts with partners in NATO and in the region, we are calling on them not to seek pretexts for carrying out a military scenario or to introduce initiatives such as humanitarian corridors or buffer zones...............................


Moscow says Syrians themselves should decide their fate and says it will veto any Security Council resolution that could serve as a springboard for military intervention.....................................




1-10-2012: Pressure Builds for Full-Scale War on Syria, By Stephen Lendman



Washington will also supply more communication equipment. It “includ(es) satellite-linked computers, telephones, and cameras, as well as training for” opposition elements and supporters, she said........................................


Expect military intervention ahead against both countries. It’s longstanding policy. Post-November 6 elections, it’s coming. All independent governments are vulnerable..........................


Washington, Britain, France, Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and perhaps other imperial allies have been arming, funding, training, and directing them. They’re responsible for thousands of deaths. Assad’s doing his best to restore peace. He faces stiff headwinds................


“We hold Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who provide militants weapons to kill civilians, military personnel and journalists, responsible for killing Maya....................................




1-10-2012: Syria crisis: Aleppo's historic souk burns as violence continues - Monday 1 October 2012



30-9-2012: Anglo-American 1957 Secret Plan to Assassinate the Syrian President. Déjà Vu, By Prof Michel Chossudovsky



[in 1957] Britain and America sought a secretive “regime change” in another Arab country they accused of spreading terror and threatening the west’s oil supplies, by planning the invasion of Syria and the assassination of leading figures........................................


23-9-2012: Turkey, vehicle for Western aggression against Syria: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir)


I think Erdogan is trying to develop a distraction from the fact that the military in Turkey is extremely angry because of the recent trials and sentencing of many high military officials.


And I think he’s whipped up this ‘war scare’ in order to wrap himself up in the Turkish flag and put forth a military posture to keep the military occupied. ………………..


Erdogan has provided a sanctuary for the cross border attacks by terrorists and huge flows of arms are going across.


I think the resentment of many, many Turks and I don’t mean only the Alawites, but Turks that Turkey has become a vehicle for Western aggression against Syria and the fact that there are tens of thousands now of refugees that are affecting the life of many, many Turks that live in the border regions and even beyond……………….




28-9-2012: Why Qatar wants to invade Syria



Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani called for an Arab coalition of the willing-style invasion of Syria, no less.....................


Every shisha house in the Middle East knows that Doha, Riyadh and Ankara have been weaponizing/financing/providing logistical help to the various strands of the armed Syrian opposition engaged in regime change....................


Even before Prashad concludes his investigation, it's clear what Qatar is aiming at; to kill the US$10 billion Iran-Iraq-Syria gas pipeline, a deal that was clinched even as the Syria uprising was already underway.............................




27-9-2012: Press TV Journalist Killed By Sniper Was Investigating Turkey Sending Al-Qaeda Terrorists Into Syria, Christof Lehmann



Wednesday morning the renown journalist Maya Naser was shot dead by a sniper while he was reporting from the scene of two bomb blasts in central Damascus...............................


Journalists are frequently targeted by the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the variety of radical Islamist terrorist organizations which have been attracted to Syria since the onset of the attempted subversion in March 2011. The timing of the assassination indicates that Maya Naser may have been targeted because he came dangerously close to revealing serious war crimes of the Turkish government..........................................


In at least one incident a journalist has been shot dead by FSA troops in an attempt to scapegoat the Syrian military...............................


In several well documented cases, Al Jazeera employees were directly involved in provoking or organizing the violence which was than broadcasted to defame the Syrian military and government..............................................


Knowing what Maya Naser has been investigating during the last days of his life gives a clear indication of which images the FSA and the Turkish government want to control..............................................


Maya Naser confirmed that thousands of insurgents have been infiltrated into Syria via Turkey over the last few weeks. He also confirmed that some of the SAM-7 missiles which recently had been shipped from Libya, via Turkey had begun appearing in the hands of insurgents in Syria........




21-9-2012: West tests double standards on Syria, Konstantin Garibov



19-9-2012: The Friends of Syria: whose foes are they? Pyotr Iskanderov



So, the West claims that all it wants is to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe in Syria and enhance democracy there, but the very nature of the anti-Assad coalition makes doubt these good intentions..................................



20-9-2012: The Neocons’ Project for the New American Century: “American World Leadership” – Syria next to Pay the Price? By Felicity Arbuthnot



19-9-2012: Human Rights Watch: “Syrian Rebels” Guilty of Torture, Murder; By Tony Cartalucci



With evidence and admissions emerging that the so-called “Syrian rebels” are in fact Libyan terrorists, armed, funded, and flown in by NATO to cross into Syria and attack government troops, organizations like Human Rights Watch have faced deteriorating legitimacy, even with watered-down admissions like their most recent report titled, “Syria: End Opposition Use of Torture, Executions.” ............................


Human Rights Watch also acknowledged that those carrying out the atrocities are indeed the same groups being financed and armed by Western nations, and “urged countries assisting opposition groups to condemn publicly the human rights and humanitarian law abuses by those groups.....


Later that month, some 600 Libyan terrorists would be reported to have entered Syria to begin combat operations and as recently as last month, CNN, whose Ivan Watson accompanied terrorists over the Turkish-Syrian border and into Aleppo, revealed that indeed foreign fighters were amongst the militants, particularly Libyans.................................




18-9-2012: Turkey Facilitates Relocation of Al Qaeda Terrorists from Northern Pakistan to Syria


Turkey’s national air carrier, Turkish Air, has been transiting Al-Qaeda and Taliban militants from North Waziristan in Pakistan to the Turkish borders with Syria, sources revealed on Saturday, mentioning that the last group were flown to Hatay on a Turkish Air Airbus flight No. 709 on September 10, 2012.....................


The Turkish intelligence agency sent 93 Al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists from Waziristan to Hatay province near the border with Syria on a Turkish Air Airbus flight No. 709 on September 10, 2012 and via the Karachi-Istanbul flight route,” the source told FNA on Saturday, adding that the flight had a short stop in Istanbul........


He said the Saudi and Qatari regimes serve as interlocutors to facilitate the CIA and MI6 plans in Syria through instigating terrorist operations by Salafi and Arab Jihadi groups, adding that the terrorists do not know that they actually exercise the US plans...........


Turkey has also been misusing extremist Salafis and Al-Qaeda terrorists to intensify the crisis in Syria and it has recently augmented its efforts in this regard by helping the new Al-Qaeda branch set up a camp in Northern Waziristan in Pakistan to train Al-Qaeda and Taliban members as well as Turkish Salafis and Arab Jihadis who are later sent to Syria for terrorist operations,” said the source




18-9-2012: Syria’s Secular and Islamist Rebels: Who Are the Saudis and the Qataris Arming?



....The two Gulf powerhouses are no longer on the same page when it comes to determining who among the plethora of mushrooming Syrian rebel groups should be armed. The rift surfaced in August, with the alleged Saudi and Qatari representatives in charge of funneling free weaponry to the rebels clearly backing different factions among the groups......................


And yet, as TIME reported in June, a secretive group operates something like a command center in Istanbul, directing the distribution of vital military supplies believed to be provided by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and transported with the help of Turkish intelligence to the Syrian border and then to the rebels..........................


The Qataris want to focus on aiding the regional military councils, FSA groupings within Syria set up earlier this year partly in order to get around the favoritism of the representatives....................


To complicate things further, the Qataris reportedly have strong ties to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, while the Saudis “don’t want any ties to anything called Muslim Brothers,.....................


Still, the Brotherhood is only one of the many Islamist groups operating in Syria. Some, like the Salafi group Ahrar al-Sham, are not strictly part of the FSA, although in Idlib the group is part of the military council and therefore gets a smattering of support from the Istanbul control center as well. It’s a reflection of the fact that in most cases, in Idlib at least, rebel offensives are joint operations between groups of FSA fighters, Islamists, Salafists and even the extremist Jabhat al-Nusra group that some claim has ties to al-Qaeda. The bulk of Ahrar al-Sham’s substantial funding reportedly comes from Kuwait...................




18-9-2012: Rebels Despair That Anti-American Protests Overshadow Syrian Struggle,



18-9-2012: Syria’s Secular and Islamist Rebels: Who Are the Saudis and the Qataris Arming?, By Rania Abouzeid / Idlib province



.....................disorder and distrust plague two of the rebels’ international patrons: Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The two Gulf powerhouses are no longer on the same page when it comes to determining who among the plethora of mushrooming Syrian rebel groups should be armed. The rift surfaced in August, with the alleged Saudi and Qatari representatives in charge of funneling free weaponry to the rebels clearly backing different factions among the groups — including various shades of secular and Islamist militias — under the broad umbrella that is the Free Syrian Army (FSA)


It claims its territory is not being used to do so. And yet, as TIME reported in June, a secretive group operates something like a command center in Istanbul, directing the distribution of vital military supplies believed to be provided by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and transported with the help of Turkish intelligence to the Syrian border and then to the rebels. Further reporting has revealed more details of the operation, the politics and favoritism that undermine the task of creating a unified rebel force out of the wide array of groups trying to topple the Assad regime..................


According to sources who have dealt with him, Saudi Arabia’s man in the Istanbul control center is a Lebanese politician named Okab Sakr. He belongs to the Future Movement, the organization of former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri, which has a history of enmity with Damascus...............



17-9-2012: Syrian rebels 'torturing detainees',



Members of Syria’s armed opposition have subjected detainees to torture and committed summary executions, an international human rights group has said.......................


Meanwhile, an independent UN panel has confirmed that an increasing number of “foreign elements” are now operating in Syria.........



15-9-2012: In Turkey, Alawite sect sides with Syria's Assad, By ,



Although Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has thrown his support behind the Syrian rebels in their armed uprising against Assad, the Turkish street is revealing itself to be more divided about what is happening in Syria and along its borders.........................


“We are sure there are foreign fighters here, all the extremists and all the terrorists,” said Ali Yeral, a prominent religious leader of the Alawite sect in the southern Turkish city of Antakya. “They spend the day drinking tea, and at night they cross the border to kill our relatives” in Syria...........


“They are Libyans, Saudis, Syrians. They are all terrorists. And they say to our girls, ‘I will have you in my bed and your father’s villa will be mine.........................


Feeling the heat, the Turkish government last week quietly announced that it would begin to ask Syrians without passports to enter camps and those with passports to move away from the border.....................



14-9-2012: Christians take up arms in Aleppo; By Ruth Sherlock & Carol Malouf



Everybody is fighting everybody," said George, an Armenian Christian from the city. "The Armenians are fighting because they believe the FSA are sent by their Turkish oppressors to attack them, the Christians want to defend their neighbourhoods, Shabiha regime militia are there to kill and rape, the army is fighting the FSA...............................


For the past six weeks, up to 150 Christian and Armenian fighters have been trying to prevent Free Syrian Army rebels from entering Christian heartland areas of Aleppo...............................


"The FSA were hiding in Farhat Square in Jdeideh. The church committees stormed in and cleansed the area. Then the Syrian army joined us. They claimed the victory on State television," said George, who like many Christian refugees is too scared to give his full name. "The rebels were threatening the churches.......................................



13-9-2012: Syria Disinformation Campaign: Social Media Circulates Fake Documents


According the Syrian News Agency SANA, Western media outlets and online social media sites are circulating fake documents which they claim to have obtained from the Syrian government sources. Fake documents of letters and correspondence are being circulated on the internet


13-9-2012: Syria war refugees tell tearful Angelina Jolie of burnt bodies, By Suleiman Al-Khalidi



The United Nations is in the process of registering more than 250,000 refugees from the 17-month-old conflict in four neighbouring countries, with more than 100,000 arriving in August alone - 85,000 of those in Jordan.....................


13-9-2012: Christians fear violent backlash from Syria uprising, By Dominic Evans



"The future is full of fear," said one man who gave only his first name, Rami. "We hope our fate will not be that of the Christians of Iraq, but nothing is guaranteed. Now we meet in church rather than cafes because we're afraid of being bombed.................................


Syria's Christians, who make up less than 10 percent of the 23 million population, include Greek Orthodox, Syriac Orthodox, Maronite and Melkite Greek Catholic faithful.


Already thousands have left, part of a larger tide of displaced Syrians escaping the conflict in which opposition groups say 27,000 people have died


"Syrian society needs Christians and this is what we want to stress to our children - that however hard the situation, they should be patient," said Gregorius Lahham, the Greek Melkite Patriarch of Antioch, in Turkey..................................................................................



13-9-2012: Ethnic Cleansing of Syrian Christians, by Bio



ongoing ethnic cleansing of Christians” by al-Qaeda-linked Islamist militant groups in the embattled Syrian city of Homs.....................


According to reports by Barnabas Aid, a relief agency assisting Syrian Christians, the forced Christian exodus from Homs has been ongoing since the beginning of February when armed Islamists murdered more than 200 Christians, “including entire families with young children..................


Unfortunately, Islamist attacks against Syria’s Christian community, including kidnappings and murder, have occurred almost from the onset of the popular uprising against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad which began in March 2011.............................


Unhappily, these sectarian attacks on Christians have sparked fears that Syria could become like Iraq, where church attacks, kidnappings and forced expulsions by armed Islamist militant groups after the US invasion in 2003 drove Iraq’s Christian population from 1.4 million to less than 300,000 today...............................


That terrorist reach was on display recently when the Al-Nusra Front, a front group for al-Qaeda in Iraq according to US intelligence officials, claimed responsibility for a double suicide bombing in Damascus that killed 27 and wounded more than 100......................................



13-9-2012: Syrian Islamist opposition casts out Christians


The Christian minority in Syria is facing a growing threat and thousands are being forced to flee their homes as they face harassment and discrimination from radial Islamist factions of the opposition.........................................


The areas controlled by the opposition are witnessing the rise of radical forms of Sunni Islam with the extremists not willing to live in peace with the Christians. Many of these gangs and armed groups operate independently of the Free Syrian Army, which rejects such kinds of discrimination against minorities..............................................



13-9-2012: Syrian atrocity: Bodies of postal workers thrown from roof


A horrific amateur video appeared on YouTube, apparently showing an atrocity against public service workers in Syria. The footage displays a crowd of people callously throwing the bodies of slain postal workers from a post office rooftop..........................


RT’s correspondent on the ground Oksana Boyko reports that around one-and-a-half million of the country's civil employees have now become targets. Doctors, teachers and municipal workers risk kidnapping or assassination for simply doing their jobs.....


Also in August, a militant Islamist group claimed responsibility for the execution of Syrian state TV host Mohammed al-Saeed. Al-Saeed was kidnapped on July 19 of this year................................


­UK-based journalist and broadcaster Neil Clark says the violence carried out by rebels turns ordinary Syrians away from the opposition. If previously rebels were believed to have had all the support, “it is the other way around now.............................



12-9-2012: Why didn't CNN's international arm air its own documentary on Bahrain's Arab Spring repression,



12-9-2102: Former Reporter Amber Lyon Exposes Massive Censorship At CNN, Michael Krieger



11-9-2012: Syrian Christians in 2-week blockade by rebel fighters, residents desperate



An estimated 12,000 people have spent two weeks blockaded in the Christian town of Rableh, Syria, near Homs in the south. Experiencing a shortage of food and medical supplies, residents could not leave as rebel snipers were shooting at them................


Snipers were waiting for those who thought about leaving the town in search for food. Those who dared to leave in search for food were shot at. Three men who made attempts to leave the disaster zone were shot dead, informed the charity’s representative Father Waldemar Cislo from Beirut...................


11-9-2012: Aramean sister Miriam: 'External Syrian opposition wants military intervention due to lack of popular support'



The opposition inside Syria opposes foreign intervention, while some leaders of the external opposition – who left the country decades ago and lack popular support – see intervention as a way to return, argues Agnes Mariam, a local Christian leader.........


Those civilians, without any political position, they were telling us stories that were contrary to what we saw on the television...........


In the beginning, we did not even know who all those people were. They were one of the unidentified armed gangs. We didn’t know who they were, but they were spreading chaos, disorder, killings and abductions. They knew many kinds of methods to destabilize a country. and also how to implement a kind of preparation for a civil war..............................



10-9-2012: US Sponsored “Islamic Fundamentalism”: The Roots of the US-Wahhabi Alliance, By Benjamin Schett



Wahhabi ideology serves U.S. interests for several reasons. Its followers’ archaic perception of society makes them reject any kind of progressive social change. Therefore they are well equipped to push back socialist, secular or nationalist movements, whose independence-oriented policies are a threat to America’s geopolitical agenda.....................................


.......................Due to this strengthened Shiʿite representation, American activities in the Middle East in recent years have been almost exclusively directed against Shiʿite interests. ..........................


In the case of Syria, President Bashar Al-Assad (an ally of Iran) and the secular Syrian society particularly evoke the hatred of extremists................


It is therefore worth examining the background of these enemies of secularism, multi-faith society and progress. Wahhabism is a puritanical branch of Sunni Islam that was founded in the middle of the 18th Century by Muhammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab, a theologian who propagated holy war and the “purification” of Islam............................................


In the second half of the 19th century, British imperialism discovered the house of Al Saud as a potentially useful ally in its attempt to gain influence in the Middle-East..................................


Currently, Syria’s secular, multi-ethnic and multi-faith society is being targeted by these very same forces, as well as reactionary regimes belonging to the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and Turkey.........................




10-9-2012: Western Intervention in Syria Creates Bloodshed and Civil War


France has taken the responsibility for supplying Syrian rebels with money and artillery on behalf of the US, which is not interested in soiling their hands before Novembers presidential elections, professor Engdahl told RT...................



10-9-2012: ASIA/SYRIA - Over 12 thousand Christian faithful "starving" in the village of Rableh: humanitarian law is invoked



Over 12 thousand faithful Greek-Catholics are trapped in the village of Rableh, west of Qusayr, in the area of Homs. Food is scarce, the faithful are living on "bread and water", medicine is lacking to treat the sick and wounded. This is the alarm raised by local sources of Fides that invoke respect for humanitarian law, that confirm what the international press is reporting on the situation in Rableh..................................


....................told Fides that a few days ago three young men of the village were killed by snipers: George Azar 20 years old, another 21 years old, Elias Tahch Semaan, 35 years old, married and father of four children.............................


10-9-2012: Syrian patriarch: religious freedom ‘only exists on paper’ in region, by Jurgen Liminski



The west's attitude to the Syrian conflict was described as "hypocrisy" and sharply criticised by the Patriarch of the Syriac Catholic Church in Beirut, Ignatius Ephrem Joseph III. "For many governments it's merely a matter of economic interests. They don't really care about the fate of the Christians in the Middle East...................................................................


We are being put under pressure by those who wish to recognise only one single religion. We Christians do not demand any special rights; we only want the same rights as everybody else. We want freedom of conscience, ...............................


But in doing this they are risking their lives. Where is the freedom of religion there? Islam does not tolerate a change of faith. There is a similar situation in Turkey. There you can see what follows when freedom only exists on paper. ........................................


"Permit me to speak quite frankly. There's a lot of hypocrisy in all this. For many governments it's merely a matter of economic interests. They don't really care about the fate of the Christians in the Middle East. Otherwise they would advocate equality before the law and the observance of human rights for all,..........................



9-9-2012: Syria jihadist fighters and mercenaries eye formation of Islamic State



Foreign Islamists intent on turning Syria into an autocratic theocracy have swollen the ranks of rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad and think they are waging a “holy war”, a French surgeon who treated fighters in Aleppo has said.........................



8-9-2012: France takes the lead with aid for Syrian rebels



7-9-2102: Turkey Supports Terrorism: Erdogan scores own-goal on Syria crisis, By Finian Cunningham



Ironically, at the same time that Erdogan was denouncing Syria as a “terrorist state,” some 400 members of the self-styled Free Syrian Army were gathering in Turkey’s Hatay Province for a three-day summit. The agenda? How to sharpen their campaign of terror on Syria to overthrow the government in Damascus.......................


Turkey has provided the criminal war effort with land bases, logistics and surveillance, personnel training and weapons, including anti-aircraft missiles, according to recent reports........................


The so-called Free Syrian Army, which is now reportedly re-branding itself as the Syrian National Army in part to distance itself from these atrocities, may include nationals and defectors, such as the former general Mohammed al-Haj Ali and colonel Riad al-Asaad, but the ranks are brimming with mercenaries from several countries affiliated with Western and Saudi-backed Sunni extremists, such as the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group and the mercurial al-Qaeda........................................


This means that Turkey and its NATO allies, the US, Britain, France and Germany, along with the Saudi, Qatari and Israeli arms suppliers, are co-conspirators in an unprovoked, criminal war of aggression against a sovereign state. In short, state terrorism.........................


Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for one, therefore stands accused of having very serious blood on his hands. He is liable to face charges of state terrorism and complicity in causing the deaths of thousands of civilians..............................



7-9-2012: West Seeks Destruction of Syrian Nation



It is well-understood that this is not a civil war; this is a war of aggression where forces of some NATO countries have entered the country; I am talking about elite SAS, MI6, US CIA, French and American forces, forces from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, mercenaries... the aggressors are the NATO countries and the FSA [the so-called Free Syrian Army] terrorists are their foot soldiers...............................



6-9-2012: Jihadists join Aleppo fight, eye Islamic state, surgeon says



Foreign Islamists intent on turning Syria into an autocratic theocracy have swollen the ranks of rebels fighting to topple President Bashar al-Assad and think they are waging a "holy war", a French surgeon who treated fighters in Aleppo has said............


The foreign jihadists included young Frenchmen who said they were inspired by Mohammed Merah, a self-styled Islamist militant from Toulouse, who killed seven people in March in the name of al-Qaeda...............


"Some of them were French and completely fanatical about the future," ..................




6-9-2012: Iran sends elite troops to aid Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, By , Defence Editor



Intelligence officials believe the increased Iranian support has been responsible for the growing effectiveness of the Assad regime's tactics in forcing anti-government rebel groups on the defensive............................


Iran's support for pro-regime forces in Syria, particularly the supply of arms and ammunition, is making a vital contribution to the regime's fightback against rebel forces, who only a few weeks ago were threatening to overrun the Syrian capital....................................



6-9-2012: Putin defiant on Syria, calls Romney 'mistaken



Russian leader accuses "somebody" of using al-Qaida in Syria, facetiously says US should allow Guantanamo inmates into Syria...........


..................and suggested Western nations were relying on groups such as al-Qaida to help drive President Bashar Assad from power...................


..........Why should only Russia re-evaluate its position?" he said. "Maybe our partners in the negotiation process should re-evaluate their position...........................................

"Today somebody is using al-Qaida fighters or people from other organizations with the same extreme views to achieve their goals in Syria," Putin said. "This is a very dangerous and short-sighted policy."



5-9-2012: West seeks destruction of Syrian nation: Analyst (http://www.presstv.ir/)


It is well-understood that this is not a civil war; this is a war of aggression where forces of some NATO countries have entered the country; I am talking about elite SAS, MI6, US CIA, French and American forces, forces from Saudi Arabia and Qatar, mercenaries and this reality is simply not acknowledged by the United Nations Secretary General and it is to be hoped that the new Syria envoy Lakhdar Brahimi will address that but it seems that he is toeing the line because in fact, he is also being appointed by the aggressors. The aggressors are the NATO countries and the FSA [the so-called Free Syrian Army] terrorists are their foot soldiers………………….




5-9-2012: Sleeping With the Devil: How U.S. and Saudi Backing of Al Qaeda Led to 9/11



Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today’s war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world........................


By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation.......................


In other words, if the U.S. and our allies hadn’t backed the radical violent Muslims instead of more stable, peaceful groups in the Middle East, radical Islam wouldn’t have grown so large............................


Nothing Has Changed … We’re STILL Backing Terrorists to Carry Out Geopolitical Goals....................................




5-9-2012: Dirty War on Syria: How the FSA Massacred Citizens of Daraya



..................TV has broadcast eyewitness reports of the massacre perpetrated by the FSA before the Army arrived. Armed gangs roamed the streets, sniping and trying to get into homes. Multiple witnesses testified they did not dare to leave their homes until the Army arrived. One witness tells how civilians were rounded up and shot.....................


The whole operation was evidently coordinated and tailor-made for the MEDIA -- the warmongerers of yellow journalism. The time has come to rename the MSM, or Mainstream Media, as the MMM -- the Mass Murdering Media. Its purpose, to get NATO members to agree on a strike against Syria....................................


So they shipped foreign jihadists, dupes and mercenaries into Syria to destabilize the country, while the Mass Media continually create the ILLUSION of an uprising, harping on "opposition," "protesters," "civil war" and "democracy."..........................



1-9-2012: Al Qaeda Blitzkrieg: West’s Terror Battalions Eye Russia Next,  by Tony Cartalucci



Just like in Syria, where foreign terrorists are fallaciously portrayed as indigenous, justified “pro-democracy” “freedom fighters,” a similar narrative is being spun to whitewash terrorists operating in Russia’s Caucasus Mountains. In Reuters’ recent report, “Insight: Brutality, anger fuel jihad in Russia’s Caucasus,” readers are barraged by outright lies regarding the genesis and underlying cause of violence in the region..................................


Like in Syria, where we are constantly reassured that the revolution “mostly” rejects the sectarian extremism that is demonstrably charging the violence, Reuters attempts to claim that while the violence in Russia seems “religious,” most people reject the “Shairia law” that will inevitably be imposed by Al Qaeda.............................


In reality, the West is opposed to President Putin’s return to office. The West is also opposed to providing him with the stability to advance Russia socially, economically, and geopolitically outside the Wall Street-London consensus.......................


While US-backed opposition groups attempt to lay the groundwork for demonizing President Putin and the current Russian political order in Moscow, Washington is working diligently to raise a militant threat that can throw off balance Russia’s superior security apparatus in a very similar fashion prescribed by US policy makers in Brookings Institution’s “Which Path to Persia?” report in regards to Iran...................


Libya has become a safe-haven for Al Qaeda, a nation-sized terrorist encampment funneling NATO weapons, cash, and trained fighters to the borders of the West’s enemies. Syria is facing what is essentially a military invasion led by Libyan terrorists, facilitated by NATO, specifically Turkey, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), specifically Saudi Arabia and Qatar.........................




31-8-2012: The remapping of the Middle East, by Claudio Gallo


But it is alarmed at the possibility of a Kurdish enclave being established in Northern Syria, strengthening the prospect of a "Greater Kurdistan" being created in the future. ....................................................


The US and the Gulf states may be grateful for the central role Turkey is playing in the campaign to dislodge the Syrian government but the costs for Turkey have been great.................................


The Kurdish governorate of Iraq is already independent in all but name. It maintains a strong army - officially described as security forces - and increasingly goes its own way whatever the government in Baghdad thinks or wants..................................................................


Barzani has never made any secret of his view that a large slab of eastern Anatolia is "Western Kurdistan". The incorporation of all this territory in a Kurdish state would be his ultimate objective........................................


The repercussions of the collapse of the Syrian state would be so severe that no one could now predict what might come out of the ruins. Such a collapse is not on the agenda for the moment, and it is probable that even the enemies of the Syrian government don't want it because of the uncontrollable spillover effect.................................................



29-8-2012: Al Qaeda and NATO's Pan-Arab Terrorist Blitzkrieg. Terrorists Supported by NATO Target Syria and Algeria. by Tony Cartalucci



With the US now openly arming, supporting, and literally "cheering" Al Qaeda in Syria, it is clear that the "War on Terror" is an unprecedented geopolitical fraud perpetuated at the cost of millions of lives destroyed and an incalculable social and economic toll...............................


NATO's terrorist blitzkrieg across the Arab World will not end in Syria. It will continue, if allowed, into Iran, through the Caucasus Mountains and into Russia, across China's western borders, and even across Southeast Asia. The price for ignorance, apathy, and complicity in supporting the West's so-called "War on Terror" will ironically reap all the horrors and then some in reality, that were promised to us if we didn't fight this "Long War.........................................................



28-8-2012: NY Times Scrubs Mention Of CIA Arming Syrian Rebels, by Paul Joseph Watson



In an article about France urging Syrian rebels to form a provisional government, the New York Times scrubbed a passage which revealed that the CIA was helping funnel arms to rebel groups that have aligned themselves with Al-Qaeda terrorists......................


" American intelligence agents have helped funnel arms to rebel groups"


Despite public claims on behalf of the White House that no weapons are being sent to the rebels, reports that the CIA has been doing precisely that have been circulating for months, including a recent story about CIA spies smuggling 14 stinger missiles into Syria so rebels could defend themselves with ground to air technology............................................


The New York Times’ decision to alter the wording of the article is another example of how NATO-aligned media outlets are concerned about overemphasizing western support for the rebels given their involvement in terrorist attacks and other acts of brutality..........................



27-8-2012: Libya’s Fighters Export Their Revolution to Syria



As rebels in the country struggle to bring down another strongman, hundreds of Libyans have flocked there to help. They have brought their fighting experience to the battle and may even be arranging weapon shipments to the underequipped Syrians..............................


We came to help the Syrians in their fight,” explains a Libyan using the nickname Abu Yusuf, reached by phone in the Syrian province of Aleppo..............


Largely funded by Qatar, the TMC received first-rate weapons and training from the small Persian Gulf emirate. Liwa al-Umma officials refuse to say whether Qatar is funding their activities in Syria, but the brigade has deep pockets....


Within weeks of the successful conclusion of their revolution, Libyan fighters began trickling into Syria. But in recent months, that trickle has allegedly become a torrent, as many more have traveled to the mountains straddling Syria and Turkey, where the rebels have established their bases..........................


The Free Syrian Army sent Khaldun to Libya to coordinate with the interim government there, known as the National Transitional Council. Though he is reluctant to discuss the precise details of his mission and whether the Libyans have sent his fighters weapons, he does admit the Syrians “asked the Libyans for ammunition.......................


Some Syrians are more frank about the assistance the Libyans are providing. “They have heavier weapons than we do,” notes Firas Tamim, who has traveled in rebel-controlled areas to keep tabs on foreign fighters. “They brought these weapons to Syria, and they are being used on the front lines.” Among the arms Tamim has seen are Russian-made surface-to-air missiles, known as the SAM 7............................




24-8-2012: BBC In “War Crime” Cover-Up Controversy, by Paul Joseph Watson


The BBC has dug itself a deeper hole in the aftermath of a censorship controversy which saw the broadcaster pull a video about Syrian rebels forcing a prisoner to become an unwitting suicide bomber................................................


a video clip showing a prisoner being made by Syrian rebels to drive a truck full of explosives to a military checkpoint in Aleppo........................


So in fact yes, the BBC did term the act as a “war crime” and John Williams is being brazenly dishonest........................................


Recall that this is not the first time the BBC has been caught manipulating reporting of events in Syria to push a pro-NATO regime change agenda. Back in May we exposed how the BBC has used a years-old photo of dead Iraqi children to depict victims of an alleged government assault in the town of Houla.....................................................................................................



23-8-2012: Syria Army Recaptures Aleppo Heart as Fighting Rages in Damascus



The Syrian army recaptured three Christian neighborhoods in the historic heart of Aleppo from rebels Thursday but fierce clashes continued in other parts of the main northern city, residents said..............

Rebels had seized control of three Christian quarters of the Old City of Aleppo during the weekend, including Jdeide and Telal, once frequented by tourists for their restaurants and handicraft shops................

The rebel Free Syrian Army had also seized the nearby neighborhood of Sulamaniyeh, most of whose inhabitants are Armenian Christians

The neighborhood is home to some ancient monasteries and a cathedral of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church..............................



23-8-2012: BBC Censors Video Showing Syrian Rebels Forcing Prisoner to Become Suicide Bomber, by Paul Joseph Watson



The BBC has sensationally censored a news story and a video showing Syrian rebels forcing a prisoner to become a suicide bomber, a war crime under the Geneva Conventions...........................

shows Free Syrian Army rebels preparing a bomb that is loaded onto the back of a truck to be detonated at a government checkpoint in the city of Aleppo..............................

It seems clear that the only reason for the video to be removed would be because senior BBC news editors felt the story reflected badly on the propaganda campaign to characterize the Syrian rebels as venerable and proud freedom fighters, when in reality as we have documented they have been guilty of massacres, kidnappings, torture and other acts of brutality.................................



23-8-2012: Fake Media Images: Pictures of Russian Tanks in South Ossetia Deployed in Aleppo



22-8-2012: Syria Christian refugees in Lebanon fear Islamist rebels, by Alexandra Sandels and Patrick J. McDonnell



The rebellion, led by Syria's Sunni Muslim majority, has stirred profound concern among Christians..............................


Among those who have fled into neighboring Lebanon are Christians from the town of Qusair, just across the border in war-ravaged Homs province. They say they were tired of threats and public taunts of being "unbelievers" and "dogs of Assad.................................................


Mindful of the persecution of Christians and the rise of Islamist extremists in neighboring Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein, a secular autocrat like Assad, some Christians here fear that their community will become a similar target...........................................


It seems clear from interviews with Christian refugees here that Qusair — once a thriving provincial city of 40,000, now a largely depopulated battleground for rebels and government troops — became a sectarian-tinged battle front....................................


Inside the revolution, there has been a penetration of clandestine jihadists, extremist groups with a cultural background that allowed them to practice confessional hate," ...................................



22-8-2012: Russia: West 'Instigating' Syrian Opposition


Russia accused Western powers Wednesday of "openly instigating" Syrian opposition groups to take up arms in their fight to unseat President Bashar Assad.....

"Instead, they are engaged in openly instigating it to continue their armed struggle," it said in a statement

It claimed that the Western approach to the Syrian civil is "hypocritical" and is not helping to resolve the conflict that has killed an estimated 19,000 people..............................................................



22-8-2012: Media Coverage of Syrian Violence Partial and Untrue, Mother Agnes Mariam



A NUN who has been superior at a Syrian monastery for the past 18 years has warned that media coverage of ongoing violence in that country has been “partial and untrue”. It is “a fake”, Mother Agnes Mariam said, which “hides atrocities committed in the name of liberty and democracy........................................................................


UN observers in Syria had been “moderate with the rebels and covered for them in taking back positions after the withdrawal of heavy equipment, as seen so tragically in Homs”, she said......................................


The reason the media was being denied easy access to Syria currently was because in the Libyan conflict journalists placed electronic devices for Nato in rooms used at press conferences in that country, she said. “So Syria didn’t want journalists,” she said


21-8-2012: Who is Really Waging War on Syria? by Boris Volkhonsky



German spies, stationed on ships off the Syrian coast, are transmitting intelligence to the FSA to aid in their campaign against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad.......................................

As reported by the Sunday Times, British intelligence on Syrian troop movements is helping rebels launch successful attacks on regime forces. ..................................

The information the rebels get from British intelligence through Turkey enabled them, among other things, to ambush troops and a column of more than 40 tanks in a valley near Saraqib. "We cut them off and destroyed many of them with repeat attacks with rocket-propelled grenades." said the official..................................


German newspaper Bild also revealed that Germany is much more active in Syria than was previously believed............................



20-8-2012: More evidence emerging of Western arms shipments to Syrian opposition - Russian diplomat



"Fresh facts have been emerging lately, including in media reports, that Western-made weapons keep arriving at the Syrian opposition camp through third countries," Gatilov Twitted on Monday.......................................................



20-8-2012: US Desperation Surfaces in Syria. Obama's bizarre threats indicative of losing strategy and increasing desperation, by Tony Cartalucci. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=32425


US-led NATO forces armed, funded, trained, and even provided air support to Syria for Libyan terrorists emanating out of Libya's eastern Cyrenaica region - most notably Benghazi which had served as the premier international terrorist recruiting ground in the world, according to the US Army's Combating Terrorism Center, producing a percentage per capita of militants outstripping even that of Saudi Arabia..............................................................


These very same commanders of this very same listed-terrorist organization would then turn its cash, weapons, and fighters on Syria, as early as November 2011, arriving on the Turkish-Syrian border to enjoy yet another NATO safe haven and logistical networks overseen by Western intelligence along with US funding and arms laundered through Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) members such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia.............................................


With the tactical situation inside Syria deteriorating for Western proxies and international consensus shifting in unprecedented directions against Washington and London, shareholders in the West's latest adventure appear to be making tacit moves to divest their support and protect their own interests, lest they be left with the ignominious results of an increasingly compounding failure.......................................



19-8-2012: Syria at mercy of Western ministers of terrorism, by Finian Cunningham



Murder, sabotage, bribery, contract killings -- and that’s just the behavior of Western political leaders and their Arab allies............................


that the foreign policy of these powers is being conducted by terrorists and thugs in high offices...............................


The latest display of criminality in high office is the call by French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius for the “smashing” of Syria and the killing of its president, Bashar al-Assad..............................


What we are seeing is a descent into barbarism and an open embrace of international lawlessness..............................


Reports and videos, showing that the Western-backed mercenaries of the so-called Free Syrian Army are bolstered by al-Qaeda brigades and other terrorists, have been greeted with barely veiled glee in Washington and European capitals................


However, for those with eyes, when it comes to Syria, the mask of Western pretence at defending international law and human rights has now been ripped off...........................................


In asserting their geopolitical objective over Syria, the Western governments are openly deploying terrorists and killers who supposedly were the reason, why Western governments spent trillions of dollars fighting foreign wars, invading and occupying sovereign countries, destroying millions of innocent lives, incarcerating and torturing thousands, and turning over democratic societies into draconian police states...............................



18-8-2012: Syria: turning back the clock on the Arab Spring, By Ahmad Barqawi



Perhaps one of the most inglorious accomplishments of the western-backed/Gulf-funded Syrian opposition is that it has – and over the course of mere months - managed to inflict such a colossal, irreparable damage to the Syrian people’s future prospects of having a real, homegrown and genuine uprising to bring about positive change in their own country..................................................


In the blink of an eye, the home country in which all Syrians coexisted peacefully and harmoniously together for decades became a place they do not even recognize; reciprocal kidnappings between rival tribes, sects, ethnicities and neighbourhoods have become the order of the day....................

Right from the word go; the entire Alawite population was criminalized outright and deemed guilty by “sectarian association” to president Bashar Al-Assad.................................


Al Jazeera ...................................., is now openly and notoriously championing what amounts to prima facie ethnic cleansing of Alawites in Syria


............................... The Syrian people didn’t ask for a puppet regime aligned with the US. The Syrian people didn’t ask for a crippling economic warfare thinly cloaked as “smart sanctions” against the Assad regime. And they certainly didn’t ask for foreign interventions in their name that will without a doubt have devastating consequences on their own country, leaving it torn, ravished and in tatters..............................................



18-8-2012: Crisis in Syria boosts Kurdish hopes, by Orla Guerin



Kurdish leaders say they now control about half their territory. Kurdish flags have replaced Syrian ones. Kurdish language schools have opened.......




17-8-2012: Thousands flee Syria, Damascus diarrhea outbreak: U.N, Stephanie Nebehay



More than 170,000 Syrians have been registered in the neighboring countries of Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, the U.N. refugee agency said.


Some 3,500 Syrians fleeing the northern areas of Aleppo, Azaz, Idlib and Latakia reached Turkey's Hatay and Kilis provinces between Tuesday and Wednesday, spokesman Adrian Edwards of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said


"There has been a further sharp rise in the number of Syrians fleeing to Turkey," Edwards told a news briefing.


"There are now almost 65,000 Syrians in nine camps in Turkey, though not all yet formally registered. To put this in perspective, about 40 percent arrived in August."

Overnight, more than 1,000 Syrians arrived in Jordan, Edwards said. The UNHCR is working to improve the ratio of people to toilets - currently 40 to one - in Za'atri camp which holds nearly 8,000 of some 47,000 refugees registered in Jordan.




17-8-2012: Saudi Shame on the Islamic World: "The Organisation of Islamic Cooperation with United States Imperialism " by Finian Cunningham, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=32381

These jihadists, who have gravitated to Syria from Britain, Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Iraq, among other countries, are directed by Washington, London and Paris in time-honoured fashion of these powers’ criminal involvement with Islamic fundamentalists under the catch-all nom de guerre of Al Qaeda. They are weaponised by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Israel; they are trained and based by Turkey and Jordan. And their brains are weaponised by Saudi Wahhabism, with all its intolerant pathological hatred to anyone who opposes its tyranny and Western objectives.....................


.Far from promoting solidarity and peace, the OIC has shown itself to be a political instrument serving the geopolitical interests of Washington and its allies in the destruction of Syria and their designs for entrenching hegemonic control over the Middle East. That control is all about exploiting the resources of the region to enrich Western corporations and banks, paying off elite rulers and impoverishing the mass of people........................

The US-led axis is attempting to tear Syria apart by fuelling sectarian bloodshed between Sunni and Shia Muslims, and between Muslims, Christians, Druze and Kurds.........................

In the context of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, this conspiracy of terror and mass murder should be matter of diabolical shame for member states Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Jordan. These supposedly Islamic countries are colluding with the Western powers and their criminal Zionist proxy in the murder of Muslims and other Syrians in the service of imperialist domination of the Middle East...............................................................




16-8-2012: Independent Kosovo, A Pathological Criminal Case of Global Scope (I)



Now Kosovo has become a training center of Syrian militants. The Syrian «opposition» asked the Kosovo Liberation Army for help in April 2012. It promised the recognition of Kosovo by «new Damascus» in return.......................


The instructors are not Albanians only, the export model of Syrian revolution is prepared with the help of CIA operatives, Albanian KLA terrorists and the extremists from Bosnia and Herzegovina....................




16-8-2012: Syrian Archbishop of Aleppo appeals for dialogue, peace



He tells Tracey McClure that the communities under attack are not necessarily sympathisers with the Assad regime but “some of them are sympathising but the problem is that many fighters came from outside and settled in the midst of them. Some of (the fighters) are from these parts but many, many others came from outside Aleppo and perhaps far from Aleppo – from the north, the Turkish borders.............................


Archbishop Jeanbart expresses concern that there are “organizations to find fighters, jihadists, people who want to fight for God and the Islamic cause and that’s why we have fundamentalists coming from Libya, from Jordan, from Egypt, from several other countries, from Afghanistan, even from Turkey. There are plenty of people coming from all these parts of the world. Of course there are (also) fighters from the city, from (Syria)…the Free Syrian Army............................................



16-8-2012: Syria: Proxy War Powder Keg, by Bryce White


Even before the current phase of armed insurgency, Syria was being purposefully destabilized by U.S. State Department-funded groups. The Washington Post discussed this in their article, “U.S. Secretly Backed Syrian Opposition Groups, Cables Released by Wikileaks Show.” [1] The country is just one of the many targeted by the West’s engineered geopolitical ploy of the ‘Arab Spring,’ which swept through the Middle East and north Africa, overturning sovereign states less than compliant to U.S. interests in the region. When demonstrations failed to topple the regime as had happened in Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen, armed groups were inserted by U.S. and NATO planners to instead bring down Damascus through violence


Since April, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and the United States have overtly coordinated financing and material support for the rebels. [2] Saudi Arabia, Qatar and others are admittedly also providing weapons to the rebels via U.S. coordination and logistical support in Turkey and Lebanon. [3] Lebanon’s March 14 alliance, vehemently anti-Syrian, has also had a hand in supplying weapons to the Syrian rebels. [4] These details had extensive prior documentation, and were then made public as official policy. Even the former focal point of the Arab Spring, Libya, has committed weapons to the insurgency. [5] The Obama administration has also licensed a U.S. group to collect money for arms purchases, [6] effectively allowing the unwitting or nefarious to sponsor bloodshed. In addition, C.I.A. officers are currently stationed in southern Turkey, supplying automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and antitank weapons to the rebels, once again financed by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. [7]


The insurgents crossing into Syria are often not even Syrian nationals, rendering ‘Free Syrian Army’ a misnomer at best and destroying the credibility of their stated goals. Many rebels were previously committed to jihad against NATO forces and Shi’ites in Iraq, and have traversed the border to unleash similar devastation inside Syria. An aide to Iraqi Prime Minister al-Maliki stated, “Al Qaeda that is operating in Iraq is the same as that which is operating in Syria. We are 100 percent sure from security coordination with Syrian authorities that the wanted names that we have are the same wanted names that the Syrian authorities have.” The origin of other fighters include Libya, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Turkey, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Many eyewitnesses have reported the fighters as having foreign dialects, and the bodies of fighters killed in action later have been found burned, in an attempt by others to cover their tracks and conceal their true origins............




15-8-2012: Libyan Terrorists Are Invading Syria, by Tony Cartalucci


To reach Syria, Libyan fighters must cross the Mediterranean Sea and enter via Turkey, or cross Egypt, Israel, and enter via Jordan. The government of Syria has threatened Libya in no conceivable manner, making Libya’s campaign an intolerable act of military aggression. Worst of all, the NATO-installed government in Tripoli has officially approved of supporting military operations in distant Syria..................................


Syrian rebels held secret talks with Libya’s new authorities on Friday, aiming to secure weapons and money for their insurgency against President Bashar al-Assad’s regime, The Daily Telegraph has learned.........................................


NATO-member Turkey is directly complicit in facilitating Libya’s extraterritorial aggression by hosting Libyan fighters within its borders, while coordinating their funding, arming, and logistics as they cross the Turkish-Syrian border. Along Turkey’s borders also facilitating Libya’s invasion of Syria, is America’s CIA.................................................


The US is executing a strategy where a series of specialized proxies are being used to carry out its geopolitical agenda across the Arab World. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are channeling funding and leading diplomatic efforts to ensure the West’s agenda is presented with an “Arab face,” while factions within nations like Lebanon, Turkey, and Libya handle varying degrees of logistical support..........................................................




14-8-2012: Israeli-US Script: Divide Syria, Divide the Rest, by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya



Britain’s Maplecroft, which specializes in consulting on strategic risk, has said that we are witnessing the balkanization of the Syrian state: “Kurds in the north, Druze in the southern hills, Alawites in the coastal northwestern mountainous region and the Sunni majority elsewhere.”


The events in the Middle East and North Africa are seeing the animation of mass movements against local tyrants, like in Bahrain, Jordan, Morocco, and Saudi Arabia, but there is also a vicious script from Israel’s Yinon Plan and its offshoots. The Yinon Plan and similar schemes want a contrived Shitte-Sunni war amongst the Muslims as the central piece of the sectarian divisions - or fitna in Arabic - that are to include Christian-Muslim, Arab-Berber, Arab-Iranian, Arab-Turkish, and Iranian-Turkish animosity


Casualties have begun to mount as Turkish troops and security forces have begun to face attacks. Martial law has also been declared in Hakkari Province according to the Turkish press. Turkey itself now faces its own fight against anti-government forces as it appears unable to rule its own territory. A Turkish opposition MP from the People’s Republican Party has also been kidnapped by the PKK. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan has tried to blame Syria for fighting that has erupted in Turkey’s Kurdish areas, but he omits the fact that the violence in Turkey is a direct result of Turkish interference in Syria. If they already have not, the weapons that Erdogan is sending into Syria will eventually find their way back into Turkey where they will be used by anti-government forces..................................................




13-8-2012: CIA Provides Stinger Missiles to Syrian "Freedom Fighters". Syria’s Parallels with Afghanistan by Deepak Tripathi



The revelation about President Barack Obama’s decision to provide secret American aid to Syria’s rebel forces is a game changer. The presidential order, known as an “intelligence finding” in the world of espionage, authorizes the CIA to support armed groups fighting to overthrow Bashar al-Assad’s government. But it threatens far more than the regime in Damascus...............................................

President Obama’s order to supply CIA aid to anti-government forces in Syria has echoes of an earlier secret order signed by President Jimmy Carter, also a Democrat, in July 1979. Carter’s fateful decision was the start of a CIA-led operation to back Mujahideen groups then fighting the Communist government in Afghanistan.............................

According to NBC News a few days ago, the rebel Free Syrian Army has acquired American Stinger missiles via Turkey, clearly to target Syrian government aircraft. It reminds of President Reagan’s decision in the mid-1980s to supply Stingers to Mujahideen groups for use against Soviet aircraft. ...........................................




12-8-2012: UN Designates "Free Syrian Army" Affiliates as Al Qaeda, by Tony Cartalucci



US, UK, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Turkey stand accused of state sponsorship of terrorism. UN failure to enforce own resolutions will resign their legitimacy, necessitate their expedient removal and replacement with multipolar system..............................

This means that the United States, the UK, NATO, and the Gulf State despots of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are knowingly and willfully funding, arming, and politically backing designated affiliates of Al Qaeda contrary not only to US and British anti-terror legislation, but contrary to numerous UN resolutions as well. Western and Gulf State support of the FSA constitutes state sponsorship of terrorism.......................................


The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without al-Qaeda in their ranks. By and large, Free Syrian Army (FSA) battalions are tired, divided, chaotic, and ineffective. Feeling abandoned by the West, rebel forces are increasingly demoralized as they square off with the Assad regime's superior weaponry and professional army. Al-Qaeda fighters, however, may help improve morale. The influx of jihadis brings discipline, religious fervor, battle experience from Iraq, funding from Sunni sympathizers in the Gulf, and most importantly, deadly results. In short, the FSA needs al-Qaeda now....................................................




11-8-2012: Can Syria's Christians Survive? By BILL SPINDLE and SAM DAGHER



A century ago, the Levant supported a population that was perhaps 20% Christian. Now it is closer to 5%. Syria today hosts vibrant, if dwindling, communities of various ancient sects: Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholics, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholics and Armenian Orthodox..............................................................


The main target of the most sectarian-minded rebels isn't Christians. It is the Alawites, the minority group to which the Assad family belongs. Alawites, who make up about 12% of Syria's population, about the same as Christians, are a heterodox sect that branched off from Islam. They are considered by Muslim extremists to be heretical, far worse than Christians.....................................


11-8-2012: Genesis of US-Saudi "Al Qaeda Frankenstein" in Syria, by Tony Cartalucci



Al Qaeda, by all accounts, is a joint US-Saudi creation, led by a Saudi (Osama bin Laden), and armed and funded by Western arms and cash laundered through Saudi Arabia to maintain both "plausible deniability" for the US, and to maintain a semblance of credibility for Al Qaeda militants across the Muslim World............


The Telegraph reported even earlier, in November 2011, that Al Qaeda's LIFG commander Abdul Hakim Belhaj had personally visited the Turkish-Syrian border to pledge cash, weapons, and fighters toward efforts in subverting Syria. Also in late 2011, reports that Libyan fighters, at least 600 of them, had already made their way to Syria began surfacing. As early as April 2011, the role of Al Qaeda in violence playing out all across the US-engineered "Arab Spring" was covered in Dr. Webster Tarpley's "Al Qaeda: Pawns of CIA Insurrection from Libya to Yemen," where Syria was specifically mentioned as targeted by the West's supra-regional campaign




11-8-2012: Terrorism as an Instrument of US Foreign Policy: UN-Backed Rogue States Plan Syria’s Slaughter, by Felicity Arbuthnot



"Mercenaries and volunteers from other states are fighting (Assad) jointly with" violent internal forces. Most Syria opponents are nonviolent. They want peaceful conflict resolution. Washington has other ideas.

"President Obama has given a direct order to the CIA to support the Syrian opposition."

"That is flagrant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, which does not endanger the United States or anyone else."

"Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding militants. Turkey is giving them active support." So are other regional countries (iv.) ........................................................




11-8-2012: Syria: CIA, Mossad Commanding Armed Rebels from Turkey



Turkey has established military command centers on its soil that are being operated and managed by intelligence services of the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar," the letter said, Syria-News website reported on Saturday.

"These military centers command armed insurgents' battles in Aleppo and other cities after large groups of terrorists and rebels enter the Syrian Soil," the envoy said in his letter, adding that these countries are arming and providing safe havens for terrorists.

The US and its western and regional allies have long sought to topple Bashar al-Assad and his ruling system. Media reports said that the Syrian rebels and terrorist groups have received significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, a crime paid for by the Persian Gulf Arab states and coordinated by the United States.



11-8-2012: US-Saudi Sponsored Al Qaeda Killers in Syria by Tony Cartalucci



Al Qaeda militants funded, armed and arrayed against Syria by the West since at least 2007 receive PR boost from Western media as public awareness grows of their presence. 

 "To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda." -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh March 5, 2007

"In the nineteen-eighties and the early nineties, the Saudi government offered to subsidize the covert American C.I.A. proxy war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Hundreds of young Saudis were sent into the border areas of Pakistan, where they set up religious schools, training bases, and recruiting facilities. Then, as now, many of the operatives who were paid with Saudi money were Salafis. Among them, of course, were Osama bin Laden and his associates, who founded Al Qaeda, in 1988.

This time, the U.S. government consultant told me, Bandar [bin Sultan] and other Saudis have assured the White House that “they will keep a very close eye on the religious fundamentalists. Their message to us was ‘We’ve created this movement, and we can control it.’ It’s not that we don’t want the Salafis to throw bombs; it’s who they throw them at—Hezbollah, Moqtada al-Sadr, Iran, and at the Syrians, if they continue to work with Hezbollah and Iran.” -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh March 5, 2007 ........................................................................................



10-8-2012: Syria: UK to give £5m to rebels - Friday 10 August 2012



9-8-2012: Turkey Threatens Syria and Iran. Prime Minister Erdogan Slams Assad, by Mohammad Noureddine



Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has unleashed all kinds of condemnations of Syria and Iran. He questioned whether Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was really a Muslim, which will likely provoke Alawites inside Turkey and abroad. Erdogan also accused Iran of disloyalty, vowing to fight “the enemies of Turkey” until the end.

Following an iftar (Ramadan feast) held the day before yesterday [August 7], Erdogan sent very strong messages to Iran and “the enemies of Turkey.” He said that “the terrorist organization [The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK)] is currently in the midst of a battle orchestrated by the enemies of Turkey. However, we will fight the battle against anti-Turkish circles with the highest severity and determination. We will not take a single step back.” Erdogan added that Turkey’s “enemies want to change our priorities.”


The government is seeking to gain points through its pro-Sunni and anti-Jewish policies. We have started to pay the price for that. Shortly after the start of the events in Syria, Assad became Turkey’s primary enemy,” he said. “Turkey, along with Qatar and Saudi Arabia, started to arm and fund Assad's opponents. Turkey did all it could to bring Assad down. It tried to persuade Washington to support intervention in Syria, as it had in Libya. It also maintained that the departure of Assad would be in the interest of Turkey. However, Turkey was not able to achieve this goal. In fact, Assad’s departure is not in the interest of Turkey, but to the contrary. Syria, just like Turkey, is a country with diverse sects and ethnicities. Its population consists of Arabs, Kurds, Christians, Alawites and Sunnis. Under the authoritarian regime of Assad and his father, the unity of the country was preserved.”

Munir added: “Today, however, Syria is being divided, which poses an extreme threat to Turkey. Assad has begun to use the PKK against Turkey. He has handed the north of the country to the Kurds, and furnished them with heavy weaponry. Fighters have come from the Qandil Mountains [in Iraq] to Syria. Assad has transformed the area that extends from the Iranian border to the Mediterranean Sea into a battlefield against Turkey.” ................................................................................



9-8-2012: Behind the Lines: Turks fear ‘Kurdish Spring’ (Jonathan Spyer)



Regional events have left Ankara facing the possibility of sharing long-term borders with two semi-sovereign Kurdish entities.

A PKK media statement described the Semdinli area as an “area of war,” involving “thousands of enemy soldiers and hundreds of guerrillas,” in which Turkey is using “tanks, warplanes, helicopters and other military technology.”


The Turkish move comes at a time when Ankara is deeply concerned at the notable improvement in the strategic position of the Kurds as a result of a series of regional developments. Currently unable to influence events in Syria and Iraq, Ankara appears to be trying to draw a line in the sand at its own border. Turkey is seeking to scotch any attempt to foment unrest among Kurds in Turkey who might feel emboldened as a result of the improving Kurdish position in Syria and Iraq.


Turkey’s concerns, from its point of view, are easy to grasp. Contrary to endless media reports that the situation in Syria has entered its “endgame,” the civil war now under way in that country shows no signs of nearing conclusion. Rather, the various sides are entrenching themselves in their sectarian strongholds and preparing for a long and drawn-out struggle   ................................................................................



8-8-2012: Sectarian slaying: Syrian rebels attack Alawites, Christians - reports



The ongoing conflict in Syria is becoming increasingly sectarian amid reports that rebel fighters have attacked a housing compound for employees of a power company, killing 16 civilians, mostly Alawites and Christians.


"Those who are attempting to exploit the situation by sending in proxies or terrorist fighters must realize that will not be tolerated, first and foremost, by the Syrian people," she added.  ................................................................................



8-8-2012: Insight: Syria rebels see future fight with foreign radicals



"Let me be clear. I am an Islamist, my fighters are Islamists. But there is more than one type of Islamist," he told Reuters. "These men coming fought in insurgencies like Iraq. They are too extreme, they want to blow up any symbol of the state, even schools


"Our goal is to make a new future, not destroy everything," Abu Bakr said, sighing as he rattled his prayer beads. "As bloody as it is now, this stage is simple. We all have the same cause: topple the regime. When Bashar falls, we may find a new battlefront against our former allies."


Some fighters who have come to Syria are idealists who believe in jihad, or holy war, for oppressed Muslims, and would probably return home in a post-Assad era. But others are al Qaeda-linked fighters who may want a base in Syria.  ...............................................................................



7-8-2012: Analysis - Hamstrung Turkey's nightmares coming true in Syria



"We will not allow a terrorist group to establish camps in northern Syria and threaten Turkey," Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told a news conference on July 26, referring to the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a bloody armed struggle since 1984 in southeastern Turkey.


"If there is a step which needs to be taken against the terrorist group, we will definitely take this step."


Before the crisis, Erdogan cultivated a friendship with President Bashar al-Assad, in stark contrast to Turkey's tense relations with the Syrian leader's father, veteran strongman Hafez al-Assad. The ruling couples even vacationed together.

"Now their two nightmare scenarios are starting to materialise: the emergence of some form of Kurdish entity in northern Syria that would clearly be an asset to the PKK and embolden Turkish Kurds in terms of autonomy, and the Lebanon-isation of Syria with a long-running ethnic and confessional civil war with different groups controlling different regions," Jenkins said. ................................................................................



7-8-2012: Anglo-American 1957 Secret Plan to Assassinate the Syrian President. Déjà Vu?

(by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)



At a time when the British press was still "reporting the truth", London's Guardian (27 September 2003) published a detailed report of a 1957 Anglo-American assassination plot directed against the Syrian president, with a view to implementing "regime change". The similarity to today's war on Syria is striking.

What is revealing is that the political assassination of the Syrian president has been on the Anglo-American drawing board for over half a century.


The article, which reviews the text of the leaked 'Secret Document", confirms that British Prime Minister Harold Macmillan and President Dwight D. Eisenhower had ordered the assassination of  the Syrian Head of State.


 "In order to facilitate the action of liberative forces, reduce the capabilities of the Syrian regime to organise and direct its military actions, to hold losses and destruction to a minimum, and to bring about desired results in the shortest possible time, a special effort should be made to eliminate certain key individuals. Their removal should be accomplished early in the course of the uprising and intervention and in the light of circumstances existing at the time."  (The Guardian, 27 September 2003)  ................................................................................



6-8-2012 Aleppo bishop: Syrians are 'terrified' by Stoyan Zaimov



6-8-2012: Is America the World’s Largest Sponsor of Terrorism?



The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan – Lt. General William Odom - noted:

Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today’s war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world.

Odom also said:

By any measure the US has long used terrorism. In ‘78-79 the Senate was trying to pass a law against international terrorism – in every version they produced, the lawyers said the US would be in violation. ................................................................................



5-8-2012: New York Times Acknowledges that Syrian Opposition Is Targeting Christians and Other Minorities



As Saudi Arabian arms and money bolster the opposition, the 80,000 Christians who’ve been “cleansed” from their homes in Hamidiya and Bustan al-Diwan in Homs Province in March by the Free Syrian Army have gradually given up the prospect of ever returning home.

The rebels’ conduct has prompted at least some Sunnis who had supported the rebels and once-wavering Syrians to pledge renewed loyalty to Assad. Many who once regarded the regime as a kleptocracy now view it as the best guarantor of Syria’s endangered pluralism. ...............................................................................




5-8-2012: Victory closer, divisions deepen in Syria opposition



With fighting reaching Damascus and Aleppo in the past month, Western countries are increasingly anxious to see the disparate groups agree on a credible plan for a transitional government should Assad fall.


The head of the Syrian National Council (SNC), a long-established opposition umbrella group, said talks would be held within weeks to form a transitional government.

The next day the Free Syria Army, a loosely coordinated group of insurgents fighting Assad's forces, floated a separate proposal that called for the establishment of a higher defence council bringing together military and civilian figures.

And the day after that, a group of exiled Syrian activists who left the SNC announced a new opposition alliance that also aimed to form a transitional government. ................................................................................



4-8-2012: Obama Using Free Syrian Army in Proxy War to Justify Future Attack, By Susanne Posel



Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of State, spending months supposedly pushing peace, while truly threatening all surrounding nations that the US and Israel are gaining ground to have full international backing of their strong desire to strike Syria and remove Assad.

Obama has signed an order giving financial and military support to the FSA. A crafty directive was written, giving the US greater covert “non-lethal” assistance and the State Department “set aside” $25 million for the fake revolutionaries


Through this proxy war, the US have sent in their go-to terrorist organization, al-Qaeda to provide recruitment and training to the FSA for the most effective attacks while the US works on the international community.


Members of FSA openly admit they are fighting for al-Qaeda. Abu Khuder, militant in the FSA explains : “We have clear instructions from our [al-Qaeda] leadership that if the FSA need our help we should give it. We help them with IEDs and car bombs. Our main talent is in the bombing operations.”

Abu Thuha (a pseudonym) is an al-Qaeda operative who claims that “we have experience now fighting the Americans, and more experience now with the Syrian revolution. Our big hope is to form a Syrian-Iraqi Islamic state for all Muslims, and then announce our war against Iran and Israel, and free Palestine.”

To keep information from getting out, cell phone and internet signals have been blocked. The FSA is being trained by the CIA in Turkey and unleashed with US grade weapons onto Syrian governmental forces. NATO forces have joined the covert mission of the US government to effect as must devastation as possible before the real battle officially begins ...............................................................................



4-8-2012: Annan's Exit 'Opens Gates' for Intervention - Russian Ministry



The resignation of UN and Arab League envoy to Syria Kofi Annan "opens the gates" for backers of a military intervention into the Arab state to force out the ruling authorities, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov said on Friday. ...............................................................................



3-8-2012: Russia Denounces West's "Hidden Goals" in Syria: Resignation of Annan Prelude to Military Operation



Vitaly Churkin, the Ambassador of Russia to the United Nations, asserted that western countries have hidden goals in Syria which aren't based on objective information related to the events in Syria. ..........................................................................................................................................




3-8-2012: Reuters Hacked, False Stories About Syria Published



The Reuters news agency said Friday that one of its websites had been hacked and used to disseminate fake stories about Syria's rebel movement, the latest cyberattack to strike a media organization covering the country's civil war ...............................................................................



3-8-2012: Why Is the U.S. Government Funding Islamic Terrorists Who Are Killing Christians?

Washington’s Blog





3-8-2012: Muslim Brotherhood establishes militia inside Syria, By Ruth Sherlock



The Muslim Brotherhood has established its own militia inside Syria as the country's rebels fracture between radical Islamists and their rivals, commanders and gun-runners have told The Daily Telegraph.................................................................... ....................................................................



2-8-2012: Turkey Supplies Syrian Rebels With Air Defense Missiles - TV



Turkey has supplied the Free Syrian Army rebels fighting Presiden Bashar al-Assad's regime with nearly two dozen man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), NBC News reported on Tuesday night referring to rebel sources. ...............................................................................



2-8-2012: Cold-Blood Mass Murder in Syria by the West’s "Pro-Democracy Opposition", by Finian Cunningham http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=32164


Western-sponsored mercenaries have carried out numerous massacres and atrocities against civilians in recent months in a calculated bid to terrorise the general population into spurning the Assad government. The reign of terror is also being distorted in the Western media as being instigated by the Assad forces, thereby justifying Western sanctions and a NATO military intervention, as in Libya, in an unspoken campaign for regime change.


In the latest atrocity in Aleppo, it may transpire that the victims are just ordinary citizens who were lynched for the only reason that they did not support the campaign of terror being perpetrated against their country – a macabre object lesson for the rest of society to take note of if they do not want to suffer the same gruesome fate.


Even if the victims of this execution in Aleppo turn out to be members of pro-Assad militia, is this the kind of justice that will prevail in Syria if Western-backed regime change succeeds? Is this the Western-style “liberation” awaiting the people of Syria that the people of Libya have “enjoyed” since NATO turned that country into lawless, tribal charnel house?


Another development is the attempt by Western media to portray the Jihadist and Al Qaeda groups as a distinct, minor appendage to the Free Syrian Army – a rogue element. What the video of the killings in Aleppo clearly confirms, however, is that such a distinction is more a figment of Western media imagination. The truth is that the Western governments, their intelligence and professional killers along with their Turk, Arab and Israeli allies have opened a terrorist Pandoro’s Box in Syria. And no amount of hairsplitting can close the lid on that heinous crime of aggression. ...............................................................................



2-8-2012: Syria's Christians can be the catalysts for peace, By Nadim Nassar



Despite what you might read in much of the western media, Syria is an enlightened, secular society with a deeply spiritual core and the common belief is that Syria is for everybody. A fundamentalist state would destroy the traditions of co-existence and religious harmony that have existed here since the fall of the Ottoman Empire nearly 100 years ago. Syrian independence was won with the blood of all Syrians – Muslim, Christian, Druze, Alawite and Kurdish ......................................................



1-8-2012: Al Qaeda a "cancer" in Syria, says Iraq's U.N. ambassador



Iraq Ambassador to the U.N. Hamid al Bayati said in an interview with CBS News that al Qaeda is now responsible for multiple suicide attacks in Syria..........


"It is well-documented fact that the majority of terrorists who came to Iraq after 2003 came through the Syrian border," al Bayati said.........




31-7-2012: Al-Qaeda Jihadists Are The Best Fighters Among The Syria Rebels



Members of al-Qaeda and other foreign jihadist organizations are entering Syria and establishing themselves as some of the best fighters in the rebellion against Bashar al-Assad's regime, Ghaith Abdul-Ahad of the Guardian reports from Syria...........................


Khuder's men blend in with other rebels as they wear combat fatigues, T-shirts and beards, but they call themselves "strangers" and fight for al-Qaeda. Nevertheless his men meet with members of FSA's military council almost every day...................




30-7-2012: Al-Qaida turns tide for rebels in battle for eastern Syria



But these were not average members of the Free Syrian Army. Abu Khuder and his men fight for al-Qaida. They call themselves the ghuraba'a, or "strangers", after a famous jihadi poem celebrating Osama bin Laden's time with his followers in the Afghan mountains, and they are one of a number of jihadi organisations establishing a foothold in the east of the country now that the conflict in Syria has stretched well into its second bloody year......................................


According to Abu Khuder, his men are working closely with the military council that commands the Free Syrian Army brigades in the region. "We meet almost every day," he said. "We have clear instructions from our [al-Qaida] leadership that if the FSA need our help we should give it. We help them with IEDs and car bombs. Our main talent is in the bombing operations." Abu Khuder's men had a lot of experience in bomb-making from Iraq and elsewhere, he added...................


After the bombing, Abu Khuder split with the FSA and pledged allegiance to al-Qaida's organisation in Syria, the Jabhat al Nusra or Solidarity Front. He let his beard grow and adopted the religious rhetoric of a jihadi, becoming a commander of one their battalions..................


In the beginning there were very few. Now, mashallah, there are immigrants joining us and bringing their experience," he told the gathered people. "Men from Yemen, Saudi, Iraq and Jordan. Yemenis are the best in their religion and discipline and the Iraqis are the worst in everything – even in religion..................





30-7-2012: Syria: foreign jihadists could join battle for Aleppo


Scores of foreign jihadists have crossed into Syria from Turkey in the past two weeks, some of them telling Syrians that they are planning to travel to Aleppo to join a decisive battle against regime troops........................................


Syrian residents and a Turkish smuggler interviewed by the Guardian say many of the men have come from the Caucasus, while others had arrived from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Gulf Arab states......................




30-7-2012: British-born jihadists fighting Assad in Syria’ – captured photographer



Radical Islamists with “British accents” are among the coalition forces looking to topple Bashar Assad, says Jeroen Oerlemans, a photographer who was held hostage in Syria for a week. The UK Foreign Office has launched an investigation.


Oerlemans, a famous Dutch photo journalist, and John Cantlie, another photographer from the UK, were captured by a group of between 30 and 100 anti-Assad fighters when crossing the Syrian border from Turkey last week. They were then blindfolded........................................................................................................................



28-7-2012: Welcome to the Kurdish Spring, By Pepe Escobar.



Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan came out all guns blazing on Turkish TV; "We will not allow a terrorist group to establish camps in northern Syria and threaten Turkey."


He was referring to the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Party (PYD) - affiliated with the PKK; after a quiet deal with the Assad regime in Damascus, the PYD is now in control of key areas in northeast Syria.

So Ankara may provide logistics to tens of thousands of Syria's NATO "rebels" - which include plenty of hardcore Sunni Arab "insurgents" formerly known as terrorists; but as long as Syrian Kurds - which are part of the Syrian opposition - demonstrate some independence, they immediately revert to being considered "terrorists".


The KNC and the PYD may bicker about everything else, but basically agree on the essential; the civil war in Syria shall not penetrate Syria Kurdistan; after all, when it comes to the nitty gritty, they are neither pro-Assad nor pro-opposition; they favor Kurdish interests. The agreement was sealed under the auspices of their cousins - the Iraqi Kurds. And it explains why they are now in full control of a de facto Kurdish enclave in northeast Syria.......................................................




27-7-2012: Reports: Sunni rebels occupying churches, homes of Syrian Christians


The Vatican has received reports deemed credible that Sunni rebels financed by Qatar were attacking churches and ordering Christians to leave their homes .........




27-7-2012: Chechen Volunteers in Syria and the Dangers of Intervention, By Mark Adomanis



Up to 6 thousand foreign volunteers are fighting on the side of the Syrian opposition, and among them are Chechens according to Saudi intelligence. The opponents of the Assad regime last week took over a stretxch of the Syrian-Turkish border, which allowed an influx of volunteers. In Damasucs, however, the rebels were not able to hold their position – government forces drove them out of two regions of the capital… .............................................................................



25-7-2012: Turkish Labor Party Deputy Chairman: "We Have Clear Evidence That Turkish President Incited Terrorism and War on Syria" by H. Sabbagh



Deputy Chairman of the Turkish Labor Party Hasan Basri Ozbey denounced the position of Turkish President Abdullah Gul who is encouraging terrorists to commit crimes in Syria, saying that the Labor Party will file a complaint against Gul to try him in the Higher Court.

In a press statement published on Friday, Ozbey said that his party will file a complaint to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Attorney General of the Higher Court to try Gul, affirming that the Labor Party has clear evidence that the latter incited terrorism and war on Syria and signed a secret agreement with the United States, which alone is grounds for trial.  ..............................................................................



25-7-2012: NATO’s al-Qaeda wing clipped in Syria: Analyst



Tarpley: Yes, certainly and that has been the reality the entire time. We must always remember that al-Qaeda is nothing but the Arab legion of the CIA created in the early 1980s to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan and if people didn’t know that they can pick up a copy of today’s Washington Post here in Washington and there is an article where the CIA is talking about their operations in Syria and it says you have to be careful because sometimes if you back a group it can turn into some kind of entity that might turn against you.

This is the way they tell the story and they cite the case of al-Qaeda, so that the US started al Qaeda, this is now in the Washington Post. I would in this case though certainly say that the Iraqi spokesman is correct.


The kinds of death squads that you see in Syria and now in Iraq today seems to me come from the same matrix they go back to the time when John Negroponte was the United States ambassador to Baghdad and you remember that Negroponte’s expertise is legendary.

Wherever he would go in Central America during the 1980s, death squads would magically spring up and when he went to Baghdad everybody expected that death squads would appear there and sure enough they did.

And these death Squads were key in starting the Sunni-Shiite civil war which relieved pressure on the US forces and his deputy ambassador Robert Ford was then assigned to Damascus over the last several years and it’s widely assumed that Ford was instrumental in bringing the death squads to Syria and this was all done under the title of the Salvadoran solution and from the very beginning Negroponte and Ford regarded Syria and Iraq as one unit. So it comes from the same matrix and the Iraqis are certainly right about that. ..............................................................................................................................................................................



24-7-2012: German intelligence: al-Qaeda all over Syria, By John Rosenthal



German intelligence estimates that "around 90" terror attacks that "can be attributed to organizations that are close to al-Qaeda or jihadist groups" were carried out in Syria between the end of December and the beginning of July, as reported by the German daily Die Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ)................................




24-7-2012: Al Qaeda Taking Deadly New Role in Syria Conflict

http://www.nytimes.com/2012/07/25/world/middleeast/al-qaeda-insinuating-its-way-into-syrias-conflict.html?_r=1&pagewanted=all (Wednesday, July 25, 2012 - 4:55pm ROD NORDLAND, New York Times)



The evidence is mounting that Syria has become a magnet for Sunni extremists, including those operating under the banner of Al Qaeda. An important border crossing with Turkey that fell into Syrian rebels’ hands last week, Bab al-Hawa, has quickly become a jihadist congregating point.


The presence of jihadists in Syria has accelerated in recent days in part because of a convergence with the sectarian tensions across the country’s long border in Iraq. Al Qaeda, through an audio statement, has just made an undisguised bid to link its insurgency in Iraq with the revolution in Syria, depicting both as sectarian conflicts — Sunnis versus Shiites. .................................................................................................................................................................................



17-7-2012: Christians threatened by Free Syrian Army seek Government Protection

"Armed Islamist Opposition has murdered more than 200 Christians in the city of Homs" (

by Stoyan Zaimov) http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31952


For months, Christians have been trapped in the crossfire with scarce access to basic necessities such as food, water and medical help, but yesterday Maximos al-Jamal, a Greek Orthodox priest, revealed that he was part of evacuation efforts that saved 63 people.


"The armed Islamist Opposition in Syria has murdered more than 200 Christians in the city of Homs, including entire families with young children. These Islamic gangs kidnapped Christians and demanded high ransoms. In two cases, after the ransoms were paid, the men's bodies were found," Barnabas Aid, a charity organisation helping persecuted Christians around the world quoted him as saying. ..........................................................................................................................



14-7-2012: SYRIA: Criminal Propagandists: Killing Civilians as Part of a "Humanitarian Mandate" by Tony Cartalucci


Clinton is attempting to solicit sympathy from the public over the defeat of her funded, armed, and propped up front of sectarian extremists, the FSA. The FSA who consist of Libyan mercenaries (and here), extremists fresh back from killing US and British troops in Iraq now employing their bombing tactics against the people of Syria (and here), and members of Syria's Muslim Brotherhood who were approached as early as 2007 by the US, then under the Bush administration, to begin creating a violent front with which to overthrow the Syrian government..........................................................................................................



14-7-2012: Details of a Battle Challenge Reports of a Syrian Massacre


New details emerging Saturday about what local Syrian activists called a massacre of civilians near the central city of Hama indicated that it was more likely an uneven clash between the heavily armed Syrian military and local fighters bearing light weapons. ...................................................................................



14-7-2012: UN meetings and Syrian massacres: Timing is everything



“I have now seen evidence from journalists in the field I trust – [like] Charles Glass, who’ve been there – who insist that atrocities carried out by the Syrian National Council and their organization’s supporters are creating mayhem in some areas and they are deliberately carrying out these atrocities so that they can be blamed onto the regime,” he said.


“A journalist from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung some weeks ago explained what happened in the Houla Massacre and was denounced. But we now have other reports coming from journalists. Charlie Skelton in The Guardian has written a very detailed text pointing out extremely ably as to who the people are, who we see on CNN, BBC, and who are promoted by the [US] State Department and the British Foreign Office, who control these networks or influence them,” Ali went on to explain.


He added that the West itself has unleashed the rebels, while Saudi Arabia and Qatar – “those beautiful examples of democracy” – are arming them, and the Turks are playing their part too – all in order to get rid of the regime.


A Middle East expert from the University of Mainz, Dr. Guenter Meyer, is even more direct in his assessment of the latest developments. He says the rebels are trying to drum up support for their cause.

“It’s quite obvious that the rebels were responsible for the Houla Massacre. Germans, just a few days ago, interviewed Bashar al-Assad, [and] he described this tragedy as a ‘massacre marketing,’ which means that rebels on purpose kill as many people as possible in order to incite worldwide public opinion and to promote the invasion from abroad into Syria in order to oust Bashar al-Assad,” he told RT. . ...................................................................................



13-7-2012: Priest Helps Christians Evacuate Besieged Syrian City



. ...................................................................................



11-7-2012: Covert War on Syria: Key to Breaking the Power and Influence of Iran

Corporate-financiers Trigger Wide-scale Geopolitical Destabilization, by Tony Cartalucci



Syria's problem is not the "Free Syrian Army" nor the "Syrian National Council," nor the myriad of terrorist organizations operating under this umbrella - but rather the corporate-financier driven foreign interests that created them, fund them, arm them, and both tactically and politically perpetuate their activities. Syria's problem is that it has attracted the attention of Wall Street and London and found itself in the middle of their geopolitical aspirations for global hegemony........................


The West is intent on destroying not only Syria, but also Iran, and by doing so further encircling both Russia and China. The game is as old as human civilization itself - empire. The establishment of a global hegemonic power with uncontested institutions reaching across the entire surface of the planet, exploiting its people and resources, is in fact Syria's problem. While Syria must address the proxies sent on behalf of this global hegemony, it and the rest of free humanity, must ultimately address the global hegemon itself


However, the West has become an expert at creating false paradigms, creating debates and conflicts that obfuscate the true nature of any given problem - obfuscating that they themselves are generally at he root of it. .........................................................................................

. ...................................................................................



11-7-2012: Syria: The Globalist Destruction of a Nation State, by Patrick Henningsen


In similar fashion to the French Mandate of Syria in 1921, western power brokers will aim to divide Syria along both ethnic and religious lines. The Assad regime has managed over the decades to maintain relative ethnic and religious harmony between Sunnis, Shi’ites, Alawites, Druze, Christians, and even Jews (there are currently some 1,200 Jews in Damascus and are traditionally protected from persecution by Syria’s ruling government)  in Syria.

The Balkanization of Syria

In order to ensure regional destabilization and the presence of the ‘international community’ – and more importantly for the western allied military and economic forces – the elimination of a strong secular nation-state in the Middle East, the process of Balkanization must occur in Syria

. ...................................................................................



10-7-2012: Syria 'Friends' Fuel Murder with Promises of Weapons for Rebels, by Maria Finoshina


Syria's President says countries like the US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey are hindering peace in his country by supporting those he calls 'terrorists'. . ...................................................................................



6-7-2012: CIA spies in Turkey, Arab monarchies direct arms flow to gangs in Syria: Tarpley



I think everybody in the world with an effective intelligence service and that would emphatically include Switzerland through their banking system; they are as well informed really as anybody in the world, they know very well that the [Persian] Gulf states, these reactionary feudal absolute monarchies like the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait but above all Saudi Arabia, all of them have been massively shipping weapons to the death squads that are working for NATO in Syria and this has been known now for months.

But other than that, we have known, even the New York Times always the last to know, has confirmed that there were CIA officers who are directing traffic in southern Turkey sending these weapons to the groups that they want to receive them. I think that we could see a larger context; tomorrow there would be another one of these Orwellian ‘Friends of Syria’ conferences in Turkey, I believe, tomorrow, or is it Paris?


One of the things that NATO is doing is simply lying. Whenever they have a diplomatic meeting with Russia, in particular, then they come out and lie about it and the Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov was asked today, are you going to call Assad and offer him asylum in Russia? And Lavrov said that is a bad joke; why don’t you ask the same question to the German Foreign Minister [Guido] Westerwelle we were standing with? Why don’t you see if Assad is going to go to Germany?




5-7-2012: Iraq says Al Qaeda fighters crossing from Iraq to Syria and carrying out attacks

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/07/05/iraq-fm-has-olid-information-on-al-qaida-fighters-crossing-from-iraq-to-syria/#ixzz21vuE9R8p


Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari said Baghdad had for years urged Damascus to clamp down on militant traffic as Sunni fighters headed from Syria to aid the Iraqi insurgency.

"Now their direction is the other way around," Zebari told reporters in Baghdad.

"We have solid information and intelligence that members of Al Qaeda's terrorist network have gone to Syria," he said, without elaborating. "Our main concern, to be honest with you, is about the spill over -- about extremist, terrorist groups taking root in neighboring countries.".....................................................................




5-7-2012: Going Rogue: America's Unconventional Warfare in the Middle East, by Sharmine Narwani


But most of us have not had the pleasure of leafing through this truly revelatory blueprint that shows how America wages its dirty wars. These are the secret wars that have neither been approved by Congress, nor by the inhabitants of nations whose lives – if not bodies – are mauled by the directives on these pages

................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................


4-7-2012: US Intelligence Says Turkish Warplane Downed in Syrian Waters, by Stephen Lendman


US intelligence contradicts Ankara. Turkey's "warplane (was) shot down....by shore-based antiaircraft guns while it was inside Syrian airspace, American officials say, a finding in tune with Syria's account and at odds with Turkey." Ankara falsified its account. An unnamed senior US defense official also said: "We see no indication that it was shot down by a surface-to-air missile...."


A former unnamed US official with close ties to Turkey said Ankara didn't act by mistake. He stopped short of what he knows was a willful provocation, whatever other reasons were involved....................

Turkey is a valued ally. It's a NATO country. American missile shield installations will be based there. It shares a common border with Syria. It provides safe haven territory for insurgents. It supplies them with weapons. It runs cover for Washington. It participated in its Libya war. It's ready for more against Syria if asked

Assad and most Syrians want it ended peacefully. Washington spurns efforts to do it. No end of violence looks likely. Geneva discussions solved nothing. Syria and Iran weren't invited.................................................................................................



3-7-2012: HRW Report on "Syrian Torture" Nonsensical, Hypocritical, by Tony Cartalucci


The dubious nature of the sources the conveniently timed report is based upon is only surpassed by the level of acute hypocrisy exhibited by the West, who not only has been accused itself (and admits openly) of maintaining a policy of torture, but carries out said policy on a global scale, and have been doing so, by their own account for at least a decade. ................................................................................................ 



2-7-2012: Scenarios for Syria: War and Stabilization, by Nile Bowie



Undeniably, this confirms that the West, led by the US and its Gulf State proxies, has been undermining the Kofi Annan Peace Plan by arming insurgent fighters, particularly those of the Muslim Brotherhood, while concurrently berating the Syrian government for “violating” a UN mandated cease-fire and for “failing to protect” its population. The implications of these mainstream admissions of state sponsored terrorism and illicit arms smuggling cast shadows of doubt over any serious implementation of the Kofi Annan Peace Plan coming to fruition...............................


While Kofi Annan’s original Peace Plan – if honestly implemented with both sides respecting the cease-fire – would have defused the situation, it is Annan and the member nations of NATO and the Gulf Cooperation Council that disproportionately laid the blame for increasing violence solely on the Syrian government, while those nations took every measure possible to further enflame the situation by providing material assistance to sectarian extremists. Considering the level of subversion and deceit demonstrated by foreign powers operating in Syria, Bashar al-Assad’s ambitions to crush sectarian fighters by force may well be warranted. As with many other Western-backed uprisings operating under the cover of “democratic” jargon, the use of violence, snipers, mercenaries, and other armed provocateurs is part of a long established pattern of national destabilization through the barrel of a gun. Undoubtedly, there will come a time when those responsible individuals answer for their crimes against the nation of Syria, and it’s people.......................................................................................................



29-6-2012: NATO Member Turkey Harboring Terrorist Army. Crime against world peace ignored by feckless United Nations , by Tony Cartalucci http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31672


By US officials’ own admissions, since 2007 a combined US-Israeli-Saudi effort to assemble and deploy against Syria and Iran an army of sectarian extremists drawn from the ranks of Al Qaeda and its affiliates has been underway. In Seymour Hersh’s 2007 New Yorker article, “The Redirection,” he reported, “The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda...............


Within Hersh’s report, not only is this army of fanatical terrorists described as being fully backed by the West in order to create a sectarian bloodbath to be used to achieve Western foreign policy objectives, but it was fully anticipated that this army would commit abhorrent atrocities, particularly against ethnic and religious minorities throughout the region. In particular former CIA agent Robert Baer in Lebanon warned about the fate of Christians located in the region........................


Today, Baer’s warning has manifested itself in a genocidal campaign against Syria’s Christians increasingly more difficult for the Western media to hide. This is confirmed by LA Times’ “Church fears ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Christians in Homs, Syria,” and more recently in USA Today’s distorted, but still telling, “Christians in Syria live in uneasy alliance with Assad, Alawites.................................


According to the New York Times, “a small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.”.......................................


Turkey is clearly harboring a terrorist front within its borders and facilitating their violent-subversive actives within Syrian borders. While the US and NATO hypocritically use a similar narrative to justify cross-border raids into Pakistan, it is attempting to tie Syria’s hands from even operating up to and along its own border to stem very real, admitted terrorist networks maintained by NATO and their Gulf State partners.............



29-6-2012: Duplicitous Human Rights Council Report on Syria, Stephen Lendman



Syria’s insurgency is supported and financed from abroad. It promotes anarchy and disorder. ...............................................


Vasily Nebenya, Russian Foreign Ministry Human Rights Director, said the HRC’s report on Houla killings doesn’t reflect facts on the ground..................................................


High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay spurned her mandate. Instead of responsibly “strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights,” she spurned them in deference to Western interests.......................


27-6-2012: The U.S. and Syria: Facts you should know, by Joyce Chediac



27-6-2012: Syrian “rebels” learn fast from Kosovo Albanian terrorists



Last month we learned that the Syrian “rebels” have arrived in Serbia’s occupied Kosovo to be trained by the Kosovo Albanian terrorists in tactics that could topple Syria’s dictator Assad..........................


As a result of such training, we have also been hearing in the last several weeks of gruesome mass killings of innocent women and children in Syria. These killings have been blamed on the Assad’s army, and while predictably, Assad denies them, the killings are a replica of tactics Kosovo Albanians employed against Serbia’s defenders in order to get NATO to intervene on their behalf..........................


Such approach by Washington has been successfully deployed in Bosnia where Bosnian Muslim successfully implemented massacres of own people that were blamed on Serbs;.....................




26-6-2012: The Evil of Humanitarian Wars, by Jonathan Cook; Iraq, Libya, Syria: "We Have No Right to Play God". Or Do We?



The reality, of course, is that the US and its allies are pursuing the same agenda as before the Arab Spring: that is, they are looking to preserve their own geo-political interests. In that regard, they are trying to contain and reverse dangerous manifestations of the awakening, especially in Egypt, the most populous and influential of the Arab states, and in the Gulf, our pipeline to the world’s most abundant oil reserves ..............


Few can doubt that Syria is next on the West’s hit list. And this time, the script-writers in Washington seem to believe that the task of turning a functioning, if highly repressive, state into a basket case can be achieved without the West’s hand being visible at all. This time the white hat has been assigned to our allies, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states, who, according to the latest reports, are stoking an incipient civil war not only by arming some among the rebels but also by preparing to pay them salaries too, in petro-dollars....................




22-6-2012: Toys for the "Peaceful" Syrian Opposition: Modern weapons confirm Western support for FSA Terrorists photographic evidence


22-6-2012: CONFIRMED: US CIA Arming Terrorists in Syria


22-6-2012: CIA Arming Syrian Insurgents


21-6-2012: Western spy agencies ‘sharing intelligence’ with Syrian rebels


21-6-2012: The United Nations Monitors in Syria are Spying for Washington


He and other Syrians accused Washington of double standard politics. Syria's information minister Adnan Omran added: "What is really strange now in the American administration is that we hear many voices coming from different corners and a lot of contradiction. I wonder if this is a healthy sign especially when it comes to the policy of a superpower."


20-6-2012: BREAKING: "Private Security Companies" in Syria, Supporting Rebels: Foreign Mercenaries Detained


Insurgents and terrorists are trying to infiltrate back to the lost strongholds in Hafeh and Idlib. They try to return from the rural areas, but face strong army resistance in these areas, plus in Homs and Hama. As the rebels lost most of their weapon stockpiles, they intend now to carry out terror attacks in civilian areas, using improvised bombs………………………………….


19-6-2012: Source: Saudis Dispatching Salafist Jihadists to Syria



..............................that hardline Saudi princes, sheikhs, tribal leaders and businessmen friendly to the Salafi Wahhabists are organizing the dispatching of fighters to Syria to assist the rebels........


The source said that the number of Saudi Wahhabists in Syria right now is estimated to be between 150-200 maximum, but up to 450 are on their way and another 450-500 are in Saudi Arabia preparing to embark on their trip.............................


The Saudis are also, on a smaller scale, facilitating the movement of Salafist fighters into Yemen in order to counter Iran’s increased covert support to the radical Shiite Houthi rebels, the source claims....................................




18-6-2012: Washington Arming Syrian Insurgents


18-6-2012: Syria: Media Lies, Hidden Agendas and Strange Alliances


17-6-2012: Imperialism and the Houla massacre


17-6-2012: UN suspends Syrian mission; tensions escalate


17-6-2012: US Attempting to Trigger Full Proxy War in Syria

Torrent of propaganda, foreign arms, and political sabotage seeks to fulfill broader plans for destabilization (by Tony Cartalucci)



..................the West continues to seek ways of arming sectarian extremists operating in Syria under the banner of the "Free Syrian Army" (FSA), with the Washington Post confirming in their article, "Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination," that weapons, cash, and logistical support is indeed being provided to terrorist forces in Syria by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Gulf States..........................


..........The Western press is now intent on portraying the violence in Syria as a "civil war," despite the fact that the vast majority of weapons, cash, and fighters constituting the "Syrian opposition" are actually foreign....................




16-6-2012: Death of Spanish Mercenaries in Syria Revealed (by Claudia Gomez)



The participation and death of Spanish mercenaries in armed actions in Syria was revealed by local media today......


For its part, El Pais assured that authorities are investigating how they were recruited, who paid for their trip, which route they followed and whether they coordinated with young Moroccans from Castillejos and Tetouan from which at least a dozen would-be jihadists also departed..................



16-6-2012: Hidden US-Israeli Military Agenda: "Break Syria into Pieces"


16-6-2012: R2P "Humanitarian" Intervention in Syria "Could Cause 100,000 Deaths"


15-6-2012: US NATO Humanitarian Intervention In Syria: Toward A Regional War? KPFA Interview on Guns and Butter


15-6-2012: MEA CULPA: BBC world news editor: Houla massacre coverage based on opposition propaganda


14-6-2012: Who brought Syria to the Brink of Civil War?


14-6-2012: Syria. Exodus of Christians. Ultimatum from military chief of armed opposition


13-6-2012: UK Media Lies: 'Shades Of Grey'. Rethinking The Houla Massacre


13-6-2012: The Houla Massacre: The Disinformation Campaign


13-6-2012: UN Mission to Syria Observers refuse to listen to citizens' testimonies regarding armed terrorist groups


12-6-2012: The United Nations and the Houla Massacre: The Information Battlefield


12-6-2012: SYRIA: Atrocities committed against Christians by US-NATO supported "Opposition" Rebels Christian killed in Qusayr, where two priests confirm the ultimatum to Christians by Agenzia Fides


12-6-2012: Saudi Clerics Funnel Cash to Syrian Rebels Through Terror Group



a group of well-known Saudi clerics, launched an online campaign to raise funds for the Free Syrian Army. Saad al-Bureik, Salman al-Odah, and Muhammad al-Arefe—who have a combined 3 million followers on Twitter—called for Assad’s death, and are now urging their followers to donate to the cause......................


..........................except that one of the conduits for the Saudi donations is the Revival of Islamic Heritage Society of Kuwait, which was designated by the United States (2008) and the United Nations (2002) as a terrorist entity for arming and financing al Qaeda.  The group’s involvement is particularly alarming in light of reports that al Qaeda’s presence among the Syrian rebels is growing fast.................................


The campaign to support the FSA extends well beyond the borders of Saudi Arabia. The clerics, via social media, are encouraging international deposits to bank accounts in Kuwait, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Qatar, Bahrain, and Jordan. The accounts even extend outside of the Middle East, including in Switzerland, Germany, and the United Kingdom....................................


While bringing down the Assad regime is in the national interest of both Saudi Arabia and the United States, the role of the Saudis should be cause for concern.............................................................................




11-6-2012: Insurgents Named Responsible for Syrian Massacres


11-6-2012: Sectarian Genocide in Syria: US-NATO and the GCC Preparing a Coup d’état NATO preparing vast disinformation campaign by Thierry Meyssan


11-6-2012: Insurgents Named Responsible for Syrian Massacres


10-6-2012: BREAKING: Prime German Paper: Syrian Rebels Committed Houla Massacre


10-6-2012: Stepped Up Media War on Syria - by Stephen


10-6-2012: Report: Rebels Responsible for Houla Massacre


10-6-2012: WARNING: Possible NATO-FSA False Flag Attack in Syria


10-6-2012: Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report (http://rt.com)


The armed Syrian opposition has got their hands on chemical weapons, which they acquired from Libya, a media report claims. They allegedly plan to use it against civilians and pin the atrocity on the Bashar al-Assad regime…………………..


­The report by DamPress claims the opposition group in possession of the weapons is being trained in its use inside Turkey. No further detail on the alleged conspiracy is given……



9-6-2012: KILLING THE TRUTH: Syrian Rebels Set Trap for British Journalists


9-6-2012: Propaganda War: Houla Massacre Committed by US-NATO Sponsored “Free Syrian Army”. But They Accuse Syrian Government


8-6-2012: Globalists Push Forward With Another New Massacre in Syria


8-6-2012: More Syrian Blood on Obama's Hands


7-6-2012: French Bishop: Syrian Soldiers Face Foreign Fighters, Mercenaries, and Terrorists


7-6-2012: French Bishop: Syrian Soldiers Face Foreign Fighters, Mercenaries, and Terrorists


7-6-2012: Eyewitness account: Media lies about Syria


7-6-2012: SYRIA: The Houla Massacre and the Subversion of the Peace Plan


7-6-2012: Oldest Church in the world destroyed: The St. Mary Syrian Orthodox Church in Homs



St. Mary’s Syrian Orthodox Church Um Al-Zunar was destructed because of heavy fight came under that region. The church is known as The Church of Mother of Belt, Um Al-Zunar Church. This Church is a historical one, built in year 59 AD. It holds in it the belt of St. Mary, which according to tradition St. Mary gave her belt to St. Thomas..........




5-6-2012: US-NATO Sponsored Sectarian Violence in Syria: An Instrument of Imperial Conquest


4-6-2012: Israel Formulates Tripartite Plot to Destroy Syria


4-6-2012: VATICAN NEWS: Foreign Fighters, Mercenaries, Terrorists, behind Syria Massacre

"The desolation of Homs and the war of information ": the Words of a Greek-Catholic Bishop (by Vatican News


3-6-2012: SYRIA, Atrocities were not committed by the government but by armed gangs

Vatican News Service refutes Western media reports by Vatican News Service


Instability, insecurity, violence, massacres: the scenario in Syria today is bleak. According to the "Syrian National Council", which leads the opposition in Houla, in the province of Homs, 88 people, including civilians and children, were killed by the bombing of the regular army. Fides sources report a different version: the regular army hit Houla, where many Salafist militants and terrorists have found refuge, using civilians as human shields………………………………….




3-6-2012: MEDIA DISINFORMATION: West Desperately Attempts to Spin Syrian Crisis - by Tony Cartalucci



Both the Guardian and the BBC depend entirely on the logical fallacy of appealing to authority - be it an allegedly qualified witness, or satellite imagery and overwhelming techno-babble. Both news agencies have demonstrably failed to provide any actual evidence to back the narrative they have been irresponsibly reporting since Houla erupted into violence last week.....................




3-6-2012: Russian Journalist Exposes Propaganda Lies about Houla Massacre - by Stephen Lendman



The terrorists were not pro-government shabbiha militia as conveyed, in chorus, by the mainstream media, they were in large part mercenaries and professional killers operating under the auspices of the self-proclaimed Free Syrian Army (FSA)..................


...Scoundrel media and Western officials provided fabricated accounts of what went on. It was classic, duplicitous propaganda. It rages to enlist public support for war......................




2-6-2012: SAVE SYRIA: Demand An End to US-NATO Supported Sectarian Terrorists - by Tony Cartalucci



The premeditated nature of not only regime change in Syria, but the use of sectarian terrorists to wring such change out of a sea of blood, is clearly and extensively documented........


The US means to create a sectarian extremist state with which to array against neighboring Iran.....................


The sectarian nature of the Syrian opposition, the so-called “Free Syrian Army” is already playing out against Syria’s 10% Christian population, according to the LA Times’ “Church fears ‘ethnic cleansing’ of Christians in Homs, Syria,” and more recently in USA Today’s distorted, but still telling, “Christians in Syria live in uneasy alliance with Assad, Alawites.” .........................................


It is clear what must be done to avert a repeat of a Libyan-style genocidal catastrophe and save Syria. The support for sectarian terrorists by the West must end. The weapons and foreign fighters flowing from Libya, Lebanon’s north, Turkey, and the Gulf States must be stopped...........




31-5-2012: UN officials acknowledge armed gangs' role in Syria unrest



More diplomats than ever, even Western ones, are finally beginning to see the deadly havoc caused by armed gangs in Syria......................


When he emerged — he went a long way toward acknowledging that armed gangs are killing civilians and sowing chaos in Syria — even if he says they’re only recently engaged...................


Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin made the point — however — that those armed gangs have been working to create problems in Syria since the beginning of the unrest............




31-5-2012: Houla Eye Witnesses: Free Syrian Army Responsible for Massacre (Kur Nimmo)



According to a translation of a Russian video of the interviews, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) carried out the attacks and the victims were al-Assad loyalists and people who had demonstrated opposition to the armed opposition group supported by the CIA and trained by British and French Special Forces...................................




31-5-2012: CIA SABOTAGE OF SYRIA PEACE PLAN: Miami Cuban Dissidents Join Hands with Syrian "Opposition" - by Jean Guy Allard



30-5-2012: SYRIA: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky



The fundamental question: Were the May 2012 killings of civilians in the city of Houla part of a carefully planned covert operation, with the intent to drum up public support for a war on Syria................................


Was the Houla massacre part of a sinister covert operation bearing the fingerprints of Operation Northwoods?..................


NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Turkish high command are meanwhile drawing up plans for their first military step in Syria, which is to arm the rebels with weapons for combating the tanks and helicopters …...........................


Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (DEBKAfile, NATO to give rebels anti-tank weapons, August 14, 2011, emphasis added).........




30-5-2012: Syria Under Attack by Globalist Death Squad Experts - by Brandon Turbeville



As the destabilization effort against Syria continues, the connections between the terrorist “opposition” forces and Anglo-American, pro-NATO governments are becoming more and more obvious,...........


.................... role in exposing the “rebels” for what they are – foreign terrorists and criminal Syrian elements that are being backed by Anglo-American and pro-NATO governments and intelligence agencies. Many of these individuals are admittedly al-Qaeda, much like the Libyan “rebels” who, after taking power with the help of NATO, immediately began restricting freedoms and slaughtering black Libyans...........................


..... One individual who is receiving uncharacteristic levels of press attention is Robert S. Ford, the (former) U.S. ambassador to Syria..............


Operating out of Washington, Ford’s current action pertaining to Syria serves the exact same purpose as his presence in Iraq only a few years earlier. This time, however, it seems that Ford is taking on a more central role in the affair.....


Nevertheless, there is one more major player in the Syrian destabilization that should be drawing some more attention for his potential role in the early development of the Syrian death squads. General Robert Mood, the Norwegian general who is now the head of the United Nations Supervision Mission In Syria (UNSMIS), is not without his own potential for connections to destabilization efforts in Syria. ...............


The fact that the “rebellion” in Syria is actually a NATO/Anglo-American/Arab puppet state fostered destabilization effort is not debatable to anyone who has even a basic grasp of the events now transpiring in the region...................




30-5-2012: TERRORISTS PORTRAYED AS "OPPOSITION": BBC Wages Propaganda War on Syria - by Stephen Lendman http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31126


Its claim about “honesty, integrity (being) what the BBC stands for, free from political influence and commercial pressure” is willful, deceptive hype...........................


Western interests alone are represented. Viewers and listeners get one side only. They’re “clearly expected to identify with NATO.” They’re “asked to assume there is a moral basis to (its) killing.................................


BBC does what it’s told. It’s government funded, operated and controlled. It’s Britain’s official voice. It pretends to be independent and impartial...........................


It bears repeating. When America, Britain, and rogue partners go to war or plan one, media scoundrels march in lockstep. BBC’s done it for decades. Now it’s at it again.........................




29-5-2012: What Drives the Fevered Response to the Massacre at Houla? by Ralph Schoenman



While the role of forces supporting the regime in Damascus can not be ruled out, the actual events that gave rise to it are rooted in daily escalating operations of specific foreign funded terror forces of imperialism derived from Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Kuwait and Libya.......


The horrors of Houla are thus deployed in an identical manner in which the N.A.T.O – U. S. war on Libya was managed............................


Similarly, the current armed attacks in Syria are foreign in origin bearing the same imprint as that which ensued in Libya and engendering escalating violence and terror bombings, ascribed invariably to the target regime..................................


The collection of killer squads run in Syria by Saudi, Qatar, Libyan and mercenary forces have transformed what was a movement of popular disaffection into a foreign and imperial-run terror operation with the specific objective of removing the government and sidelining, not empowering popular opposition....................


Imperial killer squads are the fitting instruments of U.S. and N.A.T.0. rulers whose power is predicated upon the permanent destruction of democratic aspirations and of political movements and programs capable of displacing a dying order......................


29-5-2012: Unholy Alliance Forming Against Syria - by Ismail Salami



In other words, these atrocities are conjectured to have been carried out at the hands of the extremist Wahhabis and al-Qaeda elements who are notorious for targeting women and children in their terrorist operations........


Washington is funding the rebel groups in Syria...................................


This behavior on the part of Washington runs counter to the fact that many rebels are linked with al-Qaeda and that the US claims to be fighting terror group.....................................




29-5-2012: LIES AND FABRICATIONS: The Houla Massacre

Full text of Syria's Amb. to the UN Dr Bashar Al-Ja’afari’s Press Conference



29-5-2012: FAKE JOURNALISM: Slaughter Slant: Houla massacre sparks media blame-game - by Keith Harmon Snow http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31119


29-5-2012: US threatens military intervention in Syria following Houla massacre by Chris Marsden



 The Free Syrian Army (FSA), based in Turkey and funded and organized by Washington and its allies, declared it was no longer committed to the truce brokered by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan.......


Syrian Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdissi said that the fighting began after “hundreds of heavily-armed gunmen carrying machine guns, mortars and anti-tank missiles” launched an attack on five Syrian army positions that continued for nine hours............................


The US and its European and Middle-Eastern allies are as wholly indifferent to what really happened in Houla as they are to the more general suffering of the Syrian masses........


Ultimate responsibility for Houla rests with Washington and its allies, who have fostered and armed a sectarian Sunni insurgency dedicated to the overthrow of the Assad regime and its replacement by a government entirely subordinated to a strategic Middle East alliance dominated by the US.......................................




28-5-2012: Muslim Brotherhood are Western Proxies, by Tony Cartalucci



....it was revealed in a 2007 New Yorker article titled, "The Redirection" by Seymour Hersh, as being directly backed by the US and Israel who were funneling support through the Saudis .......


........"[Walid] Jumblatt then told me that he had met with Vice-President Cheney in Washington last fall to discuss, among other issues, the possibility of undermining Assad. He and his colleagues advised Cheney that, if the United States does try to move against Syria, members of the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood would be “the ones to talk to,” Jumblatt said."....................


......................A former high-ranking C.I.A. officer told me, “The Americans have provided both political and financial support. The Saudis are taking the lead with financial support, but there is American involvement.” .........................


Clearly the Brotherhood did not spontaneously rise back to power in Syria, it was resurrected by US, Israeli, and Saudi cash, weapons and directives..........................................


...............................Indeed, the Muslim Brotherhood and Saad Hariri have been working together with the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia for years. The Muslim Brotherhood's political resurrection was solely owed to the US-engineered "Arab Spring" and torrents of cash and backroom diplomatic support. The US State Department on record had been preparing since at least as early as 2008,..........................


In fact, the more unreasonable and frothing one's anti-American, anti-Israeli rhetoric becomes, the more likely they are in fact working directly with the West and using such rhetoric as a smoke screen........................




28-5-2012: Phony ‘Houla Massacre’: How Media Manipulates Public Opinion For Regime Change in Syria by Patrick Henningsen



 Do not underestimate for one second just how pivotal the western corporate media is in advancing an agenda of global destabilization........


 Western-backed terrorists, many of whom are al-Qaida, mostly hailing from outside of Syria, are fomenting civil war and carrying out a series of attacks on UN observers and civilians, in order to create the preferred western narrative that “Assad must go........


 After over one year of intervening through their own favored terrorist guerrilla proxy fighters and running arms into Syria – arms that are admittedly for going into the hands of western-backed al-Qaida groups there, ..............


.................. But western project managers like Hillary Clinton and William Hague have not given up, and if their corporate media outlets are allowed to determine their version reality in Syria, they will eventually get their “humanitarian intervention”, and the country will slowly be destroyed from within. Then regime change will happen.

The Syrian people are the ones who will eventually lose if Washington, London, Tel Aviv and the Gulf States succeed in destroying that country, as they have done in Libya and Iraq




28-5-2012: NATO SUPPORTED DEATH SQUADS? Syria Categorically Denies Responsibility of the Syrian Forces for al-Houla Massacre


In a press conference on Sunday, Makdissi condemned in strongest terms this terrorist massacre against the Syrian civilians as he condemned accusing the Syrian forces of doing that..............................

Makdissi stressed that no tanks or artillery entered al-Houla town, adding that hundreds of gunmen, armed with various kinds of heavy weapons, attacked al-Houla area in Homs countryside after they assembled in various areas in a deliberate and planned manner, indicating that "The law-enforcement members never left their positions and were in a state of self-defense.".........................


 Makdissi said that the regional countries which are hosting terrorist groups and turn a blind eye to the infiltration of terrorists and the countries which are publically funding them are complicit in the crimes against the Syrian people........




28-5-2012: "THE SALVADOR OPTION FOR SYRIA": US-NATO Sponsored Death Squads Integrate "Opposition Forces" - by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky



The Salvador Option” is a “terrorist model” of mass killings by US sponsored death squads. It was first applied in El Salvador, in the heyday of resistance against the military dictatorship, resulting in an estimated 75,000 deaths.........


In relation to recent events, the killing of 108 people including 35 children in the border city of Houla on May 27 was, in all likelihood, committed by US sponsored death squads under the “Salvador Option for Syria”......


The reinstatement of a US ambassador in Damascus, but more specifically the choice of Robert S. Ford as US ambassador, bears a direct relationship to the onset of the insurgency integrated by death squads in mid-March 2011 (in the southern border city of Daraa) against the government of Bashar al Assad...............................


Ford also played a role in the recruitment of Mujahideen mercenaries from neighboring Arab countries and their integration into Syrian “opposition forces”..........


Robert S. Ford’s mandate as “Number Two” (Minister Counsellor for Political Affairs) under the helm of Ambassador John Negroponte was to coordinate out of the US embassy, the covert support to death squads and paramilitary groups in Iraq with a view to fomenting sectarian violence and weakening the resistance movement.................................


It is worth noting that Obama’s newly appointed CIA head, General David Petraeus played a key role the organization of covert support to Syria’s rebel forces, the infiltration of Syrian intelligence and armed forces, etc...........................


The CIA is overseeing covert ops in Syria. In mid-March, General David Petraeus met with his intelligence counterparts in Ankara, to discuss Turkish support for the Free Syrian Army (FSA) ( CIA Chief Discusses Syria, Iraq With Turkish PM, RTT News, March 14, 2012)...............................


Under Jeffrey Feltman’s supervision, the actual recruitment of terrorist mercenaries, however, is carried out in Qatar and Saudi Arabia in liaison with senior intelligence officials from Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Libya and NATO....................




28-5-2012: SYRIA: Guardian's Houla Massacre Propaganda Stunt Uses "Little Kid". Another case of reckless journalism aimed at selling war - by Tony Cartalucci



Throughout the entire length of the Guardian’s article, not a single shred of verified evidence was presented.......................


Hopefully the serial lies told by the Guardian, the BBC who recently included pictures of mass graves in Iraq in their Houla, Syria coverage, and Western leaders who have lied their populations into over 10 years of constant warfare, have finally reached a point where they will no longer be able to advance their agenda with even a fig leaf of credibility......................................




28-5-2102: DEATH SQUADS: UN Security Council issues statement condemning Houla Massacre



28-5-2012: NATO'S "MEDIA WARFARE": Syrian Government Blamed for Atrocities Committed by US Sponsored Deaths Squads - by Tony Cartalucci



As the killings were allegedly taking place, US, British, and French representatives were already preparing to accuse, condemn, and level punishment against the Syrian government, .........................................


It was also during this haste to publicize and distort the violence to maximum effect, that BBC deceitfully published a photograph of mass graves in Iraq, years old, claiming as they do all their “evidence,” it originated from “pro-democracy activists,” once again challenging the veracity of a year’s worth of claims coming from these consistently dubious sources............................


While some find it difficult to believe that the West would stage, promote, and/or exploit the sort of violence seen in Houla, we must ask ourselves, “is there any historical precedence that can give us insight or clues to the if’s and why’s?” Indeed there is..........


Since the 1990′s, according to US Army General Wesley Clark, the West has sought region-wide conquest of the Middle East through the installation of client regimes..........................


Since 2002, the West has sought to overthrow the Syrian government. Clearly, since 2007, the West conspired against Syria.....................




27-5-2012: SYRIA: The West Undermines UN Monitors. Paves the Way for NATO Intervention - by Tony Cartalucci http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=31066


Despite this constant torrent of disinformation put out by dubious institutions possessing clear conflicts of interest, funded literally by convicted criminals and serial warmongers, a great deal of evidence has still emerged painting a very contradictory picture of events in Syria, and alleged “massacres” like the one supposedly unfolding once again near Homs...................


It is confirmed that indeed the “pro-democracy” “freedom fighters” in Syria are in fact carrying out horrific atrocities, including the kidnapping, torture, and murder of civilians – this according to Human Right Watch itself, as well as a recent report provided by the UN.


There are also admissions of Syrian rebels carrying out a campaign of indiscriminate terrorist bombings conducted by Free Syrian Army militants with ties to fighters who killed US troops in neighboring Iraq. .....................................


And despite the West’s narrative unraveling, and it becoming abundantly clear that the unrest is being perpetuated by terrorist organizations funded and armed by foreign interests, the US has pressed on with Israel and Saudi Arabia in continuing this funding and arming...........


The 2007 plot described by Seymour Hersh in his article, “The Redirection” began under the Bush Jr. presidency and has continued on in earnest under Obama........


The violence in Syria was premeditated and facilitated solely by malicious foreign powers openly seeking to effect regime change since as early as 2002 and arming and organizing violent extremists with direct ties to Al Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood since as early as 2007........


With the Western media now admitting that Syria’s opposition consists in fact of very real terrorists, funded by despotic Gulf States and the West, carrying out systematic atrocities against the civilian population.....................




26-5-2012: US-NATO SEEK TO TRIGGER INSTABILITY IN SYRIA: Death Squads Ravage Syrian Town - West Calls For "Action" - by Tony Cartalucci


France’s new Foreign Minister, Laurent Fabius, has called for the dubious “Friends of Syria” cadre to meet again to discuss further measures to be taken against Syria while both France and the UK urged for more support to be given to the Syrian opposition, now long exposed as employing terrorist tactics, including indiscriminate bombings, and according to both the UN and Human Rights Watch, the kidnapping, torture, and murder of civilians.....................

Before UN monitors even arrived in Houla, Syria, northwest of Homs and close to the Lebanese border where it is now admitted that militant extremists, cash, and weapons had been freely flowing for months, the US, UK, and France were already calling for the "international community" to move against the Syrian government, in the latest effort to justify further meddling in the Middle Eastern nation

After the serial lies both the Syrian opposition and the Western corporate-media has been caught in, not to mention the deceitful premises used to sell both the Iraq and Libyan wars to the world, is it not unreasonable to question a narrative so quickly concluded and leveraged (in hours) by the West?


This, the same West that sat idly by while the "Free Syrian Army" conducted nationwide terrorist bomb attacks, they themselves admitted they were carrying out. Where was the outrage and calls for action then? The UN condemnation of foreign interests funding militant groups purposefully targeting civilians?




26-5-2012: MEDIA FABRICATIONS OF THE FACTS: When the Respectable Become Extremists. The Extremists Become Respectable - by Prof. James Petras



By any historical measure, whether it involves international law, human rights conventions, United Nations protocols, or standard socio-economic indicators, the policies and practices of the United States and European Union regimes can be characterized as extremist........

By that we mean that their policies and practices result in the large-scale, long-term systematic destruction of human lives, habitat and livelihood affecting millions of people through the direct application of force and violence.


...........Colonial wars, devastating civil society and stable cultures while impoverishing millions in the colonized country, are justified, embellished and presented as lawful and humane advances in secular democratic values.......................


As Western-backed Islamist terrorists savage the secular regime in Syria , the Western press, especially the Financial Times, continue to absolve the terrorists use of huge car bombs, which have killed and mutilated hundreds of Syrian citizens.................


As the Obama regime and its European allies publically embrace extremism, including state terror, targeted assassinations and the car bombings in crowded urban neighborhoods, the respectable press has joined in. Extremism takes many forms –from the refusal to report honestly about the use of mercenary force and violence to overthrow ......................................




25-5-2012: US prepares multi-front proxy war against Syria - by Chris Marsden



Saudi Arabia and Qatar were sending weapons with approval from Washington, which has “expanded contacts with opposition forces to provide the gulf nations with assessments of rebel credibility and command-and-control infrastructure........................


As with Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, Lebanon’s involvement as a proxy force is based on whipping up sectarian hostilities against Shia Iran and Assad’s Alawite-based regime..................




25-5-2012: Puppet Regimes and Fake Democracy: Syria, Yemen, and America’s Quest for Imperial Dominance - by Eric Draitser



........... the enemy is Al-Qaeda which must be fought with US military might, while in Libya and Syria, Al-Qaeda is an ally fighting against the oppressive regimes of Gaddafi and Assad. This duplicity should come as no surprise since Washington’s foreign policy is based on expanding US hegemony rather than promoting any ideals..........................


The second aspect of America’s imperialist strategy is the fomenting of ethnic, tribal, and other sectarian conflicts. In doing so, Washington is able to prevent the emergence of any form of nationalism that, by definition, would stand in opposition to US imperialism..........


.........................Syria has been under assault by West-sponsored, foreign mercenary terrorists who have usurped the title of “opposition”, thereby making the real opposition into a mere irrelevancy on the international stage. The United States and its proxies in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, and elsewhere are responsible for this reprehensible turn of events......................................


.....................when the Obama administration claims that the Yemeni model is the best course of action in Syria, what they mean is that their tactics of subversion through terrorism are simply a means to an end. Just as in Yemen, the United States seeks to topple Assad and install a puppet government, one that would be comfortable under the thumb of the imperialist ruling class............




24-5-2012: Syria: The Road to War Continues - by Devon DB



....It has been revealed in recent days that the US and Turkey are in fact aiding the Syrian rebels and that the push for intervention is growing.......


The Washington Post stated recently that the Syrian rebels “have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks,..........................


Rebel sources in Hatay told me last night that not only is Turkey supplying light arms to select battalion commanders, it is also training Syrians in Istanbul. Men from the unit I was embedded with were vetted and called up by Turkish intelligence in the last few days and large consignments of AK-47s are being delivered by the Turkish military to the Syrian-Turkish border..................................


The increase in violence plays into the hands of the West, especially the United States. Weiss wrote that “Turkey wouldn’t take such a course of action without express American consent or encouragement”................




23-5-2012: US-NATO Destabilization Extends from Syria into Lebanon - 2012-05-23



They clearly dislike this country’s government course aimed at preventing foreign intervention in Syrian affairs and facilitating a swift peaceful settlement in Syria on the basis of Kofi Annan’s plan approved by the United Nations Security Council, the actions of military and security agencies opposing the attempts at arms smuggling and militant trafficking...........


21-5-2012: Syria: The New ‘R2P’ – "RESPONSIBILITY TO PRETEXT": Human Rights, Democratic Reforms, Al Qaeda and now WMD - by Finian Cunningham



.........The real goal for Western powers and their Middle Eastern allies is regime change in Damascus as a precursor to stepping up aggression toward Iran. This, in turn, is an integral part of Washington’s permanent war agenda for hegemony in the world’s oil-rich region, an agenda that began with Afghanistan and Iraq and which will not end with Syria and Iran – Russia and China being the ultimate rivals that need to be subjugated.


As for the “threat of Al Qaeda”, the Western-backed mercenaries running amok in Syria are made up of Islamic extremists recruited from Libya, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and Iraq, as well as from within Syria. ......................... the US and its Western allies are more often than not working in violent collaboration with Islamists, whether Muslim Brotherhood, Saudi Wahhabists or Al Qaeda jihadists, to project Western imperialist interests. These jihadists are operating in Syria with the full knowledge and support of Western powers to wage a campaign of terror and destabilisation against the secular Assad government.  That is largely why these so-called oppositionists have failed to garner any substantial support from Syria’s co-existing Sunni, Druze, Christian or Alawite communities, even if some of these groups possess dissenting views towards the Assad government............................................................



19-5-2012: Washington Promotes Kurdish Uprising: US "Kurdish" Threat Aimed at Turkey, Not Syria - by Tony Cartalucci - http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=30906

.............The violence in Syria has been predominantly carried out by extremist groups, tied to Al Qaeda, and organized, funded, staged, and armed by the United States, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, with Lebanon's Hariri faction playing a major supporting role. Starting as early as 2007, it was reported that Syria's notoriously violent Muslim Brotherhood was already receiving support from the West to begin undermining Syria as part of a grander strategy to break the Iranian-Syrian-Hezbollah sphere of influence across the region....................................


So then, Washington's latest move, in addition to openly admitting they are facilitating the arming of Syria's opposition in the midst of a UN brokered "ceasefire," to invite "Kurds" from Syria for talks about arming and deploying them against President Bashar al-Assad, seems a very unlikely scenario. Indeed, Washington may very well arm Syria's Kurds, but the direction they will ultimately go will be Ankara, not Damascus. .............................................


......................... The US using Turkey as a proxy, will fight its enemies to the last Turk, after bleeding its own soldiers dry and bankrupting its taxpayers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Turkey's hesitation, in Washington's eyes, after the offering of several unpalatable carrots, seems to be now incurring the stick. If Turkey needed any more reasons to abandon a pro-Wall Street-London stance, this latest provocation by Washington should be it.......................................................................



18-5-2012: US Officially Arming Extremists in Syria - by Tony Cartalucci


Denied no longer, US officials admit US-Saudi cash & logistical support arming terrorists in Syria


Now it is fully admitted that weapons, cash, and logistical support is indeed being provided to terrorist forces in Syria by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Gulf States...........................


............the West has continuously berated the Syrian government for violating, indicates that indeed reorganizing, rearming, and redeploying NATO’s terrorist proxies is complete, and another round of destructive violence has begun...................


.....The Washington Post openly admits that these weapons, supplies, cash and support, provided by the US and Saudi Arabia are directly responsible for the increased violence in Syria, in the midst of a ceasefire the West has attempted to disingenuously use to defame the Syrian government..............................




17-5-2012: VIDEO: Pentagon Talks Peace, Then Arms Syria Rebels Via Gulf Allies - by Brian Becker



The US has scripted things in a way that peace is impossible in Syria, anti-war activist Brian Becker believes.................


A senior State Department official admitted on condition of anonymity that the United States has increased its assistance to the Syrian opposition, the Washington Post reports.....................


The rebels confirm that they have begun receiving significantly more – and better – weapons in recent weeks. Officials and opposition activists say it is all paid for by states in the Persian Gulf and coordinated by the United States............................


The Western powers, NATO, see the destruction of the Iranian government as the ultimate prize in terms of a reconfiguring, re-colonizing, of the Middle East..............................




16-5-2012: Syrian rebels get influx of arms with gulf neighbors’ money, U.S. coordination



Syrian rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Persian Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States, according to opposition activists and U.S. and foreign officials.........................


The U.S. contacts with the rebel military and the information-sharing with gulf nations mark a shift in Obama administration policy as hopes dim for a political solution to the Syrian crisis......................


Opposition activists who two months ago said the rebels were running out of ammunition said this week that the flow of weapons — most still bought on the black market in neighboring countries or from elements of the Syrian military — has significantly increased after a decision by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other gulf states to provide millions of dollars in funding each month..............................


Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood also said it has opened its own supply channel to the rebels.....................................




16-5-2012: VIDEO: Syrian Opposition Studies Terror Tactics in Kosovo - by Benjamin Schett –



15-5-2012: Terrorist Expertise" and the KLA: Russia Warns Against Training Syrian Rebels in Kosovo



The Russian Foreign Ministry on Monday urged international bodies operating in Kosovo to prevent the region from turning into a training ground for Syrian rebels.........................


“There are plans to use the areas [in Kosovo] that resemble the terrain in Syria. The possibility of setting up training camps at the former bases of the Kosovo Liberation Army [KLA] is also being discussed,” the statement said.....................




12-5-2012: CONFIRMED: Opposition Extremists Behind Damascus Bombings



However, not even a day passed before another AP report has now confirmed that the terrorist Al-Nusra Front has claimed responsibility for the deadly blasts that ripped through Damascus this week, killing scores and injuring hundreds, and shattering opposition claims that the Syrian government was behind them.......................


Western officials say there is little doubt that Islamist extremists, some associated with al-Qaida, have made inroads in Syria as instability has spread since the start of the uprising against President Bashar Assad 14 months ago." ....................


What AP fails to mention is that the West, in coordination with Israel and Saudi Arabia, have been building up an extremist, militant Sunni front since at least 2007, according to a 2007 New Yorker report by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh titled, "The Redirection: Is the Administration's new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?..................................


Because US and Israeli support is covertly funneled through Saudi sponsors, Sunni extremists forming the rank and file of the West's terrorist proxy war against Syria, and ultimately Iran, have little idea that they are in fact being used as tools by the self-serving machinations of the West to divide and destroy not only Shi'ia Muslims, but the Arab World in general........................


As the violence in Syria escalates through US, Israeli, and Saudi funding, weapons, and support, the Western media is clearly obfuscating the truth ........................




11-5-2012: Al Qaeda Linked French, Belgian and British Mercenaries involved in terrorist attacks in Syria http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=30810


Some of the 12 are French, British and Belgian nationals, according to the Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar al-Jafari, who has submitted a list of foreign mercenaries to the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. According to Jafari, the militants are closely linked to the Al-Qaeda international terrorist organization....................



10-5-2012 : 2007 New Yorker Article Exposed US-Israeli-Saudi Conspiracy to Overthrow Assad. by Tony Cartalucci http://landdestroyer.blogspot.nl/2012/05/syrian-war-prequel.html


...Muslim Brotherhood is funded by & serves as the primary instrument of US, Israel, & Saudi Arabia

...............Lebanon was designated as staging ground to destabilize Syria with Sunni extremists.

...............Saudi and Muslim Brotherhood anti-Israeli and American sentiments are feigned. 

................US intelligence knew in advance unleashing Sunni extremists would result in genocide.

Saudis & Americans admit Sunni extremists - the foundation of Al Qaeda - are under their control


..........to admissions that the US is funding a region-wide network of militants and terrorists, many of whom have literally trained at Al Qaeda camps....


...........the New Yorker's 2007 makes it clear that the Brotherhood is one of the primary instruments used by the Saudis as part of a US-Israeli-Saudi effort to eliminate Syria and Iran. Not only that, but the report indicates that the US itself has been funding and using the Muslim Brotherhood as well. .........

........The evidence trickling out of the corporate-media regarding who the armed Syrian opposition is, reveals that it is predominately an extremist Sunni-movement, not only including Syrian extremists, but militants crossing the border from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, and even from as far as Libya.


.........The Muslim Brotherhood is often portrayed as being anti-Israeli, anti-US, and anti-West in general. In reality they are a creation of and have been ever since servants of expanding Wall Street and London's corporate-financier hegemony across the Islamic World........




10-5-2012: Syrian Rebels Admit Terrorist Bombing Campaign - by Tony Cartalucci



Reuters quotes one rebel fighter as saying, "we are starting to get smarter about tactics and use bombs because people are just too poor and we don't have enough rifles...................................


........................the Reuters story reveals that the rebel bombing campaign is being carried out by Sunni "hardliners" who learned their bombing skills from fighting (and killing) US troops in neighboring Iraq - or in other words, the very "al Qaeda" the rebels claim they are not like........................


Reuters admits that rebels are "channeling" outside donations into "better materials" leading to "more sophisticated bombs,"......................




6-5-2012: Syria's Muslim Brotherhood rise from the ashes



....With many living in the West, and some ditching their trademark beards, it is hard to differentiate Brotherhood from leftists...........


The Syrian Brotherhood is a branch of the Sunni Muslim movement founded in Egypt in the 1920s....................


With backing from Ankara, and following the political ascendancy of the Brotherhood in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya since Arab Spring revolts broke out two years ago, the group is poised to be at the top of any new governing system in Syria....................


Working quietly, the Brotherhood has been financing Free Syrian Army defectors based in Turkey and channeling money and supplies to Syria................



4-5-2012: Syrian opposition studies terror tactics in Kosovo



A delegation of Syrian rebels has made a deal with Pristina authorities to exchange experience on partisan warfare. The Syrian opposition is sending militants to Kosovo for adopting tactics and being trained to oust President Bashar Assad’s regime...........................


The training camp on the Albanian-Kosovo border that has welcomed Syrian attendees was originally organized by the US to help the KLA train its fighters...................


The same horrors that were witnessed during the war in Kosovo are now apparently being prepared for the multi-confessional Syrian population by Islamist Syrian Liberation Army trained in Muslim Kosovo in the middle of Europe...................................




Kosovo Terror Training Camps Re-Open for Syrian Rebels: http://tv.globalresearch.ca/2012/05/kosovo-terror-training-camps-re-open-syrian-rebels


7-3-2012: Syria Christians fear life after Assad Alexandra Zavis

They worry they'll be the target of revenge attacks by Sunnis if the leader is ousted.



"If the regime goes, you can forget about Christians in Syria," said George, a 37-year-old dentist ............................. "Look what happened to the Christians of Iraq. They had to flee everywhere, while most of the churches were attacked and bombed.....................................


The Bishop's comments are corroborated by over a year of evidence trickling out of the Western media itself - with admissions that Libya has been sending cash, arms, and fighters to join the so-called "Free Syrian Army," and that the Muslim Brotherhood is indeed heavily involved in the fighting, as they were in the 1980's when last they were defeated in Syria..............................


In regards to sectarian violence directed specifically at Christians, the Bishop's narrative is confirmed by LA Times' "Church fears 'ethnic cleansing' of Christians in Homs, Syria," and more recently in USA Today's distorted, but still telling, "Christians in Syria live in uneasy alliance with Assad, Alawites."...............................




1-3-2012: Clinton: Al Qaeda, U.S., Helping Syrian Rebels (by Paul Joseph Watson)



Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has admitted that Al-Qaeda and other groups on the State Department’s terror list are on the same side as the United States in Syria and that they are aiding opposition rebels...........................


Clinton’s admission that Al-Qaeda is supporting the armed insurrection in Syria dovetails with reports that the same Al-Qaeda terrorists who helped overthrow Colonel Gaddafi in Libya were airlifted into Syria by NATO forces.........................


“It is richly ironic that the unelected fundamentalist Sunni regimes of the Persian Gulf are supporting Al Qaeda affiliated groups within Syria purportedly to “bring about democratic reforms,” writes Professor Michel Chossudovsky. “This is the same dynamic that prevailed in Libya where the overthrow of that country’s government by Western and Gulf Arab powers has now led to a collapse in human rights and social conditions.”


“In Homs on Tuesday, a general claiming to be from the rebel group appeared on camera and told a journalist from Reuters news agency that “French and American assistance has reached us and is with us.”...........



28-3-2012: Shocking Report Reveals Terrorists’ Crimes in Syria (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


A new report published by a German daily revealed the violent and shocking crimes committed by the terrorists fighting President Bashar Assad’s government in Syria…………..


The report revealed that the Syrian rebels have formed their own laws, courts and death squads in Baba Amr neighborhood in the restive city of Homs and beheaded the captured army soldiers……………..


Hussein, one of the rebels fighting the government of President Bashar al-Assad, is quoted in the report as saying that he himself decapitated four army soldiers who had been detained by gunmen……


“As of last summer, we have executed 150 men, which constitutes only 20 percent of our prisoners,” claimed another hospitalized rebel identified as Abu Rami…..




25-2-2012: .US. Fighting On the Same Side as Three Terrorist Groups In Syria



This is curious, given that the U.S. is supporting the Syrian opposition (and see this), considering military options for ousting the Syrian government, American allies Britain and Qatar allegedly already have foreign troops inside Syria, and the U.S. has been planning regime change in Syria for over 50 years.............................




12-2-2012: Crimes in Syria committed by terrorists backed by Western and Arab countries (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


“The above terror acts are in line with the anti-Syrian campaign, backed and funded by some countries in the region and provoked by well-known mass media, nudging armed gangs to murders of civilians,” says the statement of the Syrian Foreign Ministry as quoted by the SANA news agency………………


“These crimes were committed by terrorists, backed by Western and Arab countries which do not fulfill their international obligations and seek to undermine security of Syria and its citizens………




7-1-2012: SYRIA: British Special Forces, CIA and MI6 Supporting Armed Insurgency. NATO Intervention Contemplated


Reports from late November last year state that British Special forces have met up with members of the Free Syrian Army (FSA), the armed wing of the Syrian National Council. The apparent goal of this initial contact was to establish the rebel forces’ strength and to pave the way for any future training operations...........


US, UK and Turkish operatives are supplying the rebels with weapons in violation of international law. Reports confirm that the rebels are trained gunmen as well members of Al Qaeda affiliated organizations...................




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