Patriarch Michael the Great
Who made the East- Aramean Nestorians known as "Assyrians"?
SUA/WCA and allowing terrorism
Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview
5-6-2006: Spiritual (brother) killing of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek
3-1-20105: The letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek to the bishops and the patriarch (3-1-2005)
2-3-2005: New Board in Austria: Letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek the government and to the new board (2-3-2005)
Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’. Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans. In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan.
Spiritual (brother) killing of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek 5-June-2006 Read, Hear and Shudder
Remark in advance:
There are many organisations and persons who scream from housetops that they want to defend worldwide the interests of the Aramean people. Some of these organisations practically only exist on paper and in addition they met from time to time to glorify each other without having done anything for our nation. To make the matters worse, they give each others certificate (of appreciation) for their ,,good work" (read: for their passivity and laziness). Others want only do something for the Aramean (Syrian) nation for their personal benefit.
Arameans of Aram-Naharaim Organisation distinguishes from all these organisations because of its simplicity, fairness, unselfishness and sincerity. And this was also clearely noticed by Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Therefore he wrote a letter of recommendation.
As to defend the interests of our nation, Aram-Naharaim stands in the frontline. We have got at our disposal a few documents where no human being can imagine the content. It is unbelievable, dirty, cruel, mean, that one cannot find the correct words by approach to describe the content. We mean by that the flagrant violation and trampling of the rights of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek by his colleagues bishops, monks and patriarch in a way which is above any sense and imaginative powers. But of course, he also made mistakes; however the way he is spiritually maltreat is beyond any imagination.
When we got these documents in our powers, we immediately knew that we had to through ourselves into the breach and felt forced to inform our people about these outrages and to unmask the perpetrators.
We don't want to run ahead of things; please read the analyse based on these documents and felt appropriate to entitle this analyse as,, Spiritual (brother) killing of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek".
The entire happening in fact been arranged behind our backs; as later on shall be demonstrated to you! Please do not let misguide you when you encounter sentences like,, according the decision of the synod" or ,, according the holy synod" or ,, the synod has taken the decision" etc.. etc.. The gentlemen clergy had decided to destroy Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and it seems thereby everything was permissible to achieve their goal!
Our analyse is based on the following:
1. The below documents which we have translated for you 2. Some oral remakes by outsiders made on this documents.
Individuals who have played an important role in the spiritual war against Mgr. J. Y. Cicek
In the past and today some of these clergymen made a horrible monstrous alliance with the outrages Western spiritual colonial anti-Aramean product, the terrorist "Assyrians", the unholy children of Nimrod and Samiramis (here and here), to offend and redicule Mgr. J. Y. Cicek in a way that even Satan worshippers would feel ashamed.
Hear, read and shudder about the great injustice and spiritual knifes galled in the back of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek for years. Hear, read and shudder about unbelievable sorrow and pain done to him by those who present themselves as children of the heaven. Hear, read and shudder about the indescribable and indefinable sneaky tricks carried out in the name of ,,Jesus" to crack down, spiritually terrorise and demonize Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Hear, read and shudder how the devilish trap was set up from all sides and was enclosed. Hear, read and shudder how fake accusations and lies were invented to demonize Mgr. J. Y. Cicek as being untrustworthy . Hear, read and shudder about those who hold up on Sunday the blood and body of Jesus Christ in front of altar and subsequently make treacherous and sly plans to destroy Mgr. Cicek in way whereby godless people would be ashamed. Hear, read and shudder about those who call themselves the children of the heaven and lead the blind and ignorant nation up the garden path and deal with business on the altar of the Lord God. Hear, read and shudder about awful things which cannot bear the daylight. The previous story forms a small summary of which below will be discussed about the spiritual killing of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. As mentioned before, we feel that the fundamental rights of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek has been violated in a cruel, inhumane, shameless and brutal way; which is absolutely not a good advertisement to the clergy. As a International Human Rights Organization, we believe that our duty is to expose and unmask this injustice; irrespective of the status or rank of the perpetrators or actually because of the rank and status of perpetrators. In addition, this people call themselves ,,Christians" and they are mostly clergymen; so we are finding ourselves within,, spiritual world" and this makes the case more important to discuses the matter; for we read,, Condemning the innocent or letting the wicked go--both are hateful to the LORD (Proverbs 17:15).
In fact this became harmful reality by the enormous spiritual hate campaign conducted by amongts others Matta Rohom who is apparently eager for power. Discussing the behavior of Evgin Kaplan, the friend of Elio Bahe, Mgr. Cicek says,, Where does come the discrimination from within the Syrian Orthodox Church: one person is clearly done wrong, while the other person who deserves punishment nothing had been done to him? (Answer D of report)
Yes indeed dear reader, Innocent one has been condemned and the guilty one is still playing flute like nothing happened. What a horrible outrage! One can ask what these kind people do good in their life? As became clear from the report of Mgr. Cicek, everything they do seems to be taken place so secretly, so sneaky, so underhand etc.. etc.. Perhaps for this reason the Bible warns the children of the Church,, For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret " (Ephesians 5:12)
There are indeed scandalously matters carried out secretly whereby many of us cannot imagine and would not believe; in particular if we understand that the inventors of these unsavory issues are ,,clergymen" who act like saints. These unholy deeds are being carried out in the name of ,,Jesus"- who of course has nothing to do with it! These kind of unholy deeds and issues occur everywhere and within every church community. Some of these issues becomes known to the outside world while others remain covered. In addition, we are living in a time whereby standards and values are thrown overboard and everybody is fighting for personal benefit. This of course has also repercussions on the spiritual leaders. In the framework of this, perhaps it is useful to listen to Word of Jesus Christ when he warns the faithful Children of the church and says,, Whoever is evil must go on doing evil, and whoever is filthy must go on being filthy; whoever is good must go on doing good, and whoever is holy must go on being holy." (Revelation 22:11)
The dirt and and lack of standards within the Church, before the end days, increases, however in front of that, also the goodness and holiness increases. So, the separation between good and evil inside the church is more and clearly pronounced. Of course this behavior is true for the clergymen as well! Most probably Mgr. J. Y. Cicek was the last obstacle for these immoral and bandits who had to be removed away so that they can carry out their unholy plan undisturbed. To realize this a filthy, underhand and cruel spiritual war was started against him from all sides; while the blind nation was not prepared to help him and throw themselves into the breach for him. Those who yesterday were his brothers, became suddenly his enemies. Those who were honest and sincere, were quite at the moments they had to open their mouth to come up for the rightness.
Before continuing with our analyse, we first wish to tell something about this zealous and hardworking bishop.
2. Mgr. J.Y. Cicek: A hardworking bishop who didn't want to stop
(More about this:;
The showpiece of which he was very proud was the Multi Media Project,, The Hidden Pearl". He was one of the initiators and the ,,Driving Power” behind the realisation of the Hidden Pearl. The Hidden Pearl deals with 3000 years Aramean language; Aramean culture, Aramean history, Aramean religion and is in finished in 2001. A renown team of scientists under the supervision of the British professor Sebastian Brock have finished a scientific masterpiece. The Multimedia project consist out of 3 videotapes and 3 encyclopaedia and charts structurally the Aramean history. The multimedia project can serve as a source of information for those who are interested in the culture, religion and history of one of oldest Semitic peoples of the Middle-east who are present since thousands of years in Mesopotamia and since second half of the 20th a significant part has been emigrated to the west.
Another issue was that he invested allot of time in the genocide on the Aramean people of Mesopotamia in 1915 whereby approximately 600.000 people were killed. The scarce information available on this forgotten and neglected Genocide he published in Aramaic, Arabic and Turkish. In 2002 he translated the eyewitness report of Abdel Massih Namaan Karabasi to Dutch and German. In 2005 he translated the book of archpriest Sleman Henno to Dutch and German. The English translation is still in process.
The saying: a great tree attracts the wind is for sure applicable on Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. The great success he made in 26 years as bishop is not remained unnoticed by his colleagues bishops - of which many of them have achieved nothing in their life until now and will probably achieve nothing. The three monasteries he established, the 43 churches in Europe he build for the community and many other works on cultural and spiritual work gave our nation the feeling that they feel Europe as 'this is their home'. We remain silent to speak about his activities for our Church in India; for example the establishment of a Aramaic Seminary; which now in our days many Deacons, Monks and laymen speak Aramaic as it was spoken in the times of Jesus Christ or the two patriarchal churches in Damascus he helped to be finished (More:
3. Jalousie/envy – Hate campaign
The cruel and inhumane hate of the disgusting anti-Aramean Western spiritual colonial product, the terrorist "Assyrians" -the children of Nimrod and Samiramis (here and here)- against Mgr. J. Y. Cicek is generally known. They left no stone unturned to crack him down and to dishonour him; even in the grave they gave him in a shameless and outrages way a kick in his back. His mistakes were exaggerated and repeated by resentful journalists of the local newspapers who were eager to be a doormat of their immoral friends - their own product and livelihood - who were represented as,, progressive" and ,,Liberal" seized every opportunity to ridicule the person of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Of course he made mistakes. However, in contrast to his colleagues, Mgr. Cicek had his heart in the matter and was doing everything for the wellbeing of his community.
In contrast to the hate propaganda promoted and glorified by the shameless apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians", the hatred and jalousie of some of his colleagues bishops who treated him cruel and merciless - because of zealousness and mobility- is much less known to us. This indescribable contempt, lack of respect and hatred for a important part can be explained from jealousy and envy which we will try to enlighten from the spiritual point of view. Regarding jealousy/envy the wise King Salomon says,, "Anger is cruel, and fury is overwhelming, but who can survive jealousy?" (Proverbs 27:4). Jalousie and envy may lead to hatred and revenge (Proverbs 6:34). Jalousie and envy may lead to bitterness and dishonesty (James 3:14). Jalousie leads to disorder, licentiously and selfishness (James 3:16). Jalousie is a antichristian behavior which removes the men from the Lord God. The results of jalousie are annoyance and foolishness (Job 5:2). Because of jalousie the Pharisees called Jesus 'satan' (Marc 3:22). The previous story on jalousie/envy can be exactly applied to the terrible situation of Mgr. Cicek who were attacked from all sides to spiritually break him down.
Because of jalousie and envy bishop Elio Bahe, the secretary of the Patriarch have tried in cooperation with priest Kerim Asmar from Switzerland to become bishop in Switzerland in order to separate Switzerland from diocese Europe. Because of jalousie and envy bishop Evgin Kaplan, bishop Elio Bahe, Mr. Gevriye Kaplan and monk Hazael Somi (now bishop in Belgium) have worked together against Mgr. Cicek to separate Belgium/France from Europe. Because of jalousie and envy in 2004, de chairman of the committee bishops, bishop Matta Rohom together with Elio Bahe and Melke Murad made a fake report - full of fallacies- concerning the diocese of central Europe to fragmentize it and to crack down Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Because of Jalousie and envy bishop George Saliba of Mount- Lebanon sent a letter to Emanuel Aydin in Vienna to crack down Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Because of jalousie and envy the same George Saliba connived with Emanuel Aydin to crack down the authority of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Because of jalousie and envy Patriarch sent a letter to the government of Austria to support Mgr. George Saliba and spit in the face of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek and stab a dagger in his side. Because of jalousie and envy Emanuel Aydin for years sent the letters of Patriarch concerning mgr. J. Y. Cicek to the government of Austria to offend Mgr. J. Y. Cicek and attacked his authority. Because of jalousie and envy Mgr. Isa Gurbuz prevented Mgr. Cicek to collect money in Germany. Because of jalousie and envy, the bishop of Sweden, Benjamin Atas glorified three monks, who caused great problems, to offend Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Because of jalousie and envy the same Benjamin Atas wanted two of his friends monks to become bishop in Europe by pressing Mgr. J. Y. Cicek, so that he could gain more authority. Because of jalousie and envy many others, amongst others mr. Gevriye Kaplan from Belgium, has offended Mgr. J. Y. Cicek for years to demonize and crack him down.
4. Letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek to the patriarch and bishops - defending him selves
To defend him selves against these extraordinary savage and resentful jalousie attacks; Mgr. J. Y. Cicek wrote a extensive letter on 5-1-2005 and sent it to all bishops and the patriarch. In his report Mgr. Cicek treats in detail the mentioned jalousie attacks of his colleague bishops and others. I addition he he wrote the following letters which we got to our disposal:
Because of the complexity of the issue, we are going to discuss below step by step the letter of Mgr. Cicek which he sent to the members of the synod and the Patriarch in detail. The letter is comprehensive and discuses in fact shortly all problems. Mgr. J. Y. Cicek defends him selves thoroughly in this report. Before analyzing the report of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek; we sincerely ask for your attention to the following 6 points:
1. As became known to many of you, a while ago to be precise on 18-1-2006, 550 Aramean families in diocese of Western United States of America (Evgin Kaplan) separated themselves from the authority of the Patriarch. The open letter they sent to the patriarch was published on various forums. Their letter can be found here.
It is very important to mention up few points about the reason of their separation:
Later on will be clear that the way the Patriarch treated the problem of the Western United States; exactly the same he treated Mgr. J. Y. Cicek.
-----In addition A few important Biblical quotes, very important to understand the spiritual war against Mgr. J. Y. Cicek, please read them carefully, for they literal will became true in case of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek-----
2. "Truth is missing. Those who turn away from evil make themselves victims. The LORD sees it, and he's angry because there's no justice." (Isaiah 59:15) 3. "They use their tongues like bows that shoot arrows. Lies and dishonesty rule the land. They go from one evil thing to another, and they don't know me," declares the LORD." (Jeremiah 9:3) 4. "Beware of your neighbors. Don't trust your relatives. Every relative cheats. Every neighbor goes around slandering." Everyone cheats his neighbor. No one speaks the truth. My people train their tongues to speak lies. They wear themselves out doing wrong. (Jeremiah 9:4-5) 5. “Their tongues are like deadly arrows. They speak deceitfully. People speak politely to their neighbors, but they think of ways to set traps for them." 9 "I will punish them for these things, declares the LORD. I will punish this nation. I still won't be satisfied." (Jeremiah 9:7-8) 6. You people hate anyone who challenges injustice and speaks the whole truth in court. ………….. I know how terrible your sins are and how many crimes you have committed. You persecute good men, take bribes, and prevent the poor from getting justice in the courts (Amos 5:10-12)
These points are of interest to keep in mind; for when we soon discuss the letter of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek; we will exactly be confronted with these unsavory issues which are unbelievable to a normal human being and, for a important part, shed some light on the hate campaign against him. The letter to the Synod, Patriarch and bishops can be found here. In addition, it is also of interest to first read all the documents, mentioned before, so that you can form a comprehensive picture of the situation.
4.1 Discussion of some important points of the report of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek.
The committee bishops consisted out of:
The committee was established in conformity with a decision of the synod in 2003. Given that apparently the tricks and insincerity of Mgr. George Saliba were known to Mgr. J.Y. Cicek; he refused Saliba from the committee. Reading the reaction of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek concerning this committee; he slates all about their fairness, sincerity, dignity and soundness. In fact he describes them as liars, traitors, cowardice’s, distorters of facts, violators of ecclesiastical laws, looseness concerning justice and morality, falsely accusations etc… etc.. etc…
He first gives a general introduction about the state of affairs and after that he discusses, based on 4 points, the deliberate mistakes made by the committee bishops, under the leadership of Matta Rohom. After this Mgr. Cicek discusses the 8 cassette tapes made by the committee as a part of their report and which later on served as dirty propaganda to put Mgr. J.Y. Cicek in a bad light. In particular, Mr. Matta Rohom, is considerable aimed in these affairs.
We read for examples about the behavior of Matta Rohom and his friends: ………talk with the members of the committee bishops and to make them aware of the known mistakes made by them when they visited the archdiocese. …………Immediately after receiving their report, I asked him in presence of His Holiness the Patriarch to talk with him and his friends about their inappropriate behavior which they demonstrated when they visited the archdiocese
You may rest assured that Mgr. J. Y. Cicek has had written these for a good reason. It was certainly not his mentality to ridicule other people without reason. These people have made deliberate mistakes to distort the affairs and to try to put Mgr. J.Y. Cicek as much as possible in bad light. However, the gentlemen don’t want to talk with him about this affairs and leave immediately (probably they smell a rat) and don’t to talk. This probably says something about their insincerity and a preconceived plan to get rid of him at any costs. The role of the patriarch in this matter is at least questionable; since he remain quite passive! As soon shall became clear, he is involved in the process to accelerate the downfall of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek.
Mgr. J.Y. Cicek says: ……. After I left Damascus, I was informed that His Holiness Patriarch summoned the heads of the archdioceses of the Syrian Orthodox Church, the high respected bishops, to Damascus to talk about the report of the members of the committee bishops concerning fragmentation of the pure/faithful diocese of Central Europe in Belgium/France and Switzerland/Austria and to hear their views:
Dear reader, please take a deep breath and shudder! Later on we will discuss this more in detail, however put your hands on your hearts and listen: if this is not a betray from the side of the patriarch towards Mgr. J. Y. Cicek; than please tell us what is a ,,betray”?
It seems that the patriarch and the people around him have decided to crush down Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and fragmentize Europe at any costs.
It seems no problem to the gentlemen to stretch the truth, fairness, sincerity in achieving their goals and thereby manipulating the blind people. The general standard and values, not to mention the Christian standard and values, seems not relevant to the gentlemen, they simply are not of interest. They want at any cost fragmentize the diocese central Europe and install their own friends to carry out their plans; they have in mind. To formulate this in other way: The gentlemen have decided to destroy Mgr. J. Y. Cicek; however how will they achieve this goal?
Mgr. Cicek says: " …….What is going on in the minds of some of high respected bishops to fragmentize the dioceses of the West? There are never problems within the archdioceses of Lebanon and Syria? Why should the archdiocese of Europe be fragmentized and not those of Syria and Lebanon?"
Mgr. Cicek asks these questions to everybody who received the report and probably nobody has answered this question. The simple answer however is this one: this is nothing but the antichristian dictatorial Arabic “ Bakaloria” ideology. That is all about!
The answer of Mgr. Cicek to point 1 sounds: The first main goal of the coming of this group bishops was to fragmentize the diocese and surely didn’t contribute to the peace in the diocese, but make a general research regarding the situation of the diocese and to learn people who cause problems (and chaos) like for example mr. Gevriye Kaplan in the city of Brussels; who since long times without permission of church councils and clergy spreads information in a sneaky, unfair and cruel way about Belgium and he is no member of our churches in Belgium; and works secretly together with His Highness Atanasius Elio Bahe, the secretary of the Patriarch and monk Hazael and bishop Avgin Kaplan to separate Belgium from the archdiocese.
Please dear reader, read this carefully, with attention and shudder. The words of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek can be considered as prophetical and they became literal true. Mr. Gevriye Kaplan, as we have read: a sneaky, unfair and cruel personality, worked together with Elio Bahe, Evgin Kaplan and Hazael Somi to separate Belgium from Central Europe. And this indeed took place on 12-2-2006 when monk Hazael Somi was consecrated as bishop in Brussels. Mgr. Cicek wrote his report on 3-1-2005 and Hazael Somi was made bishop on 12-2-2006. Remarkable indeed!
Truly, with his report, Mgr. Cicek has unmasked their real face. And please stand still and pay attention to following,, and to learn people who cause problems (and chaos)
What did prophet Salomon told about suchlike people? (Proverbs 14:9). We witnessed how on 4-10-2004 a meeting took place between the group of Matta Rohom and some of the treacherous youngsters who were members in the board of the monks. Of course, these shameless bandits will tell nothing positives about Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Several times; they have demonstrated their contempt’s towards him and even they brutally hunted on him; because he had put out of Holland these unscrupulous monks. What a de-humanized creatures!
Looking to the report of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek, from the spiritual and Christian point of view, the consecration of Mr. Hazael Somi to a bishop was illegal and objectionable. It was not because the Lord God wanted so; but because Mr. Hazael Somi succeeded in his plans. What can we expect from such a person?
An exceptional dirty and mean trick of Matta Rohom and his group to say,, Because of considerable increase of faithful in this diocese: and also because his highness the bishop of the diocese is getting old, it important for him to take some rest: And because we see as necessity that something should change in these times.
Mr. Rohom ,,forget” to mention that he is eager to become patriarch and thereby applying every mean possible to achieve his goal. One gets the impression as if these bishop clothes are doing nothing to Mr. Rohom; it seems just for appearances' sake!
Commenting on point 2 of the report Mgr. J.Y. Cicek says that on request of committee he did not attend their meetings in Europe. We read,, With all devotion/faithful possible I complied with the wishes: Later I understood that they had bad intentions with that.
This is typical the simplicity and credulous of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. He didn’t want to doubt about their good intentions; something which he unfortunately later regretted and experienced the opposite.
As a answer to this he says,, As it was illegitimate to sit down on the table and talk with the people who were no members of church councils and had no relation with church councils and organizations of the archdiocese and in particular with (malicious) people who cause problems/commotions and have no relation with the church and subsequently accepting and swallowing their ideas (because it fits in their line) aiming the law (of the church) to fragmentize the diocese. For example in Vienna where archpriest Emmanue Aydin who had drummed up people who had no relation with the church councils and the board of the churches.
Indeed, Mr. Matta Rohom and his committee are seeking to every mean possible to put Mgr. J.Y. Cicek in bad light and to fragmentize Europe. As a example, he discusses the behavior of Emanuel Aydin. This person has misbehaved in a shameless way against Mr. J.Y. Cicek. Later on, we will discuss this in detail; in the mean time it is enough to inform you that at one side he was involved in the axis George Saliba- Patriarch – Emmanuel Aydin and in other side he was involved in the axis Kerim Asmar- Abdo Gunel- Emmanuel Aydin- Isa Gurbuz. Regarding his misbehavior, Mgr. J. Y. Cicek send a letter to the patriarch which later on will be discussed.
As layman you feel deadly ashamed about the behavior of these people. It is just unimaginable!
On point 3 Mgr. Cicek says,, But not all the talks of the clergy and members of the church councils who have spoken were written on paper; only those who they wished to hear and which could contribute to the disruption of the archdiocese were written on paper and sent to the heads (bishops) of the dioceses."
Dear reader, please take a deep breath and stand for a moment still! What we here read is low, low and again low! Manipulations and distortion of facts; that is what the gentlemen bishops have done under the leadership of Matta Rohom in unholy way to catch Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. The most astonishing thing is the passivity of the Patriarch in this whole situation. As a answer to their unholy behavior, he says,, The members of the committee bishops have clearly demonstrated their own unfairness against this faithful diocese"
This is too friendly to describe the behavior of Matta Rohom and his committee. We could add to this that they have turned darkness into light and light into darkness; they have made what is bitter sweet, and what is sweet bitter (Isaiah 5:20).
Under point 4 he says,, Of these 12 priests only three of them want to fragmentize the diocese. Two in Switzerland and one in Vienna who a while ago officially was punished in the presence of his church council because of 17 mistakes and uncivilized behavior in a business issue”
Archpriest Kerim Asmar of Switzerland and Emanuel Aydin from Austria have tried since years to destroy Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. It is extremely interesting what here happened and at same time mournfully situation. Anyway, Mr. Aydin was punished by Mgr. J. Y. Cicek because of 17 mistakes he had made. Indeed, later on it will be demonstrated that some people have lack of politeness.
===============Cassette Tapes================
Now, we are going to discuss the comment of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek he made on 8 cassette tapes made by the committee bishops after their visit to Europe and were used as a mean of propaganda to put Mgr. Cicek in a bad light. Mgr. Cicek has divided his comment in sections A, B. C (C, D, he has twice), C, D and E corresponding respectively with reaction on tape 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8.
We were quite surprised when we read that it was Mgr. J. Y. Cicek who build the both patriarchal houses in Damascus as a answer to Mr. Matta Rohom and his group. In his answer he says: If the head of the diocese is weak in practicing his task: how then he was able to build 43 churches and monasteries in Europe published thousands of books and contributed for a great part to the two patriarchal spiritual residences and the Syrian church in India at the beginning of their construction; whom of the bishops has been much more success full in setting up such big projects in a new diocese and accomplished them?
The answer to the question of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek,, whom of the bishops has been much more success full in setting up such big projects in a new diocese and accomplished them?, is of course that no one of the bishops managed to get so far and that of course was a horrible thorn in their flesh. Unbelievable is the ungratefulness of the patriarch. Mgr. Cicek had helped him some much, however if push comes to shove; he acts like he was never helped by him. This is probably is a indication that he has become a instrument in their hands and therefore he contributes very little.
As a answer to tape three, Mgr. J. Y. Cicek says,, The committee bishops did not made research in consultation with the head of diocese; but have relayed completely (and with pleasure) on (bad) visions of people who have no idea what is going on within the archdiocese.
Relatively, Mgr. Cicek seems very friendly concerning the deliberate bad intentions of Matta Rohom and his friends. After all, they apply – as it is clear from the report – the dictatorial antichristian Arabic “Bakaloria” ideology. The fact they sit down on the table with people with evil intentions; is in agreement with the ideology they seem to practice (Proverbs 14:9). It is fascinating and interesting that Mgr. J. Y. Cicek reveals about Matta Rohom and says,, The greatest diocese in Syria is the diocese of Bishop Matta Roho as regards the number of faithful; who paid the necessary expenses for this diocese? Was that his own diocese or the sister dioceses, churches and organizations from Europe and United States? How much financial support did his highness (Matta Rohom) receive from the institutions of Netherlands? What did his highness do with the 50 million Syrian Pounds which he received, as it was confirmed by the faithful there, from the faithful of his diocese?
Mgr. Cicek has forgotten here a very important question to ask Matta Rohom, namely,, According to Matta Rohom, it is necessary to fragmentize Europe because of increased number of faithful and therefore it is ungovernable anymore”. What a cowardice and nasty trick! Why doesn’t Mr. Rohom say that he and his friends wish to consecrates as much as possible bishops who follow the antichristian “Bakaloria” ideology in order to have enough votes to be chosen as patriarch after the death of the present Patriarch? And why doesn’t Mr. Rohom talk about his own diocese to fragmentize for it’s the greatest one in Syria? Mr. Rohom received thousands of Euro’s from the West, including Netherlands. What is going on in the minds of these people to consecrate such an incapable person in Belgium? Wasn’t more than 80% of the people in Belgium against him?
The answer on tape 4 is very interesting. Mgr. Cicek says,, The committee bishops did not tell anything about the truth concerning the great evilness which was brought about by these monks by publishing dirty articles about the life in the monastery of Mor Yahkub of Saroeg in Germany when they where there as students and about the life in the monastery St. Afrem in the Netherlands in Aramaic and German and spread out in a evil way by internet and in the Netherlands they have in a treasonous/dirty way caused big problems. What is the reason that they came back from Jerusalem?
We are going to explain this more in the dept; for these monks have made havoc and brainwashed many youngster; it was becoming a kind of sectarian gorup. It is well-known that some of their sympathizers in Holland cherished extraordinary cruel hatred against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. Between 2003 and 2004 Mgr. J.Y. Cicek received secret faxes which were so cruel and low that no one can form an idea of about it; so much dirty were the faxes. Yes, so dirty that in some of them he is called as adulterer. Of course the sympathizers of the monks have done their best to say that these faxes were send by the opponents of these monks. It is true, no one can prove that it were these monks, however, there are more arguments to say that these monks were responsible for these faxes, who eventually got help from their friends, than their opponents. In addition Mgr. Cicek him selves testified in the presence of many that these monks were responsible for these faxes. He must have had reason to say this! To be precisely: he stated in the presence of many that monk Stefanus was the writer and Mushe was the initiator- it were these monks which were glorified by Mgr. Benjamin Atas. But of course it is outrages to suggest, as the friends of these monks have done, that other people have made him to believe so. We have translated the faxes; however some friends advised us not to put them on the net, because they are so dirty and outrages. Of course we are prepared to make them available for perusal to everybody with good intentions.
Very interesting is that Mgr. J. Y. Cicek asks the question,, What is the reason that they came back from Jerusalem?” All the bishops must have known the answer on this question and most probably it was not positive one! Unfortunately, we don’t know why they exactly came back from Jerusalem.
Spiritual Terror in monastery in Switzerland
To understand the unholy behavior if these monks, it is of utmost important to discuss two cases in Switzerland whereby they were involved. For this, we refer to the document: Spiritual Terror in monastery in Switzerland. As quoted, Mgr. J.Y. Cicek says about the behavior of these monks in relation to Holland,, in the Netherlands they have in a treasonous/dirty way caused big problems.
Dear reader, these are no meaningless words of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. And Mgr. Cicek did not write this down just randomly to put them in bad light; without any reason. He must have had legitimate reasons. The friends of the monks stated in their propaganda that people with bad intentions have made Mgr. J. Y. Cicek believe so. This is not only completely out of place but also a evidence of contempt; certainly if we take in account what they have done in Switzerland.
In his answer D to tape 7; we hear about punishment of Abdo Gunel and Emanuel Aydin. As soon will be discussed, however, how Emanuel Aydin of Austria, Abdo Gunel of Belgium and Kerim Asmar of Switzerland have done their best to make him as difficult as possible. All three gentlemen did not make any secrets of their desire to get lost of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and put somebody else in his place. As answer on tape 7, Mgr. Cicek says amongst others,, How can the head of diocese tolerate the cruelty and shamelessness of clergyman as priest Kerim Asmar of Switzerland, who during one year spread letters full of lies among the faithful under the name of the Patriarch or archpriest Emanuel Aydin who until now is unknown of his faith, whether Catholic or Protestant and all his work is done under influence of having greedy for money and don’t care about the church leaders.
Please read this very carefully, because it is very severe! Kerim Asmar of Switzerland spreads for one year lies about Mgr. J.Y. Cicek on behalf of Patriarch. And please pay attention to the description ,, the cruelty and shamelessness . How is this possible? There are in fact two possibilities:
If indeed it true that this hate propaganda was carried out without the permission of the Patriarch, than he should have immediately – if he has a minimum dignity and Christian standards and values - removed him from office. A sensitive matter is that Mr. Kerim Asmar is a great friend of Mgr. Elio Bahe, the secretary of the patriarch who together with Mgr. George Saliba and Matta Rohom have a important influence on the Patriarch. The impression is that the patriarch must have known about this propaganda; because he didn’t take any measure against Mr. Kerim Asmar. The conclusion of this ,, fraternal love” and ,,observation” of the (ecclesiastical) regulations, we leave to you! Interesting, but actually at same time self-evident as well is that Mgr. Cicek also involves Mr. Emmanuel Aydin who have behaved very unholy against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. About his behavior, Mgr. J.Y. Cicek sent a letter to the patriarch to punish him.
Also very interesting is that Mgr. J.Y. Cicek makes a remark about the faith of Mr. Emanuel Aydin which is unknown what kind of faith he adheres. So, Mgr. J. Y. Cicek must have known one or another about this matter. At the end of his comment on tape 7 he says,, All this issues carried out are illegitimate; while he ( Evgin Kaplan) was not punished. Where does come from the discrimination inside the Syrian Orthodox Church: one person is clearly done wrong, while the other person who deserves punishment nothing had been done to him?
We can inform Mgr. J.Y. Cicek very simple as follows: Most probably, these people are not Christians at all. They do not know Jesus Christ; they have probably put themselves under the authority of other Jesus, that is the say the “angle of the light” or also called,, the god” of this world.
What matters is the antichristian dictatorial Arabic “bakaloria” ideology. To formulate this in other way: "The priests didn't ask, "Where is the LORD?" Those who deal with my teachings didn't know me (Jeremiah 2:8)
The biggest mistake made by Mgr. J.Y. Cicek in his life, was probably that he trusted too fast too much people on their word, on their goodness and actually he completely entrusted him selves to them without having a slightest doubt about their eventually bad intentions. And many have misused this credulity. As a spiritual leader he had better to know, for we read,, This is what the LORD says: Cursed is the person who trusts humans, who makes flesh and blood his strength and whose heart turns away from the LORD (Jeremia 17:5). This in fact is one of the most important reasons explaining all the misery happened to him. It is for a good reason that the Lord says,, "Who can understand the human heart? There is nothing else so deceitful; it is too sick to be healed (Jeremiah 17:9) As to the complain of Mgr. Cicek concerning discrimination within the Syrian Orthodox Church, this can be said: But of course, Mgr. Evgin Kaplan will never be punished by the patriarch, most probably because of the following reasons:
In his answer to eighth tape, Mgr. J.Y. Cicek says,, It is known that a other committee, consisted out of three high respected bishops, under leadership of Mor Theofilius George Saliab, was established to make research and look at the problems in the diocese Germany in the month August 2004. Everybody who wants to understand discrimination of matters, making research, visiting and hardworking of both bishops committees or read the report of examination of both committees: shall see very clearly the unfairness of both committees concerning the general matters as regards the both dioceses:
Dear reader, gradually by now it became clear the unholy intentions of the committee bishops under the leadership of Matta Rohom to crack down Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and fragmentize Europe so that they can install everywhere their pawns who adhere to the antichristian dictatorial Arabic “Bakaloria” ideology. Interesting is now that Mgr. J. Y. Cicek makes a parallel between this committee and a other committee under leadership of George Saliba to investigate a certain problem in Germany. If we are informed correct; this committee consisted out of the following persons:
When we read the following sentence in the letter of Mgr. Cicek,, shall see very clearly the unfairness of both committees concerning; we tried to get some clarification about this matter. What did he mean by that?
Mgr. Isa Gurbuz and misplaced “380.000 Euro”.
As we were told, this was upon a conflict between Mgr. Isa Gurbuz and priests. When checking financial accounts, it was found that there were 380.000 Euro missing. The priests went to the Patriarch to take action. The Patriarch sent the mentioned Committee bishops to investigate this matter. We were told as follows: In order to cover up the matters, Mgr. Gurbuz gave 80.000 Euro bribes to Mgr. George Saliba who on his turn gave a great part to the Patriarch and with that the problem was “solved” and there was an end to the matter. We don’t know, whether this is true; however this has been told to us.
On 23rd of January 2005, Mgr. J.Y. Cicek sent a letter to Mgr. Matta Rohom concerning the faxes of him received by Mgr. Cicek. Please find here the letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek to Matta Rohom.
In his letter, Mgr. Cicek remembers Matta Rohom to his unholy intentions when he was in Europe. He writes,, You know very well what you wrote about the diocese of Central Europe …………. the view of the committee bishops are being represented, which are far away from the truth, and they do not contain the view of the clergy and church councils of the archdiocese of central Europe.
Mr. Matta Rohom does not enjoy much respect with Mgr. J.Y. Cicek because of his unholy intentions to fragmentize diocese Europe. He talks about his,, hostility” towards the diocese of central Europe. At the end Mgr. J.Y. Cicek says,, One of the Church fathers says: jealousy punishes the envious one: and nothing happens with the faithful.
Please read the letter in the framework of the previous analyzes and form your personal view.
6. Patriarch – archpriest Daniel Zeyno- spit in the face of Mgr. Cicek.
A deacon from Belgium, a certain Michael wanted to become priest for the Arabic speaking people of Lebanon and Syria in Belgium. Michael talked about this issue with Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and Mgr. Cicek sent a letter to the Patriarch to ask for permission. The answer was unfortunately negative! You can find the letter here! Actually the Patriarch made everything impossible for Mgr. J.Y. Cicek to carry out his task. Everything first should had to be passed by Patriarch and in deeper sense via George Saliba, Matta Rohom, Elio Bahe and their group around them. The impression is that without the approval of these people nothing can happen. The sentence,, You have no permission to consecrate someone to a higher spiritual rank without our apostolic approval” is extraordinary humiliating and absurd. By that, Mgr. J.Y. Cicek is actually been ruled out and can do nothing anymore!
A few months later, a certain priest Daniel Zeyno from Lebanon was ordered by the Patriarch to move to Belgium. Mr. Zeyno moved to Belgium and became priest in stead of Michael.
On various occasions, Mgr. Cicek accused Patriarch of ,,treachery”. Factually, as it is clear from the letters, the Patriarch was doing everything to demoralize and break him. His letters to the Patriarch probably were not read and even misplaced to bring him into discredit. The consecration of Mr. Zeyno as priest to Belgium was actually a spit in the face of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek.
In reality, the Patriarch seems not himself anymore. He is getting old, and the feeling is that he is more or less a toy in the hands of people like Matta Rohom, Elio Bahe and George Saliba. Every decision taken by the Patriarch; one has first to investigate whether the idea was not originating from these group of bishops.
7. The forces/groups to break Mgr. J. Y. Cicek
Dear reader, from the previous became clear that the unholy forces have made a big spiritual net around him in order to spiritual destroy him. Below we will explain to you these forces.
7.1. The axis Kerim Asmar – Elio Baho- Patriarch- Kafnasee
“Kafnasee” is a village in Tur Abdin which is inhabited by the devil worshippers, the so-called ,,Izidies”. The significance of this village shall later on be explained to you. When the committee bishops under leadership of Matta Rohom returned to home, they actually started secretly in doubtful way, which has nothing to do with fairness, dignity and Christianity; to fragmentize the diocese of Central Europe. Number of monks were consecrated and they wanted to install them as their paws in Europe. During their visit to Europe, Mgr. Elio Bahe and Mr. Kerim Asmar of Switzerland had plotted against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek to separate Switzerland in 2005 from Europe. Elio Bahe then would become bishop in Switzerland. In mutually consultation, officially Kerim Asmar asked the Patriarch whether Elio Bahe could become bishop of Switzerland. Patriarch then – probably he was selves involved in the process- gave his approval to his request and informed Kerim Asmar about this. When Mgr. J.Y. Cicek heard about this, he became angry and went immediately to Damascus. One he was there, he talked with Elio Bahe and Patriarch. Mgr. Cicek seems to have said to Elio Bahe,, You should be ashamed for what you have done and spiritually unworthy to hatch this kind of unholy deeds. You could have come to me and asking,, Mgr. Cicek I am boring here in Damascus, create a place for me in Europe”; I would have had helped with pleasure. Why in a such secret low way?”
The answer of Elio Bahe seems to have been,, Really, I didn’t want to become bishop in Switzerland at al”. Shall I tell you something Elio Bahe?, replayed Mgr. Cicek. If the people from Kafnasee would have had asked you to become their bishop; you wouldn’t had waited for a second and would immediately have run to Kafnasee to become their bishop.
After this, Mgr. Cicek talked to the Patriarch about his behavior. Patriarch replayed,, Honestly, Julius, I know nothing”. On his reply, Mgr. Cicek showed him his letter with his signature and said to him,, But if you know nothing about this matter, whose signature is here on this letter?”. The patriarch couldn’t answer and did not know what to say.
As it seems to be clear, treachery, deception, lies, false accusations and distortion of the facts are being used to destroy Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. These unholy methods are known to us for years as the trademark of the objectionable, hate generating, division promoting and history distorting terrorist "Assyrians."
Now it seems that also some clergymen are behaving as such; which for a great part explains why still the terrorist "Assyrians" have- and in past had a good access to the clergymen.
7.2. The axis George Saliba – Emmanuel Aydin – Patriarch
The letter of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek to the Patriarch concerning Emanuel Aydin
In April 2005 there was a special synod organized whereby all the members of Church councils from entire Europe were present in order to make clear to people like George Saliba, Emmanuel Aydin, Kerim Asmar, Elio Bahe, Matta Rohom and their henchmen that our people do not want diocese Europe to be fragmentized and therefore they demonstrated their support to Mgr. J.Y. Cicek.
Mgr. Saliba was addressed by the members of the church councils regarding his action to undo the decision of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek in case of Emanuel Aydin. His answer was,, The patriarch had ordered me to do so” It seems clear that this could be right! In that case, the story, as we shall soon show to you, seems to be correct that Mgr. Isa Gurbuz and Emanuel Aydin had made plot to remove Mgr. J.Y. Cicek out of Austria. ‘I will take care of that and talk with patriarch”; seems to has been said by Isa Gurbuz.
Now, the synod takes place behind closed doors and only bishops are allowed to attend. Officially, the bishops are obliged to the oath of secrecy and will therefore say nothing about the synod; unless they make all together a statement. The point is that you have some loose-lipped bishops who cannot control their tongue. One of them seems to have been said,, Mgr. George Saliba made clear that he wanted to become bishop to Switzerland/Austria and at the same time to Lebanon. For half year he wanted to stay in Europe and half year in Lebanon. The offer of Mgr. Saliba was refused”.
We don’t know, however if this is true, which is certainly imaginable; he first must have been discussed this with Emanuel Aydin and Kerim Asmar and the puzzle fits much better. Perhaps, this say something about him why he was so eager to fragmentize diocese Europe.
7.2.1. Priest Sami Ucel- executive council- letter George Saliba- Patriarch – Government Austria
In the framework of the previous, it is of interest to discus the situation in Austria a bit in detail. In Austria we have two priests, Emanuel Aydin and Sami Ucel. The majority of our people supports priest Sami. In 2005 an executive body to our people in Austria was established. In renounce to this; on 2-3-2005 Mgr. Cicek sent a letter to Austrian minister of minorities and to the executive body of our people. You can find the letter here: In this executive council priest Sami takes a important place in agreement with the number of the faithful following him.
The letter of Mgr. George Saliba
When Mr. Emanuel Aydin heard about this affaire, he got into panic and asked for the help of his great friend George Saliba. And yes indeed, Mr. Saliba took action to help and protect his friend Emanuel Aydin and put a knife in the backbone of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek; thereby misusing his position as secretary of Synod. On 17-5-2005, Mgr. George Saliba wrote a special letter for Mr. Aydin to turn the affaire to his and. Here you can find the letter of Mr. Saliba!
In order to camouflage the situation, Mr. Saliba do not addressed the letter immediately to Mr. Emanuel Aydin, but the letter heads as,, To whom it may concern”.
Very cleverly indeed! When Mr. Saliba in his letter talks about,,….. that the clergy, the church councils and faithful have to obey the patriarch…”; means actually that he and is friends will control everything. Of course it is always nice to say,, in agreement with the holy synod” etc.. etc.. Obeying the patriarch means for example,, consecrating of Hazael Somi in Belgium” and probably more people of his caliber who will carry out their plans. The letter of Mgr. Saliba, factually has paralyzed Mgr. Cicek with the result that he cannot do anything and Europe will be placed under the dictatorial antichristian Arabic ,,Bakaloria” ideology.
Mr. Emanuel Aydin is rescued by the following sentence in the letter of Mgr. George Saliba, namely,,, and the late decision which he took on 2 march 2005 and have changed the council of the church of our Syrian Orthodox church in Vienna; is not in agreement with the decision of the holy synod…….. For this reason we have to reject the aforementioned decision without the signature of the Patriarch. Every other decision similar to the aforementioned decision; has no authority when it is not approved by the patriarch.
Exactly! With that Mr. George Saliba and his friends of course don’t want to loose Austria to somebody else who tries to follow Jesus Christ and don’t like the Arabic dictatorial Antichristian ,, Bakaloria” ideology. Otherwise they would loose from all the sides!
Now, the next step of George Saliba and his group is following. Emanuel Aydin conveyed the letter of Mgr. Saliba to the Austrian minister of Culture & Education. We remember the letter of Mgr. Cicek sent to the Patriarch regarding Emanuel Aydin. Under point 1 we read in his letter,, the letter in the matter of the money of Mor Clemis Eugin Kaplan and the letter about the cross given as present to the priest Sami in Vienna by Maphrian Mor Tuma the first and a letter on behalf of the Holy Synod by high respected Mor Theofilius George Saliba on 17-5 of this year which sent to him which he (Emmanuel Aydin) in his turn sent together with the translation to the minister of education and (culture) of Austria. By means of the translations of these letters he wanted to show to the minister of culture that the head of the archdiocese (Mgr. J. Y. Cicek) had no authority anymore over him and his archdiocese.
Yes indeed, with that Mr. Emanuel Aydin have lived up to his name! However there's still no end to it! After Mr. Emanuel Aydin conveyed the letter of his friend George Saliba to the minister; the minister of Culture& Education asks clarification to the Patriarch. The Patriarch answers the minister and with that he puts a knife in the body of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. Here, you can read the letter of the patriarch.
The Patriarch says,, We would like to give explanation about the letter of the secretariat issued on the date 17-5-2005 (and) signed by our honourable brother Mor Theophilius George Saliba, the bishop of the Mount- Lebanon, who is the secretary of the Holy Synod; the letter is legal and in agreement with the law of our church and in the letter it is explained that according the decision of the special Synod (took place) on 29-3 to 1-4-2005, bishop Mor Julius Isa Cicek has no right to take decisions which may cause conflicts and division within the churches of the archdiocese, therefore we hope that you will consider the letter of the secretariat of the synod as a official document which is issued by the secretariat of the synod and approved by us.
With that, the Patriarch spits in the deeper sense in the face of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and they keep their friend and pawn Mr. Emanuel Aydin and help him up. Oh and who is going to get excited about Christian values and standard and what exactly Jesus Christ wants us to do? But of course not! Here is the antichristian dictatorial Arabic ,,Bakaloria” ideology involved and everybody on their path is going to be mowed. When they speak about,, holy synod” or ,,decision of the holy synod”; in deeper sense you have to take it with a pinch.
Desecration of the Synod
Here below, we will show to you how the holy synod, to our view, is in reality has been desecrated! It seems that everything is been arranged behind our backs and is becoming nothing but a spectacle.
7.3 (Desecrated) Holy Synod: George Saliba- Patriarch Jacob
Everybody who knew Patriarch Jacob, was impressed by his expertise, piousness and fairness. In contrast to the present Patriarch, Jacob had his heart to the matter as to the church affairs. In the time of Patriarch Jacob, George Saliba was a monk. Monk Saliba had the desire to become bishop (to Lebanon). However Patriarch Jacob knew him thoroughly- was well-known about his ,,qualities” and understood that he would make a complete mess of it and therefore refused to consecrate him to a bishop. Monk Saliba and his friends have tried several attempts to persuade Jacob; however without any result. Then Mr. Saliba and his supporters took revenge on Patriarch Jacob. As a we were told, they used a system to charge his bed with electricity. At the moment Jacob would go to lay down on his bed; the bed would be than charged so that he would be killed. Fortunately they discovered his assassination attempt on time and this is known to all bishops and the people (the old generation).
In 1979, Patriarch Jacob died and the present Patriarch Zakka Iwas was elected. Patriarch Zekka consecrated monk Saliba to the bishop of Mount- Lebanon in Lebanon and has, from the spiritual point of view- to our opinion, dishonored the dignity of the Syrian Orthodox Church. Patriarch Zakka was very well-known with the behavior of George Saliba and his ,,qualities and skills”. From the previous analyze two points can be deduced:
The assassination attempt of George Saliba in their mind; since the dead of Patriarch Jacob, many stories have passed in review. Regularly; you hear that some people say that Patriarch Jacob didn’t die in normal natural way. Of course for all these stories; never slightest evidence has been proved. The most hypocritical fact is that the people, especially the old generation, are very well-known with the story of George Saliba; however at the moment they meet him; they give a big kiss on his hand.
As if the previous story is not worse enough, the Patriarch even appointed him as the secretary of the synod. This forms to our view not only an indication of contempt and lack of respect towards the Syrian Church but at the same time a flagrant dishonoring of the synod. As we already have presented to you, George Saliba have misused his position as secretary of synod to help his friend Emanuel Aydin and with that he stabbed a knife in the back of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek.
Like already told you, and we repeat again; the previous story is very well-known to the old generation and in any case to all the clergy; they all are familiar with it.
7.4. (Desecrated) Holy Synod: George Saliba- and the sweet and beautiful Babylonia
Some people have advised us not to put this example concerning Mr. Saliba and Madam Babylonia on the net; because perhaps it might be inappropriate. We decided however to put this on the net because of the following:
1. A important reason was, like we have seen in the previous analyze, that Mr. Saliba didn’t demonstrate a spark of respect towards Mgr. J.Y. Cicek; he rather misused his position to put a spiritual knife in his body. 2. Secondly, of course also very important, is that this person is the secretary of the synod; a very delicate matter. To become the secretary of the synod; you should be of the most high pious spiritual caliber. Mr. Saliba seems to act in defiance of regulations, law and moral standards. Everything which comes up in his minds; he spits out and let nobody stop him. We all know that he publicly on various occasions on television expressed his sympathy to the GHB- figures as being the workers for our nation. During the inaugural meeting of the GHB- Television “Suroyo TV”; Mr. Saliba again let his voice heard by phone (on 4-10-2004). Please click on here to listen to the conversation between George Saliba and Mr. Yusuf Kangus (alias: Yusuf Bet Turo), the presenter of the Suroyo TV.
Mr. Kangus starts the conversation (simple translation) as follows,, Bless me, high Father. I wish on behalf of our group convey to you our thanks to your support as from the beginning of our group and our goals which we achieved today with the establishment of the Suroyo TV ( for more accurate translation, please listen few times to the conversation). The answer of Mr. Saliba to Yusuf Kangus is,, First of all, may the Lord not leave us from the voice of the beautiful and sweet Babylonia, the Syrian, the Christian lovely voice… may the Lord bless her.” Secondly I want to say to you (my) friends, (my) beloved ones, you the founders and workers of the Suroyo TV, you are the soldiers, the servants, monks and laity are in the interests of the Syrian cause; may the Lord bless all of you. Many people talk about the Syrian cause and want to defend and this (only) with words….. but their heart is empty of the things they say. But you who by your ideas, by your deeds, by meditation, your struggle, your defend and you are who have the heart to the Syrian cause…. May the Lord bless all of you. Suroyo TV is the honor to the Syrian Cause. And when I say Christian (Suroyo), with that I mean Syrian and when I say Syrian (I mean); this holy people consisting out of Babylonians, Chaldeans, Assyrians, Arameans, Phonicians, Chaldeans, Syrians, that is our people. And everybody who sins (denies) against these names (identities), sins against Christ (an) sins against God. For this reason the Syrianism (Suryoyutho) is the mother and the daughter of these holy names with which you have made the Suroyo TV as the mother and the voice and the language of these blessed Syrian people all over the world….
Dear reader, Please take a deep breath and read and listen to what Mr. Saliba have said. A few remarks to think about: 1. It is unknown to us how Mr. Saliba spent his monastic life. However if we look at the live of monks all over the world consisting out of different denominations, such as Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, Buddhists; we see that the life of the monk happens in a environment of dedication, modesty, hardworking, chastity and discipline. As far as we know; none of the mentioned denominations engage themselves with studying the sweetness and the beauty of the woman.
2. We don’t know in which monastery Mr. Saliba spent his monastic life and took shape; however we cannot imagine that they engage themselves with meditation in order to get more insight regarding the sweetness and the beauty of the woman.
3. It is not the task of Mr. Saliba to judge about the beauty or the sweetness of the woman; however his task is to kiss the foots of Jesus Christ and beg him to become valuable clergyman and shepherd in agreement with His wiliness.
4. There are worldwide plenty of men’s who have expertise and experience on that field who are not only able to judge about the sweetness and beauty of woman; but about much more female issues. As far as we know; Mr. Saliba has no competence on that field and he should shut up his mouth.
Dear reader; When you have listened to the statements of Mr. Saliba and you were not shocked; than you have understood nothing of it! A person who behaves like discussed before; should immediately be discharged of his duty. For this reason; it is not only dishonoring of the Syrian Church and desecration of the Synod; but in deeper sense, forms a contempt towards the Christianity in general that Mr. Saliba still is a bishop and as if that is not worse enough, he is also since few years appointed as the secretary of the synod. You may expect everything from such a person and the Lord may protect us against him!
7.5 The axis: Abdo Gunel – Kerim Asmar – Emanuel Aydin- Mgr. Isa Gurbuz (all of them fellow villagers: They are from the village of Keferze (Tur Abdin))
What do these four people have in common?
1. All of them are from the village of Keferze (Tur Abdin) 2. All three priests always have expressed their desire to separate from Mgr. J.Y. Cicek; so that they would be free to do everything as their hearts desires! 3. Kerim Asmar and Emnauel Aydin are (far) families (probably Asmar is not original name). 4. Emanuel Aydin and Abdo Gunel were ecclesiastically punished by Mgr. J.Y. Cicek (this is also mentioned in the reports of Committee bishops of Matta Rohom) As to Belgium, Abdo Gunel could not achieve much, for no one priest ever gave his support to him. What is worse, is that he made quarrel with other priest concerning the community (authority). A few years ago, his sons maltreated priest Hanna Acar during the service on the altar. In 2004 was Mr. Abdo Gunel was on the Suroyo TV and made the following statement,, I agree with the line of bishop George Saliba". He didn't tell what exactly he meant by that. Did mean by that to fragmentize diocese of Europe? Or did he mean something else with that? As we were told, Abdo Gunel many times spoke out his desire to let come over the former bishop of Germany, Mgr. Isa Gurbuz, to Belgium; because Isa Gurbuz is also from Keferze. The problem was however, as explained, that there were no priests in Belgium to joy him. In addition, if push came to shove, many priests supported Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. After passing away of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek, the path was free for people like Abdo Gunel, Kerim Asmar and Emanuel Aydin. Kerim Asmar and Emanuel Aydin took their fellow villagers Isa Gurbuz from Germany and brought him to Switzerland. To get in Belgium a bishop as well; at least one priest had to support Abdo Gunel. Mr. Gunel went to his arch- rival Hanna Acar, who few years ago was maltreated by his sons on the altar, and made up with him. As we were told, Mr. Acar and Gunel sent a letter to the Patriarch asking for a bishop. The Patriarch answered them that he will make monk Hazael Somi, who was in Belgium for a couple of years, to their bishop.
This however touched on a sore spot of Abdo Gunel and Hanna Acar. The gentlemen cold not accomplish much more and came into their own pitfall. The reason of their protest against Hazael Somi, was however understandable, because in Belgium there were several stories about Hazael Somi in circulation and they did not want to take responsibility for that.
Isa Gurbuz had very good access to the Patriarch, probably because of substantial amount of money he gave him every time he visited him. That explains why he was busy behind the scenes together with his fellow villager Emanuel Aydin to separate Austria from Central Europe and create for him selves a place; for he became a unwanted person in Germany. The letter of George Saliba to crack down the backbone of Mr. J.Y. Cicek and subsequent letter of the patriarch to Mr. Anton Sifter to stab a dagger in the side of Mgr. Cicek; was most probably for a important part the idea of Emanuel Aydin and Isa Gurbuz.
If Hanna Acar had followed the same line; Belgium was not saddled with a bishop where not much people in Belgium are positive about him.
7.6 The axis: Elio Bahe- Hazael Somi- Gevriye Kaplan- Evgin Kaplan
We remember the prophetical words written more than a year ago by Mgr. J. Y. Cicek in his report under point 1,, "The first main goal of the coming of this group bishops was to fragmentize the diocese and surely didn’t contribute to the peace in the diocese, but make a general research regarding the situation of the diocese and to learn people who cause problems (and chaos) like for example mr. Gevriye Kaplan in the city of Brussels; who since long times without permission of church councils and clergy spreads information in a sneaky, unfair and cruel way about Belgium and he is no member of our churches in Belgium; and works secretly together with His Highness Atanasius Elio Bahe, the secretary of the Patriarch and monk Hazael and bishop Avgin Kaplan to separate Belgium from the archdiocese. "
As told before, the words of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek became literal true on 12-2-2006. On this date Mr. Hazael Somi was consecrated as bishop for Belgium and France. The next bishops were present at the consecration of Hazael Somi:
You go from one surprise to the next, if you look at the morality of the bishops who have attended the consecration ceremony of Hazael Somi. It came in the mind of none of them to wait until one year was passed after the death of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. Of course, it was a big party for people like Elio Bahe, Malke Murad, Matta Rohom and Patriarch. The presence of Mgr. Abdlahad Galo Shabo was strange as well; for he made a very pious and heart warming statements during the funeral of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. What even more surprising was the presence of Mgr. Benjamin Atas; the spiritual son of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. Below, a few remarks will be made in relation to the help Mgr. J.Y. Cicek gave to all of them!
Benajemin Atas, Benjamin Atas, how dare you? Did not you read the report of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek? Now he is dead and not of interest anymore to bother about him? Best man, he was your spiritual father, he always supported you no matter what the problem was; he helped you and educated you. Don't you even have a spark of dignity to wait, after one year was passed of passing away of your spiritual father, to attend ceremonies? You knew very well what Hazael Somi and his friends have done; didn't you? Did not your conscience complain against you that you was there? Or perhaps you have no problems with these feelings at all?
What kind of feeling went through your spirit when you were standing on the altar together with Evgin Kaplan and acted as you were praying fully to the Lord? What do all this things with you and your friends? What is going on in your spirit to glorify monk Musee Gorgun to the heaven? Did not Mgr. Cicek sent U a message that he was very hurt by that; when you glorified him on Suryoyo TV? You don't care about what havoc he and his friends had brought about in Holland, Switzerland and Germany? But of course you have read about their unholy behaviour in the report of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek.
Abdlahad, Abdlahad, you also read the report of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek about the games of Matta Rohom, Elio bahe, Melke Murad, Hazael Somi and others. Where are your nice and pious words when you were in Holland during the funeral of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek? This all became spectacle and outward form of religion? Don't you read the Bible? For example, Apostle Paul says,, What I meant was that you should not associate with a person who calls himself a brother but is immoral or greedy or worships idols or is a slanderer or a drunkard or a thief. Don't even sit down to eat with such a person" (1 Cor 5:11), or prophet David who says,, 1:1 Happy are those who reject the advice of evil men, who do not follow the example of sinners or join those who have no use for God. 2 Instead, they find joy in obeying the Law of the LORD, and they study it day and night. (Psalms 1:1-2). This all does not touch your hearts, does it? Do you and those who were presence at the inauguration of Hazael Somi care about,, Justice- injustice, truth- lie, goodness - evil? All these issues are not of interest? Abdlahad, only to remember you the the words of the Powerful King,, You are doomed! You call evil good and call good evil. You turn darkness into light and light into darkness. You make what is bitter sweet, and what is sweet you make bitter (Isaiah 5:20)
Matta Rohom, Matta Rohom, are you aware that you (spiritually) are alive? Or are you completely flooded with slavery of inventing sneaky paths to glorify your ,,Bakaloria" ideology? Do you have enough time to fulfil your task as a bishop? As we have read in the report of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek, you and others around you, are all the time busy to plot plans in order to dethrone others and install your own people in their place in order to become later a Patriarch? If we study carefully the letter of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek sent to you and his big report about you, our attention is immediately attracted by the very wise words of King and Prophet David,, Sin speaks to the wicked man deep in his heart; he rejects God and does not have reverence for him. 2 Because he thinks so highly of himself, he thinks that God will not discover his sin and condemn it. 3 His speech is wicked and full of lies; he no longer does what is wise and good. 4 He makes evil plans as he lies in bed; nothing he does is good, and he never rejects anything evil (Psalms 26:2-5)
Why did you become a monk? As we have read, your behavior is far from spirituality! You had better to go in politics! Or perhaps not really? According the report of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek, you stretched the truth and distorted the facts so much that something like this perhaps even does not occur with most conscienceless politicians which we could imagine; for they all are under the control and if necessary they will be punished. You all have put Mgr. J.Y. Cicek into grave and now the path is free for triumph?
Best man, don't you have conscience at all? Is the desire to became a patriarch so great and immense that you cannot control yourselves anymore? And perhaps that could be the reason that you probably in the night are brooding plans how to achieve your goal and if necessary even to destroy your brother; who loved so much? Don't you remember the support you got from Mgr. J.Y. Cicek? Don't you remember that he urged many in Holland to support you? All this means nothing to you? That much ungrateful to Mgr. J.Y. Cicek?
Melke Murad, Melke Murad, what is going on? How many times didn't Mgr. J. Y. Cicek help you? You were considered as reasonable; as one who kept his spiritual clothes clean. You was a member of the committee bishops. How soon did you forget everything? Did you made any protest against the injustice made by the chairman of the committee bishops?
Are you also bewitched by the ,,fuddle" as the other members of the committee? How did this came so far that you were carried away by them? Do you remember, as we have understood, that Mgr. J.Y. Cicek gave you 60.000 Israeli Shekel in 2000 to install central heating in our church in Jerusalem? This seems still not happened yet! You also read the report of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek, didn't you? You also read about slyness, cowardice and the great injustice which has been done to this man, didn't you?
Patriach Zakka, Patriarch Zakka, you sit on the Apostolic chair of Simon Peter, the first Patriarch of the Syrian Church of Antioch. As the first patriarch, Peter says to you and all the other spiritual leaders,, Church leaders, I am writing to encourage you. I too am a leader, as well as a witness to Christ's suffering, and I will share in his glory when it is shown to us. Just as shepherds watch over their sheep, you must watch over everyone God has placed in your care. Do it willingly in order to please God, and not simply because you think you must. Let it be something you want to do, instead of something you do merely to make money. Don't be bossy to those people who are in your care, but set an example for them. Then when Christ the Chief Shepherd returns, you will be given a crown that will never lose its glory (1 Peter 5:1-3)
If our ears hear correct words and if we are not deceived and if we are not dreaming; based upon that we have analyzed, we can say that you have accomplished nothing of the assignment told by Apostle Peter; unless we are deceived. On the contrary, if it is true what we hear, you and all the spiritual leaders around you- in particular, as we have read, Mgr. Matta Rohom who together with other clergy set up the pitfall for Mgr. Cicek- satisfy perfectly what has been told by prophet Ezekiel, namely,,'This is what the Almighty LORD says: How horrible it will be for the shepherds..... who have been taking care of only themselves. Shouldn't shepherds take care of the sheep?" "You eat the best parts of the sheep, dress in the wool, and butcher the finest sheep. Yet, you don't take care of the sheep." You have not strengthened those that were weak, healed those that were sick, or bandaged those that were injured. You have not brought back those that strayed away or looked for those that were lost. You have ruled them harshly and violently." "So they were scattered because there was no shepherd. When they were scattered, they became food for every wild animal." ....... (34: 2-5)..... .. As I live, declares the Almighty LORD, because there is no shepherd, my sheep have become prey. My sheep have become food for every wild animal. My shepherds haven't searched for my sheep. They have taken care of only themselves, not my sheep." "So, you shepherds, listen to the word of the LORD." "This is what the Almighty LORD says: I am against the shepherds.(34: 8-10)
Patriarch Zakka, Patriarch Zakka, the Lord God says, "I have bound myself with an oath. A word has gone out from my righteous mouth that will not be recalled, "Every knee will bow to me and every tongue will swear allegiance." (Isaiah 45:23)
If you appear before the Great Judge; what will you tell Him? That you treated your brother Mgr. Cicek very well? That you defended him against injustice? That you respected him so much, you didn't do anything before one year was passed? That you supported him when he was in need? That you throw yourself into the breach for him? What are you going to tell about his great support to you to build two patriarchal churches in Damascus?
Patriarch Zakka, Patriarch Zakka, what are you going to tell, if you appear before the throne of the Powerful King Jesus Christ? What are you going to tell Him that you have consecrated somebody who tried to kill your brother patriarch Jacob? What are you going to tell the Great Warrior, the Lion of Judah, that you appointed the same person as the secretary of synod? Our God says to us,, Never pervert justice. Instead, be impartial. Never take a bribe, because bribes blind wise people and deny justice to those who are in the right." (Deuteronomy 16:19)
Patriarch Zakka, Patriarch Zakka, what are you going to tell the Great King Jesus Christ about the justice which you have perverted concerning the 550 families in the Western United States of America in favour of Mgr. Evgin Kaplan? What are you going to say about your partisan opinion concerning Mgr. J. Y. Cicek? Was not Mgr. Cicek who at any time stood and was ready to help you? Do you remember when you were busy with the Patriarchal churches in Damascus and cried out for help and said him,, please help Julius" ? Didn't he went to our people and asked for money and collected money and give it to you to finish the churches? Patriarch Zakka, Patriarch Zakka, why does Mgr. J.Y. Cicek refer in his report of the committee bishops under the chair of George Saliba and qualifies it as ,,unfair"? What is behind that Patriarch Zakka? If our ears does not cheat us, huge amount of bribery was paid to cover up the matters in Germany. You and all other clergymen around you; what will you tell to our Lord when he asks questions about,, partiality, taking a bribe, distortion or distortion of justice? What are you going to tell the Great Judge about your letter you sent to Mr. Anton Stifter, the Austrian minister of Culture & Education to stab a dagger in the side of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek in favour, seemingly of your friend Emanuel Aydin?
8. Consecration of Hazael Somi
Our people in Belgium know Hazael Somi thoroughly! Their complain is that he has no faith and never have attended the divine service and therefore is not familiar with rules governing church life. He don't know how to carry out the divine service. In addition he did not make him selves helpful in cause of the church neither to the people. This was probably the main reason that 80% of our people in Belgium was against his consecration. It seems that even on the day of his consecration; outside the church people demonstrated against him. This perhaps may sound incredible, however during the consecration became painfully clear to the dismay of many that Mr. Hazael Som indeed have not much experience with divine service. The people in Belgium were familiar with that. However, the foreigners were shocked and astonished to observe that with their very own eyes.
Drama above drama.........
After the consecration to a bishop; the custom is that the new bishop has to lead the divine service. Really it is drama above drama! By means of few pictures we will try to explain this to you!
............Big party...... laughing faces..........
Yes dear reader yes, It is a great day for people like Elio Bahe, Hazael Somi, Matta Rohom, Patriarch Zakka, Evgin Kaplan and Gevriye Kaplan. However, if we take in consideration the previous analyse, the reports of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and looking at the way these people are enjoying the food, drinks and of course their happiness; our thoughts are immediately attracted by what is said by Prophet Isaiah, namely,, "All you animals in the field, all you animals in the forest, come and eat." The watchmen are blind. None of them know anything. All of them are like dogs that are unable to bark. They lie around dreaming; they love to sleep. 11 "These dogs have huge appetites. They are never full. They are the shepherds, but they don't understand. All of them have turned to go their own ways. Each one seeks his own gain." "Each one cries, "Let me get some wine, and we'll fill ourselves with liquor. And tomorrow will be like today, only better." (Isaiah 56:9-12)
There is a saying in Dutch as well as in English which sound like this,, shed / weep crocodile tears". This saying says something about hypocrisy. Somebody can shed tears, however in reality his intention can be completely different. In Aramaic they say,, Sufro D'olmo". Apostle Paul says,, outward form of our religion". Thousands of years ago, prophet Jeremiah said as follows,, Their tongues are like deadly arrows. They speak deceitfully. People speak politely to their neighbors, but they think of ways to set traps for them." "I will punish them for these things, declares the LORD. I will punish this nation. I still won't be satisfied." (Jeremiah 9:8-9)
Never and never have been shed so huge and so much crocodile tears as during the funeral of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. People who hated him with a deep contempt were present at his funeral and acted as they were the best friends of him. Others who wished his deed so eagerly made a big show and showed their ,,sympathized" face to the world as if they cared a lot about him. Before his death they accused him of most horrible and disgusting things and now they are talking about,, our beloved brother and bishop". Well, well, well! In the last place, this shameless hypocrisy was not only displayed by the people but in particular by the clergy.
And of course not to forget the cruel hatred of the awful Western spiritual colonial unholy product, the terrorist "Assyrians", who massively were present and many of them spoke of ,,our beloved bishop".
In this matter; as to the,, crocodile tears", we explicitly have to make a exception. And that is this one: it was a commendable initiative to see the great effort of many youngsters who involved in the organisation of the funeral; not a single bad word about that only respect and dignity - with exception of the bandits who have been holding the point of view of the monks as being ,,gods"; that is to say: fanatics who demonstrated a horrible hatred against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek and even went so far to hunt on him!
Clergy as for example Patriarch, Abdlahad Galo Shabo, Benjamin Atas, Elio Bahe, Melke Murad, George Saliba read the scripture and made lovely, full of praises statements concerning Mgr. J.Y. Cicek; which for a great part, as we have seen and hopefully became clear to you, were crocodile tears. The Patriarch was talking about amongst others,, the good and hardworking Mgr. J.Y. Cicek" and about,, the good and faithful people of Tur Abdin". If our ears do not cheat us and if we were informed well, in reality the Patriarch has quite different view concerning this,, the good and faithful people of Tur Abdin". A person whom we don't want to mention his name, was on a occasion together with the Patriarch in the Monastery - the Patriarch assumed he couldn't speak Arabic. When the people gave money to the Patriarch, he seems to have said about,, the good and faithful people of Tur Abdin " the following words, namely,, what a stupid people"; literal he seems to have been said in Arabic,, people who is a mule" (Sa'b L'Hmar). Exactly the same words of contempt has been expressed by the bishop of Belgium, Mr. Hazael Somi, about this,, imbecile " and ,,backwards" people of Tur Abdin, when a delegation from Holland had a audience with patriarch where also Mr. Hazael Somi was present, who even cannot lead the divine service - as if that gives evidence of high level!
Well, one time his highness patriarch glorifies Mgr. Cicek to the heaven, while in reality - as has been explained in the previous analyze, he has in a not really exalted way betrayed him and in deeper sense destroyed him. What does the Holy Bible tells us about this kind of behaviour? James, the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ says in situations like this,, No spring of water pours out sweet water and bitter water from the same opening " (James 3:11)
9.1. Funeral of Mgr. J. Y. Cicek ----They all read the Bible----
In his report to all the bishops and Patriarch, Mgr. J.Y. Cicek says about Kerim Asmar of Switzerland and Emanuel Aydin of Austria,, the cruelty and shamelessness of clergyman as priest Kerim Asmar of Switzerland,who during one year spread letters full of lies among the faithful under the name of the Patriarch or archpriest Emanuel Aydin who until now is unknown of his faith, whether Catholic or Protestant
As has been explained, these people have employed every mean possible to ridicule and crack down Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. Both of them attended the funeral of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. What a shame!
A Aramean saying (from Tur Abdin) sounds like this, "There are no men's anymore; they all wear headscarf and have becoming women".
If indeed there would be men's in Holland and within our nation worldwide, during the funeral of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek; they would have had courage to grab people like Patriarch, George Saliba, Melke Murad, Kerim Asmar, Emanuel Aydin, Isa Gurbuz and Gevriye Kaplan by the scruff of their neck and would have ploughed all the area of the St. Aphrem monastery with their tooth and subsequently throw them out of the monastery. This is the way you have to handle with such hypocrite people! At the moment you say something like this, many people will than say,, You can't make like that, can you?", They are clergymen, aren't they? etc.. etc.. "
Well....... not exactly... the Lord God has a different view about this kind of behavior
The Bible says........... heavy words...........
It is true, they are clergymen! However, also the antichrist will be a clergyman and the whole world will go after him! When the Lord God let fire came down following the prayer of Elia and subsequently killed 450 people; weren't all of the clergy as well? (1 Kings 18:18-40). Weren't they clergy when prophet Hosea told about them and said,, ..... because you yourselves (= priests) go off with temple prostitutes, and together with them you offer pagan sacrifices (Hosea 4:14)
Or are these words of the Lord not true? Weren't again the clergy when the prophet Hosea said about them,,, The priests are like a gang of robbers who wait in ambush for a man. Even on the road ......... they commit murder. And they do all this evil deliberately! (Hosea 6:9).
Weren't again clergy when the Lord God almost crying and said,, My people are doomed because they do not acknowledge me. You priests have refused to acknowledge me and have rejected my teaching, and so I reject you and will not acknowledge your sons as my priests. "The more of you priests there are, the more you sin against me, and so I will turn your honor into disgrace. You grow rich from the sins of my people, and so you want them to sin more and more. You will suffer the same punishment as the people! I will punish you and make you pay for the evil you do (Hosea 4:6-9)
Or one does not want to accept the truth and face the reality as it is? For the interested among you regarding the divagation of Spiritual and Laity leaders, please read this document.
Put your hands on your hearts! The cruelty committed against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek is so awful that there are no words to describe! And these cruelties are committed by the clergymen. Please understand this! This behavior, we could describe as,, Spiritual adultery". In fact their are two kind of adulteries; one is the physical adultery and the other one is the spiritual adultery. With physical adultery a person is damaging is his own body (1 Cor. 6:15-18); however the spiritual adultery can affect a whole nation; which is much worse than the physical adultery! As we have read, the Lord God says,, You (= spiritual leaders) will suffer the same punishment as the people!" You cannot neglect these words of God as if they mean nothing; of course not, they mean allot with far-reaching consequences!
Dear reader; How many of our spiritual leader were consecrated in agreement with the Wiliness of the Lord God? Aren't most of them consecrated because of quarrel, disputes and similar things? What do you think; will the Lord remain silent and say nothing about that? He says for example,, "My people chose kings, but they did it on their own. They appointed leaders, but without my approval" (Hosea 8:4)..... And somewhere else the Lord warns,, This is the LORD's message for his rebellious people: "You follow your own plans instead of mine; you make treaties without asking me, and you keep on sinning" (Isaiah 30:1). This of course cannot remain without consequences! In fact these explains all the problems within our church worldwide!
The climax of crocodile tears is probably an article in the local newspaper Twente Vandaag of 1-11-2005 in which Aziz Aygur is talking about passing away of Mgr. J.Y Cicek. We read: “Aziz Aygur, who was friendly with bishop, ….. I was in shock as the rest of our community…. Cicek is irreplaceable ”
"Aziz Aygur friendly with bishop Cicek?" The reporter of Twente Vandaag who typed these words must have been drunk or was at that moment very confused to write down this sentence. If there is someone on the face of the world who cannot be called “friend” of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek, it is Azizo Aygur. We will explain what we mean.
We already have explained the havoc wrecked by the three monks Mushe Gorgun, Stefanos Budak and Isa Oygur in Holland. In September 2004 Aziz Aygur was in the monastery St. Gabriel in Tur- Abdin, southeastern of Turkey. A board member of Aram-Naharaim Organization was also in St. Gabriel. The both gentle got in discussion about the three monks who had divided our community in Holland. The view of Aygur was that these monks are right in all respects. It is unclear to us what Mr. Aygur exactly meant by that, because these monks have seriously misbehaved against Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Does he perhaps mean that they called Mgr. J.Y. Cicek “whoremonger” (in one of their faxes); is that what he means by “they are right in all respects? ”
Didn’t Mr. Aziz Aygur and his buddy Sabo Kara together with other board members of Platform Aram in Enschede (Holland) had made a monstrous covenant with Mushe Gorgun? Wasn’t there agreement between the gentlemen and Mushe Gorgun to chase away Mgr. J.Y. Cicek from Holland? Are these claims only rumors which back then in St. Afrem monastery the people were talking about or is there more to it than just “rumors?” But even if they are rumors, how did they know about these rumors? Hadn’t Mushe Gorgun arranged everything in detail? Hadn’t he even appointed his secretary and chauffeur from the youth members of Platform Aram? Are these allegations just “blather” talked in St. Afrem monastery or is there some truth in it? You can be sure that Mgr. J.Y. Cicek was informed about everything that took place in Platform Aram.
As it is known, the awful and unholy western colonial illuminati product “Assyrians” have immensely demonized and harmed Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. The local newspaper Twentsche Courant/ Tubantia was serving as the platform for the “Assyrians” terrorists to discredit and humiliate Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. The trademark of this dehumanized creatures is: lying, deceit, hatred, creating division, manipulation and distortion of historical facts. However, the unholy and monstrous covenant- if turned out to be true- with Mushe Gorgun to chase away Mgr. J.Y. Cicek from Holland is not less serious than the crimes of the “Assyrian” terrorist against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. What blind and foolish people we have that they allow these awful things to happen!
The case of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek is not isolated one. There are other situations which would utterly shock the reader, if became known to the public. These kind of wickedness is being committed on behalf of the nation, while the people themselves know nothing about it for they are carefully being kept blind.
For example: a comparable hate campaign was carried out in 2003-2004 by the Suryoye Federation in Holland (SFN) against the former SUA/WCA UN representative to Geneva, the current Chairman of Aram-Naharaim. As it is clear from the minutes of the federation, Mr. Aziz Aygur and his buddies played decisive role in this hate campaign. Mr. Aygur, you and your friends know for example “nothing” about the general members meeting of the federation that took place on 15-2-2004? You and your former friends Mr. Aygur know nothing of the meeting of SUA/WCA in 2003 that took place in Hengelo when the former SUA/WCA UN representative to Geneva was utterly demonized? How about all these very important social matters Mr. Aygur, committed on behalf of our people, while the people know nothing about it? All these important matters are simply fairy tale and nonsense? If it is nonsense and fairy tale Mr. Aygur, how about the minutes of 10-1-2003 and in particular the minutes of the federation of 2-7-2003? What was decided during these meetings and who was the leader of this vicious propaganda? How about the E-mail of 11-7-2003 that was sent to the chairman of SUA/WCA, Mr. Gabriel Marawgeh? Why is in that E-mail reference being made to the meeting of SUA/WCA in Paris?
Isn’t true Mr. Aygur, that when the plans of you and your friends did not work out as you had wished and Aram-Naharaim Organization was established and started to flourish, that you started to make the allegation that “the youngsters are to be blamed for all this what had happened”? God willing Mr. Aygur, we will inform our people about all these important social matters in the near future.
10. What is all about?- Matta Rohom Patriarch Dear reader, Many of you probably by now understands what is all about. However, here below we will try to explain this. Up to now, we have seen issues which a normal (neutral) person by no means can imagine to happen. We have seen the unbelievable injustice of the bishops, patriarch and others committed against Mgr. J.Y. Cicek. If we wouldn't had the just analysed letters and reports at our disposal, then we wouldn't had believed this injustice committed against him. Even with these papers in our hands, some people will not believe it! (please compare: Luke 16:19-31). In addition, it would not amaze us, that when some clergy read this letters online; they would perhaps say that it is a,, forgery". Furthermore, we believe that this only is a tip of the iceberg.
Antichristian dictatorial Arabic "Bakaloria" ideology against the Christian ideology.
In deeper sense, this is nothing but a spiritual war between the antichristian dictatorial Arabic ,,Bakaloria" ideology and the Christian ideology. Mgr. J.Y. Cicek was a very heavy opponent of the antichristian dictatorial Arabic ,,Bakaloria" ideology. This ideology factually has destroyed our religion. This ideology has resulted in hatred, division and decrease of Christian values and standards. Mgr. J.Y. Cicek was a huge obstacle for these people to carry out their unholy plans. In deeper sense also the awful hatred for years of the of the apostate Arameans who call themselves "Assyrians" can be understood from that perspective; that is to say: the unholy antichristian dictatorial Arabic ,,Bakaloria" ideology has the same background as the objectionable Western Spiritual Colonial product "Assyrians". That is also the reason that from all the sides spiritual war was carried out against him. His mistakes were misused by his opponents, exaggerated absurdly, while others who committed much more bigger mistakes remained unpunished. As told before; they have on a dictatorial way, as we were informed, forced upon our people in Belgium incompetent bishop against their will; probably because he adheres their ideology. These people are doing everything to install everywhere people who follow their ideology. It would not amaze us if some of them have in one or another way link with the Syrian secret service to completely get our nation under their power.
Mr. Matta Rohom has very good reasons to do everything possible in order to put everywhere his own people; who follow the ideology of his group. His final goal is most probably to be elected as patriarch. After the dead of present Patriarch, a new one will be elected. Well then, if Matta Rohom succeed in advance, to manage to install as much as possible bishops who follow his ideology; at the election he will gain enough votes to become Patriarch. And that is all about the game! That in this entire process so much violence has been done to the truth and fairness, what is crooked made straight (Ecclesiastes 1:15); what is dark made light; what is bitter made sweet (Isaiah 5;20); as we have seen clearly in the report of Mgt. J.Y. Cicek; seems that the gentlemen do not feel any feeling about that; in their perception this seems just a permissible manner to achieve their goal. A terrifying matter! May the Lord God protect us against that. Hopefully, the blind people will once wake up and take action to remove all these people to stop their unholy acts! What more terrifying is the fact that many people know the behavior of these persons very well, yet when they see them they give a big kiss on their hands. This is also something which you cannot understand!
11. Strategy of the group around Matta Rohom
The group around Matta Rohom have so far installed their friends in Switzerland and Belgium. In fact they also had somebody in their mind for Holland and that is monk Daniel. This was explicitly told on 12-2-2006 by Mr. Matta Rohom and Mr. Justinos Paulos Yousef Safar during a meeting of a delegation from Holland with the Patriarch. This monk seems to be a spiritual son of George Saliba. Monk Daniel gives Aramaic lesson to the Copts in Lebanon. The father of Daniel, as we were told, is working for the government in Syria; the exact function in unknown; perhaps as a spy to gather information about our people. Daniel is standing many times behind the Patriarch; it is a sturdy tall man. Originally, the family of Daniel comes from the village of Hah (Hagee) in Tur Abdin; a few generations back. The Aramean people in Holland have showed their interest to the monk Edip Aydin from United States; a very wise man, mild(-mannered) character and a learned person. As second possibility, they made the choice for monk Hanna Aydin from Germany. The group around Matta Rohom however, will not let defeat them easily! But how will they operate to get their very own men installed in Holland as well as in Germany; or to fragmentize Germany as well? You all have read the unholy way Mgr. Matta Rohom and his group have cached Mgr. J. Y. Cicek. Their ingenuity in doing so much violence to the truth, distortion of the facts, cultivating divisions and construction of obsequious paths will be fully brought in position in order to get Holland as well under their influence. To do so, most probably a ,,delegation" of bishops will come to Holland, officially to investigate the situation in Holland; the real reason of course they will never tell! During their stay they will have a talk met people; of course only who adhere their ideology and wish create chaos and unrest, will have a talk with them. We remember us the statement of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek in his report under section 2 concerning the strategy of Matta Rohom,, ......As it was illegitimate to sit down on the table and talk with the people who were no members of church councils and had no relation with church councils and organizations of the archdiocese and in particular with (malicious) people who cause problems/commotions and have no relation with the church and subsequently accepting and swallowing their ideas (because it fits in their line) aiming the law (of the church) to fragmentize the diocese. For example in Vienna where archpriest Emmanue Aydin who had drummed up people who had no relation with the church councils and the board of the churches.
After this they will make a report in which they will tell that the people in Holland is divided in their choice for a new bishop; whether this is true or not; it is not relevant anymore to the Patriarch and others around him. In their report they will say that some people want Hanna Aydin, others want monk Edip Aydin and again others want monk Daniel etc... etc.... A ecclesiastical law says that if in relation to the choice of the people for a new bishop; the people is divided in their preference; then the Patriarch self may make the choice and consecrate a monk to a bishop. You can of course judge by your selves who in that case will become bishop to Holland. Whether monk Daniel or somebody else from their acquaintances.
It is now up to the people; it is now the people's move! Whether they will, at their arrival in Holland, immediately will throw them out, or by their arrival the people will give big kisses on their hand! You may now self judge how the matters will develop if the people remain in sleep.
11.1 Jesus Christ is thrown out of the Church
We have seen that, generally speaking, the choices made by the gentlemen clergy in no way are influenced by their love for our Lord Jesus Christ; in fact He doesn't play any role! In deeper sense, from the spiritual point of view, Jesus Christ is just thrown out of the Church by the bishops, monks and Patriarch and they have taken over the power and sit down on the Chair of Jesus Christ. In fact this is a taste of what's in store for us when Mr. antichrist will take the power. The gentlemen clergy make self decisions and do not let them(selves) be taught by whomever. We have seen how the group around Matta Rohom deals with matters; most probably even heathens would be ashamed to handle in this way! What is the answer of the Lord God in this entire process? Well, as we already have mentioned; He says,, “Their tongues are like deadly arrows. They speak deceitfully. People speak politely to their neighbors, but they think of ways to set traps for them." 9 "I will punish them for these things, declares the LORD. I will punish this nation. I still won't be satisfied." (Jeremiah 9:7-8) Now it people's move to act!
12. Last point: autopsy on Mgr. J. Y. Cicek
From the previous analyse it became clear that Mgr. J.Y. Cicek was definitely not beloved by many of his colleagues. The huge spiritual pitfall which was set up around him to break him down has caused inexpressible pain and sorrow. Although there is not a slightest indication to assume that he possible did not die in natural way; yet it is of crucial importance to carry out autopsy on his body. As far as we no autopsy did take place on his body. Given the enormous propaganda and hatred against him and given the fact that Mgr. J.Y. Cicek served as main pillar on their path serving as huge defence line; we cannot rule out that he did not die in a unnatural way; although we consider that as unlikely. In order to rule out all the rumours and conspiracy theories, it was from the beginning very sensible if a complete autopsy was applied on his body. In case of sudden death, without any assignable reasons; and in particular if such important personality is involved; it is self-evident to carry out autopsy on the body of the death person. However, in case of Mgr. J.Y. Cicek is not late yet! As we were told, two years after his death, still autopsy can be applied on his body. As a international human rights organisation, we feel that his rights have been violated in flagrant way! For this reason we demand, on our costs of course, still to carry out autopsy on his body in order to rule out for once and ever the many backbit, gossips and many possibly conspiracy theories which we hear from time to time. Therefore, we call upon everybody to came in action and support the demand for autopsy.
Copyright © Aram-Naharaim Organization. All rights reserved.
Letters to governments and international institutions
Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide
Fake News on the Aramean nation:
17-5-2005: Letter of Mgr. George Saliba to Emanuel Aydin (17-5-2005)
28-7-2005: Letter of Patriarch to the Austrian minister of Culture & Education, Mr. Anton Stifter (28-7-2005)