Welcome to the website of Aramean Christians of Syria


Following Iraq, now the Aramean indigenous nation of Syria will be exterminated and forced into Diaspora by the Western colonial powers.



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The area of southeastern of Turkey and north of Syria, roughly speaking the area of Paddan-Aram, is being considered as the cradle of the Aramean nation (see more on this.....)


Iraq, Syria and Lebanon are the only countries where the Arameans and non-Arameans can practice their religion in freedom. Iraq has already been destroyed by the Western colonial powers, Syria is in the process of destructions, what remains is Lebanon.


===================Arameans of Syria===================


It is estimated that there are around 2.0 million Aramean and non-Aramean Christians in Syria. Below we will provide our beloved reader with some background information on the various Aramean denominations present in Syria.


At the early beginning of Christianity, the Aramean nation was geographically termed as West- Arameans and East-Arameans. Roughly speaking, river the Euphrates was de border. The Arameans living Eastern of Euphrates, the Persian Empire, were called “East- Arameans” or “East- Syrians”; thus "Nestorians" who later became known as “Chaldeans” (1553) and again later as “Assyrians” (19th century).


The Arameans living Western of Euphrates, the Roman Empire, were called “West- Arameans” or “West- Syrians” or in short just “Syrians”. And sometimes both the East- as well as the West- Arameans are called “Syrians”; if not specifically indicated! In Syria the following Aramean denominations are present:


West- Arameans: Syrian Orthodox, Syrian Catholics, Syrian Maronites, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox, Syrian Melkite Greek (Rum) Catholics

East- Arameans: Chaldeans, Nestorians ("Assyrians")


In the 16th century, the colonial powers started to interfere with the Middle-East and in particular to create divisions within the Aramean nation and incite them against one another.


Imaginable and unimaginable methods were employed to incite the Arameans against one another on the national as well as on the religious level. To explain this, below we present to you some events as observed by the American Presbyterian Rev. Justin Perkins who visited the East- Aramean Nestorians of Urmia in 1833.


In the report of Perkins, who lived for 8 years in Persia among the East- Aramean Nestorians, we read about the activities of Vatican among the Aramnean Nestorians: "No measure will be left untried by them, for leading away the Nestorians from the religion of their fathers and subjecting them to Papal control. A few years ago, a Jesuit offered to the Nestorian Patriarch $10.000, on condition that he would acknowledge allegiance to the Pope; to whom the patriarch replied, in the emphatic language of Peter to Simon Magus, "Thy money perish with thee."(Acts 8:20) (Justin Perkings, A Residence Of Eight Years In Persia Among The Nestorian Christians, 1843, page. 23).


On page 278 he mentions more examples, saying: "The Nestorians often relate the particulars of their past conflicts with Papists,-particularly the career of the last one who has visited them on this side of the Koordish mountains. His first attempt - daring one- was to bribe the Nestorian Patriarch. He went directly to his residence, in the Koordish mountains, and as a fully empowered legate, promised him, as I have elsewhere stated, four thousand tomans, ( $ 10,000,) on condition that he would declare himself and his people subjects of the Pope.

Finding mercenary motives ineffectual to accomplish his object, the Jesuit next appealed to the ambition of the Patriarch, telling him that should he become allied to Rome, he would be exalted to be the Pope's lieutenant in all the East. "Tell your master," said the Patriarch, "that I shall never become a Catholic; and should you even induce my whole people, to the last man, to do so, I would sooner become a Dervish, or a Koordish Moollah, than degrade myself by alliance with the Pope.


Finding the Patriarch inflexible, the Romish emissary next tried his artifices on the people of this province. A prince, a brother of Abbas Meerza, was then governor of Oroomiah, and had in his employ an old French lady in the capacity of an instructress of European languages. This old lady had acquired a measure of influence with her royal pupil, and the Jesuit found it very convenient to make her his coadjutor. When therefore the Nestorians spurned the rites of Rome as urged upon them by the Papal legate, the old lady, at his instigation, was accustomed to petition the prince to coerce them to submit to the 'Jesuit's dictation. This system was pursued, until the Nestorians were on the point of rising in determined resistance, and the prince was thus deterred from his oppression.


In some instances, the Papal emissary entered Nestorian churches, declared them the property of the Pope, and hung their walls with images and pictures, which the Nestorians as often indignantly tore down and destroyed. In one case, the Jesuit paid a yet dearer price for his temerity than the loss of his" gods." Entering a church in Geog-tapa, he commenced adorning it witb Romish tapestry, when Mar Elias, the venerable Nestorian bishop resident in that village, came into his church and ordered the intruder to desist. The Jesuit told the bishop that the church was not his, but the Pope's, and in the name of "his holiness," commanded Mar Elias to go out. The worthy Nestorian prelate, though aware that a bishop must be" no striker," yet regarding the emergency such as to justify an exception, took the Jesuit in hand, and gave him such a corporeal castigation, that he was glad to to escape with broken images and torn pictures; and this was the last attempt to establish the reign of Popery at Oroomiah before our arrival. Since that period, similar efforts have been renewed, but hitherto with as little success, as we shall have occasion to notice, in subsequent chapters. "


The events mentioned above are written down by a Protestant. And most probably Mr. Perkins was very well pleased to be informed about  and to be witness of such events  in order to discredit the other party. The Protestants however have availed themselves of such nasty methods as well and continue to do so until today.


It does not mean however that this kind of unholy and extremely harmful technology unfortunately was employed to not only brainwash, blackmail, bribe, and persecute the East- Aramean Nestorians, but also other Aramean churches like the West- Aramean Syrian orthodox and West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox church. As a result of this kind of unholy and nasty "evangelizing", the following Aramean Catholic groups were created:

  • West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church (1662)

  • West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church (1724)

  • West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church (1182)

  • East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon (1553)

In addition to that, the majority of Catholics in the Western world are deliberately being kept blind and this important information withheld from them on the unholy and nasty methods that have been employed on their behalf to divide, incite against one another and finally exterminate other nations. For this reason, this faithful Western Christian Catholics have all the rights to be informed about what has been done to other nations in their behalf and with their money.


The majority of Catholic schools, Seminars and Universities withhold deliberately students of this unsavory events taken place in the past. On the contrary, in these institutions, the "good works" of missionaries are emphasized on the fact that these "lost sheep" have come back to the "only holy Catholic Church" and that these "Unites" should be offered aid and assistance. They rather would prefer to bring back "the rest of the lost sheep" to the "only truthfully holy Catholic Church".


And the madness of all this is that this kind of blackmail, bribe, persecutions, brainwash and sorcery is placed under the umbrella of "Christianity", while in reality, it totally has nothing to do with Christian faith as explained in the Bible. And this kind of evilness is continued until our days and is the cause of the misery our people is facing in the Middle-East and has resulted in their Diaspora. See more on this horrific spiritual genocide of jesus of the west: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


============Aramean denominations================


West- Aramean Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch.

Patriarch: Zekka Iwas. Residence in Damascus, Syria.


This Church was the first Church established outside Israel and is the mother of all the Syrian Churches. Unfortunately this church has also immensely been terrorized by the Western Christianity, in particular the Catholic Church. In the Western literature you will frequently come across the heretical terms "Jacobite Church" and " Monofysite Church" with which the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch is being demonized.


See more on this: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Aramean_Spiritual_Genocide.htm


On the terms Jacobite and Monofysite: http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/MonofysiteJacobite%20.htm


West- Aramean Syrian Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Joseph Younan. Residence in Beirut, Lebanon

The Syrian Catholic Church was split off from the Syrian Orthodox Church in the 17th century. On this separation, Sebastien de Courtois writes: " The first [Syrian] Catholic Patriarch had been consecrated in Aleppo in 1662 with French help through the mediation of Ambassador Francois Picquet (page 33)…. .. which was encouraged by French diplomats present in Aleppo at that time. The diplomats favored the separation in the hope of one day uniting the Eastern Churches with that of Rome (XiX).. The Catholic mission activities were strongly supported by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs policy, which had been reinforced in the region by creation in 1856 of a vice-consulate in Diyarbekir at the request of the Vatican (page. 36) .


West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church.

Patriarch: Ignatius IV (Hazim). Residence in Damascus, Syria.

The West- Aramean Melkite Greek (Rum) Orthodox Church was established after the Council of Chalcedon held from 12 October - 1 November 451 AD. The Council was organized by the Pope and the Byzantine / Roman Emperor.


The Syrian Orthodox Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church and the Coptic Orthodox Church rejected Chalcedon. That is why these Churches are being called " Anti - Chalcedonian Churches".


The Arameans who did accept the decisions made in Chalcedon became allies of Byzantine /Roman Emperor and implemented in later times (from 11th century on) the Byzantine liturgical rite. Hence the name "Greek Orthodox Church".


These Arameans became known as " Melkites"; this term is derived from the Aramaic word "Malko", that means " King/ Emperor"; thus those who went along with the king/emperor, his followers. This Church is sometimes also called " Antiochian Orthodox Church".


The term "Greek" is only ecclesial term, not ethical one.


In the Middle-East, sometimes also the term " Rum" is being used in reference to these Churches, that is abbreviation of " Rumoyee" a reference to Byzantine Orthodox rite.

The on 18th of July 2012 killed Syrian minister of defense, general Dawoud Raja, was a West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox.

West- Aramean Melkite Greek Catholic Church.

Patriarch: Gregorios III Laham. Residence in Damascus, Syria.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Vatican, as explained above, to divide, to weaken and finally finish off, the West- Aramean Melkite Greek Orthodox Church was split off in 1724 and consequently the Melkite Greek Catholic Church was established.


There is no one Catholic Syrian church established without blackmail, bribe and brainwashing (Needless to says of course, however, this has nothing to do with Christianity).



West- Aramean Syrian Maronite Catholic Church

Patriarch Bechara Boutros al-Rahi . Residence in Bkerke, Libanon

This Church was named after the Aramean ascetic St. Maron and was established in 410 AD. The Aramean Maronites are subjected to the pope since 1182 AD. The Aramean Maronites are in terms of numbers, the biggest Aramean denomination.





East- Arameans

East- Aramean "Nestorian" Apostolic Assyrian Catholic Church of the East.

Patriarch: Dinkha. Residence in Chicago, United States.

The East- Aramean Church is the famous Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon (32 km northeastern of Baghdad).


Until 424 A.D. the East- Arameans were connected with the ecclesiastical seat of the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. However for reasons of persecutions, geography and politics, during the synod of 424 the East- Arameans decided to take independent position towards Antioch and from then on they themselves took care for ecclesiastical matters.


The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became strong and dedicated missionary church that enlightened many nations with the message of Jesus Christ. The  church produced spiritual giants who passionately spread the torch of Christianity. One of them is Patriarch Timothy I from eight century. Professor Sebastian Brock writes on page 194, Volume II, of Hidden Pearl this about Timothy I: "The key figure of the Eight- Century Persian Church was their extraordinary Patriarch Timothy I, who was not only a fine scholar of gentle temperament whose defense of the Christian faith earned him the respect of the Abbasid caliph with whom he debated, but who was also passionate supporter of Christian evangelism. In 781 Timothy could write to a Maronite correspondent that:

the king of the Turks, with nearly all (the inhabitants of) his country, has left his ancient idolatry and has become Christian, and he has requested us in his letters to create Metropolitan for his country, and this we have done."


Satan of course was not happy with the activities of this church and tried in many ways to destroy the church by means of persecutions, massacres, implementation of fake teachings, fake identities etc.. etc..


The deathblow that effectuated the downfall of this, once majestic church, was interference of colonial powers and in particular the United Kingdom and diffusion and implementation of colonial fake name "Assyrians" on religious, national, academic, social and cultural level through which the rich glorious history of this church was destroyed. And with that Satan achieved his goal and finalized the downfall of the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon.


Being Western- Aramean or Eastern- Aramean, one gets tears in the eyes and our heart is burning of what satan has done to this magnificent Church and degraded the church to the present hopeless state where even the colonial name "Assyrian" has been added to the name of the Church. There is a Aramaic saying from Tur Abdin that sounds like this: "The foundation laid by Lions has been turned into chaos by foxes"

(No, beloved reader no! The East- Aramean Church of Seleucia - Ctesiphon had originally nothing to do with Nestorios and his teaching, it was latter implemented and accepted. The same is true for the colonial fake name "Assyrians")


In the course of time the East- Aramean church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon became known under various name, namely:


"The Nestorian Church"

"The Church of Persia"

"The East- Syrian Church".

" The Church of the East" and more recently (since 1976) as:

" The Apostolic Catholic Assyrian Church of the East"


The term "Catholic" has no relation with Rome. It means something like " General/ Universal".


From this Church split off:


The Chaldean Catholic Church of Babylon in 1553 AD.

The Ancient Church of the East since 1968.


East- Aramean "Nestorian"Ancient Church of the East.

Patriarch: Addai II. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Ancient Church of the East was established in 1968 by the East- Aramean "Nestorian" bishop Toma Darmo. The reason had to do with the tradition of patriarchal succession within the East- Syrian Church of Seleucia- Ctesiphon and with decisions taken during a synod.


Within the East-Aramean nation a tradition was crept in whereby succession of Patriarch took place within the same family. And this caused church problems, amongst others the split off in 1968.


The Ancient Church of the East is sometimes also referred to as " Assyrian orthodoxe Church". "Orthodox", because the church rejects the teaching of Nestorios. The Ancient Church of the East is independent Church.


East- Aramean "Nestorian" Chaldean Church of Babylon.

Patriarch: Emmanuel Delly III. Residence in Bagdad, Iraq.

The Chaldean " Nestorian" Church of Babylon was established in 1553 following the activities of the Catholic missionaries among the East- Aramean "Nestorians". The Chaldeans are subjected to the Pope of Rome.


The East- Aramean " Chaldeans", the west-Aramean Syrian Maronites, the West-Aramean Syrian Catholics and the West- Aramean Syrian Melkite Catholics are called "Unites" in the Catholic literature, that means something like " Those who came back to the True Catholic Mother Church". Of course they will never say a word about the way these churches were established.


Indirectly of course this implies that the rest which has not joined the "true Catholic Church" is heretic. Beloved reader, please do not be fooled by words like " Christian cooperation", " Christian unity", "ecumenism" and other terms that should give the reader the feeling as if talking or discussing about these words they are very serious about the Christian cause, while in reality it is not.


The antichrist will also use these "nice" terms to unify "Christianity" to accept him. Without acceptance of antichrist by the majority of "Christianity", he will not be able to start his work on this world. Those among Christians who refuse and revolt against him will be labeled as "antichristians" and killed by the antichrist.


The abhorrent demonic hatred injected in the hearts of Aramean Catholics prevents any kind of cooperation. To the Aramean Catholics the Vatican is above everything whereby Jesus Christ totally is not of interest. These are the fruits of  the way these churches came into being.


A message to the Aramean Orthodox and East- Arameans, that is to say:


The Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, The Syrian Melkite Greek orthodox Church, The Ancient Church of the East and The Assyrian Apostolic Catholic Church of the East, is this one:


From the very beginning of Christianity until today you constantly are flying at each other, whereby you have put aside Jesus Christ. You think that it is okay and nobody cares about what you are doing? And that the Lord God can't see your quarrel whereby you all have created your own private kingdoms and don't care about the real King, namely Jesus Christ? The God YAHWEH, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob says, " Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the Lord. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 23:24)


All this is okay, nothing to worry about? How can you complain that you are being persecuted, killed, your churches blown up, burned, your sons killed, your daughters and wives dishonored and assumed by strangers while you have completely put aside Christ Jesus, the Holy and Almighty God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob?


The Almighty God YAHWEH, Gloria to His Holy Name, the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob says:


1. Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he will not hear (Isaiah 59:1-2)


2. Shameless nation, come to your senses   2 before you are driven away like chaff blown by the wind, before the burning anger of the LORD comes upon you, before the day when he shows his fury” (Zephaniah 2:1-2)


3. "However, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, search for me, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear their prayer from heaven, forgive their sins, and heal their country." (2 Chronicle 7:14)


It was because of our iniquities that the horrible Jesus of the West was able to fragmentize us, to diffuse fake names within our nation, to destroy our heritage and faith and to cause our nation into Diaspora. No, don't blame others for this and other misfortunes. We are only and exclusively the guilty ones, and no one else. We are responsible for what is happening to us! The Lord God had blessed the Arameans of Aram-Nahrin to be the first nation to accept Christ Jesus and together with the apostles of the Lord Jesus and the converted Jews they established the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch. What is left of the original glorious church of Antioch? Nothing, completely destroyed because of internal quarrel and centuries old hatred and imputations.


A message to the Aramean Catholics, that is to say:


The Syrian Catholic Church, The Syrian Melkite Greek Catholic Church, The Syrian Chaldean Catholic Church, The Syrian Maronite Catholic Church , is this one:


You may call yourself whatever you want to, but please do not lose your senses. There are thousands Western Catholics who refuse to be manipulated by the Vatican. They are Catholics, but they take independent position, they read and study the Bible on daily basis and try to dedicate themselves to Jesus Christ. These are the true Christian Catholics.


You as Aramean Catholics will definitely not go to the hell if you set yourself a bit free from Vatican and take more independent position. And please stop immediately to be used as remote control. The salvation of your soul does not come from Vatican, but from Jesus Christ. The Bible says: " .........for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present [you] [as] a chaste virgin to Christ" (2 Corinthians 11:2). Therefore, please put Jesus Christ on the first place and read the Bible in which He reveals Himself.


For those among the Aramean Catholics who want to know more about the covenant they have made, we refer to a top specialist on this field, Mr. William (Bill) Schnoebelen who has produced a DVD on this matter: http://www.withoneaccord.org/Catholicism-The-Church-on-Haunted-Hill-2011-DVD_p_180.html


Appeal to all the Aramean denominations


Please have a detailed look at the decadent behavior of your children, men and women in Diaspora. No sense of shame! One would think that when a person has escaped war, bloodbaths and massacres, he would behave modest and respectable. Unfortunately, the real life is quite different than one would imagine and wish. They simply go with the decadence, immorality and enjoy thoroughly the “luxurious” life in the West.


On the broadcasting channels Ishtar, SuryoyoSat and SuroyoTv, sometimes wedding parties, new year, Christmas, eastern and other parties are broadcasted where you see some people dressed so perversely, that they look like prostitutes. They give the eyes the impression as if they have something to sell! The obnoxious behavior is that some of them wear a cross between their half-naked breasts. And the most ungodly is that these kind of people are being associated with Christianity. And that is absolutely no good advertisement, for other nations are watching us and judge us according our behavior!


The worst thing is that from child to adult they do not want to know anything about the errors and treason they committed towards the Almighty God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and act as if nothing is wrong. Many of them are even boasting on their good deeds, Christian faith and self-satisfaction. What is worse is that many of them have removed Christ Jesus from their lives, without being aware of it, and call themselves "Christians" for the show.


Even now they are refugee at other man’s doors, they do not have slightest reason to ask themselves: Why did we become refugee at other man’s doors and make our hands open for them? Why did not our God protect us against evil forces that have invaded and assumed our indigenous homelands? What is the cause of our Diaspora and why we lost everything?  On the contrary, they enjoy the “luxurious” life in the West, act like drunkards, and do not want to be bothered with these difficult questions they simply don’t want to hear anything about!


The various Aramean Diaspora communities (including “Chaldeans”, “Assyrians”) in the West should not fool themselves and make any illusions for they have been entrapped by the “luxurious” decadent life in the West. For their survival it is necessary to wake up and reflect on what is coming. Thirty years ago nobody in Iraq would have imagined in their wildest dreams what is now happening to them, for they were entrapped in the carefree and “luxurious” life. Ten years ago nobody had imagined what is now happening with Syria. Therefore we appeal to all of the Aramean denominations as follows: "Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. 15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise" (Ephesians 5:14-15)


For those among you who want to learn more about centuries old persecutions, the lose of our ancestral homelands, and the reasons behind Diaspora, we refer to the following articles:






Articles concerning Aramean nation of Syria:


16-5-2013: The mysterious kidnapping of the two Aramean bishops, the contradictory reports in some media, the possible responsible ones …. and the possible dénouement……

23-4-2013: Two Aramean bishops kidnapped in Syria

15-4-2013: The use of chemical weapons by the colonial powers supported death squads and terrorists in Syria (fake name: “liberators.”)


21-1-2013: Iraq: Aramean teacher and student killed in Mosul: Repetition of Iraq in Syria


19-12-2012: Syria: Has the time arrived to carry out a false flag attack with chemical weapons to be used by the colonial powers as pretext to invade Syria? http://www.aramnahrin.org/English/Arameans_Syria_ChemicalWeapons_ColonialPowers_19_12_2012.htm

27-10-2012: Iraqi Aramean leader mourns on languishing away of Aramean presence… unseen hand… our concerns … the New World Order (NWO)… Paradigm Shift… Petrus Romanus…..


2-8-2012: Balkanization of Syria: Who will be the winners and who will be the losers?  What will happen with the indigenous Arameans present in this area since thousands of years?


23-7-2012: Syria: The good ones and the bad ones, which side do you support? The story of the Aramean sister Agnes Miriam


28-6-2102: ……………reported back that Western press was spreading disinformation about the real nature of the uprising in Syria and thereby prolonging and deepening the conflict………


18-5-2012: Is the colonial demonic plan being activated to ethnically cleanse Syria of its indigenous Aramean and other Christians?


13-12-2011: Climax of Madness: The unholy colonial product “Assyrians” wants together with Muslim brotherhood to topple the regime of Bashar Assad. How the odious demonic colonial powers maneuver their spiritual children and creation into the abyss to exterminate the Aramean nation of Syria


3-12-2011: “The use of mercenaries, death squads and snipers by Western intelligence agencies is well documented,, Will the ethnic cleansing of the Arameans of Iraq serve as a example to the future ethnic cleansing of Arameans of Syria?


1-12-2011: Disposing the Middle-East of Aramean, Coptic and other Christians: a demonic plan concocted in the antichristian malignant laboratories of colonial powers


26-10-2011: “Liberation” Iraq: Extermination Aramean Christians “Liberation” Egypt: burning churches and slaughtering of Coptic Christians


24-9-2011: “Liberation” of Iraq: Extermination of Arameans of Iraq. “Liberation” of Syria…..?????......


24-4-2010: Shutting down of Aramaic institute: It would be a travesty for Syria

6-7-2009: Arameans of Aram-Nahrin Organisation sent a letter to the President of Syria, Dr. Bashar al- Assad on the situation of the Aramean indigenous people.



***************International media concerning Syria****************



30-11-2011: SYRIA: The Orwellian "Responsibility to Protect" (R2P) used to Justify "Regime Change" and All Out War ( Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya)


28-11-2011: Al-Qaeda Terrorists Airlifted From Libya to Aid Syrian Opposition



The same Al-Qaeda terrorists who fought U.S. troops in Iraq and helped NATO overthrow Colonel Gaddafi are now being airlifted into Syria to aid rebels there in toppling President Bashar al-Assad..................................


As we previously documented, Abdulhakim Belhadj is the former front man for the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), designated as a terrorist organization by the US State Department..................


“Qatar and Turkey were reported to be airlifting “volunteers” from Libya to fight alongside the rebel Free Syrian Army, some also transporting weapons,” reports Israeli intelligence source DebkaFile...............


Following the fall of Tripoli, reports circulated that Libyan rebels had acquired a deadly arsenal of weapons, many of which are now on their way to Syria to aid in the overthrow of Assad............................




28-11-2011: Unknown Snipers and Western backed "Regime Change"A Historical Review and Analysis (Gearóid Ó Colmáin)



The western intelligence officials interviewed in the documentary also revealed how the Western press played a central role in disinformation. For example, the victims of Western-backed snipers were photographed by presented to the world as evidence of a crazed dictator who was “killing his own people....................


The people of Syria have been beset by death squads and snipers since the outbreak of violence there in March. Hundreds of Syrian soldiers and security personnel have been murdered, tortured and mutilated by Salafist and Muslim Brotherhood militants. ..................


When I visited Syria in April of this year, I personally encountered merchants and citizens in Hama who told me they had seen armed terrorists roaming the streets of that once peaceful city, terrorizing the neighbourhood................


Disinformation is effective in sowing the seeds of doubt among those who are seduced by Western propaganda. Syrian state media has disproved hundreds of Al Jazeera lies since the beginning of this conflict.  ......................


The use of mercenaries, death squads and snipers by Western intelligence agencies is well documented........................


Snipers are used to create terror, fear and anti-regime propaganda. They are an integral feature of Western sponsored regime change.............


But there is overwhelming proof that Western imperialism is attempting to destroy the Syrian state. As in Libya, they have never once mentioned the possibility of negotiations between the so-called opposition and the Syrian government. The West wants regime change and is determined to repeat the slaughter in Libya to achieve this geopolitical objective...........................




28-11-2011: Al-Qaeda Terrorists Airlifted From Libya to Aid Syrian Opposition



27-11-2011: Leading Libyan Islamist met Free Syrian Army opposition group. By Ruth Sherlock



Abdulhakim Belhadj, head of the Tripoli Military Council and the former leader of the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, "met with Free Syrian Army leaders in Istanbul and on the border with Turkey," said a military official working with Mr Belhadj. "Mustafa Abdul Jalil (the interim Libyan president) sent him there....................


Increasing volumes of video footage have been uploaded to YouTube of Syrians calling on Libyans to join their fight. In a clip backed by dramatic musical effects, a veiled Syrian woman entreats men from Misurata, the west Libyan city that fought off a month-long siege by forces loyal to Col Muammar Gaddafi, to come to save her country..............................................


25-11-2011: Media Lies Used to Provide a Pretext for Another "Humanitarian War": Protest in Syria: Who Counts the Dead? (Julie Lévesque)


2-9-2011: The Al Qaeda Insurgency in Syria: Recruiting Jihadists to Wage NATO's "Humanitarian Wars" (Professor Michel Chossudovsky)



This insurgency in Syria has similar features to that of Libya: it is integrated by paramilitary brigades affiliated to Al Qaeda. Recent developments point to a full-fledged armed insurgency, integrated by Islamist “freedom fighters” supported, trained and equipped by NATO and Turkey’s High Command..............................


NATO headquarters in Brussels and the Turkish high command are meanwhile drawing up plans for their first military step in Syria, which is to arm the rebels with weapons for combating the tanks and helicopters spearheading the Assad regime’s crackdown on dissent. Instead of repeating the Libyan model of air strikes....................................


Military sources also confirm that Syrian rebels “have been training in the use of the new weapons with Turkish military officers at makeshift installations in Turkish bases near the Syrian border.......................


Also discussed in Brussels and Ankara, our sources report, is a campaign to enlist thousands of Muslim volunteers in Middle East countries and the Muslim world to fight alongside the Syrian rebels. The Turkish army would house these volunteers, train them and secure their passage into Syria. (Ibid, emphasis added)............................




4-11-2011: Libyan chemical weapons stockpiles intact, say inspectors



Libya's stockpiles of mustard gas and chemicals used to make weapons are intact and were not stolen during the uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi, weapons inspectors have said.............................


The inspectors returned at the invitation of the new Libyan government and with its full co-operation," it said. "The OPCW will continue to work with the Libyan authorities to verify and destroy any newly declared stocks........................




16-8-2011: The Pentagon's "Salvador Option": The Deployment of Death Squads in Iraq and Syria (Professor Michel Chossudovsky) (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


9-8-2011: A "Humanitarian War" on Syria? Military Escalation. Towards a Broader Middle East-Central Asian War?(Professor Michel Chossudovsky) (http://www.globalresearch.ca)


3-5-2011: SYRIA: Who is Behind The Protest Movement? Fabricating a Pretext for a US-NATO "Humanitarian Intervention" (by Prof. Michel Chossudovsky)



The existence of an organized insurrection composed of armed gangs involved in acts of killing and arson has been dismissed by the Western media, despite evidence to the contrary..........................


What is clear from these initial reports is that many of the demonstrators were not demonstrators but terrorists involved in premeditated acts of killing and arson............................


The Daraa “protest movement” on March 18 had all the appearances of a staged event involving, in all likelihood, covert support to Islamic terrorists by Mossad and/or Western intelligence. Government sources point to the role of radical Salafist groups (supported by Israel).......


An armed insurrection integrated by Islamists and supported covertly by Western intelligence is central to an understanding of what is occurring on the ground.....................


In a bitter irony, the Western media acknowledges the police/soldier deaths while denying the existence of an armed insurrection.................


While a US-NATO military intervention in the immediate future seems highly unlikely, Syria is nonetheless on the Pentagon’s military roadmap, namely an eventual war on Syria has been contemplated both by Washington and Tel Aviv........................








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