Patriarch Saverios of Antioch
Who made the East- Aramean Nestorians known as "Assyrians"?
SUA/WCA and allowing terrorism
Aramean history, history, culture and language, a six partite interview
"Assyrian" terrorism and division within the Aramean nation
23-4-2018: "Assyrian" terrorism: The Western Anti-Aramean colonial product “Assyrians” and unconditional loyalty to PKK/YPG and Abdullah Ocalan
23-3-2015: "Assyrian" veneration of Samiramis, the whore of Babylon
21-2-2014: The origin of “Assyrian” fanaticism, their blindness, veneration of occult powers
19-12-2008: Pseudo-Assyrians, Pseudo-Chaldaeans, and the Cultural – National Needs of the Aramaean Nation
18-12-2008: Syriacs, "Assyrians" and "Chaldaeans" are all Aramaeans
26-9-2008: Terrorist ‘Kurds’ – Pawns of Merovingian Freemasonry Determined to Eliminate the Aramaeans
25-9-2008: Political Hypocrisy and Historical Forgery by Pseudo-Assyrians and Kurdish Terrorists
25-9-2008: Unprecedented Forgery of Ancient Mesopotamian History Expected to Trigger Chaos
23-9-2008: Pseudo-‘Assyrians’ and ‘Kurdish’ Terrorists: Liars Fostering Chaos and Genocide
22-9-2008: Anti-Christian Unholy Alliance: the Forged "Assyrian" Pseudo-Nation and the PKK Terrorists
21-9-2008: Looming End of Oriental Christianity: Unholy Alliance of ‘Kurdish’ Terrorists with Pseudo-Assyrians
19-9-2008: The Ongoing Aramaean Genocide, the Fabricated Pseudo-Assyrian Nation, and "Kurdish" (PKK) Terrorists
17-9-2008: Persecuted Aramaeans, a Pseudo-Nation of 'Assyrians,' Kurdish Terrorists, and the Anti-Chris
16-9-2008: The primitive, superseded, yet very dangerous ADO ideology unmasked: Jesus Christ the Assyrian?
17-7-2008: "Assyrian" terrorism: The bitter fruits of the spiritual colonial intervention: A monstrous covenant between the PKK and the organization of the apostate Arameans who identify themselves as “Assyrians”, namely: The Assyrian Democratic Organisation
8-10-2005: A disastrous decision of SUA- where are standards and values?
Aramean people: Aramean people (not to be confused with ‘Armenians’) speak Aramaic, the language spoken by Abraham, Moses and Jesus. They are the indigenous people of what was called in ancient times Aram- Nahrin, in our days it is called ‘Mesopotamia’. Some Arameans today identify themselves with “Assyrians”, because of the spiritual colonial hate generating activities of the Western missionaries and diplomats in the Middle-East in 16th and 19th centuries. Other Arameans became known as “Chaldeans”. However all of them are Arameans.In Turkey, the Arameans are called: Süryani. In Arabic they are called Al- Suryan. Aramean St. Mary church in Turkey, Diyarbekir, church bells and minarets: It is at it again with AINA, the International Lie and Hate machine.
The apostate Arameans who call themselves “Assyrians”, the ultimate product of the Western Colonial wickedness among the Aramean nation causing the downfall of this Semitic people who have been presence since thousands of years in the lands of the forefathers, again abuse a event to promote the genocidal and fake name “Assyrianism”.
This culture extermination is carried out by means of willful identity distortion and misinformation. One of the organizations active to achieve this criminal spiritual genocide is the International Lie and Hate Machine AINA (Assyrian International News Agency). AINA is a organization specialized in distortions and fallacies in order to promote the criminal spiritual colonial Western invention “Assyrians”. They seize every opportunity to promote “Assyrianisme”. The terror of this one-man organization is unprecedented. They are prepared to do everything to sell the lie-name “Assyrians” to the world.
It is known that AINA, the international lie- and hate machine, many times invents stories or produces stories composed of half-truths hoping to get the attention of media for the immoral, criminal Western colonial name “Assyrians”. Thus: problems are being created with the main goal of propaganda for this unholy name.
Their struggle is certainly not meant to prevent persecution of Aramean Christians in Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle-East, but their struggle and the struggle of those together with them, who glorify the unholy name “Assyrians”, is aimed to advertise this lie-name and to exterminate the original Aramean identity of our nation – exactly what the criminal colonial intrigues had in their mind. That is their main goal!
Whether they are talking about genocide, or demonizing the Kurds, attacking the Arabs, slandering Turks and other nations, violations of the human rights of the Aramean nation in general and all other related issues; the only and the main goal of these criminals is to glorify and advertise the immoral and with blood besmirched terror-name “Assyrians”. That is the main goal of all their efforts.
Example of fallacies and distortions
Turkish article published in:
Following the referendum in Switzerland to forbid building of minarets in the mosques, some fanatical forces in Turkey started, as usual, to bait and threat the Aramean priest Yusuf Akbulut of the St. Mary Church in Diyarbekir to remove the church bell. This is of course a sordid attempt where the Aramean nation in Turkey for hundreds of years have been exposed to. Please find here our analyze on the situation of the Aramean nation in Turkey (
To show the readers how AINA purposeful distorts the facts, below a fake English translation of AINA will be compared with the original Turkish article published on 8 December 2009 on this website:
This example shows clearly how AINA spreads lies, fallacies and distortions. Of course they do not care about what is happening to our people in Turkey, Iraq or elsewhere. Their ultimate goal is to sell the lies, fallacies and identity distortion and trying to misguide some journalists to mention the word "Assyrians". snaps the sewer-story of AINA.
The gutter-story spread by AINA is already published on the website of The owner of this website is Mr. Dan Wooding. We read about him on the website: Dan Wooding, 68, is an award winning British journalist now living in Southern California with his wife Norma, to whom he has been married for 46 years. He is the founder and international director of ASSIST (Aid to S
pecial Saints in Strategic Times)
and the ASSIST News Service (ANS). He was, for ten years, a commentator, on
the UPI Radio Network in Washington, DC., and now hosts the weekly “Front
Page Radio” show on KWVE in Southern California and which is also carried on
the Calvary Radio Network throughout the United States. The program is also
aired in Great Britain on Calvary Chapel Radio UK. Wooding is the author of
some 43 books. Two of the latest include his autobiography, “From Tabloid to
Truth”, which is published by Theatron Books. To order a copy, "British journalist"? Well, well, well, there you go again! The Great- Britain is thoroughly hated by many indigenous nations worldwide, because of their hateful attempt to eradicate the culture of many indigenous nations worldwide, including the Aramean people of Aram-Nahrin. It were the British who invented the fake name "Assyrian" to exterminate the Aramean nation. And now, Mr. Dan Wooding " an award winning British journalist" is just continuing the extermination policy of his forefathers.
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===============The fake text of AINA=========== GMT 12-10-2009 0:17:16 Diyarbakir, Turkey -- Following the referendum banning minarets in Switzerland, 3 persons visiting the 1,750 year old Assyrian [also known as Chaldean and Syriac] Church of Virgin Mary in Diyarbakir allegedly threatened priest Yusuf Akbulut by saying "Switzerland is banning minarets and we will ban bell towers. You will demolish the bell tower." Fr. Akbulut informed the police that 3 persons visited the church, located in the Alipasa neighborhood of Sur District, last Friday and demanded the demolition of the bell towers by next Friday. Fr. Akbulut, the priest of the church whose internal and external security is being provided by the police, made the following statement: "Last Friday, on the 4th of this month, my church and I were threatened. 3 persons in their 40ties visited the church at 14:00. They knocked on the door of my house inside the church and asked me to come outside. In the courtyard of the church, these 3 persons that I do not know asked me if the church had a bell tower. When I told them that it did, they said, 'you will demolish this bell tower. Switzerland is banning minarets and we will ban bell towers. You will demolish this bell tower by next Friday.' When I told them that this was a historic church with an ancient bell tower and that the foundations (directorate) and the State would react, they said for the second time 'go and complain to whoever you want. This bell tower will not remain here, we will take the necessary action' and left. Then I filed a complaint with the police. Now the police are seeking the 3 persons who threatened me by checking the camera records." Noting that he will not demolish the 600 year old church bell, Fr. Akbulut stated that the minaret ban in Switzerland did not have anything to do with him and added: "We Assyrians have been living in these territories for 6-7 thousand years. We have a deep-rooted history. Who can dare demolish this bell tower by asserting the minaret ban in Switzerland as a pretext? We do not approve of the minaret ban. Switzerland should let them construct minarets in mosques. Everyone has the right to worship freely. We all pray to God." Noting that five families reside in the church and nearly ten other Christian families in the city centre of Diyarbakir, Fr. Akbulut said, "As the Assyrian community, for centuries we led a peaceful life with the other people residing on these territories. We never did any harm to anyone. It is very wrong to hold us accountable for the minaret ban in Switzerland." By Ramazan Yavuz and Serdar Sunar Translated from Turkish by AINA.
===========Original Turkish Text====================
Aralık 2009 Salı
Diyarbakır'da Süryani kilisesi papazını tehdit ettiler
İsviçre'de yapılan referandumla cami minarelerinin yasaklanmasının
ardından , Diyarbakır'da b1750 yıllık tarihi Meryemana Süryani Kilisesine
giden 3 kişi, papaz Yusuf Akbulut'tu tehdit ederek "İsviçre minareleri
yasaklıyor. Bizde size çan kulelerini yasaklıyoruz. Çan kulesini yıkacaksın"
diye tehdit etti.
İsviçre'deki minare yasağını tasvip etmediklerini belirten Akbulut, "Minare
yasağının bizimle ne ilgisi var. Zaten bizde o yasağı tasvip etmiyoruz.
Herkes dinini özgürce yaşamalı. Orada minare yasaklanıyor diye bizden Çan
kulemizi yıkmamızı istiyorlar" dedi
İsviçre'de yapılan referandumla minare yapımına karşı çıkılmasının ardından
Diyarbakır'daki bazı radikal dinciler, kentte ibadete açık tek kilise olan
Meryem Ana Süryani Kilisesini hedef aldı. Geçen cuma günü merkez Sur İlçesi
Alipaşa Mahallesi'nde bulunan 1750 yıllık tarihi Meryem Ana Süryani
Kilisesi'ne giden 3 kişi, papaz Yusuf Akbulut'u "İsviçre'de minareler
yasaklandı. Bizde sizin çan kulelerinizi yasaklıyoruz. Önümüzdeki cuma
gününe kadar bu çan kilesini yıkacaksınız, yıkmazsanız gereğini yaparız"
diyerek tehdit etti.
İç ve
dışı polis kameralarla izlenen kilisenin papazı Yusuf Akbulat, tehdit
üzerine polise başvurup yardım istedi. Akbulut, şunları anlattı:
cuma günü yani ayın 4'ünde hem kilisemize hemde bana yönelik tehdit geldi.
Cuma günü saat 14.00'de 40'lı yaşlarla 3 kişi kiliseye geldi. Kilisede
bulunan evimin kapısını çalarak beni dışarı çıkardılar. Tanımadığım bu üç
kişi kilisenin avlusunda bana, 'burada çan kulesi varmı?' diye sordular. Ben
evet cevabını verince de, 'bu çan kulesini yıkacaksın. İsviçre camilerin
minarelerini yasaklıyor. Bizde size çan kulelerini yasaklıyoruz. Önümüzdeki
Cuma gününe kadar kilisedeki çan kulesini yıkacaksın' dediler. Ben bu tarihi
bir kilise, çan kuleside çok eski, vakıflar var, devlet var deyince ikinci
kez bana, 'bizi kime şikayet edersen et. Bu çan kulesi burada kalmayacak
yoksa bizde gereğini yaparız' diyerek gittiler. Bende bununa üzerine polise
giderek şikayette bulundum. Polisler şimdi kameralardan kiliseye gelerek
beni tehdit eden 3 üç kişiyi arıyor"
çanının 600 yıllık olduğunu ve kesinlikle yıkmayacağını söyleyen papaz Yusuf
Akbulut, "İsviçre'deki minare yasağının bizimle ne ilgisi var. Biz
Süryaniler 6-7 bin yıldır bu coğrafyada yaşıyoruz. Çok köklü bir tarihimiz.
Kimin haddine düşmüş bunu sökmek veya yıkmak. İsviçre'deki minare yasağını
bahane ediyorlar. Bizde minare yasağını tasvip etmiyoruz. İsviçre bıraksın
camilere minare yapılsın. Herkesin ibadetini özgürce yapma hakkı vardır.
Hepimiz Allaha yöneliyoruz" dedi.
Kilise'de 5 ailenin Diyarbakır kent merkezinde ise yaklaşık 10 Hıristiyan
ailesinin bulunduğunu belirten Akbulut, "Biz Süryani cemaati yüzyıllarca bu
topraklarda yaşayan diğer insanlarla barış içinde yaşadık. Kimseye bir
kötülüğümüzde olmadı. İsviçre'deki minare yasağının hesabının bizden
sorulması çok yanlış bir şey" dedi.
( Haber:
Copyright © Aram-Naharaim Organisation
Letters to governments and international institutions
Colonialism: Downfall and Diaspora of Aramean nation
Aramean Spiritual/ Physical Genocide
Fake News on the Aramean nation:
20-1-2015: The deep rooted demonic hatred against the Aramean indigenous nation
6-9-2014: Why are “Assyrians” very important to the illuminati satanists
17-4-2009: Turkey´s Ongoing Colonization, the Aramaeans, the Kurds, the Armenians, Pan-Arabism and Islamism
23-3-2009: Western European Colonial Odium and Evildoing Against the Aramaeans and the Oriental Christianity
11-4-2008: Through all the misery: Miracles happens in Iraq
13-2-2008: The Aramean sociologist Fuad Deniz was not killed by the Turks, but slaughtered by his cousin
5-1-2008: Is Sweden creating conditions for a new Aramean genocide? Spiritual crusades of Professor David Gaunt against the Aramean nation
28-9-2007: Plead for the Unification of Aramaeans - Letter to US and French Presidents, UK Premier
2-7-2007: The Aramaeans have been victims of hate generating acts,
16-12-2006: Following the American “Christians”, now the Dutch Christians: Spiritual Crusades against the Aramean nation
29-6-2006: The Anglican Church and the recognition of the Aramean Spiritual Genocide
2-9-2005: IRAQ's Modern History The Arab Majority and The Minorities
10-8-2005: The Aramaeans' rise will transfigure the Middle Eastern Chessboard
13-5-2005: Is there an Assyrian cause in Iraqi Kurdistan?
29-6-2004: Progenitor of Wars and Tyrannies: the Falsehood of Pan-Arabism